HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-18, Page 11By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE COMPLETES STUDY Mrs. Gerald Brintnell had charge of the worship service for the UCW meeting held in the church basement Tuesday evening. She was assisted by Mrs. Bob Robinson. Readings were given by Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Mrs. J. Mill- er and Mrs. M. Copeland. Mrs. Wm. Spence favored wih a solo, The study book on India was completed by Miss Jean Cope- land, Mrs. Ira McCurdy took charge of the business. Another honor for CE squad RCAF Centralia won theSec- ond Annual Golden Volleyball Tournament held at RCAF Sta- tion Centralia this week. The six teams entered in the tournament included Centralia, London Oldtimers, Detroit Y.M.C,A., Toronto Broadview "Y", London Teachers an d Centralia C.O.S. The winning Centralia squad won eight of their ten games to win the tournament by one point over London and Detroit who tied for second. Members of the winning team included Joe baiter, Jack Wong, Tom Burke, Al Wiper, George Kelly and Don McCauley. TEAM W L PTS. Centralia 8 2 8 London Oldtimers. 7 3 7 Detroit "Y" . 7 3 7 Toronto Broad.... 6 4 6 London Teachers .. 2 8 2 Centralia C.O.S. . 0 10 0 25 Auction Sales must be removed within PI 'days of sale date, TranSfer of deeds and per. mits tP be Paid by purchaser. TERMS: Cash. Gliairrn9 .4 r1of TaWYE' T wP, W,Seth3°ItgOlicAETNeSallIRE, Secretary-Treasurer Hay Tvvp, School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood Community AUCTION SALE Modern Furniture and Appli..4onnoce!H,A;p:icw. SATURDAY, .444a 20 glassware, at 1:30 p.m.. AT THE YARD OF ELDON HEYWOOD '4Sse$r,vice) End (First house north of South Colored china, 8-pc. dining suite, 2-pc, chesterfield, 5 - pc. wooden kitchen suite, electric stove, odd beds, odd chairs, cast iron kettle, east iron fry pan, GE frig, electric stove with oil annex, 21” TV, black Shet- land pony, chestnut mare, neck trained. Many more articles not unpacked at ad time. HEYWOOD AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS Phone Exeter 235-0720 London 432,5552 18e Clearing AUCTION SALE of Hereford Cows with Calves by Side, York and Landrace Hogs, Corn, Grain and Standing Hay will be held on LOT 8, CON, 7, BLANSHARD TOWNSHIP, 2 miles east of Woodham, on TUESDAY, JUNE 23 commencing at 1:30 p.m. CATTLE-23 Hereford cows with calves from 1 to 3 months old; 2 Hereford year- lings; purebred Hereford bull 16 'months old, HOGS — Landrace hog 15 months old; 4 York and Lan- drace sows with litters; 4 York & Landrace sows carry- ing second litters; 2 York and Landrace sows, bred; 12 shoats 10 weeks old. HAY & GRAIN — 6 ton of shelled corn; 6 ton of mixed grain; 30 acres of standing hay. ALSO a 1951 Meteor car, in good order; 1951 Chev. half- ton truck in good condition; 4-burner Gurney electric stove. No reserve. Terms: Cash. For the estate of the late Robt, Rundle. W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. RE: TRANSPORTATION Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the transporting of the Us- borne Public School pupils to the Ushorne Central School, commencing the Fall term. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the secretary. Tenders close Tuesday, June 23 at 6 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GARNET HICKS, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 11:18c HEATING SYSTEM Tenders are invited for esti- mates on the installation of a complete heating system for Exeter Public Library. Closing date July 15. Phone 235-0211 (after 6) or 235.1807 for details. 