HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-11, Page 1125 Auction Sales schools lend ere sold to separate it s, buildings must be removed within 60 days of sale date. Transfer of deeds and per- mits to he paid by purchaser. TERMS: °ash, ELMER ROWE, Chairman of Hay Twp. School. Area W. BAGKENSHIRE, Secretary-Treaserer Day Twp. School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone ilg Dashwood 4:11;18c Community AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, 4V.14E at 1;30 p.m. AT THE YARD OF ELDON ilFywOOP (First house north of South End Service) Anyone wishing to consign merchandise for sale contact Eldon Heywpod at 235.0720 within next 7 days. List of sale in next edition of this paper. i-myWoop AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS 729 .Dunclas St„ London lie 432-5552 Want-Ad Deadline Ttoesday$ • 6 pAll 2-BEDROOM cottage, central location, R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. East. lic 2-BEDROOM brick house, at- tached garage, 58 John St. West, 1 blocks from down- town area, Phone 235-0737. 4:11* 2-BEDROOM apartment, avail, able May 1. Apply D, C. Joynt, phone 62 Hensall. 3:26tfnc HEATED apartment ? 2 bed- rooms with large living room, dining rotten, convenient kitch- en an( 3-piece bathrooni. This is a comfortable roomy apart- ment. Available about first of March. C. V. Pickard, Insur- ance & Real Estate, 394 Main St. S. 2:13(fne COTTAGE. at triverhilron, north of ,Kirteartbrie; available July 1 O. 15 and. nit of August, PhOle. 235.2752 Exeter, Ile- „ , . . . STOSgY. and a half :119eSe- Jely 1, Phone 235-1377, PASITWOPD.,2-bedroom ctPart- inept, newly decorated, 5 miles from lake, rent reasonable,, phone 81 PaShWeocl , 11.11$;25e APARTMENT, centrally le, Gated, furnished. or unferpiab, eci; all utilities .Peld including washer ,and dryer, Rent .rea, sortable, Phone '24574004 or 235- 2453, 5:21ftfne . ... NEWLY FURNISHED 1-bed- room apartment. Wall-to-wall carpet, all new furniture in- eluding appliances and tele- vision, $95.00 per month, Elliot Apartments, 442 Main St. Phone 236-0885; ,nights 235-2912, 28ffne 1-STOREY enfurnished 3-bed- room house with automatic oil furnace; close to downtown and schools. Phone 235-0736. 5:14tfnc FURNISHED 2-bedroom apart- ment, air conditioned, central location. Parker Apts, Main St., Exeter. Phone 235-0915. 4tfnc SUMMER COTTAGES-3 bed- rooms, 'at St. Joseph on Lake Huron, fireplace, hot and cold Water, modern conveniences. Phone 235-2994 Exeter. 4;11c PARRY SOUND district—Large modern cottage, sleeps 8, on inland lake, boat, good fish- ing, good beach. Available July 11 to 18; Aug. 8 to Sept. Phone Centralia 228-6325, lle 1-BEDROOM, apartment, heat- ed, utilities paid; available July 1, Phone 235-0382. 4tfnc 2-BEDROOM ,apartment, $45 a month. Attfield's Store, Credi- ton. Phone 234-6394. 5:21tfnc SMALL MODERN home in Hensall. Suit middle age cou- ple, Mrs. Archie Noakes, phone 1231 4:11* NICELY FURNISHED 3-room apartment, all conveniences. For full particulars call 235- 2376. lltfnc 2-BEDROOM brick 'house, very nice, very central, $85.00. Ap- ply Elliot Apartments 'or phone 235-0585, 235-2912. lltfnc 3-BEDROOM house in Exeter. Phone 235-1877. lltfnc TWO-BEDROOM house at 92 Huron St., Exeter, All outside property maintained, available July 15. Contact Eric Hey- wood, 235-1254. lie DUPLEX at 122 Sanders St. Vacant after June 16. Apply 401 Carling St., phone 235-0313. lie 3 MODERN 2-bedroom, self- contained apartments. Apply Fink Plumbing & Heating Ltd., Hensall. 11:18:25:2c APARTMENT for two, heated, unfurnished, 426 Main St., liv- ing room, bedroom, modern kitchen, hot and cold water, $45 a month, services extra. Available July 1. Apply at The Times-Advocate. lltfnx MODERN apartment, 1 - bed- room, kitchen, living room, 3- piece bath with shower, un- furnished, available immedi- ately. Apply Art Geiser, Ell- mart Apts., Main St., Exeter. Phone days 235-1505; evenings 235-2754. 