HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-25, Page 1122 Notices Mold open ,house to show recent renovations
led services CU .announces exten
Many :rpm the area visited
the open house at the Exeter
Community Credit Union, Mon-
day, to view the completion of a
general renovation and expan,
sion of the operation,
Refreshments were served
throughout the afternoon by di-
rectors and manager Harold
The expeneion at the Credit
Union in the Devon Building has
been necessitated through a
large tipsiness increase ac,
cording to C, E. White,
The office floor space has
been doubled and a complete in,
terior renovation eompleted.
Approximately 40 persons et,..
avail themselves of the benefits
Of a deposit accPunt.
This account will carry a
guaranteed 5% intereSt payable
semi-annually on a minimum
quarterly balance.
"By this means the hoard
hopes to attract the saYings of
all members or prospective
members who feel their savings
are more wisely invested else-
where", F/L White stated.
Among other highlights, the
staff of the CU has decided to
Make wall space available for
the display of paintings created
by People in the Exeter area.
By this means they hope to
encourage local interest in art.
Each painting will be display-
ed for a two-week period with
the name of the Reinter pre-
dominantly indicated, and two
will be hung at any one time.
Herb Broom,. vice-president,
states that the increase in the
organization during the laettWo.
yeers has been overwhelming
and holds great hopes that the
half million mark — indica.ted
by F/L White as the aim for
1964— will be achieved,
tended the open house.
The groWth figures recorded
throughout the first five motile
of this year have been very
gratifying to the staff .and the
volunteer directors and cern,.
inittee members, F/1-1 White
The fully life insured shares
(savings) of members have, in-
creased from $143,00(1 to $108,-
000. Loans to members have
Jumped from $241,000 to $068,-
General assets of the Credit
Uniop have increased from
$261,000 to $270,000, a jump
of $17,000 thus far in 1964.
F/L White said he felt this
indicated an increasing faith in
the Credit Union movement
throughout the area.
List track champs
for Mount Carmel
Open House heralds CU renovations
Recent renovations and additions to the Exeter Community Credit Union office in the Devon Build-
ing were op display during an open house held Monday. Deputy-Reeve Ralph Bailey, right, repre,
sented town council in extending congratulations to the manager and directors of the CU. On the
left is Harold Patterson, manager, while in the centre is the president, F/L Charles White.
--Photo by Doerr
W, James formerly of Kirkton
Anglican Perisb wb Ise patient
in Memorial Hospital, St.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Fischer,
Wayne and Steven visited with
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fischer,
Lucan, Monday afternoon.
Father's Day visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Fischer and
boys were the latter's parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Earhart, Mary
and Joanne of Strathroy,
The board of directors have
announced the inception of de-
posit accounts which are now
available within the framework
of the CU. Members who have
already placed $2,000 ,— the
maximum insurable amount —
in their share accounts may now
The annual track and field
day was held at Our Lady of
Mount Carmel school last Wed-
nesday, and under ideal weather
conditions, competition was ex-
tremely keen.
The results of the various
categories were as follows;
Dash, Tom McCann, Ann Re-
eler; running broad, Pat O'-
Rourke, Ann Reeler; standing
broad, Pat O'Rourke, Jane Mc-
Cann; ball throw, Rick Trainor,
Peg Ruggaber; high jump, Pat
O'Rourke, Angela Reeler.
Firemen, kids, Radars
stage Dashwood picnics
Dash, Peter Revington, Ann
Hall; run broad, Peter Reving-
ton, Mary Angela Glavin; stand-
ing broad, Paul Glavin, Ann
Hall; ball throw, Gregory Rev-
ington, Marlene Dietrich; high
jump, Patti Glavin, Theresa0'-
duets and solos after which the
older children supervised
games while the mothers pre-
pared lunch.
Miss Sheila Elston spent the
past week with her uncle and
aunt Mr. & Mrs. Fred Elston
in Detroit.
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Skinner and
family visited Father's Day with
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Pym, Exeter
and Mr. Cecil Skinner Exeter.
M. B. and Mrs. Elston at-
tended the morning service also
the Holy Communion service in
St. Paul's Cathedral, London,
Sunday June 21 and visited with
their cousins, Mr. & Mrs. H. A.
