HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-07-02, Page 7Times-Advocate, FAMILIES UNITE Oa. . . BULLOCK REUNION Bullock reuaion was held iir4Y, J1.149 atjtiverYlelm Bark, Exeter, with ebout..Q* in attendPICe. Officers for 1905 are awe es this year, president, JohnScho, two, secretary treasurer, Nola Lewis; aPorte ,committee, Ruth and Stuart Bullock, Jean and Mervyn Walper, Ivaa,egerwerf, Keeneth It was decided to hold 1965 reunion at Exeter, Sunday, Juae 13. Winners in races are: pre- school, Randy LoVie,13riair Bul- lock; 7-9, Cathy Lewis, Danny Lagerwerf; 10-12, Eleanor laule leek, Bobbie Lovie; envie la- dies, Marion and Ruth Bullock; single men, Stanley and Ken Lovie; m ar r le d men, Byroe Desjardine; kicking slipper, children, Cathy Lewis; ladies, Eloise Eegelsen, men, Free Bullock; Sack race, girls, Betty Bul- lock; boys, Randy Levie; three legged race, Marion and Betty Bullock; boys, Bobbie Lovie and Danny Lagerwerf; guessing contest, candy, Joe Bullock; strawberries, Ruth Bullock; weight of stone, Mrs. Joe Buie lock; youngest baby present, Jimmy Lovie. JOy 24 1964 Page 7 dent, MrS. PeArl NOI; vice- President, ramifies nen, P.9 trews, Kay Elston; PPertP# Carl and Bev Turner, Howard and Sandra MacDonald, Winners le pportp were; races fer pre school eklildrenr Kim T4rPeri Vrls, Wendy NI., atop; boya, Clayton Kopey; marl- ried ladies, Kay Elston; mar- ried Men, Don ThibOdeaui ladies kick slipper, Irene Neil; 'Men,. David Elston; three legged race, Dick Neil and Don Thlhodeau; Lucky spot, Thelma Neil; re- lay, Irene Neil's side; rolling ball to a line, Tom Icooy, ming, est person, Petty Ann Nell; old- est person, Arthur Simpson, couple with nearest birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Gorden waistline, Mary Ftemiyi oldest person, Mrs, Minnie Sparring; youngest wage, Jeckie Spare ling; nearest 0.41.144y0 Eleanor' Hodge; lucky spot, AIVIn 'Wedge) driving pile, Jack Mainelni; threading needle, Ron Weber and Ethel typtlp; The 1955 reunion beheld fourth Sunday in June at Blvere view Park, Exeter. Relatives were present from Crediton, Exeter, Hens all, mit- chell, Science St, Marys, London and Wyereleg. NEIL PICNIC The sixteenth anneal Ne 11 Picnic was held in Exeter, Sena day, June 14, Officers elected were: presie Hedge; preps' race, Ronnie We- ber; ladies' race, Edith Fea- therstone; aadieskicit-theealip- Per, Ruth, Hodge; men, Lorne }ledge, Wieners of the relays were Norman side, anop scramble, Diane Hodge; guess the Deans in jar, Lloyd %age- ing; guese baking ingredieats, Grace Hedge; passing articles on tray, ,Elsie O'Brien; man with largest waistline, Lorne Hodge; man with pm al l e st waistline, Roger Styaben; lady with laxgept waistline, Mrs. A. Malcolm; lady with smallest FIRST MORTGAGES FARMS *** RgsipENTjAk, COMMERCIAL Prompt, Confidential Service THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY Established 1889 Contact Our Representative: JOHN BURKE REALTOR and INSURANCE PHONE 235-1863 EXETER Graduating class for year at Exeter Public School Pictured here with their teachers are the graduateg of this year's grade eight class at Exeter PS, They posed prior to their banquet. Back row from left: Ricky Weber, Wayne Edwards, Cameron McLeod, Charles Snider, Merle Idle, Winston Derrick, Graham Hera, Don Campbell, Ron Durand, Grant Hooper, Bill Fairbairn, David Frayne, John Loader, Glenn Stire, Tom Vickerman ° Jeff Caroll, Randy Weber, Norman flowey. Middle row: Principal Arthur Idle, Mrs. Lawrence Wein, Parry