5: 7tfnc 2-BEDROOM furnished apart: merit in Lucan, all utilities paid, $75 a month, Available immediately, Phone 227-4830. FURNISHED, heated apart- ment; separate entrance; ideal for two; available May 15, Apply 170 Carling St. after 6 p.m. 4:30tfne LUCAN -- 2-bedroom upstairs apartment, utilities paid, $65.00 a month. Phone Lucan 227-4830, TRY YOUR DRUG STORE FIRST We've gifts galore that Dad'!! adore! Come, see our Pop-Perfect array of things you know he likes. and lots of new gift-ideas! • Old Spice • Yardley • Arden For Men • Seaforth IVIOTIMago j, FATHER'S DAY GIFTS • Leather Gifts • Films • Billfolds • Cameras • Pipes and Lighters I UNTLEIS DRUG STORE II EXETER 1 D Telephone Ontario _,,... 235.1070 25 Auction Sales tog rods, bird bath, bird ,cage; 2 lawn, mowers, :barbecue and ma other. „misc. No reserve, everything wilt be Sold. TERMS: Cash. MRS. KAY Proprietress DARNET HICKS,, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Alletieneer lie ........ 74 'Tenders Wanted ..„. PRAltit Tg.t1Pg13. TOWNSIlIP OF McGli.I.IVRAY. Watson Drainage Works, 1964 Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the .undersigned un- til 0;40 P.M., Monday, July 1e04,. for 'the construction ,pf; 045 lin, feet of 8" Field Tile 5705 lin. feet of 10" Field Tile 700 lin. feet of 12" Field Tile 1580 lin. feet of 16" Field Tile; and Otter work. Tile and C,M.P. colyert stip, plied by the Township. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office,. Parkhill, or at the office of the Engineer, C. P. Corbett Legere roAcm.ibid deposit of 10% will be necessarily t ot L Lost 5 orA.amaponosyp,t coel:d rlcor, n Township of McGillivray 11c 25 Auction Sales NOTICE — Auction Sale listed for B. W. F. Beavers Estate for Wednesday, June 17 has been postponed to a later date. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. 11c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises 112 ANDREW ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 at 1:30 p.m. Modern 3 - piece bedroom suite, dressers, vanity, chest of drawers, daybed, coffee tables, book case, broadloom rug 9x15 with padding, several mirrors, dining room furni- ture, electric fireplace, buffet, cupboards, oil paintings, pic- tures and frames, 2 bedsteads, springs, mattress, commodes, ironing board, electric lamps, kitchen table and chairs, an- tique kitchen clock, clothes rack, large, variety of dishes, glassware, novelties, antique items, kitchen utensils, roast- ing pans, children's toys and dolls, large quantity of books, roller skates, Maxwell Mariner 5 h.p, out- board motor (brand new), car radio, girl's bicycle, plastic garden 'hose, large picnic ta- ble, garden tools, garden trac- tor with all attachments, fish- AUCTION lmpo rtant SALE Consisting of Hay Town, ship Schools, Land and Misc. Items On the premises as listed and stated time. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 20 Parcel No. 1 North east corner Lot 19, Lake Rd. West, Township of Hay, Highway 21, 2 miles south of St, Joseph with no buildings which will be offered for sale on the premises at 1:30 p,m. Parcel No. 2 School No. 12, Hay Town. ship, south east corner Lot 18, Con. 15, 21 miles west of Zur- ich thence 1 mile south on which is situated a white brick schoolhouse 27x461 in good condition. Suitable for residential purposes. Contents to bp offered sep- arately—School desks and ta- ble; blackboard; teacher's desk; enamel sink; 255-gal oil tank; roll woven wire; steel and cedar posts; large antique school bell. Sale to take place on the premises at 2:30 p.m. Parcel No. 3 School No. 8, Hay Town- ship, 'south west corner Lot 6, Con. 12, 1.1 miles north of Dashwood, on which is situ- ated frame schoolhouse cov- ered with metal siding 441x321 with newly installed furnace. Building in good condition. Spacious grounds. Suitable for residential or business projects. Contents to be offered sep- arately — 200-gal. oil tank; Clare Hecla oil furnace and pipes; school desks and table; 2 crokinole boards; quantity of books; library table; pressure pump, etc, etc. Sale to take place on the premises at 3:30 p.m. Please Note — School build- ings and land to be offered separately. In 'the e v e n t THE BEST OSTS LES WHEN YOU BUY COOP KNOTLESS CERTIFIED BALER TWIN E In length, strength and uniformity, you can depend on Co-op Baler Twine, It's