HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-25, Page 5Bean Growers
Control Mexican Bean Beetles, Aphids and
Leaf Hoppers. Thimet in the fertilizer at
planting should do the job for the whole
season without spraying.
Harriston Fertilizer
Clinton Phone 482-9133
Also available at the following warehouses .
Liquid 41% Nitrogen
A real beef sandwich!!
Phone 235--I820
This Week Only
Co-Op Paint
Inside Or Outside
20% Discount
Flow-lite Satin, Latex or Alkyd paint, outside
white house paint. Three-year life expectancy,
will not streak or wash down. One gallon covers
up to 550 sq. ft. Easily tinted, dries fast.
Reg, $5.95 On Sale $4.69
Phone 135,2081
Beside CNR Station
Fa ir Wooclhani student
visiting in Quebec Ideal weather boosts Hensall Spring.
June 25, ...1964 Page
And Tarry of. Kirkton atten004
the Toning of the Queen's Vale.
at Weptibine Race Tracks sat,
Mr, .peter. 13ttrnho# .of Clin-
ten Airport spent the veekend
at the manse, Mr. Nark Fer.:".
sythe of New Hamburg was also,
a Satvrtlay evening vlsttor.
A traW car accident
:urreci Sunday .4fter.PP911 in
which Elizabeth .1vicLachlen died
of inItirieS at the scene, Her
sister, Debbie, eight years old„.
was admitted to 1,4latowel Me,
mortal Hospital with a broken
thigh and other injuries.
The Speaker of the House of
commons is the interpreter.of
the rules of parliamentary pro,
cedure. He must be impartial,
favor no party, encourage free
discussion and at the same time
preserve the dignity of debate,
in bloom
Mr. Jim Hazelwood is visiting
per. two. weelcs with a French
family at pt, Victor, Quebec,
St. Victor is situated about 5.0
to 60 miles south of Quebec City.
Jirp's friend, Ernest Pare,
will pay a return visit later lri
the summer. This exchange is
arranged through the high
schools and is sponsored by
visits interprovincial,
The annual Sunday School pie-
nie was held Saturday at Queen's
Park Stratford.
The following were the win-
ners of the races; preechool,
girls, Lori Webb; boys, David
Jansson; girls, 6 to 8, Julie
Webb; boys, Arthur Jansson;
girls 9-12, Ann Parlcinson;boys
David Strahan;
Girls, 13-15, Donna Dickey;
boys, Garry Hazelwood; young
ladies, Linda Thacker, young
men, Donald Brine; kick the
slipper, Walter Langford.
A crowd estimated, at over ers, Beryl glgie, Mrs. Shirray, In the Children's drawn, 44eitr,
1,0OO persons attended, the an- Eric G. ManSfield, Mary M. fly male and Joan Qc4:10a,rdt
Huai SPring Pair in li e n sell Haugh and Principal Reba rt Heasall, each won $5. prizes
Wednesday night, and saw some Reaburn. of $2 went to Gordoapick,
top competition primarily in The fair was efficialiyopened marty; Al. Corbett, Aft 1 Exer
horses and cattle, Murray Gannt, Liberal IVIPP ter; Patricia Parke and Cheryl
The Proceedings commenced for Huron-Bruce. Also epeakT.. Mousseau, both of flensall,
with g parade into the park of Mg at the eventwere Huron Winners of the various ex,
several schools in the district, County Warden Ralph Jewell; Wits were as follows;
saddle ponies and new oars, Hensall Reeve Norman Jones;
headed by the RCAF Centralia fair president garl Pick,
trumpet band, About 000 child-: Master of ceremonies for
run took part in the 77th annual the night was K. L., fiTory"
show. Gregg, London.
First prize for marching went
to SS 7 Hibbert under teacher DRAW WINNERS
Don Kemp, The Hens all kinder- Ephriain. Snell, RR 1 Clinton,
garten withtheir teacher, Helen cane of the top sheep breeders
Scane, placed second, While In Ontario, won the $60 draw
third went to SS 1 Tuckeremith, prize sponsored by the South
with Mrs. Lauabelle Reichert, Huron Agriculture Society at
teachers their fair.
