HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-09-03, Page 7DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO Notice to Suppliers of Petroleum Products SUPPLY CONTRACT NOS, SA-644160 BEATING OIL SA,64,2161 -GAS, DIESEL, FUEL OIL Separate Sealed Tenders on feting supplied by the Depatt, Merit for the above dentratts will be received by the Die- triet Engineer, Department of Highways, Box 8, 680 }Wrath Street, Stratford, Ontario; until l2t00 0 0 GIOtit NOON E.S.T. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th 1964. Spedifteatioti8 InfortriatIon to Bidders, Tender forms and envelopes m a y be Obtained by tallingaior bY to addreSS- ed to the District 'Engineer at the abeite Mentioned address~ the lowest Or any tender rid tibeettarily accepted, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO.. 10 Livestock For Sale 5 Auction Sales Hensall ladles '75 Auction Sales 3 5 Help Wanted 17 Property For. '.Root _ _ 3-BEDROOM house, Modern living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry rem, bathroom. Phone Jack .Proot. Crediton 234-6445, Sc APARTMENT - 1 -.bedroom, heated, furnished, private en- trance, centrally located. Ap- ply.0776 349 . Marlborough St., phone 45 16 Property For Sale Page 7 September Classified Rates First Insertion 40 PER WORD, (Minimum 8000 Second Insertion 3 1 2 p PER WORD (Minimum 700) Six Insertions 30 PER WORD (Minimum 600) HEREFORD BULL - Apply to. Gerald MeFalls, phone 235. 2313, 3c OFFICE POSITION-Knowledge of bookkeeping, some typing required, 54-day week, group insurance plan available, Ap- ply T. Rawlings, Zurich 182, Sc 11 Poultry For Sale 2,000 KIMBER pullets, starting to lay, cheap. Phone Scott's Poultry Ranch, Kirkton 131810. 3e $90.00 WEEKLY in exchange for 40 hours, Apply in writing to P.O. Box 863. 27:3* . .........„ name delegates IIENSALL, Fifteen members attended the first meeting for the fall sea- son of the Hensall Legion Lae dies Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall Tuesday evening, Septeme ber 1. President Mrs. Roy Smale, who conducted the meeting, and secretary, Mrs, William For- rester, were named delegates to attend the convention at North Bay September 28. Arrange- ments were also made to cater to the Kinsman banquet Sep- tember 24. lelystery prize was won by Mrs. Sam Doug all and the guessing prize by Mrs. Grant I3isback. The name of Mrs. E, R. Davis was drawn for the door prize. Bingo was played and a pot luck lunch served. 100 RHODE ISLAND Red pul- lets, started to lay; 100 Hamp and Rock pullets, will be lay- ing in a month; also have Hemp and Rock roosters for the freezer. Apply Thomas Patten, RR 3 Lucen, 3* EXETER FAMILY dwellings and duplexes; Centralia large brick house, low price, low taxes; 4-bedroom house, mod- erate price, low taxes, 12 miles to London on pavement, Good farms 50 to e00 acres. W, C, Pearce, Realtor 235- 1402; Bill Armstrong, Sales- man 2354376. 3tfnc Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises known as BRINSLEY 6 miles south of Crediton or 5 miles north of Ailsa Craig. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 at 12:30 p,m, Complete list of this im- portant sale will appear in next week's issue. JAMES TREVITHICK, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 3e SMALL HOME on nicely shad- ed lot, .suitable for couple, painted and decorated throUgh, out, new kitchen and bath- room, completely re-wired, $4,500. Phone 23,5-1483 or apply at 373 Marlboro St., Exeter. 3* HOT WATER 'tank, 30-gal,; oil space heater, 32,000 b.eng venetian blind 295" x 24" long; bird cage, 64 Nelson St. Hen- sall. 3c HIGH SCHOOL commercial books. Call 235-1547 after 6:00 Pan, 3ne BABY NEEDS High chair, convertible buggy, jolly jump- er, $22,00. Good condition, Will sell separately. Phone Lucan 227-4424 after 5:00 p.m. 30 14' CABIN TRAILER in good condition, completely equip- ped. Apply Fred (Ted) Wright, phone 2e5-0491. 3c 21' FREEZER, brand new with warranted, dinted on back and end. Reg. $249 Special $159. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, 3c BELL PIANO, used clothes dryer. Phone 235.0515, 3c FRUIT - Italian prune plums are 10 days earlier than other years; reedy' now. Peine Claude plums 10th of Septem- ber; Lombard, Stanley prune, grapes 10th of September. Not as large a crop this year, Cabbage, squash, sweet pep- pers, tomatoes, apples, sweet corn, Bartlett pears, musk- melons, pumpkins. Bring your basket and save. James Eb- erly, Sylvan, Ont. Phone Park- hill 294-6572. 3: 10e MEAT MARKET 12 Cars, Trucks For Sate '56 DODGE V-8 automatic, 36,- 000 actual mileage, very clean inside and out, must sell Phone Bill Wright 235-0491. 3c 20 0 EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. 2 - BEDROOM 1 storey house, vacant, suitable for elderly couple. Phone 235-1402. .3tfoe 3-ROOM ground floor apart- ment in Centralia, beeted, stove, frig and washer sup- plied. Immediate possession. Phone Centralia 228-68e7, 3c 1 - BEDROOM apartment, fur- nished and heated, $30.00, Att- fielcre Store, Crediton. Phone 234-6394, 3tfnc HOUSE - Storey and a half, ;3 bedrooms. Available immed- iately, Phone 235-1377. 3:10e 343EDROOM house in Exeter, corner of Andrew and Welling- ton Sts,; new furnace. Avail- able Oct. 1. Apply Tindall's TV, Grand Bend, Phone 238- 2042. 3" .13 For Sale in prosperous town, up-to-date with modern equipment. Good turnover, low rent, good lease. Pull price $6,500-50' down. Owner has other interest. WRITE TO BOX M C EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 3c ••.••••MORIMIMIL•0101•811•11.1.11 111 Health The Democracy which shall make government the organ of public reason, and not of popular passion or of demagogism which trade s upon it, is yet in the womb of the future, Goldwin Smith 11 Property For Rent CLERICAL STENOGRAPHER 2 $3240 - $3750 Increases may be recom- mended at semi-annual inter- vals up to $3480. Preferably Grade 12 educa- tion, with a minimum of 2 year's satisfactory experience and proven ability, Successful. completion of Civ- il Service Commission short- hand and typing tests, Interesting position with var- ied duties. Promotional possi- bilities. - 5 day - 361/4 hour work week - 3 weeks annual vaca- tion - Superannuation and Sick Leave Benefits. For interview call or write BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR ONTARIO HOSPITAL, GOD.ERICH Telephone 524-7331 3c See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS TWO HOUSES to be moved from property--both for $750.00. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd., phone 24 Hensall. 3c FOUR 750x20 TRUCK tires, mounted on rims; 7-yd. gravel box, hoist and pump, in good condition, Phone 161R4 Dash- wood. 27:3* Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. threshing machine, like new; 7 ft. M.- H. binder; 6-section harrows; 6-ft. horse mower; M. it No. 11 4-bar side rake; factory built rubber tired wag- on and rack; 3-drum roller; stiff tooth cultivator; hay load- er; 28-plate double disc; 4-row bean .scuffler; M. li., fi-section drags, like new; John Deere robber tired manure spreader; Viking cream separator; 2 gal. venized water tanks; 20-ft. grain auger; electric motor; 2-wheeled trailer; several rolls. snow fence; 2 extension lad- ders; 10041. endless belt; corn crib; 2 feed boxes; wooden calf feeder; hog trough; elec, tic fencer; 2 tarps; iron posts; cedar posts; pile of foot wood; .2-unit Surge milker; seamless pails; motor; pump and piping for 18 cows and other miscellaneous articles. FEED: 400 bales first cut- ting hay. FURNITURE: 20 - gallon hot water tank; fold-away bed; baby buggy and several other articles of furniture. Also nu- merous other articles found at a clearing farm sale. TERMS: Cash. Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON-HUGH FILSON Phone Ilderton Denfield Clerks: KENNEDY & NICHOLS 3c Classifications 3-BEDROOM, modern home in Grand Bend. Completely fur- nished and available now. Phone 238-2153. 