free-running and knot- less, ossuring you quick, easy operation at haying time and long, safe storage afterwards. Low in cost, too, Canadian Ma de Exeter District CO-01P Phone 235-20$1 By M RS. L. pRESZCATOR Visitors recently with Rev, & Mrs. A. M. Schlenker and family were cousins Mr. & Mrs. Roy Gullacher of penal, Saskatchewan, Mr. & Mrs. Schlenker and Mary El- len joined them to visit other relatives in the Hamilton and Niagara district. Mrs. Ed. Morlock is a pa, tient at South Huron Hospital, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lippert and family visited with rela- tives at Gravenhurst over the weekend. Mr. Albert Gaiser accom- panied by Mr. RoyRatz of Ship- ka are attending the World Fair at New York. Mr. Robert Greenwood of Don Mills visited this week with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Oestricher. Mrs. Mabel Ewald of Kit- chener spent a few days last week with Mr. Everett Fehr- ner. Ricky Geiser of Dashwood it *vat! firVIMM'I'. °*`°A4'''. ,egeag.**Tii0 AshA %WS:, Strato-Chief 4-Door Sedan ‘1.4:!'"$. Parisienne Conveitible Parisienne Custom Sport Coupe RE: TRANSPORTATION Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the transporting of the Us- borne Public School pupils to the Usborne Ceritral School, commencing the Fall term. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the secretary. Tenders Close Tuesday, June 23 at 6 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GARNET HICKS, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 11:18e As far as I can judge, not much good can be dohe without disturbing something or some- body. at NO additional cost! Your savings in Credit Union are matched with life insurance at no extra -Cost to you. This means your family gets double red. turd in event of death. . . HAY THERE ! WATCH OUT FOR THAT BALER! If recent farm history repeats itself, about 50 people in Ontario will be hurt in baler accidents this yearl You can help protect yourself against painful accidents by being extra careful, But you need insurance protection too against the costs of farm work accidents. CIA has added FARM WORK ACCIDENT INSURANCE TO ITS FARM FAMILY PROTECTION PLAN For more information call: Ross Francis Phone 34R8 Kirkton Co-operators CIA Insurance Association Times-Advocate,t r 1964 . Page.11 18 For 8010 17 Properly For Rent will be the guest speaker in the United .Church :Sundey at a;V.. r gerald 1Seee retnrned to his hemp last Tuesday alter being hospitalized for a fe.vir days after haying a car accident near 1,,..tstgivel, TENT 'TRAILER, sleeps four; weekly; $45.49; June, July, Augdst, Sept e mber, Phone .875W4 Hensel' for reservations. Apply E, Mousseau, RiPeee. 4:11;18:4* FLOOR SANDERS, electric. ,Beavers Hardware, Phone 238r 1033, Exeter, 12: /Wile Greenway U.M.V. meeting., was held at the home of Mrs._ T. Ipaac with 15 ,r,nembers in at- tendance, Mrs.. ga,ri, steeper was in charge .of worship service and had as. her theme "Happy the. some When qod, is There'r., Mrs. C. A. Prittain as POP*, er spoke on stewardship and. 19 For Sale or Rent Worship concluded with a duet by MiSe Evelyn Qtrts and MrS, ii., AroPivYt President :qrs. L. Curt con, ducted the business part when a committee of four was named to look after the miscellaneous and bake sale at Grand send in August, Committee is Mrs. H. Erophey, Mrs. Jim Eagleson, Mrs, E, Curte, Mrs, Ken Rock. Tbe president asked everything brought to be wrapped in saran or boxed.. Committee was given In- structione for a wedding dinner on June 13, The meeting eloped with a social half hour. PERSONALS Jos Eagleson spent a few days last week with Mrs. henry Eegleson Pf PaSbwOod, Mrs. Ed. Btewarclsert and Mrs, Gordon Woodburn attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Strathmeyer in. bentlen. Last Monday, Mrs,„ W, Freele of Ilderton spent the Weekend with Mr.. 4. Mrs. parold mcbonald. Mr. & Mrs, Earl Gardner andfamily of Newmarket spent the weekend with his mother Mrs. J. Gardner, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dettloff of Detroit spent a few days with their aunt, mrs,AlhertPollock, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor of Varna vieited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Carman Woodburn, Mee, Chas, McGregor, who has spent some time with her daughter, Mrs. Carman Ire- land in London, is now visiting with & Mrs. Bill Eagleson in Detroit. Mrs. McGregor is improving from her illness. Rev. Higginbottom of Walton 1,,acties. at .Greenway bear of stewardship. ZURICH HOUSE, newly paint- ed; living . room, bedroom, kitchen main floor; bathroom, 2 bedrooms upstairs; Oil burn- ing furnace, garden, Will sell with easy terms or rent, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Bill Armstrong, Salesman. lltfnc 22 Notices EXETER LIONS CLUB waste paper drive Monday, June 15 at 7 p.m. Please help a worth- while cause by putting your paper at the sidewalk by 6 p.m. 11c spent the week end with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Geiser. Sunday visitors with Mr, & Mrs, Cliff Kenny and Ron were Mr. & Mrs. Charles Withers and family of Goderich. Mrs. Robert H i 1 bo r n and Kathy visited on the weekend with Mrs. Ezra Faist and Nola. Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Sims have purchased a lot on King St. N. and are beginning the construction of their home. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll of Dutton were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Wein and family. Mrs. A. M, Schlenker, Car- men and Mary Ellen attended the graduation exercises from Stratford General Hospital where Mrs. Schlenker's niece Miss Elsie Emke of Elmwood received her RN. TOWN OF EXETER COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in •the Town Hall on the dates and during the hours listed below for the col- lection of taxes for the Town of Exeter. Please 'arrange to make payment on or before these dates to avoid penalty. Monday, June 29 9 a.m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 30 9 a.m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 p.m. ERIC CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector 11:18:25c Potted Roses in bloom $1.65 each Variety of Colours p.m. Reder's Florist 235-1673 If you can't see your new Pontiac here it's down at your Pontiac dealer's 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Clair Frederick Deneau, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Clair Frederick Deneau, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Barber, who died on about the 17th day of May 1964 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 13th day of June 1964, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for Executrix, Exeter, Ontario. 28:4:11c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Batiuk, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Batiuk, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Fisherman, who died on or about the 14th day of January 1964, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solici- tors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 20th day of June 1964, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont. 4:11:18c 24 Tenders Wanted * Get in on the Success Car Sales Celebration Asa CAR SALES CELEBRATION GET READY, GET SET, GET Your Pontiac dealer can offer you 38 proud ways to celebrate with a Success car . 38 exciting models in 11 series, Why so many Pontiac models? Because some people favor a Luxurious, Parisienne Custom Sport. Others, a distinguished Laurentian, Or an economical Strata- Chief. Ora spacious Safari Station Wagon. And right now your Pontiac dealer has a good selection of models on hand, There's a Pontiac with the features arid options you want at a price that will fit your pocket- book, Start celebrating at your Pontiac dealer's today, CO WHERE THE CHOICE Is GREATEST! GO WHERE THE VALUE is sewn SEE YOUR LOCAL PONT1Ao DEALER! HE HAS A GREAT DEAL TO OFFER YO01 40 VISITING NEW YORK THIS SUMMER? GE SURE TO SEE THE GENERAL MOTORS PONTIAC PUTURAMA At THE NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR• See your local Pontiac dealer AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER IN ZURICH TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED Main Street Zurith, Ontatio