HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-09-03, Page 5Some people love e a tieg chicken right off the bone; others do not care for this approach. The following recipe will delight the latter, though it Is so good everyone will like it. This ,thus bandeapproved” recipe from the Poultry Pro- ducts Institute, pr o du ces chicken cutlet so tender it may be cut with a fork. Because of this it makes a popular main course meat for buffet, or pie- nic service where tables are at a minimum and the cutting of mpst meats on a dinner plate extremely difficult. 20 MINUTE BUFFETCHICKEN This versatile recipe may be used for serving one, two or as many as you wish and is good hot or cold. For every two servings allow; 1 medium to large chicken breast or 2-1/2 breasts 1/4 tp lemon juice 1/8 tp salt pepper 3 to 4 tbl flour 1/2 egg (for dipping) 1 1/2 tp water 1/3 to 1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs paprika Pull skin off breast. Remove bones with a sharp paring knife. Start at the keel (breast) bone and cut through meat to bone. With fingers and knife, pull and scrape meat off rib cage. Little meat should remain on the ribs if knife is sharp and scraping motion is used. Reserve skin and bones to make broth. Lay boned breast halves on waxed paper on a bread board or other hard surface. Pound on each side with the edge of a heavy saucer or meat mallet to flatten meat to an even thick- ness of about 1/4 inch. Rub with lemon juice and sprinkle on both sides with salt, pepper and seasoning salt (or herbs of one's choice). Sift lightly all over with flour, Beat egg and water in a wide shallow dish, until blended. Dip chicken in egg, moistening it on all sides, then into the fine dry bread crumbs, Be sure it is thoroughly coated. If not, dip in egg again and once more in the crumbs. Sprinkle with pap- rika on both sides and set aside lightly covered with waxed pap- er to dry for 10 to 15 minutes. Melt sufficient butter in mod- erately hot, heavy frying parlor electric skillet. Place chicken in pan in single layer andfry on one side until golden brown, about 10 minutes, turn and cook about 10 minutes on the other side until chicken browns and is tender. If chicken must be held before serving, arrange on cookie sheet on crumpled paper towel- Air Rangers enjoy camp Members of the First Exeter Air Rangers Flight spent the week of August 23 to 29 camp- ing at the Pinery. Those who enjoyed the week of lovely weather and fun were Shirley Genttner, Carolynne Simmons, Lois Simmons of Hensall, Sandra Hunter, Helen Campbell, Mrs. Vera Tudor, Lieutenant, and Mrs. Zella Gib- son, Flight Captain. The camp program included swimming, canoeing, hiking and survival training. The girls re- ported a good time was had by all and praised the Forest Rang- ers for their courtesy and kind assistance in helping make the camp a success. mestraelesesee afeelateireeMeeeleeW Topics Town siteNMESNAMMICAMMINSO Mr. & Mrs. Harold Legg and Mrs. Spoon of Windfall, and. visited a few days this week with Mr. & Mrs. George Law- son. Miss Linda Walper has ac- cepted a position with MacKen- zie & Itaymolid succeeding Miss Judy Wild Who has taken a position in Lbridon. Mr. & 1Vire. Amos Warwick of Port Huron attended the re. union of SS 5 Osborne and spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Clark Fisher, Mayor Eldrid S immons, Reeve Glenn Fisher and Jim Pinder are on a fishing trip in Northern Ontario. Mr. & Mrs: George Francis and Mr. & MrS. Jim Frattels and Josephine of Tofield, Alta. visited With Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Dooley. Mr. Otto brown was taken 111 Tuesday morning and to a patient in Smith Buten HoSpital. Mrs. Jack Robertson, Ahn, Paul and Mary of Sauble Beach were Visitors last Week with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, eltitohSt, Mr. & Mtg. Prank MacKenzie of Lueknow, Mr, & Mrs. Alvin Rowe of Port Burch spent Seri- day with Mrs, Cecil Rowe. Mr. & Mrs. li, M. 1'tancis spent a feet last week in ling and place in a warm oven Until ready to serve. If preferred drumsticks and thighs may be used in place of breasts. separate thigh and drumstick and remove skin and hones and, prepare in same Manner as breasts. 'piece chicken bones and skin in a kettle, half cover with cold water and season with salt, pepper, a piece of bay leaf, a slice or two of onion, a few celery leaves and a few slices of carrot. Bring to a boil and simmer, covered, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. strain, remove any bits of meet from the bones, add to the broth and chill. When cold, skim off any fat. Serve chilled as jellied consomme Or hot as chicken broth, • PINEAPPLE-PEACH JAM One of our readers told us she had made up two of the conserves we featured in this column last week and they were ,thusband-approved". We were pleased to hear this and will give a recipe we tried over the weekend. This one is for the uncooked variety. 