HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-18, Page 4MOTORIST TAKE HEED! this Sunday, wpdnesol afternoon .and OrInp the ,eveninp, throtNhout the week. Handled badly on. .both sides GUEST ARTICLE Outlines trip to Africa We're Taking ,, 4' '' My Dad To For Dinner On MENARD's Father's Day, , June 21 TELEPHONE 238-2251 Catering Services are available ';' BY ROSS WEIN, Crediton Student at OAC About the second week in Feb, ruary I received a letter in the mail that completely changed my plans for this summer. This letter contained my acceptance toparticipate in Op _ration Crossroads Africa. In December I had applied for this trip; however, realizing that only about one out of ten applicants is received, I didn't count too heavily on thiS pros- pect. I first became interested in this organization when Pau 1 Wilson of Exeter was chosen for the summer of 1962. Last year we had a first year student from the college take part in a construction project in North- ern Rhodesia. In talking with him he aroused an interest in me to take part. I have always been interested in travelling and meeting people and have found the many foreign students at the colleges very interesting to listen to. As a result of these interests I ap- plied. My folks were a little shocked when I told them I was heading for Africa this summer but they soon got used to the whole idea. hi Maybe, some readers are not familiar with the organization so I will briefly describe its birth and growth. Dr, James Robinson, a negro minister, grew up in Kentucky where living conditions are not as pleasant as here at home. He always felt that he wanted to help people to understand their neighbours and since his great grandfather was brought to America as a slave, he felt. North America should try to understand the African people. Acting more or less on his own, he began to raise funds in 1957 to send a few students to Africa to work with the native tribes. Dr, Robinson spoke to a men's group of the United Church of Canada in 1959 and they agreed to help to set up the Canadian committee. It should be emphasized that Operation Crossroads Africa is an entirely private, voluntary and non-government organiza- tion which is supported by tax- exempt contributions from in- dividuals, schools, churches, businesses and foundations. In addition, every student must pay $300 as his share of the cost. This may sound a little steep to some of you since I will lose Canadian Gas & Energy Fund Ltd. are happy to announce the appointment of ONE MAN'S OPINION by John C. Boyne Mr. John Hotson A quiet time RR1, Grand Bend as Area Representative Mr. HotSon offers the opportunity to the community of participating in afully managed savings and investment programme which in 3 3/4 years has recorded a73% growth picture with Tax privileges. LOCAL OFFICE:. Canadian Bank of Commerce Building Richmond and Dundas Streets, London, Ontario. Although other .reasons may be in- volved to an extent., the situation between. Exeter's RAP committee and rec director Don "Boom" Gravett appears to stem from a sim, ple lack of communications between the par, ties concerned. The situation is nothing new as it has been plaguing men ever since they started to talk to each other rather than being Sati$, tied with audible grunts and sign language. The lack of communications—or miStin, derstanding if you will—came about in the reported opinion of members of the commit- tee that what. Gravett termed "requests" were issued in an. "ultimatum" and herein lies the crux of the entire situation. An ultimatum is a final proposition or condition and due to the fact the rec direc- tor had another job offer at a higher salary, there is some room for excuse on the part of RAP committee members in :their belief his requests were in the form of an ultima- tum which had to be met or he would take on the other job. Gravett probably put himself in a rather bad bargaining position when he con, eluded his requests with a tongue lashing of the members in regard to their co-operation, interest in the recreation program and their feuding and cut-throat antics at meetings. Regardless of the fact there may have been some truth in his charges, it was hardly the opportune time to air them when he was asking a group of unpaid workers to increase his own salary. On such an occasion one is apt to receive much better consideration if he is more complimentary to those whom he wishes to consider him for a pay increase. By the same token, perhaps he should be congratulated on his frankness and devia- tion from the "buttering-up" procedures nor- mally followed. On the other side of the situation, the RAP committee certainly comes in for criti- cism for their handling of the matter. Although there appears to be a differ- ence of opinion as to how Gravett was in- formed his requests had been turned down, it was certainly not handled in the proper manner, The popular rec director unquestion- ably deserved the courtesy of being asked back into the special meeting to hear the de- cision read and explained. This was the least that could have been done. By their action of adjourning the meet- ing and walking out, the committee practical- ly forced Gravett come to the conclusion that none of his requests would be met in part or their entirety, and he had little choice left but to conclude that his services were no Will George