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Huron Signal, 1861-04-03, Page 3
ase• �1bu 1101Ill t t I RETUEN.... I.izpI VI'IONS "LL '#i t ,tt'1:1�' Mild© by Icer Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the United COunties of Huron aoraosoorit ao• oat 1a f11�Ii 11h•le •tillc-tsIMO y'fi+ a •ea.le i4 .4,111 4-14.4411r, 4 . *sero dl> >'A11 Tors $44taR • A3'" la A•0r d ae 1 1• .140 le• -4 : hr.,,,.' 1e.: .( It n • • la t .a a .2 .•,, y, rt0r Jib (MI ewer .J ••• aa' F•••• the I)eeeulir.:t Sessions, 1860, to the Mateb 'Senittnlli, 1831: .mw .h; . , . r ik :.aa ✓ 111•4"41.I Jlliiws echoer. Dna i/ c•wir:.a. JYae.. ✓ Cwoiraiy (Auras ✓ sass,, r.'w Th. sour sod sr a k 1 ,lwrrees.,p (Assegai lwrllu w. r Josue.. ^Y• William Bowie ... .. W.!baw Cu:e Arthur K sus.... ... R 01.1.1i D.walaw Tio.ita+ Wi;ietes ...... J .ha Phstasr... • Julia (bray .... W I.tua Dais ....... R ,bort HisOwes ' Y oter voted Peter if D,a Id .••.,�Valealills liaol. Arthur Kwa....:. yAhrtsr'ia ley:tw ' luaaph Trash.. Oaorg, Bvral'; !Sawa Little.. rt... Io•try S Ings "...,... ,yr • amu Dun Seth 13a sa.. •.....•.,&abed It sun ...... . 8cbo.>i ''rsetess...d'U J Juhastuu ........ IYeswvment of Waves Mrfesta; w pay Tull .: uri..w driyl,i �IsrtrseetiuX hi.1h rry :. . 1),1.141,1 settle .. payment of Wm,u Angulo" ()atekeeper. . Wept; U� (.rifle...... . .1 Awau! t . Ne, act of duty...... ;,1 •: I) c.3, 1860 . .(tire. 14 .D.,. 23 (January 12, 10(1 Feb 7 Fab 12 .(Duo 8, 18(0• ...•. .,Feb 6, 1861tf:. • aetr,fe Brum Esq :.teur 4e Brown ldllq . aces•• Brown E -1 • Guor,e Drown Ft 4. .++ l.or:l Brown kip ... • .{Ga..ru Brow. Kaq •.•/GeOr.r Brown Est... W (l Milker Fr 1 ... •.. W G WrIor List . •R tdii . • 4•e:. • • :'•N " " !eh 9 ..••;.. 1 ?rib 16 ... Willis.' Gilkirtaod .... Per:tai s Gilkionoo .... Assault and hsttery....t _[arch 7 Jeremiah Foley ....... TartansOma........ Asenu't and haltw)...:(Jan 14 Oeor;4 Draney.. �- Omani. 1tu; 1 R:t.un. Taking 1.44.; i flu 19 William Morrie .....• trio 11-Wua14 Auaultand hattsty ....fan. 30 William Munroe....... J •hn T_ ua peon Assail' and bsstery ...ilea. 31 William Sutnwers Jus.. Coombs, Juor. R4hid CJ oohs John Morgan Aksaatbr Merges 3laheiues trespass :Non 1i Wdlum M,risen Donald Murray (Samuel Lire l'reapass Dec. 5 William Kennor...... • J. R.rrra............. Kil in; Doer 1f.MaHriau..... ..... 6McCoonorf . Asuu't Thodas Walsh........ Juba tilasiow Assault WGW:s!korHai .�. W U Walker It,. Thoma. Gibson M1 Bot„ t t le sch Kai W 11 Lurch c,1 (fosse . 81 •' Wiliam 1Vilson,'Es - 4, •S t Willwm Wilson,' Est. !�•�• .� • .�William Wilson, Br{ .. •• •i 1:r 1000 ::,4...1 Thomas Hutmes, F'a4 .. al ".'.............. . :.. •'Thomas Holmes En.. 81 • .. • • ... Feb. 28, 1861 .... • .. Thumus Iinlme., March 7 .,....'Chotnas 11 -,Amer, Eq.. 1 shilling .......... Fab. 19 It. Csrrrie, E41........ II -1!. itrlhe's, Erg. Mek E Fel. 19 ..... T. Carrie, iia• .. • K Carrie, 1 . t1g ••4" 'II. i1Pm!,eti. lark , Timm W.lah ..... • . &lward Olaaar , Daniel Oorsns.......1 Aleuader Hoary Belt R Join 1't y 1 �>•rmaf Thomp.o. M .... i'.atsis Jlorrisoa Jamas Sparrow W F Goodin; Charles Graham Coieuma 0. Soiling Lou eangsagytkp /1 /Metandr Mitchel . yerph :'loan .... .1 whew Ma!t►M &mauls - .. Assault . Jan. 12 12 Jas .1a, aw4 Sties. 1 .:.: rob. 12, 1 o, {ho salt and battery .... Dec. 72, 186 eieg !Au.ch Fab. 13, 1351 �sses , ,,t• Ahsau!t and battery . March 4 . ' . 44> Y,Z'' ,i vit�tlihr c and To sehr:sis id eras h County Treasurer.... County Treasurer .. .'nuuty 11,•aaurer .. Pad to Plaintiff '11 4,4es pail la Plaintiff.. I; mplainaut t: M. plas.orut Gila p!aiaart wkh ...... • 1litUa��a :..... - 1 [L oBiic6iw 191q..... 4od �o�Is • IFarliwll► t bort Kupli 8'e4' • : e2. > olio flats ins, Jr. Esq.. 25 cents and coats ... Forthwith Dismissed .... 120 cents .lin iterate Li �J....icer. 9 . Q„d • .. • . orthwitb • - •Furtltwi.b ... Forthwith Forthwith • Forthwith 020 , kot1ltwitb w , `Srortiwitjt •4 Purluwilh ... ash. 11aa1•in., Jr. Esj•. aim kin/. Fa 1. L. enl ;.pond. Est.. //M•.. Oellrnloclr, ask W 11- Rule, Es .. M C Cam sort Lel .. uhe V ..D •tlor ),1 '•.fit"" Duc 21 . ........ M C (.'am;.roa Fel.. 020 V Detlur 1a1 820' in 11 O'Coutor Fa 1 0:J Cant :b Jahn e•lt 1 Assauand haft rry ... • I).•c 11, 1860 .... .lohn Juhuaon noadnll'D.vn: and diwri.:!r .. D. -c 21 , • . J attar IGmd:yu!I Sino. 11•a,rr rlaasn!t. Ws1U.rm 1I,u •y 04 thirty Geo„ne R --try Missal . torero ... ,-'e Joht' Ywumore NathanielUemmed John M.Itlty, _kjm.t ut. Maury Yates Patrick Burk .. r. Brid4ct McCulloch tthW a.annasef . J ,Sea Pai nrJre . Dermis Shea .... John Safliraa fn:rtn.rJrnitie; .41.8.•4111 -it 13.00 .y • onnat NeDoo►!d.. Soiling l,tquor contrary Dee 9 jto Ino ..: imports sad spoil Jantraey 9 1861 ws : !ward 1' Drou1hto. • • Y D Twe'dsy :. .. • �Aalt .. foeunker 21, 1863 Cruelty W Angela .... November 24 13poi1'of egad/owl .... Jaotutry 25, 1861. i4lin; Spirit:ass Li _pot January 28 rosary to to Isar Yut.pnyroat of Wages.. %salary 21. • . Arendt Barnard Traiuer ..... Elsard Sttnley Maw Wood, •amuel Ferrell - . John fere ......:, anbhath 1,r-akinj Dec. Jamas 7BaCrac'tea. Silbert &wens ...,.:::ltsspnit and battery..... Feb. John .kt'in$ f . rh-., 1 1, Gamier ` • De•tr l tGill ' •.. lido v Faget And rheri WIBtw Wallace Crtrt<,pherCrubb . IDririna arse. on the Feb. 20 ............ Christian thualna �Willinm D u•I•a� Mejh Fraser 'Alrt..dcr Sriu Jame. Ja8 snuff ....... ,Pal ick But ' • Patrick Burk .......,.I Doohey Dead Camninn .I William Stotts 17.1C.Comoro* Fs%._. .J V D t:.'r I:st ltCCantor,. . JVMaur F:,; 1M C.Camcron J V Dotter 04-1 . John Penis E•1 John' Pur, is Lra.l W M Whim list 1 B Bk.ett Esq s[ C Cttererun: Eel n D,rrnrr Fsl • .. 