HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1860-06-27, Page 3,774 OP RETURNS O!' CONVICTIONS blade by tier Mid Jaes of the Peace -within the United Counties of Huro p From the Man! Sculoo'k W 11111 Jame 184i1Sion111860. Thomas Grady deur D. Baylis B.yli• lbsiti ioy*O Ames KcDonoeh J. o M•Doaoeh (iaords McDonald /=ak tsah Ann hteeagiey &serge Prison Wiliam Maim cid B Vise .ha Brown iris sBtroows Galloway tZLatJab inoMcAriy lYiael iiteh.11 BMlmel Fisher Jamie Samill Gmanbis Mil m H Antltogt Ales Joseph Cptegrove John Methadon m McOrattau Bert Rallis as D. Sortie Hugh Smylie ohn Run oho Buchanan Robert Campbell Francis Itcdoghey .$wing Armstrong liichard Summers Neil Melo.. Malcolm McOtegor Donald Taylor Win Nadeau !Tobias Woods James Stacy Junr. Jonathan Fritzley John Fritzley Joseph Fritzley Thoma Vaotu. Alex Smith Edwd Meaningless Henry Lambert impeob:bee of Gdsriah ' ► Andra Carets `` !low obangws Simile _ Alex Smith William Reid Grin Hamilton Asides+ Cairns Angus Mtt y George N. Elwood Rory McLeod Alexander McLeod degas McLeod Ann McLeod Mary Lean lintel Small eoestablettivirrewcCairns eros of Goderich. Lawrence Morriss Andrew McKee dohs Gait Gomm Lees Alex. Ramsay W. B. Swift Wm Rutledre Robt Johnston D. R. McDonald Donald McDonald Wm McKay Naar Vile Clams Doh M C.alwraiea Names Justices. ..Mi•`sse Aghast qf Praha. Anel Tama .Ma pit ev t• /• .r Assaagm. pail se veal A mass. ightieg March 22, 1860. smolt and breach of March 16 Math do do do do tempt of Court Breach of Sabbath .Assault .Asmult mid Battery 'Wage. " June 3 June 3 April 10 tpril 21 J1areh 11 • :Ameault and Battery .Aasault and Battery '.(arch 34 Wages Nay 14 Wages ., u Detaining clothes " 17 Wages " 21 .AaMult, and removing s.rpril 17 ,reap from complainant'. bead Aa•eul` " it 23 Damage to a coat .1 44 Nonpayment of servant's " 24 . prrtt w itios' ussw•o•l,tr(aw' sr' • e+-11' Vagrancy Noy 1 Tra..par s u orcible entry and Tres May 5 W ropiest and damage to May 5 property. Drunk and disorderly in May S the streets of Guderich Assault May R Aaeult **7 9 -Obstructing 'the chane! Nay 21 of the River Maitland Assault May 26 Assault Much moult March moultMarch iolati'n ofntark't by-law April 7 do April seanit and disorderly April 10 'duct elation of M'rlet Bylaw April 16 runk and d eurderl j 66 .1 lank and disorderly May 29 unk and disorderly June 4 (ling apirituor liquors May 17 without license ;faking a ]coat April 4 Wages March 3 willies Iniac Benjamin F ralirk A Jaa Kirkpatrick A Simard Trainor John Abraham V aersed Trainor Christopher Crabb 1 Dad( Coas.bls town miChriato .Ser Crabb end 'BA Godench, 'Bernard Trainor laniard Trainor Henry Tucbburn IVy Chief Gwat.ble,Godericb W. McC.Jg, constable Jae Stacy Junr 1r William Bryant Jame do Patrick 1444, lir Lr David McVittie Jenard Peacock " Se 15 29 24 