HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-25, Page 10NEW . 'offer articles valued up to $25 in the WANT-ADS Any one article, priced up to $25, may be advertised in this classification. Price must appear in ad, along with tel- ephone number or name. (A box number cannot be used.) Lost and found items. may alsp be advertised under Per- sonals. 5 0 IF 8 DAYS Commercial ads not accept- able under this heading. GIANT AUCTION SALE Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter TUESDAY JUNE 30th 8:00 p.m. AUCTIONEER BERT PEPPER WILL OFFER FOR SALE AN ASSORTMENT OF FINANCE COMPANY REPOS- SESSIONS, PERSONAL CONSIGNMENTS, NEW AND USED FURNITURE, TV'S, APPLIANCES, DINNERWARE, WALL PLAQUES, ETC. - EVERYTHING GOES - FURNITURE * A 2-pc. Contemporary Chesterfield Suite (hand rubbed walnut arms). * o ther9 assorted Chesterfield Suites, all with foam cushions. ?2" 9-pc.b * 2 Modern 2-pc. Daveno Suites (convert to sleepers). * tables. and Bronzetone Dinette Suites (8 chairs), 17 * t2able-s). pc. Coppertone Dinette Suites (inlaid arborite * 2 5-pc. Dinette SUites. * 3 BookCaSe Bedroom &Wes, complete with bed, chest of drawers and matching boat spring and mattress. * 2 39" Continental Beds, complete with headboards and legs. * 2iil. 1-Sie 54" Spring Filled Mattresses. * 2 Sets Of Lamps, consisting of trilight and 2 table lamps. * 2 Sets of Step and Coffee Tables. * An assortment of Knechtel Xreatiotis, manufacturers of Top Grade Step, Coffee, End and Corner Tables. Hostess Chalte-Chroine et c. Step Stool Telephone Tables, etc. APPLIANCES and 7V * A large Refrigerator with full cross-top freezer. * 2 Electrie Ranges. * A long skirt Washer with pump. *A 20 Cu. ft. chest type Freezer (full warranty) with over 600 lbs. capacity. • An Admiral Stereo A.M. and F.M. Radio, like new. • Automatic Washer and Dryer, used only one year. • A variety of Guaranteed Trade Natne Televisions. FOR YOUR FINANCING CONVENIENCE TERMS ON ALL PURCHASES CAN BE ARRANGED APTtR OR AT ANY TIME DURING SALE, DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING SALE Cheques A.ecelated 3 gales Tax In Effect ..e.eiee.gaee„ 72 Notices 17 Property For Rent . . ......,.. 12 fop, Trucks For Sale 13 for Sale. 1961 VOLVO, red, immaculate REFRIGERATOR,. 10 cu, ft„ condition, new tires, muffler, freezer across the top, very transmission since April, many good _condition, $80.00. Phone Cexatixl'a;,719n7e.r leaving ,cotintrY. Centralia 228,0828.. 25c ............ Page )1? June 25 5 Help Wanted 18 For Rent 16 Property For Sale, ZURICH HOUSE for sale or rent, fresh painted, living room, 3 bedrooms, fall bath, kitchen cupboards, sink, hot, cold water, oil furnace, gar- den. Vacant; Exeter Duplex on very easy terms; Store-snack bar, attached dwelling, terms arranged; 100 acres, 85 tillahle, good barn, silo, large drive- shed, brick Douse, furnace, bath; 150 acres, 130 tillable, L shape barn,, silo, driveshed, hen house, brick house, many conveniences. Buy now for fall possession, W. C, Pearce, Real- tor, Exeter; Bill Armstrong, Salesman, 18tfnc STOREY AND A HALF brick house on Albert St. Exeter. Reasonably priced, Apply Mrs. Wesley Jaques, 76 John St, (West). Phone 235-2897. 11:18:25* TENT TRAILER, sleeps four; weekly, 05,00; June, July, August, September. Phoae 278W4 Hensell for reservations. Apply E. Mousseau, Kippen, 4:11:18:25* SMALL ground floor apart- 11111:antet'd, priliovtateWatenrtra Zient, oil lied, furnished. Phone 235.2360, 91 $imeoe St, .25"` THREE -BEDROOM house at 120 Main St. North, Vacant July 15 or Craig, Call 293.3163 Ailsa 25c NEWLY FURNISHED room 4partment, Wall-to Wall c elaurarnti all appliancesnefnOiltrtOillio: vision, $95,00 per month, Elliot Apartments, 442 Main St, Phone 235-0585; nights 235-2912, 1 For Sale 13a Personal 3 GURNEY ELECTRIC stove 4- Experienced SECRETARY- BOOKKEEPER NEED A WATER WELL? Canada's most modern rotary equipment. 30" machine dug wells, 4" - 10" diameter drilled wells, any depth,. A WELL A DAY-- THE HADCO WAY Phone Elmira 068,8761 day or night. ,6:18tfrie REQUIRED AUGUST .1., 4964 FLOOR SANDERS, electric. 