3:10c DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO NOTICE TO TRUCKERS 9 Services 2•BEDROOM apartment, elec- tric heat. Available Sept, 1. Phone 235-1303. 3* 3-BEDROOM house, unfurnish- ed, on paved road near RCAF Centralia, Available Septem- ber. Phone Centralia 228-6258, 131fne 18 For Rent ELECTRIC RANGE, 4-burner; 3-burner Coleman gas stove, in good repair. ' cheap for quick sale, Phone 235-1004. 3:10c USED REFRIGERATOR, 10 cu. ft., in good working condition $35.00. Phone 235-1433. 3c QUANTITY OF GIRL'S clothes Size 6 to 6X. Phone 235-0915, 3tfnc 25 Auction Sales 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted. 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales RENTAL OF HIRED TRUCKS SENIOR CITIZENS-Room and board for elderly people who are able to be up and around. Make arrangements now for first part of October. Phone 235-0720. 3:10* EXETER NURSING HOME 24-hour nursing care, moderate rates. Mrs. R. Iles, 30 Sanders St, Phone 235-0810. 8:27-9:17c DRESSMAKING, alterations, wedding gowns, fur coats, etc. Mrs. C. Aquiline, 357 Andrew St., Exeter. Phone 235-1965. 20:27:3* FOR WINTER SANDING NEW HOME, nicely situated in Exeter, now available, free garden space. Phone 235-0537. 3c FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc DUPLICATING machine, good condition, reasonable for quick sale. Apply Mrs. Wes Witmer, phone 235.1826. 9tfnx 4 FT, CEMENT TILE - Lawrence Ziler, RR 3 Dash- wood. Phone 31R4 Dashwood, 7:30.9:10c 19 For Sale or Rent AUCTION SALE of Household Effects of the Estate of Mrs. Margaret Vair MAIN STREET, BRUCEFIELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER at 1:30 p.m. the following: Chesterfield (like new); what- not; Sparton 21" TV; aerial and rater; Oriental style rug 75' x 105'; walnut 4-poster bed; walnut dresser (antique); wal- nut bedroom chair; eo size Jenny Lynn spooled bed (an- tique); quantity of bedding; curtains and drapes; , trilight; floor lamp; table lamp; Sun- shine electric range; Frigidaire refrigerator; kitchen table; 4 kitchen chairs; electric clock; electric portable oven; vacuum cleanere, carpet sweeper; card table; ironing board; 3 ferner- ies; 3 TV trays; end table; Singer drop-head sewing ma- chine; dishes and cooking utensils. TERMS: Cash. FRED G. BONTHRON, Administrator for the Estate EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auct. 3c FURNISHED 2-bedroom apart- ment, central location. Parker Apts., 429 Main St. Phone 235- 0915. 3tfnc Separate Sealed Tenders marked Truck Rental Agreement will be received by the District Engineer, P.O. Box 21'7, London, Ontario, until 12:00 NOON, D.S.T. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1964 Specifications, Tender Forms and envelopes may be ob- tained by calling at or by mail addressed to the District Engineer at the above mentioned address. BRICK HOUSE, 7-room, at 64 Wellington St., tiled bath and glassed - in porch, hardwood floors and oil furnace. Phone 235-1177 Exeter. 7:16tfric KENT KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, bathroom vanities, golden tone natural birch. Durable beauty for Canada's finest kitchens_ Formed Arborite tops. Free .estimates and kitchen plan- ning service, We install, Thos. H. Walker, Authorized Dealer, 17 Nelson St., phone 235-0722 ( collect). 27tfnc SMALL steam heated furnish- ed apartment $40.00 monthly. Apply Elliot Apt's, 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585. 3tfnc WIIITE ROCK hens, alive or dressed. Phone. Edgar Cud. more 235-1366. 7:16tinc VACUUM CLEANERS & Pol- ishers - Sales & Service for all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 352W2 (collect). 1:23tfne NEW 4-BEDROOM house avail- able immediately. Apply 281. Pryde Blvd. Phone 235-2797. APARTMENT- 4 nice rooms, heated, hot water, private, Huron St. east from hospital Available Oct. 1. Reasonable rent. Phone 235-2942. 