Other schools entered were: Cliff Dunbar, reeve of Grey
SS 10 Hay, Mrs. Faye Forrest- Township, was the $25 prize
er; and the various Hensall winner and $15 went to Keith
rooms with the following teach- Roszell,
Infants baptised at
children's services $1.65 each
Variety of Colours
Recler's Florist
Tops Hensall Feeder Calf Club
Gerald Townsend, RR 3 Seaforth, amassed the best showing in competition in the Hensall Feeder
Calf Club. His calf was judged first for finish, second in gain, and the youth was second in show-
manship. J. W. Maus, who judged the finish competition, is shown presenting The T-A. trophy to
the proud youth, --T-A photo
Doris hliiils visited SnildaY w44
& Mrs. Harry Witteyeen
and ;family of St. George,
A very successful chicken
barbecue was held on the church
,grptinds Wednesday evening.
Jim Rundle of London spent
the weekend with Mrs. Robert
Rundle and Jack,
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
Anne and Douglas called on Mr.
Mrs. Jim Francis of Tayi,
stock Sunday
Mr. Nelson grnst and Robert
Beinee pf Lansing, Mich..visit,
ecl with the foriner's parents,
Hey, and Mrs. N. R. Ernst
for the weekend, Mrs. Ernst
returned to Lansing with her
son to visit for a few days.
& Mrs. Don Brine .and
Cheryl, Mr. & Mrs..Frediapupe
were Sunday guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Roger of Kirkton..
M. & Mrs. Lloyd Jaques
And family visited with Mr. &
Mrs. Car) Mills and family of
Kirkton Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brine
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Ross Robinson and Lynn of
fourth line.
Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pa-
mela and Calvin visited Sunday
evening with Mr. & Mrs. WIlf
Garrett and family of Grantor.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Smith and
Dianne, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Paul
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Glanville
and family left on the weekend
to spend a month at Manitoulin.
Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Wenzle
spent the weekend at Golden
Children's Day services were
held In the EUB church Sunday,
June 21. There was a junior
choir with recitations and songs
by the beginners.
The three babies baptised at
this service were Karen Marie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maur-
ice Heist, Diane Louise, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Heave:. and Kathy Marie, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donliainee
of Exeter, Townsend youth tops
in Feeder Club group
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawson,
on the occasion of the christen-
ing of their first grandchild,
Diane Louise, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Beaver, Sun-
day June 21, entertained, Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Beaver, Mrs.
Marjorie Dilkes, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rader and family, Mr
and Mrs. Charles Glanville,
Miss Jean Coward and Mr.
Tom Yellow.
Mr. & Mrs. Ira McCurdy and
Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Ray McCurdy
and Brenda spent Sunday at
Niagara Falls.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell
and Terri, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Rundle and Larry visited Sun-
day with Mr. & Mrs. Albert
Scott of Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Dixon, Wendy
Johnnie and Sandra of Ailsa
Craig and Mrs. Fred Harrison
of Centralia visited Sunday with
Mrs. Mary Smith.
Mr. & Mrs. George Levy,
Elizabeth and Marion of Rus-
seldale visited Saturday even-
ing with Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Levy and Margaret and enjoyed
a wiener roast in honor of
Elizabeth's birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith visit-
ed Sunday evening with Mr. &
Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Barbara
and Ron of Shipka.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Levy,
Lynn, Karen and Barry of St.
Marys visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Walter Levy, Mar-
garet and David.
Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen,
Sharen and Brian and Miss
RR 3 Seaforth; senior winners,
George Townsend and Gerald
Townsend, RR 3 Seaforth; David
Passmore, Leslie Coleman,
Brian Miller, Doug Rhode, Ger-
ald Finkbeiner, Paul Passmore.
Junior.-Bevin Kinsman, Calvin
Rhode, Jack Mayer, Barry Mil-
ler, Janis Wright, Wayne May-
er, Dwight Etherington, Lorne
Goulet, Karon Burridge, Jean
Burridge, Bill Burridge.
