HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-11, Page 4Products Of
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Page 4 June 11, 1964
and district news
Mrs. Maude Heiden, Phone 5
Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
rippk with the fOrIner'S uncle
Ana .C1 aunt, Mr. .to Mrs. Wlured
Mr, & Mrs. Wayne Littleton
of Landoll spent the weekend
with Mr, 4'z Mi.P.1:(.11sPell Faber,
..P1Pialrt ..144TY Norris, Dianne.
Stoll eq , :PPY,W4
received some nice sifts and
ttle4C94 eYerYOne,
Mr,. & Mrs, gp..rod, Jones
and boys visited Sunday with
Mr, Jim Love and girls
of the Parr
Mr. & Mrs. ,john Andersen of
Detroit, Mich. while on their
honeymoon visited thiring the
About 12 Per cent of the
Canadian labor force la emplo-
yed in agriculture, compared
with nearly 25 per cent in
France and 33 per cent in Italy.
Sing- favorite tunes
at UC anniversary
Successful anniversary ser-
vices were observed in liensall
United Church Sunday, June 7,
With large congregations at-
Guest speaker S/L Squadron
Leader Rev. John Bonham, BA,
BD, Protestant Chaplain at
Centrajia RCAF, was introduc-
ed by Rev. Harold F. Currie,
minister of the church. He
chose for his sermon topic "The
Holy Spirit". Mr. Sam Rannie
was soloist.
At the evening service Stev.
Hensall native
dies at Guelph
Graveside rites for the late.
Mrs. Lorne Scott of Guelph
were held at Hensall Union
cemetery Tuesday, June 2.
The late Mrs. Scott was the
former Blanche Petty, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
petty of Hensall.
Surviving are one daughter
(Marion) Mrs. Harold White,
Guelph, two sisters (Gladys)
Mrs, G, F. Smith, St. Marys;
and Maude in Winnipeg. Mrs.
Scott died in Guelph Sunday,
May 31 following a month's
The project of numbering over 300 homes in Hensell started last week by members of the local
Kinsmen club. They hoped to be finished this week and report splendid co-operation from the
residents. Bob Caldwell, service committee chairman is in charge. Any person not having a
number is asked to contact the president, John Baker. In the scene above, Kinsmen Doug John-
ston, left, and John Heal install a number on the residence of Matthew England. The number was
erected on Thursday—the day on which Mr. England celebrated his 91st birthday.—Photo by laarrible
Bell starts installation
of new dial equipment
Bonham presented an illustrat-
ed address on the "Churches
and Gardens of Europe", en-
hanced with coloured slides,
which was interesting and in-
formative and appreciated by
the congregation.
A trio composed of Mrs,
Wm. Fuss, Mrs. Pearl Pass-
more and Miss Mary Goodwin
contributed to the service of
A feature of the service was
"Sing-Time" which gave the
worshippers an opportunity to
sing some of the great and
favourite hymns of the church.
Appreciation was expressed
to Chlselhurst congregation who
withdrew their morning service
to attend special services in
this ohurch. Church organist
and choir director Mrs. John
Turkheim presided at the organ
Sunday June 14 Communion
service will be held at Hensel).
UC and Sunday, June 28 Rev.
Edward D. Baker, missionary
from Korea, will speak.
lines function correctly."
In making the announcement
Mr. Hays= mentioned that
The ladies of Kippen UC held
a miscellaneous shower in the
Sunday School rooms Tuesday
evening May 26 honoring Bar-
bara McNichol prior to her
marriage. A short program had
been arranged. The address
was read by Mildred McGregor
and gifts were presented by Joan
'64 MERCURY, 2 door hardtop, demonstrator,
power equipped
'64 ANGLIA, demonstrator
'62 MERCURY 2 door hardtop, power equip-
ment, automatic
'62 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, automatic
'61 COMET 4-door, custom
'59 FORD, station wagon, V-8 standard
'59 FORD, 4 door sedan. A western car.
'58 DODGE Custom Royal, 4 door sedan, sharp,
'57 FORD, V-8, standard shift
'57 FORD, retractable convertible, loaded
'57 FORD 500 2-door, loaded
'57 FORD, 4 door, 6 cyl., standard shift
'56 FORD, V-8, automatic, motor reconditioned
'48 DODGE, original paint, runs like new
2 PETERBOROUGH 16' BOATS, complete with
trailers. One has 25 h.p. Viking the other 15
h.p. Johnson motor.
Many 1956 and older cars to choose from.
