HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-18, Page 3Lifting a heavy load
takes more than strength!
It takes "know-how" to lift it
so you won't get hurt!
Many strains, slipped discs and sprains
have resulted from improper lifting
If you have a heavy load to lift
here's how to do it safely ...
.. look it over carefully to decide
the best way to grasp it
.. place your feet close to it
.. get a good grip on it
.. bend your knees and keep your
back straight
keep the load close to your body
.. be sure you can see past it
CIA Co-operators Insurance
Co-operators Life Insurance
Extra Thick Soles
sorted colors. LIM-
Sizes; pair
.111 EVER! Dense foam
rubber soles. As-
SPECIAL — Men's, Ladies' pair .27
PLEASE — No phone or mail orders
on the Limited Quantity Specials*
For the lazy days of Summer -- Durable
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White. 5 vertical, 15
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Aluminum frame,...
Lawn Chair
Generously proportionecr; seat about
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For patio, lawn 41) 12 web straps.
or beach 1111.01111. •
Times-Advocate, June 18, 1,964 Page 3 Thames Road party enjoyed Tender call .out in .Augyo.
ARCA approves expropriation
.for properties at darn location
Will be .held. :Pende)! 4119.e ;.1. At Man mar . s .95 years' Grand APO 011 be the FiieSt
4M... Rey, Clinton :Pritt4n.
held at glImvflle Oar The
first week in July, Children in
the age ,group from four to
twelve years will be welcome,
The fee for each, child fifty
Sunday School Anniversary
By MRS. WIt„1-IAM .Fkokipg
.Friday .evening Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Cottle entertained in honor
of the forrnerPs. father, James.
Cottle of Exeter, who was ob.-
serving his nin ety-fifth birth-
day. Those attending were Mr.
James Cottle, Mr.. and Mrs.
William Green of Exeter,
and Mrs. Art Harris and Ronnie
of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. Ross get,
tie and family,
Mrs. Mary Dawson of peter-
berotieh, Mrs. Helen Dawson,
Mrs janles Ancier . •., SPIT . a pattent joseph's Hospital
I4Pr4P,P. after having an.clergene
surgery last week.
Mr,. & Mrs,. Tony She1111. and family of Embro visi
„Sunday with Mr. & :Mrs, Ernest
PyM, .
At a diriner meeting held in
Hensall, Thursday, the Ausalale
River Cgnservation Authority
gave appreyal to proceed on
exprepriatIon Plan§ for some of
the lands in the vicinity pi the
Parkhill dam site.
John Stephen, chairreari of the
purchasing committee, told the
members the exprepriation
should be preceeded with im-
mediately. "We don't want to
have the contractor ready and
ous not owning the land he wants
to work on," he stated.
Stephen reported no probe
lems had been encountered with
the purchase of outlying land,
but several owners close to the
proposed dam felt their proxi-
mity to the village of Parkhill
warranted more money.
"We effered the maximum
price we felt we could offer
on the appraisals we were
given," Stephen stated, "but we
were turned down and have no
alternative but to expropriate."
Although some other proper-
by the Authorities, for referest-
atioe projects.
Learned from zone forester,
Larry Scales, that 130,000
trees had been planted this
spring, None was planted last
fall due to the dry conditions.
Bill Amos, Parkhill, flood
centred, chairman, reported the
cost of bank protection on the
River Road at Grand Bend would
be approximately 5750. Of this,
75% would be covered by grant
and the resort would carry the
ties have, been offered to the
ARCA for purchase, he said
they would be contained in, the
expropriation plan so ,a clear
title to the land could be es-
He predicted only two or three
preperties would necessarily
have to be expropriated.
Fred Dobbs said he had heard
rumors the committee had not
always been friendly in their
dealings with property holders,
and although he noted he didn't
believe it, asked for clarifica-
Stephen confirmed the fact
the purchasing committee had
always approached owners in
a friendly matter, although ex-
plained negotiations were not
always friendly on the other
parties' behalf.
