HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-09-03, Page 17...NOW
the modern
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You never Outgrow your need for protein. That's why you
never outgrow your need for milk. Get the milk-idea . .
three brim-full glasses every day , starting SOONI
Exeter Dairy Limited
Phone 235-'2144 Exeter
MILK, the
Protein LIFT..
For, a refreshing pickup while
studying, there's nothing
like a tall glass of health-
packed milk!
Tit/Vs-Advocate( SPt#trber 10, 1904 F'0943 A
To eautt.,. b• •.
SH. 'hospital
Plan school
for leaders Marshmallows. can be kept
soft by storing in a
covered jar. $41-414 some 'bee
come hard make a delicious
sauce by elleeelying them in
little boiling water. Add a
spoonful of jelly and whip until
light and lovely.
if gelatine salads Pr:desserts
are mixed in A.0qh.grelhPr?
will be trouble p9u0pg then!,
into small moulds!,
Watch For The Sig
IDA Sept, Sale
LeaderS of 4-H flomernalting
Chibs will Within the month
tend training schools for the
project "The Club Girl Stands
on Guard."
Miss Patricia paminle, Huron
home economist, will conduct
these schools for nearly 90
leader and assistants at three
points in the county; in the
gierl Hall, Hensall f October 1
and g; in Clinton, September l'?
and 1.8 and in the Wingham Team
Hall, Oetober 8 and 9,
Information will be given on
first aid, health services and
safety. The importance to teen-
agers of cultural activities,
such as music, art wile:01111es,
will also be discussed.
Treat ydur family to a tasty
dish of peas and onions smoth-
ered in a rich cream sauce.
Food Specialists at Macdonald
Institute, Guelph recommend
cooking the peas and onions
separately until tender-crisp
and then mixing them with the
cream sauce just before serv-
..nererese'e'ellarietie :MUM; i.e........12ZNAM:n.
photo by Jack Doerr
Honeymoon in west SPECIAL On General Electric
Frost Free Refrigerator
photo by Jack Doerr
sage of yellow roses. The
groom's mother chose blue and
white printed silk with black
accessories and pink rose cor-
For travelling the bride
changed to a brown printed
sheath with matching jacket,
brown accessories and corsage
of yellow roses.
Mr. and Mrs, Schroeder will
live in London. To reside
Members Of the Tiospital Aux-
41447 in session 'Needs)/ after
noon voted as their centennial
project to undertake a three-
year plan to beautify the hospital
gretinels with the sanction ef the
hospital. Beard.
A committee of Mrs. It..C,
Pinney, Mre, M. C. Fletcher
and -Mrs. J. C. Dunlop were
named to supervise the plan.
Mrs. Dunlop, chairman of the
Board nominating committee,
noted that Mrs, Learn, director
of nursing for Southliumellos-
pital has tendered her resigna-
tion effective October 1. As yet
a replacement has not been
Canvassers for Tag Day at the
end of the month are to be
briefed on the activities of the
auxiliary and how the proceeds
are spent.
Dates for the fall rummage
sale are October 16 and 17. The
regional meeting will be held
at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, Thursday, October 8. The
annual convention of Hospitals
and Auxiliaries is being held
in Toronto October 25-28. Mrs,
Dinney and Mrs. Delmer Skin-
ner were named to assist the
public relations committee with
the exhibit for the convention.
Members of the Auxiliary
took the residents of the Goder-
ich Hospital for rides one day a
week in August.
The department heads and
senior nurses were entertained
at the home of the President
Mrs. Dinney during the summer
and the junior nurses were feted
at Mrs. Ralph Bailey's cottage,
Grand Bend. During the summer
months 84 calls were made at
the hospital.
There will be a guest speaker
at the October meeting.
in Exeter
Miss Betty Lou Smith, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Smith, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, and
Carman A Cable, Hensall, son
of Mrs. Estrella Cable, London,
and the late William Cable, ex-
changed marriage vows at the
Baptist parsonage, AilsaCraig,
before Rev. 0. R. Maude Sat-
urday, September 5 at 2:30 pm.
The bride wore white brushed
cotton lace over taffeta with
taffeta bow. A jewelled tiara
held her finger-tip veil of
French illusion and she car-
ried a cascade of red sweet-
heart roses, stephanotis, lace
and streamers.
