HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-04, Page 10NEW . .offer articles valued up to $25 in the WANT-ADS Any one article, priced up to $25, may be advertised in this classification. Price must appear in ad, along with tel- ephone number or name. (A box number cannot be used.) Lost and found Items, may also be advertised under Per- sonals. 50c IF :ITTLD 8 DAYS Commercial ads not accept- able under this heading. 17 Property For Rent 16 Properly For Sale. 17 Properly for Rent APARTMENT, downstairs, 1 bedroom,, heated,, private bath, utilities paid, frig and stove. Apply 021 Huron St, West or Phone 235,0956, 28;4* 9 Services 13 For Sale 6 Business Opportunities 16 Properly For Sale "Page to .lane Classified Rates First los9rtiPn 0 p.gg. WORp (Mahelline Cu Y. PICKARD Dead. Animal 'ReMQV01 CALL AT 1863 11 Cars Trucks For Sale 1960 FORD FALCON, automat- is teansiniesien, custom radio, excellent condition, ,$1,100.00. Phone Hen.sall 261W3. 5:7tfne INTERNATIOrsIAL, F a r m a 11 Super C; International 4-row corn and bean planter; 1052 International 2-toe truck; 1950 Dodge sedan. Phone e35-1545, 28:4c APARTMENT, centrally lo- cated, furnished or unfurnieh- ed; all utilities Paid including washer and dryer. Rent rea- sonable. Phone 235-2688 or 235- 2453. 5:21.*tfne NEWLY FURNISHED 1-bed- room apartment- Wa1140-Wall carpet, all new furniture in- cluding appliances and tele- vision, $95.00 per month, Elliot Apartments, 442 Ma5M2912St.. Phone 235-0585; nights 2 28tfric APARTMENT, unfurnished in. Exeter at 88 Sanders St. West. Living room, kitchen, down- stairs, 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath and closet space upstairs. Oil supplied for heating. Rent reasonable. Available June 15. Phone 183R3 Kirkton or 235- 0906 Exeter. 4c SALES OPPORTUNITY Leading Canadian institu- tion, offering income security plans, has two openings for executive type salesmen, to assist in the development of a local new wet. Unlimited op- portunity for above average earnings and. early promotion to supervisory responsibilities. The man we want should be between the ages of 25 and 45. Previous sales experience is not required, but a high de- gree of initiative and determi- nation is essential, A sound background of business experi- ence in banking, accounting or trust company work would be a definite advantage. These openings will be filled immed- iately, Please outline your qualifications by letter to Box SLA, The Exeter Times-Advo- cate, 4c 1959 BUICK hardtop, power steering, power brakes, auto- matic transmission; 1959 "Gen- eral" trailer 40x10', furnished.. Location Elliott's. trailer farm, Centralia. Phone 235-6738. 4* Second Insertion Si pgg wORp. (Minimum 700 Six Insertions $0 PER WORD (Minimum 600 FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS - Call Collect - DARLING comPANY, OF CANADA Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No, 26e-c-63 12;12tine POTATOES - second grade. Cell Cecil Jones 235-2910 elx MeKEE HARVESTER, 20-foot rack, wagon, and pipes, com- Plete. Ray Jaques, Phone Kirk- ton 811110, 4* BUNK BEps, Continental beds, toll-awae cots, mattresses, bedroom furniture. You will like what you see at Sandy Elliot's, 4tfnc STUDIO COUCH, makes into a good bed, Phone 235-0674. 4* GIRL'S CCM bicycle, 12 year size, $20.00; Maytag wringer washer, $25.00; both in good condition, Phone 235-0683, 4* DEEP FREEZE, 20 cu. ft., good condition, reasonable; 2 boy's bicycles, one CCM, one Sunshine. Phone Hensall 243 after 5 p.m. or Saturday. 4* 13 For Sale INSURANCE .84 REAL ESTATE: FAMILY HOUSES-We are of. fering two houses that will provide comfortable homes for larger families. If you wish good living space and several bedrooms, you can purchase either of these homes at a fraction of 'the cost of a new home with comparable space. Both pre well situated. WE HAVE JUST listed a 3- bedroom brick, The interior of this home is like new. Good kitchen, dieing room and liv- ing room. Screened and glassed ,suMporcle Full basement, oil burning furnace. Very reason- Able price. Terms, We have other homes, Two apartments for rent. C. V. PICKARD 394 Main St. Phone 235-0310 4:30tfric Forecast! Summer Showers LARGE HOME containing 3- bedroom apartment for owner, plus 1 - bedroom apartment renting at $52.00 per month. New oil furnace. Owner trans- ferred and will consider all offers. HENSALL - Three - bedroom ranch style. After down pay- ment, balance can be carried on a 5% mortgage for $62.00 P.I,T, TWO-YEAR-OLD brick ranch style with oil heat. Owner transferred and is anxious to sell. After down payment bal- ance on 6e% mortgage, CENTRALIA-Duplexed house, New oil furnace and low taxes, $2,000.00 down will handle. TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE close to schools. Expensive wall-to- Wall carpet in living and din- ing room. Lot is completely fenced and landscaped and boasts a large' patio area with stone barbecue pit. Good terms on this one. LARGE 4-BEDROOM house on Andrew Street close to schools, 4-piece bath up and 2-piece down. Full basement with new oil furnace. LARGE 3 - BEDROOM ranch with separate brick garage. Newly completed recreation room in basement, size 24'x13'. Stone fireplace in living room and $100.00 per year is cost of oil heating. Terms can be ar- ranged. 