13.eavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. %12:.18tfnc M SEMI MOUNTED power Classified First insertion 44 PgR WPRI) main= 00. Second insertion 34 0 pER WORD (Alinitriure 700) Six Insertions 0 PER WORD (Minimum 600) burner, 41", contains oven, mower, 7 ft., A-1 condition . warm i n g closet, $25.00 Phone Phone Dashwood 116. 18:25* Grand Bend 238-e40.1. 25* NOTICE OF STREET MAO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to The Municipal Act it,$,O, 1960 Chapter 249, Section 959 and other powers thereunto enabling, the oor, porgtion. of the Town of Ere, ter proposed to stop up and close: ALL THAT PORTION of road allowance known as Road and shown On Registered Plan Number 20 in the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario running from the easterly boundary of Main St. ac- cording to said Plan NUM, ber 20 to the westerly boundary of Andrew Street according to said Plan Number Twenty. Please turn to page 11 Capable of handling complete set of books. 12' TRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps four, ideal for compact cars, $30 weekly. Contact C. Cox at 228-6875 Centralia for full par- ticulars. e5c MARCONI PORTABLE radio and TV, 17", in excellent con- dition. Reasonable offer ae- ceoted. Phone 235-1167, 25* 28tfnc 5i DAY WEEK Apply in writing to *hickey Beverages Ltd. 451 Main St, Exeter 22 Notices DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL OIL SPACE heater and pipes in A-1 condition, Can be seen at 53 Gidley St. W., any time. Phone 235-0877. 25* CHILD's WARDROBE dresper, $15.00; youth's bed, spring- filled mattress, $15.00 Phone Centralia 228-6328, 25e BLACK LABRADOR Retriev ers, registered purebreds, 6 weeks old, with papers. Apply Doug Gould, Exeter, 235-0685. 25c TOWN OF EXETER COLLECTION OF TAXES 2 - BEDRQQM downstair heat- ed apartment with hot water, stove and frig supplied; ac- cess to basement for washing; other extra storage; centrally located, new decorated. Phone 235-0477 mornings. 6: 25tfnx 25c 21) EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Gall Collect - DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LTD, Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 262-C-63 12:12tfnc 1-STOREY unfurnished 3-bed- room house with automatic oil furnace; close to downtown and schools. Phone 235-0736. 5: 14tfn c 4. Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of ti2 inch, I will be in the Town Hall on the dates and during the hours listed below for the col- lection of taxes for the Town of Exeter, Please 'arrange to make payment on or before these dates to avoid penalty. Monday, June 29 9 a.m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 p.m. 7:30 - 9:00 p,m, Tuesday, June 30 9 a.m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 p.m. 3-ROOM lower suite, private entrance, available June 1. Apply within 512 Male St. or phone 235-2836. 5:14tfne NEW 5-ROOM brick cottage, central location on John St, East, full poured basement, oil furnace. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St.,, phone 235-1076, 30tfnc LOW DOWN payment, balance monthly payment, for reason- ably new .3-bedroom brick home in Riverview Heights. Oil heated, hardwood floors, 4- piece, bath, full basement. Phone Eldrid Simmons 235- 0526 or Fred Simmons 235-1854. Iltfne Classifications CARETAKER Applications for position as caretaker in the Usborne Cen- tral School will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 7, 1964. Replies to state qualifications and salary expected, For further information con- tact A, Garnet Hicks, Sec'y- Treas„ RR 3 Exeter. 