Group calves—Dave Ingram,
RR 2 Hensall; Don Carter, RR
2 Seaforth; Keith Passmore,
RR 1 Woodham.
cattle, under 850 pounds, John
Kinsman & Sons, Cromarty;
over 850 pounds, Percy Wright,
Grade Baby Beef, under '750
pounds, Richard Etherington,
RR Hensall; Simpson Sear s
Trophy, one bull, three females,
any age, Debbie E dwards, Arva;
Breeders' special, under 850
pounds, Debbie Etherington, RR
1 Hensall; Bob Kinsman, Cro-
marty; June Falconer, Clinton;
Leslie Falconer, Clinton.
Gerald Townsend, RR 3 Sea-
forth, walked off with the major
share of prizes in competition
in the 56-member Hensall feed-
er calf club which highlighted
the annual Spring Fair, Wed-
J. W. Maus, Ayr, judged the
Hereford steer in first place
for finish and it later sold for
30C a pound to Al Scholl, Hen-
sall, who almost yearly bids
the highest for the top steer to
sell at his meat market.
Gerald also placed second
for net gain in the competition,
having watched his animal put
on a total of 561 pounds since
he received it from the club
The youth also gained another
second in the senior showman-
ship class and ended up in a
similar position for the grand
championship honors.
In each of the latter two
events, his brother, Gerald,
placed first as he won the sen-
ior showmanship and gran d
champion showmanship class-
es. The judging was handled by
Ian McAllister and Karl Willert,
of the Zurich area.
Nine-year-old Barry Miller,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Carriage team, Wallace Mun,
co, Embro; percheron team,
Orville 13estard, Tho r nd ale;
Belgian team, Oliver Banner,
man, Menittori; Leo Belt, Wing•
ham; wagon team, OarrnenFnl,
lerton, Paisley; Oliver Banner-
man, Monkton; road teani, Wal-
lace Munro, Embro; Alden
Craven, Allsa Craig; Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Walker, Walkerton;
George Galbraith, Wingham;
Heavy draft team, Charles
Halliday & Sons, Chesley; pony
team 44" and under, Jones
Pony Farm, Belton; Wal ter
Clarke, second and third, St.
Marys; Russell McAllister,
Cellingwood; light draft team,
Charles Halliday & Sons, Ches-
ley; hackney pony team, Wallace
Munro, Embro; Mac Arm-
strong, Beechville; Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Innes, Stratford; carriage
single, 15.2 under, Wallace
Munro, Embro.
Best saddle horse, Mrs. Pete
Caldwell, Shedden; Fred Darl,
ing, Exeter; Jones Pony Farm,
Belton; Fred Darling, Exeter;
fine harness pony team, Jones
Pony Farm, Belton; Mr. & Mrs.
Jack Innes, Stratford; Norman
McKnight, Aylmer; single road-
Mr. Harry Beaver, who is a ster 15.2 under, Wallace Munro,
patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, Embro; four horse hitch, Or-
underwent surgery last week vibe Bestard, Thorndale; Char-
and is doing nicely. les Halliday & Sons, Chesley;
Oliver Bannerman, Monkton;
single pony, under 44", Jones
Pony Farm, Belton; Mrs. Pete
Caldwell, Shedden; Jones Pony
Farm, Belton; Norm an Mc-
Knight, Aylmer.
Roadster single 15.2 over,
Alden Craven, Ailsa Crai g;
Wallace Munro, Embro; Mr. &
Mrs. Ralph Walker, Walkerton;
George Galbraith, Wingham;
single wagon horse, 1,500
pounds and under, Oliver Ban-
nerman, Monkton; single wagon
horse, 1,500 pounds and over,
Carmen Fullerton, Paisley; fine
harness, single pony, Jones
Pony Farm, Belton; W alte r
Schultz, Tavistock; Norm an
McKnight, Aylmer.
Hackney pony, single, Harvey
Moore, RR 1 Ridgetown; Walter
Clarke, St. Marys; H ar v e y
Moore, RR 1 Ridgetown; Mac
Armstrong, Beechville.
Gentleman's turnout, George
Galbraith, Wingham; Alden
Craven, Ailsa Craig; saddle
parade class, James Stables,
Forest; Fred Darling, second
and third, Exeter; Ed Brady,
Exeter, Norman Pepper, Hen-
sall and Larry Warren, Cen-
tralia (fourth); Shetland pony,
saddle class, Clark's Pony
Farm, Woodham; Robert Kins-
man, Cromarty.
