HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-09-03, Page 10Craig, and Mr. & Mrs, Allen Bale and Mrs. Ple4le). Tayistock, were guests With the Greenlee In can.actR. birth in 99 is of twins or triplets; ..each week on the .ayerege there are born .100 sets of twins and .one set of triplets. PRESENTATION & DANCE FOR MR. & MRS. NORMAN LEWIS (nee Linda. Mawson) Crediton Community Hall FRIDAY SEPT 4 BIRTHS- 13MANI.) --- Mr. and MrS. 3. IL 13riand, RCAF Sin Ceiltralta, =ounce the birth of a daugh- ter, ShpIly Louise, at South Huron Hospital, August 26, CAREY — Jim and Rosalie Car ey, <nee MoHard) London, an- nounce the .birth of a daughter at St. Joseph's Hospital, Aug- ust 28 sister for Valerie Ann. DUCHARME --14r., and Mrs. Jerome Ducharme, Zurich,. announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Lorraine Marie, atSouth Huron Hospital, August 28. EDWARDS—Mr, and Mrs. Chuck Edwards wish to an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, at St, Joseph's Hospital, London, August 24 a sister for Linda, Wayne and Vicky. EPTON LAC and Mrs. Arthur Epton, RCAF Stn Centralia, announce the birth of a son, Ronald Harold, at South Huron Hospital, August 25. MILLER — Vesta and Huber t Miller, RR 1 DashWOod an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Lisa May, atSouthHuron Hospital, August 28 — a sis- ter for Dianne and Vicki. ROWE —Elmer and Geneva Rowe, RR 1 Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Jeffe r Y Ronald, at South Huron Hos- pital August 27 — abr oth e r for Kathy, Bobby, Jimmy and Lori. TAYLOR — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, RR 3 Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Deborah Jane, at South Huron Hospital, August 29. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Iray Desjar- dine, RR 1 Dashwood, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marcia Elaine, to Douglas Charles Isard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Is- ard, London, the wedding to take place October 3, 1964 at 2:30 o'clock in Metropolitan United Church, London. 3c ENGAGEMENT, s 10* and Mrs. Roland grenier, Grand Pend, wish to announce the ,engagement of their' daugh, ter Elaine Marie, to Mr, Glen Henry 'Zap.se, .son of Mrs. Janet Zapse„ London and the late Mr. lapse, The wedding to take place on Saturday, September 19 at Immaculate Heart Of Mary Roman Catholic Church, Grand Bend, 3c CARDS OF THANKS My sincere appreciation is extended to all who so kindly remembered me in any way during my recent illness. Many thanks.— Celia Thomson. 3* I would like to thank my friends and neighbors, who Visited me, sent cards, flowers and treats, and all others who, in any way, thought of me, dur- ing my recent illness. — Pat Cronkite, Lucan. 3c We wish to express sincere thanks to all the friends and relatives for the gifts, cards and good wishes extended to us on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary. — Alex and Mary Mousseau. 3* I would like to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and all who helped me and my family in anyway while I have had my leg broken. Thank you. — Charles P. Dietrich, 3* We wish to thank our friends and relatives who remember- ed us with cards and letters of sympathy during the sad be- reavement of our son and broth- er Preston who passed away in Stratford General Hospital, August 18. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey, Stratford. 3* The family of the late Mr. Herbert Wainwright wish to ex- press sincere thanks to rela- tives and friends for floral tri- butes, cards and expressions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. it it YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND S.S. No. 3 USBORNE ( PLUGTOWN ) REUNION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Bell rings at 1 p.m. Picnic Lunch at 5 p.m. a Please bring sandwiches, cookies, tarts (Dishes, cutlery and beverages will be provided) a Prizes for the oldest ex pupil and former pupils coming the farthest, e Bring your old school pictures ANCE FROM 9 TO 12 Exeter Ladies' Bowling League Meeting at the Bowling Lanes Wednesday, Sept.9 at 8:00 p.m. TEAM CAPTAINS CONTACT PRESIDENT MRS. MAR- JORIE DILKES BY SEPTEMBER 8, TO ENTER YOUR TEAM ANY NEW MEMBERS CONTACT THE BOWLING LANES PHONE 235-2781 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Par- kinson , Ann and Paul were Friday evening guests of Mrs. Zella Dann of London. Cathy and Joy Thacker spent a few days last week with Brenda Parkinson of Baseline, Brenda is spending a few days this week with Cathy and Joy Thacker. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones and family spent Friday evening with Rev, & Mrs. J. Lindsay of Port Huron, Mrs. Lottie Jones returned with them after spending the past week at Port Huron. Debbie Grasby of Lond on spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family were Sunday even- ing guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ger- ald Blackman of St. Marys. Miss Ruth G. Hooper spent Thursday with friends at New Hamburg. Mr. Harvey Parkinson is a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital having undergone sur- gery, Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth, Veryl and Jeanette at- tended North Nissouri decora- tion service Sunday and were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Facey of Wellburn. By MRS. G. HOOPER Entertainment Supreme KEN'S DANCELAND AND BARBECUE 3 Miles South Of Grand Bend On Hwy 21 HORSES & PONIES FOR HIRE OR SALE ENJOY YOURSELF IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK! Look For Special Announcement For Labor Day And Following Dates ,laotteeta 4adee4 BOWLING MEETING FRIDAY NIGHTERS at Exeter Bowling Alley Friday, Sept. 4 at 8 p.m. Come to the Meeting or Phone Your Name to 235-2781 NEW BOWLERS WELCOME DRIVE IN THEATER FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Children Under 72 in Cars Free SEPTEMBER 3, 4, 5 (Adult Entertainment) THE PINK PANTHER Colour David Niven • Peter Sellers JACKIE KENNEDY'S ASIAN TOUR (Short) (SUNDAY MIDNITE) SEPTEMBER 6, 7 ISLAND OF LOVE Colour Robert Preston Georgia Moll SEPTEMBER 8, 9 FIVE MILES TO MIDNITE (Adult Entertainment) Sophia Loren Anthony Perkins BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship, Engish, "Get Wisdom" 2:00 p.m.—Worship, Dutch, "The Work of Our Hands" 3:15 p.m.—Sunday School All Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz Sunday, September 6 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service The Church of "The Lutheran Hour" EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B,A., B.D. Sunday, September 6 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev, John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys LABOUR SUNDAY September 6 No Sunday School classes 10 a.m.—CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. Nursery available for pre- school children. Board of Managers, Thurs- day, September 10, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday School Picnic, Satur- day, September 12. Leave the Church by bus at 1:30 p.m, Sunday School classes re, sume each Sunday at 9 a.m. Sunday, September 13. Young People's Group, Sun- day, September 13, 7:15 at the Church, C.G..T. Wednesday, Septeni. ber 16, at 7:30. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Caven Presbyte• rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Getz 8:45 a,m.—Divine Services THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Bauder, Pastor 10:80 a.m.- Morning Servide 11:15 Li.m.,4unday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 pari.-,-01110 Mennonite Moth. 0 a FIRST ANNUAL RODEO TA Miles West on Huron St., Exeter PARADE EACH DAY AT 2 P.M. 2 BIG PERFORMANCES Sat., Sept. 5 Sun., Sept. 6 2 pa. 2 p. m. Rodeo Clowns Will Be In Attendance a a a a a o Steer Riding • Bulldogging • Ladies Barrel Race a • Calf Roping • Bronc Riding Admission Adults $1.25 Children 504 Sponsored by Exeter Saddle Club JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Open Session 11 a.m.—MORNING SERVICE Welcome MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship "Come and worship with us" Nursery for young children. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist September 6 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 11:15 a.m.