Matron of honor was the
bride's sister, Mrs. Bob L.
Doerr of Seaforth, wearing a r
pink wool jersey sheath with
matching cape and black ac-
cessories. She carried pink and
O Model 137L43
o 13 cu.ft. 105 lb. Freezer
• No defrosting required in
'refrigerator or freezer
• Adjustable shelves
o 2 Vegetable Crispers
Show trousseau
of recent bride
white carnations, Another sis-
ter, Miss Linda F. Smith, was
bridesmaid wearing a three-
piece ensemble of blue and
white cotton lace over silk with
black accessories. Her flowers
were blue and white carnations.
Lyle Smith, Watford, was best
man and Bob L. Doerr was ush-
A reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents
where Mrs. Smith r ece ived
guests in a black rayon crepe
sheath with red accessories.
The groom's mother chose pink
linen dress with matching jacket
and white accessories.
For a honeymoon trip in Nor-
thern Ontario the bride changed
to a blue rayon linen dress
with white accessories and
white carnation corsage.
The couple will reside in
Not Exactly As Illustrated
Friends honor
B.C. visitors
A family gathering was held
over the weekend at the summer
cottage of Mrs. Ha McKenzie
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Forbes, the former Marilyn
Lamport, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Lampert of Al-
berni, B.C.
Those present included Mrs.
Elva Brand, Joan, Barry and
his friend Miss Shirley Taylor
of Toronto, Mr, & Mrs. Gordon
Lamport and Fred of Strathroy,
mr. and Mrs. Wni. Lampert and
Glen of Thames Road and Miss
Marion Kerslake of Exeter, Mr.
and Mrs. Don McCurdy and
girls of Hensall,'Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Lampert, Judy and Brian
of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Lamport, Gayle, Kevin and Bar-
bara of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Lamport, Elyse and Dale
of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Amos, Ross, Betty, Margaret
and Billy of Ailsa Craig, and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mayer of
Port Credit.
With Working Trade
Russell Electric
eselleMeitlaeMle=1=AZ;aelreallieaae!ege.....,eeeleeLtIe.-: The peach season is in full
swing. Ontario grown freestone
varieties such as Red Havens,
Jubilees and Jerseylands are
plentiful on most markets now.
If peaches are difficult to
peel, dip in boiling water for
about one minute and imme-
diately plunge into cold water.
Skins can then easily be re-
moved. Since peaches darken in
air they should be peeled just
before serving. Sprinkle with
sugar and they will form their
own syrup. Or cover peaches
with fruit juice to prevent them
from turning brown.
We find it handy to keep a
sugar and water syrup on hand
in the refrigerator to pour over
raw, sliced peaches, Any fla-
voring desired can be added to
the syrup.
which is good.
8 ripe peaches
1/4 tp cinnamon
1/2 cup sifted flour
pinch of salt
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup sugar
Butter baking dish and place
sliced peaches in bottom and
sprinkle with cinnamon. Sift
flour, sugar and salt into mix-
ing bowl, Add butter with pastry
blender until mixture is mealy.
Spoon over peaches and poke
air holes into the surface. Bake
15 minutes at 450 degrees. Then
reduce heat to 375 degrees and
cook 20 to 25 minutes longer.
Serve warm.
Mrs, Bd Oallfas of Filmore,
Sask. and daughter Doreen o
VWiatfthe°ttilevefro'rrnBeCris barroetliveirs,iMtin:,
John Jones and other friends
and relatives.
Mrs. Beth McIntyre, Peggy
and George of San Diego, Cali,•
fornia, have been visiting the
former's parents Mr. & Mrs,
Thos. Ballantyne.
Mr. & Mrs. James Thomson
of Granton visited Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. William Thomson
Andrew St.
Mrs. B. M. Francis is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harris
and family of London spent the
weekend with Mrs. Milton Pfaff.
Debbie Harris returned home
after spending a week with her
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Squire
and Mr. & mrs. wm.Rodd were
guests at the wedding of Miss
Anna Jean Langford to Mr.
Robert Bruner of Winnipeg held
in Bishop Croyn memorial
Church parlors, later visiting
at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Herman
Langford, London.