Merles Forest Maury Seeking HLL Holter ier Tirepsoo amend Carron Robert hompson dame Cm, wilier Walker Wd1aa. Bm}h.lr4 twin Me(iaty .Jolon Wm Roach Jeremiah Origin tu! lilnh.mer Aikir 8ow.rt Plummer JosephWhitehead William Murray Dr Lander Wm Burd John Brandon Raney Greyef Donald Murchison William McKay Mary Hooke . Heavy Smith Tben err. The Qum rt. TIN Queen The Qom. a• The Queen ria. The Qeeen vs. The Oren «. John Mcleod William /toes Peter Gook William Hillier Peter Steele Daniel Mc Aide, Peter Steele Hector McQuarry Willihm Flanagan John flacon haste Mev • -, illiam Woolley Li:Mason John DimiR6arty William Hogan Robert Seals Wm K. Cornish rhornas Fear Alex. Smith, Wm Maley FAwanl Pace Henry Rowell George Wilson James R. Ryan Wm Thompson Donald Lamont Dennie Haggerty Wm Gonion Peter Stewart Michael Johnston John Johnston James Barrett Albert 1evtzer Arthur Hearn Jame, Walters Angus McLachlan Daniel Young Steely Pearson and Daniel Young James Pearson iRobert Ewing IIJoseph Mcilhargay do •Attm.lt tad battery Wages u 29 ' 29 April 7 W•glo March 22 Assault and batten April 17 Assault and battery II 14 and Malicious destruction of Jany. 11 A1mdt Jot, 4 Assault May Trespass Mar 26, AmeauLetunlb M. 29, 6 comport! March 23 Teesp'r ! throw demo Ap::: K•nce Non-payment of wage. March 2 Statute labor Assault " o " 10, do r• 13 do do 1, 11 n Keeping house of illfame•. 20, Obstructing pathway May 7, Assault and Battery May Jelling Liquor on Sunday April ly, Retaining property imdeeNareh 20, falx pretence Assault and Battery Xi! 23, Assault mrd battery Jure 2 Tre.paee Assault Larceny Larceny i.arceny Larceny Larceny False pretences Assault with intent to commit Rane April 1 lune 11 March 16 David Clark F William Yuurr Robert Yom," Eat Acrd Clark Firs Charles GIIrID Fir Robert Young Eat du do do do do do do do do do do do Charles Girlie. Bag David Clark E•q Peter B. Brown Esq T Bingbun Esq. Charles Morrow Faq George McLeod Faq William Cre Fars Castor Willis FAN do do do George McLeod Faq do do do du M C Cameron Eim Robert Gi oboe Keg WM WhiteFiq do do do do do do ,iP M White Faq I? S Blewitt Firs do do M C Cameron Fag W M White Fart at C C....•.. shot X C Cameron Er j W M While Esq W White Est M. C. Cameron Esq W. M. White Faq do do M. C. Cameron Faq W. M. White Esq R. Gibbons Ea. W. M. White Faq W. M. White Fe.{ Robert Gibbons Esq Cameron Esq 15 W. M. White Eel M. C. Cameron Esq 20 cta and costs M. C. Cameron Esq 11 W. Ig White kat 81 M. C. Cameron E q el • 'M. C. Cameron Pae 102 M. C. Cameron Eco 114 W. M White Faq M C Cameros Esq do 15 do - do James T Conaway Esq 820 and ,imp IJ1 cotta '4 11 12 66 119 I Itis ji ' 1! 