HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-09-03, Page 19• WANT '•.• . A05. A ,,,,, eeeeeeeeeee .......................... ..,,woexeseeeeeelereeeelieereekeleteelee.,000 Page 7 September 10. 23 Legal Notices 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 3- Male Help Wanted 13 For Sale OIL FURNACE, 8100 including burner and controls; else. 1 used coal furnace, $25,00. Phone Crediton 234-6301, 10tfnc PIANO ACCORDION, adult size, 120 bass, almost new. Phone 235-1965. 10* 16 Properly For Sale 17 Property For Rent 9 Services. 'I, - , • Classified. Rates First Insertion 0 PER WORD (Minimum 800) Second Insertion 3 PER, WORD (Minimum 700) Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum SOO other miscellaneous items. No reserve. Plan to attend this outstanding sale, TERMS: Cash. JAMES TREVITHICE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALTER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 10:17e MEN WANTED for mill work. Fall and winter eniployment. E. L. Mickle & Sete Ltd., Hen- 10c or about the 1st day of Sep- lember 1963, ere 'required to• file particulars of same with Bell .1Fe 1,alIghton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario,. by the 19th day of September 1964 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator Exeter, Onprio, 3:10;17c COMBINING—New Internetion- el combine eqeipped for beens, Also bean puller to fit any tractor .fOr sale, Apply Willy Cool111411, RR 1 Centralia, Call 228-6213, 10;17e INVISIBLE MENDING .— Cuts, tears and burns disappear from suits, clothing and fel), reps, "Glare" Latour 2,52 Main. St„ Exeter, 235-2e03 after 5 P.M. 9:10-10;15e SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Immediate service, always Available, Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 74312 collect, 10:4tfne WATER WELL DRILLING — All materials and workmen- ship guaranteed. Phone Credi- tor, 234-6395 any day noon to midnight except Mondays, In- wood 25R11 collect day or night or write; Ross R. Mun- ro, Box 186 Bothwell, Ont. 8:2040:29c heater; Quaker space heater; 000k stove; Heaver deluxe vacuum el ea 4, e V; Black IFe Decker jig saw, fully equipped; Wingham cook stove; Halle- crefter .21-inch television, like new; -chesterfield; four-piece modern bedroom suite; 2 three-piece bedroom suites; dressers; washstands; single bedstead; antique spool single bed; rockers; hall mirrors; fern stands; round top dining ram table; gate -leg table; couch; electric lamps; Mone- tor tank-type vacuum cleaner; antique writing desk; school desk; hall. tree; 2 tapestry rugs; settees; toilet sets; chest of drawers; cupboards; 2 Weed-a-Walls; pictures and frames; large assortment site verware; glassware; linens; rugs: mats; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; coal oil lamps; crocks; wicker basi- nette: clothes horse; Coleman gasoline heater; 13-foot flat bottom boat; ouantity of coal; woad and lumber and many HOOSE. — Storey and a. 3 bedrooms, Available immed- iately. Phone .2:30-1377. 3:10e LARGE D OWNSTA e pa rt- ment, 2 'bedrooms, private en- trance, heated, hot weter, Hur- on St. • east from hospital', Available Oct, 1. Reasonable rent, Phone 235-e942, 10tfnc SMALL HOUSE.. in Exeter. phone Jeck Fulcher e35-1775. 10tfne SMALL .1.T.URN1S1••IED self con- tained apartment, oil heated, private entrance, 41 Simeee St, Phone 235-2360. * 10c SMALL HOME on nicely sited- ed suitable for couple, painted and decorated through- out, new kitchen and bath- room, completely re-wired, $4,500, Phone' 2e5-1483 or apply at 373 Marlboro St,, Exeter. 4 Female Help Wanted WAITRESSES for night work, Mon. Fri. 6 - 12:30, Berkley Restaurant, phone •235-1730, 3:10c 10.9 TEACHERS' COLLEGE books. Phone Centralia 228-6880, 10* NEW BEAN KNIVES for all types of bean pullers at Basil O'Rourke's Blacksmith and Welding Shop, Brucefield, 10c BARTLEW PEARS, Italian prune plums. Bring your own containers, W. Mousseett, miles west of Hensel], corner concession 4 and 5, Phone 92R2 Zurich, 10c EXETER FAMILY dwellings .And duplexes; Centralia large brick house, low price, low taxes; 4-bedroom house, mod- erate price, low taxes, 12 miles to London on pavement. Good farms 50 to 300 acres, W. C. Pearce., Realtor 235- 1402; Bill Armstrong, Sales- men 2354e76, 3tfnc EXPERIENCED waitress; also woman for kitchen, part time, Apply in person at' Rether's Resteurant, 1.0.c CLERK to work full time. Ap- ply .Scholl'e Food Market, Hee- sa 10c CAPABLE WOMAN to babysit two pre-school children while mother works, Wednesdays .