'57 FORD 1/2 ton, 8' box
'57 MERCURY 1/2 ton, 81/2 ft. stake rack
Make Us An Offer
'56 HUDSON Rambler '56 FORD 4 door
Rebekah lodge
entertain group
Amber Rebekah Lodge at its
meeting Wednesday, June 3,
entertained Brussels Lodge at
the conclusion of the lodge
meeting presided over by Noble
Grand Mrs. Clarence Volland.
A social hour was enjoyed
with a singsong with Mrs. Wm.
Fuss accompanist, readings by
Mrs. Alex McBeath, bingo and
contests. Mrs. E. Chipchase
was social convener.
Bell Telephone installers will
soon start the task of replacing
nearly 350 local telephone sets
in Hens all.
Reason for this is the con-
version to dial telephone and
direct distance dialing service
in November, says W. W. Hay-
som, Bell manager for this
"We try and get this work
done well ahead of the con-
version date for several rea-
sons," he said.
"For one thing the job of
replacing one telephone is in
itself a big undertaking. Also,
we have to allow time to check
back and make certain each set
has been installed in good order
and then run tests to see that all
Nearly 150 Brownies from
Centralia, Exeter, Zurich and
Hensall participated in a
Brownie Revel held June 5 at
the Hensall Community Park.
Leading the parade at 5:15
from the town hall were Nelson
Howe and Brian Fink on the
bagpipes and Doug Mann on the
drum. Following the band was
Division Commissioner Miss
Mary McMillen from Goderich.
District Commissioners, Mrs.
Thomas Lavender, Hensall, and
Mrs. John McDonald, Centralia.
At the park, the Brownies
were grouped as Indian tribes
and wore decorated head bands
and feathers. After a box lunch,
a sing song of Indian songs was
much enjoyed. A story "How
fire came to the Indians" told
by Hensall Brown Owl, Mrs.
Bob Cook, was in keeping with
the Indian theme of the revel.
Games and a treasure hunt fol-
A going away gift was pre-
sented to District Commission-
er Mrs. John McDonald, by Mrs,
Lavender on behalf of the Guid-
er s.
Brownies joined in the singing
of their six songs as they formed
a giant Fairy Ring around the
toadstool. After the Queen and
taps, Mrs. Lavender took the
Ready Mix
Hensall customers could take
advantage of the installer visits
to consider the convenience of
having more telephone service
in their homes.
He added that the installation
charge for extra residential
telephone facilities is waived
if the work is done while the in-
staller is calling at a home to
change the main telephone.
The Bell manager reminded
customers that seven-f igu r e
numbers will become effective
at dial conversion time,
"This means," he said, "that
Hensen will join the growing
group of exchanges here and in
the United States that have
adopted the all number calling
(ANC) plan."
Main advantage of ANC is that
its use makes more numbers
available — sufficient to ensure
an adequate supply for many
Along with the conversion to
dial, residents will have the
direct distance dialing system
which will enable them to dial
their own station-to-station
long distance calls to some
80,000,000 telephones in North
America without the aid of an
Phone 228-6961
Your Meteor Mercury Dealer
Roy Campbell, Proprietor Phone Hensall 31
Outlines duties
in public health
The Hensall UCW held their
general meeting Monday eve-
ning with president Mrs. Walter
Spencer in charge.
Messrs. Harry Horton and
Sam Rannie rendered two duets
with Mrs. Wm. Fuss accompan-
ist. Mrs. Doug Cook gave the
devotional assisted by Mrs.
Ross Forrest.
Mrs. Maurice Tudor, public
health nurse, gave an interest-
ing talk on public health and the
duties of society in this com-
munity service. A question and
answer period followed. Mrs.
Ian McAllister gave courtesy
remarks to all who took part
in the meeting.
During the business period
Mrs. E. T. Rowe gave her
report on the UCW conference
held at Sault St. Marie. Snow-
flake bazaar date was set for
November 28. C. A. McDOWELL Ltd.
UCW pack bale,
set smorgasbord
UCW unit 4 was held in the
Sunday School rooms Thursday
afternoore`when leader Mrs.
James McAllister opened the
meeting and turned it over to
the program conveners Mrs.
Fred Beer and Mrs. Joe Flynn
with the latter presiding.
Sacred passages were read
by Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs. Beer
gave a devotional paper entitled
"Not life but living", "Let us
keep at the job of living and be
glad, happy and helpful, then
we can say we have lived," said
Mrs. Beer.
Miss Greta Lammie favored
with a piano selection. The topic
was taken by Mrs. James Mc-
Allister who reviewed high-
lights from sever al United
Church Observers, which were
interesting and i of o r m at iv e.
