HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-10-01, Page 12Douglas Penhale injured Honor Elmv#le pair on. 45th anniversary gates from Elimyllle to the WI Polinty rally to ReneellOctobar 5. The handcraft articles and Exeter Fair Institute exhibits will be on display, Mrs. Woods will be the contestant for f€Live a Borrowed Life" program in the afternoon session and Mrs, Kenneth Johns will present the Children's Aid SecietYberearY. Earl Shapton native of area Earl Frank Shapton, 69, a life-long resident of Stephen Township, died in South Huron Hospital Monday, September 28 following a lengthy illness. Mr. Shapton was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Shap- ton and resided on the home farm where he was born. He was a member of James Street United Church, Exeter. Surviving are his wife, the former Hilda. Powe, two sons, Bruce and Robert of Stephen Township; one brother, Wilfrid of Exeter, and five grandchild- ren. He was predeceased by a sister, Miss Amy Shapton. Funeral services are being conducted Thursday, October 1 at 2:30 pm by Rev. S. E. Lewis at the R. C. Dinney f uner al home, Exeter, with interment in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers will be Messrs Winston Shapton, Charles Salt- er, Elmer Powe, Don MacGre- gor, Ted Powe and Harold Fah- ner. Remember BIRTHS MILLER= Art and, peelirie Miller (Rae Dixon) Z uric h, announce the birth of a daegh, ter, Julie, at St, Joseph's Hospital September 22. MURRAY - Mr. and MrelgeNv. Murray, RCAF Station Cen- tralia, announce the birth of a son, DMA Vernon, at South Huron HospitalSeptember 23. PASSMORE --a- Ron and Shirley Passmere (nee Bell) en- nounpe the arrival of a son, Michael Earl, at. Victoria Hospital, September 22 -- a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bell and Mrs.Pearl Pass- more, Hensel. WALE - Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smale (nee Hay), Zurich an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Shannon Lee, at South Huron Hospital, September 25- a sister for Randy and Ricky. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER. ET-4111VII,LE 1‘111' and Mrs, Lewis Johns were pleasantly surprised Fri- o), evening when the family held a diuner for them at the Elimville Hall, Those present were Mr, & Mrs. Mervin Dunn of Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Johns and family of Thames Road, Mr, & Mrs. John Batten and fain- lb.', Mr. gmerserk JoIMS, Mr. & Mrs. Hans Gertserikorn and Linda of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Johns held open house .Sunday when they celebrated their 45th Wedding anniversary. Serving were Mrs., John Batten, Mrs. Wm. Johns, Mrs. Mervin Dunn, Mrs. Hans. Gertsenkorn and Mrs. Lorne Johns and Mrs. Florence Johns. PERSONALS Douglas Penhale, son of Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Penhale fell Sunday splitting his kneecap, requiring several stitches. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Routly visit- ed Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Lay- ton of Exeter. The 4-H Club Leaders Train- ing School is held at Hensall on Oct. 1 and 2. The Elimville Club leaders who attended were Mrs. Nor man Jaques, Mrs. Clifton Jaques, Mrs. Franklin Skinner and Mrs. Ross Skinner. Mrs. Wm. Routly and Mrs. Jackson Woods are the dele- By MRS. WM. WALTERS Mrs. Gladys Atkinson and Mrs. L. A. Hodgins of Lucan were visitors Thursday with Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mrs. Garnet Miners visited in London Monday with her sis- ter, Mrs. Ida Archer. Miss Ruth Horne of Lions Head spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Free- man Horne. Mrs. George Frayne of Sun- shine Line and Mrs. Ross Ma- tilers of Centralia visited Sun- day evening with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters and Mrs. Nelson Clarke. Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hem at- tended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary party at Russeldale Hall Saturday evening for Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mayer of Thames Road. Mrs. Isabel Sugden and Mr. Tennyson Johns attended the 45th wedding anniversary party for Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Johns at their home Sunday at Elimville North. Mr. & Mrs. Ephriam Hern and Ross of Zion were guests Sunday with Mrs. Isobel Sug- den and Mr. Tennyson Johns. TOWN TOPIC Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Wright spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe and family of Wingham, COOKING SCHOOL Wed., Oct. 7 Hensall Arena 2 Big Shows 2 p.m. and 830 p.m. Demonstrator Mrs. Violet Scriver Formerly of CKOC TV Sponsored by Kippen East W. I. Draw for Shopping Bags of Groceries Lucky Door Prizes Admission 750 BROWNIE'S DRIVE- IN CLINTON FRIDAY and SATURDAY Oct. 2-3 DOUBLE FEATURE - THE QUICK GUN Audie Murphy • Merry Anders Color PLUS THE 3 STOOGES GO AROUND THE WORLD IN A DAZE The Three Stooges Cartoon THEATER By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Mrs. Ina Carr, Phyllis, Anne and Bill of St. Marys were guests with their aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Willson. Mrs. George Wilson attended the Perth' and Oxford UCW workshop for Presbyterial of- ficers at Tavistock Monday. Sunday guests with Wm. and Howard Kinn and Miss Noreen Walkom were Mr. & Mrs. D. Wigham and Robert and Mrs. Ruth Wardell of Sarnia. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Westman and family of London were Sun- day guests with their, parents, Mr. & Mrs. David Holland. Mrs. David Holland and Mrs. Duncan McNaughton attended the trousseau teas held at Ansa Criag and Shipka last week in honor of Miss Bernice Bender, bride-to-be of Mr. George Fraser Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Pretty of Rostock were guests of her sister, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cow- ard and family. Miss Donna Baker of Tor- onto is holidaying with her par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Baker this week. Mrs. Nelson Baker attended the perth and Oxford UCW Presbyterial at Tavistock, Monday. Mrs. Baker represent- ed Cooper's UCW Base Line. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson and family attended Zion West anniversary service sSunday and were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hern and family. Miss Marlene Timms, nurse- in-training at Victor i a Ho spital, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Aus- tin Timms and family. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Spence and family attended Zion West an- niversary Sunday and were guests of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brock. MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Guest Organist: Bonnie McCrae 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-Communion Service Nursery provided. General Meeting of U. C. W. Monday, Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. All ladies welcome. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz Sunday, October 4 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Bible Class 11:00 a.m.-Divine Service The Church of "The Lutheran Hour" EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. K. McCrae Sunday, October 4 10:00 a.m.-Holy Communion 11:10 a.m,-Sunday School 7:30 p.m.-Youth Fellowship CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys Sunday, October 4 9 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m.-CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us, Nursery available for pre- school children. Young People's Group, meet at the Church, Saturday, Oc- tober 3, at 12 p.m. Gordon Auxiliary, Mon„ Oct. 5 at 8 p,m. at the home of Mrs. J. 13. Pryde. Caven Circle, Tues., Oct. at 8:15 in the Church base- ment. C.G.LT, Wednesday, Oct. 7. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, October 4 HARVEST FESTIVAL 8:00 a .rn,-1-loly Communion 10:00 aen.-Sr, Sunday School 11:15 a.m,-Jr. Sunday School, Nursery, Choral Eucharist EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 55 Main St, Rev. Lloyd Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 anae--Bible School 11:00 aen.-Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.-The Gospel Hoer Sermon: "Touching God" WEDNESDAY 8 P.M. Prayer and Bible Study BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Worship a n d Ser- mon, English 2:00 p.m.-Worship a n d Ser- mon, English. Baptism. 3:15 p.m.-Sunday School All Welcome JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, MA., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11:00 a.m.-COMMUNION "Leonardo's great 'Last Sup- per' is fading away. He used the wrong kind of oils and though they put all kinds of lights round it nowadays, it will one day disappear. Not so with the real communion of the Last Supper, That is renewed as the friends of Jesus gather round Him and He breaks the bread" You are invited. Anthem by the Choir Nursery for babies and Jun- ior Congregation for children 4, 5 and 6 years. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M, Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, October 4 10:00 e.m.-Werld Communion Service 11:15 aan.--Sunday School PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Caven Presbyte- rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Gatz 8:45 a.m.-Divine Services 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A, J. Stienstra, B.A., B.D. 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m, Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.-Back To God Hour CIILO (680 Kc,) EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, h . 11:15 a.m,--Sunday School 7:30 p.m.-Worship Service Sermon: "What Do You Think of Christ?" Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Service Nursery for young children. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH 5, M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.