& Thursdays from 2;30 p.m. to 9:00 p,m., in my home. Phone 235-0247. 10c Ready Mix CONCRETE '24 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN TRUCK TENDERS DUPLEX at 122 Sanders St. Apply at 410 Carling St. or phone 235-0313. 10c LOWER 2-BEDROOM apart- ment, living room, dining area, patio, available immediately, Phone 235-1303. 10c LARGE 5-ROOM apartment, ground floor, all utilities paid, available Oct. 1, Apply Don Webster, 170 Victoria St. Phone 235-0680. 10tfnc 17 Properly For Rent 2,0 0 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. 3-BEDROOM house, unfurnish- ed, on paved road near RCAF Centralia. Available Septem- ber. Phone Centralia 228-6258. 13lIne The Township of Stephen hereby calls for tenders for the supply of a 1964 OR 1965 1/z TON PICK-UP TRUCK Tenders to be submitted on Township forms available with specifications from the Road. Superintendent or Clerk. Ten- ders to be in the hands of the undersigned by 6:00 p.m. Saturday, October 3, 1964, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Lawrence Hill, Road. Supt., Crediton, Ont, Ross Haugh, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 10:17c MILVERTON BEAN machine, in new condition. Lloyd Mac- Gregor, It1 4 Parkhill. Phone 294-6448. 10:17w Plant 235 - 0833 Residence 228 6961 C.A.McDOWElt. Ltd . Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to. One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch 51.40 Second Insertion— Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of V2 inch. CLERK FOR STORE, .8:30 to e;30 or housekeeper while mother works, Apply Carter's Store, Clandeboye. Phone Lu- can 227-4217. 10e EASY WRINGER washer and console radio, excellent condi- tion, special bargain prices, Phone 227-4874 Lunn. 10c FRUIT — Italian prune plums are 10 days earlier than other years; ready now. Peine Claude plums 10th. of Septem- ber; Lombard, Stanley prune, grapes 10th of September, Not as large a crop this year. Cabbage, squash, sweet pep- pers, tomatoes, apples, sweet corn, Bartlett pears, musk- melons, pumpkins, Bring your basket and save. James Eb- erly, Sylvan, Ont. Phone Park- hill 294-6572, 3:10c 4 FT CEMENT TILE — Lawrence Ziler, RR 3 Dash- wood. Phone 31R4 Dashwood, 7:30-9:10c FURNISHED 2-bedroom apart- ment, central location. Parker Apts., 429 Main St. Phone 235- 0915. 3tfnc SMALL steam heated furnish- ed apartment $40.00 monthly. Apply Elliot Apt's, 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585. 3tine 2-BEDROOM house with kitch- en, living room and dining room, hardwood and tile floors at 169 William St. Apply at 181 William St. or phone 235- 0736, 27tfnc EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING — Sewer work, ponds, etc. Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil. Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. Iltfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service, Phone Grand Bend 238-2031. or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc ATTENTION FARMERS STENOGRAPHER MODERN SELF contained apartments, furnished or un- furnished. Call 36 Hensel], Ap- ply Fink Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 10:17:24;1c APARTMENT, 2 bedrboms, living room, kitchen, 3 - piece bath, heated, le miles north of Centralia airport, Phone 235-1921. 10c 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate. 3:8tfne Classifications Wanted Scrap Iron and Ste For a limited time oely pi 1 • on scrap iron an'. eo...1. livered to our yard, are. much higher th an • e • , 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5, Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12, Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19, For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 10 Livestock For Sale 5 Help Wanted REGISTERED Hereford bulls, horned and polled, very quiet, breeding and quality to please you. Apply evenings Leeholme Hereford Farm, Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig, or 5 miles south of Crediton, 10c HOLSTEIN BULL calves to veal, Ross Marshall, phone 20R3 Kirkton. 