25:2c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10;4tfne EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING - Sewer work, ponds, etc, Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil. Sam Sweitzer,iitfc phone 235.0181, n SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed, No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfnc ERIC CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector 11:18:25c NEW MEN'S SUITS, young men's and boy's suits, jackets and parkas for fall and winter wear. Buy now and save more than 50e:, Exeter Salvage Co. 6:25-7:30c BROWN LIVING ROOM suite, 1 year old, in excellent con- dition, very reasonably priced, Contact F/0 Watson. Phone 235-2913. 25c 8 Situations Wanted DINE and RELAX at Brenner 's Red Gable Hotel NEW HOUSE just completed, full 'basement, three bedrooms, available immediately. Art Whilsmith, phone 235-2473, 6:18tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former 'Simmons Apts. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 6:11tfne • SMALL self contained apart- ment suitable for 1 or 2 ladies. This is a bright, cheery, nice- ly furnished apartment, only $35.00 per month. Elliot Apart- ment Building, Phone 235.2912. 30tfnc 10 Livestock For Sale BOY 15 would like employ- ment for summer months, preferably farm work. Phone Crediton 234-6395 after 11 a.m. 25c 14 Wanted To Buy TWO PUREBRED York hogs and one sow weighing 45 lbs. each. Apply William Walters, RR 1 Woodham. 25c MODERN 2 - bedroom, heated apartment, hot water supplied. Apply 411 Albert St., Exeter, 4tfnc Ill Health ? GOOD COMMERCIAL b o a r, cross bred, six months old, guaranteed purebred strain. Frank Vanneste, RR 1 Clande- boye. Phone Lucan 227-4380, 25c Completely Licensed See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS NEW DEEP FREEZE chests, 5-yr, warranty, $199.00. Sandy Elliot. i8tfnc ALLIS CHALMERS 66 combine in excellent condition, used five seasons. Phone 235-2796. 18:25c VACUUM CLEANERS & Pol- ishers - Sales & Service for all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall 352W2 (collect). 1: 23tfnc 9 Services FURNISHED 2-bedroom apart- ment, air conditioned, central location. Parker Apts., Main St., Exeter. Phone 235-0915. 4tfnc I. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3, Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14, Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18, For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20, Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Noticei 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales SCHOOL GIRL would like baby sitting and light housework. Cali 235-1003. 25* FARMERS--Single man would like year around work on farm. Phone Lucan 227-4254, 25* CALL JB at 1863 {' • . For your listening enjoyment we have Manley Mott of ...Sarnia playing your favour- .0i ite selections on the Hammond Electric Organ. Be sure and visit the completely remodelled Marl in Room Of the 4,389,766 Canadians who paid personal income tax in the most recent year of re- cord, 1960, only slightly more than one per cent were in the $15,000 and over income brack- et, 1964 HAY CROP-Helena Kelly Highway 4 Ltican, 25c FARM WAGON and bale stook- ers. Phone Lucan 227-4511. 25c 4 BEAGLE puppies, 8 weeks old, Phone Edwin Miller, 235- 1126. 25c HAY-Up to 30 acres within 5 miles of Farquhar, Ross Cottle, RR 1 Kirkton. 11:18:25c 150 TO 200 ACRES of good, well drained workable land, good buildings and location. Can supply a good down pay- ment. Phone Victor 2-2511 Till sonb urg. 18:25:2c MEDIUM SIZED used piano in good condition. Phone 107 Dashwood. 25c WE ARE IN the market for live poultry. Contact Rudy Petzke, Hensall. Phone 328W or 83, Hensel" 25:2:9c CIDER PRESS-Phone Credi- ton 234-6492. 25c ALL DENOMINATIONS, in Ca- nadian. coins; old coins 1858 to 1938, 1948. New coins any years up to 1960, but these must be in brand new condi- tion. Will pay top prices. Please write stating denomi- nation, year and condition, Box C C Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 15:2:9:16* BABY'S FIRST SHOES eternal- ized in bronze. Felt flocked and mounted, $7.95, Box 38 Lucan 18:25:2e PIGS - 19 choice York, well started. Apply George Link, Dashwood, phone 34R3. 25c 75 WEANER PIGS - Gordon Scott, Crediton. Phone 234-6232. 