14 do David Evans Esq William Mooney Rig iddoo . do du do do do do do do do do William Hall Esq fWrlliam Case Esq mum Jamieson Esq William Graham lEN! obn Hawkins Jun. Esq do James Barber Ea4 I a rge !Brown Firs oomphWhitehead Esq Bream Bwn Faq George Brow,, Esq duph Whitehead Firs ddu rge Bro.0 Eeq 0 George Brown En. (Joseph Whitehead Esq lc do do barlek Parker Esq C. Corbett Esq barlel Parker Esq lyharles Ginin Esq do I'gobert Hays Esq Damn Galydaer Esq I do ' :Court of Quarter Se.ions do do do do d., do I17 ,82 185.75 ,815.89 1.2 11 82 1 fine, 16.15 cats 81 11 84.20 cosy 11 fine. $3.85 cora 84.50 6 11 el✓ Dismissed 11 14 and coats 14 do 14 do $3 a• nd cosy t - se or* do April 1 d 24 o,thwitb. arthwitb ortycra daps Forthwith orthwith orthwith orthw,th ortbw.th Forthwith April 2: Forthw,th Forthwith April 15 May 1 t wentvou.'d.ys Forthwith Twfniyon. deo Veiny -ow days Forthwith Forthwith we works Six ate en days Sax dap weetyo.. days Forthwith Forthwith do do do sly 15 Jane 1 June 15 'Forthwith • June 16 T. rot per seer ti said J..das. County Treasurer do do de de is do b ' Plaintiff County Treasurer Plaintiff Plaintiff Plaintiff Dismissed. Paid. Phew tiff paying cost. and Bruce 11 Lr/R1I& half coma ie Not yet paid, defy expected Plaintiff paid costs with cors Continued for or week N County Treasurer Peri Coar* Treasurer - Town Treasurer Town Trerurbt County Treasurer County Treasurer Tomo Treasurer Tire Treasurer Town Treasurer Town Treasurer Robert Tho Samoa GwenU County Treasurer County Treasurer County TWr•rer tarty Treasurer • Paid to Defendant County Treasurer 'Comity Treasurer do do Village Treasurer County Treasurer County Treasurer Ten dollen of tils fine remitted ; half of which, 1]x paid to Prosecutor nod the bal. secs paid W To., Treasurer. i To be eprisoesd one month with hard labor Paid Diem iridi do Dismissed de toile trespe.' and damage. Rory Mcleod le find two sureties in 140 each, and bo booed himself in EEO to,kbep the peace for one year. Paid. res Discharged upon paytaeot of Coate. Ordered to par 14 within lane month, or it 'default to be imprisoned one month: Dismissed with Costa. Paid. Paid. Paid. B. Trainor, Cate dismissed. Dismissed (Gaol over night Dismissed it consideration of having been in Dismissed. Plaintiff not appearing Not yet paid. Goods levied upon Settled by content Nonsuit. ('.uta on Plaintiff • Not paid Not paidPaid 'aid I 'aid Paid ;Paid Paid Sot paid --time tot expired Card t.m.aad, Plaintiff paying "coy fa default. two days in Gaol. Paid. Not Paid. Not Par: a day. in Gaol for refiring to pay. 'iHent or Month to Geol. Sent one month to Got Not yet paid. Bound over to keep ti. Peace. . Paid. To be paid to Convicting /astir os 154 instant. Appealed to QrrtPr iterions Sentenced to 3 months imprisonment in til. 'Comecon Gaol at hard labour Sentenced to 3 death. . ' . . 1 in file Cotonou Gaol at hard labour. Sentenced to 3 months imprisonment in the Common Gaol at hard labour. Sentenced to 3 months iaprisontaant a the Common Gaol at hod labour. 