Huron Signal, 1860-06-27, Page 1e-'r,'t,"e,.w eq♦a lhmiona AA the ar6e sot vee d.lea g,ambai_ siiii n' f+`, . 4 , r _d ' ie.:1 . t1 w4 ter,- ti', v i�t'ri1K,' d Ile 4n7 ' f b .. - ;,t', • • r i fit : ti'or-swam 4. evot, ij.w. -yaw woe,;_a al �.'+ JT A selected A' 11;771'@.-7:2.4• ,`� eMa kiw,as,4r'Ade1lt�T i . 1 t.r ,'•-' 'tying thaw -. �,dl dd 10 7 ..E4s ,. t7firsenaltas•erfpf,M1,;s. Fa,..ssi. „e, !•.11ealresasmy tlelw+r- anted et # 1Len armIIiU knows eu banorh LICENSED A1101'101,4111, tba, sy OJJLiAL 113111♦!, am T, 114l` Mlle. dial IL - Weiler ase Aeesma6aaq asMe Whim, with Ns w I s lata. oefMi, lwilal talar 14 Credosela, Jim lilea,lata. TUGS, esu goer to David Ilrnw'S. f1 • inkilbtt., mg fie d "be haste `grim (wilds•_ •_y CHAPTER 1. _ f /r4tq eat MIS Te arra- i est ve del iarlh le M Morsel sthw arm d .6ia111 "Ie *month Nom to -sight, t'wl ber.9aabtg, mord 11. Mliel r4 t«dit� g hall llYe. tis ilra D► Ii Ebollift 's vena, wHdllo li sAbotH 1� tai eUl� t;a bow' " esid el►. et all ..ay Use a the 1 tine I tat am+gs 7ili'ir .g• dot 6 Mitre emirrl Wearied rise,61111.1111:1:1"1"."111411.116.41-11"11111111.1114" M1 U 1.1.11.aJ sgwre;e '.1 C>KA!liit* i1K•'• a=-.: .711.14-‘ lallt a Met piOM satWie' . ......-•, Amp ls+ egeb eMrONSIIIIMilIIMII li c W parhsd grog w d he ialll %Iu/ ll�tri llbsi ea �'+ 4.°161114Al` paalou eb" • rank "Mid lag tied easy item be Moat the Willa bomb itis Y opst.ser, I•tsese samfaa6w ,o.+p bog W wrirL flame b his MMeI.. deer, d ions t►gp tntratlk b+' Mal Ik►, IekJ. 1stn�ss1144 led hoe, ' Vasa the lire seeds, arm eta ,may hdaa W.rsr t••. - •-• sftbs • a P+d 'Armhtd kaMlfm/'w� shild be rue." .mat Mstl wile► awed epos; k d 1hM. t ir.. eh. t�a •g• 'taertlM 'Doss the girt whimper jay 7 Nle ria Nisi sesedlebty he did .w tee the Arne ef 'o' f 'sem of N' bp 111_!1 soar too ready to talk enthuse whoa I we tes mei thaw std elm" sew k w the +�► M tit �a h.. kart tire,' said the trapper, terpins back shadow el ` heavy teem shset the earls. w t *Ifin raga s Ile hie chair sad' taktsh sisal whit st lie Set, es he eahwd the MOM teem Anew h4S big BRAE MATE AM, SAM mad -.d that genie tie 2O0 ACIt4s Dom Qeabtiy co Lead, weal Itaarr Jamb men, mash a M a never falling sr `um q.4i wgl ' the neve or the Let, lyleg as the 1(ata yield �idmi M' hen Droner a Mae �ew ;11 muss Item Per. hoovNy vs tie rade pine table. Albert, 16 from vcWeMtf soi►passd of Les a lel, �iMl BIM7, this Oasl>l,teesehtael Asbbld. Pot (animists,' tlemenr ppl y, Irby % it.fl wt.Tsld tattooing, .ad old red • slim, f wrel te the Dederick. H`ms these, .4t5 1..Pa'aiw, skim+ , to Metek the JOHN MeflOY><J!8, 0OO1 1O ail A;Jeu+ Mo, r1brU.; s log W Wtuxasatl i,W . 716 Bstelsh Mao a• That .d hateg..latR.6sd r Peewealeta and weba aestor l e•r (��. mail to tb. Pt»Ile ot OMAN Or s, ash are otter P'Notles• °pot. which att to tits Met trastop• limber Quay, a27.1yMei will ke Aimed Oast 'degrees ead mil oe•epl d bytra ,ea M•uueal Sliest. Nat. sad, 1064. v9-•33 Dr. Cale, (j ATEefat•nley),CLINTON,Huron Road • - (Mr.ThwslIe.'srennet Store.) Aagest7,1864. •7037 Dr. Oen. J. D•aaesty. Matti i to his Trims& that he hu Rs - lamest W •llesf.•sat Aabarn P. 0. to Black's ■MlaaebbWssll Moana. 1 woman ou, Aagest11.1858. 29 Warning, Sic. _ -� BL O. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ATTORNEY, be., GODERICH, C. W. Xr. S. 11. JARVIS, •agvie. ' ase *uiraey ut-LaW, s,ucnOR IN CHANCERY, COMMIS- 1110EER la, ►ICTORIA HALL, TORONTO C rsaebOhlee-Jlegk1treett Sssta- awpeem. COUNTY OF BRUCE, Under the Ku sg.oseat of am , ML FREDERICK PROUDiOOT. JAMES PATTON, ,(tomo. • Lomas, aawala) BLlIar R eolseitor, Attorney, he.