10w 25 Auction Sales 8-ROOM HOUSE, modern con- veniences, mile north of Hensel] on Highway # 4. Phone Hensall 274W4. 27:3:1Pc FURNISHED, heated apart- ment. Hot water supplied; sep- arate entrance. Ideal for cou- ple. Phone 235-2456. 170 Carling Si,. 10e LUCAN — 1 - bedroom apart- ment, heated, stove and frig, $60.00 or may be fully furnish- ed. Vacant Sept. 7. Ralph Lip- pert, Beech Apartments, Lucan or phone 227-4313 after 6 p.m. 27tfnc 18 For Rent WIN A TV MAKE EXTRA MONEY Win a portable TV set, while you make extra money. No experience necessary. Sell ex- citing top-value Chris cm a s Cards and Gifts. Earn big profits. Friends and neigh- bours buy on sight, Write for free c of o u r catalogue and samples on approval. Special money-making plan for Clubs, Churches, School s. Homer- Warren Co., Dept. 76, 411 Clendenan Ave., Toronto. 7:16-9:10c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Property on King Street south VILLAGE OF CREDITON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 at 2;00 p.m. The undersigned auctioneer will offer for sale by public auction, with moderate re- serve bid, storey and a half brick house, 6 rooms, recent- ly remodelled, new 4 - piece bathroom, new furnace, new stone veranda, Property is well located, be- ing only second house from church, close to shopping dis- trict, good supply of water. Ideal place to live. Do not miss the sale of this fine property which is on view until clay of sale. Terms made known on day of sale. L. P. BOULIANNE, Prop. For further information contact WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton Phone 234-6282 3:10c EXETER SALVAGE c". 244 Wellington St, CV. • Phone e35-0781 FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter, 12:13tfnc "A good caddy inake.s. a lot of difference In et man's gainer 19 For Sale or Rent WHITE ROCK hens, alive or dressed. Phone Edgar Cud- more 235-1366. 7:16tfnc BRICK HOUSE, 7-room, at 64 Wellington St., tiled bath and glassed - in porch, hardwood floors and oil furnace. Phone 235-1177 Exeter, 7:16tfnc NEW 4-BEDROOM house avail- able immediately. Apply 281 Pryde Blvd. Phone 235-2797. 3tfnc 11 Poultry For Sale Good Health Program PUPS — Daschunds; Fox, Toy Manchester and Manchester fox terriers. Mrs. Alex Mac- intosh, Clandeboye, Phone Lu- can 227.4598. 3:19tfnc 700 RED & SUSSEX pullets, starting to lay. Apply Gordon Wren, Kippen. Phone 32923 Hensall, 1.0* Starts Now With One A Day McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale '56 DODGE V-8 automatic, 36,- 000 actual mileage, very clean inside and out, must sell. Phone Bill Wright 235-0491. 10* 1960 VAUXHALL sedan, deluxe, in top condition throughout, $795 or best offer. Phone 235- 0234. 10c 4-BEDROOM house in Exeter, available Sept. 1. Apply Wm. Westlake, phone 235-2417 after 6 p.m. 20*Lfric 3-BEDROOM house near Exe- ter, to conveniences. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 20tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmons Apts, Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 6:11tfnc 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-1877. Iltfnc MODERN 3 • bedroom farm home on 'highway 23, with ap- proximately three acres and out-buildings. Possession avail- able August 1. Apply Box CPL Exeter Times-Advocate. 6:18tfnc MODERN apartment, 1 - bed- room, kitchen, living room, 3- piece bath with shower, un- furnished, available immedi- ately. Apply Art Geiser, Ell- mart Apts., Main St., Exeter. Phone days 235.1505; evenings 235-2754. 5:7tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, avail- able immediately. Apply D. C, Joynt, phone 62 Hensel'. 3:26tfnc PART TIME SALESMEN OR SALESLADIES STUDENTS ACCEPTED Evening or Saturday Work In Your Own Neighborhood $3.00 Per Night Plus Generous Commissions 3 or 4 Evenings- of Your Own Choosing Per Week 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. or Saturdays Noon to 3:00 p.m. Coaching and Training Carrier Boys in the Improvement of Toronto Star Routes, Openings in these areas immediately: Exeter, Hensel], Dashwood, Zurich, Ailsa Craig, Super Plenamins VITAMINS 20 Wanted. To Rent RR 1 Crecliton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed TRANSFERRED TO Centralia. Will require 3-bedroom house for occupancy Oct. 1. Apply Box CS Times-Advocate. 