Mrs. Douglas Brintnell has
passed her examinations for the
registered nurse's assistant
degree. She will be employed
at South Huron Hospital.
Mr. & Mrs. E. D. Bell and
Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Hopper are
on a two-week trip to the Mari-
Mrs. M. C. Fletcher and
Miss Carol will motor Saturday
to Montreal where Carol has
accepted a position with the
out-patient service of Montreal
Hospital. She assumes her du-
ties Monday, September 14.
Mrs. Fletcher will return by
Mr. Leo Salakin and friend
of Detroit called on friends in
town Sunday, on their way home
from Toronto Exhibition.
Mr. L. J. Penhale, Mr. & Mrs.
John Kerr and Cameron, Tor-
onto, Mr, & Mrs. William El-
lerington spent the holiday
weekend with Dr. & Mrs. J. W.
Tanner, Guelph.
Mr. Gordon Cudmore return-
ed Sunday from Victoria Hos-
pital, London, where he under-
went surgery,
Miss Frances Nash of Hamil-
ton is visiting with her cousin,
Mrs. G. Powell.
Mr. & Mrs. E. R, F. Neil of
Escondido Cal., who attended
the marriage of their grand-
daughter in Hazel Park, Mich.
August 22 and the reception for
the newly weds at the summer
home of the bride's parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Morley,
in Southcott Pines, Grand Bend,
August 29 have been visiting
with the former's sister, Mr.
& Mrs. Hubert Jones, and other
relatives and friends.
Mr. Hilton Ford has been a
patient In Victoria Hospital for
the past two weeks.
Plan sessions
on curriculum
There will be a Day of Chris-
tian Fellowship, for all United
Church Women and Men of Hur-
on Presbytery Saturday, Sep-
tember 12, from 10 am to 3:30
pm at Goderich Summer Camp.
Bring a box lunch (beverage
supplied) and meet and hear
Dr. Norm an McNairn, who
wrote the study book guide for
"God and His Purpose".
This will give a chance to
study the new curriculum adult
text book, and participate in the
discussion groups. There will
also be a panel who are pre-
pared to answer questions on the
uNeW Curriculum". Everyone
IS asked to please bring their
Bibles and copy of God and His
Purpose, and the study guides.
Copies of text and study will
be available for purchase.
The tart juiceness of early
apples makes them excellent
for cooking. In this recipe for
Apple Betty peaches or other
fruit may be substituted.
1 1/2 cups fine dry bread
6 tbl melted butter
4 cups apples, pared and thinly
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tbl lemon juice
Blend bread crumbs and
melted butter until all crumbs
are coated. Combine apples,
sugars and lemon juice. Place
one-third of crumb mixture in
buttered casserole or baking
dish. Spread with half the apple
mixture, Repeat with second
third of crumbs and remaining
apples. Top with rest of crumbs,
Cover and bake at 350 degrees
for 45 minutes. Uncover and
bake 15 minutes more or until
crumbs are brown. SerVe Warm
with cream, soft custard or
lemon sauce. Makes 6 to 8
Home economists at Mac-
donald Institute, Guelph, sug-
gest afresh peach dessert Which
can be prepared well in advance.
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1/2 tp vanilla
8 medium peaches, peeled and
1 pint fresh or frozen blue-
Boil sugar and water, stirring
until sugar is dissolved. Then
boll syrup 5 minutes more. Add
Peach halves and vanilla. Cook
over low heat about 5 minutes,
Until peaches are tender.
Remove peaches from Syrup
and place cut side down in a
large serving dish.
Boil syrup until thick. Cool
and fold in blueberries. pour
blueberry sauce carefully over
peach halves. Chill well.
This light but elegant fruit
dessert would be a perfect end-
ing for a hearty meal.
When kidneys tail to remove
West acids and Wastes,
briekathe..—tired feeline—
disturbed. teat Kidney may
fallow. DOM', Kidney Pills
etimUltito kidneys to mane]
duty. You bettori Steep
bettor; erork batter.. 00
In the new cookbook issued
by the May Court club of London
is a recipe for peach pudding
When painting with enamel
stand the tin in a container of
hot water. ' This keeps the
enamel thin and gives you a
better finish when it dries.
