HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-18, Page 13SUGAR AND SPIKE
Dispensed by ,Smiley
Doy for dad
IS poppycock
We can discuss a date after
you get a job."
Cliff Ward, CO-OP Serviceman tops up the 500 gallon underground gasoline storage tank. Mr. Tienkamp and his wife
like the reliability of all Co-operative services, the quality of CO-OP products and especially the Sunglo home heating
service. They buy from their Cooperative wherever possible—fuel, fertilizer, feed, seed, building materials, home and
garden needs.
bers present. The worship ser-
vice was taken by Mrs. Torn
Barr assisted by Mrs. Ivan
The speaker was Mrs. Mur-
ray Hodgins, who presented a
quiz on Christian and Mission-
ary Education of the church.
A raspberry supper was plan-
ned to be held in the school
room and a tentative date of
July 15 set.
Art invitation for members
and associates to visit the
Pauls' cottage at Grand Bend
Ally 22, was accepted. A picnic
was planned for children up to
10 years and their mothers to
be held on the chureh lawn
Augtist 12.
Mrs. Alex Young read a let-
ter from Mrs. Tong, a mission-
ary from Hong Kong, thanking
the ladies for the bale of baby
clothing, which she received in
At a baptism service in the
church Sunday the Rev, E. 0.
Lancaster baptized Robin Leigh
Kraut, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Keith kraal of George St., Mr.
and MrS. Williani Wood of Lone
don were godparents.
It was announced at the 11
O'clodk serVice that there Will
be open house at Strathmore
Ledge, Strathroy next Sunday.
Attending the service was
Mr. Richard Boaz, Huron Col-
lege student, who will be in
Charge Of July services.
The cheir picnic will be held
next Sunday on the Hyde Park
rectory grounds.
Pentecostal Holinet
Rev. John Sekton was the
guest speaker at the Closing
meeting, until ran, of the Yti
last VridaY evening. Linda duke
fie sang a Solo,
prowl airmarriii ar•ilmir imam mime Immo reonneit ofromea warm
The Mutual Life
litAD 010 FICIP.: WATin1L00. ONTAr4.10/ ESTASLISHnO tine
/ emit, filtorrsled in learning how t can provide
dabi ,fer ,o home [or my family,
S'Iltt Mr'
Mt 64 6C I
wormnii fir 14..6 11...rit *4..6 kiairoliii Oro.
Many donations of flowers and
the loan of Mrs. Frost's birds
added much to the Sunday School
anniversary service Sunday.
Superintendent Cliff Culbert,
was in charge of the service
and was assisted by A lb e r t
Walker, who led in the respon-
sive Psalm and Carol Latta,
Who read the Scripture. The
junior choir sang two anthems.
Soloists were Susan Crozier,
Marlene Butler, Tom Hearn,
Elizabeth Revington and Jean-
ette Barr.
Mr. Cliff Culbert led in the
worship service at the pot-luck
supper held by the couples' club
In the school-room last Wede
Larry Simpson, grandson of
Mrs. Ernest Ross, entertained
with accordion numbers. It was
voted to hold a picnic at Gib-
bon's Park, London, on June
28. The meeting was followed
by games and a social evening.
The Liican-Clandeboye YPIJ
was held Sunday evening at the
home of the president, Barbara
Park. A report on Saturday's
car wash at the Supertest Ser-
Vice Station was made. The $23
realized, mere than tortipleted
the balance of the 00 needed
to support their overseas or-
phan for another year.
The last meeting until fall
will be held at the honle of Lois
Hodgins June 25 and will take
the forni of a wiener roast.
Ball genies will keep The group
together for the summer.
The general IICW meeting
was held 'Thursday, (Waning In
the schoolroomwit mem-
WORK 125 ACRES of cash
crops as does Mr. .1 a ri
Tienkamp, and you can't affor d
unreliable fuel delivery or
inferior petroleum products.
Perishable cabbage and catili-
Page 13 June 1 8, 1904
PP the Weekend to visit TP147
Thus,t of9Y401:p: c whieh Z:s4f F !
er °S- gecesp 4e4ng
qily:.nt4t9w t
doing his 533X, Thus, Father's
ominous look and cuff en the
he would cut off the allowance,
ear became Daddy's whine that
Thus P
Dad's lee
Of the family roast ,became
meatballs smothered in canned
mushroom soup.
Not a prentotiqq? 13.1414.
What are you going to do ahOut
it, Tack?
Shall grow beards, get rid
of the blubber, pound the kids
once a week, and tell the old
lady we're going fishing when
you'llan ' t
n hl al
tth? eYou
mo ya egi t and. o n
Monday, but right now you have
to help Mom do the shopping?