Mullins and Ruth Ann, marking
a wedding anniversary.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Humphries
of Exeter were guests of the
latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Lorne Weiberg, Miss Mildred
Weiberg, London, also visited
her parents, Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Blair and
family spent Sunday with Mr. &
Mrs. Amos Warwick of Port
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Weiberg
and Sandra spent Sunday after-
noon with Mr. & Mrs. Len
Purdie, Hensall.
Mrs. M. H. Elston accom-
panied by Mrs. Heber Davis
visited recently with Mrs. R.
Continued, from Page 1Q
road allowance known as
Andrew Street and shown. on Registered Plan Num-
ber '211 in the Town of xe-
ter, in the County of Hur-
on and Province a On-
tario and described as fol-
the North east. angle of
lot 'lumber 1029 accord-
ing to said plap Number
20 being also the southerly
boundary of Mill Road a-
foresaid; THENCE south-
erly along the westerly
boundary of Andrew Street
to a point 363' northerly
from the intersection of
Andrew Street with the
north limit of Hill Street
according to Plan Num ,
her 20; THENCE Easterly
and parallel to the north-
erly limit of Hill Street
to the easterly limit of
Andrew Street ; THENCE
Northerly along the East-
erly limit of Andrew
Street to the North west
angle of Lot Number 1021;
THENCE Westerly in a
straight line to the place
of beginning.
The lands comprising that
part of the said road allow-
ance hereby stopped up and
closed, and the subsequent
sale or other disposition of the
said lands, shall be subject to
easements for existing sewer,
watermain and hydro services
on the lands an question.
That subject to the said
easements, the lands compris-
ing that part of the said road
allowance hereby stopped up
and closed shall continue to be
vested in The Corporation of
the Town of Exeter to be
dealt with from time to time
as the Council of the said
Corporation may see fit and
deem proper.
And that the Council of the
said Corporation will hear, in
person or by counsel, solici-
tor, or agent, any person who
claims that his land will be
prejudicially affected by the
said by-law and who applied
to be heard at a meeting to
be held at the Council Cham-
bers at the Town Hall in the
Town of Exeter on the 20th
day of July, 1964 at the hour
of eight o'clock in the eve-
ning or so soon thereafter as
the said meeting may be held.
DATED at Exeter, Ontario
this 11th day of June. 1964,
Dash, Wayne Sokolowski,
Brenda Arnold; running broad,
Philip Hall, Linda Dietrich;
Standing broad, Wayne Sokolow-
ski, Linda Dietrich; ball throw,
Wayne Sokolowski, Linda Die-
trich, high jump, Wayne Soko-
lowski, Linda Dietrich.
Dash, Michael Hogan, Joanne
McCann; running broad, John
Gielen, Joanne McCann; stand-
ing broad, Tom Dietrich, Ann
Morrissey; ball throw, Michael
Hogan, Joanne McCann; high
jump, Michael Hogan; 3-legged
race, Joanne McCann, Elizabeth
Van Osch. C. V.
Town of Exeter.
A miscellaneous shower for
Ellen Gilbert of Stratford was
held at the home of Mrs. Clifford
Pepper with about 35 guests
present. Hostesses were Mrs.
Wm. Haugh, Mrs. Arvis Rader,
and Mrs. Laura Pepper.
Contests were conducted by
Doris Pepper. The address was
read by Mrs. Pepper and Dianne
Rader pulled in the decorated
wagon loaded with gifts. Ellen
thanked her friends in a few
chosen words.
24 Tenders Wanted
Dashwood firemen held apic-
Mc for their families and mem-
hers of the Dashwood Safety
patrol, Wed. June 17, with the
social committee in charge.
Races were conducted for
both the children and adults,
followed by a wiener roast and
sing song.
Fire Chief James Hayter con-
gratulated the safety patron for
another accident-free year and
presented them with gifts from
the firemen.