25* USED refrigerators, ranges, washers and dryers all prices at Sandy Elliot's. 23tfn c PUPS - Daschunds; Fox, Toy Manchester and Manchester fox terriers. Mrs. Alex Mac- intosh, Clandeboye, Phone Lu- can 227-4598. 3: 19tfnc 1 Lost, Strayed 60 WEANER PIGS-Rudi Zon- dag, RR 2 Dashwood. Phone 165R18 Dashwood. 25* LOST-White terrier with dark spots on ears on Main St., Exeter June 23. Phone Cen- tralia 228-6295. 25* JUST PURCHASED a new Hi Boy Sprayer. We are now pre- pared to give you better serv- ice. We are spraying for weed control. Atrazine on corn, Ep- tan for beans, 24D for grain, and also pastures. Hubert Cooper, phone 235-2807. 5:21-6:25c TWO-STOREY 3-bedroom home with large living room, dining room, bright kitchen, all nice- ly decorated. Full basement with oil heat, attached ga- rage.. Located on well land- scaped corner lot. NEW 3-BEDROOM home lo- cated on double corner lot. Large kitchen with beautiful cupboards, dining room and living room with wall-to-wall broadloom, log burning fire- place. Attached garage with paved driveway. TWO-BEDROOM house on An- drew Street, with full base- ment and oil heat. Low taxes of $190.00. Terms can be ar- ranged. NEW THREE - BEDROOM on new section of Thomas Street. After down payment the bal- ance may be carried on a C.M.H.C, mortgage. HENSALL - Three - bedroom ranch style. After down pay- ment, balance can be carried on a 6% mortgage for $62.00 P.I.T. CENTRALIA-Duplexed house. New oil furnace and low taxes. $2,000.00 down will handle. TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE close to schools. Expensive wall-to- wall carpet in living and din- ing room. Lot is 'completely fenced and landscaped and boasts a large patio area with stone barbecue pit. Good terms on this one. LARGE 4-BEDROOM house on Andrew Street close to schools, 4-piece bath up and 2-piece down. Full basement with new oil furnace. LARGE 3 - BEDROOM ranch with separate brick garage. Newly completed recreation room in basement, size 24'x13'. Stone fireplace in living room and $100.00 per year is cost of oil heating. Terms can be ar- ranged. KOFFEE KUP RESTAURANT in Lucan, A small down pay- ment to a responsible party will handle the purchase of this valuable property. Equip ment included. McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1960 FORD FALCON, automat- ic transmission, custom radio, excellent condition, $1,000.00 or best offer. Phone Hensall 261W3. 5:7tfnc 1-BEDROOM, apartment, heat- ed, utilities paid; available July 1. Phone 235-0382. 4tfnc 2-BEDROOM brick house, very nice, very central, $85.00. Ap- ply Elliot Apartments or phone 235-0585, 235-2912. 11tfnc 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-1877. 11tfnc TWO-BEDROOM house at 92 Huron St., Exeter. All outside property maintained. Contact Eric Heywood, 235-1254. 25c 3 MODERN 2-bedroom, self- contained apartments. Apply Fink Plumbing & Heating Ltd., Hensall. 11:18:25;2c NICELY decorated 1-bedroom heated apartment with hat water, stove and frig supplied; private entrance; centrally lo- cated. Phone 235-0477 morn- ings. 6:25tfnx APARTMENT for two, heated, unfurnished, 426 Main St., liv- ing room, bedroom, modern kitchen, hot and cold water, $45 a month, services extra. Available July 1. Apply at The Times-Advocate. lltfnx 5 - ROOM UPPER 2 - bedroom apartment in a duplex; 3-pee. bath, stove and garage, $53.00. 497 Main St. Phone 235-1347. 6: 18tfnc INVISIBLE MENDING - Make holes, cuts, tears and burns disappear from suits, clothing and fabrics, Call "Clare" La- tour, 238-2666 Grand Bead. 4:23tfnc 3 Male Help Wanted .MECHANIC - General garage work. Snell Bros. Ltd., G M Dealer. Phone 235-0660 Exeter. 25c 1959 FORD, 2 door, 6 standard, Western car, $850.00. Phone 235-1033. 25c RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed .36Milkalleatre" INNEMI6111101MeleinieWatieVeleiWtaitinetet,IIVAN SPARE TIME sales represent- ative for farm equipment in Exeter area. Must live in and know district and be mechani- cally inclined. Car essential. Good commissions paid. Re- ply with full particulars to Box G G The Exeter Times- Advocate. 