- 0Hee over tie W.wly*. Beek ham., Eine 9tr.at T-xoeto Jan. 26, leen. ala►sera SINCLAIR, ATT0RI8ET8, SOLICITORS. CONVEY- .escsas. *4. Odom. Msrk.t shiners, ores Mr R M. Mac1ai a 8tor. God.rleh, nod Ikesa Cream, Rleeardlss. J. g, SINCLAIR, I A Galerleb. 1l.cardloe. JO, 11. 1669. 23 ;1 iltr■cka■ • MCDerasst, f)\M USTSRI, Atto,eer.-st-Law. Votaries hbli,., .M , reit otre.t, 0 rderlch. P,.lww.ryeth,1087. •Id -el Jelin Davison, ATTORNIT st Law, Solicitor in Chance - say, Le. O®e. Market Blare, Corner •f El.gsan Street, Goderieb. Godsrieb, Nov.93.1830. 9.49 Ira Lewis, 13 )Aa1L1TER,trews Cnantpp Crown Attor- 1 u-, H^ 'nBrua•, Goderieb. " Oaee, Court u. ..se 8qr. ?eh. 6th 1856. •9n1 Lafroy & Macleod, I)AREI5TLIt8, Attorneys .1 Law, Notaries, )) Cm eeyencers. Lc. Ode. Mat sy'a eor- ■.r, WestStreet, Gederleh. Key ll, 186.. "•11 4 Rickard N. Lyster. 6 170122Y -AT -LAW, solicitor in Chin• •` eery and Coorganar, Le., Penton - gore. County of Brace. Pneuagore,Oct. 2Jtb,1058 •t -n87 Sentra' dards. A. BAY, ROVINCIAL LARD SUR' ETOR, tiedr CIVIL 8.gi•e.e, Cllatna. Fab. fwd, I6s0. 22.1.1y. 1006E CAMPBELL. GENERAL COMYtssitrf AGFNT, Co...WMaer is Qe en's Beath, for taking davits, Oeave yneer, dos. Ota. OmBee on read war. Village eat Eineardtee, C. W C.W. elv 7t ,1819. 28-11 ■oNsssrsrtk 'a SI•eatbermtd, CIVIL 81801888E-4, Proyloetal Land l / 8ere.%ysrr. awe Lod Agents. OBlee Market rket &Imre, dederi.b. reb.ttl.lass. veal Jobs Stafne, C61tMIrIONlI le the Court of Qoees's 8eweh. Cesnyaaw, de. A Registry kept of fere and Timm Lom fcr ea1• i parties buotug tete for gee, or 4esirlug to r•r'hu• .111 pleami seed fell prtiealen. I'*egssem, b►y. nth I1187. at -tet atlwgr Lymy. sod -,Jays*C!AL heed eerveyore, Oivil'sagln- esn Lead tgent..0 rneysee•r• las it dt gee. o.ardlad. Aprt I, tett, 1064, 11-12•ly L !•. lea H� CiVIL 11E9lagg8 ad Sere.yer, Laud $sd (..,.ya.e., £i..ao ing. Ase. 166,. 1 11 17 red.woA ll TAILOR. West w M. g.Orsee's a R nee door Biers, West et. (lode- ,. f/ab.774,1611 7751 Charles A• man. vvNuR, God.rieh.)ogle, I. CLOCKS. WATCHggtJEWELRY. 'Romer .g tome 1a aopener i ..,., and w.rra•t.d April i, 1Me van 9-ly MOTAIT •44, P to A R., P ` Derham • Weevil INIE v 10-•14 Isla*a. ltawnt'aaese job ant. Homes, a ..lbeste.,w 1 __..J alar, Arent oreari.h. ran WATCH VVO K 10 a su pet for manner. Also, every Menton of Jewellerybtade to order I would be pleuad to have you examine a) Btcek, whether yOi pueehs.u' or not. 7 JOHN HENRY. Near Market Howe, Osdeneh. June 6th. 1860. 18 Jelin Jtalple, TIN asd1COPPER BMiTH,aaxtdoer.o the Victoria Hotel, West Si.,Osderieh, h•sconstantly u5 hand aehoicesseekefTin- ware ,Cookingaud Boz Stoves, ac.,whi : the wi I lee I I at considerably reduced prices. The highest price paid In trade for old Copper. Brass, Pewter Sheep -skins, Call gad Beef hides, Feather' and Rage. A11 kinds -of Mereltanlab.e produce taken I excitants at cash prices. Ooderiels.Peb.714 teed. vial O. IR Traeiaaa, I* AAD AQUI!, Market6gtiare, . 0orsaloH. ANeads CUNTO$ every Wednesday, from 11..0.108p.t. 0oderlek.Aprnlltb;1815. .10 WI. 8. BOATER , ar'a.' aw iia9A. r'' AC/ S this m •thud of 'enrol - 1 the Inhabitants of Ood- ,rl,h and Its vicinity, that' be has perm ly oe•ted himself for the practice of lbs Dental ; rof..