HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-25, Page 12exesesetemeree BIRTHS , .LONFY Mr, and Mrs. Be Q1.011eY, Anne E1ceter,ene nenece the birth of a We. Richer Jelin, at eolith .Hureet Hospital, June 16. GINGERIcle e-eMr, end Mr e, Keith -Qingerice, Zurich, an- Pounce the birth of a son, Paul Kenneth, at South Huron Hospital, June 17.. MARCHAND - LAC and Mrs. Robeet Marchand, RC AFeSte- etoe. Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Lisa Fawn, at South Huron Hos- pital June 17 e-a sister for Alan. MILTON --Mr. and Mrs. Roe bert Milton, nee Brady, Lone don, announce the birth of a daughter, Christine Lather- We (Christy) at St. Joseph's Hospital, June 17 e- a sister for Jeff. VAN W1EREN-eKlaas and Rita Van Wieren, Hensall, announ- ce the arrival of their son, Kenneth Paul, at Victoria Hospital, London, June 16. DRIVE IN THEATER FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Children tinder 12 in car Free JUNE 26 and 27 `Lawrence of Arabia' Invite you to join them for Worship. Fellowship and Services Friday, June 26 Dancing 8:30 to 12:30 ADMISSION 75e PER PERSON Sponsored by Group Committee for 1st Crediton Cubs and Scouts. Proceeds for camping and equipment. This advertisement sponsored by the Crediton Businessmen SATURDAY and MONDAY June 27-29 "GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!" ELVIS PRESLEY STELLA STEVENS Colour Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 30-July 1 'THE STRIPPER" JOANNE WOODWARD RICHARD BEYMER Adult Entertainment Cartoon 1 Show Dies, at 9:30 due to midnight show. SPECIAL HOLIDAY MIDNIGHT SHOW TUES., JUNE 30 ONLY at 12:00 Midnight - DOUBLE FEATURE ,The Young Swingers" ROD LAUREN MOLLY BEE PLUS "Play It Cool" BILLY FURY BOBBY VEE Come Early Tuesday Night and see "THE STRIPPER' plus Midnight Shove few regular adrhission EXETER VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL BEGINS Monday June 29 July 10 (9 a.m. to 12 Noon) Transportation by EXETER COACH LINES BUS BUS STOPS WEST OF MAIN ST.. 8.30 a.m. Harry Devriee -Carling & Wellington Harold Smith -Carling & Gidley Roller Rink *Carling & John bon MacGregor Mill & William thence to Waterloo Dr. Read's Residence - Main St. EAST OF MAIN ST. 8.45 a.m. Exeter Freeeh Foods - Main St. Bethel Reformed Church--Huron Sti Art WhilMati -8c1wArd St. Sinithetis Apt. Sanders Sto Cornet of Senior and Sanders Sti Bill Higgins Andre* Bt Vietotie Other stops 'can be arranged So Come I Everybody Welcome Director 4 .6 Paget' S. M, Setae'', Eketer TeIeribend X35.2577 CARDS PP THANKS -,- NvAs 111. Special 0404 to the ktrid feiancle and neighbours who helped with Work on the farm, It was all geeetly appreeiated and will always be remembered, 25+ I would like to express my sincere thanke to all myfrieede and reletivee Who so kindly reinemberee me with cards, visits, flowers and gifts,or all their kindness and help at Wee, while a Patient in Vic- toria Hospital and since re, turning home. It has been gr eetly appreciated. -•rt Mrs. Garnet Patterson. 25* I wish to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for their cerds, letters, treats and flowers tiering my stay in et. Joseph's Hospital, London. Your kindness was appreciated. -Ray VanDorsselaer. 25c I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who sent me cards, treats and flowers and for visits, while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to the Hoepital staff and Dr. Gans to my kind neighbours who helped out at home, Mrs. Wright also wishes to thank those who remembered her while she was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. - Edith and Amos Wright. 25c I would like to thank all my neighbors, friends and rela- tives for cards, visits and treats while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. George, Rev. Sach, Mur- dy Ambulance, the nurses and staff of the Hospital. - mrs. John Casey, Lucan. 25c IN MEMORIAM - ALLISON - In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmoth- er and great grandmother, Janet Allison, who passed away one year ago June 27, 1963. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses you more than us; And when old times we oft re- call, That's when we miss you most of all. -Always remembered and sadly missed by the family. 25c BURMEISTER-In loving me- mory of a dear husband and step father, Courtney Bur- meister, who passed away two years ago, June 28th. Two years have passed since that sad day, When the one we loved was call- ed away; How we miss him, no one can tell, So sad the parting without faree well; A silent thought, a secret tear, Holds his memory forever dear. - Always remembered by his wife Mabel and step-children, John, Ellen, Harold, Ethel and Reina. 25c COLE - In loving memory of a very dear daughter and sister 011ie Cole who passed away three years ago June 24, 1961. We will always have her in our hearts to treasure. -Lovingly remembered by mother, brothers and sisters. 25* OGDEN -In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Elvina Ogden who passed away June 24, 1951. We keep in our hearts the love of the past, For there it was planted for- ever to last; Too deep in our hearts for death to divide, Parted, but in dreams we walk side by side. -Always remembered by daughter Vera and Frank and their family. STREETS -In ever loving me- mory of a dear husband and brother, Cal Streets, who passed away five years ago, June 26, 1959. Gone is the face we loved so dear Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for eight or speech But not too far for thoughts to reach; Sweet to remember him who once was here, And who, though absent, 18 just as clear. -Lovingly remembered and So sadly missed by wife, Ruth, sisters, and brother. 25* Anniversary Service Granton United Church Sun., Juno 28 at /7 o.m, Rev. J, W. Melees in charge HAM AND STRAWBERRY SUPPER Wednesday, July 1 euppei on Church Lawn oS Usual No/reline et 6 P ,M , AdrhisSioa Adulte $1,25 Children 6 e 12 no IN MEMORIAM .-- WILSON--In treasured and 'eying pioner), Of edear huse band, father and grandfether, Elmer Neil Wilson, who passe ed away two years agp, June 27 2 196$ When the ties pf love are broken, And loved ones have to part, It leaves a wound that never heals, Also a broken heart, But iooeing back with memories Upon the path we've trod, We bless the years we shared with him And leave the rest to god. -Sadly missed by his wife, Verde, son Douglas, (laugh, ter-in-law Doreen and grantee children Donna May and jim- mie. gPc By MRS. ARCHIF DEWAR Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Coward were Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kelly from Hyde Park and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Plain, Kim and Judy of St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Baker at- tended Kirkton (JO anniversary services Sunday and were guests of Mrs. Delmar John- son. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson and family attended Kirkton UC anniversary service, Mr. Har- vey Parkinson accompanied them home and then visited with Mr. Frank and Glen Parkineon of the 10th nee in the afternoon. Mrs. Robert Elston accom- panied the "Joy Class', of An- derson on a bus trip to Tor- onto last week. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Spence and family held a barbecue supper on their lawn Sunday when they entertained Mr. & Mrs. Nor- man Brock and Bill, Miss Mary Brock, Mr. & Mrs. Grant Skin- ner, Joan and Julie of West Zion, Mr. & Mrs. B. Morgan, Paul and Brian of St. Marys, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Strong and Miss Sharon Strong of Hensall. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Spence at- tended the Spence-B ertr and wedding in WoodstockSaturdaye Miss Donna Baker of Toronto spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Baker. Mrs. Scrivens and Ross of Rochester, N.Y. visited with her sister, Mrs. Nelson Baker, last MOLL AR D REUNION The annual Mollard reunion will be held Sunday, June 28 in the Au s ab 1 e Conservation Park south of Grand Bend. Dinner will be served at 12:30. Mrs. A. Brophey, president, Nor- man Mollard, Sec-Treas. 