HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-18, Page 14Page 14 TimesAdvocate, „Lytle 13, 1904 ''''''''''' • -• :e"ee.r..er • ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING EVENTS Smorgasbord Supper Honsall United Church, Wed., June 24 e te 7 pm FEATURING TURKEY, DAM, SALADS AND DESSERTS Admission Adults $1.50; Children up tole, 7ee; children under 5 free TAKE •OPT ORDERS must be orderee by Wednesday noon of the 24th. Phone 114, 1Virs. deer-. ge Sineer, or 99, Mrs, Lorne Hay. Sponsered by UCW. Strawberry & Ham SUPPER Sponsored by BtlIA9-sLqat:11::-T7.14 ANPI,Ictt:474;:nI. TRINITY CHURCH Wed,/ June 24 , .0 pall. .Children4ecieudIter 'l.ligere 7ee. Pre school children, free. Farewell . . Social Evening. HONOURING MR. 4 MRS. PHIL BOULIANNE AND VAMP-AY Who are leaving Crediton Tuesday, June 23 P;31 ) CREDITON Community Centre E veryone Welcome Ladies Please i3ring Lunch Donations Received at Door 11.111,e111.0.1... The Cavaliers (LONDON) are coming to the School End Stomp Crediton Community Centre Friday, June 26 Dancing 8:30 to 12:30 ADMISSION 75e PER PERSON Sponsored by Group Committee for 1st Crediton Cubs and Scouts, Proceeds for camping and equipment. This advertisement sponsored by the Crediton Businessmen * * 11 it it • 1 4( • Invite you to join them for Worship. Fellowship and Services Reception and Dance for MELVIN FINKBEINER AND STELLA LOCKHART (Bridal Couple) Crediton Community Hall Saturday June 20 8:30 p.m. MUSIC BY THE RAMBLERS Everyone welcome GRAND BEND TWIST Every Friday "THE SEVEN DEL—REYS" S ,-)nsational on opening night! Now engaged for complete 7964 season! 9-12 p.m. Admission $1.00 EVERY SATURDAY ideeveeest "It Happened to Jane" (colour) Doris Day, Jack Lemmon JUNE 24, 25, 26, 27 "Lawrence of Arabia" Alec Guiness, Peter O'Toole Anthony Quinn Open Nightly Starting June 24 !3o>. Office Open at 8 p.m. ENJOY TOP MOVIES UNDER THE STARS Exeter & District Swimming Pool SECOND Newspaper Bingo Cards 50N 3 for $1 Watch The T-A For Numbers Each Week This Week's Numbers N-39, 1 -16, B-2, 0-70, 1-26, N-37, 0-73, 0-75, N-44, G-54, 1-19, B-7, 1-29, N-40, 0-64, 1-22, N-31, B-1, B-10, B-12 Numbers Drawn So Far In Bingo PLEASE NOTE: The number 0-36 drawn last week was incorrect. It should have been 0-63. 0-52, 0-63 0-48, 0-61, 1-23, 0-62 1-28, G-49, N-34, G-59, 1-20, 0-66, B—I3, 1-30, 0-60, 0-65, 0-67, G-56, 0-71, G-57, 1-18, 1-24, N-35, 0.-:-55 A Trip To The Moon? IT'S JUST AS EXCITING! Come study the Bible, sing pnd play EXETER VACATION Bible School June 29 to July 10 BUS TRANSPORTATION Kindergarten Meets at Bethel Reformed Church Other classes at Christian Reformed and Mennonite Church DIRECTOR - S, SADDER THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, June 21 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TREeITY 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion 11:15 a.m.-Holy B a ptis m, Choral Eucharist and Junior Sunday School. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A., B.D. 10:00 a.m.-Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m.-Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.-Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.-Morning Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 p.m.-CHLO Mennonite Hour. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, June 21 9;45 a.m..-Sunday Scheel 11:00 a.m. - 7:30 pee. Farewell Services foe Pastor and Mrs, Larty Talbet Wed. 6:00 p.m.-,-Prayer a h d Bible Study Everybody Welcome CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys Sunday, June 21 9 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 a.m.-CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. Nursery available for pre- school children. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH (services in Caven Presbyte- rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Getz 8:45 4,m.-Divine Services 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School (at Public Library) BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Worship (Dutch) "Peace Beyond Understand- ing" 2:00 p.m.-Worship (English) "Forgiven and Forgiving" 3:15 p.m.-Stihday School All Welcome' JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 a.m.