HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-09-17, Page 12AN NOUNCEMENTS --leeeeee ,••eereeefereee always. TOM for improvement., Farrow- said if the mm Of the EMHA were as good as lie thought they were, they could take the criticism, “Ept. pot .11111.0 more PiAURO rOl?4,00?. The debate ended with this, and the results were much the. .same .as they were 'Wbeil it started; .13.43'4114m telling Fare Yew. the operation of, the E MHA was not Of his or RAPS. bust, neee, And Farrow replying that he would continue to express LADI ES' FRIDAY NITERS. BOWLING LEAGUE Bowling Commences Friday, Sept. 18 7 p.m. Anyone Interested Please Phone 235-2781 New Bowlers Welcomed Exeter & District SWIMMING POOL FOURTH NEWSPAPER BINGO Cards SN 3 for $1 Watch The T-A For Numbers Each Week Cards May Be Obtained At the Following Stores HENSALL Al's Food Market Drysdale Ha rdware EXETER. H Superior Food Market Darling's IGA Stan Frayne's Grocery Sanders' Grocery LUCAN Darling's IGA CENTRALIA Vie's Market A & CREDITON Attfield's General Store ZURICH Doerr's Superior Food Market GRAND BEND Betty & Art's IGA MacLaren's Drug Store Mel & Olive's Variety Store DASHWOOD Merner's Butcher Shop Dashwood Locker & Food Market CENTRALIA PMQ's Exeter Dairy PLEASE NOTE - The following bingo numbers were printed in the August 20 issue of The Times-Advocate. At the time the cards had not been distributed. The cards have now been distributed to the above stores and we are reprinting the numbers for the start of the Fourth Bingo. This Week's Numbers G-50, B.-13, G-55, 1-17, G-48, 1-16, B-6, N-34, 1-26, G-56, N-45, 1-18, N-37, 1-25, 'N-35, B-2, B-5, B-10, 0-67, B-9, N-33, N-43, 0-70, G-53 Invite you to join them for Worship, Fellowship and Services Ailsa Craig, the marriage to take place $4terday, October 10, 1964 at 2;30 in Holy Trinity Church, Luger', Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Billie W. Finch, Grand Bend, wish to announce the engagement pf their Baugh- ter, Bettie Jane, to Mr. Wil- liam Philip Gibbs, Seri of Mrs! Arnold Gibbe, perkhill and the late Mr. Gibbs. The wedding to take place October 17, at 3 P.M. Grand Bend. Unite d church, 17c Mr. and Mrs. John Moore Smith announce the engagemeet of their daughter ° Robin Mary Margaret to Mr. Laurie Doug- las Doan, the wedding to take place Friday, October 9, at 8:'30 o'clock in the eveningin James Street United Church, Exeter. 17* ANNOUNCEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs. John Miners wish to announce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Jo- Anne Louise, to Kenneth Alex- ander Riggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Riggs of River- side, Ontario. The marriage was solemnized on Friday, Aug- ust 28, 1964 at New St. James Presbyterian Church, London with Reverend Stewart officiat- ing. 17* Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow L. Koppesser of 1142 Queen's Bou- levard, Kitchener will hold open house for Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schendel on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, Saturday, September 19, 3-5 and 7-10 pm. .17c brought up to explain the situa- tion, and P43'44111 replied that this was useless as the EM1.14 had done what they thought right. aX;roAci warS Innot er ?PAY t d h h4tt he way in which the EMHA VMS being run, he should get other people to run it, WANTS, SOME CREDIT Another EMHA member and minor coach, Bill joined the debate and mildly chastised Farrow fee poking holes in eVerything the EMI IA d4141,et"e have some credit for what we the,', he said. He was told by Farrow that tolitehyerwegrreolpositnthte44stanitheeraes 1,avnaYs RECEPTION & DANCE Exeter Promenaders Open Dance Sat., Sept 19 E),ETER ARENA 8,30 - II Beginners' Group Will be Organized for Modern Square Dancing CALLER - NORM WHITING $1.00 per couple admission BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Dutch Service 2:00 p.m.-English Service 3:15 p.m-Sunday School All Welcome MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Guest Organist: Bonnie McCrae 10:00 a.m,-Sunday School Classes 11:15 a.m,-Morning Worship Preacher: Rev. a R. Flindall, Fullerton Nursery provided. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, September 20 MISSION PARTNERS SUNDAY 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion 10:00 a,m.-Sr. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-Jr. Sunday School Choral Eucharist from the South African Prayer Book. Preacher: Mr. Marcus Cloete 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School Picnic 7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer and Senior A.Y.P.A. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, September 20 10:00 a.ln,-Morning Worship 11:16 a.m,-Sunday School Boys and girls fellowship Will bring the summer Christmas tree program, CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A., B.D. 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m.-Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.-Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B,Th. 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School 7:30 p.m.-Worship Service Sermon: "The New Curricu- lum" Compared with the Bible. Wed., 8 p.m,-Prayer Service Nursery for young children, THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.-Morning Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 p,m.-CHLO Mennonite Hour, JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a.m,-SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 a.m.-MORNING SERVICE OUR SUNDAY e. -HO( S RALLY DAY ALL CHILDREN PRESENT Talk to the children, little and big: -The Wonder Table" Presentation of Bibles Music by the Junior Choir Supt. Lyle Little will conduct the service assisted by the minister. EVERYONE re\ ITED PARENTS EXPECTED ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz Sunday, September 20 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Bible Class 11:00 a,m.-Divine Service The Church of "The Lutheran Hour" EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 55ain St, Rev. Lloyd Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M.-Bible Sehool 1I:80 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:30 pail, -The Gospel Hour Sermon: Why, "I believe - in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Bern of the Virgin Mary," WEDNESDAY 8 P.M. Prayer and Bible Study EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Sunday, September 20 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.-Sunday School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys RALLY DAY SUNDAY September 20 9 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m.--CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. Nursery available for pre- school children. Explorers, all children 9 - 11, Tuesday, September 22, at 4 p.m. in the Church basement. Young Peoples' Group, Wed- nesday, September 23, at 7:30 p.m. in the manse. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Caven Presbyte- rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Getz 8:45 a,m.-Divine Services Toys In The Attic' Dean Martin Geraldine Page (Adult Entertainment) Johnny Cool' Henry Silva Elizabeth Montgomery t \ • •• •• . .;'.. ERRINGTON Academy Of Ballet AND TAP DANCING ASSOCIATED WITH THE WESTERN ONTARIO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Registration Day and First Lesson BAKE SALE -Saturday, Sept. 26, sponsored by Unit 4 UCW, of James Street United Church. 17c IOOF -Bro. Benson Sutter DDGM and his installing team will Instal the officers elect of Exeter Lodge No. 67, IOOF in the Exeter Lodge rooms on September 29, 1964. All mem- bers of Exeter Lodge and dis- trict are cordially invited to attend. Lunch will be served. Stanley whiting, Noble Grand, Percy McFalls, R ecor ding- Secretary. 