'Sentenced to 3 mouths . in the Common Gaol at bard labour. Sentenced to E4 hours `. . ' . a the Common Gaol. Sentenced to 12 months imprisonment in the Comi.oa (Ia01,3 mouths of which at hard labor • Certified to be a tree copsoP } -- h tions, 18ed ; IM also of the of all the ei before a Court of whichetiong hal taken, dace be r the Justice a or notice{, ae returned b7 Colman toof this cone, from thec aa'e to the June Stec Rrrltl 1860, fur the United Cavnties Huron add Bruce. Office of the Clerk of Peace, i Gothriek Slat Jane, 188'), RARE OPPORTUNITY! _ \ T iY! $1i0*10x1 19x,18 BOOM PAPER. IF YOU WANT LAI;GAINS cu.'. AISW neorser jik70lB PVg1l;MAeU O BafBR1gEQF 1:.• aro $ VA1111'A.BLEFAR or A A Yk SI1 .r.,mteut 4 Walt Paper, wit- 1 obi. rue 11.11. Pates, Dieing anJ Bed Room, knit erri.,d or eat. rhes at the 81101'1 neo. P Jaw no, te6u. • XI Mr Oal•y NMI. wldl Mew 1 y o11•44w OM lt• '* ma rules ones 81e enmtpess.- 0•ano.t se Remo moil limo, til.1 tub toa.es Merida ad tee pot n. n til. 89.6. lam and elk •alb sourermwd to •,far ds to▪ •hl a Amer is sod erienMng hl. e 4W.NimI ll soviaee 1h at •w: PS"' es will defy tipnewbso.f, soli Says Noy, Ind _ t j} bees `hat tMy .in P.-1 aa.r• yes a.M se no to soy tJf.d I..t y,,,,i rate «on tbehDe liar, oot in t1.. !. J E- wolles ad h •'`' .r w "II Goers. w h is a posters be sell at 1>♦Mg •ad ores labs. ib. M le .►.rt "I"Y and 14".1 Ny4s I.P.rted. Th. r .„/ itm8 te'w lletvr ►' amtion se...R..dhmisell ( to re.. the ee,ma lid worth _Pr~•da ts t+d wends 1 y nr•es a'1 8ms et 11.. srtlel.. 6. Mock menet. sad 1 R Rwrasl•rd le Doss. M ad worth l Pr sated UolWiz: . jy •`•m. 164ia wi out" v. •rt• 4++. P1. w milfbiu.«A .eA Ids. tier., Owes rod *ink.,8hlrtlp Tia oenb 1M; lei Tar .pbha 01iy" Tessin t ■a AI WITOUT RESERVE. ~•_wig's,. worn ..sob .,.rat b., T •aMoos, Lightmaula swam., Das/esti 1108 ALL w.r 4 Baa` Ms a..ewN re olwm w EXTENSIVE $ se 1tiOLD 071 OMR AWAM t I w►b..lm rm r .4.rOWI TOCK of GROCERIES! W86.6 s its Ib......-• bNwy seassady *_Mess sod will 1ie s. i.n..e .tab INS ten • M ...16 K mom a oo imp orb a Tl^s lives tie iho Moo, M "r" seem 11111' M "18adoresem 04; fs' ais a. 111f f•tet' P. 0114,1- R01nreDt OLD STAND! r ,a • On .resent of the 1 WANTED • w ANTED, o 1..4 hs,,,es..p•r. Apply le TRUST AND LOAN COXPANY of Upper Coeds. 2lar Jon DAN. LIZARS, Clerk of the Peace, Huron and Bracer, 2[ALE TBICHYs WAliTm. • .gyp &t., FORSebelBeetles x.. e. ,...r p of TS CLjj S_ SentrOre boldus a firm ore dare ea verote. Apply per.oadly to alt• Trustee.. 