•ion. Dr. B. bar regularly and tlloro.tbly atad- 1.4 the Dental Profesnon, 1n tbe City of New York, with an eminent Dentlnt, aad leets him. self competent to p.rlorm a'lop.rations per samba b.H to darga,1Lan1Y•}haskeal Dent tetry- Or. Bootee takes treat pleasure in introducing to the notice el his friends and patron., a rec- ent improvement in the manner of .uentl03 Artificial teeth, one .filer is deemed of great important* not only by himselft but all 4h. loading Dentine. of the United States. He Blades to the •Nuleaniaed Baas." This style of work has now been folly testes and w111 undoubtedly be adopted for general nae, as that which is capable of rendering the greatest serelee in strength, wetness and do- rabllit y. The above offers great inducements to n>r• sons euRrring'trom decsyrd teeth, which gnen;ly cause neuralgia, and 'futon. bol.. r pains. Rooms over the 'Medical Hall.' W. II. !HINTER, It D.74. Ooderieh, 38th Feb., 11)60. 4 ly (16,1.... 3neur,ance'Agencies. HONE INSURANCE Co NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL 41,000,000-!trRPLUS OVER 8409,000. This Company continues to Insure Building*, Merchandise, Ship. in Portend their Cargoes, Household Furniture, and Personal Property generally. against Loss'or Damage by Fin, on favorable terms. Looses equitably adjusted and promptly paid. Ohlcers. . CHARLES J. MARTIN, President • A. F. IIILLMARTII, Vice President_J. MILTON SMITH, Secretary, THEundereigned having been 'appointed Agent for the shove highly respectable Company, 1s prepared to accept both Fire and Mart.e risk., et moderate rates of pre- mlam.• G. M. TRUEMAN, Agent, 112040 oederleh, c. W. srItIsb America Assurance COMPANY. CAPITAL £100,000. Lewis's w Ouduriob,12th October,4869, GODEHICH TERM 8. 1 liatitutsLibrary , mid Bowleg -anon . p3 n1. Room ,on I y 1 t1LE T8 te be had of the Ssetetary, Mr WA. Primer C. H CLARII)OE,Presldeot, Mechanics' 1 mutate THE whole of which imitates up and v urge Por- tion paid In and invented. The 4ab.erlbot stillcootInaseto grant Assur- ance, atths esrrent rates of Premleta &galsa% LOSS OR DAMAGE AY FIRE. On Ro..se. F irnIt,rt, Goode, renames, and other de.rHptinne tet property, also against le.. or &smog• by the DANGERS OF N (YIOATION On Cerg0ee or remote, a• well as on the inland Water. of this continent s' )'e0oed seti to and from the Pone of Oreat Britain. Forms ehppliestir, with .11 ngneite 1sArts- stioa,furnished by W . BeN81TT awn, A.ent. Gedewlob ,J un.IOth,180.. The Liverpool and London Fire &ad Life Insurance Comp'y. CAPITAL £$,000000 ST'ERLiNG. ACCUMULATED FUND am, map. Brittania Life Assurance Com Puy of Londe,. TiiR aaderelgwrd tenter hmee appnrwrM 1 ADVS. for Gresham bigMy reeperuM. alPlates* prepared to boor bah ren sad viola, es aoderste rase d)a'/mliw A Ma Agrst. Ged.rleb l.1.lst. 4065 •Ihlfl MARBLE TO l $UZaa a AND NERVOUS SUFFERERS. 'VPORIm.8. r►. C. TI11ELE1Y*:m, T1f4&VINGJ..srmoind'large end Caapte e nn assortment of YN4.tslses,T•asbs, Mono mettle. e.,is mewed to furnie i the above &Kick's tined_ prima. Also se heats .asII1v newt w SILLS qq LS sad OAPS,.hw.Bl be meld elm W. C. TRBLII;AVI H. flnderieb. C. W.. Jan. 18, Leto. it yrtlr.le EDrugs, Su.' i 8E subscriber, for metal years a resident lof Asia, dleeovered *tile there a simple vegetable remedy, • mere ewe for Commons - Non, Atlanta , Broaehrtie, l* 98., adds. ad Venous Lr6ihiy. Fur the ,enefit of consume term and Ver•oar Sufferers he is wiling to make the came poblto, -To those who desire i1. se will send the Prescription, with lull dremoons (free el el+rrre also s sample of 6. medicine, which 'they I Sod a beautiful omhinavoe of Na- ture'ssimple herbs. Thos desiring the Rem. sly eau obtaie it by retnc mail, by addres. neg. ' J. 1. CUTHBERT. Botanic Phe4iw. 10 fa No.429 Beradwy, New Tori _p - 11L7 IMP• F. JORDAN, Seletessor to 11. B. Itryynolds, Rae ci.ivEt, l 13/%11, COURT HOUSE SQUARE. OODERTCH, Dispensing Chemist & DRUGGIST; DEALER IN AND I.p/PORTF. R OF GENUINE DRUGS, Chem, .1s. Perfumery, Ha.,, Tool*, a.d Nail grantee, Patent Mesta -isles, Pain fa, Oil Ceders, IDye Stuffs, HORSe. & CATTLE MEDICINES Garde% Seeds, rte.. ,te. Orders from Medical men puctgally attend• ed to •t lowest trade prices. N. 1t.