18c DEPARMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS address- ed to Secretary, Department of Public Works of Canada, Room B 322, Sir Charles Tup- per Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and endorsed "TEN- DER FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, FUEL OIL AND PRO- 72 Notices_ ....... easements, for .g4.14ing sewer, watermain and hydng services. PO the lancla io question, That subject to the said easements, lands .comPriS- jpg that part of the soitl. road. allowance hereby topped up And closed shall continue to be vested in The Corporation of the Town of Exeter .to: be dealt with .from time to time as the .Council of the said Corporation may see fit and deent proper,. And -that the Council of the said Corporation will beer, in Per$P11 or by CP.11114ei,.$011e1.- tor, or agent, any. persen who claims atat his IAN will bp prejudicially affected by the said by-law and *ho applied to be heard at a meeting to he held at the ceoncil .Charn, bers at the Town Hall in the Town pf Exeter on the 20th day of July, 1904 at the hour of eight o'clock in the eve- ning or so soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held. DATED at Exeter,. Ontario this 11th day of June, 1964. C, V. PICKARD, ESQ., Clerk, Town of Exeter. 18:15:2:9e 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tile Estate of John Batiuk, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Batiuk, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Fisherman, who died on or about the 14th day of January 1964, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solici- tors of. Exeter, Ontario, by the 20th day of June 1964, after which date tile estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 4:11:18c 24 Tenders Wanted 25 Auction Sales important AUCTION SALE Consisting of Hay Town- ship Schools, Land and Misc. Items On the premises as listed and stated time. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Parcel No. 1 North east corner Lot 19, Lake Rd. West, Township of Hay, Highway 21, 2 miles south of St. Joseph with no buildings which will be offered for sale on the premises at 1:30 p.m. Parcel No. 2 School No. 12, Hay Town- ship, south east corner Lot 18, Con. 15, 21 miles west of Zur- ich thence 1 mile south on which is situated a white brick schoolhouse 27x461/ in good condition. Suitable for residential purposes. Contents to be offered sep- arately—School desks and ta- ble; blackboard; teacher's desk; enamel sink; 200-gal oil tank; roll woven wire; steel and cedar posts; large antique school bell. Sale to take place on the premises at 2:30 p.m. Parcel No. 3 School No. 8, Hay Town- ship, south west corner Lot 6, Con. 12, 11. miles north of Dashwood, on which is situ- ated frame schoolhouse cov- ered with metal siding 44ix321 with newly installed furnace. Building in good condition. Spacious grounds. Suitable for residential or business projects, Contents to be offered sep- arately — 200-gal. oil tank; Clare Hecla oil furnace and pipes; school desks and table; 2 crokinole boards; quantity of books; library table; pressure pump, etc, etc. Sale to take place on the premises at 3:30 p.m. Please Note — School build- ings and land to he offered separately. In the event schools and land are sold to separate buyer s, buildings 24 Tenders Wanted PAN,E. OAS FOR THE UP- ▪ KIII4PINO.S. TIMM:KM- OUT THE PROVINCE OF ON^ TAR.i0,. 10_54-(V, will be ye- ..e.,eived until 3:00 p.11, (EDST) TUESDAY, JULY 21, 10.04. Tender documents can be obtained ,through: MO of Pur,. chasing and Stores, Rem C. 459, Sir Charles Tapper Build- ing, Riverside Drive, Ottawa; Office Managers 'at: :241. Jarvis Street, Toronto; 457 Wchmond Street, London s Post Mee Building, Fort William, Ont, To be considered each ten, tier must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary, 38c TENDER FOR REMOVAL OF MOWN HAY RCAF STATION CENTRALIA Tenders are invited for the removal of mown hay from RCAF Station Centralia. Sealed tenders addressed to Commanding Officer RCAF Station Centralia will be re- ceived up until noon Monday, June 22. For further details contact Senior Construction Engineer- ing Officer. Phone 228-6611 Local (379) 18c ATTENTION FARMERS—Cred- iton Feed Mill will be in opera- tion as usual. 