-Morning Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 p.m,---CIILO Mennonite Hour, Exeter & District SWIMMING POOL FOURTH NEWSPAPER BINGO Cards 504 3 for $1 Watch The T-A For Numbers Each Week This Week's Numbers 0-72, B-12, 0-62, B-4, B-8, N--42, G-52, 0-63, N-38, N-75, 0-65, 1-27, B-1, N-31 Numbers Drawn So Far In Bingo 0-61, N-44, B-11, 1-28, 0-64, G-60, N-40, N-36, B-3, G-57, N-39, 0-68, 1-20, 0-73, G-58, 0-66, N-32, G-54, G-49, G-46. COME AND JOIN THE FUN & DANCING Two Orchestras DESJARDINES and CAVALIERS Beatle Contest Best foursome performing as Beatles. 1st prize $40.00 Spot Dances Cash Prizes Dancing from 9.30 to 4.00 a.m. HARVEST JAMBOREE Exeter Arena Friday, Oct. Oct.1-2 eeeeseeeeeeeeavaeaelteeetatWaneamarer"' Page 12 "Tirrea,ACIVecate; October 1, 1944: PeremeaselageNnagilgrAMOOMPakeWMPWATMS A„,..........,,,,,.......,„,..... ,„{„,„„,,,......................... CARDS OF THANKs- I would like to thank all my neighbors, ieriends rela- tives for the lovely cards and flowers I received while a pee fleet in Victoria Hospital, Also those Who visited, me. It was all very much appreciated, Pearl Bissett, I wish to thank my friends and. relatives for cards, flowers and treats and all those who visited me while a patient in hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Rey. James, Ferd, CARDS OF THANKS - We would like to express our thanks to per relatives, friends and, neighbors for renlembering us with flowers, cards and visits while a Patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Scrinageoer, Rey. Sach and the nursing staff of St. Joseph's li 0 Spit al. -Helen and Baby Leslie Patterson. 1* The family of the late John H. Geiser wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their neighbors, friends and relatives for all the kind messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear father. Spe- cial thanks to the nurses of South Huron Hospital, Dr. Gulens, Dr. Rousseau, Rev, Schlenker, the pallbearers, the EUB ladies quartet and the Dinney Funeral Home. lc I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my relatives, friends, neighbors, Rev. Lewis, UCW of James St. United Church, Hurondale WI for the lovely flowers, cards, treats and all other acts of kindness while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital. It was all greatly appreciated.--Mrs. Cecil Rowe. 1* I wish to thank all my friends for visits, treats and cards while a patient in South Huron Hospital.-Oswald Crawford.1* Words alone seem inadequate to convey the sincere appre- ciation of the family of the late Mrs. Gertrude Wiseman to all relatives, friends and neighbors for their expressions of thoughtfulness and sympathy, floral tributes and contributions to Gideon Bibles during our sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. H. C. Wilson and members of the UCW. Thanks also to those who remembered her while a patient in hospital, Dr. M. C. Fletcher, and the nurses and staff of South Huron Hospitalac We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to all our friends, relatives and neighbors who remembered us with gifts, flow- ers, lovely cards and expres- sions of goodwill on the occas- slon of our 50th wedding an- niversary, and to all who helped in any way in making the an- niversary such a pleasant me- mory to cherish. Thank you. - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton.x Attains degree Mrs. Robert Jackson recently returned to England with her husband after spending the sum- mer at UWO, where she attain- ed her B.A. She will teach school in England while her husband completes his final year at Ox- ford where he is studying for a doctorate in political science. Mrs. Jackson is the former Doreen Sholdice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sholdice, Windsor, formerly of Brinsley. WAHAY- Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Wahay, Main St., Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Scott Edward, at South Huron Hospital, September 23 -- a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Samson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wahay, Dartmouth, N.S. Weekend viOtor§ with Mrs, Thos. Hell were Mrs. Time. Drover and Mrs. Beatrice Milne of Chieelhurst; Mrs. Mildred. Price of Detroit, Mr. & mro, Wellington Bell of Flint, Mich.; Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Schenk, LouMary and Marjorie; Mr Sam Miller and Mr. Delmer Miller of Dashwood, Miss Tylaxe one Boyd of London, Mr. & Mrs. Percy Coward of ham, Waphington. The Rally Day service was observed Sunday morning with Mr. Murdock morripon of Varna as guest speaker, assisted by Mr. Eisen Lynn; the Sunday School euperintendeut. Miss, Joan Allen read the scripture and Mrs. Jack Hern read the story. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pyrn were Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Pym of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Roney of Dublin, Mrs. Lester Williams and Mrs. Nelson Heal of Mit- chell. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Parsons and family were visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jaques of Zion Sunday. BIRTH$-- COAN4R,TiLr. and Mrs. Gar- field Cornish, ;tit 1 WoOdbarn, announce the birth of a son, Clayton Earl, et South Huren Hospital September 25. HENRY--Mr, and Mrs, Thomas W. Henry, Crediton, announce the birth of a son, Shawn, Tracey Lee, at South Huron Hospital September 27-a brother for Gwen, Oer91, Darryl and Darcy. MARKUS Mr. and Mrs, Antal Markus (the former Rhea Armstrong) RR eclandeboye, are pleased to announce the birth of a daeghter,Elleabeth Jane, at St. Joseph'e Hos- pital September 21,- a sis- ter for Alexander and An- drew. MARTIN - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Martin, Dashwood, announce the birth of a daughter, Rose- Marie, at South Huron Hos- pital September 25 - a sister for Carol Ann, Dale, Terry, Barbara Ann and Jimmy. MILLER =Siegfried and Shiela Miller (nee Misner) announce the birth of their daughter at Victoria Hospital September 29 - a sister for Jeffrey - second grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller, Dash- wood, and Mr. and Mrs. Oral Misner, Port Dover. BIRTHS - WEDGE - Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Wedge, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Jean. Patricia, at South HuronlIos- pital, September 22 - a sis- ter for Linda, Teddy, Michael and Larry. DEATHS - GAI,SER= At South Huron lips- • pital, Friday, eeptember 25, 1964, John Henry Geiser of Crediton in his 99th year, beloved husband of the late Catherine Engeiand, and dear father of Lorne of St. Merys; Clara and William of Credi- ton, brother of Mrs. Caroline Koeltzow of Detroit, Mich. also survived by four grand- children and three great grandchildren. Funeral ser- vices were conducted at the R. C. Dinney funeral home, Exeter, Monday, September 28. Interment was in Credi- ton UB cemetery. lc FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Children Under 12 in Cars Free THANK YOU To all who took advantage of the mass chest x-ray survey and the tuberculin testing pro- gram. Our special thanks to the many volunteers who assisted in organizing the survey, de- livered the cards and worked in the clinics. You will be pleased to know that the Christmas Seal con- tributions helped pay these costs. Huron County T. B. Association Box 100, See-forth, Ontario Donald I. Stewart, President.lc IN MEMORIAM - HALL - In loving memory of my dear wife Alice, who pass- ed away Oct. '7, 1962. Two years have passed and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth, With Jesus Christ to dwell; The flowers we place upon her grave May wither and decay, But the love for her who sleeps beneath Shall never fade away. - Sadly missed by her husband, David J. Hall and relatives. 1* LEE --In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Thomas Lee, who passed away two years ago, Oct 3, 1962. Asleep in God's beautiful gar- den, Free from all sorrow and pain; And when our life's journey is ended, We know we shall meet him again. -Ever remembered by son Harold, daughter-inlaw Maurine, and family. lc C 1111"Ch es in the area Invite you to join them for Worship. Fellowship and Services OCTOBER 2,3 (Adult Entertainment) CARDS OF THANKS - I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flow- ers, treats and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. All was greatly ap- preciated.-Mrs. Harvey Latta. I wish to thank my relatives, neighbors and friends who cheered my recent stay in St. Joseph's Hospital, with cards, letters, flowers, treats and visits and since returning home. Thanks to Dr. Ecker, Dr. Jory, Dr. Hessian and Dr. McDonald. It was all greatly appreciated. -Mrs. William Miller. 1* I wish to thank my neighbors and friends at RCAF Centralia, C redit on, Hensall, Centralia and Exeter for flowers, fruit, treats, cards and visits while a patient in South Huron Hos- pital; special thanks to Dr. Gans, Miss Claypole and her staff. It was all much appre- ciated. - Mrs. H. Van Oevelan. lc Bob and Jean Mayer wish to thank their many friends and relatives for their surprise 30th Anniversary party, their gifts, cards and well wishes were deeply appreciated. 1* I would like to express my most sincere thanks to my rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the visits, cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Gans, Miss Clay- pole and nursing staff, many thanks. - Mrs. Jack Elliott. 1* The family of the late Mr. Alan John Ready wishes to ex- press their sincere gratitude to all relatives, neighbors and friends for their warm expres- sions of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes, monetary do- nations to different organiza- tions and other expressions of sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. George Sach, Archdeacon C. J. Queen, the pallbearers, the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Com- pany, the Lucan United Church and all those who helped in any way at the church. Your kind- ness will always be remember- ed. lc 'DR. NO' KIRKTON FAIR Colour Sean Connery, Ursula Andress Ladies give plans to improve council Jack Roundell and family of Castorville and Rev. & Mrs. MacAulay of Waterford. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Urquhart spent five days at the World's Fair and enjoyed a tour of New York City. Gary Urquhart spent the week with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Purves Thomson of St. Marys. Miss Lynn Paul is attending Toronto University. Mr. & Mrs. Garth Blackler and family visited Friday even- ing with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Roun- dell and family of Castorville. Mr. Fred Hamilton has re- turned home after being a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital. Mrs. Ray Paynter and David spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Herman Paynter. Other visitors were Mrs. M yr tle Doupe and Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Johns and family of Zion. Mr. & Mrs. Don Barber, Terry, Wayne and David, Mrs. Gladys Pearson of Collingwood, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Salmon, Mr. & Mrs, Sidney Pearson of Galt, Mr. & Mrs. John Hanniman and family of Callander attended the funeral of the late George Hall. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Switzer at- tended open house Sunday at Waterloo College where Ray Switzer is a student. TURKEY SUPPER Greenway United Church Wed., Oct. 7 Supper Served From 5pm ADMISSION ADULTS $1.50 Children 12 and under 70 Pre School Children Free Fowl Bingo Exeter Legion Hall Wed., Oct. 7 15 ROUNDS CHICKENS TURKEYS FOR DOOR PRIZES Actmiss70ii 504 SENIOR CITIZEN MEETING - October 6, in the Legion Hall at 8 pm. Everyone welcome.lc By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON Mrs. Jeff Robinson, Mitchell Road, was guest speaker at the Kirkton WI meeting held at the home of Mrs. Roger Urquhart last Thursday evening. Her topic was on citizenship and she pointed out the meaning of being a good citizen. Mrs. Burns Blackler and Mrs. Har- vey Spearin, convenors of the citizenship committee, arrang- ed the program. The motto "No one is rich enough to be without a neighbor" was discussed by Mrs. Clarence Switzer. Roll call was answered with "What I would do if I were on the township council." Mrs. Robert Ratcliffe and Mrs. Stuart Shier are taking a course on desserts at the training school. Miss Irene Col- lins has been appointed the new home economist for Perth re- placing Miss Mary Lou Black, who has left to teach school at Picton. Mrs. Lloyd Jaques is the vot- ing delegate to attend the area convention to be held in St. Thomas. Mrs. Harold O'Brien is the delegate for the District Rally to be held in Listowel this month. The women of the branch decided to collect for the March of Dimes again this year. Five dollars was voted to the C NIB. A swap party ended the meet- ing. Assisting the hostess at the social hour were Mrs. Orville Roger, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. John McElrea and Mrs. Tom Crew. PLAN ACTIVITIES St. Paul's Anglican Church Guild and WA met Monday even- ing at the home of Mrs. Miller McCurdy. Mrs. Clayton Smith presided for the WA meeting, Mrs. Bill Schaeffer for the Guild, Plans were made for future Meetings and the bazaar in November. Lunch was provided by Mrs. Cecil Dobson, Mrs. M. Mc- Curdy and Mrs. H. Copeland. PERSONALS Stephen Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Francis, Kirk- ton, was baptized at leirktonUC last Sunday. Guests at the home after were Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Earl, Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis, Exeter, (great grandparents of the baby), Miss Joan Francis, Stratford, Mr. Donald Cann, Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Francis and Ger- ald, leirkton. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Watterton of London visited Friday with Mr. Mrs. Roy Switzer. Mr. & WS. Harold Davis visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. INSTALL OFFICERS-DD Mrs. Harry Beavers and her Install- ing team will invest the new officers of Pride of Huron Re- bekah Lodge Wednesday even- ing October '7. is " If you want something to make you look slim, I'd sug- gest o trick mirror." Registration For Beginners' Group in Square Dancing In Exeter Arena Tuesday Nights 8.30 to II $I.00 per couple For Details Phone Joan Harness 235-0594 Exeter Teen Town Featuring The Mo-Jo's Exeter Arena Sat, Oct, 3 8.30 to 11.30 Admi ssion 500 PRENATAL CLASSES - A ser- ies of prenatal classes will be- gin on Wednesday, October '7th, 1964, at 2:00 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, basement entrance off Anne Street, South Huron Hospital, Exeter. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are in- vited to attend on the above date or phone the Huron County Health Unit Office, Exeter 235- 1014 between 9:00 a.m, and 12:00 noon. is HOT TURKEY SUPPER-in Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, October 14from 5 to 8 pm. Admission, Adults $1.50; Children 50. 1:8e ANNUAL PALL RUMMAGE SALE --Hensel Arena, Satur- day, October 17, 2 p.m. For pick up service call 199 or 47. Sponsored by Hensall Kinette Club. 1:8:15c SMORGASBORD SUPPER -- at James St. United ChUrch, Wed= nesday, October 21. is HAM AND BEAN SUPPER= sponsored by Woman's Aux- iliary, Triv1tt memorial churchi Tuesday, October 27.1c SMORGASBORD --Conte as you are, Ca.-fen Chiireh,•,E e Tuesday Nov. 3, 1964, from 11:30 ern to 2 pm. 1*