-Pbydeiau'a Prescriptions carefully dispensed. Ooderieb. Jen.10.1858. 49(8m 8 p, a fl ) Light1 Light I! Light!!! KEROQENE OIL, BURNING FLriD LAMP OiL8. For fele by P. JORDAN. G'.derleh Jan 17th_1869 60 ' PARSER & CATTLE, CIHEMiSTS *11 DRUGGISTS I KINGSTON grunt, (,ODERICH ! ! VOOLmam AND aaTO,t 0141115 Iw PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DTR STUFFS, An Imported Field and Gerdes SeedsOils,Paieta, Orlon and Varsmba, Lamp 011, Co.101I, and Burning Field. PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumer] Toilet Preparations and Taney Arnett... Trusses, end Shoulder Braces. Pa yenta..• Preeerlpel..• aa.rat•ly DI.p•.•ed. A liberal Dt.eoest allowed to Plumbline sad Com cry Merehut . HORSE & CATTLE MEDICINES. P. Foye he t nso & (`< in presenting the • g sure Omar eustemen that .wry artiste. is n, the bat quality .ed .ill be offered at the very lowest remunerative priers. m;' Remember the address. DRUG STORE, Opposite tfr Ce•bb'm Bee Ren St reel, Oppo. sea. 0ederls8, Jae. 10, 1664 .19.61 17 TOWN LOTS ! ! BALI' OE QUARTER ACIZ gees Iti THE TOWN OF CODERICH owe M,.4e.A;laaw,.a,a a).a'a0.. Teu Years. `` • \E of tbe prioeipsl required to be paid L\ velli the end of that peri. d. 7k Lou are beautifully situated; banes en umterrvpted view of Lake Huron. Apply to 0. M. TRUF-MAJ, Auetleasar. Godsrkb, April 14th, 1860. 13 it lEls, TELLS, TC,S. V 1TWITHSTANDiNO that on the Bret IN day of January of this year, an extra doe was put on • DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Medicines, Dye otters. Paints, Oils. Turpentiaa, Earn- ing Fluid, Coal Oils, &c. IN ADDITION TO TILBIR TURNER •ELL Assorted Stock, the eadereigned ere sow - eshingthe following Alecto.,trelk they offal to the Merohanta, Drowse., .el Traders .t Canada West- at a LOWM,' ii. -MLT FLINN FOR CASH or APPROVED PAPER As OM be bond at any tetetr d's*. w th,e Weete•n portion of the Proxima At lbs pre- sent time Clash Buyers. have a sight to UHOaUAL ADYA TIGEM, rad .soh dv.at.g.a the Sabselsn are pre- pared to offer. /000th. Alum 600016, gel or Nash 2600 Croom of Tartar i13 Sod. I 6000 " C.rb. Sods 2500" Meer 8alpher 1000" Oarpent're Chalk 1000 " Bram h., 4000 " Whiting 600 " Tartaric Aaid 9061 " Dullish Madder 100 " Cap. Alms 2000 "White Lead 400 " Madre indigo t000 " Ent. Logwoed 800 " Irish Pass MK) " Venetian ltd 100 " Imbed Noss 110 " Yellow Ochre 600 " Liquorice I 200) " Patty in bladders 80.1 " Nasmegs 1004." Snow White t " Mown Wind Eine In nit S Oar Soap 1000 '• CIAO? U1111 J tt, eoa*te..y t.e.p. 10 " Nitrate Silver 10 bl.n Florence or t 10 bbfe Jamaica 2 Salad 011 I OI.g.r i 10" Fine Olive Oil 10 " Alchohol 1e" Coal Oil, pure 10 " Barniug Fluid 14" C.I or Tan - 10 •' Terp.n14nts per's 0 I 1, 10 " Tar 6 " Elephea1O,l 10 ". Raw Linseed Oil . 4 ' • Palo Beal Oil POO " Boiled " 4" Rape oil Also. Eaee.tlel OW .f all kinds; the va-baa amides used by IMivaarreatypi.ts and Photo- gr'tap�6ers. Gold Leaf. 'l1u Foil, and as immonae v.rs.ty Member ambles. too numerous to detail u advertisement. The whole comprising se fall and complete an .a/erl.e01 as is to be baud he Western Canada. Parties will do ash to call sod rmanilno pAoes •0d gaahty Were purchas- ing .Leacher.. HEATHFIELD A AAi, • W boloode Dregrl..s, doe., 131, Danlos it., London, C. W. Jae 1011. 1940. [8,1.4-4. TLA!!D1$0VRD:.:AT LAST! Thr,OMeriber hu Iower.d the Tee as follow.: Formerly told et TCCga HYBOY 1t. 9.1 yoUI4O HT8ON 8. lid roma HY80N Ss .d YORNO 8780N 2s 6d SnpCHONG TEA t. 91 SOOCBONG TEA Y ill 001.0180, and other racy TEAS at Mead prima prim of hi.'