27:3:10:17c 1 Lost, Strayed LOST — Men's bifocal glasses between Pryde Blvd. and the Bank of Montreal. Phone 235- 0774, Reward. 10* 22 Notices 90 Day Supply plus $6.47 Value art extra spe lc8 Day S i IOffer upply, $4.98 an extra Spec i a l 36 Day Su a Offer $ 7,19y, 8 an extra 72 Day Supply, Special Offer $13.98 PHONE 228-6214 15 Wanted 13 For Sale STRAYED ONTO lot 17, con. 5, Biddulph, some time ago, cross bred 2-year-old hull. Phone Lu- can 227-5496. 10:17e EXETER LIONS CLUB 180 Day Supply plus $10.87 Value A GOOD HOME for fox terrier, spayed female, one year old, preferably a farm. No charge. Phone 235-2266 after 5 p.m. 10c CANNING TOMATOES, $1.50 a bushel. Corn 200 a dozen. W. J, Dickey, RR 1 Centralia, Lot 2, Con. 2 Biddulph, 10* WOODS 1 - ROW corn picker; International Ace bottom 3-fur- row trail type plow; Muscovy clucks from day-old to mature birds, Apply Lloyd Reynolds, 235-1917. 10:17c MOE-PED (small motorcycle), motor it •or pedal it. Phone 235-0456. 10c SPRUCE LUMBER, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, $9.20 per 100 bd, ft.; odd aluminum combination win- dows $7.95; 210 lb., 3-1, brown asphalt roofing $6.35 sq.; vinyl asbestos floor tile, odd lots, 60 each; odd window sash. Bea- ver Lumber, Exeter. 10c ELECTRIC RANGE, 4-burner; 3-burner Coleman gas stove, in good repair; cheap for auick sale. Phone 235-1004. 3:10c QUANTITY OF GIRL'S clothes size 6 to GX. Phone 235-0915., 3tfnc PAPER DRIVE Mon., Sept. 14 360 Day Supply plus $18.96 Value 3 Male Help Wanted 16 Properly For Sale Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises AT BRINSLEY 6 miles south of Crediton or 5 miles north of Ailsa Craig. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 at 12:30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS:. French Provincial Baldwin electric organ, with double keyboard, fruit wood finish, re- cently purchased, in brand new condition; Mason & Risch up- right piano; Supermatic Elna. combination portable cabinet electric sewing machine, like new; medium size Kelvinator refrigerator; large size Mar- quette refrigerator; Heat-wave electric stove; Beatty electric washer; Duo - Therm space GOOD CARPENTER able to take responsibility. Steady work for the right man. Ap- ply in writing to Box L K 9 Exeter Times-Advocate. 3:10e MARRIED MAN f o r year around farm work. Separate house provided. Phone Hensall 34621, 3:10:17c RELIABLE MAN for parts and general front end reception. Apply 216 Main St., Exeter. 10c Have your paper tied in bundles and placed at curb by 6 p.m. Trucks will pick up. PROCEEDS FOR BOY SCOUT WORK HOUSE — 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath with built-in cupboards, large kitchen, living room, din- ing room and den, basement. Close to school, $4,500. Phone Times-Advocate 235-1331. 27:3:10c For further information apply to MR. DAVID SPENCER 1455 Trafalgar St. Apt. 303 London, Ont. 7-ROOM COTTAGE with oil floor furnace, situated in the Township of Bosanquet, Part of Lot. 17, Concession C. Apply to The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company, Forest, Ont, Phone 873-2341. 10:1.7:24:1c STOREY AND A HALF brick house on Albert St., Exeter, Reasonably priced. Apply Mrs, Wesley Jaques, 76 John St. (West). Phone 235-2897. 27:3:10* • 4-BEDROOM storey and a half white brick house; new oil furnace; choice residential area in Exeter. Apply Allen Johns, phone 104R3 Kirkton. 7:2tfnc ' The Lions wish to thank the community for their support. (Signed) Chairman, A. J. Sweitzer 9 Services MAN WANTED—Continue Rawleigh service to consumers in Townships of Usborne, Bid- dulph and Blanshard, Get into a profitable business of your own. No previous experience or capital investment needed. For information write Raw- leigh, Dept. 1.202-916, 4005 Rich- elieu St., Henry, Montreal, 10c LARGE FINANCIAL corpora- tion with 25 branches in East- ern Canada has an opening for a representative in the Exe- ter, Hensel], Zurich and Lu- can area, Must be neat, bond- able, intelligent and able to furnish references on request. Permanent position with event- ual management in future. Re- ply in writing stating age and education to Box 404, Grand Bend, Ontario. You will be contacted for a personal inter- view. Real Estate For Siile 10c SENIOR CITIZENS—Room and board for elderly people who are able to be up and around, Make arrangements now for first part of October. Phone 235-0720. 