Southcott, Joan Heywood, Mary Lou Howard, Paulette Schroeder, Joyce Benson, Gary Ford, Michael cooper, Lester Bohner, David Burke, Randy Jones, Kee Davidson, John Godbolt, Barbara Wells, Carol Lynn Shapton, Dena Prewer, Christine Tuokey, Mrs. Andrew Hamilton, Ricky Barkley. Front: Helen Jory, Carol Sauder, Judy Estey, Ellen Robbins, Lynda Litt, Gall Shipman, Marlene Bieber, Penny Preszcator, Wendy Doerr, Sharon Heard, Linda Wells, Pauline Wells, Roberta Grassick, Joan Heywood, Susan page. --Jack Doerr photo List classes at EPS for 64-65 KINDERGARTEN Mrs. Helen Kleinstiver Willert, John Wurm, Denise Wyatt. Sharon McCaffrey, Victoria McKay, John Musser, Beverley Parker, Chris Parsons, Janie Penninga, Anne pinder, Darlene Porter, Jesse Posthill, Robert Ryckman, Pat Saunders, Gary Shipman, Kathy Simmons, Wayne Simpson, Carol Snell- ing, Trudy S tagg, Linda Whiting. thryn Hall, Larry Haugh, Mar- ion Hern, Ron Janke, Debra Janoff, Don Jolly, Dan Jory, Dan Laing, Kathy McDonald, Elizabeth 11/fickle, Judy Price, Yvonne Romaniuk, Bruce Simp- son, Bobby Snelling, Ruth Snid- er, Ron Walper. HODGE REUNION The Hodge reunion was held in Riverview Park, E x et e r, June 28 with an attendance of 45. Dinner was served at 1:30 followed by sports and business meeting. Winners of the races for boys and girls under 6 were Betty Ann Hodge; 6 to 8, Shel- ley Weber; 9 to 12, Murray ROOM '7, GRADE 3 Miss Doris Pepper Gail Archer, Deborah Bark- ley, Rosemary Bennett, Bar- bara Benscik, Danny Briritnell, David Brintnell, Wayne Brint- nell, Carla Bruls, Mic h ael Caldwell, Debbie Campbell, Brent Clarke, Marlene Des- jardine, Janet Fairfield, Jon Gaiser, Beverly Genttner, Mel- anie Hackney, Bryan Hearn, Robin Hoffman, Ward Mac- Naughton, Georgina Obre, Mi- chael Ottewell, Martin Page, Geary Penhale, Debbie Potter, Noel Skinner, Francis Stien- stra, Bobby Thompson, Cindy Tuckey, John Vriese, Wendy Wedge, Jimmy Wildfong, Dar- lene Wolfe, John Wuerth. CULLIGAN Water Conditioning MORNING CLASS Stephen Baynharn, Susan Brintnell, Michael Brintnell, Brian Clarke, Cathy Creaser, Jeffrey Darling, Darrell Des- Jardine, Grace Dykstra, Terry Grigg, Douglas Hansen, Kim- berley McCaffrey, David mc- Dowe 11,- Carol MeNaughton, Mandy Northcott, Karen Par- sons, Glenda Penh ale, Judy Penninga, Carolyn Perry, Blair Rhodes, Mark Roelofson, Jerry Sims, Laurie Skinner, Dale Sweitzer, Gordon Taylor, Caro- lyn Tuckey, Marlyn Wein, Faye Whiting, Cathy Wooden. AFTERNOON CLASS Bill Armstrong, Wendy Bayn- ham, Beckie Brock, Sharon Campbell, Jimmie Cockwill, Cathy Fuller, Kelly Gaiser, Ja- nine Hackney, Joanne Jory, John Lindenfield, Heather Little, Ian McKay, Ronnie Parsons, Norma Jean Penhale, Jim Sanders, Kim Stewart, Cherie Traquair, Kar- en VanBergen, Cathy Vriese, Kathy Walkom, Micheal Wedge, Nancy Whiting, Wendy Webb. ROOM 17, GRADE '7 Mrs. A. DesJardine Claudia Barrett, Kathy Bent- ley, Marvin Bower, George Campbell, Ron Casey, Howard Fairfield, Ron Ferguson, Nancy Gifford, Bill Hooper, David Hunter, Brian Jones, Judy Jory, Janice Loader, John Lawson, Marjorie Mackenzie Connie Mackie, Allan MacLean, Fred May, Ron Moore, Susan Parce, Tom Prewer, Bobby Read, Wen- dy Ryckman, Robert Sanders, Penny Schroeder, George Shaw, Sheila Willert, Doreen Willis, Ruth Whiting, Carl Wurm. ROOM 12, GRADE 4 Mrs. E. Moore Peter Armstrong, Donna Bray, Lorne Brock, Hilary Ca- meron, Margaret Campbell, Tommy Creech, Susan Davis, John Dobbs, Rebecca Fulcher, Launa Fuller, Randy Gilfillan, Mary Hearn, Debbie