—Choral Eucharist and Junior Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A., B.D. 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m.—Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p,m.—Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St, E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. 11:15 a,m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m,—Worship Service Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery for young children. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 55 Main St. Rev. Lloyd Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a,m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—The Gospel Hour WEDNESDAY 8 P,M. Prayer and Bible Study ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, SePtember 6 i0:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 P.m.—Drive-In Goap el Services at Shipka. Ontario Water Resources Commission Lake Huron Water Supply System Official Sod Turning Ceremony with the HONOURABLE JOHN ROBARTS PRIME MINISTER OF ONTARIO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1964 2:30 Officials of the Ontario Water Resources Commission, the City of Lon. don, the London Public Utilities Commission, Provincial, Federal and Municipal representatives, and others, will participate. Location of the ceremony is the Treatment Plant site at the junction of Highways 83 and 21, about two miles north of Grand Bend. An invitation is extended to the public to ceremony/attend this ceremony/ which marks a major step forward in the development of provincial water supplies. Clandeboye couple home -girl snaps ankle bone TimeS-Advecete, September $, 1964 Page 19 Woodham Saintsbury accompanied Mr, 4 MrS. FY44 Hodgins to KincaNine SUnday, Saturday mr, & mrs. Earl Atkinson visited their deugh, ter, Mrs, Harvey Latta, Who is aPatient ia ,Tosepli's Nespital, London. Sunday they visited at the home of their other daUghter, Mr, & Mrs. Don Maguire, Mr, & Mrs. Heber Davis were ,Saturday evening guests with Mr. 4 Mrs. Albert Dick- Ins, Lambeth, Thursday Mr, Mrs. Alfred Dickins, Mrs. ley, W. Garrett and Mrs. Don Mc- Taggart, London and Mrs,. Nor- ma CPlenlan visited the Davis' also Mri, Frank Smyth, Ceti, tralia. mr, & Mrs. Bill Johnson and boys visited relatives in Tor- onto for the weekend. Mrs. Earl Greenlee was hos- tess on Friday evening for a Jewelry party, with Mrs. Bill Johnson as fashion show di- rector. Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Jim Watson and family and Mr, Harold Gnilfoyle, Ailsa. BY M RS. HP.13,PR P.AV.15. Announcements Mr. & Mrs, George Atkinson and family, London, were Sun- day gtlestP with the formers parents, Mr, & Mrs. Herman Atkinson, Mr, & Mrs, Fred Dobbs were Sunday guests with Dr. & Mrs. George LIndaay, Grand Bend, Mrs. Ron CarrPll. Mrs. Clar- ence Davis and Sharon attended the wedding of their cousin Marilyn Needham to William Bannister at the Anglican C hurc h, Ballymote, Saturday afternoon, Mr. & Mrs. Norris Desjar, dine, Grand Bend, visited re, cently with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rees and boys. The Rees family attended a birthday dinner for Mrs. Rees' mother, Mrs. Char, les Rollings, Clandeboye, at the home of Mr. & Mrs, Rollings Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice MacDon- ald and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Car- roll were weekend guests with Mr, & Mrs, Jack Dickins at Grand Bend. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis St. James Church due to the memorial and decuration vice at 3 pm, DST. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Black Of LiStOWel, The Rey, 0. W. Sack:, minister of the Lucan and Clandehoye United Churches, will assist the rector the Rev. E. Q. Lancaster in the service, By MRS. J.. H, PATON CLANI)FBQYE. Sgt and Mrs. Max Alive and. daughters Cheryl and Susanre- tnrned Wednesday, from spend- ing almost four yea.rs at Ran, stein, Germany to the home of Mrs. Bloyes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Murless in the vii- lage. Others of the family pre- sent were Mr. EloYes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Bloye of St. Thomas, also Cpl and Mrs. A. J. Boggs, Vicki and Tracy of Clinton and Mrs. Suzy Simpson and Mark. Miss Elaine Hodgins met with an accident at home, last week. She slipped on the wet grass and a bone was fractured in her ankle. Monday a walking cast was put on at St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Sunday, September 6, there will be no morning service in It was increased to '202' cars in 20 Minn*, Saturday evening mr. & Mrs. Bill Rollins, Billy, Terry, Carolyn and Jack of Sarnia. visited Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Carter and Ian. Saturday evening, Mr. Alton O'Neil, Mrs, Karl O'Neil, Mrs, Cecil Carter, Messrs Alfred Ovens and Gerald Neil attended the Devine wedding. miss Jean Cunningham visit- ed last week with Miss Joyce Dorman RR 2 Ansa Craig. Pre, yiously Miss Dorman spent a week with the Cunningham fain, Ily. Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Cunning- ham entertained their grand, children, Joan, Jimmie and Donald Harper, later they visit- ed Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cunningham, Kimberley and Tracy in London. Mr. & Mrs. John Brownlee and infant son Jack of Oshawa spent a week with Mrs. Brown- lee's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Carter. By MRS, ROBERT RUNDLE Mrs. Jas, Knox of Stratford was a weekend guest with Mrs. J. Jaques. Mrs. Alex Gartenburg, Jim and John and Mrs, Hiram Hanna spent a few days In Ottawa and Montreal last week. Larry Skinner of Munro spent last week holidaying with his grandmother ? Mrs. Roy Kirk. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Knox, Daryl and Donnie of Camp Borden Were Weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and fam- ily. Mrs. J. Jaques, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Jaques attended the 60th Wedding anniversary celebra- tion, for Mr. & Mrs. George Jaques of Tavistocic at Exeter Tuesday. M. & Mrs. Peter Whitelock of Woodstock visited Sunday with Mrs. Robert Rundle, Jim and Jack. Robert Wareham of Atwood and Miss Daphne of St. Ca- tharines and Miss B a r b a r a Skinner, Exeter, visited Sat- urday evening with Jim and Jack Rundle. Ed Lawson visited Monday with Harold Beavers in Exeter. Mrs. Victor Chatten and Miss Mildred Cowdrey spent the weekend in Detroit and visited the zoo. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Witteveen and family of St. George visit- ed Monday with Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen and family. A landmark in Woodham dis- appeared this past week when the old honey house was de- molished, Mrs. Alex Gartenburg en- tertained cousins and aunts Sat- urday evening when Miss Mary Gay Pettibone of Aylmer, a bride-elect of September, was honored with a miscellaneous shower. Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. George Landman andfam- ily of Grand Valley. Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl visited Sunday with Miss Ruth Pffohl and m r. & Mrs. George Pletsch and family of Mildmay. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber are visiting for several days in Rochester, Mich. with Mr. & Mrs. Charles Webber and Mr. Wm. Webber of England. Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean and Mrs. Roy Kirk visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Stan Moun- tain of St. Marys. STARLITE PERSONALS Mr, Orton Letherland of Tor- onto visited his sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mrs. Neil and Mr. Rea Neil over the weekend. Sunday they attended the T,,eth- erland reunion at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Jarnes Bolger of Walton. Rev. & Mrs. L, C. Harrison of Chatham spent the weekend with Mrs. Almer Hendrie. They attended the morning service at St. James Church. The mem- bers of the congregation were pleased to chat with their for- mer rector and Mrs. Harrison who attended the services when visiting in the community. They were guests at Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murdy's twenty-fifth wedding celebration held at Centralia Sunday afternoon. Mr. Billy Northgrave was able to return home Monday from St. Joseph's Hospital where he spent over a week, following