Miller, RR 3 Exeter, won the
other first prize ribbon in the
competition as his Hereford
steer topped the gain award.
The youngster weighed his
steer in at 931 pounds, a gain
of 591 since he started to feed
His 12-year-old brother,
Brian, placed fourth with again
of 542 pounds. Both lads fed
their Herefords on a name ra-
The top winners in each cate-
gory of the competition were
as follows;
GAIN—Barry Miller, RR 3
Exeter; Gerald Townsend, RR 3
Seaforth; Beth Passmore, RR 3
Exeter; Brian Miller, RR 3
Exeter; Bevin Kinsman, Cram-
arty; Leslie Coleman, Kippen;
Wayne Mayer, RR 1 Kirkton;
Larry Wright, Cromarty.
FINISH—Gerald Townsend,
RR 3 Seaforth; Paul Passmore,
RR 3 Exeter; Derek Ethering-
ton, RR 1 Bonsai; Dwight Eth-
erington, RR 1 Hensall; David
Passmore, Exeter; Jack Mayer,
RR 1 Kirkton; Janis Wright,
Cromarty; Glenn Rhode, RR 1
champion, George TownSend,
For your Haying
requirements see us
Dashwood kids
win over locals
Dashwood Bantams notched
their second win of the young
season downing Exeter 5-3 in
Dashwood Friday evening.
A five-run uprising in inn-
ing number five provided the
margin of victory.
Exeter opened the scoring
in their first trip to the plate,
Graham Hern, drawing a free
pass and coming home on Bill
Fairbairn's double.
The visitors upped their lead
to 3-0 in the fifth, Fairbairn
and Pete Lawson crossing the
The home town club broke
loose in their half of the same
frame to put the game on ice.
A triple by Jim Hayter and
doubles by Bob Webb and Brian
Maier paced the winning out-
Brian Maier and Bob Webb
shared the pitching victory and
Randy Weber tossed for Exeter.
Herefords, Whitney Coates,
Centralia; Shorthorns, Russell
Parker, Watford; Frank Fal-
coner, Clinton; Aberdeen An-
gus, Alec Edwards, Arva; Rich-
ard Doane, Thorndale; Market
Hibbert pupils tour
Ford museum, zoo
Aktev Mowers
reel and wheel types
Exeter Ph 235-1782 Whalen Corners Ph Kirkton 35r15
Grand Bend
Utilities Commission
Summer Office Hours
8:30 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. 1':00 p.m. — 4:3 0 p.m.
from June 29 — Sept. 25
Forage Equipment
Farm Equipment
Mile Etst of Brucefield
Miss Jean Krueger, who has
accepted a position at the Ripley
Huron Central School, attended
a banquet at the school last
Friday. The banquet was held
in honor of a former teacher
who had served 40 years in that
Mrs. M. Haviland has re-
turned home after visiting with
relatives In New York and Roch-
ester. Her cousin, Mrs. Alice
Lind of White Plains, New York,
returned with her to spend some
time here.
Visitors at a family reunion
at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John
Wade were Mr. & Mrs. R. H.
Wade, Mr. & Mrs. S. G. Par-
sons, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Parsons
and family, Mr. & Mrs. Grant
Parsons and family, Mr. & Mrs.
Terry Wade and family, London,
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wade and
family of Ancaster and Miss
Darlene Snell of Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. George Killen and
daughter of Truro, NovaScotia,
visited last week with Mr. &
Mrs. Charles Browning and
family. Mr. & Mrs. Edward
Killen, who have been visiting
with their daughter, Mrs.
Browning, returned home with
their son.
Weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner were
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lambie and
family of Hensel]. and Mr. Reg
Finkbeiner of London.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Krueger
were pleasantly surprised when
some forty relatives met at
the cottage of Mr. Albert Gals er
at St. Joseph to honor them on
the occasion of their 25th wed-
ding anniversary. The surprise
was planned by their daughter,
Mrs. W. D. Mack attended the
annual meeting of the Ontario
Historic al Society held in
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wein and
family of London visited on the
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Ratz of
Pittsburg visited a few days
with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Ratz
and family and attended the
Rats reunion at the home of
Mrs. Jacob Rats.