Higgins, Billy Inch, Terry Janke, Eliza- beth Jolly, Robbie Lindenfield, Roy Lucken, Jimmy MacGre- for, Lisa McIver, Donna Mit- chell, Nancy Parsons, Kathy Read, Judy Smith, Perry Sto- ver, John Sturrock, Brian Tuck- ey, Mark Tuckey, Robert Whil- smith, Rose Whittemore. ROOM 2, GRADE 1 Mrs. Joan Gilmour Steven Atthill, John Bennet, Janet Benscik, Kirby B e r dap, Bradley Brintnell, Barry Campbell, Heather Dougherty, Gayle E cke r, Barbara Fer- guson; Gail Fuller, C ath y Ha- rnather, Bobby Hoffman, Doug- las Janoff, Robert Jolly, Debbie Kuiper, David Krampp, Laurie Martin, Willie MacDonald, Kar- en Morley, Cathy parsons, Rob- bie Prewer, David Read, Gary Sauder, Debbie Stewart, Bar- bara Tilley, Susan Thompson, Brenda Walper, Becky Watch- er, Jimmy Webb, Debbie Whit- ing. ROOM 5, GRADE 2 Mrs. B. Thompson Herbie Broom, Tony Clarke, Douglas Ecker, Mark Hearn, Michael Higgins, Howard Jones, Dennis Keller, Jeff Lindenfield, Kathy McGregor, Danny Mc- Iver, Deborah Parsons, Daryle Penhale, Robbie Penninga, Ste- phen Pfaff, Steven Read, Brad Roelofson, Ronald Schroeder, Virginia Smith, Brenda Snell, David Snider, Andy Southcott, Allan Stewart, Varlerie Sweet, Brian Taylor, Debbie Traquair, Van Tuckey, Dianne Vanbergen, Linda Wedge, Heather Wein, Larry Whiting. ROOM 14, GRADE 8 Mrs. Margaret Wein Linda Bourne, Ricky Brint- nell, Judy Burke, Joan Camp- bell, Kathy Cann, Jim Darling, George Deminie, David Fore- man, Denton Gaiser, Jim Gifford, Ruth Ann Kerr, Jack Kraft, Heather McLeod, Bob Moore, David Moore, Jim Par- ker, Cheryl Parsons, Gwen Penhale, Yvonne Penhale, Bar- bara Reid, Jo Anne Whilsmith, Mary Wilson, Darrell Wyatt. ROOM 10, GRADE 5 Mrs. D. Hughson Cheryl Barkley, Ron Brint- nell, Christine Cann, Glen Cockwill, Lorna C orbett, Wendy Coughlin, Joe Darling, Sharon Edward, Kathy Fairfield, Lynn Farquhar, Michael Foreman, Cathy Holtzman, Mark Hey- wood, David Janoff, Donny Kirk, Debbie Laws, Stephen Lucken, Ralph Morley, Paul McKnight, Randy Parsons, Ross Parsons, Brian Prest, Willie Saunders, Bonnie Schwartzentruber, Lar- ry Shapton, Kathy Sparks, John Stienstra, Joy Thompson, Randy Tiernan, Bruce Tuckey, Dick Van der Worp, Douglas Ware- ing, Bobby Willis. ROOM 3, GRADE 1 Mrs. R. Jermyn Douglas Archer, Gary Blan- chard, Charlene Bray, Susan Clark, Jeff Davis, M i c hae 1 Dobbs, Valerie Flynn, Ann Gould, David Green, Ernest Bohner, Michael Hunter, Lori Jory, Tammy Litt, Joanne Lux- ton, Linda Middleton, Randy Miller, Joan McBride, Jimmy McNaughton, Bobby McNichol, Jo-Ann Northcott, Morley Obre, Bradley Penhale, David Perry, Kenneth Pinder, Susan Reid, Terry Ryckman, Elizabeth Sanders, Alison Sturrock, Mar- tin Tite, Kim Turner, Chris Wedge, Kevin Wurm, Linda Wurm. ROOM 4, GRADE 2 Miss Janet Bell Patti Arnold, David Broom, Bonnie Campbell, Stephen Cann, Bobby Corey, Wendy Gilfilan, John Gould, Sharon Jones, Jean Luxton, Hannah Mathers, Rich- ard McLaughlin, David Mit- chell, Leslie Page, Kim Post- hill, Barbara Rawlings, Brenda Sauder, Bobby Saunders, Ricky Schwartzentruber, Kim Smith, Linda Snelling, Danny S we itze r, Stephen Thompson, Theresa Voerman, Teddy Wedge, Steven ROOM 6, GRADE 3 Mrs. Grace Brine Stuart Adams, Betty Camp- bell, Jimmy Campbell, John Cooper, Steven Cushman, Allan Desjardine, Shirley DeVries, Cathy Ecker, Douglas Fergu- son, Keith Foreman, Nola Ful- cher, Donna Gilchrist, Randall Glenn, Rodney Greenacre, Ver- onica Haley, Steven Harrison, Paul Idle, Jo Ann Inch, Susan Insley, Oral Knox, Karen Krampp, Debbie Lindenfield, Gary