HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-18, Page 7e 4z,
• Extra-Big Allowances for your old tractor—
any make or model—during this special
• Pick Your Power in a new Ford--2-3-4-5.
plow in all purpose or row crop models.'
Advancements and improvements that
put them years ahead!
• Easy Terms! Use your present tractor for
all or part of the down payment—take
up to 4 crop years on the balance!
'63 FORD, custom sedan, automatic,
V-8, radio, 2 tone $2,050
'62 CHEVROLET, sedan , . , $2,100
'62 CHEVROLET, coach, above average . $2,000
'62 METEOR, coach, V41, standard shift , $1,800
'61 FORD, sedan, automatic • , ...„ $1,800
'61 FORD, sedan, 6 cyl., standard shift $1,650
'61 CONSUL, convertible, An ideal car
for the wife $1,150
'61 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe .... $1,050
'60 FORD, convertible, V-8, automatic $1,700
160 RAMBLER, 4 door ranch wagon,
motor overhauled $1,300
'60 FALCON, sedan, automatic . . . . $1,150
'59 EDSEL, sedan, automatic, radio $1,200
'58 FORD Fairlane, 500, automatic, V-8,
radio, 2 tone $775
'58 MERCURY, sedan (choice of 2) $650
'59 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, lady driven $650
'57 PONTIAC, 4 door hardtop, auto-
matic, radio $500
'58 PLYMOUTH, sedan $350
'56 CHEVROLET sedan and
'56 FORD, sedan, each $300
155 METEOR, sedan $150
'50 GMC, 3-ton, 7'x12' platform, above
average $1,050
'56 INTERNATIONAL, 1-ton, 6'x8'
aluminum van . . $500
'56 FORD F.700 dump $400
'56 FORD Pickup, 6 cyl., 8' box $550
'55 GMC, Walk4n Van $350
'54 DODGE 3-ton damp ...... .... $650
Larry Snider Motors Ltd.
Foect Piiiirtrine AFatcon brit' Ford Trucks
DIAL 13.1440 OXEtElt
Tim#1409c,at.#1, June t d, 11.04 .,R00e..
Poultry men vote .next week on plan.
to be recognized as the pro-
sdacer, by the Registrar; or
Although eggs and AM are
not produced on the property
at the time of the application,
the applicant is the owner or
tenant of the property and was
a producer during the past year;
A person or corporation own,
ing bowl for the production of
be increased over its present
He noted average consump-
tion per Person was down tq
aPPrOxiMately 19 dozen eggs
per year, whereas it was once
as high as 25 dozen.
eggs.,. and not qualified under
the first sections, shall be en,
two. to .one vote covering his
entire operation,
Broadfoot stated he felt the
plp,p would be approved
?'there doesnft appear to be
much opposition.'?
The HuronLcowity.Fecier4tion
of Agriculture endorsed the plan
at their .meeting, last Tuesday..
Bean Growers
Control Mexican Bean Beetles, Aphids and
Leaf Hoppers. Thimet in the fertilizer at
planting should do the job for the whole
season without spraying.
Harristan Fertilizer
Clinton Phone 482-913$
Also available at the following warehouses.,
VOTE ALL 167Fgic
The vote will be held all next
week with a polling booth set up
in the office of the department
of agriculture in Clinton.
This poll will be open from
9;00 a,m. to 5;00 10,M. from
Monday to Friday.
set.il'ul7in pva9r1liionngs tboowonthSsthwroiltilglph-e
out the county one day of the
Week at the same hours.
It will be in Exeter on Thurs-
day, June 25; Eeaforth on June
22 and Wingharn on June 23.
Von of display material for
sales outlets.
,Press release of 10fOrIna-t
,Supplying information for
contests that provide publicity
for food,
,,preparation and distribu-
tion of leaflets andbooklets that
relate to uses of eggs and jowl
including recipes for their use.
2, Research on marketing of
eggs and fowl by survey, exam-
inations, tests, studies and ex-
periments carried out with the
Object of;
-,-increasing consumer ac,
ceptanee of eggs and fowl,
e,-Expanding markets for
eggs and fowl.
,-ImprovIng conditions that
adversely affect any phase of
3. Education in respect of
production, distributing and
marketing eggs and fowl.
—by recommendations for
efficient procedures in produc,
ing, storing and handling of eggs
and fowl to eliminate waste from
ieefficient methods of produc-
tion and marketing.