-MORNING SERVICE COMMUNION Sermon: The Last Supper" Solo: Annmarie Kraft Nursery for babies, Junior Congregation for children 4, 5, 6 years. MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School Promotion Day 11:15 a.m.-Communion Serv- ice Soloist: Mrs. R. J. McCaffrey "Come and worship with us" Next Sunday, Union Service with James Street in Main St, Church at 11:15 a.m. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, June 21 10:30 a.m.-Baptism and Chil- dren's Day Service 3:00 p.m.-Opening Service of the Crusade for Christ in Exeter Arena. June 18, Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Harmonette Trio, Singing and Music Program. Rev, A. W. Maetche, Medicine Hat, Al- berta, Hillcrest Christian Col- lege, will speak. The Cemetery Memorial Service will be held Sunday, Jane 28 at 3:00 p.m. on the Cemetery Grounds, Crediton. Rev. and Mrs. M. J. James, Dashwood, will play, sing and speak. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz Sunday, June 21 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 10:00 a.m.-Bible Class 11:00 a.m.--Divine Service EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: ROV. M. J. JameS, B,A., B.O. Sunday, June 21 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 11;00 a.M.--Sunday School. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St., E. Pastor! W4 Stephenson, B.Th, 11:15 a.M.w-SundaY School 7:10 p,m Worship. Service Sernion: "A Modern Theolfe, igian " 8:00 p.m, Wed: --Prayer Service giirsere for young children. , Ham & 'Strawberry SUPPER St. Andrew 's Church KIPPEN Friday, June 19 5:30 to 8 p.m. Adults $1.25; Children 60e Pre School ChildrenFree Everybody Welcome THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 18.19 BOYS' NIGHT OUT" kIM NOVAK JAMES GARNER Colour Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY June 20-22 SUMMER HOLIDAY" CLIFF RICHARDS LAURI PETERS and THE SHADOWS Colour Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 23.24 Edgar Allan Poe's "THE RAVEN" VINCENT PRICE PETER LORRE BORIS KARLOFF Adult Entertainment Colour Cartoon COMING NEXT THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 2S.26 "LASSIE"S GREAT ADVENTURE" BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON Come as late as 11 p.m. and see the complete show CAVALCADE OF STARS Lucan Community Memorial Centre Mon., June 22 2 Big Shows 6;15 and 8:30 p.m. Advance tickets now on sale Buy now and save 25%or more.Children and students 50e. Adults $1.00; Gate prices 74 and $1.25 Featuring 12 International Famous Circus Acts Act No. Act No. Act No. Act No. Act No. Act No. 1 The Cole Circus Beautiful Military Ponies 2 The Calvatade of Stars Aerial Ballet - Beautiful and Graceful Girls in the Air 3 The Famous Noble Brothers - Europe's Foremost Rolling Globe and Juggling Ar- tists 4 Direct froth the Ozark Moentains - Little- bit - Funniest Mule Alive 5 - From Europe -LeVine's Amusing Chim- panzees 6 - The World's Finest Handbelancing Team - Direct from their Many TV Appearances - The Great 'ream of KAY & KAY - Intermission - Act No, Act No. 8 Act No, Act Noo 10 Act No. le Act No. le e.,uriefotclee Outstanding Canine it e vUde Dogs Trained at their Very Best Ihttieete and Superb Work on the Rola Bola by the arsons - FeOM the Pee West - The Champion Wipe Spinner and Descendant of the Fanieue Kit dateone Kit Carson Noble 7N PERSON - The Wizard on the Tranipoline Dick ford A Most Delightful .Exhibition in Precision by The La May - The Greater Sys 'Unicy'cle Team of All 'Tiniee. Direet trent lielland , THE CYCLONIANS This Advertisement Sponsored By TUCKEY BEVERAGES Bottlers of PEPSI BIRTHS BROWNLEE e- Mr, and Mrs, John A. 'Brownlee (the for. leer Patricia Carter) Oehe ewe, happily announce the are rivel of their son, Jack Al- bert, at. OehawaGeneralHoee pital, June 9- a grandson Tor Mr, and Mrs.. Ken Car- ter, Reception 84 Dance for SHIRLEY SCHWARTZENTRUPER and LLOYD STA.NI-A0' Sat., „Amp 20 9:00 DASH WOOD. CoMMIINI-TY CENTRE HARVEY ORCHESTRA Everyone welcome SilverCollection PRANCE - Norman and Audrey Prance (nee Oreene), London, wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Ann Marie, at St, Joseph's Hospital, June 5, Strqwberry & Ham SUPPER. Greenway United Church Friday, June 19.. Supper served from tO7 Admission Adultsdhildeen 12 and under 