27tfnc Locations as follows: GUITAR LESSONS-Phone 235- 2120 after Sept. 2. Guitars for sale or rent. Henry Pulsifer, 92 Main St, 27:3* CUSTOM COMBINING and corn picking, Two-row picker for 38.40". Gall E. Ratter, Dash- wood 28R10. Frank Dieleman. 3c 20 Wanted To Rent (a) Trucks for mounting power sander units - Junction Highways 74 and 401, Woodstock, Junction Highways 97and 401, Junction Highways 401 and Iona Road, 4 each; Tillsonburg, New Sarum, Lambeth, three each; Thamesford, Paris, St. George, Waterford, Wallace- town, Junction Highways 22 and 81, Strathburn, Ailsa Craig, Birr, Courtland, two each; Burford, Norwich, Parkhill, one each. TRANSFERRED TO Centralia. Will require 3-bedroom house for occupancy Oct. 1. Apply Box CS Times-Advocate. 27:3:10:17c WE STILL HAVE Everbloom- ing Tea rose bushes for sale. $1.25 a pot. Climbers or col- ors. Reder's Florist. -Mane ALUMINUM DOORS, win- dows, awnings, siding, alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reasonable prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Mumi- num Sales. Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 4tfnc 3 Male Help Wanted 3-BEDROOM house near Exe- ter, modern conveniences. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 20tfric UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmons Apts. Phone 2:35-2012 after e p.m. 6:iltfnc 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-1877. 1 1 tele 23 Legal Notices PUPS - Daschunds; Fox, Toy Manchester and Manchester fox terriers. Mrs. Alex Mac- intosh, Clancleboye, Phone Lu- can 227-4598. 3:19tInc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. GOOD CARPENTER able to take responsibility. Steady work for the right man. Ap- ply in writing to Box L K 9 Exeter Times-Advocate. 3:10c APPRENTICE to learn plumb- ing and heating trade. Please reply by letter to Box DKL Exeter Times-Advocate stating age, education, experience. This is a good opportunity for the right person. Excellent working conditions. 27:3c USE YOUR spare. time to in- crease your weekly earnings $25 - $50 or more. No invest- ment but car needed. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 1-202-915, 4005 Richelieu St. Henry, Montreal. 3c In order to be eligible to tender the owner of the vehicle must be in possession of a 1 964 P.C,Ie Class 'F' licence. COMBINING-New John Deere equipped for beans and corn. George Troyer, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 71R7 Zurich. 27:3:10:17c CUSTOM COMBINING, grain, flax and beans. Also 2,000 bus. of good feed barley. Apply Carl J. Walker, phone Dublin 12R13. 27:3:10* When requesting tenders please specify cation required. APARTMENT - Air condition- ed, 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen, 3-pee. bath, heated, central Main St. Avail- able July 1, Apply W. G. Coch- rane, 28 Nelson St. W., Code- rich. 6:18tfric PHONE 228.6214 H. Co Dernier, District Engineer, Department of Highways, 390 Saskatoon St., London, Ontario, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, Telephone: 451-4500 ONTARIO. 14 Wanted To Buy NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Emmeline Wilds, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Emme- line Wilds, late of the Town- ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 1st clay of Sep- tember 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of September 1964 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administrator Exeter, Ontario. 3:10:17c GRADE XII Canadian Book- keeping Practice in good con- dition. Phone Kirkton 9R7. ,3* BARGALN - Gilbert & Barker conversion oil burner in A-1 condition. Fits most warm air furnaces. Complete with high limit control and 200-gal. oil tank. Apply 267 Carling St., Exeter. 27tfnc SUPERIOR BALER twine, $10.25 per bale. Cann's Mill, Exeter, 3c 011.1•011•9011111•1•01.401••••••1=4 AUCTION SALE of Valuable Property on King Street south VILLAGE OF CREDITON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 at 2:00 p.m, The. undersigned auctioneer will offer for sale by public auction, with moderate re- serve bid, storey and a half brick house. 