MacLean, Robin Parkin, Timmy Prewer, Mary Lou Scott, Ricky Stagg, David Tilley, Billy Vanbergen, Brian Vicker- man, Robby Watcher, Char- maine Wise, Debi Wooden. ROOM 9, GRADE 4 • Mrs. Elva Turvey Donna Bourne, Wayne Bras- seur, Kathy Campbell, Martin Dykstra, Vicki E dwards, Debbie Fite, Douglas Fairbairn, Terry Bache, David Hall, Kathy Kirk, Scott Litt, Brenda MacDonald, ROOM 8, GRADE 8 Mrs. G. Hamilton, Mrs. A. Idle Marsha Adams, Paula Bar- rett, Barry Baynham, Raymond Beaver, Jon Dinney, Bruce Ful- cher, Jill Harness, Michelle Harrison, Miriam Blitz, Robert Krampp, Karen McArthur, Mi- chael McLaughlin, Murray Obre, Gordon Page, Peggy Pryde, Larry Smith, Grace Thomson, Barry Tiernan, Jane Tuckey, Virginia Walters, Ger- ald Willis, Gary Wurm. School and Riley clan hold Cromarty picnics Proudly Announces The Official Opening Of Their New Plant 376 Bayfield Rd. GODERICH TO COMMEMORATE THIS OCCASION AND OUR 10th YEAR IN BUSINESS WE ARE OFFERING By MRS. KEN McKELLAR OROMARTY A school picnic was held at SS 7 Hibbert Friday, June 26. During the afternoon a ball game was enjoyed and sports events were conducted. Winners in pre-school ages were Gayle Parsons, Don Sar- aras; boys and girls, 6-8, Doug Dick; Don Stoneman; girls, 9- 10, Jean Cole, Shirley Brintnell; boys, Gerry Sararas, Larry Wright; girls, 11-15, Bonnie Kerslake, Karen Sararas; boys, Allan Saxaras, Gordon Dick; young ladies, Beanie Kerslake; young men, Ivan Boa; Married ladies, Mrs. Ross Sararas; married men, John Brintnell; Ladies kick the slipper, Max- ine Schell; men, Earl Dick; three legged race, Ivan Boa, Reg Dick; wheelbarrow race, Reg Dick, Ivan Boa; sank race, Bonnie Dick; necktie race, Mrs. Earl Dick, Gordon Dick; Lucky chair, VelMa Miller; oldest man, Lorne MeNaughton; youngest girl, Gayle Parsons; nearest birthday, Denise ,KerS- lake; nearest Wedding anniver- sary, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dick; oldest lady, Mrs. Wm. Brint- hell ; youngest boy, Stephen S ar- axes; balloon contest, Mrs. Clerence Coleman's team: There was a peanut scramble and a guessing contest. At 5 o'clock a botintiful supper was served after which the pupils and therebers of the see- tern presented their teacher With an alarm elock and A. bill- fold, before Ms departure fox Guelph. FREE ROOM 16, GRADE 5 Mrs. Ann MacLean Dixie Amerongen, Paul Arm- strong, Mary Ashley, Roberta Barrett, Jimmy Brintnell, Mar- garet Burke, Debbie Coughlin, Steven Dettmer, Bart DeVries, Kathy Dewar, Janice Frayne, Jamie Fulcher, Peter Glover, Michael Bache, Terry Haugh, Linda Jones, Ian Johnston, Gary Jory, Barry Keller, Irene Knox, Leona Obre, Richard Ottewell, Dale Parkins, Randy Preszcator, David Rawlings, Theresa Romaniuk, H e a th e r Sturrock, Cheryl Sweet, David Sweitzer, Kathy Wells. ROOM 15, GRADE 6 Mrs. D. Coates Larry Bourne, Deanna Bras- seur, Gary Collins, Rosemary Cory, Janqui Coughlin, Bruce Fairfield, Dennis Ferguson, Doris Ferguson, Judy Ferges- on, Jo Anne Gaiser, Don Gif- ford, Cecile Hall, Byron Hoff- man, David Keating, Dianne Krampp, Ron Lindenfield, penny MacDonald, Dale Mec- Kenzie, Peter Mason, Susan McCaffery, Gordon McDonald, Bruce McKay, Barbara Ann0,- dell, Cheryl Perdiele, Peter Pryde, Paul Schwartzentruber, Mary Southcott, Tim Stover, Lorraine Ventin, Judith Wal- ters. WITH YOUR ORDER FOR CULLIGAN SOFT WATER, A RAISED RELIEF WORLD GLOBE 17" HIGH OVERALL. A $15.00 VALUE. Next year's reunion will be held at the same home on the third Sunday in June, held in Cromarty Presbyterian Church