50c, pre-school children free IN MEMORIAM HOW much we lost two years ago. We ebell POW forget you. --Lovingly remembered Uncle Jack and Aunt Betty, WREN--In loving memory of a dear Icind wife, Carrie D. Wren wile departed this lite June 17, 1963, Memory's lane is .a lonely lane Where thoughts are ever true; Along this way always stray Because it leads to you; Gone are the days we used to share,, But in my heart you're always there. Always remembered by her loving hueband, Bert Wren. WREN loving memory of a dear sister Carrie B. Wren, wee passed away one year ago June 17, 1963, Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered everyday; No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts she is always there, ,-Ever remembered by sister and brothers. 18* ENGAGEMENTS -- Mr-, and Mrs. James Young of Eeeter wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Nerrna, Elelee to Robert John Jones, son of Mr. and. Mrs, Norval Jones, Exeter, The mar- 3 iage to take place InJeleleSSt, Church parlours on duly 4th at 3:90 prri, 180 PaATHS— PYX.STRA, Marten--Passe d away early Saturday morning, June 13, 1964 at the Guelph General Hospital, Mer ten Dykstra (en his 58th year) of RR 5 Guelph, beloved husband of Shirley Vanden Bosch, dear father of Lowell, of Ex- eter, Mrs. Harry De 'Vries. (Margaret), of Exeter, Mrs. Tom Vanden Bosch (Winnie) of Burlington, Harry, of Lone don, Gerald, of Hamilton and Garry, Thelma and Patricia all at home. Also survived by nine grandchildren. Funeral service was held Tuesday, June le at 2 pm at the Guelph Reformed Church with inter- ment In Woodlawn Cemetery. RADER-e Floyd and Marg Ra- der (nee Wilson) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Elaine Maureen, at Norfolk General Hospital, Sirpcoe, May 29-ea sister for Karen and Steven. SPRIJYTTE - Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Spruytte, Clandeboye, announce the birth of a son, Robert Fran; etSt.Joseph's Hospital, London, June 11 -- a brother for Janet and Terry, ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sch- Wartzentruber wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Shirley to Lloyd Nel- son Staniake. Marriage to take place June 20th. 18* ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott, Exeter, Ont., will be at home to relatives, friends and neigh- bors on July 1st from 2 to 5 pm and 7;30 to 9:30 pm on the occasion of their 50th anniver- sary. No gifts please. 18:25* CARDS OF THANKS — I wish to exPress spy sincere thanks to Me friends and rela- tives for cards, visits, flowers and treats. While a patient in Clinton Hospital..- Mrs, Edgar Qudrnore, 18* HEPDEN ee•I wish to eePrese my sincere thanks to all the friends, relatives and neigh- bors who remembered me with cards, letters, gifts and flow- ers while in South Huron Hoe- pital and special thanks to Dr. Fletcher and the nurses and Staff, for kindness shown. e- Mrs. Marionliedden, Lucerelec I wish to thank all those who visited me, sent cards and treats while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Ecker and the nursing staff. -.Harvey Andrews. 18* I wish to thank all our friends, neighbors and relatives for their cards, letters, treats and flowers, during my stay in St. Joseph's Hospital. your kind- ness was appreciated. --Char- les Gibbs, 18c I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to all my rela- tives, friends and neighbors who sent cards, gifts and flow- ers while I was ill. - Jo-Anne Miners. 18e Special thanks to Hon. Wil- liam A. Stewart of Denfield, Mr. Jefferson of London, Mr. Murray Neil of Exeter, Mr. George Hicks and Mr. Wilfred Huxtable of Centralia and Mr. Kenneth Mitchell of Arva for their kindness of helping me get my compensation back after 34 years. Kenneth Simpson, 18c During our dark hour of be- reavement in the loss of Don- na Marie we are at a loss for words to express our sincere thanks for the many acts of kind- ness and messages of sympathy that have been extended to us through floral tributes, cards and visits. Special thanks to Rev. Guest, pallbearers, flower bearers and Stephenson Funeral Home. Also to those who sent baking and to all the ladies that helped at both homes.-Charlie, Freda Railings and family. 