--Respecting standards of
quality required for continued
market appeal.
—By providing for co-
operation of organizations that
assist in developing of new
markets, expansion of existing
markets and reduction in costs.
—By furnishing information
on production, marketing pros-
pects, packing and handling of
eggs and fowl.
Besides that, producers may
vote anywhere in OIltarig If they
can apt attend at their own
polling booth.
Anyone may vote who is pre,
Pared O. certify that:
Eggs and fowl are produced
on the property, mentioned on his
eertification and the applicant is
the owner of the property and
provides the labor for the pro,
duction of tne eggs and fowl; or
.ggs and fowl are produce don
the property and the applicant is
the tenant of the property and
provides the labor for the pro-
ductien of the eggs and fowl; or
Eggs and fowl are produced
and the applicant has been des-
ignated in writing bya corpora-
tion, partnership or joint own-
ers that sold eggs and fowl
during the year, as the person
at rates running to 25%
community, In Zurich I would
say more than 40% would be
farm people, and when we say
'agriculture' this is all one to
me in Huron." A GOOD START
The means of attaining the
money to carry on these aims
of the plan will come from a 2C
fee on all fowl sold by producers
to processors.
Broadfoot explained this was
about the only way the plan could
be operated to include all pro-
ducers of eggs and fowl, as it
was too difficult to make a de-
duction on eggs with so many
small producers operating.
He estimated the 2C deduction
on fowl would realize approxi-
mately $100,000 per year for the
use of implementing the aims
of the plan.
Pointing out the need for the
plan—besides the obvious one
of increasing the producers'
income—he said the consump-
tion of eggs and poultry had to
SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed and Super Pig Starter get
pigs off to a good start.
Introduce them to Creep Feed at 2-3 days of age
and keep it fresh daily . . . encourage them to eat
it early.
When 5 pounds per pig has been consumed switch
to SHUR-GAIN Super Pig Starter. Feed Starter free
choice to 10 weeks of age.
Remember, giving your pigs a good start means
faster gains and more grade A's.
Cann's mill LTD.
hog feeds Phone 235-1782 Exeter
Farmers paying interest
Brownies march through Hensall streets
Residents of Hensall had an opportunity to watch the eager young members of Brownie packs from
Hensall, Exeter, Centralia and Zurich march last week when they met in Hensall for a revel.
Photo above shows the Centralia group proceeding through the park gates. --T-A photo
The plan proposes to estab-
lish a board known as the On-
tario Egg and Fowl Producers
Marketing Board to stimulate,
increase and improve the mar-
keting of eggs and fowl.
The following steps to this
goal may be considered:
1. Direct advertising in news-
papers and magazines and on
radio and TV programs.
—Preparation and use of
package inserts of advertising
—Preparation and distribu- NasedeNamoWmpf,44.^...1 enteinuailinell111111111111111111111111111141111111ifillintifillinflillellifill111111111111Ww1111111111infeinne
The committee report re-
commended that an ARDA (Ag-
ricultural Rehabilitation an d
Development) committee be
formed, and this was approved
by council.
County representatives are
Reeve Stewart Procter; Reeve
Kenneth Stewart, McKillop, and
deputy reeve Robert Gibson, of
Howick. Mr. Miles is secre-
tary, and there will be repre-
sentatives from the Federation
of Agriculture, Soil and Crop
Improvement Association, Far-
mers' Union, Maitland Conser-
vation Authority, Women's In-
stitute, Mid-Western Develop-
ment Association, and Chamber
of Commerce.
"We were led to believe in
Toronto," said Mr. Procter,
"it was mandatory we should
set up an ARDA committee.
Some people have the Idea there
might be overlapping, but I
believe under the ARDA com-
mittee we bring the various
organizations together under
one head, and then they can
study the needs of Huron county,
not only from the rural stand-
point but the standpoint of vil-
lages and towns."
Miles admitted he was "not
100% sold on ARDA and what it
can do," but had kept an open
Announcing a
Farmers in Huron are paying
up to 25% interest on money
borrowed for farm equipment
and other purposes and in the
opinion of one member of county
council "too much for the farm
The subject intruded during
presentation of the agricultural
committee's report presented
by Reeve Stewart Proctor, of
Morris, chairman.