17c RUMMAGE SALE -Keep Oct. 17 free for the Hospital Fall Rummage Sale at the Legion Hall. 17c "'WS, Blistering debate his 'views on the subject when. ever :he; felt like it. .Continued, front page he Wanted about the EMHA, whe- ther Baynhanl was at. the meet- ing or not. OF THANKS - Baynham Said he would re- commend to the glvillA they A long dispute means that both parties are wrong, yfittategatmaUSEV, . . .. ' ' 41t6',IMV.M244Ulam7=ANNWOMMACOMMAJON..1.4t/NOWNROMOW ENGAGEMENTS-- giom.. OF THANKS:, cARDsi completely divorce themselves from 1:tAP. alter the way their name had been dregged through the mud by Farrow, macmillanattempted to soothe the two when he said it was 44 unfortunate circumstance that Baynham had not been at the previous meeting to reply to Eareewee statements at that time. Ho said then the full story could have been in the paper, adding RAP had no control over what was printed in the paper. Pyou have control over what's said at the rneeting,H Beyrihem snapped Farrow suggested a member of the OMHA executive should be BIRTHS - ?Mgr,' Mr, and Mrs, Keith W. Pressey, RR 1 Crediton, announce the birth Of a son at South Huron Hospltal,Sep, tember 10 Prether for Lynda, Calvin, Marsha and Brian. TOWNSEND Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend, Luca'', an- nounce the birth of a son, Murray Donald, at St. Jo, seph's Hospital, September -•,• a brother for Oreig and. VANBRUWAENE-Mr. and Mrs. Rene Vanbruwaene, 1 Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy, at South Huron Hospital, Sep- ternber 14,- second grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Kints. VANKERIEBROECK - Mr. and Mrs. Andre Vaekerie- broeck, RR 2 Crediton, an- nounce the birth of A. son, David Mechel, at South Huron Hospital, September 11. REGULAR MEETING .Of The EXETER .HOME SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Mon, Sept. 28 at 8:15 Special Speaker MR. J.E. SMITH Assistant Supt. of the Professional Development Branch of the Department of Education Co-A uthor of The Book Currently in Use in the Junior Grades. From 1941 to 1961 the value of machinery and equipment in use on Canadian farms increae, ed from $596 million to $2,569 million. ENGAGEMENTS - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Car- ter, Clandeboye wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Edith Harriet Caro- line to Donald Robert Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis I wish to thank all my ;via, tives, friends and neighbors, for visits, cards and flowers received while a patient Merle- torie Hospital. Gordon Cudr more. 17* I wish to thank all those who retnernhered me with cards and flowers while a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London, and since returning Murray etopzel, 17e My deepest thanks and ape predation to the many eeigh- bore and friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visited me while a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter and since returning home. Speciel thanks to the Heesall Legion Ladies Auxil- iary, Dr, Gans and Hospital nursing staff. -Laurene Mc- Kenzie. 17c I've been to the hospital under- going surgery, But friends, neighbors, even kiddies and goggi es re- membered me, Toys and gifts and cards were sent galore, Until I just wasn't sick any- more, Sincerest thanks to those who Wished me well, I love you all 'cause you've been just swell. - Paula Gayle Sherman. 17c BIRTHS - WEDAR_p -,r Mr. and Mrs. Rich- and Bedard, RR 2 Zurich, announce the birth of a Baugh- ter, Kimberly. Ann, et South Huron Hospital, September 12 - a sister for Kerry end DeICHARME --eMr. and Mrs. Paul Dtiohartne, RR g lob, announce the birth Of a son, D'Arcy Joseph, at South Rum Hospital, September 15. HUGHES e- Mr. and Mrs. C. N, Hughes, the former Ruth Sigsworth, announce the birth of a son at Arlingtenliospital, Fairfax; Virginia, September 12 M -4 brother for Jenne and arie. JOHNSON-F/0 A. 0. John- son, RCAF Stn Centralia, an- nounce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, Sep- tember 15, KERR- Mr. and Mrs. Al Kerr, Exeter, wish to announce the birth of a son, Donald Allan at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, September 11-- a bro- ther for Karen. LEBEL --Mr. and Mrs. Andre Lebel, RCAF Stn Centralia, announce the birth of a son, Charle Andre, at South Huron Hospital, September 9. Sale of Home Baking Under Auspices of Coven Circle Sat., Sept. 19 at 2 p.m. at the Park Beside PUC FOR MR. & MRS. NORMAN BARBER (nee Neva Cockwill) Huron judge -Continued from front page to Wingham and went into part- nership in law with H a rl e y Crawford in 1946, Tie became a King's Counsel in 1938. He is a past president of the Huron Liberal Association, past president of Wellington-Huron Liberal Association and past president of the Huron-Bruce Liberal