. Now at Oreldest Cure in the World for Ss b petit 3601 fat64 86611 " 9e IUfTTER! AVE jest resolved • large gmetiti�of an Ft LL retie Butter is TABS d saps table fat Ilamillee, .t moderate prima ;CHEESE! PPC/STi140118 to tempi/tee hom M. beat Dairies le Goads and ibe vatted 8M el +igen► a heavy 9toe1C. DRIED APPLES IIA VI jam nve eeid 90 esarek of Dried Apples, best gmallty-deep. sa L T t Pain. SALMONI'S ENGLISH WHIFE OILS. Good AN Mu sr Bast 11 SALMONI'J /MOLISE WHIT) 0114, sore almost I•sta•taae*sly Headache Rheumatism Neur- algia, enealgia, Poralyeas, Aatl.saa. rues, Oast, rever ■rd Alter - (while the pernay.m Is on) Tetter, Prisms, ar►el flap .4 n 5 kas4s, Cramp*, Des teem. And all Bronchial affections. Mao SPRAINS. RI8010181, SPLINTS, and Outs or Braises on Hones*, Cattle. The 111111w' N.. Ona•dys B.It a •a ankle w111 effectually mod mon rapidly ear. Price Ae►e• and Paine, and Gesell/Mb ,rarer sad ONE DOLLAR and THEME YULE Gesell SILL1 YGB pas barrel. EP ROTEL is TAVERN SEVERS ►r 1LL please notice that they well De sap. plied ten per cent below soy ether MID peeing equilibrium M • lure circulati$ff AGMs Is the Muses system thanes' be elected bt say other, or all eller method. ,t medical aid Is the use apses of tales, the mares themselves befog judges. ms Mete 'rue smut. move ireemcaeY. 11 not prnpoad by the Muelf eturerto ern Bow In t6. County of Huron, will. every dor..., only • rertals cisme named is the ireetio•.. The English Melte (bleeper. NES, BRANDIES. & WIHSIEY; sae on chemical sad electrle prinr,piee, sad an therefore ■ppllcable to the ear. of natural sior. thea old the cbeaps .BIM the restoration o(anymg.•ledemegameat remit. 'tme, lentil and ?sworn Keeper.? 1*bk 1' 8. frown en ropererte.etlee st .vital Par ewe &wrests I You hive be.ol.h loss -old. The agree ma by gear nil. are truly sahf••ted exta'.gaet prieea '.derHl. All the proprietors alit Is rine _ __ __ _- to my °steles. Oil, Bleck Oil, Ready velem, been so all along ; but Balmy knows that when old Paul Durrsd says a thing, it mon Alit fon him. Weft Vie a *miss be obeyed to the letter. And then, gala an ' Ad so the task gal W been see vie, phase Dinged Mto•laediat is w opal* food o' finery and i Niall worst Sabre! P be mid. warder the thiehl16tt►boaghs o•* to • charm in buys: 'em, I.11 he booed,' hog- 'Tis, tether, .1w ear ben • half hoar ago, the..M . dew, her b�, pin4W lgu. obi ging the gold. ''Taint every mans neighbor te briul ass thin bte.atifitl basket.1i1 it lard Y the telO01 1nwye8 i a Acro Burt, that pays such a. round sum for hie wife peony, How showy she we•.N them I WHO dray MIA shad wows of Irma- -ha, ha! it took the profits of a good many IMow-Feather• atrwege erwtsre +o gdet, hada west Me .ssAl moaitg ler boson, beaver and fox skim to fill this -eh, Burt?' eh good, .ad .o bea.tiful I like to here and the tide of se mins feathers is hs' and he laughed and rubbed his hands over the her '.me hen. though I never tea mevll be tempie% to hiiY, sits said, wetly purse. even ter to tarry long. Bao fat er, hasn't 'Nay, Ow'.0.'s pnpis are irons, gad ala ' Ay, that's true, old Paul -that's true,' your visitor departed? It is getting late;" had no seed of W adeine father to -eight said the trapper, complacently stroking his end she ruse and folded her sewing, es if she hot she hath eons hills, iaete.d, to bid hit heavy beard, ink knocking the ashes from his would go 0141 foto tbe kitchen. beware of the black mime that is matins pipe ageing the stone chimney Jamb, while 'lie, he 1 not trey visitor, but rows, into his whits dineiamf the old man greedily fingered the