25c 4 TRUCK DRIVERS, must be over 25 years of age, depend- able and with good references, steady employment to the right parties. Apply in person to Exeter Produce & Storage Co. Ltd. 25c 15 Wanted usiness Directory PHONE 228-6214 TRANSPORTATION to Strat- ford daily. Must be in city by 8:30 a.m., Monday to Friday. Phone 235-1357. 25c DRIVER to share expenses on one-way trip to California, month of July. Call Pat Irwin, 235-2516 Exeter. 25* OLD ESTABLISHED hatchery requires additional flocks to supply hatching eggs, dual purpose, egg a n d broiler breeds required. With some breeds eggs taken every week in the year, large premium paid. Apply Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 25e gitolitzel ptremme:„;:lnlfile DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons ALUMINUM DOORS, win- dows, awnings, siding, alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings, Top quality products at reasonable prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales, Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 4tfnc WE HAVE 4 BOATS for sale; 2 must be sold immediately. New sail boat, sail fish type, 12' long. Used 12' Kayak, only 40 lbs. Make us an offer, George Dobbs, phone 2354130. 25* ALVIN WALPER. PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER PART-TIME COTTAGE 'at Grand Bend - Preferably families by the week; modern conveniences. Phone Parkhill 294-6564. 18:25* APARTMENT - Air condition- ed, 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen, 3-pee. bath, heated, central Main St. Avail- able July 1. Apply W. G. Coch- rane, 28 Nelson St. W., Code- rich. 6:18tfnc SPORTS WRITER N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235-2433 16 Property For Sale To write sports column and reports of area sport- ing and recreation events for 6-ROOM brick house in Credi- ton, recently remodelled, stone front on verandah, modern kitchen, new 4-piece bathroom, new furnace, priced for quick sale. Terms can be arranged, Phone Crediton 234-6412. 25c THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 For interviews phone William Batten, editor, 235.1331 FARM MACHINERY Gleaner combine B with Rice tires, 14-ft. header Cockshutt c o m b i n e, 10-ft, header with pick-up 2 International Harvester 5- furrow plows with Ace bot- tom 2-row beet thinner, Pals- grove 4-row beet thinner, Pals- grove 2 International lime spread- ers 3 Kent Foundry land pack- ers, 12-ft, Portable corn sheller, used one year 4 farm fan dryers for bin grain drying 2 M.C. continuous flow grain dryers with unloading auger. NEW VENICE CORPORATION RR 2 Grand Bend Phone 238.2281 18:25c $59,00 VALUE FOR $39.00 - Mattress special, any size and fully guaranteed, Sandy Elliot. 18tfric C. V. PICKARD MODERN 3 - bedroom farm home on highway 23, with ap- proximately three acres and out-buildings. Possession avail- able August 1. Apply Box CPL Exeter Thnes-Advoeate. 6: 18tfne 4 Female Help Wanted JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types, of sales "For Top Prices" EXETER LONDON Phone 235-0720 451-8630 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST IS Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 JOHN BURKE WOMAN'WANTED to take tel- ephone calls at home. Write Box NE The Exeter Times- Advocate, 18:25e EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN for Ladies' Wear Department F. A. MAY & SON Exeter, Ont. 25e EXPERIENCE NOT necessary, 2 women or girls for, shift work, Apply at the 0 & M RestaUrant, North End. Phone 235-0026, Exeter, 25e Limited Real Estate Broker General Insurance Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 28tfnc DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE TWO STOREY BRICK - Well located in Exeter. Each floor contains a complete apart- ment complete with nice kitch- ens and 3-piece bathrooms, This 'home is in good repair inside and out. Offering at a very low price, THREE BEDROOM BRICK - Interior of house like new. Good kitchen, dining room and living room, glassed and screened sunporch, Full base- ment, oil burning furnace, Double garage. Reasonable price and terms, A LARGER HOME at a rea- sonable price, Provides all the comforts of a modern borne plus generous living space at the price of a small newly built home, This home is one of the nicer ,homes in Exeter, Reasonable price and termS. We have other homes. Two apartments for rent. C. V. PICKARD 394 Main St, Phone 235-0310 6:25tfnc $7,800- 2.