HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-11, Page 8RECIPE OF THE MONTH
By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute
"Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit"
Rev, S. E. Lewis replied, Eliza.
Beth Mickle toasted the mothers
with Mrs. Glenn Fisher re-
M e n1 bers of the graduating
class entertained with a musical
selectio n, Mic helle
presided for the px0
There were .attendance.
The VoPrng. Were beautifully
porated from the VPW:Po.44pm
tea in .the. afternoon.
Sixteen Explorers
graduate at banquet
Auxiliary members compared with BRIDGE CLUB PEACH TARTS
Explorer, in a native costume.
She told of a day spent in. \fiat,.
ing native homes in her mission
and displayed many souvenirs,
She was introduced by Ruth
Whiting and thanked by Peggy
Pride and Jacqui Coughlin.
Sixteen girls graduated to
CGIT: Ruth Whiting, Cheryl
Westcott, Sheila Willertp Eliza-
beth Mickle, Peggy Pride,Susart
Pearce, Frances Moore, YYorr-
no Remaniuk, Kathy McDonald,
Michelle Harrison, Marion
Herp, Linda Dougall, Jacqui
Coughlin, Debbie Janoff, Glenda
Fisher and Mary Bruls,
Cheryl Westcott proposed a
toast to the church to which
Explorers. PrjaillesStreet L1Q
had their mothers as guests at
a nanonet in the church hail last
Wednesday •Nignir%,
Mies DPIC10 Yentharii, misa
plenary on feriough from India,
was peat speaker. She was
dressed in a native sari and also
dressed Elizabeth Mickle, an
wheelbarrow, football
Makes twelve 3 1/2ain. tarts or
twenty 21/2-in, tarts,
Drain peaches, Stir 11/2 cups
peach syrup into sugar, corn-
starch, salt combined in sauce-
pea; thicken smoothly over me-
dium heat stirring constantly.
Cover and cook 5 minutes over
low neat, stirring occasionally.
Remove from beat and cool porn-
pletely, Stir in almond flavour-
ing and sour cream; fold in peach
slices. Spoon into prepared tart
shells. Chill. Serve topped with
whipped cream if desired.
2 (15-ez.) cans "Can-
Oa Choice Sliced
11/5 cups peach syrup
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons corn-
A few grains salt
1/2 teaspoon almond
1/2 pint dairy sour
Whipped cream (op-
Exeter Legion Ladies Auxi-
liary took top financial position
for 1963 in Zone CI Dyer
other auxiliaries reporting at
the animal rally in the Exeter
Legion hail last Wednesday,
Secretary Mrs, Harry Page
reported that the local Auxiliary
had raised over $8,400 in 1963,
out of which over $7,000 was
given in donations and spent in
equipment and decorating for
the Legion flail. Goderich and
Clinton groups raised over
$4,000. The totalmoneys raised
in Zone CI in 1963 was over
$28,000, raised chiefly by cat-
ering to banquets and by bingos.
Guest speaker was Mrs, Jean
purnouchelle, Windsor, provina
cial honorary treasurer, who
commended the ladies and asked
for continued and possibly larga
er donations from the Aualltar,
les for the Legion scholarship
fund. Mrs. Dumpuchelle said
"Some members are like a
wheelbarrow---they have to be
pushed; some are like a football,
you never know which way
they'll bounce; the others are
like a gold watch, open-faced,
solid gold and full of good
works." This recipe prepared especially for this
series by Dairy Foods Service Bureau.
Mr, & mrs. Jack SMith,
Woodham, visited Saturday eve-
ning with Mr. & Mrs. Wray
Sweitzer and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Lome Dietrich,
Mr. Norman and Tom Breen
spent the weekend in Windsor
with Mr. & Mrs. Ted Dietrich
and other relatives.
Mr. Jim and. Felton Baxter,
London, visited Saturday with
Mrs. Lamport and Tom.
Miss Colleen Westman, Lon-
don, spent a few days with Mr.
& Mrs. Karl Guenther andfama
fly while her parents Mr. •&
Mrs. Ken Westman attended
the races at Iadianapolis, USA.
Mrs. Furter and Miss Dor-
othy Harlton visited with Mr.