Young farmers especially are
taking on crushing burdens, it
was felt. The maximum ob-
tainable by government loan has
been increased, but the time
taken in processing is said to
be sending applicants to the fi-
nance companies.
Reeve Donald McKenzie,
Ashfield, triggered the debate.
Remarking that young farmers
starting up can get credit up to
$40,000, he said: "We have a
high standard of living in North
and I cannot see how
we can hope to get too much
for our products, and how young
farmers ever hope to carry on
with credit like that I do not
know. Probably ARDA might
do something to help."
Doug Miles, county agricul-
tural representative, had the
floor at the time, speaking to the
committee report.
"It has been reported to me,"
he said, "that there has been
$75,000 of farm machinery sold
in the Clinton area in the past
three weeks at 22% interest.
I had a man in yesterday who
had purchased $3,200 of farm
machinery on farm finance, and
I asked him why he did not get
it at 6%.
"This subject is bothering us.
Most people do not know what
interest they are paying. Six per
cent down and so much a month,
and a $6,000 tractor in five
years amounts to $9,500."
Miles started back on the
track, to talk about a new type
of cutworm, but Reeve Ernest
Snell, East Wawanosh, had got
interested in the high-interest
"In the last 18 months or two
years, especially," he said,
"the rate of finance is terrific,
and new companies are getting
into the field. On the farm they
are paying about three times the
rate they should be paying. Why
they don't use the bank niore,
I suppose, is that they have to
have more money at the bank to
buy cattle and .conduct opera-
tions. Some are paying 20 to
25%. It is too much for the farm
Warden Jewell: "This is
something that ought to be in-
Miles: "Ninety percent of my
time Is being spent on farm fi-
nance right now."
Reeve Milton Oesch, Zurich:
"The same thing applies in
towns and villages, People have
furniture, cars and even homeS
on finance. Would ARDA be in-
Volved in that as well?" It does
not mean 'agriculture' but a
chinery shop or grocery store
is going to come out of your
township, what effect could this
have upon employment over the
area. Some of these things may
require study some help,
some money, some research.
"Someone made a statement a
while ago that by 1975 we may
change from 121,000 farmers
down to 35,000 in Ontario: This
is how fast this agricultural
program is moving. We hope
some of these things do not
happen, but we know there are
going to be changes.
"All right then, we should
have a group that can assist
and be a go-between with pro-
vince and Dominion in any prob-
lems that might affect Huron,
whether human or economic.
If this area wants some money
under ARDA, the county coun-
cil would be involved to a cer-
tain extent also 25% locally.
"While we may not visualize
the intended workings of ARDA
—because I cannot — we have
to have an open mind, andfore-
sight that a committee should
be established."
Deputy reeve Carl Dalton said
an unofficial survey in Hullett
had shown 1,000 acres available
for community pasture at $50,
and asked what price would be
"I am doubtful if you could
get the land you have in mind
at $50," said Mr. Miles, "be-
cause it has changed hands.
There are areas not too far
from here, but the land has to
be bought at a price it can be
fitted for cattle —$3.50 per
head per acre, or in some cases
$4. If we pasture only two per
acre, you cannot pay too much,
with the cost of supervision,
and compete with private en-
Murray Gaunt, member for
Huron-Bruce, was invited by
the warden to address council.
He said that ARDA, as set up
in initial stages, did not in-
volve the local people enough.
"We are trying to involve
local people," he said, "and in
any of these projects work With
the local people, which is the
proper procedure.
"In a number of cases people
are told they cannot make a
living in a certain wayor place.
ARDA in its original concept
can go a long way in rural de-
velopment and redevelopment,
but it does mean an organiza-
%E\110 A
"Like the rest of you," he
said, "I am unfamiliar with it,
but I do not knoat that we as
citizens can afford to sit by
and not prepare ourselves for
eventualities. This is going to
be like farm safety, emergency
measures and other things we
are doing for the betterment
of the county.
"At the moment, water is
probably one of our prime re-
quisites. We have run out of
application forms for far m
ponds. Legislation has come in
offering farm people up to $500
for farm ponds, and I don't
just know how we are going to
handle the situation, we have
so many requests.
"It may be that farm ponds
may have to come under this
ARDA program. It may be that
the shallow well in Huron is out.
I was on a farm where they are
on their third drilling and can-
not seem to find a well that
will give them the require-.