18c TOWN OF EXETER COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall on the dates and during the hours listed below for the col- lection of taxes for the Town of Exeter, Please arrange to make payment on or before these dates to avoid penalty. Monday, June 29 9 a.m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 p.m. 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 30 9 a,m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 p.m. ERIC CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector 11:18:25c NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 249, Section 459 and other powers thereunto enabling, the Cor- poration of the Town of Exe- ter proposed to stop up and close: ALL THAT PORTION of road allowance known as Mill Road and shown on Registered Plan Number 20 in the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario running from the easterly boundary of Main St, ac- cording to said Plan Num- ber 20 to the westerly boundary of Andrew Street according to said Plan Number Twenty. ALL THAT PORTION of road allowance known as Andrew Street and shown on Registered Plan Num- ber 20 in the Town of Exe- ter, in the County of Hur- on and Province of On- tario and described as fol- lows: COMMENCING at the North east angle of lot number 1029 accord- ing to said plan Number 20 being also the southerly boundary of Mill Road a• foresaid; THENCE south- erly along the westerly boundary of Andrew Street to a point 365' northerly from the intersection of Andrew Street With the north limit of Hill Street according to Plan Num- ber 20; THENCE Easterly and parallel to the north- erly limit of Hill Street to the easterly limit of Andrew Street; THENCE Northerly along the East- erly 1 i in i t of Andrew Street to the North West angle of Lot Number 1021; THENCE Westerly in ri straight line to the place of beginning. The lands comprising that p said toadart of the aoW. once hereby stopped lip hand closed, and the subsequent sale or other disposition of the said lands, Shall be subject to 12 Properly For Rent FURNISHED apartMent, _cert. trally located, treated, AV411-. able immediately, Apply Bea- vers :Hardware, 4.5-1033, stfnc 3-BEDROOM storey and A half -house,. available July 1.. Phone 235-1.377, 18e 5-BOOM UPPER, aParttliellt, in Exeter, unfurnished, 2 bed- rooms, heated. on William St., Close to downtown. Phone ..215- 2575. .6:18tfne DASIIWOOD 4-ropm gparts merit in Brokenshire vacant July 1, Apply E. R. sims, 145 Mill St„ Exeter.. 2•BEDROONI apartment, avail- able May 1. Apply D. C. Joynt, phone 62 Hensel'. 3:261.fne HEATED apartment, 2 bed- rooms with large living room, dining room, convenient kiteh. en and 3-piece bathroom. This is a comfortable roomy apart- ment. Available about first of March. C. V. Pickard, Insur- ance & Real Estate, 394 Main St, S, 13tfne 18 For Rent TENT TRAILER, sleeps four; weekly., $15.00; June, July, August, September. Phone 278W4 Hensell for reservations. Apply E. Mouaaeau, Kippen, 4;11;10:25* FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12: 13tfne 20 Wanted To Rent BY ACTIVE elderly lady, fur- nished, ground floor room with kitchenette or kitchen privi- leges, Phone 235-1807, 18* ACCOMMODATION— OPP Con, stable and family (two sons) desire to rent a house in Exe- ter. Two bedrooms minimum, but would ..prefer bigger. Con- tact Constable George Beams, OPP office, Exeter. lane 22 Notices MODERN apartment, 1 - bed- room, kitchen, living room, 3- piece bath with shower, un- furnished, available immedi- ately. Apply Art Gaiser, Ell- mart Apts., Main St., Exeter. Phone days 235-1505; evenings 235-2754. 5: 71(ne FURNISHED, heated apart- ment; separate entrance; ideal for two, Apply 370 Carling St. Orp hone 235-2456. 6:18tfne LUCAN 2-bedroom tipalairs apartment, utilities paid, $65.00 a month, Phone Ltican 227-4830, 5i7tIne Davies Grant & Patterson DEVON BUILDING EXETER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • PH 235.0120 • Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. TirreA-Ady.ocpt#, J une Utt 1904 P.p. 11, Receive thanks .for Whalen UCW bade Wit -High 40901,WirriPr,..aed 444 PO Y.19> I.P4t1940 ..SPent. the Weekend with, M. MrS, P.n.1 mccann anti family, Miss Mary •IvigNeever .91. the MePh AgedeMY./411.04 ilaS returned for .smrner .clays with her parents Mr., 4 Mrs. Hubert McKeever, The annual hate. Supper and sirew will be held ont ,..4,11Y on the church grounds, Mr, Charles Dietrfchlsin4,' 14' splendid improvement inSt. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. George Fresard and farnilY of I)eti•olt is sPenOin_g the summer vacation with her Mettler, Mrs. Charles. Regier and Judy. Mr. Richard O'Rourke came home from 5t. Joseph's FlPsOl- tal last week after eight weeks as a patient there, misses Joanne and Eleanore Dietrich of Mt. St. Joseph Aca- demy London are home for the summer Vacation' Dennis McCann of Assurnp- By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE WUALEN The hostesses for the UCW meeting held Tuesday evening In the SS rooms of the church were Mrs, Melville Cunning and Mrs. GPrdon Jelitiscd. Twelve members ,answered the roll call. The theme of meeting was }'Power through Faith", Mrs, Bert Duffield. presided. She was assisted in the worship service by Mrs. Klahne and Mrs. Ken Hodgson. Several readings were given during the prggrarn. Plans for the SS picnic to be held at Seaforth Park were made, A letter was read from the Teronto overseas relief fund thanking for the bale received from this unit. The travelling basket has also started on its way, • Leading fruit -growing pro- vines is Ontario, which has not only a favorable climate in its southern sections but, also a. large population to provide large market for the growers' products, Glenn Froats and family. Mrs. Melville punning visited her sister!. Mrs, WM.S1.111tht. Hebnoot,.?..t victoria Hospital, London WecinesdaY• Miss. core. Nuttycernh and Mrs, Myrtle Shorthill, London, visited Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. Alex Home, Mr, & Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and family, London TWP., Mr, & MTS. Jack Kirkham and Laurie, Mitchell, and Mr ,.Sant Sant King$1114, Shipka, visited Sunday with mr, and Mrs. Cleve Pullman. Gordon Johnson, Alton Neil, Ken Hodgson, Eric Atwood, Ray Jaques, Gerald Herrn Grafton Squire, John Finkbelper, Bill Morley, Ken Wilson attended the Ansa. Craig Men's League Bowling banquet at the. Liman Arena Thursday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Adams, Lon- don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Alton Neil. Sunda.y callers with the Neils were Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. MabeiParkin- son, Loudon, PERSONALS Mrs. Ann Egan, Granton, Is spending tills week with Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Bieber, Several ladies from the com- munity attended the blossom tea held at St. Patrick's Church Saintsbury, Wednesday after- noon. Mr. & Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Rodd, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Squire, Dana and Mary Jane Culbert, Mrs. Grafton Squire, Sue Ann and Paul were Thursday guests of Mr. & Mrs. F. Squire, Granton, honoring the birthday of Ron. Miss Barbara Bieber is spending this week in Exeter with Mrs. Robert Johns. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kilpatrick, Toronto, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Kil- patriek and Cathie and Mr. Larry Kilpatrick, Byron, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Squire, Douglas and Bill, visited in St. Marys Sunday with Mrs. Bristol Holden, Mr. Geo. Arksey visited Sat- urday in London with Mr. & Mrs. 1-STOREY unfurnished 3-bed• room house with automatic oil furnace; close to downtown and schools, Phone 235-0736. 5:14tfnc 11 Property for Rent „ COTTAGE at Inverhuron, north Of Killeardine; available July 1 to 15 and all of ',ingest. Phone 235-2752 Exeter, 18c DASHWOOD-2-bedroom apart- ment, newly decorated, 5 miles from lake, rent reasonable. Phone 81 Dashwood. 11:18:25c NEWLY FURNISHED 1-bed- room apartment, Wall-to-wall carpet, all new furniture eluding applianees and tele- vision, $95.00 Per month. Elliot Apartments, 442 Main St, Phone 235-0585; nights 235-2912. 