All right, Don't say you weren't
and district news
Then, under the bullying of
his wife and the relentless heck,
ling of his children, he forsookw
principles for possessions, and
happily hopped aboard the
treadmill of proving that he
could. bring Nine as much bacon
as the poor, harassed, coron-
ary-hound character next door.
Slaving like a pit pony, and
attacked for it by his family,
he was still expected to help
With the dishes, mow the lawn,
entertain at parties arranged by
his wife, and drive. 300 miles
Four Legion men..
made life members
Ph0n 227,4255
of the officers for the year.
AccemParded by Larry Lewis
of Granton, Maureen Smith sang
a solo. Maureen is the daughter
of Legion president, J. W.
Smith and Mrs. Smith. The for-
mer was MC for the meeting
which closed with a smorgas-
bord dinner.
cerri,petndeett .Miaa Line Abbott.
Probably the biggest piece of
pure Poppycock on otir Calendar
is the Sunday in June designated
as Father's Day.
It is almost as silly as cele-
brating the birthday of Queen
Victoria (on the nearest Mon-
day), or adppting that pretty, but
uninspiring thing, the maple
leaf, as our flag symbol.
That's because, like queens'
birthdays and flags, fathers are
anachronisms, things that be-
long to the dear, dead past of
empires and gallantry andfam-
ily solidarity.
The empire has disappeared,
the flag has become something
to quibble about, and fathers
have turned into cartoon char-
We have become Increasingly
a mother-dominated society.
But in trying to prove that Mom
doesn't have clay feet, we have
casually accepted the theory
that father has a dough head,
The word ',father" is never
used any more, as a term of
address. The only place it crops
up is in sociological and psy-
chological terms, such as
"father image" or "father fig-
It's been a wild swing of the
pendulum, and it is a sad and
bitter thing, this degeneration
from Father to Daddy, but I
can't help pointing out that we
have brought it upon ourselves,
The Trojans opened the gates
and dragged in that big, wooden
horse. The Arab let the camel
stick his nose into the tent, to
keep warm. Father achieved
the same end by relinquishing
the purse-strings to that brave,
little woman with a heart of
gold and a will or iron—Mom.
Next, he began to listen to a
lot of third-rate tripe, mostly
in the form of articles in wom-
en's magazines. Thus, he fell
prey to such clap-trap as "fam-
ily togetherness", and "being
a pal" to his children, and
"talking things out" with his
Hold open house
to see donations
Wor. Bro. Art McLean of
London, was MC at Irving Ma-
sonic Lodge's open house, held
here, last Saturday evening, in
order that the members' wives
might see, the altar cloth and
cushion donated by Mrs. Karl
O'Neil and Mrs. Cecil Carter
in memory of their husbands
and dedicated by Chaplain of
South Huron Masonic District,
the Rev. Lyall Crawford of
Parkhill, on June 11.
Many other donations, dedi-
cated the past two years in he,
nor of the Lodges' hundred
year celebration were also on
The speakers included, Rt.
Wor. Bros. Murray Hodgin$
and Harold Corbett, Very Wor.
Bro. Cliff Culbert and War.
Bros. Emerson Hodgins, Alex
Young, Bob Murray, Wm. me-
Falls, Charles Corbett and Jack
At a joint meeting of the Lu-
can branch of the Royal Cana-
dian Legion and Auxiliary in the
Legion Hall last. Friday even-
ing, the following charter mem-
bers were made life members,
Harvey B. Langford, PercyVa-
hey, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins and
Mrs. Charles Haggai%
Guest speakers, who also
made the presentations includ-
ed, W. E. Bugler of London,
District commander, Roy War-
ren of Glencoe, Deputy Dis-
trict Commander and Ed. Deck
of London, of the public re-
lation's office.
Bernard Avery of Lucan
made, and presented to the Le-
gion and Auxiliary a large wood-
en plaque each, on which will
be recorded the names of all
life members and the names
would you like
a modern kitchen?
an up-to-date laundry?
extra living space?