25c PRIDE OF HURON REBEKAH PICNIC -to be held at the home of Mrs. Delmer Skinner on Tuesday; June 30. In case of rain to be held in Elimville Hall. Cars will leave Lodge Hall at 7;30. Members please bring chair and cup. 25c SUMMERTIME TEA AND HO ME BAKING - Wednesday, July 15, 1964, 2:30 to 5:30 pm. Exeter Public Library. Spon- sored by Exeter Chapter OES. 25:9c BIRTHDAY PARTY-for Mr. Allan Amos, of RR 2, Ailsa Craig at Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. at 12:00 noon on Thursday, June 25. Everyone Welcome. 25c IOOF DECORATION DAY SER- VICE - sponsored by the Inde- pendent Order of Oddfellows No. 6'7 Exeter and the Canadian Legion No. 167 Exeter Branch will be held in September 1964. Further notice later* Stanley Whiting, Noble Grand, Percy McFalls, Rec-Sec'y. 25c THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO SS NO. 7 Usborne Township Zion School Reunion Saturday, July 4 School bell rings at 1:00 p.m. PROGRAM AT 3:00 PICNIC LUNCH AT 4100 Bring your own picnic lunch & dishes beverage provided ALL FORMER TEACHERS, PUPILS AND FRIENDS INVITED mran.sm...mirzr,•••••:.•., Page 1.g. Tinigs-Advocate, June 25, 1964 pa'4ts y,. ' - sraleXameeteeerste 'ereeeeReeeec „, Thames Road holds anniversary MENTS AN NOU .N C marg, 21, when relatives sat down Relay races) c.44 i‘144."(41P to :dinner. rind Leslie Greenlee; clothes Wingers in ePerte Were: pre pip race, Leslie Geeeelee'e echoce, Jean Balker, Bradley team; wiener contest, 4esiie Coates; 0 47 8, Michael Davis Geeetilee's team, life saver and Kevin Pickipe; 9 to 13, contest, Gail Maecille'e team; Leslie Greenlee, Gail it4rciltoi oldem member presept, Mrs. young ladies and Married wee lebineae youngest, men, Doreen McTeggert1 kick Merylou Tindall; eldeSt man, slipper, Debby penrialo; spot mr. Aitreo Dickins. race, Mrs, MeTeggert; men's= race, POP IVIeTaggart; men, kick Slip r, Don MoTag54#i boys, Larry Greenlee; shoe Scramb- le, Debby Penhale, Gary Bark- er; eeieping, Gail Mardlire By MRS, WII-1,14M ROHDE Tif,AMF$ ROAD Sunday merging the.annual Sunday School anniversary was held with the Rev. Clinton Brit, tain of Grand Bend as guest ePeeker. His theme Was "Wily We Go to Church," The church was decoreted with ferns, yel- low roses, orange bloSsorns, peonies and sweet williams. The choir under the leader- ship of Misses Agnes Bray, Doris glford, Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Mrs. William Rohde sang two selections with Rose Rowe at the piano and Agnes Bray at the organ. Memorial Service PgATHS- Nypp.,,!,,.gter. short illness. at ecerborceigh. Genee41 Hee". pital, Setarday June 20, 1964, Milton G. Kydd, .6e, beitwed htteberel of Emma Scbees, RR 4 Steelville, eeer beether of William, 11011Yreed; Exeter me Florence (Mee, F. Redden), London. Reeling at the Ralph Day Funeral Home, 160 Danforth Aye., Toronto, since 2 pm Sunday, where funeral service was held on Tuesday at 1;30 PM, Interment .11 y Ian d Meroory Gerdens, 25c Parkhill Cemetery Sun, June 28 Enjoy quilting of Saint0Wry .By MRS. HEBER DAVIS MINTSMAY Thursday the ladies of St. P.atrick'a Guild and WA held, a joint meeting at the home of Mrs, Tom KeelY when MP quilts were milited, There. were 16 members preeent and two gueste, A pot luck dinner was eerver e by the epateep assisted by Mrs. Dean Obsorit A short business meeting was held with MrS. KO9Y, ereeiclent. ofWA ene Mrs. Maurice Mee, Doeald in charge, Mysteey prizes donated y Mrs. Rem Oerroll end eire, Heber Davie were won by Mrs. Ruesell echroeder and Mrs. Laura glevin, Mrs. Hugh Davis and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald served refreshments. DICKINS PICNIC .The descendents of the late T h o m es andA lice (Bunter) Dickins held their reunion at Springbank park Sunday, June PERSONALS & mrS. Harold Rowe and family were Sunday guests with Me. * Mrs, Amos