3011x M.YILLAy,)) JAS LO0OBOTTOft } Truism WM. dAII TRONG d • J. tete, 1180. JAnal WAib011, B•tv. Will be .old by Public A.e4e., by G. M: T RUEMAN, deoloneer, at hi. Bele Reoma• la the revue M (1cderieh, On Friday the 27th July e'R •1 10 o'eloek • a UDER Pewee .f Belo in a resale Mort - Aso from Retort Rory to t"• above pay. bat Thirty-three 1■ tae Pnerttelrh Cay.Nq M tae Tonere of oed.tlo., tan. was' Welty Aures .wo or lea A GOOD CLEARED FARM, 172111-1•11 per moa of tM 1111 to • Mid down a .sok m yam. pre••• MM reeked eerie, rd M tae res / b. weds bows et tile es la beret.. w W MtboPP sarsrr tttt.I.l... se to tonna de bid . • •/rty..ie. to tae arothmeor .r to de TF1 0o _ _ oo cat N f Ore .ad ito et et M M s..• m sb. teas N W tt•tlelae. et m ,bar w.. et1.a,,, J JOHN PATOX Co..ironor A. 1rACpp) Au► RnHe tvn. M Jere, 1 , 2Itd Sheriff'' .Sale of Londe. United Connie of R Nrt.. of a aria of lttrn. ♦ Br.r, n /Seri Foie droll out To ort: 1 f eM M•k.Mj'. Co•stl Cern ofl1..C...,.M1.44,.'.'. ..d N I retreated stain.( rho lesle and T.w...t1 .1 Joh. D* .w,mb et thews,',,, tel, f h..e .4604 and whoa in .....ries dl the right, IVO and Wee%ef the ..rd &Neal. ant, Jobe DalswerM. I1 to tM rdh t•g Isar ►ie I'. Wore, d e .o. p„rIy ' r.sw, hst.g Part of Lo.J *.t Trains Olt, I. Ow Pont Cosesliwe o16, TnwmMp . f rue- Rae F.Y. sad ir.s. .4. '..?. 1'lu.,l-4M•e.Terel .11 Ow. aro Ire He, 4.4 rd Toot,. i. of So Val.p et Cameo, •e h Yes Ce•M •$ ••s Seim, teatel d 1.11 ••rero est Owe DIN .er of ea awe we leas orb tin M 1y. areas env- oi. Whle6 Leads sol Ter. 1 .8.t! el* N. or se rl. Ca.n R i. do Tows se Wedeleeelt.', raw randy the ever •ler lb ors tM epee~ or .t re boo N tasks et NOW STRAW GOODS, wHOL5$A LE OREEKE & 8018. inhere, less fab, 1811, 11 FOR SALE 921113111VA 1111112311Z 7.r Ird1 Cas8. Per *redo, OMs/ .h Gbse.l. Aho xownro MACHINES 0Wr. REAPING MACHINES. crthw nosbil..4 roe •rooret.. A mss .111 he teat to pet lee ilow.r, mod pare together Io w.r draw, awe ray I ha ...num,* Rotel M• deeds..re tl. b..( ..444lyh,., se i. Harada, they set be .e-p...d kr. •tmptleit7, mad mim- estw el roe*' yes. 440981611, ad paid sled golfs.. Air, au triode M IN- WARE, . M tl• ..r• w•► JO" MtCIDORALI1 ' ,_ fir,M•it eb«ta'. a JL Ask ma n ass u.w•-i*•, gid SW*, Wi C. MIME. aria SR1. 14114. >K'sts rAmikeie ale AM0w 14ouKE.. r xxly. ase of my Bootle AS* • taawsoD•a IIVEIMINI SALE Off' QOO ORU M la* hair mem et MiC7Te*LOi IO 4 w4ti R. W. WALLACE, y w•sW t►asa the Freda la see Ualt.4 C.4a1e1 e/ Hero gad &gecw, M Or Gaaa.o { Osa•N be bot revelled Otos Wen toe tM short um• be M beat le M+1aes his.., drab 'creek tad es s sort! return f.r tber1 highly sporran beers. would "'"' r Aim last la. Perrnerayp 4...,r.4 aria ire rased okra • eery ikansof Mos, ad tee` N? the w.a.•ia betaagi.. u tMia Idr.. aoalstiag of i r w,e Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Qs to1' Wilts. rid Wi Ga }eros r reserve, et sae price as till be •pprolated ena iM 111•1111.-111•1111.-‘1A 6156gJ. j Piloted Tiara* erica miasma at 714 womb t.} a. iRo1m •- Dr ter from 7. 