Sunday. Rev. J. McMur- ray of Milverton was guest speaker for morning and eve- ning services and special music was provided by the choir. William Hamilton dies in Seaforth Call today. For a limited time only, our new Culligan customers wilt receive this wonderful Rand McNally Globe. It is in three dimension raised relief, in full color complete with 28 page Globe Handbook. Let this timely gift introduce your family to the luxury and econiomy of pure filtered soft water. WE SELL AND RENT, (WITH LEASE PURCHASE OPTION) FULL AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL WATER SOFTENERS or our portable exchange service it available at popular rates. Free water analysis and installation estimates. Problem water cleaned up, sulphur, iron, Sediment or bacteria, GUARANTEED SERVICE AND SALT DELIVERY JUST CALL AND SAY . _OR SEND COUPON • i• in N. mu we Ne mo me im No me • Nu in I Culligan Water Conditioning 376 Bayfield R.d. Goderich to know more about would like free offer Hey Culligan Manl I soft water, and your World Globe. III NAME I STREET 0 s TOWN or R,R, No. I Of a Rand McNally PHONE ...„ I • ill ill on Ili lit ill • Ili lin ilia Phone Goderich Collett 524 9571 . Exeter .Agent Clit Plumbing. Phone 2354446 Nereemerresee RILEY REt11410X The Riley reunion WeS held Saturday at the home of M. and Mrs, Rea§ Riley with 106 in attendance. A MI line of /tort* was carried obtf011oWed With a bonnteOUS SUPPer. Woodham kids take trip to zoo By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE The Woodham school children enjoyed a bus trip to the De- troit Zoo Monday with their teacher Mrs. E. Little. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Levy and Margaret were guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Heard of Anderson. Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen, Sharon and Brian visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mts. George Landman and family of Grand Valley. Mrs. Robert Moulden, Susan and David, of Dundas and Mrs. Ken MeGleish of London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ger- ald Brintnell and Terti. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Stacey of St. Marys visited Sunday even.. leg with Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jank. Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveert and Sharon visited Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Witte« veee and family of St. George, Miss Brenda McCurdy of leirktorr visited with her grand- parents, Mr, & Mrs. Ira Mc- Curt, Wednesday. The members of the UdWen- joyed a stnorgaabotd supper at the Heriaall UnitedChiirch Wed- nesday returning to the Exeter Perk for sports and social time, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rodd and Edith were eneatS Sunday with & Mrs. John Redd, Pamela and Calvin. MrS. M. Copeland and Jean visited Sunday with M. Stan Mountain of St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. ROY Brock of Detroit spent Several days with Ur. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Di, aline and Douglas. Mr, & Mrs. bon Brine spent the weekend at draVenhtirst, MEET DURING CHURCH The Messengers met Sunday morning during church service.. David teed the scrip, turd, Karen Rodd read a poem and Joy thicker led in prayer. Stettlian read a chaps ter from .thestudybotilt,,&girls' chorus sang. Mrs, r, In Conducted the Bible 'study. ROOM 11, GRADE 6 Mr. D. Tremeer Barbara Arnold, Andrea Bar- rett, Brenda J. Brintnell, Jane Broderick) Mary Bruls, Jo Anne Burke, Nelson Cockwiil, David Collins, Jack Darling, Bob Dobbs, Colleen Garland, Gore doh Hafekost, Ross Huntley, Peter Kleinstiver, John Krampp, Beverley MaeDenald, Bob Mackie, Paid Martin, Ste- phen blathers, Cameron McAr- thur, Susan McDonald, Philip Moore, Lois Porter, Robbie Potter, Stanley Ravilinga, Mi- chael Southcott, Barbara Stan- lake, Gail Sweet, Ruth Thomp- son, Helen Tilley, Susan Tuck= ey, Bruce Whitney, Susan Wooden, Steven Wuerth, GRADE 7 Mr. earl Mills Ron. Arnerongen, David Ash- ley, Miehaell3arkley,Lawrefice Bieber, Brenda M. Brintnello Jtihn Bruls, Gary Campbell) George Campbell) Janet DaV1S, David bettiner, Janet Eckel', Glenda Fisher, Stierry Ford, Judy Glover, JIM Hackney, Ka.. Williani A. Hamilton of Cromarty passed away in Scott Memorial Hospital S at u d a y, June 27, at the age of 82. He was born in Hibbert town- ship, a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Hamilton where he farmed all his life. His wife, the former Janet Ballantyne, passed away in November 1963 and a daughter /Ate. Alvin (Gladys) Worden died several years ago. Surviving, are five danghterst Mts. N, J. (Elizabeth) Hunkin, Teeswater; Mrs. C. F. (Mar- garet) Millet, gaffe; Mrs. B, L. (Mary) Salient, SaultSte. Marie; Mrs. J, C. (Wilma)Cor- fish, Seaforth, and Mrs. Ri D. (Hazel) Wier) Staffs; one son, Frank, Cromarty, a , elate t, Mrs. William (AgneS) SillerY, Exeter and a brother, Andrew of Exeter. A funeral service was held at the Box funeral hoine,Seafert11, Menday) conducted by Rev. J. Co Boyne Exeter assisted by Rev. Samuel Kerr df Ernbro. Pail bearers Were Nelson Hunkin, Alvin Worden, bruce Balfour, J. C. CorniCh, Cliff Miller and Robert Sadleti }IOW- ee bearers were Robettliainil- ten ) Gordon Saba, Rebert Gera tinier and James Hocking. .Many friends and relativeS attended from Toronto, London, Hgeter; ()Wen Sound, lilt/inlet* Teenatera SOliforth, ;11derton, Sault St. Marie, Mitchell and surrounding area. PERSONALS Dr. & Mrs. George Gray and family of Seaforth visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs.Jim Miller. Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Catey and Mrs. Taylor were Mr. & Mrs. Don Armstrong of Montreal, Mrs. L. Abbiss and Mr. John Kirby, Toronto, Mr. JIM Corvie and Miss Carol Duff, Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cadick, Sharon and D on aid, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mts. John Wallace, Sharon and Donald remained for a holi- day with relatives, Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dow, David, Dennis and Etneet of Staffa visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, Metvin Dow and family, Mr. Floyd Dow of Newcastle IS holidaying at the hothe of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey DOW. Mrs. diet:to whit) Wan:fernier- ly Flora McKinnon; froth Van- oetwet visited Monday with Mr. & Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. & Mrs, Jim Miller Were guests at the Robinson-Scott wedding which took place in Bethel Munro church Saturday and also attended the reception in the Legion Hall in Mitchell. Weekend visitors with Mr. & Mts, Gerald Carey and Mrs. Taylor were Mr. & Mrs, Den Taylor and family and Miss Patricia Roche of Toronto, Mrs. Archie Caliper, Andrew and Margaret of Mitchell. Mr.. & Mrs. Alex Ramsey visited Sunday with Mr. & MrS". Jas.. Ramsey and family Lis- towel, Miss Olive Spears attended the beard reunion Which WAS' held ih Otani`+s Park Stratford Sunday, AtiniVetaarl services were