Some,- especially the park-
hill Cemetery board —he said
were "most gracious to deal
None of the graves will be
infringed upon at the cemetery,
and the ARCA are giving the
Wednesday aftereoen the
Parish Hall et St, Patrick's
church, was tastefully deeora.t,-
ed with early summer flOwerS
and long tables with flower
centres and candelabra for the
annual tea, bake sale and ba,
In the absence of the rector
Rev, Lyle Bennett, Mrs, Toni
Ko0Y, WA president welcomed
about 104 ladies from the sur-
rounding communities and de-
clared the bazaar open at two
Mrs. Lorne Weibere and Mrs.
Ron Carroll were in the apron#
linen and candy booth; Mrs. Jim
Barker, country store; Mrs.
Clarence Davis, Mrs. Vic
Drought, Mrs. Earl Greenlee
and Mrs. Heber Davis, baking;
Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Mrs. Hare
ry Carroll and Mrs. Maurice
McDonald, kitchen; Mrs. Dean
Gibson, Mrs. Charles Atkin-
son, Mrs. Hermon Atkinson,
Mrs, Hugh Davis and Mrs. Bill
Johnson, servi n g tables and
Mrs. Tom Kooy was at the door.
Slashes foot
cutting lawn
Fete cleric, family,
prior to departure
Miss Ann DaWpori of Toronto
spent the Weekend with Mr. Fred
Dawson and Mr, & Mrs,,Morray
Mr, & Mrs, Edwin
Prian, Barry and Barbare at-
tended Zion Sunday Schoolan-
eiversary Sunday and spent the
day with Mr. 4 Mrs. Torn,
13r1v1PerK:4 Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne
and Larry, Mr. Mrs. Victor
Jeffery and Barry, & WS,
Chas. yJ,PAfflearnYao
and Connie
ed the .4th and 5th concession
picnic Saturday at Queen's
Fred Dawson,
M. & Mrs, Murray Dawson and
Larry were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Cleve
number of ladies
from this community went on
the Hurondale WI bus trip to
Coliingwood Wednesday.
Rev. Hugh & Mrs. Wilson
visited Tuesday with Rev. Don-
ald & Mrs. Deas and family of
s. return
nr home
six weeks in the
U. Vanderlaan
this Friday
Netherlands visiting with rela-
tives and friends. Miss Wilma
Vanderlaan will also r e t u rn
home having spent the past six
weeks with her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
Henry Post, RR 1 Embro,
For another year a daily
vacation Bible school will be
After a smorgasbord lunch-
eon held at Brinsley Unite d
Church, Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth
Hick and family were pleasantly
surprised before leaving soon
for their new appointment to
the pastoral charge at Shel-
brooke, Sask.
Mr. & Mrs. Johnson of Lon-
don are spending a few days
with Mr. & Mrs. Grant Mc-
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parkin-
son and family were Sunday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wm.Rodd
of Exeter.
Mrs. Claire Sisson attended
the 47th Rebekah Lodge atKer-
wood Tuesday.
Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. Nor-
man Giffin of Strathroy Friday.
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hart-
wick and Stephanie of Ebenezer
were Sunday guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Leonard Thacker.
Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hoop..
er were Saturday evening
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Clark of St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson
were Sunday guests of Rev. &
Mrs. Shilliday of St. Thomas.
Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hoop-
er, Clare, Veryl and Jeanette
were Thursday evening guests
of Mr. & Mrs. Don Davis of
Toronto. Jeanette remained and
returned with Miss Ruth Hooper
Friday who spent the weekend
with her parents.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald King and
family of Lakeside were Sun-
day guests of Mr. & Mrs. wm.
Jones and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper
Veryl and Jeanette were Sun-
day guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ken-
neth Facey of Wellburn.