bright euin; 8&bny,' r'plied the old nasi, with a jocular ' What mere yo.1 1 do uqt comprehend, ' but I've no fault to find with my share of wise, ' That's right, gal, come out. Burt Dwusoe,' said W Hemet, impinged by leer the bargain, pervided you can only make the km* inked b see ye.' singular words sad sumer. girl look favsparing on her future , friend '0, no ; don't ask me, father, if be is still The Indies girl .dei ' My wh 41 Misr Doul ; be too ep•ring of the money, fri ing then r said the girl, drawing back with an will undantend sea Hs nsaemben the Paul ; for if finery nod deckiJake gs will bring expreaion of aversion on her countenance. fair, pale lower whet baud gin lies dried Sabrey to look sweet on eater Berl, I want ' Yoe know I don't like Jacob Bart, and had at the whits gtttl.r'tabia, mal who she is kis you to spend that heap like water over to the rst4r not meet him. 1 wish he wo.W't rase throe mime sp W *41x4 ever th. setilement and there .hall be plenty mon �� Other.' lake while the wlG. Il 4II,skip? H.I els forthcomigg. rd give more'n the price of he will coma, girl -wed o(Isasr, icor 011e.• siert hew r the years • thots•wd e'po.ebeaveskins to win the fond k talo'‚ than he hr 1' growled old Daraad, saglels;" sad she abed agsis, taorfa6 lir that girl. I s'pae it seems sort o' queer to wits drkening brew 1 ' cog it•s 00 .0,8 0' Hermit's madder mM ad the gill, iegttin you, old Paul, to hear a rough fellow file me he >haMd her; 'sad err talk so boyish -like ; but, by Heaven! tbe wo- gee talkie' "�° it.Perhaps rd better out gas apes i man never lived in these parts afore, that with & at ora, B•trey,' he continued, crow knows whin her wide fstber's memo is•.ew14 • pars; ' I've peomiud you to Burt tm hi. over the lake, ed kat whir inter, with swift could tarn Jake Burt from the hunt to maks wife sod the wooaer Your meed fool IIbe the Ma; km, Bad, the w7 to the him think a second time of the color of her lo" mare "P y eyes, the turn of her instep, or the curl of her to tt nthout whimpsrin', the better, Bo jest wools bask' And a Y good a Owwea hair. I tell you, old friend, your Sabrey hr corns oast 8abrey, nod don't play roma. with feed theherr Pdo 8."r� sat gesso bewitched me -and have her I must ! You your pramieed hrb•nd.' ed the Indian girl bums of hat Igeorart don't think she favors anybody else round` 'Freehand r-' Jacob Bart r_' Promised heart •0d sushi NAA NO all isnot Ise in these parts -hey, Paul ? I've been rack- wa T O, father, stytblag Ort thea% beet vary ser be is frisad' Ari M ing my brains to know why she's so offish oink we; 1 rant marry list man f Let me roared hr Maes sear tis WO wsigke 4 like.' live with you all my life, and take care of yon warn bat whits lust tid lie bad NNW vbo ' No, it can't be IMI, neighbor! There's -work, or do anything -but don't ask m• to by doh lisps Ih. henna •sd air' bat the no one comes to the cabin, now young Old err/ 1'41)1 1 millet de ant than to .p'k "slit• of the ' J L me bee the samat atone and Hewitt have gone off into the to him r sad 8•bny Duzendeorw.wd her b'utr tittle .will tbe pule ` te bq 4 d .N settlement They need to like the gal, both il!6! Ace .111k her hawkPall Dented eta herd ~fais ' of'em ; but she cared no more for either thio 'Notasses, gull Don't go biking es, ��� tbej amb MIAnsWa" rd the wind blowin' out o' doors to -night. There You'll get awl thinking 01Iit- cad glad os it, l i aint a soul been nigh us here in the woods foe too, bunchy. Yos ought b be proed ca'l, b The haw girl sdhd sant a long time, except that Nis g l sod think there aint another gal is the .ttlsmest 'Aad how kew yea UNIT le he dim ts that