6 rooms, recent- ly remodelled, new 4 piece bathroom, new furnace, new stone veranda, Property is well located, be- ing only second house from church, close to shopping dis- trict, good supply of water, Ideal place to live, Do not miss the sale of this fine property which is on view until day of sale. Terms made known on day ut sale, L. I', BOULIANNE, Prop. For further information contact WM. H. SS-IITI-1, Auctioneer Crediton Phone 234-6282 3:10c 16 Properly For Sale MODERN 3 - bedroom farm home on -highway 23, with ap- proximately three acres and out-buildings. Possession avail- able August 1. Apply Box CPL Exeter Times-Advocate. 6 : 18tinc POTATOES - Martens Broth- ers, phone 234-6488 Crediton, 8 : 2740:1* SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tfnc WATER WELL DRILLING All materials and workman- ship guaranteed. Phone Credi- ton 234-6395 any day noon to midnight except Mondays, In- wood 25R11 collect day or night or write: Ross R. Mun- ro, Box 186 Bothwell, Ont. 8: 2040: 29c HOME FURNISHINGS HOUSE - 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath with built-in cupboards, large kitchen, living room, din- ing room and den, basement. Close to school, $4,500. Phone Times-Advocate 235.1331. 27;3:10c CALL J11 AT 1863 MODERN apartment, .1 - bed- room, kitchen, living room, 3- picce bath with shower, on. furnished, available immedi- ately, Apply Art Geiser, Ell- mart Apts., Slain St., Exeter, Phone days 235-1505; evenings 235-2754. 5:7tfne 2-P,EDROoM house with kitch- en, living room and dining room, hardwood and tile floors at 169 William St. Apply at 1.81 William St. or phone t2f35e- 0736. 27tfnc 8-ROOM HOUSE, modern con- veniences, 'c mile north of Hensall on Highway # 4: Phone Ilensall 274W4. 27:3;10c FURNISHED, heated apart- ment. Hot water supplied; sep- arate entrance, ideal for cou- ple. Phone 235-2456. 170 Carling St. 3" L IVAN - 1 • bedroom apart. m en , heated, stove and frig, 860.00 or may he fully furnish- OW \'n rant Sept. 7. Ralph Lip- pert, Leach Apartments, Lucan or phone 227-4313 after 6 p.m. 271 fn c 4.13ED1i0O11 house in Exeter, available Sept. 1. Apply Wm, Westlake, phone 235.2417 after p,ni. 20elfne _ 243ED11OOM aeolemont, avail- able immediately. Apply D. C. JOynt, phone 02 Hensel', 2611tie 25 Auction Sales STOREY AND A HALF brick house on Albert St., Exeter. Reasonably priced. Apply Mrs: Wesley Jaques, 76 John St. (West). Phone 235-2897. `27:3:10" PART-TIME Kelvinator Refrigerators: Freezers; Electric Ranges; Maytag and Simplicity Washers and Dryers; Simmons Mattresses; Andrew Malcolm, Baetz, Sklar, Froister Furniture; Rogers Majestic • and Zenith Television and Eli Fi, MARRIED MAN f o r year around farm work, Separate house provided. Phone Hensall 346J1. 3:10:17c EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING -- Sewer work, ponds, etc. Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, -topsoil. Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. lifinc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no ;fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031. or 238.2166. 8:8t-Inc SPORTS WRITER Farm Sold CLEARING FARM SALE of Implements, Feed, Dairy Equipm-a, Truck, Furniture FOR MR. STEVE BASA on No. 4 highway 3 miles north of Clandeboye or 1 mile south of Centralia THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 at 1:30 p.m. DST TRUCK: 1961 Chev ton truck with racks, 7,000 miles. IMPLEMENTS; Allis Chal- mers C tractor; John Deere tractor. model M; int. 2-fur- row plow; John Deere mount- ed hydraulic 2-furrow plow; mounted sugar beet lifter; Bell. BUY THE BEST FOR LESS To write sports column and reports of area sport- ing and recreation events for 4-BEDROOM storey and a half white brick house; new oil furnace; choice residential area in Exeter. Apply Allen johns, phone 104R3 Kirkton. 