2 cups peeled, chopped peaches (about 1 3/4 lbs.) 1 cup drained, canned crushed pineapple 5 1/2 cups sugar 2 tbl lemon juice 1 bottle liquid pectin Combine peaches, pineapple and sugar in bowl. Combine in another bowl lemon juice and bottle of pectin. Add to fruit mixture, stir 3 minutes; quickly ladle into jars; seal—makes about '7 cups in 15 minutes, FREEZING CANTELOUPE Occasionally the claim is made that halves or even whole canteloupe have been frozen successfully. According to the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture it is much better to cut the edible portion into 1/2 to 3/4 inch cubes or into rounded balls before freezing. Acovering of a light syrup is preferred. It is important that the fruits be eating-ripe before freezing. Small jars of frozen canta- loupe makes an interesting ad- dition to winter salads. Former reeve in hospital By MRS. ERVIN RADER DASHWOOD Mr. Valentine Becker is a patient at St. Joseph's hospital, London, where he is undergoing tests. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Hayter and family vacationed at Sud- bury and North Bay. Mrs. Chas. Simmons and Laurie of Waterloo visited last week with her sister and family, Mr. & Mrs. Emil Becker. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Poland, Lois and Tommy of Campbellford vacationed with Mrs. CoraGal- Ser and other relatives. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Milne Racier of Grand Bend were: Mr. & Mrs. Wni. Haugh, Mr. & Mrs. Elmore Deters, Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Willert, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Van- Dorsselaer, and Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Rader and family. Miss Sharon Rader has re- turned home after spending a week with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda of Zion. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Albert Rader were Miss Frieda Haberer of Zurich, Mr. & Mrs. Milford Merner and family, and Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hayter and family. Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Taylor and family of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Rader and family. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Howe, Mary-Jo and Shelley, and Miss Ruthanne Rader of London; Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller and Brenda of Zion wore Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Rader and family. Mr, & Mrs. Wilbur Stewart of London spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Geiser and Kim. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tiernan have returned from their honey- moon spent at the West Coast and are busy getting settled in their apartment in London. Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family Visited with Fred Weiberg Saturday. Mr. & mrs. Leelanci Reete- Meyer were sponsors at the baptism of Michael Arthur Har- old, son of Mr. & Mee. Mervin ,tones of Exeter, in Peace Luthe eran church Exeter S u nd ay, ReV. Win. Gals officiated. Sudbury where they attended the wedding of thole niece Norma Andity Francis arid Lyle stokes Saturdey, Atigttet 29. Mr. & Mee. J. MeIltaith and Mrs, J. Bell spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. William Silo levy and attended the Hamiltofi reunion in Mitchell Peek Suns day afternood. Mrs. herlee Hee rig and Otte sins, Mr's. I3. Russell; Mrs. IL Dalrymple, Mil. J. Belfellit, Mrs. R, DOW and Miss Bessie DoW visited with Mr. & William Sillery during the week. Back To School . SPECI LS 190 Sheets Lined Refills (540) 66t Clip Boards Clip Boards Large $1.00 79c Book Refills, Lined (5375) reg. 75'4 Special 51' Pencil Utility Case Allenbury Soap Special Ideal for the most delicate skin 49c 3 cakes for 98c WOOL ru 5 ".eee.'"fln5„:` • NII 5 PHONE 23 ,-10 gxg,TE4 flr C1C—-SE1L _ ----- . O lJ Special Baby Table Odds and Ends $1.00 Exeter El 10 te.