Warwick of port Huron.. Mr. & Mr,s. Ches. Jeffery, Mr, & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery, Alan and Connie attended the Luther Reunion held at Riverview Perk Exeter Snnelay. Mr. & Mrs. Aliner.P4Pemore and family were Sunday geests with Mrf & Mrs. meo4ce Haist of C resiltoll• Quite a mimber groin this community attended the Hensell Spring show Wednesday eye, ning. Kire Sherri anclRhoncla iViav- er of London visited a few days laet week with their grand- parents, Mr, & Mrs. Robert Mayer. Mr, Rodger Luxton of Owen Sound spent the weekend with his cousin, Jack Hodgert. at 7:30 p.m. ENGAGEMENTS - Mr, and Mrs. J. Elmer Hay- ter, Varna, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Donna Norene to Ross El- don McBeath, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Alex IVIcHeath, Kippen. The wedding to take place at Goshen United Church on Sat- urday, July 11, 1964 ate:30pm. DANCING i ll( EVERY FRIDAY ‘\ NIGHT AVik At Blue Water \A Danceland ZURICH Music By' N4 DESJARDINE'S Orchestra week leaving Ross for the sum- mer hplidays. Mr. & Mrs. David Sheppard of Parkhill spent Senday with their daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Duncan McNaughton and family, Mr. Duncan McNaughton has made a big improvement to his farm by spray painting his buildings also his name and sons and "Spruce Corners" on the barn. The Rinn farm, too, is very attractive having been painted. It would be nice to see more farms on the Base follow suit and put the Base Line on the map. Guests with Mr, & Mrs. Geor- ge Wilson recently were Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gartenburg and boys of Woodham. CARDS OF THANKS - Bill and Virla Allen would like to thank those who so kind- lv remembered Bill while he Reception & Dance for Mr. & Mrs. Doug Dawson (nee Nancy Pahner) The Cavaliers (LONDON) are coming to the School End Stomp Crediton Community Centre Zurich Arena Saturday June 27 Music By: KEN MITTELHOLTZ & The Twilights EVERYONE WELCOME lllll ••••••• llllllll ••• lllllll • ll • llllll • lllllllllll ••• LAKEVIEW CASINO Grand Bend Alec Guinness, Peter O'Toole Anthony Quinn JUNE 29-30, JULY I (Colour) Adult Entertainment Elimville United Church Sunday School Anniversary June 28 - 11 a.m. REV. JOHN VARDY, B.A. Egmondyille CHILDREN'S CHOIR Sin'seit Oftefteof 'UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE' 19th Annual Exeter & District Swimming Pool SECOND Newspaper Bingo Cards 504 3 for $1 Willed Reunion Jack Lemmon, Carol Lynley Riverview Park, Exeter Sunday, July 5, DANCING Sports 2:30 p.m. DST Supper 5:00 p.m. DST Every Wednesday & Friday TWIST TO THE "DEL-REYS" 4 Every Saturday LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra 11 Musicians Bring Picnic Baskets BROWNIE'S ,DRIVE-IN CLINTON Come as late as 11 p.m. and see the complete show THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 25-26 Top Family Entertainment "LASSIE'S GREAT ADVENTURE" JUNE LOCKHART HUGH RILEY LASSIE Colour PLUS Bugs Bunny "CARTOON CARNIVAL" Table Cloths, Plates, Cups, Spoons Provided Watch The T-A For Numbers Each Week Do join us - Make the picnic a success Pres.-Mr. Milton Willert 179 Jones Street Goderich, Ontario This Week's Numbers N-38, B-11, B-4, 0-69, G-46, G-51, B-13, 1-27, B-6, N-32, G-47, G-58, N-45, B-9 Secr.-Mrs. Lloyd Jones RR 7 Centralia In Bingo 1-23, 0-62 1-20, 0-66, 0-67, G-56, N-35, G-55 1-26, N-37, 1-19, B--7, N-31, B-i, Numbers Drawn So Far G-52, 0-63 G-48, 0-61, 1-28, G-49, N-34, G-59, B-13, 1-30, G-60, 0-65, 0-71, G-57, 1-18, 1-24, N-39, 1-16, B-2, 0-70, 0-73, 0-75, N-44, G-54, 1-29, N-40, 0-64, 1-22, B-10, B-12 SPECIAL HOLIDAY DANCE Sunday Night June 28 TWIST to the 'DEL-REYS' RECEPTION & DANCE For Bob Jones and Norma Young Bridal Couple Sat., July 4 8:30 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL Music by Clarence Petrie EVERYONE WELCOME lllllllllllllllllll 111111111111 llllllllllll 111111111111111H THURS., JUNE 25 ONLY FREE POPCORN For the Children before 9:30 UNION SERVICES James St, and Main St. United Congregations in MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH SERVICE 11:15 A.M. Sermon: "One of Our Prob- lems-Temptation --Genesis 3. Junior Choir sing 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School for all ages. "Come and worship with us" ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, June 28 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School 8:00 p.m.