Mrs. Flynn offered courtesy
Business followed with the
leader in charge when it was
announced that the bale had been
completed with eight cartons
going overseas; two for Salva-
tion Army and two for the
Mission Hospital at Hazelton,
B.C. This unit will have charge
of the nursery and flowers for
Detailed plans were finalized
for the work assigned this unit
for the smorgasbord dinner
Wednesday, June 24. Thirty five
members and a guest enjoyed
a social hour.
Kippen girl.
wed .Saturday
Barbara. Elizabeth McNichol
and. ch4rlP... ,131gbarcl:KrPPCI exa
changed Marriage. .vows
ceremony in St. •Thernee Angli--
can Church, .4P494111, on .,Mgy
30 at 3 o'clock with .40v, :Xi,
Donaldson officiating,
The bride is the daughter
of Mr, and Mrs.. Ross
RR 3 .Kippee and the grooni
the son .of. Mr q 3N.M.i7P..QP.Prge
Kruse, Seaforth.
The bride chose a gown of
French rose point lace over
bridal ..taffeta. The bodice was
-fa*tioaeq, with a round neckline
trimmed with sequins .and lily
point sleeves, The skirt was
full with overskirt, a bustle at
back and impressed pleats et
waistline, She carried a white
Bible with gardenia, red roses,
ivy and streamers. •
Mrs. Donald Smale, Seaforth,
sister of the bride as brides',
maid wore a gown of blue nylon
over blue satin and white acces
sories, She carried a cascade
of pink carnations..
Douglas mom.n of Clinton,
organist, played, traditional
wedding music. The bride was
given in marriage by her father
Ross McNichol.
Ray Dungey of London was
groomsman. The groom's gift
to the bride was a black diamond
necklace, to the bridesmaids
a necklace and earrings and to.
the best man a pen and calendar
For a wedding trip thp bride
donned a beige and brown linen
suit with brown accessories and
corsage of yellow mums with
yellow ribbons.
A reception was held in Com-
mercial Hotel, Seaforth.
The couple will reside in Eg-
Guests were present from
London, Seaforth, Brussels,
Mitchell, Staffa, Crom arty,
Bayfield, Langton, Auburn and
aZgansgMagebi: ...,IIMEMMOCASMANNEEN'a
George N. Pfaff
dies in London
Funeral services for the late
George N. Pfaff, 73, of London,
who died at St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, Thursday, June 4 were
held Saturday from the George
E. Logan and Sons funeral home,
London, with burial in Woodland
Survivors one daughter, Mrs.
Kenneth (Audrey) Herbert, Lon-
don, one son, Lloyd George,
London, one sister, Miss Emma
E. Pfaff, St. Thomas, and one
brother, John Pfaff, Hensel'.
His wife predeceased him.
UCW unit two met Monday
evening with leader Mrs. Edison
Forrest presiding.
Mrs. Dave Blackwell had
charge of the devotional, assis-
ted by Mrs. Stewart Blackwell.
Mrs. Howard scene gave a Bible
study on the first five chapters
of the Bible. Mrs. Dave Kyle
read several poems and arti-
Plans were discussed for the
smorgasbord Wednesday June
24. This group will have charge
of the nursery and flowers for
July. Meetings will resume in
Mrs. Lorne Hay directed con-
tests and refreshments were
served by hostesses Mrs. Hugh
McE wen and Mrs. Stewart
Former minister
baptises infants
Splendid congregations atten-
ded special anniversary ser-
vices in Carmel Presbyterian
Church Sunday, June 7, when a
former minister the Rev. Geo.
Vais, BA, BD of Toronto was
guest minister for the day.
He conducted the rites of Holy
Baptism of the following infants:
Robert James, Susan Lee, Mary
Ann, David Barry, children of
Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Vanstone;
Valerie Lynn Baker, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker;
Kathryn Dianne Love, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James Love;
Darlene Elizabeth Faber,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Faber. Messrs. Wm. Campbell,
James Scott and Terry Ftird,
members of the Junior Farm-
er's choir, contributed selec-
tions and the junior choir rend-
ered an anthem at the morning
service. At the evening service
Mr. J. G. Burrows of Exeter
was guest soloist, Mrs. Mal-
colm Dougall presided at the
organ consol.
39 C lb.
354 lb.89
lb. 55
Hensall personals COOKED
Grocery Specials
King Size Surf 9 SPECIAL _ 9 Compare at $1.59
WATERMELONS Good :iikz;f1 644
June 9 by train for a month's
vacation to the west coast where
they will visit relatives in Cal-
gary, Vancouver, Victoria, Los
Angeles, California. They will
return by plane.