Patrol members were Cap-
tain, Margaret Merner; lieuten-
ants, Jim Hayter and Michael
Tiernan; Larry Fleet, David
Nielson, Eugene Becker, Joanne
Hayter, John Becker and Jim
Guenther. Track stars at Mount Carmel school
Pictured here are the winners of the various divisions in the annual track and field meet held
last week at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Separate School. Back row, left to right: Ann Reeler,
Ann Hall, Linda Dietrich, Wayne Sokolowski, Peter Revington and Pat O'Rourke. Front row:
Joanne McCann, Bernadette Rutter, Patrick Hogan and Michael Hogan. --T-A photo
D ash, Pat Vankerrebrock,
Bernadette Rutten; running
broad, Pat Hogan, Bernadette
Rutten; s tanding broad, Pat
Hogan, Bernadette Rutten; ball
throw, David Re gier, Linda
Fleming; 3-legged race, Peter
McCann, Matthew Muller and
Heather Trainor, Laurie Ar-
Tenders are invited for esti-
mates on the installation of a
complete heating system for
Exeter Public Library.
Closing date July 15. .
Phone 235-0211 (after 6) or
235.1807 for details. 25c
Janine Horman and Paul Rader;
young ladies, Gail Richardson;
young men, David Rader; mar-
ried men, Wendell Gamble;
three legged race, Janine Bor-
man and Marlene Rader, Neil
Gamble and Douglas Rader; four
legged race, Ed Prang, Ray
Weido and Larry Fleet.
Adult partner races, sack,
Mrs. Herb Klopp and Elmer
Rader; twist, Mrs. Herb Klopp
and Elmer Rader; string, Mrs.
Lloyd Rader and Garnet Wei-
berg; drink the bottle; Mrs.
Lloyd Rader; several relays
for children were played but
the adults were cancelled due
to rain.
Supper was held at the Dash-
wood community centre with
Mrs. Herb Klopp, convenor.
Several special prizes were
given to Ed Prang, lucky plate;
oldest person, Mrs. Ervin Wil-
lert; youngest baby, Brenda
Miller; most recently married,
Mr. & Mrs. James Whitney;
most daughters present, Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Rader; most
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Officers for next year are:
president, Glen Weido; vice-
presidents, Garnet Weiberg and
Lloyd Howe; secretary, Mrs.
Jeffrey Heywood; treasurer,
Ivan Taylor; table convenor,
Mrs. James Whitney; sports,
Lloyd Rader; guesssing contest,
Lyn Gamble.
Room 1 of Dashwood Public
school with their teacher, Mrs.
E. Powell, mothers, and pre-
school children enjoyed apicnic
at the pinery wayside park
Winner s in sports were:
Tommy Hayter, Sally Webb,
Robert Guenther, Jane Guen-
ther, Janice fluter and Sharon
Rader, Kevin Bestard; several
relays were also enjoyed. Din-
ner preceded the games.
Tenders will be received un-
til July 4, 1964 for a new oil
air heating system to be in-
stalled in the Ailsa Craig
United Church Manse.
Work to be completed by
July 31, 1964.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Tenders to be mailed to
R, N. McAlpine, Ailsa Craig,
The annual Rader reunion
was held at Riverview Park,
Exeter, June 21, with about
100 in attendance. Lorne Klopp
was president and welcomed
Winners in the sports with
Ervin Rader in charge were:
5 and under, Diane Rader; 6-8
girls, Sharon Rader, boys,
Tommy Hayter; 9-11, Marlene
Rader and Gary Gamble; 12-15,
and David of London.
Tuesday evening, June 16,
the youth Fellowship of the EUB
church held their final social
evening with bowling at Grand
Bend followed by lunch at the
snack shop.
Wednesday afternoon, June
17, the Boys and Girls Fellow-
ship of the HUB church held
their closing picnic at Mr. &
Mrs. Howard Klumpp's cottage.
There was swimming and
games. The social convenors
for this group, Mrs. Ray Geun-
ther, Mrs. Hugh Boyle, and Mrs.
Howard Klumpp, served a wei-
ner roast at the close of the
Mrs. Merrill James spent
Thursday at Silver Lake HUB
camp site where the conference
executive of the WSWS met to
plan the fall program.
Monday, June 29, Rev. &
Mrs. Merrill James and family
leave on vacation. They will be
tenting in Provincial Parks and
visiting their homes in Ottawa
and Waltham, Quebec. They plan
to return July 25.
Three men from the HUB
church, Jack G al se r, Lloyd
Eagleson, and Stuart Wolfe at-
tended a men's camp retreat
at Silver Lake during the week-
Mr. Gordon Kraft, delegate,
and Rev. Wm. Getz attended
the Lutheran church conference
at Ottawa last week.