6d to 100, wrath 16s to 2de; 178 Ctagant Aske. ajel, rosy yes stylist, nallOydsed Petted Maar at 6d pia )4, eootd rot be Sopa Is Sat twrg.l4r !Iv Is. thy, )id' a Nee& of MIsHa Dre.4es will be run off at M ltd h snot',• . .1a. v' 441 art 2000 Straw .Ilam lad Behest, all colors, for Child, e, Mn..., Leaner* thameraa, t 7 suet on /obey Tress. Bolter w111 em.o.s at 914. 7.000 yd, Boats, Ribbgn• mom J easrlmerdag u low u 244 ; 26,000 yds pelnt., •pleod,d;trods lad 1►a0 colors, w1J M giro way et td ; 260 Doe Hedwy,.we•7 mod. and quality, she awl, sit" 140 des Gloves fur everybody; A spleadiJ Lot of Sewed Goods ., , Call. . . L. l0 7... weight of Striped Shirtier Maims, Factory. •s4 Iplrtltll% 9N P•rarol• Moir Antique, bea"tifeliy trimmed from as v4 lo 4.. 950 Silk Capes, Yale 4•1•01e; Vora{ sad early telm..od Merle., bought last week (arb) io Moonset, will Ira tali .( 0. 81 24 IAN A fretlderile k ora. et 'Ewers, Doable.,l Moonset,readalaM, Gamboa*•ON(1 ron 4C s, j tad Drilliaa I Id011oadhltle. Drees Sidra, filmy Bo, tad e}Illses4 MN" Mw, oat sad reap. ClothlheC... j.s artmeegt lip Stain 1. 811od with Neer andFs'btnaabl. { .44 bas already boat oeknoitsdg.4 to b. No mer tial CleMr,M Stock west of • Mistreat Cast early, lad ars your Mlartiona Every dollar rub lay og{ make 00 st. 1. M. W world beg to Impress updo the minds of his imm..es raided of eiderado. that this us de.id.d ed'Mine Ild•'saki, he 1• bored to fleet out the old haLk, •► LL 4 hh i.Motw0 this Pall to Impart mon *round, teas eon tie Welled did, elf Shad 14 tag• yr etodooad moose of ►4 Colt trade, MIs wabled to offer the 'ovoidal of lie1. k customers so. lily, and the advantages he Mparer /dog of are.iog hrgely 10 tea -11444 &/hr. keta,ewblebiet toasty goods Twenty.(o per pat eM/pet than any Nherbowie M the trades S• B--B--tom .e taa gosndo of articles always apt o. hand that there h on s 16 twatia. hot tarn .6D .sway. be foetid a first-rate sesseeN.eet of Woken, Man O0ISn Tarrleu(Mg, Awaslees Base Lines', Woolen Tarn, Damask., Table Cora. wetll0r, Orp berserk obsek And Plebs Moho, Lire., YaLWog and Werkleg Coltaaas OMA Mantas, Denies, PW Bibb:.., Sewing., /looping every 61ad. Tea, Goff.•, 3s' trial. Popper. Toward, 'able, Raitlas, Boa's Candles, Ykates, 3lktog ts,k e,'0rled A►P1MSs.k,So 7 ,O.d.ieb,Jobe, IWIOi DIVISION COURTS HURON. 181111, G.dsu.14, Tliday, August, 14th, 10 a. m, Donerroa. Woodsy, 270, 10 a... Bennie, Wednesday " 29.6, 10 a. m. l Liseme, TharoJ•y, " 30th 10 a. ed Ririe, Moay, September 8.1, 12 noon. F.awri a, Tuesday, ursday, "4th, 10 a. tea R.srotav, Theruley, " 60, 10am. Anuyaviva,Today " 7th, 10 a. tie. Oo1PER, Judge, IL At H. Hod.Hbht Vey 91.0,1860. 18 g mins is le forbid any parson or persons Iron .gwLna9 a note, "aloe cif some shillings, drat by 11.66.. Graham, payable to William Graham, (I.1 Con. A.hfeld), as 1 reader 1 have giros t aloe to ,t.. same. IORERT ORAFIkM, Lot 10, London [toad. June 7th, 1818. 