The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-09-03, Page 16ereeeflee eeteeiilreet.7 2 door hardtop, fast back automatic transmission, 390 cu. in. motor, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewall tires, tinted windshield. 64 MERCURY Hensall personals SIONSMOVERIXEMEMEMSESirwiialiiMigigt"00611r COULD YOU USE $10,000 15 YEARS FROM NOW? Investors can show you how you can accomplish this by setting aside just a few dollars a week. TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London G8 4.9502 or Enquire at The Times- Advocate Investors 23vncMocvs Of CANADA, LIMITtD 64 MERCURY 4 door sedan, loaded with extras 64 MERCURY 2 door 'hardtop, demonstrator, power equipped 64 ANGLIA Demonstrator 63 COMET 4 door. Come in arid see this one. 62 CHEVROLET 6 cylinder, automatic 62 MERCURY 2 door hardtop, V-8, all power equipped 62 COMET 4 door sedan, radio, big 6 -61 COMET Economical Line Van 59 PONTIAC 6 cyl., 4 door sedan 59 CHEVROLET 4 door, 6 cyl., standard shift 59 FORD 4 door, V-8, automatic 59 STUDEBAKER With Overdrive 58 DODGE Custom Royal, V-8 power equipped 57 MONARCH 2 door, hardtop, V-8 57 METEOR V-8, standard shift 56 CHEVROLET 2 door hardtop, 6 cyl., standard shift 56 PONTIAC MARE us AN OFFER 56 DODGE 4 door, sedan Now Is The Time To Trade We Still Have A Few '64's Left Specials For Sept. 10 - 11 - 12 HAMBURG 2 LBs 794 WING STEAKS LB 794 MEAT BY- PRODUCTS MACARONI / CHEESE LOAF, DUTCH - LOAF LB. 45c FRESH PORK SHOULDERS LB 334 DORIC LIQUID HONEY 29p KRAFT DINNERS 6 09,79 Borden's 49c CHEESE SLICES ,....,.a. HENSALL STORE I-101Jr8 closed all day every Monday; open all elay Wednesday, Open Friday .evening's Until a pml open taturday 'eVenings until 10 pm, Grocery Specials v. FROZEN roans FOR EASY-TO-FIX MEALS Chicken-noodle, or Chicken-gumbo CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 10-oz. 6/99C Old South 6-oz. tins ORANGE JUICE 3/794 ii0KELY HONEY-POD PEAS 6/99 BLUE BONNET MARGERINE 75 K litibGG'S CORN FLAKES 3/85C Produce Special Ontario No. 1 CAULIFLOWER head 1 9( 10-oz. jar Grocery Specials MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 16-oz. pkg, MONARCH TEA-BISK 390 YORK PEANUT BUTTER 16-0z. ier INSTANT 1.49 20-oz. jar 39C Product. Of Goner& Motors Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL along the St. Lawrence Seaway to Montreal, returning home by Ottawa and North Bay. Billie Huxtable was a week- end visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Culbert in Niagara Falls. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and Marikay visited for a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hodgins in Ottawa. Miss Elea- nor Hodgins flew from New York to Ottawa to spend the weekend with her parents and brother and sister-in-law. On the way home, Mr. & Mrs. Hodgins called on Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Watts and family in Peterborough and on Mr. & Mrs. Frank Osborne and Robin in Havelock. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Molnar and Jimmie of Agincourt were weekend visitors with the for- mer's parents, Mr. & Mrs. S. Molnar. Miss Wilda Pollock of Kit- chener was a weekend visitor with her sister, Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Sunday the two ladies attended the anniversary ser- vice in the Clarke United Church, Ripley, and were guests at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cum- mings. Mrs. Elmer Wilson was a Sunday visitoz. with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable and Mrs. An- drew Hicks who is a guest in the Huxtable home. Mr. & Mrs. V. Overholt and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Theresa Maloney in Seaforth. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot and Sharon accompanied by Pat Soldan of Zurich spent the week- end at Long Point. Miss Ann Shoebottom return- ed home Sunday following a two week's vacation with her grand- parents, Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Shoebottom in Parry Sound. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Howe and Alex Spent the holiday weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Osborne and Robin in Havelock. Mr. & MrS. Gordon Zavitz visited with the former's sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Archie McKay in Sarnia Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Don Pickering and Sheryl of London were weekend Visitors with her par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. K. Hodgins and Marikay. By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Students returned to school Tuesday to resume their studies following the summer holidays. Mrs. Lorne Hicks is again the teacher. In grade 1 are Lois May Elliott, Elaine Overholt, Firth Adcock and David Wilson bring- ing the first day's enrolment to 31. The graduates, Billie Huxtable, Bruce Hicks and Ke- vin Lamport are attending SHDHS. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot and Sharon returned home last week following a holiday trip Couple mark anniversary By MRS. G. HOOPER BLANSHARD Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lang- ford, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Lang- ford were guests at the Brun- er-Langford wedding at London Saturday. Miss Nancy Brine of St. Marys spent the weekend with Miss Sharon Thomson. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson and Mary Lou spent a few days holidaying in Northeastern On- tario. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hartwick and Stephanie of Ebenezer were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker, it being Mrs. M. Hartwick's birthday. Miss Karen Rodd, sunshine Line, spent a few days with Miss Ann Parkinson. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Thacker and family were Sunday even- ing guests of Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins Of Granton. Mr. & Mrs. Fred ?etch of Strathroy spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fetch attend- ed the Moore reunion at Strat- ford Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Jones, Edwin and Donna attended the Bryan re- union Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gras- by, Debbie and Cheryl of Lon- don visited Monday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper were honored by their family at the Iroquois Wednesday even- ing September 2, the occasion being their 25th Wedding arinie Versary. Mr. & Mrs. Wes Mosley, Robert and Jimmy were heste tb the Shaw reunion Sunday at their 'home. Miss Ruth 0, Hooper return.. ed to Toronto Monday to re- sume her duties as teacher. MiSe Anne Thonison entered the School of Hairdressing at London Thesday, Total spending by all govern-, merits Catiada rose from 22 per cent of the dotititre'e gross national product In' 1950 to 32 per tent in 1962, English relatives visit area minister the;holiday weoliencl visiting Smith's ParOntP, Mr, & Mrs. portion Wren, Mr, & Mrs. Orville Workman and family returned home Fri. day friern, a few weeks vacation in Ywouvor. :boo!, pay ,vPft9rq. .4. Mrs N..Long .00414 Mr, Oswald Brown QC & ,Mrs. Brewn of POP*, Mrs. Alvin u101.9; Windsor, ROY.. P. A. MAOMt4P. and 3Ar. & Mrs. .49n Liu „91 4ellglOnA Big Savings On Demonstrators eititellnESE=7.=ifeen=feEte=rear Page 4 September 10, 1964 „..• ••••• ensall and .districf news CORRESPONDENTS. Mrs, Maude HeckIpn, Rhone. 5. Mr s. Archie, MacGregor, Phone .56 tee BY14,A. NORMAN 1414q IcIFFEN Mr. .4 Mrs. James. Paetiare Robert and Brian of England are spending a few weeks at the bonne of the letter's earentS, Rev. & Mrs. Ivor Beeleehern, PERSONALS Aohert TUrner, Jim Consitt, Keith Stephepson and Leroy Workman spent a few days re- gently on a trip to northern Ontario, Sault Ste. Marie and Mighigan. Mrs. Mettle Erway of St. Petersburg, Florida and Mrs. Vera C oiling of Marlette, Mich- iga.p, visited the past week with Mr§. Russell Consitt and fame fly. Larry Robinson is visiting two weeks with his gyancipar, entS, Mr & Mrs. W. A. Law, rence of Meeere Jaw, SaSlt..whP will return shortly with Larry to Speed a vacation with their daughter- and son-in-law, Mrs. RobinsonTed & Mr. RolDinson and family. Mr, Tony Van boon is visiting a few 441'S in PPoPerteere, the eneSt of his sister, Mrs. Jesepeine Tinenberg. Mr, & Mrs, Fd Morton of near Seaforth Vielted during the week with Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Hood and Joyce. Mr. ivgn Forsyth spent a few days recently on a conducted tour from London to the World's Fair in New York, Mrs. Wilfred Mellis is atten, ding a convention in Picten this week in connection with the Home for the Aged. Mr. & Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Mich., epent the holiday weekend visiting Mr. & Mrs. Edgar McBride and other rela- tives. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Littleton and daughter of London visited ever the holiday with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Faber and Mr. & Mrs. R. Littleton and family. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Smith, Mich- ael and Joan of Grimsby spent Five Oaks addresses Wins Kin scholarship David Buchanan, 19, Hensall, was the winner this year of the $200 scholarship awarded by the Hensall Kinsmen. The award is presented to the top graduating student residing in the Hen- sail area and attending high school at either Exeter, Clinton or Seaforth. Buchanan was the second highest in the grade 13 class at Exeter and was also the school's student leader. He plans to take an engineering course at Waterloo University. John Baker,, right, president of the Kinsmen, presents the $200 cheque. --T-A photo staffer women expressed by Mrs. Mickle to the speaker end all who had assis- ted with the meeting. Mrs, George Armstrong, 1st vice-president, presided for the business. Announcements in- cluded a Christian Education meeting at Coderich Summer School Saturday, Sept. 1.2, a cooking school sponsored by Kippen WI Wednesday October 7 in Hensall Community Centre at 2 pm and 8:30 pm. This unit is responsible for the October general meeting. Arrangements were made for church flowers and the nursery for the month of September. Damage $500 in motor crash An accident at intersectio of Elizabeth and Icing Streets, Hensel', Friday caused $500 property damages. Gary Law- rence driving a station wagon owned by Al's Supersave Mar- ket, travelling on E liz ab e th Street and making a turn onto King Street, came into collision with a car driven by Mr. Ward Knox of Clinton. There were no injuries. It was investigated by Chief of Police E, R. Davis of Hensall. Was $4,395.00 NOW $3,695.00 64 MERCURY Rebekahs pick Mrs, Ingram Amber Rebekah Lodge re- eumed meetings Wednesday, September 2 with Noble Grand Mrs. Clarence Volland presid- ing, Mrs. Beverly Beaton, and Mrs, R. A. Orr presented high- lights of the Rebekah Assembly they attended as delegates at Toronto, The following were elected to office and will be installed by Pride of Heron Lodge Exeter installing team October 21: Past Noble Grand, Mrs. Clarence Volland; Noble Grand, Mrs. J. F. Ingram; Vice Grand, Mrs. George Clifton; recording sec- retary, Mrs. 13lighton Ferg; treasurer, Mrs. Ed Corbett; financial secretary, Mrs.Ernie Chipchase. A country store in charge of Mrs. Heaton and Mrs. Orr re- alized a nice sum of money. Mrs. Edith McLellan, regis- trar on the staff of our Christian Workers Centre at Five Oaks, Paris, one of the five such centres of the Central Confer- ences In the most highly popu- lated area in Canada, was guest speaker Thursday afternoon at the meeting of UCW Unit 4. "It is for the purpose of helping us to understand the Christian faith and basically for adults. It operates all the year round and it takes $80,000 a year to keep things going," said the speaker. Miss M. Ellis thanked the speaker for giving such an in- teresting description of the work done at Five Oaks. Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. Sim Roobol were in charge of the meeting, Mrs. Mickle pre- siding. The devotional was given by Mrs. Roobol and Mrs. Albert Alexander, stating that one of the most used expressions is "I forgot; there are so many good and precious things we should remember, including God's loving kindness, forgive- ness, mercy and humbleness of mind." Miss Joyce Flynn sang "Bless this House", accompan- ied by Miss Ann Mickle, Two piano solos were played by Miss Mickle. Words of thanks were Montclair, 4 door sedan, automatic transmission, power brakes, power steering, radio, white wall tires, tinted windshield. SCHOOL FAIR Hensall Community Agricul- tural School Fair will be held Tuesday at the Hensall arena, with a parade at 7:30 pm, head- ed by the Bannockburn Pipe Band from Varna. Schools in attendance will be: Hensell public school, SS 10 Hay, SS 7 Hibbert, SS 10 and 2 Tuckersmith. Was $4,239.00 NOW $3,595.00 64 ANGLIA SUPER WAS $1,995 NOW $1,595 Used Car Specials Henson personals Mr. & Mrs. Ie. A. Orrvisited over the holiday weekend With Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Orr of Ches le y. They travelled to Southampton and Port Elgin. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kennedy are visiting in Hamilton with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Haslip and f amily, Mrs. Robert McKenzie is a patient in South HuronHospital, Exeker„ with a fractured left wrist which she suffered in a fall at Canadian Campers Exe- ter. Dr. & Mrs. Harry Joynt and Judy, Toronto, Dr. W. T. Joynt, London, spent the holiday week- end with Mrs. Alice Jeynt. Mrs. William Kerr, Mr. Roy Kerr and Miss Carol Kerr of Callender, visited with Mrs. Maude Hedden over the holiday weekend. The Misses June and Joyce Munn have returned home after a trip to New York City and the World's Fair. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bragg of West Lorne and Miss Marie Miller, Windsor, visited Sunday with Mrs. C. L, Jinks. Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert. Dilling visited over the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dulling and family, Sarnia. Canadian Industries meeting of Kippen East WI will be held in the Legion Hall Hensall Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 16 at 8:30 pm. Exeter shooter tops at Kippen Harry Mailers of Exeter won the Kippen Gun Club handicap trophy at the Labor Day Shoot at Kippen Sunday with a score of 47 out of 50. Runners-up were Charles Parkinson, London, and John Anderson of Hensall with 46. The five manteam trophy was won by the Kippen Gun Club. They obtained 114 of a possible 125 points. Members of the team were Mathers, Parkinson, Anderson, and Lloyd Moore, Ingersoll, and John Wigle, Lon- don. Second was the Kitchener team with 112 points. This would be a better world if ime had more wild life in our forests and less in the big cities. Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Bell, Paul- ine and Ann. Mr. & Mrs. Don MaeLaren of Oakville visited over the week- end holiday with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chapman and sons. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Busche of London were recent visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Horton. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Alexander spent the weekend with relatives in Kitchener. Rev. & Mrs. P. A. Ferguson, Rod and friend of Montreal, visited last Wednesday with Mr. & Mrs. Ed Fink; and were guests Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hoe. Miss Shirley Johnston and Miss Marjorie Turner, Varna, returned home after visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. R. McAllister. Members of the Bell Tele- phone Staff honored one of their members, Mrs. Dave Sangster, who recently resigned, with the presentation of a lovely bed- spread with Miss Bonnie Kyle making the presentation. The party was held -in the office Thursday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Chipchase will observe their 25th wedding anniversary this Sunday Four start school --bring total to 31 Friends shower bride with gifts Miss Diane Reid and Mrs. Bob Talbot were joint hostesses for a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Reid for their cousin, Miss Marlene Reid, bride-elect of September 12. Forty friends attended. Baskets of gladioli and pink and white streamers and bells formed a very attractive floral background. The address to the bride-elect was read by Mrs. Talbot and gifts presented by Connie Talbot, of Hayfield, and Beth Keys, Exeter. Mrs. Talbot directed contests and refresh- ments were served. Others entertaining for the bride-elect were Mrs. Rodger Venner, a miscellaneous show- er, and Mrs. Roland Vanstone, a kitchen shower. Mrs. Laurine McKenzie slip- ped and fell while working at the Canadian Canners and in so doing fractured her left arm. She was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exeter where she was attended by Dr. Gans who placed the arm in a cast. Constable Douglas Wein, RCMP, and Mrs. Wein of In- verness, N.S. are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Exeter and with Mrs. Wein's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy, Hensall, Mr. Steve Kyle left Monday for Langton, where he will be teaching school for the coming term. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Chapman and Rod were recent visitors with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. ,Joe De Loge in Sarnia. Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rennie, Joanne and David of Toronto visited recently with the for- mer's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rennie. Miss Cindy Parker returned home after holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Har- old Parker and Patsy. Mrs. Kay Bedard and family of London visited over the week- end with Mrs. Bedard's parents, Phone' fiensa101 Henson Motor Sales You, Meteor - MerOUt* Dealer I Roy Cathpbelt prop.