queer fellow over on the island -the that he'd have, though any ons of them world sight? And what hew they tea ase -19.1 Hermit.' jump at the offer, for B.rt'r the bort trapper D sand •d UM moa T ached the !hall, The Hermit ojCAuagof Ku he hew io tbs Territory, and the beaver Dad otter newt bis Ita& 'BM* yes ems kr- here ? What the -lo.. he want P' a skins he sells over at the settlement saw briar Orem l claimed the trapper, with an oath, starting WE him in tbe .risen. Has will mak• yes 'Oman Mad bead dUN* efdo tial uplady of • better cabin Oise yoer old father ileal l..,,I,g (t to tis � d As pale. ' Pehaw ! cit down, man. You aint jealousinn, and bay yon carrell •ad silk stalk 8t for hes mads., ond her het were w the Iasi of • wtural fool like him; for everybody • queen ; 'o you'd oughts, tityk yoanslfa bald k„1,1,,,,,wimps*togs wimps she bond tit . et •gree, he's either a fool 'or • crazy man, to ll.e y alt and gems wet ad crab keds Ma Nappy Wald eowob .id the 10,04••• and live trete alone by himself,' said De tlea.dphr 0"saw 1•t" d' Nwshwson haps go' No. no ---lean mat -got tonight 1 1 sear De 1 her -t . big wld sr'pr rlgr:aran kis r 'Nonsense I He's neither o' the two, I'll Dot speak to him yet If 1 did, 'tweak! b. t• she arida, with enemy, • `oft Wee onalisg be bound,' m.ttend Jamb Burt, agouti,. Mod Wm and trig ol#Ir. Lar* eau alas% ewer her fiat '111/ >w Emit Mwudy wish fstbeet I cannot r and • look of Brm deter 4.. ; M has drlraa tasm Boon tllir ' Cour, my good friend, you might r well ...diol doss a the pal. awe cabin Dia new The beaverlle lams aad ktssa4ag. be jealoutheir s ass otter m • 17.1, if they poked land lifted from Lor hied.. gr -a was* the tad tare. ; Iwo .W pile. The old m•aiota My Olibit6-4or bee as shy•nood • °mum% k sager •ed am eons Id teak 'them sway, .t Awned telmple trisl, when they will be roorid es either. He mem hese once, to get a drink of water, aad seemed dredft/ sheered like when B.brey handed k to bila. Gent he'. • little cranked kers;' and old Pae! Be rt'ad tapped his forehead. 'Dare my 'twat something about • women drove N4 'way o8 here into the bosh, NO he west be Mbely to think o' oils►, •gig in • berry. Bo saw it down, gtisfrllbe, fried /mob.' ' Well, i s'pese I'm silly. They eq 'there's no fool like an ofd fool,' you know, oeighbnr; sod when • one o' my years gees to settle' Ws heed fall 0' low reline% he'll puny apt to be jealous, Nish I ease a altar o' BAeen or twenty nem Tonere-esd the trapper stroked kis be•y, amphora beard, it which the gray was mixed nwpariegly-'sad then rd stead h Assam with t4s but hitche.. lookin' o' the yomg fellows. That coned Jamb Bat's hes darkened, sod be bit !levant, though 1-'twost he wbok•om* f& his lip es be rose from W. ..at by the grip aim, se anybody elm, to pry rowed thane place, peril fare who ksowe whet gwo•r, cranky 'via, k►eigbt 1 deet keret epoe't ; bat motions 8•brey might gel tato her head? p.g; D.rmed, sad ye, .ba i e'er 4mel 'Pests to me, his sari: over here for a drat I ogba, your doss*, asst be ready l glee wee maroon/el getter, for are berm soy In he, f.,•r' he.b•ed • hearty "eaeemr.'- ..Mom kit the Ylead. You're '.e 'fa.. Aad the aeon trapper shode from the sable, ouly • r'laprsM1', m•Igktnw r nod WW1 Ila nod streak lob the path iadlag .way through tr•ppr Met ep • moody, *two gee IN's' the forest b kis distant home i. the .ilder- psepkarq, foe he had not looked for wet de. ceded ohoitio.. Then he 0 • W h..s►Iy ' Wall, to•xigbt I do.'t Whit o.'t, bolsi t'. orae •o sadden; bat jest *kit k over, sad maks .p your riled to be does with cid stab - bemoan. sere promised ye, gal.