June 21
For All Your Father's
Day Gifts
Men's Wear
Mr, & Mrs. Earl Atkinson and
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Latta and
family spent Sunday at Grand
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Mac-
Donald, Miss Barbara McCon-
nell, London and Mr. & Mrs.
Heber Davis were Saturday
evening guests with Mr. &Mrs.
Harry Carroll and Wayne. Mr.
MacDonald and Mrs. Davis were
observing birthdays.
Mr. & Mrs. George Atkinson
and family, London, spent Sun-
day with Mr. Atkinson's par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Herman At-
Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis ac-
companied by Mrs. R ob e r t
Coleman, Lucan, spent Monday
with Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dick-
ins, London.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Green-
lee, Exeter and Mr. & Mrs.
Heber Davis were guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Greenlee Wed-
nesday evening. Earl was ob-
serving a birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll and
Cathy Abbott, daughter of Mr.
& Mrs. Arthur Abbott, Whalen,
visited Sunday with Mrs. Henry
Hodgins, Lucan, Ron's grand-
Sunday, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
Davis entertained in honor of
Mrs. Heber Davis' birthday.
For dinner on the lawn they had
the following guests, Mrs. Rich-
ard Dickins, Exeter; Mr. and
Mrs. Heber Davis, Mr. & Mrs.
Mr. Howard Rinn met with a
very painful accident Saturday
morning when the power lawn
motor ran over his foot tearing
his boot off and cutting his foot
badly. He is in St. Marys Me-
morial Hospital at present.
Weekend guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Archie Dewar were their
daughter Mrs. Evelyn Baker and
Mary, Mr. & Mrs. Vytas Tre-
ciokats, Paul and Ellen of Tor-
onto and Mr. .& Mrs.S. W. Mar-
riott, Ron and Maryanne of St.
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. McGregor
of Kippen were guests with Wm.
Rinn and Noreen W elk om and
visited with Howard at the hos-
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parkinson
and family attended Zion West
anniversary services and were
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Baker
visited with her sister, Mr. &
Mrs. Scrivens of Rochester,
N.Y. during the weekend.
Mr. Fred Jameson attended
the Orangeman's Services held
in the Anglican Church at Clin-
ton Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Coward,
Paul and David spent the week-
end with Mr. & Mrs. KenCham-
bers at Wingham.
Mr. & Mrs. David Holland,
Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Elston and
Mr. Adam Gordon attended the
Crop and Soil Improvement bus
trip held at the OAC in Guelph
Tuesday last week.
board twice as much land in
another section as what, they
are taking for the dam.
A rep9rt at the meeting by
official s of the engineering
firms involved inclidated the
tenders for the project would
be called in early Aeellat and.
construction Shetild start by
C. P, Corbett, Lucan, clues,
tioned if menicipalitieS would
continue to receive taxes on the
land being used for the $1,200,e
000 project, and was assured
that they woUld.
He asked that this informa-
tion be contained in the next
press releaee geing to the Park-
hill Gazette, as the feeling in thp
area had been that the menicie
panties would lose the taxes
on the property.
Members of the Authority
commended the initiation of the
conservation school for second-
ary and elementary pupils at
Camp Sylvan. Fred Dobbs and
chairman Freeman liodgins
both paid tribute to the efforts
of Terry McCauley, field of-
ficer, and Mrs. C. Hume, sec,
retary, for their work in pre-
paring notebooks and other ma-
terials for the school.
"We criticize so freely and
neglect to give encourage-
ment," Dobbs stated, in term-
ing the school a "real program"
and commending the pair for an
"excellent job".
McCauley noted that if the
school is successful —"and we
are going to insure that it is"
— it may become a permanent
project. He said it was a "sig-
nal honor" for the ARCA to
embark on such a scheme as it
was only the second such school
in Ontario.
In other business, the ARCA:
Were welcomed for their first
meeting in Hensall by Lorne
Approved signing a new re-
forestation agreement with the
department of lands and for-
ests. One change in the agree-
ment is that a 100% grant will
now be paid for all timber, and
the ARCA hope to receive some
retroactive grants.