3:10* EXETER NURSING HOME — 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs, R. Iles, 30 Sanders St. Phone 235-0810. 8:27-9:17c GUITAR LESSONS—Phone 235- 2120 after Sept, 2. Guitars for sale or rent. Henry Pulsifer, 92 Main St. 10tfnc COMBINING—New John Deere equipped for beans and corn. George Troyer, RR 2 Hensall, Phone 71117 Zurich. 27;3;10:17c CUSTOM COMBINING, grain, flax and beans, Also 2,000 bus, of good feed barley. Apply Carl J. Walker, phone Dublin 121113. 27:3;10* LARGE APARTMENT, 3 bed- rooms, heated', living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, 3-piece bath. Available Aug. 1. Phone Eldrid Sim- mons 235.0526, or Fred Sim- mons, 235-1854. 7:16tfne 23 Legal Notices EXETER—Pryde Blvd. (new) colonial style three bedroom quality home. Han- over custom built kitchen, fireplace, hardwoot floors; ;9;v: sliding aluminum doors from dining room to eatio: This home is priced to sell and is open for your inspection. $16,500, terms. EXETER— Wellineton St,e 3-bedroom, ,:io,I.:„- ehen and full basement; only 2 years old ; CMTIC mort- gage presently no onuse.Can be itpiuorfeld:,:for a low pay- rne NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Emmeline Wilds, deceased. All • . persons having claims against the estate of Emme- line Wilds, late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on CR.EDITON —Main St., 2 bed- room unfurnished apartment, private entrance, all utilities paid. Available immediately. Phone afternoons or evenings Crediton 234-6336, 30tfnc NEWLY DECORATED, heat- ed upstair apartment, with hot water, stove and frig sup- lied. This has lovely large living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath, Located at 315 An- drew St, Very reasonable rent. For information call 235.0477 mornings or •apply at rear lower apartment. 13tfnc KENT KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, bathroom vanities, golden tone natural birch. Durable beauty for Canada's finest kitchens. Formed Arborite tops. Free estimates and kitchen plan- ning service. We install. Thos. H. Walker, Authorized Dealer, 17 Nelson St., phone 235-0722 (collect), 27tfnc NEW HOUSE just completed, full basement, three bedrooms, available immediately, Art Whilsmith, phone 235-2473. • 6:18tfnc ,, • ••*it e :111 • DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO NOTICE TO TRUCKERS RENTAL OF HIRED TRUCKS FOR WINTER SANDING 2 HOUSES TO 13E MOVED from present sites: 3-bedroom brick veneer, $3,500.00; 2-unit brick veneer duplex, $4,000.00. John Berke, Devon Building, 235.1863, 10c WE STILL HAVE Everbloom- ing Tea rose hushes for sale. $1.25 a pot. Climbers or col- ors, Reder's Florist. 13tfne ALUMINUM DOORS, win- cloWs, awnings, siding, alied- num and wrought iron porch railings, Top quality products et reasonable prices. Cell us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales. Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 4tfnc POTATOES —• Martens Broth- ers„ phone 234.6488 Crecliton. 8 :040: 1* e EXETER —C",l'ee room bungalow, I e a bath, 2 blocks from Mein St. APARTMENT — 1 - bedroom, heated, furnished, private en- trance, centrally located. Ap- ply 349 Marlborough St., phone 235-0776, ° 2 - BEDROOM 1 storey ]louse,utrfnsee, vacant, suitable for elderly couple, Phone 235-1402, 3tfnc 1 - BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished and heated, $30,00. Att- field's Store, Crediton, Phone 234-0394, 3tfnc 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter, collier of Ahdrew and Welling. ton Sts.;r new fen/ice. Avail- able Oct. 1. Apply Tindall's TV, Grand Bend. Phone 238- 2042, 10c 3-BEDROOM, modern home in Grand Bend. Completely fee- MANI and available now, Pluto 238.2153, 3:10c APARTMENT at, 114 Tinton St. West, 5 rooms. Phone 235-0014. 10? MODERN 2-BEDROOM apart- Merit, stove and frig supplied, very reasonable rent, Phone Croditon 234.6301, jetted 41OOM UPPER APertnibilt iti a dttpleX e with 'electric stove, 2 or bedrooms, separate uola ides, eepataite entrance No pets, Phone 2354347. 