find the best way
to plan it in the
planning guides
available now at your
Main St.S., Exeter Phone: 235-0930
Retired teacher receives certificate
Teachers in districts of Middlesex and Oxford Counties attended the annual banquet of the Women
Teachers' Federation last week in St. George's Anglican Church, Thorndale. At the banquet, Miss
Lisa Abbott, right, was honored with a presentation of a certificate marking her 40 years of ser-
vice as a teacher. From the left are Mrs. Ken O'Neil, Putnam, president; Bishop W. A. Townshend,
London, guest speaker. --Free Press photo
Mail services
create delays
What a hue and cry in the
Lucan Post Office, June 4, to
find no Exeter paper in mall
Over and over again the PO
staff patiently explained that
truck delivery—East and West
—had been cancelled. Many
subscribers went back to the PO
at night feeling sure the papers
would come on the evening mail
but still no papers. "Oh well
everything will be back to nor-
mal by the 11th," everyone de-
•cided but again everyone was
It was a case of "You don't
miss the water until the well
goes dry!" For years Lucanites
have been so accustomed to
receiving The Times-Advocate
promptly on Thursday that it is
hard to have to wait until Fri-
day. However they are still.
hoping the Exeter editor can
make some arrangement so
Lucan can receive the paper
Thursday as usual.
Forty years as teacher
Honored for long service
For a number of years a
group of former members of the
Ebenezer Church, which once
stood on eoncession 4 McGilliv-
ray, has held an annual reunion.
This year 13 members of the
group met for dinner at the
Dufferin House, Centralia, last
Sunday, June 7, after which they
held a happy get-together at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Morley of Brinsley for the
afternoon and evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bantir.g
of Lucan were among the group
who attended this year's re-
Why was I so honored! Some-
one got the brain-wave that all
superannuated teachers should
be given some token of appre-
ciation for long years of service
in the teaching profession, so
in spite of the fact I retired in
1950, I received my certificate
last Tuesday-14 years late.
Ladies list tasks
husbands do well
Mrs. Gordon Alse was hos-
tess for the meeting of the
Granton WI. Roll call was an-
swered by "A household task
my husband does well."
The president, Mrs. Clarence
Lewis, reported canvassers
collected $92 for the cancer
fund. Brenda Wallis entertained
with an accordion solo.
Slides of the Northwest Ter-
ritories were shown by Mrs.
George Wilson, FWIC public
relations officer for the terri-
Mrs. C. L. McRoberts and
Mrs. Frank Squire assisted the
hostess with the refreshments. Persona! notes
For the second consecutive
year Lucan's correspondent for
The Exeter T 1m e s-Advocate
was a guest of honor at the
annual spring banquet of the
Women Teachers' Federation
for Middlesex 1 and 2 and Ox-
ford 3 and 4 last Tuesday.
She writes: Last year I was
most thrilled, as a superannuat-
ed teacher, to receive an invita-
tion and complimentary ticket
and, at the close of the program,
to be presented with one of the
beautiful floral table decora-
tions, but this year I was really
honored. In the first place I
was sent, not one but two tickets
so my neighbor, Mrs. Harold
Corbett was delighted to accom-
pany me,
On entering St. George's Ang-
lican Church, Thorndale, I was
presented with a beautiful cor-
sage of pink and white carna-
tions. Shortly after I was usher-
ed to the basement where a
Free Press photographer took
a picture of me holding my
framed "Certificate of Ser-
vice" with Bishop W. A. Town-
send of London, the guest speak-
Treasure Chest
Lucan's Gift Shop
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe
227-4792 Lucan 111111111if MON
Special service bulletin for Mutual Life policyholders Cancer canvass
realizes $884
Mr. Jack Steacy of Lucan,
treasurer for the Canadian C an-
cer Society, reports that he has
sent to headquarters the sum of
$884.30 received from collec-
tors for Lucan and district.
For Him`
er and Mrs. Ken O'Neil of Put-
nam, the president, looking over
my shoulder.
I was next given a seat of
honor at the head table and after
the program was officially pre-
sented with my certificate and
also a silver spoon with the
Federation Crest and, as a
grand climax, was again given
one of the beautiful table decor-
ations. (The two other retired
teachers were unable to be
The bishop, who has several
teachers in his family and was
himself once a teacher, gave an
interesting and amusing ad-
dress which included many per-
sonal experiences.
Three of Lucan's PS teach-
ers, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh,
Mrs. Ross McRoberts and Mrs.
Martin Van Arenthals, were
also present. Mrs. McRoberts
had the honor of presenting
Mrs. Foster with the presi-
dent's pin and Mrs. Van Aren-
thals, who is retiring as treas-
urer, was presented with a vase.
None of the Lucan staff was
listed In the new slate of offi-
cers for next year.
I Tie-t a c s, tie-bars,
cuff-link sets, leath-
er accessories etc.
PRICED $1.00 /
and up
Have you bought
a home since you
bought your Mutual
Life insurance?
If the answer is "Yes", you've bought something
you're mighty proud of and you have a right to be.