120 and coats' ... . . 1 Carrie Er 1 • films (TU.-enloci Es1... id 0 Cimarron Mu . -11 !ltl3ar,cer Earl ' P r M C t;usserar, Er1 M • . - - • Fei 2 D•vuk and dtsotderly ... Feb. 13 • 1 • 1 20 cts .... 31 1q• - 11 20 a1 - Bruce, REMAINS. Case d:miawd. !ach party to pay chair owiateeirti. cL party par Costs .. [Iard case -Lad wl,iaen. ' yu.nty 1 reasurer ... . saucy Treasurer .... 20uaty Treasurer ...* ;;.,art, Treasurer ... When 1 tensile it. Committed u d inearora. • Co tnty Treasurer ... 'uuuty Trustee?... Appealed. Duu,i.ard. • 'County Treasurer ... Case nut proved. •�oantl Treasurer ... t :wort, Trsessiam .. Pea, 1 n....ty Treasurer .. J'ountr Treasurer .... •rot, Trenaurer ... •Commuted. County Treasurer.... Toon Tmnsurer .... • Tuwn Treasurer Town Treasurer :... Town Treasurer ..., Town Treasurer .... .... Fourteen- dart ...... I 'ounce Treasurer . . Fourteen days county 1I- ,.our • F'ntLaithtoT,soli'Treasurer. Forthwith • Damage to Cumpiniuert. Fmthwit.h ' One week town Treasurer 2, 1860 . - 'William Mooney, 1:89. 32, 1861 .. 'Wm flounce Es.1 lV G Wa11rer, Hai 'torrid Freie, Eats Wm Wilson, Fs1 • .wore laaaelt Mid battery ....'.1.m. 9 c su•Iwyseut of wages.. Feb. 11 'ercisinT the eating at Feb. r 1:i.tcher without lieelue hs:Lng Elul? w.thoatL-Fab. Inuse cnit toy to law " . I "assault ...... ..... re,. Peter W,h.h• .... iilbeat S,ca•, , .. . rj 11•3u't •' • . ,11 George Tho:a,n 2 did 11cDanrid .'.+:suit and battery •... •' John Pruudlove ...... It,bert Dieisia I•dotter" 'January •James Cmaill ICJruelius Gaynor , ...:1 ur:oul dri.iug • \I C Cameron, Eaq . Y Hatter. (fry W )Id White, Fw 1 ;florae,. Gorton. Fein 'Peter McDonald. 13i.l iCbarloa N.ev.w, FA -1 20 .......... 23 .. C Cameron, fel .. J h, V Iktlor, F.+1 W M Whipp I .q ' r . 1 Florian. 141 III (: Caateronr.P - • 9!-:...... ,.e..... i2 .................. 1 ,. 1 •D1t.t tali. , ' •4 t: nrtllsi Tth 21 W-31^�hite,E',1 '• '1'3 - •' Forthwith rTusi.1 It.t.t.io, ri i I• _Das SI F rntt, E,1 David Lane, kit,;.... • 81 30 .. ... W 11 Laaty Est • . .13 14 • �M C Camcnm F'1 41 Kotrert t:ii•hnns Esq • 1 V Detlnr Est Huth Jo'm.rnn Eon • W sl Wh;t,.Esl -Ge.oge McLeod Fid. `s IGeorp McLeod Ey. ...11 2- 2 n 2 f wenty.one dfn Forthwith Furthwi t lt. Forthwith rurtiswith Forthwith Forthwith Neil Me tales ..., a'Hort n a , to a Caw..... Oct 20 Municipality of Usborne. James Eitth ' 'J.SCIOtiey of Statute Oct 23, d , Willirea $00: 160. let4or do do d•, 113 d !'bodes Eon. J Manua J (.`.rich Thos Allan (leo Huawe 1 oar ramie : Own Weeteatt 01isn Taylor wVidirkd Davin ...s.. William Taylor 'J SssliaaM Margaret Gillies. • . r..IJabs 11..., ..... . John Brindley Archer key James Fitswillism, .... Jade tag •. 1860 ... ,Wages Dec 7 ..... .... .