19.3 FOR PORT AUSTIN Excellent BRING 16• Wes, haW.r tat 21:141; 4 tar 1, Township of Aa..ssa, c.. 1W acre. 110 acre. cleared •sol .sd,r`a. with good baildlagi Md ,rye 6.04 .sd ireg wet.rd. Bald Par.. (. en), H .Ila fm's Godorteh sod 8 rule b.. t)•1s 1iy"e1 load leading to toe e.., For pin4'yn apply ns tut pratroaa. W JOHN t, . t. 7.OL. N1CROVELI,s Jun. 2S, 1860. i mad AK QMeiieh, 21, + netAPa0NIC7. 7110c CheSerick Union Lodge,Aar. T1 , G. R. E. D EOULAR Commemorate. ?Ueda, I or immediately on Moon, la MNall, 1r.. asoot, y PsA. Do g Mlldi o/ 1►. all' oeM1116. Hr order o(th. W. 1 12 6to INQUIRE WITHIN, . IND TAE For Anythingv,, wi'.1Jdknot; or over GREAT %ALLEY of THE SAGINAIP 3,700 Faaa/"r (Ae Peiopie. t STATE OF MICHIGAN. teJl2wso.,436ps r s r,tINQUIRE WITHIN, u®s@m go2,' It j t] one of 0• most ".14.61• 1od sRrMdl,t• l ve.lomn aver preaeak 4 r lbs C•na- 1 dian pablie, and embodis nearly PsrTboe• sand Pacts, to mo.tof which an moon Ing will find instroetlon,..d and manses. sultry, It it a Doctor,,,.. Artr,a "glitm►e4s,. Da.at.d maria, u Artist, a Tstonlitf, a Muddlers a Cookra Lawyer, • Chess -Alger, L a Chemist, a Brewer, so Aeeo.olar..o Ar- ehluct,"'Letter-writer' a 'Hoyt4 ods ab venal guide to all kind's of a.(•1 ..old Frey employees!, amusement tad mnaey-sak. iag. WILL leave Goderleh for above Ports, 00 FRIDAY,the 2214 inst., at 7 p. 'ln, Leersing tk. following Tuesday, GAMBLE & Co., Quay, uay, 0•4 crick. Ione 11,1860. • PRICE $1.-- }} For Sale at the Signal (ice Bolen Store. ' 3 # =kale Y 'H . of >< `> _g[ Liao gsBo pec qsuo dog T 'tunasT a '1 1ILLUEr AtltL c Vt $ry '•4We'1 pre 8s)o)uy i SdooJ do H.LNOA! OOO`Or g.LD MN 4114t4 01.311404001 L I tfts1 V ' 113A dA aNfoM jON UIV1jQ3U Ii PO TANATMHxT, Goderfch to Santa & Port Harm, Sig - Buffalo Medical Dispensary. m TA.Lnao lea T4 crag o► ear.imre, Saageoa, ryas DT8Paps's. Wawa!, Debility, P•., and _ arm. old Olein. S,rofula, geyaipel•r, 1800. SPRING A 11A If Or MISTS. int Orem hoe ri" of Hlood,Pimvle, Colt Rheum, 71at.1., root, Liver Complaint. Hi4nery., pe. Maty V . C.kk.t, Bonn Moth, Asthma, ten- Toe splendid, tet ciao*, UBI.w P4st/ Consumption, Ulcerated Sas Throat, C,1Nal MAw`9111ei1 No 1rERCURr l'4ED. STEAMER BY DR. AIMS & SON, DR AMUS04 •no over eras, arrr•1.n, s. 1. SON are re ooy phonier is ho Slue wine are .ember' of the Royal • Collage of Sorg..'. hoodoo, graduates of es* :mew mora smlaelt College• is the United pls.een I.e s'4., 1.4 that ,bey KALOOLA►slestsd •g tail paeullsv .1 MuddM., lad the n1iN tMy hese e..otgtl..uy hag' .willed to ,•en- der to their follow ensurer, a rally twt,l•d • 104 (0shlelly *eksowledged by ...,zle►.I `ti plain D. ROWAN.) emit remote a.d ethers duly •rriving to town L a msfie leo. alt parr M toes,' fat ohm um. IITI L 603 .. !ultra.., Gaul lire. ta► peeper oely N eetowlrrho. e •I ties. eom..omia; on tea epsg .8 err*lppseun[Doas'(s, Navigsttea. 