28tfnc Property For lain ZI,1111C11 HOUSE for sale Pr rent, fresh painted, living; room, 3 becingonls, 14111 ..bath, kitchen ,cupboards, sink, hot, cold water, oil .furnaee,ger, den, Vacarit Exeter Hoplex on very easy terins; Store-snack bar, attached tlwelling„ terms arranged; 100 acres, 05 tillable, good. barn, large drive- shed, briek heose, ferrmee, bath ; 150 acres, 130 tjllable L.-shape barn, silo, driveshed„ bell house,. brick house, many conveniences,. Buy now for fall possesSien, W. C, Pearce, Real- tor, Exeter; -Hill Armstrong, Salesman, .3.8tfne ......„. 3-ROOM lower suite, private entrance, available June 1. Apply within 512 Main St. or phone 235,2836. 5: 14tfnc UNFURNISHED apartment, 2 bedrooms, modern, in former Simmons Apts. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 6; lltfnc SMALL self contained apart. ment suitable for 1 or 2 ladies. This is a bright, cheery, nice• ly furnished apartment, only $35.00 per month. Elliot Apart- ment Building. Phone 235-2912. 30tfne MODERN 2 - bedroom, heated apartment, hot water supplied. Apply 411 Albert St., Exeter. 4tfne FURNISHED 2-bedroom apart- ment, air conditioned, central location. Parker Apts., Main St., Exeter. Phone 235-0915. 4tfnc 1-BEDROOM, apartment, heat- ed, utilities paid; available July 1. Phone 235-0382. 4tfne 2•BEDROOM apartment, $45 a month, Attfield's Store, Credi- ton. Phone 234.6394. 5:21tfne NICELY FURNISHED 3-room apartment, all conveniences. For full particulars call 235- 2376, lltfnc E. 1. Parkinson native of district PERSONALS Several from the community attended anniversary services at Zion West, Sunday morning. Jim Rundle has taken a job with the F. A. Buskards & Son Ltd., London. Mrs. Robert Rundle and Jack visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Culver when Kenneth returned home after Mrs. Alex Baillie received having spent the past Week with a telegram from her sister in Jack. Moose Jaw, Sask. Tuesday mor- Mr. & Mrs. Don Rixon and ning telling her that her husband family of London visited Sun- Ernest I. Parkinson had died day with Misses Blanche and suddenly at their home June 9 Rhea Mills. In his 85th year. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Lawrence He was born on the 14th con- of Taylor, Mich. and Mrs. Mae cession of London Township Crozier of Detroit spent a where he lived and worked in couple of days with their aunts, that district as a thresher until Miss Ada Hopkins and Mrs. he and his wife moved to Sas- Arthur Hopkins. katchewan. He joined the 208th Mr. & Mrs. Jim Miller, Betty Battalion CEF in 1914, was Jean and Bob, Miss Ruth Mill- overseas for four years and er of London, Mr. & Mrs. Ted was one of those badly gassed Insley, Murray and Karen, Mr. in the first gas attack and was & Mrs. Oscar Brine, Mr. & wounded also at Paschendale. Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl and He returned to Moose Jaw Mr. Jack Constable of St. Marys where they have since resided. were Friday eveningguests with He is survived by his wife Mr. & Mrs. Ross Robinson and the former Charlotte Morley, Lynn. Mr, Jim Miller and Mrs. daughter of the late Joseph Oscar Brine were both cele- Morley and EllenNalrn Morley; brating birthdays. and by two sons; Morley, Leth- Mrs. Robert Rundle andJack, bridge, Alberta, and John, Ed- Mr. Kenneth C ulve r visited monton, Alta; a daughter (Bes- Thursday evening with Mrs. sic) Mrs. John Dugdale, Van- Wilbert Payne and Jim of Lon- couver, B.C. also seven grand- don. children; a daughter Dorothy Mr.. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, predeceased; one brother, Cynthia and Ellen attended an- Noble of Birr, Ont; one sister, niversary services at Wesley Mrs. Will Rigney, London. Four UC Sunday and were guests with sisters and one brother are Mr. & Mrs. Bev Westman and predeceased. Janet. The funeral was held Friday, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Payne of June 12, with interment in London visitedSunday with Mrs. Moose Jaw cemetery. Robert Rundle and Jack. 2-BEDROOM brick house, very nice, very central, $85.00. Ap- ply Elliot Apartments or phone 235-0585, 235-2912. lltfnc 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-1877. lltfnc TWO-BEDROOM house at 92 Huron St„ Exeter. All outside property maintained, available July 15, Contact Eric Hey- wood, 235-1254. 