18* We wish to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to our relative s, friends and neighbors for their kind thoughts, cards and floral tri- butes during the recent loss of our dear daughter Donna Marie. Special thanks to Rev. D. M, Guest, pallbearers, flow- er bearers, 3. T. Stephenson Funeral Home and the ladies of the Saintsbury Church. Also thanks to those who sent baking or helped in any way duringthie time. All was very much ap- preciated. - Tom and Shirley Rees. 18* I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and rela- tives for cards, visits, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning home. - Warren Brock. 18c Starlite REUNION- (Lumley) SS No.10 Usborne Township School re- union Sunday June 28. Picnic lunch 12:30 pm. Bring your own picnic lunch, and chairs. All former pupils and friends in- vited. 18c DRIVE-IN SERVICES-Per- sons interested in the continu- ance of the Drive-In Services at Shipka are asked to meet at the Dashwood E.U.B. Church, Friday, June 19, 9;00 pm.18c BAKE SALE-Clandeheve UCW are sponserine a uaice sale in Lucan IG A store June 2'7 at 2 pm. 18c STRAWBERRY AND HAMSUP- PER - Thursday June 18th. sponsored by Ladie s Guild, Trivitt Memorial Church, Adults $1.25, Children .65e. 11:18c REUNION -S.S. No. 7 Usborne Township (Zion) School reunion Saturday, July 4. School bell rings at 1:00 pm. Program at 3:00. Picnic lunch at 4:00. Bring your own picnic lunch, beverage provided. All former pupils and friends invited. 11:180 REUNION-SS 4 Osborne Town- ship (Eden) school reunion Sat- urday, August 1. School bell rings at 1 pm. All former pupils and friends invited, HAM AND S TRA WBERR Y SUP - PER will be held in Cromarty Church on Monday, June 22, 5- 8 pm. Admission $1,50 and .50e, 18c DRIVE IN THEATER Dance To Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal Orchestra Admission 51.50 9-12 p.m. at SHIPKA JUNE 19 and 20 (Double Feature) "Bye Bye Birdie" 1964 DECORATION DAY SERVICES Grand Bend United Church Cemetery (colour) Janet Leigh, Dick Van Dyke Decoration Day Services will be held at the Grand Bend Cemetery on Sunday, June 21 at 2:30 P.M. IN MEMORIAM — DIETRICH -In loving memory of a dear mother, Emma Dietrich who passed away two years ago June 17 and a dear father, John Dietrich, who passed away thirty years ago June 13th. They would not wish for sorrow, They would not wish for tears, But just to be remembered Throughout the passing years. -Lovingly remembered by Lorne, Mary and family. 18* SPEAKER REV. C. A. BRITTAIN Will all persons please bring their own folding chairs for this occasion. Special music is being planned. Elgin Webb: Chairman Murray A. DesJardins: Sec-Treas. SOUTH HURON STANLAKE -In loving me- mory of our dear sister Agnes Ellen who passed away four years ago July 3rd 1960. There are lots of sisters in the world we know, But she was ours and we loved her so; If she could have spoken before she died, These are the words she would have replied; Weep not for me nor sorrow take, But love one another for my sake. -Always remembered and sadly missed by Mabel and Gib Station and family. 18c Hamilton CRUSADE FOR CHRIST EXETER COMMUNITY CENTRE JUNE 21 T018 REV. Speaker. REV. SONG and CHOIR LEADER: MR. GORDON HAMILTON London SWEITZER - In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, Mr. Matthew C. S welt- zer who passed away one year ago June e0, 1963. You did not know that death was near, You said good-bye to none; You left this world without a tear, Your duty nobly done. We cannot forget you, no not for a day, We speak of you often, though passed away; The shock was severe, no doubt, hard to beax, But Jesus has promised we'll meet you up there, -Always reinernbered by eerie Milton and Stuart, daughter- in-laws E v e. and Doris, grandchildren genes, Sandra Sdott and Bonnie. 18* SERVICES WILLARD --In loving memory of a very dear nephew, Ed- ward ;Tames Who passed away two yeare ago, June 17,1062. The dea.reet boy this Werld could hold, Mir Edward With eheery mine and heart of To those who knew him ell Will know, Mon. to Fri. at 8.30 p.m. Sun., June 21, at 3.00 p.m. Closing Sunday, June 28, at 8.00 p.,m. An Interdenominational crusade sponsored by 14 churches in the South Huron area and the Saudi Huron Youth for Christ isimowiximegims,