& Mrs. Herbert Harlton.
Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Robinson
and family, London, visited Still-
day and Mr. Art Hardcastle,
Chatham, Monday with Mr. &
Mrs. Karl Guenther and family.
. . . photo by Jack Doerr
Wed at Greenway
Greenway United Church was
the setting whenRev. Clinton A.
Brittain solemnized the mar-
riage of Lynda Lou Steeper and
John Bruce Huntley, Saturday,
June 6.
Parents of the bride are Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Steepr, RR 8,
Parkhill, and the groom is the
son of Mrs. 0. D. Huntley of
Arkona and the late Mr. Hunt-
The bride chose a traditional
floor-length sheath gown of im-
ported hand-clipped Chantilly
gold watch
Assisting Mrs, Harold Wurm,
president of the 'Kai Auxiliary,
in conducting the meeting were
Mrs. Mary McCann, zone com-
mander of Zone CI, and Mrs.
Stan Frayne, Zone CI sports
officer. Welcome addresses
were given by Mayor W. E.
Simmons and Legion President
Percy Noels. Rev. J. P. Landon,
Exeter Legion padre, gave the
Exeter Legion Pipe. Band led
a parade of 150 Auxiliary mem-
bers previous to the meeting
with 27 flags in the color party,
two of which were the Red
Ensigns. This parade was a
first for an all-female parade
with Mrs. Max Harness acting
as parade marshal/ and Mrs.
Eric Heywood as color ser-
geant. President Mrs. Wttrm
laid a wreath at the cenotaph
which had been carried in the
parade by Mrs. Irene Harness
and Mrs. Graham Mason.
Auxiliaries were represented
from Goderich, Clinton, Sea-
f ort h, Wingham, Kincardine,
Brussels, Howick, Luck no w,
Blyth, Ripley, Hensall as well
as Exeter.
Eight young square dancers
performed for the ladies under
the calling of Max Harness and
Mrs. Don McLeod sang three
Mrs. Eugene Beaver was in
charge of a buffet lunch,
Applications From
Told importance
of x-ray clinic
A film showing the impor-
tance of the TB clinic was
shown at the meeting of the
Worn en' s Auxiliary to South
Huron Hospital Tuesday after-
Mrs. Elmer Bell, reported
on the arrangements for the TB
survey in Exeter in July at
which the Auxiliary is assisting.
Mrs. M. Geiser is chairman
of the X-ray clinic and other
committee members are Mrs.
willing to accept full time employment
doing light, clean, work in a modern small plant
considering establishing in Exeter
E. Russell, Mrs. C. Smith and
Mrs. G. Mickle.
Mrs. Harvey Pollen and Mrs.
Glen Mickle gave a report of
the regional meeting held in
Clinton last month.
The tentative date of October
17 was named for the fall rum-
mage sale.
President Mrs. P.. C. Dinney
and Mrs. J. G. Dunlop were
designated to consult with the
Hospital Board in regard to a
centennial project for the hos-
pital. The auxiliary agreed to
work jointly with the Board in
this matter.
lace. The bodice was fashioned
with an over- jacket of the same
lace, having elbow-length
sleeves and a scalloped scoop-
neckline, sprinkled with pearls.
A sweeping, detachable chapel-
train was held at the waistline
by a donet bow. Her veil of
silk illusion was held by a
matching rosette cap, and she
carried a cascade of white calla
lilies and lily of the valley.
Matron of honor, Mrs. Terry
Wade, and bridesmaids, Mrs.
Jeanette Hunter and Miss Mar-
garet Rose wore street-length
gowns of aqua silk organzaover
taffeta with matching head-
dresses. They carried cascades
of white Chinese mums. Robin
Charelton as flower girl car-
ried a white Chinese mum nose-
David Schieler acted as ring-
bearer and Pat McElhone was
groomsman. The ushers were
Terry Wade and Jerry Makar.
For travelling to Eastern
points the bride wore a white
and blue linen suit with match-
ing accessories.
Following their wedding trip
the couple will live in London.
photo by Jack Doerr
Honeymoon at fair Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ar-
thur Bennewies are spending
their honeymoon at the World's
Fair, New York, following their
marriage in Main Street United
Church, Exeter, Saturday, June
6 at 3 pm.