Mrs. Gus Voth and grand-
daughter Tracey McArthur of
Royal Oak, Mich. visited over
the weekend with the former's
mother, Mrs. L, Simpson.
Mrs. Blighton. Ferg is re-
covering at her home from
injuries she received in a car
accident recently.
Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Bob attended the London
Little Theatre Friday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lamont,
Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Stewart McQueen.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Cox,
Toronto, and Mrs. Harry Stew-
art, Seaforth, visited last Sat-
urday evening with Mr. & Mrs.
Laird Mickle and family.
Giant Size Box
Large Size 35c 690
Regularly 310 3/834
New Laundry Detergent
12-oz pkg.
Quaker Corn-Flakes
Several from this vicinity
attended the annual parade and
divine service of Craig Lodge
No. 574 AF and AM at Ailsa
Craig Baptist church Sunday,
June '7.
Bob Glenn of Exeter andGor-
don Morley visited Mr. Paul
Lavinge who was seriously hurt
in a car accident, at St. Jo-
seph's Hospital, Sunday.
An induction service was held
at Ailsa Craig United Church
for Rev. John Davies who is
taking over the pastorate at
Brinsley in July.
The sudden accidental death
of little Donna Rees, daughter
of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rees, for-
merly of this locality was sad
A baptismal service is to be
held at Brinsley United Church
Sunday June 14 at 12:15 pm.
Vet ladies plan
picnic, service
At the meeting of Hensall
Legion Ladies Auxiliary last
Tuesday evening in the Legion
Hall presided over by president
Mrs. Roy Smale, plans were
made for the annual picnic in
It was announced that the
group would attend divine ser-
vice in Carmel Presbyterian
Church Sunday morning June
14 at 11 am with members
meeting at Legion Hall at 10:30
Mystery prize was won by
Mrs. Wilmer Dalrymple, and
guessing prize, Mrs. Wm.
Members attending the Exe-
ter Zone Rally Wednesday
evening, June 3 were Mrs.
Roy Smale, Mrs. Wm. Smale,
Mrs. Wm Forrester, Mrs. Mary
Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton,
Mrs. W. J. Cameron, Mrs.
Gordon Munn and Mrs. Harold
A recreational period of bingo
was played in charge of Mrs.
Howard Smale and Mrs. Garnet
Allan. Refreshments were
served. Twenty two members
attended the meeting. • Frozen Foods
Mixed Vegetables 2:9 dIU
48-oz. 2 tins 544
Peanut-drop and oatmeal and currant drop
New Christie's Cookies pkgs. 2 PKGS. 49c
Chocolate, white, golden, spice, banana
Robin-Hood Cake Mixes Puzh-Pgk et/594
• •
Dessert Topping Mix 4-oz. pkg SPECIAL 39
Regular 550
Grocery Specials
Tomato Juice
For dry hair or normal
Halo Shampoo
Tomato or Vegetable
Clark's Soups
Chili Beans
Regularly 590 AQA,
For almost three-quarters of a century We
have offered a friendly, personal service in
the first mortgage field, We can arrange a
first mortgage for you on your home, farm
or business property,
All enquiries welcome,
Head Office; Sarnia
Offices in Forest and Petrolia
In Exeter Contact John Itturlie
Phone 235.186.1
15-oz. tins
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Lamont of
Zurich visited recently with
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart McQueen
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wonnacott
and La Donna attended the wed-
ding of a relative in Tororito
Mrs. Jean Pfaff of Kippen
was a recent visitor with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
& Mrs. Murray Baker and
Miss Pat Rowe of Toronto
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Rowe.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Ma.cLaren
of Toronto visited over the
weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne
Chapman and Mr, & Mrs. Ar-
chie MacGregor.
Mr. Wrri. R. Bell visited last
week with his son and daughter
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bell.
Mrs. Glenn E. Bell returned
home after spending a week with
her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. it Mrs. Earl Bell and
daughter in Toronto.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hallam-
tyne of Thames Road visited
recently with their sbn-in-laW
and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Ger-
ald Bell and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Kerslake
of Lendon were guests with
Mr, & Mrs. Harry Hoy and
attended the anniversary ser-
vices in Carmel Presbyterian
Church when Rev. George Vais,
BA, BD Of North Park Church,
Throat° was guest minister.
Mrs. Milton Russell got her
hand in the Wringer of her
electric washing Machine da.uS-
ing injuries requiring
several stitches.
Mrs. Olive Horton and 1Viraa
Grace H a tp O le left Tuesday
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