20c- EXTRA If not paid in 8 days following publication. KROEHLER sectional chester- field, large hutch cupbeard. Apply Bill's Barber S h o p, phone 235-0915, 28: 4: 11c FOR FATHER on Father's Day. Recliner chairs at bar- gain prices. Sandy Elliot. 4tfnc INTERNATIONAL BALER, like new condition. Joe Van Don- gen, RR 2 Grand Bend. Phone 238-2618, 28:4:11* DINETTE SUITE, wrought iron, bone arborite table top, 6 chairs, black and bone, ex- cellent condition. Phone Cen- tralia 228-6768. 4c BALER, Massey Ferguson No. 10, used on one farm. James Gardiner, Hwy 83 east. 4c BOAT, 17-ft. and 1957 Evin- rude 35 h.p. motor, electric starter. Phone 35R4 Dashwood. 4c 7 Teachers Wanted SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 74312 collect. 10:4tfnc EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING - Sewer work, ponds, etc. Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil, Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181, 11tfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed. No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfne EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL requires for September 1, 1964 Cool, refreshing fragrance! COLOGNES, SKIN PERFUME, BODY POWDERS, BATH SALTS. Colognes $2.00, $1.50, $3.00 Bath Salts $1.50, Betty Powder .. $2.50 Skin Cream perfume . $1.50 Summer showers makes lovely gifts for young and old. 11 Properly For Rent Semi-Display Classifieds {Restricted to One Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-6214 Electric Motors SALES & SERVICE TEACHER FOR A JUNIOR GRADE 5-ROOM upper apartment, in Exeter, unfurnished, 2 bed- rooms, heated, on William St., close to down town. Phone 235-2575. 28:4c Classifications Domestic Commercial Industrial Phone collect 482-6640 ART LEVETT & SONS 139 Erie St., Clinton 4:9tfric Category System in effect Level 1, ee,100 minimum Hospitalization, Sick Leave benefits provided, ALUMINUM DOORS, win- dows, awnings, siding, alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reasonable prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales. Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 4tfnc MIDDLETON Drugs. 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5, Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 1.3a. Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17, Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales Apply in writing stating ex- perience and former inspector. BURKLEY RESTAURANT EXETER OPEN SUNDAYS 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Open Week Days 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. PHONE 235-1570 EXETER LNVISIBLE MENDING - Make holes, cuts, tears and burns disappear from suits, clothing and fabrics. Call "Clare" La- tour, 238-2666 Grand Bend. 4; 23tfnc W. H. HODGSON Secretary-Treasurer 4c USED FENCE posts, 350 each; also woven fence wire, 500 per rod. Harold Elder, RR 2 Hen- sail. 4* 8 Situations Wanted SPORT JACKET for 12-year- old boy, practically new. Call 235.1920, Exeter. 4x MOWER, 6-foot McCormick. Deering, fits on tractor. Albert Wydooghe, Mount Cannel, RR 8 Parkhill. 4* WINCH, complete, in good con- dition. Apply Cecil Desjardine, Grand Bend. 4* JOHN BURKE. CORN AND BEAN planting, liquid or dry fertilizer applied. Phone Dashwood 80J or Exeter 235-1543. 5:7tfnc Limited Real Estate Broker General Insurance Devon Building, 476 Main St. Phone 235-1863 28tfnc 10 Livestock For Sale White Bean Seed Registered #1, 2nd generation SANILAC SEAWAY MICHELITE 62 SAGINAW $9.50 PER CWT, CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Refunds given on early purchases COOK BROS.MILLING CO. LTD. PHONE 24 HENSALL, ONT. 9 Services WILLLNG to look after 2 or 3 children at my home while mothers work. Phone 235-1714. 4* REGISTERED Shetland stal- lion; dapple chestnut sorrel, light mane and tail; 5 baby colts, various colors. Don Geiser, phone 235-1543. 