---e---JEt ew inter Coats 10% off This Week Only ashday f St WITH AM ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER No more weather worries . . no heavy loads to carry, when you have an electric clothes dryer. Washdays are always fine... and your clothes dry sunshine fresh ... automatically. Tittlq4409c0Pi September 14 1944 Page- 5 Return to Exeter to mark anniversary at church Butteirmaker on. wife mark 60 years married where Mr, Jaques formed a partnership with the late W, G„ Medd in the. Fxeter Creamery till be -retired in 1920,110 was then associated with Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Co. until 1955. Both were active membersof Main Street church while in Exeter and with Knox United In Tavistock., They have one daughter, Mrs. aria) Francis, two grandchil- dren, peter J, Francis.antiMre, Melvin Kelly, both of Tavistock, anti one great granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques of Tavistock, for many Years residents of Exeter, returned to mark their diamond Wedding anniversary Tuesday amongst their friends and relatives and in their former church, Main St, United. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Jaques left Exeter in May of last year to make their home in TaviSteek pear their only daughter, Mrs. J. H, Francis, who was hostess for open house afternoon and evening in the church rooms. The bride and groom of sixty years looked radiant as they greeted former neighbors, re, latives and friends, some of whom came a considerable distance to mark the occasion with them. Mrs. Jaques wore a blue lace dress with pink rose corsage and the groom had a white carnation boutonniere, both gifts of their grandchil- dren. Pouring tea from a table centred with an anniversary cake made and suitably decor- ated by Mrs. Allen Jaques of town and flanked by candles and flowers were Mrs. A, J. Sweitzer, Mrs, H. H. Cowen and Mrs. Helen Howard in the afternoon and Mrs. Harold Jeff- ery and Mrs. Roy Webber in the evening. Mrs. Peter Francis and Mrs. Melvin Kelly, both of Tavistock, were in charge of the register. Among those in attendance was Mrs. W. E. Bradt of London, the flower girl of 60 years ago. Serving in the afternoon were Mrs. Clarence McDonald, Mrs. Harold Skinner, Mrs. Arthur Frayne, Mrs. Ila McKenzie, Mrs. Oscar Tuckey and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and in the evening, Mrs. Glen McKnight, Mrs. Percy Merkley, Mrs. Earl Carroll and Mrs. 0, Tuckey. The UCW made the arrange- "If you pass the drugstore tell Mr. Riordan to send over a quart of chocolate ice cream." meets for the open ,house„. The many floral arrange, mots in the room were gifts and a white Bible was presented to the celebrants by Main St, church, The family presented Mrs. Jaques with a diamond necklace and matchingeerrings and Mr. Jeaeies with diamond, studded cuff links, A family dinner marked the occasion Sunday and open house will be 'held at -the home of their Son-in-law and daughter, mr, and Mrs. Francis in Tavistock next Sunday. Mrs. Jaques was the former Bertha Bern and both the bride and groom of 60 years were natives of Osborne Township. Following their marriage they farmed just north of Winchelsee for a short time, Mr, Jaques graduated from OAG. as a bue- termaker and was employed at Winchelsea creamery until 1927 when they moved to Exeter CLOSED FOR VACATION SEPT. 7-14 MAYFAIR BAKERY Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques of Tavistock, former residents of,Exeter, marked 60 years of mare riage with open house in their former church, Main Street United, Tuesday afternoon and evening, The celebrants spent most of their married years in Exeter and were well known to a host of friends and relatives in this community. The cross which appears in the photo was their gift to Main St. UC. —T-A photo Crediton man back from Africa rf ant it a fined to her bed for the past week. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Preszcator and family visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Priestley and Cheryl. Cheryl returned home with them for a few days. Dennis Lamport, Larry Ratz and Howard Hendrick returned home after a holiday in Northern Ontario and through USA. Cathy's Beauty Lounge 244 MAIN ST. PHONE 235-1533 Perms - Cuts - Sets - Tints Monday to Friday, 9-6 Thursday EveningOnly Closed Saturday CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. must be rated as one to a million. Mr. Ross Wein returned home Saturday after completing his trip on Crossroads Africa. He was accompanied by a friend Mr. Dave Lenderts of Ells- worth, Minnesota. After spend- ing the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Wein, he returned to his work in Guelph. By MRS. L. PRESZCATOR CREI)ITON Saturday evening, August 29 saw the most unusual hand at cribbage dealt in Crediton. The highest, one can score is 29, but this is rarely seen by the thousands who play the game. The foursome was composed of Mr. and Mrs. IL Bohock, Ken Moon and Mr. H, Lewis of London. Ken dealt the lucky hand to Harold Lewis. The odds of 3 fives and Jack plus