-YEAR-OLD 5-room bungalow on Seeders ,St. landscaped lot, shrubs arid garden, Recently decorated, aluminum 'storms and screens, Terms MAY be arranged. Call 235-0863. 6;18tInd STENOGRAPHER 17 Properly For Rent DASHWOOD-2-bedroom apart- ment, newly decorated, 5 miles frore lake, rent reasonable. Phone 81 Dashwood. 11;18:25c 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, in Southcott Pines, Grand Bend, near lake, hot and cold water, shower, furnished, fireplace, electric teat, available during July, Phone 2351215. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 President Luean Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Vice-President CrornartY William H. Chaffe RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton COIquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D, BELL, Q.C„ B.A. C, V. LAUGHTON, Q.C,, LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings by Appointment PHONE 519.2354440 EXETER 5-ROOM UPPER apartment, in Exeter, Unfurnished, 2 bed- rooms, heated, on William St., close to downtown. Phone 235- 2575. 6:18tfnc DASHWOOD - 4-room apart- ment in Brokenshire building, vacant July 1. Apply E, le, Sims, 145 Mill St., Exeter, 18:25" FURNISHED apartment, cen- trally located, heated, avail- able immediately, Apply Bea- vers Hardware, 235-1033. 18tinc 3-BEDROOM storey and a half house, available July 1, Phone 235-1377, 25c MODERN apartment, 1 bed- room, kitehen, living room, a- piece bath with shower, un- furnished, available irnmedi- ately. Apply Art G-aiser, Ell- mart Apts., Main St., Exeter, Phone days 2351505; evenings 235.2754, 5:7tfnc FURNISHED, heated apart- nient; separate entrance; ideal for two. Apply 170 Carling St. or phone 235.2456, 6:18tfric TAXAN 2-bedrotim Upstairs apartnient, utilities paid, $65.00 a month. Phime Ltican 227-4830. 5t7ttne 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary, Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times., Advocate, 3:3tfnc CEMENT TILE - Lawrence Tiler, RR 3 Dashwood. Phone 8184 DaShwoocl, 6:18-7:23c ELECTRIC GUITAR, new with guarantee, 3 pick - up, with case, strap, books; Lloyd baby carriage, At condition; baby sitter, like, neve. Call at 59 'Huron West, Exeter. 25* BLUE RUG 9x12, broadloom; bedroom suite; hunk beds; large crib, riot Mattress; high chair; carry cot; child's table and chair eet; card table; 2 dressers. Phone 235-1043, e5c 20% OFF.--12 "Tropical" suits sizes 37 to 42. "inexpensive" Summer Suits, Priced front 88.95 to $15,05. Waiper's Men's Wear, Exeter. 25c ° o o 0 C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Thum., Thu Fri, 12, 2.-5 Tiles, and Fri. Evening, 7.9 By Appoiritment Please Office Phone 654 Herne 1498 Have Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harter Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Sotitifort Mackenzie & Raymond EXeter Seerefary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter 4-BEDROOM house 3 miles from Airport, oil heat, 4-piece bath, possession July 1, Pluene London 451.7167, 25c COTTAGES TO RENT, $35.60 to $75.00 a week, Modern con- veniences, Good beach, PhOne 529-7224, Mrs, Clarence Hey, Pt, Albert, 25:2c DUPLEX, living, dining and kitchen. Frig and stove sup- plied, new bath, utility room, 213 Carling St, Apply Harold Taylor, 105 Main St., phone 235-0674, 25c oft thilttist tWITER WI5E1 2-BEDROOM apartmeht, avail- able May I. Apply C, 3oynt, phone 02 Iferieell, 3:26tfrio seerieseeig/Nirleieme/NersiNteriNerio"