a heart attack. Miss Betty Ann Lewis spent last week with Miss DaisyCob- leigh in Lucan. Mrs. Alvin Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, Da- vid and Donald visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Man- son, Mary and John in Simcoe. Traffic on No. 4 Highway north of Clandeboye Sunday af- ternoon at 3 pm averaged 102 cars in 20 minutes; at 7:30 pm Reception and Dance For Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dougall Hensall Arena Friday, Sept. 4 Everyone Welcome IT WAS SAID: "he who is of a calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition, youth and age are equally a burden". Plato ----;....;‹,:\\, X 11 111 t II , At 4i ...:....,,, \ Blue wate.-- r Danceland ZURICH ,k1 Music By iiil DESJARDINE'S q Orchestra 'J DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON THURSDAY ex FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 4 A RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF ONE OF THE GREAT FILMS BRIDGE ON THE. RIVER KWAI WILLIAM HOLDEN ALEC GUINNESS Color Cartoon SATURDAY & MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 7 IAN FLEMING'S DR. NO Starring SEAN CONNERY in the first JAMES BOND film adventure as Secret Agent 007 (Adult Entertainment) Colour Cartoon HOSPITAL AUXILIARY — Meetings will resume Tues- day, Sept. 8 at 2:30 pm in the Auxiliary rooms. Let's get off to a good start. 3c HOLIDAY SUNDAY MIDNITE AT 12:05 - SEPTEMBER 6 DOUBLE FEATURE PANIC IN YEAR ZERO" Ray Milland Frankie Avalon PLUS MONSTER BINGO—Reserve Saturday, September 19th for the K. of C. Monster Bingo and Draw, to be held in St. Mary's Arena. Proceeds for Scarboro Foreign Mission. 3:17c CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE BOARD AND ITS Advisory Vocational Committee ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF CLASSES FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1964-65 AS OUTLINED BELOW: J. Lavis, chairman E. Dearing, chairman CDCI Board Adv. Voc. committee DAY CLASSES Grades 9 & 10--report to auditorium at 10 a.m. Sept. 8. 11 & 12 —report to Cafeteria at 10 a.ni. Sept. 8. 13 report to Library at 10 a.m. Sept. 8. All students should bring a pen. Dismissal at noon. NOTE: Applications for extension of family allowance cannot be signed until after school opening. EVENING CLASSES REGISTRATIONS: evenings of Oct. 5 and 7. CLASSES: each Monday & Wednesday commencing Oct. 17. COURSES: to be announced in local papers on Sept. 24 and Oct. 1. JOURNEY TO THE SEVENTH PLANET' John Agar FINAL GOSPEL SERVICES — Shipka Starlite Drive-In The- atre . Speaker Rev. Fred Faist formerly of Crediton. Special music supplied by Crediton Evangelical United Brethren. Offering above expenses will go to Bible Society, Gideon Minis- try and Goodwill Rescue Mission. Come as you are and hearfrom your car, In case of rain, come just the same. Bring a car full. 3c TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 9 Bob Hope • Lucille Ball CRITIC' S CHOICE' (Adult Entertainment) Color Cartoon RECEPTION AND DANCE to be held for Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Gower, Friday evening, Sept. 11 in Crediton Community Centre, the occasion being their 25th wedding anniversary. Sil- ver collection. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone Wel- come. 3c COLLECT BASKETS — Hensall Girl Guides will collect six- quart baskets in the village on Saturday, September 5 in the morning. 3c IOOF — The members of Exe- ter Lodge No. 67 IOOF and Re- bekah Lodge No. 338 and other TOOF Lodges of the District are invited to attend the Memorial Day service at the Exeter ceme- tery on September 13, 1964 at 2:00 pm. Everyone welcome to attend. Stanley Whiting, Noble Grand, Percy A. McFalls, Rec. Sec'y, 3:10c Immigration to Canada total- led 93,000 in 1963, and emi- gration from Canada is esti- mated at 80,000 persons in the year. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES BRINSLEY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Sept.13 at 71 aim. and 7:30 p.m. REV. JOHN DAVIES of A ilsa Craig Speaker far bdth Services SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR You Are Welcome to Attend