have to do it? longer desired by RAF, as their actions left little opportunity for him to continue on un- der amicable terms with the committee. Even if members felt they were hand- ed an ultimatum, there must have been enough doubt in their mind to warrant clar- ification of the rec director's position in the matter, After all, the members should know by now we're a nation of horse 'traders and very seldom do we make our requests :for what we want exactly. They're. always set high- er on the hopes that after negotiations we'll end up somewhere near what we actually want. This system is employed in selling cars, houses, horses, merchandise and services. There was probably every reason for the committee to think that Gravett had fol, lowed this system and could be talked into taking less than he had requested. However, there was no attempt to even barter with him. And, it is doubtful if the rec director had expected the committee to go out and purchaSe a filing cabinet, a geStetner and look for a suitable office at that very moment. These were things he probably would have been happy to have consideration given to at a future date. Mayor Simmons noted it has generally been the feeling that Exeter will always be a stepping-stone for men taking the recrea- tion course, and they never could hope to pay in the $6,000 to $7,000 bracket. In the first place, Gravett was not ask- ing to jump into this category. His request was for a salary of $4,500 and an increment of $100 for the next five years of which the town pays two-thirds. In the second place, there will be no more men available to take the recreation duties while enrolled in the rec director's course. It is now a university course and it is quickly coming to the point where grants will be available on qualified director's salaries only, and it is doubtful if too many of them will work for less than the $5,400 average now being paid in Ontario. It is to be hoped this fact was con- sidered by the committee in regard to the fu- ture of the recreation program in Exeter be- fore they turned hands down on Gravett's re- quests. There is no doubt the committee felt they could not afford to meet his requests or ultimatum at this time, but there is also no doubt they could have afforded to talk per- sonally to him about them on a sincere basis as his efforts on the program in the past few years would warrant. miss Him. Elizabeth Barrett Browning put this truth this way, "Earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush is afire with God, and only he who sees it takes off his shoes, the rest sit around and pick blackberries".. Kagawa, the great Japanese Christian caught this Biblical awareness of God's Presence in every aspect of life with this statement. "Every bush is a cathedral, every stone an altar, every task a sermon, every act a prayer, and every breath in- cense rising to God who wants to be worshipped everywhere". Paul says we are to be the temple of God's Spirit. We will only recover what that can mean for us as we catch the thrust of these words by Vera Mc- Nichol: nine week's wages. However, I have been helped by my church and other private contributions towards the trip. This year, 25 Canadian uni N,ersity students, teachers and nurses and 285 from U.S.A. are making up about 30 groups to work in 21 countries in Africa. The projects range from con- sr tuction of schools, youth cen- tres, hospital clinics, to coach- ing and training in youth groups. Both fellows and girls take part in the projects and in our group we have six girls and five boys. This is going to be inter- esting! Ourgroup has two Canadians, an agricultural student from Saskatchewan and myself (we are wondering what flag to carry!) and the other nine from U.S. A. These students are spread out from coast to coast, coming from Calif., Oregon, Alabama, Conn., N. Y., Virginia, Iowa, Pa., and Mass. Our leader is Andrew Drum- mond a University Professor who is now studying for his doctorate in drama. His home is in New Haven, Conn. We are assisting local auth- orities and farmers in a rural development scheme inLimuru, a small village close to Nairobi in Kenya. Some of our group may also be taking part in work projects set up by the Kenya Voluntary Work Camps Asso- ciation. On Monday, June 15, I am catching a bus to New Bruns- wick, New Jersey for one week of orientation. During this time we hope to get to the World's Fair. We will also hear outstanding African speakers as well as Dr. Robinson and other political leaders from both Canada and U.S.A. Then on June 23 we fly to Paris, France, then into Cairo, Egypt and then to Nairobi, Ken- ya. This is going to take only 22 hours flying time. From Nairobi we will travel to our project. Here we will stay for about six weeks then have two weeks travelling time in which we hope to get into at least one other country. On August 25 we will return by plane to Kennedy Airport in New York. I have read several books on the agriculture, politics and peoples of Kenya but this is not like meeting the people and seeing how they live. I hope to bring you my im- pressions of the country and peoples as I see them in the next few weeks. uation even the dullest mathematician can realize is uneconomical. While there appears to be little opposi- tion to the proposed marketing scheme, apathy by those in favour would appear to be the