When making a graham wafer
pie, mix the crust right in the
baking pan. This saves time
and an extra dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl John Sch-
roeder are on a honeymoon trip
to Banff, Lake Louise and other
western points following their
marriage in James Street Unite
ed Church, Saturday, Septem-
ber 5, at 3 pm.
The bride is the former
Myrtle Leona Reeder, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Reeder, Exeter, and
the late Elmer Reeder, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Schroeder, RR 2
C entralia.
Red gladioli and shasta
daisies formed the floral back-
ground for the ceremony per-
formed by Rev. S. E. Lewis.
Lawrence Wein furnished the
wedding music and accompanied
the soloist, Mrs. Don Graham,
sister of the bride, of Niagara
Falls. She sang "The Wedding
Prayer" and "Because".
The bride, given in mar-
riage by her brother-in-law,
Harvey Pfaff, Exeter, wore a
fitted gown of white peau de sole
with detachable modified train
held by abow-trimmedbelt. The
fitted lace jacket was styled
with bateau neckline and lily
point sleeves. Her shoulder-
length veil was held by a wed-
ding ring crown and she car-
ried Colorado roses and ste-
Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, Exeter,
was matron of honor for her
sister and Mrs. Douglas Han-
cock, Woodstock, was brides-
maid. They were gowned alike
In street-length dresses of
royal blue peau de sole with
matching head-dresses and
carried shasta daisies.
Glen Schroeder, Brace-
bridge, was best man and Don-
ald Graham, Niagara Falls and
Jim Schroeder, Exeter, usher-
A reception was held in the
Legion Hall where the bride's
mother received guests in a
sheath dress of taupe brocaded
satin with matching jacket, tur-
quoise feathered hat and cor-
Mrs. Elmer Reeder, Andrew
St., S. entertained at a trousseau
tea for her daughter, Myrtle,
prior to her marriage Saturday.
Receiving with Mrs. Reeder
and the bride was Mrs. William
Schroeder, Centralia, mother of
the groom. Looking after the
register were Misses Joan Hey-
wood and Susan Schroeder.
The tea table was centred
with an arrangement of pink and
white rosebuds, flanked by pink
tapers. Pouring tea were Mrs.
Sam Jory and Mrs. Wes Johns.
Tea room assistants in the
afternoon were Miss Jean Tay-
lor and Mrs. Don Graham while
in the evening were Miss June
Bie r ling and Mrs. William
Showing trousseau and gifts
were Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mrs.
Kirk Lyons, London, Mrs. Don
McCurdy, Ilensall, Mrs. Wil-
liam Musser, Mrs. Jim Sch-
roeder, Mrs. William Smith,
Seaforth, Mrs. Doug Hancock,
Woodstock, and Miss June Bier-
Others assisting were Mrs.
Ralph Genttner, Mrs. Verne
Smith, Mrs, Garnet Shipman
and Mrs. Earl Carroll.
Mrs. Jim Schroeder, William
St., entertained the bridalparty
following rehearsal Friday eve-
Now is the time to brighten up the house with smart
redecorating wallpaper from Braid's. Buy under five
different plans —from our regular stock of over 100
patterns in good supply in our store --from our new
fall line just arrived — or order from our catalogue
of every Sunworthy paper available — don't pay pre-
mum prices — or save even more with our discon-
timed lots or our final clearance room lots.
Your choice of 24 discontinued
vmmInmawmissum81.881malglimmailligium colorful lines now available
for greatest savings in fully
waShabl p a e r s. Help us
clean bus p the
last few rolls,
G I available I one roll or a e era Store doze n
DASH WOOD 390059(
Rubber gloVeS last longer if
a piece of Cotton is lace in
each finger
A good duster can be 06-
pared in this Manner: our 2
tbl of furniture polish into a
glass jar, and shake it arotmd.
After the inside Of jar Ms been
well coated pour Out the poliSh
and place in the jar a piece of
Cloth, clean silk Or chamois and
allow to Stand for a day or two,
The cloth will absorb the polish
lightly and evenly. When the
duSter hate become soiled wash
it and repeat the process.
Looking for new figure beauty, new comfort, new health
or all three? Whatever your problem look to Spencer-
Spirella garments for the answer. Phone today for an
Mrs. Voleria Arrristrong
89 Anne St., Bxeter Dial 235-1920