77,E MEDICAL LD/1sf3 es 4..,... dab 1. iv, sad on rename Incus ofp-amater. decay, fb.t: s9a.rl ta.d phy.f.et,.,hleg mom Will Le *Te GoJeri h fat Saariloess►., iafttkha, 4a .400 of ,Ilm.te, CaObd at KIss.rdmw, Port K..d le reason; 4a, remark. nq the ,es J 0..Mnwe.p.,.od Bah d. -dated and Port CI n, (wwtf.r pp tM gereoatts0ble rfwli...t ad,de.tsd by am mitt/.;) r MO6DAT5, ACD!4SaDAT ,areryi..d talo w MOOS, hloSsd M erect -tel ober,.' PRIDA TS., at 7 o'.lack, 1. M. von. lad plde disesti.ua for rho p io. tad r•e4•wwl d1 e.r11i• Oeq.allfisatioes,ralr REItRNINcJ.., 305 Si Pawl-st, MOYTREALdler rtl-tt.attort,es. ` j• Pea re MIT Pa M Ta Worn my 1st q.1 le..* to r Invite the attention ohms; wdrrwtlh,'.".040 1110'11111 ga.ew (71)tiogr.b...)r saes, aria'. a r..itue4, for Med. o'elvxL tse day► merchants to their press 4"."t4.844‘.h.madwen fee. abs eve Win Iters Godericb for StrataW)!IA Aare,. ant assortmentf whilien ch x-----t--ad.iee oleo„ whhh will lie roused' with the rather ,.tunetry( atodhln. win M (Oe the arrival of tom from Me Zee. eget Pied M tors of their re and lark. Hnros taHw• m tae Ess. - 1s DOW completes em- •`•M•4aassorasa mai-r of MONDAY sod we 674,7, 6111)48, o,t. bri(an£ ev@ry variety pion,-AddersNe9.a Rama paAYoPtdt9Dx,x.T. .i.. nnlT.6..`l.a.te Honed 04 t'► :4 Of J Ogee war Asp a Wlsy tar Red►►.. .«pest f' r Line of 11.e..r. to Dearest tad M•rwyi( trait style appertaining to the line, at ne Greed Trunk Rolled. FISH! mu ! FISH! 1 TTURW1N'c2, LOW PRICES ! ! E c . will l.ee•Rarots ler Orderly's (es snivel of W.rd'. Steamer from Sateen ad trait •I TRE•eb..rtberbugs..n4(v'sllwkn.1- arena Trani Ratw•i) est tM eem.l •l 02=2,11& thole TRT Inn Is wide/41y lb. TUB/IDA8 ..dTHORYDAT, sod PnwrMsif • S.. -rel 1,,14.• NO, ►sen h lea Nrh +'p sb. le, to Mrd..' M. , se stow.. I.I. TAKE NOTICE Ran 60,0.1, Nsp ..t, 6..mbsr, Q..r ter Ort, Set. Bobo w 0...o. Load. et THE TAI.00LAH • Ilea Tal Mann ream ed OR the Aortae Hee Me. tnae.•.;ar • o oitorehd aid *Pa" 4 .mica •rad Mr bolted an moody tea. we err Air, IM Wrote •wv1ri.4 Coates OA an e.tl•et .MMq end dote Roar. 1110 bbl. ►r•• so; is. ods Swop• eked tore „rarrinq ..peony. sod to re .Hew Ail .,ds. tome M r•omieied by OA ,sets ..tel sited for tem Leh suss R...a% Coale. Po Protest w Ramo *Path sw 11dsimeoe--Ve)k•e, A R..►an. Sod 6 L owe. Oslo m pee* C• W• Into the premt.es of the det,.,emes• e. Lel 0n•, lafat. 106 Cos. N Orel, A Mtn 1OR*R Th. 'mom h r rmore4 is snot sad (wove 'P'ep•rtr, P•y .aargsd a.d Oke tea some liar. 06O1101 *room. Orel, sum It tale gft{ VuEYBRi & lut1BAL1r/ A R LEONARD. Rwwt Yeay. $1.44111 10•'•';...".e* tai, dire M 4 04w181e.0 W. real, low }' °'•.at . e'•'rrmewr+ew,-• sr I.I' J ',4. ,. ink