-and'4.kt Me oW Peal Dosed toe•t W words •gi.; so yc'd best sot mike trouble, but jest orb "P your mind to booms. Job Bet's wigs before the month's out.' ' Bebrey's o1Mhe-can't pt,w.de bat to cots. out tonight, might've! bat better heft teen time. it will Woe . lbw dye to b.4 g her need; then she'll be meek mid quiet r • Iamb,' said old Durand, re-..terimg the un'Ier his balky eyebrow*. nem. warea ' olio boy..•fi flare r these y good Acre;' and old Fan's Darned signi6e qtly smelted his pocket 'with a low eimetle. 'Hs only charmed into the clearan'. 1 had • send to Wk • bit with him ; bet when 1 be Kerley, any Amerieke nostrum with all nic".• n't 1, ‘616 err In 6 forged rent cite. that hove heretofore bees 111000e. Ho r, rt s wawa • ER informed that there Is deny ezpgegiad AL a large importation GI rolieble THIS oles simPLa TRIAL. OT other drove him there ; eed that 'canoe *rim ithe mot her team Arai* is Do kW, pi esusdoll bin sigh moo awl with isy white tiodlimo Mks ono fool woe him 'hes tho bed et Ls, samors sibit, odd be roma flo end go sr Yee, Oemos, remember Iwo I hand smile played nisi lor lips DO Dos pigos!tth.ijv::::mie"sl:aabllst,7:...t.n.s•-z:.........._.yaggsbssae:"le:erhesrvba°:::oliptqleehds411"PrTr.1011AEo." see emesies1 alath enee217.111.171theldflerlaillidel:410.4**Lerehillieligb:4h th: &BP". 7801111ellismar vilee f:aillidinemada-"ae:therasaulmelienieg's"aablim.: asow.nuornso mat Melnito. as.74arlirsbRis behl"%httgruits6e.eadaliitruese144...67. isetigars".""Mh. "6.11:11111":11:6:14:10.116111". CHAPTER . When the Indies girl, Chreteti-oor finter• heal* sod nok blo .sosiiilp hre ewe Reenter, Gs sabegy Dersod had poetically implow.' named ber, boomer of do tuft of white awer ,,,m Ibingbdiris slot pianos sbo ware braided saes/ haw thicit teen% peaky freshman the Min pleeiss of alone a toadies path down to the edge of wigs Deb% rleb as& primmest sesis, It ha ben seed hy hendrodeoend pronoa wird for bla sorry, timerked tootle. Ga tves' tbs woe, lay mooted a little canes though lie may be. ki Twwwer aad Gain WI groom is Ns OM Campy, Mae. hard He mot a WA dem muneved why.. se,, Clod eri eh Cabinet Waraboue• As4 Thosts, inollsino is osilsont h arliglowes, gen d•al. rierege to thank Sabery tor the drink and , Aud the (wee. &re drug um el. lost1 • minim in the • LINOS t. •nason."•1.• a latoilaii15 of Gods. 1.2 rich sod time sermsedieg_Coessay,shot basset emend lit lb Ware Roam, vizir RTRIlf. 0,00t110112_, srorom Assn as Fereltora model. elder on the=staielt. west dem to the fleet14 Hansollsenisotere sad rimlistelsh Nem libh 10114 2111 TERMS CASH. J1141 111th, 1040 for mt y ‘yh.ns, rtaihY'i " 4. &led fri' 4e. rah., Me left Ms ledge m the Mond msa aw.s tow. el ousiL I moor arein"'" ins to sift IlledieTell Pries 37 treats ":1;:eeeri:I.0.471.bialw . .,„ , .. Fropeiemes. ' wen, if be o Iv keep clear o' toy Mein. 7,:11:mht ,41". .:„„kilit.,:"..,,,,lin ,,,41",,,i14.4., *mei' ah: wriol thileldii .1:11:1•61:1111111.1"1116"Pallighr-evira wiNset 1 eASIRRACATTIL Jake Part boars him no ill will ; bet if rim mit 1 ,,,,,,,,,k, 4 0..04 .,7,,.... . ch,„„„„,.,, me him. pumembr, ewes me the eetheth". ROINION, e,. nwlerl'il k•an hooting knifie in his holt finished the hbe wi.01 wy the soh „id b., bp„, „mi. , r„ b„,,„„, am... rya 88....dearka. Rot the significancy with which the dort ow wt.. ho,,,, te tair se the mmiag, sad U. sork Ob.& geala a? aa6:::::::76 1111•11 49 ly I Om barrio e/1 settled, Awed Pad, yori'd heet hie eetww, e. wic lei.; hat "., AN .he his honied emaillalwel °Merl H CAL ileyeeld saweemes. ' Bet, by the my, now we've gm A.,d bruit*, ys me owe Yes him refied ATTII, filmes. then wooeputa. Wle fee_ NM, ton •