largest hurdle to clear in this regard. Many farmers will undoubtedly stay at home in the hopes that "George will do it" for them, and it is this type of attitude that makes a mockery out of some of the perennial complaints we hear from farmers. The milk producers have problems— and yet at their meetings they drink coffee with their snacks. The butter and cream men have prob- lems—and yet many of them have nothing but margarine on their tables. The hog producers have problems— but few of them take steps to increase the quality of their product to receive the bonus for grade A carcasses. The poultry producers obviously have a problem—and their turnout at the polls will indicate if they're interested in helping them- selves. BELL LINES "If ye are weary of life's hurry and would rest yourself awhile. If your heart is overburdened and you have lost your smile. Go some place where all is quiet and breathe a little prayer. To your surprise and comfort you will find that God is there. Leave all your woe behind you, all things petty and unkind. Forget all life's injustice and set out with open mind. Take a stroll across a meadow, or down a country lane. In the solitudes of nature you will take heart again. You will find new inspiration where larks and robins sing. Your mind will fill with interest and your troubles will take wing. It will do you good to linger in a peaceful shady nook. Where nothing breaks the silence but the ripple of a brook. Your nervous tension will relax in the woodland cool and calm, And in the sacred hush of church you will experience balm. Do not lose your courage brother, when you hear discordant sound Just slip away to quiet places where the peace of God is found." Fortunately we can slip way to quiet places —to the ever present sanctuary—even at the busiest times because we seek God not only in the heavens but in every day events. by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager During the coming week, egg and poultry producers throughout Ontario will go to the polls to register their wishes in regard to a proposed marketing scheme for their products.. The vote will be of prime importance in Huron, as this is the leading poultry prov- ince in Ontario, so there should be a good turnout at the polls in this area. However, this is not necessarily the case, as a lack of interest in the plan by pro- ducers throughout Ontario is the only reason they have to go to the polls. Meetings were held in various loca- tions earlier this year, and if enough produc- ers had shown up and indicated support for the plan, it possibly would have been imple- mented on a two-year trial basis before any voting was necessary. This becomes even more difficult to understand as farmers are presently fortunate if they get over 20e a dozen for eggs, and it has been indicated by one larger producer that his costs. come up to 30c a dozen—a sit- BATT'N AROUND WITH THE EDITOR Bingo proves exasperating This week we should probably offer apologies over a slight over- sight on our part in last week's edition which undoubtedly caused many persons to think they had be- come winners of $100 in the Exeter swim pool committee's newspaper bingo. Throughout the summer months ahead, Exeter youngsters will be out on streets and play areas in more numerous quantity than during the school year, and will unfortunately make an easier target for in- cautious motorists, And perhaps the lessening of direct authority over them — no more homework, more re- laxed bedtime hours etc. — will tend to make them even less aware than usual of traffic hazards. If so, then the little people of Exeter will be at a double disadvantage come the "School's Out Hooray!" that they're anxiously waiting for. A child streaking out from behind a parked car is still a child; a motorist has adult responsibilities, one of which is "running interference" for such children. Let's live up to our responsibilities and take heed, not lives. The results of the oversight in- dicate that many people have been playing the game eagerly and it has been the first thing. they'Ve turned to The summer season gives most of us a chance "to take a break". It gives us a chance to seek a place of refuge, a place of retreat. We all need this "break" from the hustle and bustle of our daily life. We need some sort of sanc- tuary, some sort of retreat. Yet it is becoming increasing- ly difficult to find this quiet time and this quiet place, Greg Clark made some interesting comments on this problem a couple of years ago, "Privacy is or soon will be the costliest thing on earth. To possess privacy you will either have to be very rich or so poor you can have the courage to be a hermit". "No matter where you build a hide-away, somebody in a rented aircraft, somebody with an outboard motor, or some- body in a sport's car will probe the road, the lake, the very air overhead and after awhile a four-lane highway will cut across the corner of the hide- away. To enjoy the costliest of all treasures you will have to head for the Northwest Ter- ritories and then without tell- ing anyone, get lost". Mr. Clark was right. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find a quiet place. It is equally difficult to find a quiet time. However, it is not necessary to go to the far north and get lost. It should be possible for us to make this quiet time right where we are. It should be possible for us to find the Spirit of the Sanctuary anywhere. Yet, often the Spirit of the Sanctuary is trampled by the daily spirit in which we pursue our life and work. And so it is that we are often only aware of God's Spirit in Church because that is the one place we take time to be quiet. Yet Ezekiel tells us that God wants to be an ever present sanctuary in our lives. Yes, He wants to be with us in our daily lives. Someone once sarcastically asked a Jewish Rabbi why God spoke from a thorn bush, and the Rabbi replied, "God spoke from the thorn bush to teach you that there is no place where God is not—not even a thorn bush". Yes, He can be present as a sanctuary even in our busy everyday life — yet we often on receiving their paper each week. A number of persons phoned Thursday and Friday to report they had their cards filled on the basis of numbers printed, Unfortunately, we had to tell them the prize had already been claimed and the numbers printed in the edition were actually the start of a new bingo, Fortunately, some people appar- ently read the account on the front page announcing the fact the first bingo had been won, but to those whose hopes were built up, we offer our sincere apologies. The bingo game has turned out to be a bit of a jinx or something to us also, in that we've printed acouple of wrong numbers—one of them in last Week's paper. So, we urge all players to check the ad closely for explanations, and at the same time we'll endeavour to reduce the faux pas We've been mak- ing, Times Established 1873 Advocate Established 1881 Amalgamated 1924 xeferZiniaahuocafe SERVING CANADA'S BEST FARMLAND Member: C.W.N.A., 0,W,N.A,, C.C.N.R. and ABC PUBLISHERS: J. M. Southcott, R, M. Southcon EDITOR: William. Batten Local calling between Exeter and Kirkton, an- nounced a short while ago, should benefit a large ma- jority of customers in the two exchanges. Studies of the calling between the two communities indicate that following the introduction date many telephone users will actually pay less per month; even with the slight in- crease in monthly rates sihce the long distance charge for the inter-change calls will be removed, Similar stud- ies conducted elsewhere show that after long distance charges are removed the volume of inter-exchange calls increases three to ten times, Don't forget local calling with Centralia and Credi-ton, which Exeter people have enjoyed, for some time, will not be affected by the addition Of Kirkton, And Of course nasal! and Ltican will be added to the local calling area the same time as Kirkton, making a total of five exchanges that can be reached 'free of long dis- tance charges. "This will have you up in no time." Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ont. Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Dept, Ottawa, and for Payment of Postage in Cash Paid-in-Advance Circulation, September 30, 1963, 3,828 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada $4.00 Per Year; USA $5.00 50 YEARS AGO A long felt want has been supplied to Dashwood: Dr. Cut- ten has taken up his abode there. Dr, Hyndman has purchased the offices of the premises he recently purchased from Jos. Davis, Main St., and intends retaining same until he erects his new brick building. Miss Ida Carling leaves this week for Winnipeg to visit her sister, Mrs. Mace. She will be joined at Norwich by her sis- ter, Miss Ethel Elliott. Mr. Elmore Harness has re- turned home from Winnipeg and is barbering with Mr. E. Willis. 25 YEARS AGO Babe Siebert, a Zurich Old Boy, who got his start in hockey with the Exeter-Zurich team, is retiring from active hockey to take over the management of the Montreal-Canadiens. Ross Scott of Brucefield is erecting a new service station on Main St. on the lot he re- cently purchased south of Main Street UC. • Constable John Ferguson, se- nior member of the county po- lice force, was transferred from Goderich to Exeter. rtev. Penrose, who has com- pleted his ministry at Elirri,6 vine, is superannnuating and has moved to Exeter into the house he purchased on Andrew St. 15 YEARS AGO At the laying of the corner- stone of the new Exeter' district "We &tided yot1 could be trattifef of our view Club. Can we have thirty cents?"' High School Wednesday after- noon H. N. Creech realized the crowning achievement of his long years of service as a member of the Exeter Board of Education. Town council approved the final plans and tender forms for the William Street storm sewer. Clerk C. V. Pickard was in- structed to call for tenders. Grading for the site of the $25,000 new community centre in Hensall is being done this week. Lucan High School graduated its final class this spring and now Ltican pupils will travel to the new East MiddleseX col- legiate at Arva, 10 YEARS AGO Mrs. W. E. Middleton, past matron of Exeter Chapter OES, was elected District Deputy Grand Matron of District No. 5 at the annual meeting held in London. Giving a parliamentary air to the Huron County Council chambers in the old Collegiate Institute building at Gederich are 34 new desks made by an Exeter firm, Jensen Woodwork- ing Co. Construction of the St. Law- rence Seaway will double Huron County's population by 1075, Professor E. G. Playa of UWO told Huron County Connell Tuesday. Exeter ;Lions Club will sweep this area Friday night With a "broom blitz" for welfare Work.