Were told by chairmanFree-
man Hodgins that a move was
still being presented to have
some tax relief on lands owned
Mr. George Prest made the
presentation of a gift of money
while Mr. Wes Watson read a
fitting farewell address.
A baptism service was held
at Brinsley United Church Sun-
day, June 14. Rev. Kenneth Hick
of Ailsa Craig was minister for
the ritual ceremony. Those re-
ceived into the fellowship of the
church were Kimberly Anne
Steeper, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Rayburn Steeper; William
James Simpson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Simpson; Leslie Wil-
liam Coburn, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Coburn, and Dale
Terry Fenton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Fenton.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Simpson,
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Simpson were
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Goldwin
Glenn and family Sunday.
Mrs. Bill Luther of Ailsa
Craig visited Saturday with
Mrs. Violet Allison.
Jim Barker , Joan, Gary and
Jean, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Green-
lee, Larry and Leslie, Mr. &
Mrs. Jim Young and Jeffrey,
Lucan and Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Tindall, Nancy and Marylou.
Marten Dykstra
native of Holland
Marten Dykstra, 57, RR 5
Guelph, formerly of Exeter,
and proprietor of the Delmar
Motel and restaurant, on the
Guelph-Fergus Highway, died
Saturday morning, June 13 at
Guelph General Hospital.
Mr. Dykstra was born in
Joure, Holland. He and his fam-
ily came to Canada and settled
in Exeter in 1951 where he was
employed with Cann's Mill for
five years. He moved to Lon-
don, then to Hamilton and had
lived in Guelph area for three
He is survived by his wife,
the former Shirley V and e n
Bosch; four sons, Lowell of
Exeter, Harry of London, Ger-
ald of Hamilton and Garry at
home; also four daughters, Mrs.
Harry de Vries (Margaret) of
Exeter, Mrs. Tom Vanden
Bosch (Winnie) of Burlington
and Thelma and Patricia, both
at home; also nine grandchild-
Funeral services were held
in Guelph Reformed Church,
Tuesday, June 16, conducted by
J. W. Vanden Berg. Burial was
in Woodlawn Cemetery.
Cromarty kids
enjoy bus trip
The junior pupils of SS 4,
5, 6 and 7 Hibbert with their
teachers enjoyed a motor trip
to Mitchell and Stratford Sat-
In Mitchell they toured the
Stacey plant and in Stratford
they visited the fire hall and
the Arthur Meighen Gardens.
A picnic lunch in Queen's Park
Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. E.
Moore and Mr. David Scott
motored to Detroit Sunday to
visit relatives. Mrs. Moore is
visiting this week with her sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Jennie Wil-
son in Detroit.
Visitors with Mrs. Sadie
Scott Thursday were, Mrs.
James Lindsay of Vancouver,
Miss Beatrice Hodgert, Osh-
awa, Mrs. Sam McCurdy, Mrs.
Horton McDougall, South
Boundary and Mrs. George Wal-
lace, Cromarty.
Those from this area who
attended the Wallace reunion in
Russeldale Hall Saturday were
Mr. & Mrs. George Wallace,
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Laing and
Peter, Mr. & Mrs. JohnJeffer-
son, Mr. Wm. Ringler, Mrs. La-
verne Wallace, Pamela, Terry
and Valeria and Margaret
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Dejardine
and son Leslie spent the week-
end with relatives in Windsor.
Debbie Wallace daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. John Wallace is a
patient in Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Seaforth having had an
appendix operation,
Mrs. Grace Scott and Mr. &
Mrs. K. MOKellar Visited Sun-
day evening With Mrs. Carter
Kerslake who is a patient in
South Huron Iloapital, Exeter.
At the communion service in
Cromarty Church Sunday Mr.
& Mrs. Calvin Hulley Were
received as members Of the
cOngregation en Profession of