7:2tfnc MILL ST. - Nice 2-bedroom home with room upstairs for 2 additional bedrooms. This house is ten years old and in excellent state of repair. Taxes only $165.00, CARLING ST. - 3 - bedroom house with completed recrea- tion room in basement. Owner is building a larger house and will reduce price for cash, SANDERS ST. E, - 2-bedroom house with automatic oil heat, storms and screens. Nicely decorated. THAMES RD. WEST A fine 3.bedroom ranch type located on corner double lot. Beauti- fully decorated and expensive wall-to-wall carpet covers the floors in large living room and dining room, Attached garage with paved driveway, Owner would consider holding first mortgage for responsible party. ANDREW ST. - Large 4-bed- room family home with new oil furnace. Good sized living room with adjoining dining room, Two bathrooms, Owner would consider- holding first mortgage. ANDREW ST, - bedroom bungalow with forced Mr oil. furnace. Taxes are only 5100;00. THOMAS ST. - New 3-bed- room ranch style which can be heated for $92.00. Monthly payment of 888.00 will look aft- er principal, interest, taxes, A reasonable clown payntent will let you take early possession. MILL ST. - $5,800.00 will make you the owner of a 2-bedroom home .With oil heat, Newly dee- orated and painted outside, Large lot is landscaped and most attractive. We can ale. -range some terms. 442 Main St. Phone 235-0585 Wm: NEW HOUSE jest completed, full basement, three bedrooms, availableimmediately. Art. Whilsinith, phone 235-2.173. 6.18ttne THE EXETER TIMES•ADVOCATE NEED A WATER WELL? Drilled 4" diameter to 10" di- ameter to 1500'; bored 30" di- ameter to 200'. A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Cost of drilling with new machine is reasonable, Men are experienced in all phases of setting screens etc. Phone Elmira 6(30-3761 Day or Night 7:16lfne SANDY ELLIOT FARM - 169 acres in town- ship of Tuckersmith. Lovely 4- bedroom home and large L- shaped barn with steel roof. All tiled except 15 acres. FARM - 150 acres in town- ship -of 'Osborne. 4-bedroom brick house and outbuildings to suit any type of farming. 95 ACRES on highway. No buildings. Terms can be ar- ranged. 5 ACRE'S, 4-bedroom house with oil heat, ',shaped bank barn. NORTH WEST corner of Thom- as and William Sts Large 3- bedroom house on well land. seeped lot. Large modern kitchen, bright dining room and large living room. Heated by forced air oil and also has an attached garage, We are in a position to arrange an 80,. mortgage on this fine family home, MARLBOROUGH ST.-New 3. bedroom bungalow with full basement and oil heat, After reasonable down. payment. $83 per month will carry principal, interest and taxes, SOUTH EAST corner Carlin, and John Sts, - 2-bedroom brick with Cull basement and oil heat. Owner is anxious to sell and has reduced price to $9,800,00, We can arrange a mortgage. CARLING ST. - Large 3-bed- room ranch-type with separate brick garage, Completed rec- reation room in basement, oil heat. Only two blocks from the centre of town. CREDITON apartment house. You NM occupy the lower apartment and rentals from other two will pay taxes and mortgage. Barn at rear which could have many uses. CENTRALIA - Brick home which hae been modernized and duplexed, $2,000.00- 'down payment will handle, MACHINE SHOP - Operated by Marshall & Murray. owners wish to -retire and are anxious tts sell this profitable bUSitteSS) equipmeta and stock. For interviews phone William Batten, editor, 235-1331 ELECTRIC RANGE, 30" De- luxe; large frig; 2 blonde ar- barite end tables; baby car- riage; floor lamp and 2 table lamps to match; baby crib, mattress and springs. Phone 235-1736, 3c CHINESE HAND HOOKED rug and underlay 10'514'; 2 match- ing mats 3' x 2', beige tone, new condition. 244 Main St., Exeter 2354533. 3c MODERN 236-ACRE beef farm located in the centre of Bruce County. Spring fed creeks runs through farm, good buildings, everything well kept, Priced right for immediate sale. Terms to be arranged, Irwin Fletcher, RR 4 Paisley. Sc Providence requires three things of us before it will help us - a stout heart, a strong arm, and a stiff upper lip. Thomas C. Halibureen 4 Female Help Wanted PART-TIME meat wrapper. Apply Exeter Frozen Foods, phone 235-0400. 