• I . I(Va;rs .. _larch 1 'Nonpayment of Wages.. _larch 5 .. ... • rnkin± a lee; containin,' Feb 14 .... ehnsiol, and a ro;re & bag Brun. and dis.,rde.ly ... March 1 114 Star • ...... •••• 0 2• 1ienrgl 11cT..-nal fat .. - 814 nett Castor Wil�y', C-111 Geerte licl.end Eq W 7.1 White. Fa Rath Jnlmstnr 1Lr1 J V Det!or !:a1 D..vid Cfar., F�1 Vex Aa..and Psi • • • • M C Cm(eanro pal :'y Hera Je4tts!in 1 41 J.!u 8 r Junr Esq. • • M e2 Canr--os, F:.-1 , , . , i1 Robert (.1 Ions lisp High Jab... on, Km,' • l nhn V Baler, F:q •• Wm M White, Fal ,t NO Iasi! ... • Wil1sI$ r'6aoe ., {,riotous driving &arch+ .2 Jams (math.... John Auld ••••• ••• . • , 1•„riOUI dri.ing'.... ... Distal Kor .- - - - -.... William McMichael .... Refusing to pay toll ... • February 9 Daniel Moran .. • Douai.' McNabb ......Eroded to pay toll .. . February 9.... Barred Trainor 00 len .jar, March 1 Forthwith fq Compluiusr.t . fun rt .Treseer•er ... • 1n default to be impwidoned Teo days. Towa'Tv.'alareP . • • • • y� default to be imprisoned twenty-one days. Town Measurer 2ounty Treasurer .kR In default, imprisoned for tea don. In default, Simon Henry a,01 William Henry las Lc imprisoned (no monthal each James 114,011y and George Henry to bt imprisoned Ifti defaulttuchbe imprisoned Twenty-one Ida y s. Ilea default to be imprisoned for Meaty -one Hays. In default to be levied on the goods and irhatto!s eat defendant, and in default to be }top rieuned fur the term of Ten dap. 1' d. ;Paid. 'la default Fourteen days imprisonment, each. In default to be levied by distress. and if no I.tr,ss. t0Leimprisoned Ten days. ,et paid.` Com y Treasure' ...I Towe Tea curer .... +t'.5e ditmiseed. Each party to pay theii. owe 'Coin. ,Diantitied with Coati. Sltllerl habeas themselves, smell 'ruin to ter 1..1 *be cow. As &A k, to be isprioseed for ten days, • W . Town Treaasor . . Town r :surer . !•e le. ,ed ore funds .ud chattels k:'t., Ifnodistress, 13days =primmer L'cfcnlnct T..w.•�:,•;• Treasurer of , ' turn` r• --y 1ai1 Five -03 Tdn'c :teas ser .... Pea un curse 111 1a SAWA d permed of flea sedum* le bo imprrMame&:La vya. - Forthwith ,15.I1kintiir . Ten days ... Tuwmbip Treaerrer Teenty days . inathwith M C Carlon-1, 11,141 - - - . 1. IForthwith 'Robert Gibbons, Fbq Hath J.-I'n.toi., Esq Wm M White, Est John t;lttlor, Earl C L VnnV.mntd 1'7,4 •- Thin Gneenlock F.nq C L Vanl-::mond, F.sq • 60 eta .... Four days Thos (or•ntoek, Earl M C Cameron, Earl Win M 11'hiae, Rel J,hn V Ihtter, Rol Hn. h Joh-eon. Rel Barnet Berton. Esq M C Camrrnn, Fa/ 1 ,.,.. Forthwith ....... Hath Joh.etnn, K n -Joseph Whitehead, Esq (2 teem 46 et"? e.e.. Febrnery 20 do 2 rose. 23 eta ' tlo 2 eons 25 els at i1 do 2 coats 25 cm •' 27 de do IT I do d, Thomas Cjdley 11.1 o:...11 Dirid R. .l............ Daring furiously on the March 2 .... public street Daresed Trrirer /au Gibson'.......: '.! tdlt Birt 9. Plummer, tel�eery R!I,ne looter of Tama I:tn•. Cntn•1 A : :Kirha.l M .;ny heorgo Welt Warns A r•lnnd . William Mallett Michael 111.1. George Simmons •.r • 44ehatr K (lacy .... lane Baker ........ 