another five of the same suit as the Jack — being cut at the last surely Friends shower Mole Reeder Miss Myrtle Reeder, bride- elect of Saturday, September 5, has been honored at a number of pre-nuptial events. A week ago Tuesday the staff of South Huron Hospital held a party in the board room and pre- sented Miss Reeder with a mis- cellaneous shower. Last Wednesday Mrs. Jack Elliot entertained in her honor and Friday night Mrs. Don. Mc- Curdy, Hensall, was hostess to friends honoring Saturday's bride-to-be. At both events the bride-elect was showered with miscellaneous items. miss June Bierling was hos- tess at her cottage, Norman Heights, in honor of Miss Reed- er, August 21. Tuesday evening the bride- elect was guest of honor at a gathering of friends at the home of Mrs. W. R. Smith, Seaforth, and was presented with miscel- laneous items. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vaughan of Long Beach, California, who had visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Margaret Lam- port and other members of the family in Detroit, spent a few clays in town last week visiting friends and relatives. Miss Margaret Jennison of Grand Bend spent a few days last week with her gra_relpar- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hill. Mr. Herb Schenk is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wade and family of Ancaster visited over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John Wade. Mrs. Pat Sloan (the former M. Parkinson) of Collingwood visited Sunday with Mrs. Mary Feist. mr. & Mrs. Jack Moir, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cochrane and boys of Detroit spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Geiser. Lloyd has been confined to his home for the past week. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hey are holidaying in the States and hope to visit Washington, D.C. on their trip. Mr. Garnet Switzer and friend of Claryville, New York, are visiting in town. Mr. & Mrs. Sandy McIntyre of Oxenden visited on the week- end with Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Schenk, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hill were the guests of honour at their 40th wedding anniversary dinner at the Hensall Hotel, Sunday evening. Mrs. Sam King has been con- Mili111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIMIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111141111IlleilehlelleffillitinI1111111.11111111111111111111111111 Smyth's 14th Anniversary Sale CONTINUES TO SATURDAY, SEPT. 5 There Are Still Many Bargains Left DROP 1N AND OROWSE AROUND 11 1 ~ II II I I I t l ll l l l Jl l i l l ll l (1 i 11 1 1~ UI I l l l p ll i i l tl l [ I I II I I I I I ►il l ! II II I I II I It I ll l i t l i1 3 11 I l Il ll l l ±l i f ll l l t t l l l E MEN'S WORK BOOTS Goodyear Welt Construction Reg. to $995 SALE 7.77 CHILDREN'S WOMEN'S SCHOOL SHOES DRESS PUMPS Black & Brown Assottod Colours Straps & Ties & Styles Reg. to $5,95 Reg. to $10,95 SALE $3.88 SALE $3.88 live betterw EMI ALLY ige/ gectieu, kaki& SPECIAL Boy's Black Foam Sole Oxfords 8%2-3 Reg. 4,50 SALE $2,88 EXTRA SPECIAL Big Boy's Suede Loafers & Ties. Size 31/1 7Y2 Reg. 6,25 SALE $2,88 -SMYTH'S SHOE STORE. LTD. EXETER PUBLIC. 'UTILITIESC ISSION R. E. Pooky, Clialtnian Phone 235-1350 H. L. Davis, Mona:ger EXETER Shipka residents move to Exeter SIDTKA Mr. & Mrs. Clarence La Tour and family have moved to Exe- ter* after residing here for the past three years. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Fenian Snider visited recently with Mr. & Mrs. Chris Baumgarten, Bothwell. Miss Janie Kelk and friend from Westhill are holidaying with Janie's grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Huffman, this week. Miss Gloria Adams and Miss Ann Webb spent a few holidays with Mr. & MrS. lee Finch, ondon. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Morons and Bill visited Sunday with Mr. & Mee. Alvin Read and family) Thamesville and Mr. & Mrs. Chris Baumgarten, Bothwell. Mr. John Laraport and Fred of Toronto spent a few days With Ml's, Larepott add Tom. Mr. Erie Schilbe, Mayfield, Miss Chetyl, Darlene and Jim, mie Reid, Varna, are holidaying With Mr. & Mrs. Ken Baker and family. Mr. & Mrs. Duncan McNatigh.6 ton anti Ron, Woociham i and Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sheppard, Park- hill, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sheppard, Miss Marlene Dietrich spent the weekend with MISs Wendy Trainer, Mt. Carmel. Miss Joan Pinkbeiner, David and Bob returned to their home here OW holidaying with Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Nasser and latri London.