Huron county egg and poultry
producers have their second
chance next Week to .decide if
they want Aproposedmgriseting
plan adopted by the Ontario
FFtrta Products Marketing
They will go to the polls Jame
22 to, 26 to cast their ballots
on the .a.oheroe,,
meetings on the, earee.
were held throughout Ontario
earlier this Year by the Market,
ing Board after the Ontario
Poultry producers Association
had requested a marketing plan
be instituted on atWoeyear trial
basis without a vote of the pro-
However, about only 10% of
the preducers turned put at the
various meetings, and while
most appeared tin favor of the
plan, the ruling was handed
down by the department of agri-
culture that not enough interest
had been shown to warrant im-
plemeetation of the plan without
a vote of the producers.
On the vote next week, two—
thirds of those who vote must
be in favor of the plan.
Bob Broadfoot, Brucefield,
a director on the Ontario poul-
try Producers Association not-
ed the vote would be of prime
importance in Huron, as it ranks
first in the province in egg
Although he stated he had no
idea of how many producers
would be eligible, figures show
more than 2,000,000 chickens—
about 8% of the Ontario chicken
population—are raised in the
In supporting the market plan,
Broadfoot sta0 d "we have to
start somelaelere' , adding that
producers were now "lucky" to
get an average of 200 a dozen for
their eggs.
The cost of production, he
stated, Is close to 30.
Broadfoot admitted there may
have to be changes made in the
plan if it is approved, but noted
this was the same position the
hog producers were in as they
had to work on a trial and
error basis when they started.
IN (1) v insecticide ( ks.
SEVIN insecticide is safe to use . but controls more than 150
different insect pests on over 85 different crops! Simplify your spray
program with low-cost SEVIN insecticide!
For your Haying
requirements see us
AkteV Mowers
reel and wheel types
Forage Ecluipm0nt
your provincial spray calendar recommenda-
tions and the extension bulletins. You'll find
StvIN insecticide will give your crops the
finest protection—at lowest cog!
Do you grow fruit? Vegetables? Tobacco?
SEVIN is the one insecticide you need to safely
control your major insect pests. Even resistant
strains are easy prey for SEVIN,
No residue shows up in milk or meat when
SEVIN insecticide is Used according to label
directions. And there axe no drift problems with
nearby crops. Thus, crops can be protected close
to harvest!
Compare prices for your spray program I Check
Available at the new low price from CtIONIAN, GREEN GROSS AND NIAGARA BRAND DEALERS
SEM is 'Union Caibitle't roistel'ed trade mark for eatbaryl ihseefleide.
Pcitto Equipment
1 Mite' .tatt of tract:40W
Name winners
in softball loop
The after-four softball league
in which close to 120 boys and
girls participated under the di-
rectiOn of recreation director
Don Gravett, came to an end
this week.
The Tigers, Pirates and Yan-
kees all tied for first place in
the boys league. Captains of the
teams were Paul McKnight,
Dale Parkin and Peter Glover
In the girls division, the TOp
Cats and COol Cats sharedfirst
place honours in the four team
league. Cheryl Parsons Cap-
tained the Top Cats while Hea-
ther McLeod Was in charge of
the Coel Cats.
Final standings were as fol-
Top Cats v . . 4 1 0 6
Cool Cats . . 4 1 8
Beatles . 2 6 6 4
Lady Bugs 0 5
W L T P7'8,
tthiceeS 4 6 0 6
Tigers . 46. 4 6 d
PirateS 4 6 4 2 0 #
Giant 0 8 0 0
"From press reports, many
people associate ARDA with
community pastures. We dis-
cussed this with the agricultural
committee some time ago, and
We cannot see at the moment an
area of sufficient size that Hur-
on might participate in a com-
munity pasture program.
"We have lets of individual
farms, but not in a group of
1,000 Or 2,000 acres that would
make it worth while to buy at
reasonable price. In other
Words, we think pastures in
Huron are still a private enter-
"There are four heads under
Whiph ARDA can work: (*Pro.
jects for alternative uses of
land; (2) Projeets for soil and
Water conservation; (3) rural
development projectS, to de,
Velop domestic resources and
Create ertiployment opportuni-
ties; (4) A wide range Of re-
search, particularly social re-
"We understand there are
four churches in ton 'MOW-
tieot t o WnS hip that Will be
closed. What ette4t will this
have upon the community in
general? If a blaek smith eir ma-