-Closing service of the Crusade for Christ, Exe- ter Arena. The Cemetery Memorial Service will be held Sunday, June 28 at 3:00 p.m. on the Cemetery Grounds, Crediton. Rev. and Mrs. M. J. James, Dashwood. will play, sing and speak. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz Sunday, June 28 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Bible Class 11:00 a.m.-Divine Service EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Sunday, June 28 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship • 11:00 a.m.-Sunday School Huron's Free TB Detection Clinic location and dates of Clinics serving your community DASHWOOD TOWN HALL First Day June 29 Re-Visit Jelly 3 CENTRE 6 CENTRALIA (RCAF STATION) COMMUNITY First Day June 30 Re-Visit July 1:00 pm - 5 pm; '7:00 pm- 9 pm CENTRALIA (VILLAGE) UNITED CHURCH First bay July 2 Re-Visit July 7 2:00 pm - 5 pm EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W, Stephenson, B.Th. 11:15 a.m,-Sunday School 7.30 p.m.-Our Service will be cancelled in favor of the South Huron Crusade Serv- ice being held in the arena. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. Lloyd Johnston, Pastor Sunday, June 28 9:45 a.m.---Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Wed, 8:00 p.m.-Prayer a n d Bible Study Everybody Welcome IIENSALL COMMUNITY ARENA First Day Jtily 2 Re-Visit July 7 7 pm -10 pm First Day July 3 Re-Visit Ally 8 CREDITON COMMUNITY HALL First Day July 6 Re-Visit July 9 Re-Visit July 10 WINCHELSEA SCHOOL Firet Day July 7 EXETER COMMUNITY ARENA First Day July 8 First Day July First Day july 10 ZURICH COMMUNITY HALL First Day June 25 First Day Julie 26 Re-Visit July 13 Re-Visit July 14 Re Visit July 15 Re-Visit June 30 Re-Visit July 2 Operating from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. each day, unless indicated otherwise THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, June 28 FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion 11:15 a.m.-Junior Sunday School-Morning Prayer CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A., S.D. 10:00 a,m.-Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m.-Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.-Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m,-Morning Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 p.m,-CHLO Mennonite Hour. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.O. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys Sunday, June 28 9 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL NO CHURCH SERVICE THIS SUNDAY ONLY CROMARTY ANNIVERSARY SERVICES at 11 a.m. & 8 p.m. There will be no Sunday School classes through July and August. The minister will preach through the month of July. Mr. Paul D. Scott will preach through August. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Caven Presbyte- rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: Wi lliam A. Getz 8:45 a.m.-Divine Services 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School (at Public Library) BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m,-Worship, Dutch 2:00 p.m.-Worship, English, "Temptation" 3:15 p.m.-Sunday School 8:00 p.m.-Closing meeting of the Crusade at the Areha. PLAN TO HAVE ALL YOUR FAMILY ATTEND HURON COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS ASSOCIATION SOUTH HURON CRUSADE FOR. CHRIST EXETER COMMUNITY CENTRE Continuing Thursday, Friday and Saturday JUNE 25, 26, ANb 27 FINALE ON SATURDAY Speaker Rev. Jim Wilson of Hornitton Song and Choir Leader Mr. Gordon Hamilton