101.fne MEN — YOUTHS REQUIRED NOW Steady work in modern plant, Apply in person to Mechanical. Rubber Division FEDERAL - MOGUL- BOWER (CANADA) LIMITED 80 Albert St., MITCFIELL, ONT, 10:17:24e Separate Sealed Tenders marked Truck Rental Agreement will be received by the District Engineer, P.O. Box 217, London, Ontario, until 12:00 NOON, D.S.L NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter' to 200'. A WELL A DAY THE IIADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable: Men Are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc. Phone Elmira 669-3761 Day or Night 7:16tfnc C. V. PICKARD r INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE TWO STOREY BRICK — Well located in Exeter. Each floor contains a complete apart- ment complete with nice kitch- ens and 3-pieee bathrooms, This home is in good repair inside and out, Offering at a very low price. 77HREE BEDROOM BRICK — Interior of house like new. Good kitchen, dining room and living rooin, glassed and Screened sunporch, Full base- ment, oil burning furnaee. Double garage, Reasonable price and terms. A LARGER HOME at A rea- sonable price, Provides all the comforts of e modern home plus generous living space at the price of a small newly built home. This home iS one of the nicer Homes in Exeter. ReAsonable price And teeme. We have other homes, Two apartinents for rent. C. V. PICKARD 394 Main SL Phone 235-031.0 6:25tfric EXETER—Mill SL 3 bed- room Inmealow, ;it, part basement, completely re:no- v(4Ni. This beee sold; Maki.. 111, ow . w11.1 accept $1200 down. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1964 Specifications, Tender Forms and envelopes may be ob- tained by calling at or by mail addressed to the District Engineer at the above mentioned address. 1.41.1011P0,,dtA Locations as follows: EXETER-4 bedroom Mode r it house, 2 years nld with all the trimmings, fire Place possession. PRYDE BLVD. Lot for sale, one of the last choice lots on this street facing the high school. GIDLEY ST. ee Lot for Sale, reilSonably priced, frond location, 2 blocks from Main St. EXETER-- Brick one storey house in good repair, 2 bedroom, oil heat, bath, only one block from Mainst,, in eeetre of town, WPM'S. E;XETER ,--Windom St, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 storey rod brick, live ing teeth, kitchen ; dining room: Priced for quick sale. etc" completely landseaped. Immediate (a) Trucks for mounting poWer sander units — Junction Highways 74 and 401, Woodstock, Junction Highways 97and 401, Junction Highways 401 and Iona Road, 4 each; Tillsonburg, New Sarum, Lambeth, three each; Thateesford, Paris, SL George, Waterford, Wallace- tOwn, Junction Highways 22 and 81, Strathburn, Ansa Craig, Hirt, Cottrtland, two each; Burford, Norwich, Parkhill; one each. The lowest or any quotation not necessarily teeeepted, In order to be eligible to tender the owner of the Vehicle must be in pestessien of a 1964 P.C.V. Class licence. HOME FURNISHINGS Kelvittator Refrigerators; Freezers; Electric Ranges; Maytag and Simplicity Washers and Dryers; Simmons Mattresses; Andrew Malcolm, Baete, Sklar, lereieter Furniture ' Rogers Majestic and Zenith Television and Ili IN, BUY THE BEST FOR LESS SANDY ELLIOT ANYONE wishing Whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 DeSliWOod. 7:16-11:5C PART-TIME SPORTS WRITER To write sports column And reports of area sport- ing And recreation events for THE EXETER TIMES,ADVOCATE DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS Call Collect DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD, Phone Clinton HU 2-720 Dead Animal Licence No, 262-C-63 12 .1.2ifile When requesting tenders please specify location reqpieed. H. Ci •Detnier,• District Engineer, Department .1 f IlighW 860 8aAtitoon Sti, 1:5ndon, Ontario. nE.TiAnTICHNT HIGHWAYS, 451.4500' 'ONTARIO, INSURANCE REAL STAlli Phone 235-2420 ere ee 442 Male St, Phone 235-0585 Stfnc VACUUM (IgANETIS & Poly inhere Sales & Service for all Makes. Bob Peek, Zurich, Phone Hensall 852W2 (collect), 1:23tfnc hi, J. Gitssr W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneato For interviews phone William Batten, editor, 235.1331