The Vincent reunion was held
at Bayfield with relatives from
Grand Bend, Dashwood, Lucan,
Thedforcl, London, Belgra.ve and
Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Vincent from
Saskatoon, Sask.
Mrs. Mabel Desjardine visit-
ed Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Don. Dumigan, Margaret, Gale
and Joe of Grand Bend.
Mr. Frank Levy and twin
daughters, Helen and Hilda of
St. Marys visited Sunday with
Mr. & Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and
Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Adams
visited Saturday with Mr. &
Mrs. Don Hendrick and Pamela
of Owen Sound.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Dietrich
and Mr. & Mrs, Milfred Die-
trich spent the weekend at Nia-
gara Falls.
in honor of Mrs. George Wal-
lace's 81st birthday. Guests
included Mr. & Mrs. George
Wallace, Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs.
Horton McDougall, Mrs. Grace
Scott, Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun
and Mr. LIndsay McKellar.
How to get
effective,. low-cost control of7
all major species of flies
The key: good sanitation and new Vapona® Insecticide.
novvEnrtn. new Vapona insecticide
can be applied directly to lactating
cows. When used according to label di-
rections, Vapona will not create reichte
Vapona gives fast knockdown and
thorough control of all major types of
Flies including homily, stable fly, house-
fly-even face fly. Together with good
sanitation, Vapona can solve your fly
Fast, thorough cleanup
Vaporm kills flies two ways: It not only
kills on contact, like ordinary insecticides,
but also releases fumes that destroy flies
completely out of reach of conventional
insecticides. Vapona hones spread
through your barn, give cleanup that
ca n't 1) 't ior:latched by any other fly control tletii
Vapona can be applied directly to lactat•
ing cows, Used as clketted, it will not
cause residue problems,
Practice good sanitation.
To get best results, back up your Vapona
sprays with h sanitation program aimed
at eliminating fly-breeding areas,
We have Vapona in the formulation
you need, come in or call us today.
The senior pupils of SS 4, 5,
6, 7 Hibbert with their teachers,
numbering 50, enjoyed a bus trip
to Detroit Monday where they
toured the Henry Ford museum
and the zoo.
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Jefferson
and Mr. Wm. Ringler visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. W. A.
Chessell, Stratford.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Taylor
and son Michael from Detroit
and Mr. Charles Turner and
Miss Betty Turner of California
visited over the weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dodds after
attending the Dolmage reunion
in Lion's Park, Seaforth,Satur-
M r. & Mrs. Dodds and Mrs.
N. Harburn also attended the
Dolmage reunion.
Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun of
Clinton is a guest with her
sister, Mrs. Sadie Scott.
A triple trio from SS 5School
Hibbert composed of Beth, Ver-
na and Jack Christie, Joanne,
Alvin and Nola Dow, Dianne
NeeVe I, Joyce Norris an d
Heather McPhail, who won top
honors in their class at the
music festiVal in Mitchell, were
guest singers at the morning
service in Central United
Church Stratford 'Sunday. Mr.
8ric MCKay, who is choir lead-
er in Central United it also
music teacher at SS 5:
Mr. & Mrs. Norm ail Jefferson
and Debra of Munro were Sunday
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. J. R.
Mr. & Mts. Jas. Ramsey,
Stephen and 'Vickie of ListoWel
Visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Alex Ramsey;
All inetribers of the faintly of
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker spent
Pather's Day with their parents.
Mr. & X. McKellar
accompanied by We: Wm. Bin,
ning and Jane of Mitchell spent
the weekend with Mr. &
Din McKellar and faintly at
Mies Olive Speaxe
ea at her home PritlaY -eVening
When a fella* Is only nine and Can: hardly see over the top of hiS calf, it may be expected he Weittld
have a tough tithe 'Showing his animal. however, despite the feet two 1301,10 friends may have had
ideas Of saving theingelve.s by natinfaettring a 'tlew, beef sandwich, young Bevin SaineS-Xitibitiali,
niiief son of Mr. and Mit. ,leek kinStrian,, Ci'ortiarty, reticle:hied in dontrel Of the ablation at the
liensail Feeder Calf Club showing, In feet:lie Made leis animal behave so well he earned the title
Of *ler ShOWthati. A'PhotO