18c DUPLEX at 122 Sanders St. Vacant after June 16. Apply 410 Carling St., phone 235.0313, 18c Learn how Cygon®4-E fights aphids in peas Cygon packs three-way control. As a contact killer. As a residual insecticide on foliage, ,As a systemic protector inside the plant won't be washed away by weather. 2. As a residual protectant Cygon controls for 14 days or longer - without residue problems when used as instructed, Apply early and protect throughout the season. Apply up to 21 days before harvest. One gallon will cover 21 acres. 3. Get Cygon in 16 oz. to 5 gallon sizes, Consult your ag-rep for proper timing — and you'll be dollars ahead when harvest rolls around. 4. And remember: Cygon comes from Cyanamid. For further information on any Cyanamid product Write: Cyanamid of Canada Limited, Montreal 2, Quebec A. .1%?▪ " Al. "' X XXI Always follow label instructions carefully when using any insecticide Roo'd. r;si..ttStir:s:ias.atirt.iss*ass„rtarOpVip"2.s.Ss.s•oMs.itiiaiSSSi;;0.s.s.:`gttir-ar,•.titis..irf;.StStiSti:•ais.s.s.sitiKSSSSSSSi,ss.SSSSStiS:sSSSSS:g..:Sa.s.SSSSlitititisS.S1itit::iis.'-St,a:tiSStiSSr. 3 MODERN 2-bedroom, self- contained apartments. Apply Fink Plumbing & Heating Ltd., 'Mensal!. 11:18:25:2c APARTMENT for two, heated, unfurnished, 426 Main St,, liv- ing room, bedroom, modern kitchen, hot and cold water, $45 a month, services extra. Available July 1, Apply at The Ti m es-Ad voca te , 5 ROOM UPPER 2 bedroom apartment in a duplex; 3-pee. bath, stove and garage, $53.00. 497 Main St. Phone 235-1347. 6:18tinc Trade Up To A '64 Today WHILE OUR SELECTION IS AT ITS BEST Let us help you get that car. - FA COTTAGE at Grand Bend Preferably families by the week; modern conveniences. Phone Parkhill 294-6564. 18:25* APARTMENT — Air condition- ed, 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen, 3-pce, bath, heated, central Main St. Avail- able July 1, Apply W. G. Coch- rane, 28 Nelson St. W„ Gode- rich, 6: 18tfne MODERN 3 - bedroom farm home on 'highway 23, with ap- proximately three acres and out•Intildinga. Possession avail- able August 1. Apply Box CPL Exeter Times-Advocate. 6: 18tfn c VALIANT CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH We can probably help you a lot. Cer- tainly we would like to. You don't have to be a regular Scetiabank customer —in fact—if this will be your first bor- roWing experience with any bank—then a SCOTIA PLAN LOAN has been designed especially for you. What kind Of car do you want? Whether you want a new car or used car the same low Scotia Plan rates apply, and, in most cases, the car itself provides ail the security needed, A Scotia Plan Car Loan can be a very practical way for you to get the car you have always wanted, And here's another good point; you can make the kind of car deal you want without any financial worries at all because your SCOTIA PLAN LOAN can be ar- ranged before you go car shopping. Your Scotia Plan Car Loan will be life-insured, -for even more security for you. Remem- ber, too, a SCOTIA PLAN LOAN is also an excellent way for you to consolidate all your debts of to buy thote new appliances, furnishings, or for practically any worthwhile purpose, So phone or visit your nearest Scotia- branch manager soon. You'll find him a most understanding man to talk to— let him help you get that car this week. WE-NEED USED CARS So Right Now We Are Giving The Best Deal In Town MATHERS BROS. PHONE 235-1525 EXE-TEP :::14BEIANK ‘,11F17 THE BANK OF NOVA 5OO1`IFI • Yee • ii'"Wer'''...1..WorrYetea',.N.V.'*.M.'"oti••••••••••••00:VAV.Vi:t4:iik%K:Ixt:"...;*t..4.441'.:41,4:4.17,t:1411%.!;*ArW$W4