1..e .. awl '4$ 4 11.e11e, � lambs unnin ! M A F�••a•esa .•• .. • 1Joh* Moron ..... . ttd.rr�onFrederick Al way reit Pollan 4exfeJohnston a,- �eJ h Mere .5.. ••Jatsn Wilkie .. 1 .♦ fe't•vt� I�iad'4tt::tl' ! 10011 8('dt rt; :! le / •g••t't,Y11,4'Ltt.1.et • rill -,4 Trevithieki • ante_ Ulm ... . oasg Cowen . Furious driving March 2 . Not min statute labour Febrtary 20.. u do do do Not of age do Oyer Bitty years Not of Rift February 22I ' 20 u u 1t 4 Interrupun; Common Feb 9 School Wars Ws arm Noy 23, 1860 J.niary 9, 1801 . Avant' ..•, Jannary 29Profanation pfSubbath t . W.;e...... March 1....[....... Anguat 27 PIMA; c7 Tollgate and Feb. 12 ..... Waling to pry Pr.tiein2 Phys:c, War- Wawa gory and M•4.ifaerryy withal eat bents Lawneai._ N As .. . . .. Four days Joseph Acheson b Joseph Ache.on Rai.,: Joseph Arhr,.-n • . 2 Joseph Aeller 1 •.t l temp% Ache..n . 1 _tTrel;us Jrt•sph Actor., n Robert Holl F 1 .... .. 4 • :. • TO . 10 '.. .,.,e••.Tw uityonedays Pr.:,nater f3 411"'". • • Twenty-one days . Pi rams Forthwith (•,' y Treasorcr !'aid. 5 ba Twenty-one 4.]f Ti.. sot ep.psed. 'RE n �r-hwilh .7� r1�a r t1�rr'rrot hall ��pt 7L"u 'tt�y anus 'Paid. ta�Js7,lfJlt♦t 9 n'. T manures paid. oun'y Trcasarcr... ilteriff-etBaron andlPaid. Brace ••. . tAlma Tz,tasrer- . . Ma Treasurer . . ;F r th1e54.esit of Ise tui Pail. Dmeirm.d wit► ttw. ('w tvtwa.asd r '.saunas► g�rws-Its War.%. • ladox:bbeisgris 4Twentywe`m. . ;mu Treasurer; I ( (Tows l4easarer la driautt of port -ant of Ewe sed Noe the sumo to be to .sd on toe food. awd elan tel., and in d, taus of duress au lee Napo - soiled t -.r tin flare. In default -aerrnent of fuse sad mei b W imprison.•u Paid., .lpp•aled to Quarter &setas.. Dismissed, fe drrault to he levied on sonde and ehatsels of D'rnt & in default o duress b bs le- prisoned ten days. Dismissed. do do do ..... Paid In Secy Treasurer l -airs School, Section No ^ Ushorne \I • Covert of timer,' 4411.1.05 Fine Seasioo• of tlr Paseo • • • i••• .tiilws ,soy,,' - .,, '1' �le 4/iiravietism .hieb hi" tahoa Win Jtetin • Jastice.t, a' ••'tq'Wad by them to this ore, fro i Daw111aw ill,111112March Siseioaa, teal 1 raM. s(tls Cerrietb8 b S, , ppilim.e baits . ,�,' • r '•* gra ►ne:�evh iMek ltessior% NOt. /et 1M 17sresd d B.ren .Td lienee..•.. -„•p ,te.H enl9 Jr ,,. •e. 1. •- f•.1 r-', 1 •YgT��ir - .e , y- V "rt- ^ft datero hes Mon .._.,'.f • f to t� '. • `j��,i'S J ■ +ia� ` t. ...ow*, ; 't n K Chet M tts Rlea� J J 31Ne O d Al"- • _e ..yam+: �a' • tit lir. `'LIdiGAItE1, - .sa•w' - '. 1.1a AwMOfta141tiSwr ,- IAtk Marah ,loot. '.•. ...... w wilt •.se ,• ,+ .. es .►•.••e'1o..,... t •r , 4 � line oat Mw. sof 1 W.1Temq y. " r r . sirs +'. s., s...w.., f - 3 _.._..,. .