Miss Ruthanne Rader of Lon-
don is spending a week with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Ervin
Rader following an appendicitis
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Rader have
returned from their honeymoon
spent on a trip to theEast coast
where they visited with the
latter's sister and family.
Sunday guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Mervyn Webb and family
were Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Hill of Crediton, Mrs. Olive
Webb of Grand Bend, Mr. &
Mrs. Allan Pfaff and family of
Crediton, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Jennison and family of Grand
Bend, and Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth
Preszcator of Kinburn.
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Oestreich-
er of Chatham spent Monday
with Mr. & Mrs. earl Oes-
treicher and family.
Mr. & Mrs, Sheldon Wolfe
and family, Mr. John Wolfe,
Mrs. Louis Wolfe, and Rev. J.
M. Oestreicher, all of Clifford,
visited with Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Oestreicher last Saturday; Rev.
Oestreicher remained for a
Recent visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Carl Oestreicher were
Mr. & Mrs. Harry McAdam
Mrs. Harold'Stire AWCM held
a piano recital for her pupils
with the parents and friends
present. Gordon Rats was
chairman for the program.
Marlene Barr of London played
violin selections and Miss Susan
Kimpel of Kitchener, accordion
selections. The pupils played
argaiteaVa.M.....e52.1.13-VelliS31V33:?-3.3vaaaVaifee3:133,1131Alegegelteeetereaelife;e3':;aii'aeeelealiieeteeeeia:zeleeeelAelleiateetareateit3331tititiiiet3333333a$33a3itiatitiieeiieiiatiiiaiiiiitiaeeeititiati aieemeeltailazaat;fat.e.ateetet0.3.37.....eleakeetetteetaleezeakeeeeteateeteeteeeeeekeeeeleeeteeeeeezeteteeeealeeta.eaefieeeeetaltealtaaitefeeeetitaa1e.egeeeMeetaaeleteeee
Trade Up To A '64 Today
Sealed tenders will be re-
ceived by the undersigned un-
til 12 noon Tuesday, July 7,
1964 for the construction of a
concrete culvert at lot 17, con-
cession 4.
Further information a n d
tender forms may be obtained
from the engineers, C. P. Cor-
bett & Co. Ltd, at Lucan, or
the undersigned.
A certified cheque for 10%
of the amount of the bid and
a 100% performance bond will
be required,
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted,
RR 3 Granton, Ont.
Announcing a
insecticide! k vle,:yrsz„.-4
A& jie VLL, 4C4r..2.
SEVIN insecticide is safe to use . but controls more than 150
different insect pests on over 85 different crops! Simplify your spray
program with low-cost SEVIN insecticide!
your provincial spray calendar recommenda-
tions arid the extension bulletins. You'll find
SEVIN insecticide will give your crops the
finest protection—at lowest cost!
no you grow fruit? Vegetables? Tobacco?
SEVIN is the one insecticide you need to safely
eoritrol your major insect pests, Even resistant
strains are easy prey for SEVIN.
No residue shows up in milk or meat when,
SEVIN insecticide is used according to label
directions. And there are no drift problems with
nearby crops. Thus, crops cart, be protected close
to harvest!
Compare prices for your spray program! Check
So Right Now We Are Giving The Best Deal In Town
The ladies of the Ellmville
WI enjoyed a bus trip toBramp-
ton Monday where they touted
the Dale Nurseties, Dixie-Cep
Co., Peel Village, the Black
C reek Conservation Pioneer
Village and the new Mallon Air-
pert. The committee arranging
the tour were Mrs. Gilbert
Johns, Mrs. Elson Lynn and
Miss Ruth Skinner.
The Elirnville anniversary
service will be held Sunday
morning at 11 am.
The E lite Ville Community
Picnic was held at Riverview
Park in Exeter Thursday eveh-
ing when 92 sat down to a well
laden table. The YP conducted
Seine children's races and a
ball game Wee enjoyed by every-
Frances Johne, daughter of
Mr. & Mee. Howard Johne, RR
Witiedharn, -cOrnpletedirerfirat
Year in 8ecretarial8ciened with
a B average at the University
-of Western Ontario.
PHONE 235-1525
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