Association. Bangs tractors -Continued from front page by Robert Earl Thiel, Zurich. At about 1:20 a.m., he had been proceeding on Highway 83 when he lost control about two and a half miles west of Exeter. The car got off the road and into the south ditch where it rammed into a tree. In the only other accident re- ported by the local OPP de- tachment, a car driven by Betty Lillian Warner, London, was forced to the side of the road by an unknown driver and dam- age was estimated at $500. She was southbound on the Usborne-Tuckersmith bound- ary road, when the unknown car forced her off the road as it passed a third vehicle. Her vehicle knocked off se- veral guard posts and damage was extensive to the entire right side. In case of rain, to be held in the store north of Wilson's Jewellery e. Gifts. WiShte exprPss my sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who remembered me With visits, cards, flowers and treats while I was 4 patient in. St. Jo- seph's Hospital and since re- turning home,-Mrs. F. Eller- ington. 17* The family of the late Mr. John Coward wish to extend our sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for floral tributes, cards and expressions of sympathy. Special thanks to Rev. Wilson andthe pallbearers and all Who helped in any way during our recent bereavement. 17* The family of the late Mr. Newton Clarke wish to express sincere thanks to relatives and friends for floral teibutes, cards and expressions of sym- pathy during their recent be- reavement. 17c The family of the late Mrs. Herbert E, Harlton wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation to all their neigh- bors, friends and relatives for all the thoughtful ge s tures, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear wife and mother. Your kindness and thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Special thanks to the nurses of South Huron Hos- pital, Dr. McMaster, Rev. Brit- tain, Rev. Maines, the pallbear- ers, Greenway United Church choir and the T. HarryHoffman Funeral Home. 17* I wish to thank all those who remembered me while apatient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. -hiector Heywood. 17* Sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to the neighbors and friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers, fruits, visits and transportation, while a patient. in South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, with speci al thanks to Dr. Gans, Dr. Wallace and Hospital Staff. Mrs. C. L. Jinks. 17c The family of the late Mr. John L. Kydd express their sin- cere thanks to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowers, cards and other expressions of sympathy received during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. McTavish, the staff of Mason Villa Hospital and all those who helped in so many ways. 17c I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, flow- ers, treats and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. All was greatly ap- preciated. -James Earl. 17c Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glavin wish to thank their family and friends for their good wishes and gifts. Also the ladies who prepared and served the dinner on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, 17c I wish to thank all my many friends for their lovely cards, flowers and gifts during my severe illness in South Huron Hospital. A note of apprecia- tion to Reverend Lewis, and my many friends of James St. Church for their thoughtfulness and kindness. Also a very spe- cial thank you to Dr. Fletcher and to the wonderful nurses. All was greatly appreciated.- Mrs. Margaret Hunkin. 17* Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton wish to thank their friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and gifts on their twenty-fifth anniversary. 17* We would like to take this op- portunity to thank our neigh- bors, friends and relatives for the many cards and gifts we received on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversay. Their kindnesees will long be re- membered. -Ernie and Olga Chipchase. 