•, . _... A t% 11..-- «t.. • r ,-• r tt;7 .a�r ,!a a s. ;aa"''e. t T, . 1 ` sett n .. ▪ 4. 4, THE 113.1.1€111310 h ED KEG RF.sPEt'TTQI.LY TO TENDER THEIR THANKS Trt THE a kneed., awe see Pial 1 , -o.1, -, ., .,, IN. tett, I.10..1 114i rvua. O. ...- than. m then IYostamss .•.e k.• psis an %e e..e•o-n., in slw Two, ..' (],.arra 6.and ai-. i, .rd Sian wars W 14,. ,.lgwtwa, W I Tnr.u•.r.s :seal mot is ...hew pr.,,ra. r .t, ti m raw.. as .hu ,at Immo W `fres w trade, lase • IMP D117171D TIJF''• $BAR 67 4,6 MOST GENERAL ASSORT?IE 1T OF GOODS 11•tkeru urpunal by chi Subser,ben; cua+c#rng of le i(3 CROCERIESi I - R D 'DCT . FR. F, 1 r' 6111 aid Hra.t'•) PAIM TD ©VJ2p AND SLE.S19, Also, -A V:,7'y Euro and Vari*d Assortment of RE111)Y-MADE CLOT[IING. That the Suteai:x.'.: - -' .. . •tt•t (e,.. - to ammonolatc those. who mor hums. their wok ear � %.wmr has, tItemov-e41 to IIorztee I/Torton; LARGE ANDDL.00MMODIOUS PREMISES, Erected opposite Mr. Jahn Denyh'.1104.4, where tbey .'o NOW BELLING OFF --AT REDUCED PRICES! 'I'he•r Co,•1+ hove Lea nCtr•r.,rl.r.r l'r I,cn•et+, rail tom their Laing iu,4 d'u+tr:us ro S.1RCT u inc Cn..nr.:.r, M..srcr, are easUe•J to Sell (feed,., , CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN WESTE?JT CANADA. Jit Vr DETLOR &'SON: CODERICIf, Fib. 6, 1961 i},., 1 • Os :r41 OC NIA311:1D "P "14 aryl a1nodJ i L;ttanp pre 1.,4,14 Guo\ 1'4 '1591 '5,3 'se f 'a.,p.p.d •pen qu„N ',o -,p o.no11. P.v.n 4171 awe esti y4rr1 .,;p„agrualn.13 /ESP 7111en7._aar '.uo Parc.' a w elm 4u.y,.. put, not a 'AVasiInHZ NO SIZEPINCO TII16. TITS a •e4ea,7goy,:-ari4 Alio Jena 11 sits roti- .ty� ,� q 'I a• � a1i 0083 Ur.. S 12*,7 m11 pen Cosset[ .-opt along '. ;ii?S.iu .tt'u111 tl.C•AS =T Og nem me haat r...m..'os Amy ore manse am maaad of sclero at 'MUNI. U1►V 3111'dd Jilag 'IV311.LNOII �IeF1�et3 ar'ran^cr r,M1 110 11•s" eat aeanl tan., a•11 eat om a aaal,.mtu.reDQ 3B� ainoias norm aan 3II1 1'r arivs W v a a o OREAT SEMIE AT TIlt LIVERPOOL HOUSE ! KINGSTON ST., GODEAICH. THE (:t%)Ds s1.Cc1$2i0 FROst 1116 II11E1TEW, OWM TO Tit sa�+tt'Lis I": E. . 810..4 a .9ODB_II Tle pro,,„.,ur n. Jeerer:nal tole: clic ,aide o .o Won, • '1 23 RT 11Q til Si CLi) TElING, AND BOOTS & SHOES COST PRICE! • 111TIIOA' , 7-1R AND WITQfitir DI9gONOB Is order tomaks n"n• 7.r H .,r far: rstw:sa n TITS thelia. AP PO O i I 1T L 311-6Y�''o a of ttlie union : 11 gut Mcleod' Ooissesbr a d o-er 172i"M lei I HE I1AS -.BUT' DOWN: TBE dmb 1% a'ii et*Viatl,irwV1 s *)8 •s THE PEESIDENr'S MESSAGE SAYS: AL DA UrItlf i1Yr the �.gto.11M'tw Lpool finnan. 'iake,...lps st tit er' Its 0•441 arnica Aa. agar • P..r• n_nna. k.ep rr,yaa . neer sun ilwftij -THE LIVERPOOL HOUSE IS THE P AAGE 1 C t� '7;1! WILE Iv 1v1, Plil ALOlfill KEEP MOVING THE CASH UPON Tin MUMS! ! A)1D THF, GOODS INTO 1OCR EIQ2f,F.C' W. C. PRIDHAM. Agent Mew ART 120,. 1441