After all, a home is probably the biggest invest-
ment you'll make in a lifetime. You spent a lot of
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Those things were important because you bought
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Mutual Life of Canada, can arrange a repayment
plan to guarantee that your family will have a
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the Coupon below for further information.
Like Mr. Ian Tienkamp of Newmarket:
Mr. Jan Tienkamp has two sons and a
hired men, who keep Three Tractors going
eftieionily Of1 CO-0 P petrolovehp'redueis.
ontment iaiievet -pain,aloara
and piornatas rest healing. said at all
itTU t01/111,31S.
dtlsepttc You can always depend
on COOP Petroleum Products
Representative: G, R. GOD&OLT, C.L.U,,
Corner "Sanders & Edward Sts,
Exeter, Ontario, Ph: 1354740
Mr. & Mrs. SheridanReving-
ton entertained Sunday with a
family dinner in honor of their
son Lyle's birthday, Mr. & Mrs.
Cecil McFalls, Mrs. Gr ac e
Welbourn, Mrs. Harry McFalls
and Mrs. G. Smith of London
were guests also their son's
Mr, William Lambourn, CNR
station agent at Ilderton, was
a Sunday guest of Mrs. Henry
Hodgins. In the afternoon he
took Mrs. Hodgins and Miss
Sophie Richard to visit Mr.
& Mrs. H. A. Mullens and
family of London.
Lucan and district relatives
have received word of the death
of Mr. Leonard Hodgins, 36, son
of Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hodgins
of Chilliwack and grandson of
the late Mr, & Mrs. William
Hodgins, formerly of Conces-
sion' 16 London Township.
Messrs. Johnny and Norman
Hisson of Glenallan were Sun-
day guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wil-
Liam Aylestock.
Mr. & Mrs. James Freeman,
Ken and Ricky, were Sunday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Dunning of Norwich.
Mrs. Clarence Young, Mrs.
Calvin Haskett, Mrs. Don An-
kers, Mrs. Clarence Haskett,
Mrs. Ivan Hearn, and Mrs. T.
A. Watson, the "DairyI Maids"
champion bowlers of the Wo-
men's League, celebrated with
a dinner and show in London
last Wednesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Collins of
Toronto were Saturday guests
of Mrs. George Bawden.
Mr. & Mrs. James Davis and
family were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Edith Raymond and Mrs.
Marie Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Clare
Paton and family accompanied
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Graham and
family of Chatham were week-
end guests of Mr. & Mrs. Calvin
After six weeks inSouth Hur-
on Hospital Mrs. A. M. Hedden
is able to be home. Mr. & Mrs.
A. G. Ford, London, were Sun-
day guests.
Mrs. John Blackwood and
Mrs. Margaret Blackwood of
Don Mills were Sunday guests
of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jenkins.
Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Anderson
and family of Alice St., have
moved to London.
Mrs. John Casey arrived
home Monday after two weeks
in South Huron Hospital.
Mrs. Will Haskett is still a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
after undergoing surgery.
Intended for last week
Mrs. Cecil Robb and Mrs.
Perry Charsley last Friday at-
tended the funeral of Thomas
Kempton at Ripley, and later
visited friends at Kincardine.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Haskett
and family were weekend guests
of Mrs. Will Haskett.
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Thompson
have returned from a three
day vacation at their cottage
at Pike Bay.
/mean junior bowling team ,
again met defeat Saturday
morning when Shakespeare
teams made a return Visit.
Mr. & Mrs. John Wood and
family wore Sunday guests of
Mr. & MrS. Robert Jenkins.
Saturday afternoon
Murray Hodgins atten ded a
camp meeting, at Lambeth UC,
pl anning the Directors' and
Counsellors' Training t amp,
for June 26-28 at Kee-Mo-kee.
Time conscious farmers depend .
on CO-Or reliable service
35 acres of The Tienkamp form ate
devoted ho cabbage and cauliflowers
which Jae sells direct to the supermarket,
CO.OP fuels and service gel Mein Mate
on lime,
flower crops must be out of the
field and into the supermarket
in the shortest time, That's
why, in the busy harvesting
season, as throughout the
year, Jan depends on his
Co-operative for all his
petroleum needs.
CO.OP petroleum products
are geared to Ontario farm
requirements , tailored to
today's powerful engines.
Co.operative service is
matched to e(flcicnt farming,
too. Trained salesmen like
Cliff Ward know Arm prob,
leis and know how to serve
the farina best.
Try CO-OP petroleum prod-
ucts and discover the many
advantages of Co-Operative
service for yourself.
Roolered Trade Mark
it I i