3* WAITRESSES for night work, Mon. - Fri. 6. 12:30. Burkley Restaurant, phone 235-1730, 3:100 C. V. PICKARD REMINGTON .22 cal. single shot rifle $7.00; 303 Enfield, sling, peep sights, shells $35,00; leather rifle sling, target type $1.50; several hunting knives, different sizes, Phone 2354376, 3* ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact 13111 Wat- son, phone 271.19 Dashwood, 7 ; 1641; 5c INSUR ANC le & 11 ESTATE TWO STORMY BRICK - Well located in Exeter. Each lime contains a complete apart• meet complete with nice kitch- ens and 3-piece bathrooms. This home is in good repair inside and out. Offering at, a very low price. THREE I3EDROOM BRICK - Interior of house like new, Good kitchen, dining room and living room, glassed and screened sunporeit. Full base- ment, oil burning furnace. Double garage, Reasonable price and terms, A LARGER HOME at a reg. eonable price, Provides ail the comforts of a modern home pins generous living speed at the price of a small newly built home. This home is one of the *et' Nettie in teeter. Reasonable price and 'terms, We have Other betties, Two apartments for rent. V. OIDKARD. 394 Mein SI., iPhette 05.010 6;2Stfrie WOMAN FOR restaurant and housework; abstainer and non smoker, Must be reliable. Ap. ply in parson at Shirley's Diner, Credit= 3c DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL STENOGRAPHER LARGE APARTMENT, 3 bed, rooms, heated, living room, dining roam, kitchen, laundry room, 8-piece bath. Available Aug, 1, Phone Eldrid Sim- mons 235.0526, or Fred Sim- mans, 2354854, 7 : 16tfne CREDITON St., 2 bed- room irnfurnisliecl apartment, private entrance, all utilities paid. Available immediately. Phone afternoons or evenings Crediton 234.6336. SOtfnc 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good Ware'. Apply Box NAS, Eeeter Advocate, 3:8tine CHESTERFIELD, $45.00; mod- ern arm oheir, tangerine up- holstery, $29.00; kitchen cloak $2,00. Phone Lumen 227-4551, 3c ELECTROHOLME 6 volt car radio With aerial, Price $15, Phone 275W2 neesell. 8c 13ARTLE*FP PEARS harrow 's Orchard, miles north of Dashwood. Phone 136, COLLIE PUPS, mother good heeler, Apply Gordon Fink- boinert phone Crediton 28.1- (1292. Sc USED M. M. tom pieket, $100, Phone C.rediton 2344121: REEL TYPE ii.laxwell Mower, Phone 235-2187, FRESH TaiTtKEYS, oven ready 400 lb. Orders must be placed by 6:00 p.m, Thursday and picked by 1:00 pan. Satur- day, Phone 2354782 Cairn's Mill. Sc 5 Help Wanted FOR, DEAD Olt DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 262.C.03 la: 12thic WIN A TV MAKE EXTRA MONEY Win a portable TV set, while you Make extra money. No experience necessary. Sell eX. citing ten-value Chris tin e Cards end Gifts. Earn big profits. Friends and neigh. bouts boy on sight, Write for free e ol on r catalogue and samples on approval, Special '1110 floY•tieeking plan for Clubs, Churches, Seheel s. Horner- Warren Co., Dept. 76, 411.- Clendenan Ave,, Toronto. 7:16.9310e JOHN BURKE NEWLY DECORATED, heat• ed unstair apartment, with hot water, stove and (rig sun- ned, This has lovely large living room, kitchen, bedroom -and bath, Located at 315 An. drew St, Very reasonable rent. For information call 235.0117 mornings 'or -apply at .rear apartment, nr ne bASTIWOOD Two-bedtootit, heated apartment, Private en, trance. No pets, Phone DashwoOd, Limited MORTGAGE LOANS fteal Estate broker General Ititurande Devon Building, 476 'Main St, Phone 235-1663 tittne 10 livestock For Sale REGISTERED Hereford bull, eekViceable age, Robert A, Robinson & Son, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, Phone 293-3085. 20:21:3e. RIDING HORSE, 3 years old, black gelding, quiet, Well bro- ken, Rod MacKenzie 6/0 Frank IfteKenge, RR 5 tucknow. Phent 528-5303, 27;3* Wunt.Ads 6.0 kesultt