The bride is the formerlvlar-
jorie Edna Hodgert, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hod-
gert, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Bennewies, Brodhagen,
are parents of the groom.
Baskets of pink snapdragons
and white pompoms, candela-
bras and fern formed the back-
ground for the ceremony per-
formed by Rev. R. S. Hiltz. Mrs.
Frank Wildfong, Exeter, pro-
vided the wedding music and
accompanied the soloist, Mrs.
William Pollen, Exeter, who
sang ,,Walk Hand in Hand" and
"Wedding Prayer."
Given In marriage by her
father the bride chose a floor-
length gown of white crystal
charm over taffeta fashioned
with bell-shaped skirt, Chan-
tilly lace bodic e, lily point
sleeves and scoop neckline. A
detachable Chantilly lace chapel
train extended from fabric ros-
ettes at the waist at the back.
A shoulder-length nylon tulle
bouffant veil was held by a pearl
crown. She carried a cascade
of pink roses, white carnations,
fern and pink rosebuds on the
Matron of honor was Mrs.
Bonnie Sabo, Guelph, and Miss
Audrey Hodgert and Miss Elaine
Bennewies, were bridesmaids.
They were dressed in pink crys-
tal charm over pink taffeta with
bell-shaped skirts, scoop neck-
lines and elbow-length sleeves.
Rosette headpieces and bou-
quets of pink and white carna-
tions and fern completed their
Earl Bennewies, Brodhagen,
The Exeter Industrial Development Corporation is negotiating with a United States firm
which, if it locates here, may require up to 200 female workers on a permanent basis.
The management of this firm is concerned that our community may not be able to pro-
vide sufficient staff if and when it is needed. In view of this, the corporation is requesting
your co-operation to determine the availability of female help.
If you would be interested in full time employment in a modern plant at a reasonable
wage scale in Exeter, would you kindly fill out the form and forward it immediately.
It should be clearly understood that these positions are NOT available now and that your
application does not constitute a commitment on the part of either yourself or The Exeter In-
dustrial Development Corporation. However the number of applications we receive may prove
valuable in providing extra employment opportunities in our community.
Your application will be treated in the strictest confidence. No one other than the of-
ficials of our Corporation and the United States firm will be allowed to see them.
was best man and ushering the
guests were Donald Ferguson
and Arthur Diegel.
A reception was beld in the
Canadian Legion Hall, Exeter.
The bride's mother received
guests in a blue lace fitted coat
over matching blue c h if f on
sheath dress and white acces-
sories. The groom's mother
chose a two-piece rosewood
terylene lace dress with beige
For travelling the bride
changed to a pink and white
French twill saran sheath
dress, with matching A line
pink linen coat and white acces-
sories and corsage of pink and
white roses.
The couple will reside in
Guests attended the wedding
from Detroit, Mich., Guelph,
Kitchener, Peterboro, London,
Sarnia, Hensall and community.
Add to Bennewies-Hodgert wed-
Farmers! To The Exeter Industrial Development Corporation
P.O. Box 246 Exeter, Ontario
be interested in securing full time employment of the type you describe
Prior to her marriageSatur-
day Miss Marjorie Hodgert was
honored by her friends with
many gifts.
Last Tuesday the office staff
of Somerville Ltd. honored her
with a miscellaneous shower.
The evening was spentingames
and contests.
Last Wednesday three aunts
of the bride, Mrs. Norman Fer-
guson, Exeter, Mrs. Wilmer
Ferguson, Hensel], and Mrs.
Mervin Hodgert, Brodhagen,
arranged a surprise shower at
the Bride's home.
The bride was seated in a
decorated chair and three cou-
sins, Patricia, Doris Ann and
Muriel Ferguson carried in a
basket of gifts. About 40 people
I would
I in Exeter.
June is your month! All year long you work hard
to send us delicious, nourishing dairy foods. And
now, during June Dairy Month, it's our turn to say
"Congratulations, Dairy Farmers, on a job well done."
I Number of Miles From Exeter
EXETER DAIRY LTD. Exeter Industrial Development Corporation
PHONE 235-2144