17c Sat., Sept.19 Dashwood Community Centre IN MEMORIAM - COLEMAN-In loving memory of our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coleman. Mother who passed away September 23, 1960 and Dad on September 11, 1949. Loving memories never die, As years roll on and days pass by, In our hearts a memory is kept, Of the ones we loved and will never forget. -Lovingly remembered by their family and grandchild- ren. 17c McBRIDE -In loving memory of Mrs. Robert McBride who passed away one year ago, Sept. 23, 1963. It is sweet to know we will meet again, Where troubles are no more; And that the one we loved so much, Has just gone on before. -Lovingly remembered by her family. 17c OKE -In loving memory of a dearly beloved son and broth- er Teddy Oke who passed away four years ago Sept. 17, 1960, and a dearly be- loved husband and father who passed away two years ago March 18, 1962. There is a road we call re- memberance, Where thoughts and wishes meet; We take the road in thought today, To the ones we cannot meet; Only a memory of by gone days, And a sigh for faces unseen; But a constant feeling that God alone, Knows what should have been; Time may heal the broke n hearted, Year's may make the wound less sore; But it cannot fill the longing, For the loved ones gone before. -Ever remembered by Mom, John, Allen, Carolyn and Margaret. 17c TRIEBNER -In loving memory of a dear son, Edward, killed in action in Belgium 20 years ago, September 18, 1944. Loving memories never die, As years roll on and days pass by; In our hearts a memory is kept, Of the one we loved and will never forget. -Ever remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner and family. 17* Radio station boosts power STING RAYS° ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome Roller Skating CARNIVAL Friday, Sept.18 Anyone In Costume Free Admission PRIZES Irt it1L, lk* II 4 k it STARLITE DRIVE IN Regular Skating Friday & Saturday Nights THEATER Exeter Roller Rink FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Children Under 12 in Cars Free NO Friday Night DANCING At Blue Water Danceland ZURICH Until Hallowe'en IJJ Masquerade SEPTEMBER 18, 19 - DOUBLE FEATURE - (Adult Entertainment) Mitchell Fall Fair Tues. & Wed. Sept. 29 - 30 $6,000 IN PRIZES HORSE RACES 2:22 AND 2:28 CLASSES "The Biggest Little Fair In Ont.°" "They're having a Rock an' Roll party in the lounge! " BROWNIE'S DRIVE- IN CLINTON - 2 SHCWS NIGHTLY - THUR., FRI., SAT. September 17-18-19 A HARD DAY'S NIGHT' THE BEATLES Zurich Agricultural Society Centennial Street Dance On Newly Paved Mill Street -Zurich Sat., Sept.19 Music By Desjardine Orchestra Plus a Contest to Pick Miss Centennial Queen Contest Open To All Girls, Any Age, Within 25 Miles of Zurich All Contestants Will Appear in Street Clothes VALUABLE PRIZES In Case of 'Raine Centennial Dance Will -156 Held of the Arena SMORGASBORD SUPPER- Starring In Their First Full-length Hilarious Action-packed Film. 2 Shows Nightly at 8:00 & 9:45 Radio Station CKSL of Lon- don will change its frequency to 1410 on the dial and dretible its power to 10,000 watts on Monday, General Manager John Funs- ton, in making the announce- ment; said that final approval on technical details is still re, milted from the Department of TeenepOrt, The change from the present 1290 frequency, along With the power booSt, will mean, Mr. Funston explained, that for the first time listeners in 100,000 More homes in 14 Southwestern Wednesday, September 23 3:30 to 8:00 p.m. Exeter Town Hall SECOND FLOOR DIRECTOR Liliane Marleau Graham Saturday, Keep October 21 free ior the Ontario counties will hear the s'emember Annual James St. UCW Smor- lie Aftee WEEKEND SHOWS ONLY gasbord supper. station clearly and continuously 19 both day and night. In order to effect the chachange=BAZAAR- The Bazaar of Main over, new broadcast towers St. United Chtirch will be held Coming: have been erected inSouth Lori- on Saturday, November 21. 17c FrA. lo M adame NeW cVerage area to Kincardi o ne in the north extends the BAZAAR AND RUMMAGE plus shore Of Lake Erie to the south, SALE -Protestant Chapel Guild "The Gun HaWk" Brantford and Guelph to the RCAFannual bazaar and rum- Pat, and garnia. and Chatham mate' gale 8alt. NOV. tgi On the west. 10 am in CoMintinity Centre: LICENTIATE OF FINE ARTS *HOLLYWOOD TAP *GRADED BALLET