28:4c REGISTERED Hereford bulls, horned and polled, serviceable age, breeding and quality to please you. Priced at $200 and up. Apply evenings Leeholme Hereford Farm, Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig or 5 miles south of Crediton. 28:4:11c 1 lost, Strayed JUST PURCHASED a new Hi Boy Sprayer. We are now pre- pared to give you better serv- ice. We are spraying for weed control. Atrazine on corn, Ep- tan for beans, 24D for grain, and also pastures. Hubert Cooper, phone 235-2807. 5:21.6:25c LOST - Chesterfield cushion, Saturday, on 83 highway with- in first five miles east of Exe- ter. Phone 235-1304. 4* HADCO WELL DIGGING - Don't wait until fall - do it now. Machine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; rotary drilled wells, 5" diam. eter; repairing and deepen- ing. Highway 85, Elmira MO '9-3761, or Lucan BA-4680. 4: 23tfnc 2 Found Used Car Bargains 56 Ford Sedan 55 Buick Sedan 56 Studebaker Sedan 56 Austin Sedan 60 Renault Sedan 60 Vauxhall Sedan SMALL friendly Beagle with a nasal condition. Phone 235-2835. 4c SCUFFLER, 3 - point hitch, complete with shields and side cutter. Gerald O'Rourke, 39R2 Dashwood. DEEP FREEZE chests, refrig- erators, ranges, wringer wash- ers, Maytag washers and dry- ers. Get the best for less at Sandy Elliot's. 4tfnc TRAILER, 47'x8' split level, 2 bedrooms, excellent condition, reasonable price. Contact Jos, Leger, Unit 19 Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 28:4* VACUUM CLEANERS & Pole ishers - Sales & Service for all makes. Bob Peck, Zurich. Phone Hensall. 352W2 (collect). 1:23tfnc WANT ADS WORK WONDERS BAYFIELD - Lakeside, newly furnished cottage and carport on 60 ft. lot, $11,500. Also fur- nished cabin on adjoining 60 ft. lot, $2,500.00. Would sell either or both. Beautiful shade trees and abundance of good water from deep drilled well. Anxious to sell. Would give reasonable terms to respon- sible party. Apply owner Sandy - Elliot. Phone Exeter 235-0585; nights 235-2912. 28:4c 8 RESIDENTIAL lots in River- view Heights. Excellent drain- age, low down payment and installments to your satisfac- tion. Phone Eldrid Simmons 235-0526 or Fred Simmons 235- 1854. 5:21tfnc NEW 5-ROOM brick cottage, central location on John St, .East, full poured basement, oil furnace. R, E. Balkwlll, 47 John St., phone 235-1076. 30tfric ZURICH house, living room, bedroom, kitchen, and upstairs 2 bedrooms, and bathroom, oil burning furnace; on easy tents. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Bill Armstrong, Sales- man. 6:4tfnc onmommmtsisawmarommonatainessammammess 3 Male Help Wanted Business Director THREE MEN for mill work. Apply to E. L. Mickle & Son, Hensall. 4c 13a Personal USED refrigerators, ranges, washers and dryers all prices at Sandy Elliot's, 23tfnc PUPS - Daschunds; Fox, Toy Manchester and Manchester fox terriers, Mrs. Alex Mac- intosh, Clandeboye. Phone Lu- can 227-4598 3 : 19tfnc TENT-Modern design, 9'x12' with 6' screened porch all in one unit, sewn-in floor. Blue canvass, good condition. $75.00. Robert Southcott, phone 235- 0625, Exeter. 4tfx 2 TRACTOR TIRES 24x13, in good condition. Adelbert Smith, RR 3 Zurich. Phone 84R4 Zur- ich. 4:11* 4 Female Help Wanted 1111WW,ReSIMMeeiMMAINeeteielgetiee ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 CROSLEY Shelvador refriger- ator, good working condition as is, $20.00. C. K. Love, 238- 2634 Grand Bend. 28:4* •erefeeeeee'eMeeinereeNeeeeee=1 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S.,. D,D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons WOMAN for kitchen work, full time. Apply in person Rether's Restaurant, 4c 14 Wanted To Buy LADY REQUIRED for house- keeping duties. Apply South Huron Hospital between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 4c WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE - If you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling reg- ularly each month on a group of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Exeter and are willing to make light deliver- ies, etc., write Studio Girl Cos- metics, Dept. CW-46, 840 La Fleur Ave., Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. 4:11:18c LIVE POULTRY - We are in the market for live poultry. Contact Rudy Petzke, Hensall. Phone 328W. 4c 56 Plymouth Stationwagon 64 Austin Sedan 1100 Model On Display It's Spring -TIME TO MOVE MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER 16 Property For Sale N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 Some like it cold, some like it hot, Some freeze while others smo- ther. And by some fiendish, fatal plot They marry one another! 4-ROW horse drawn Cockshutt bean scuffler in reasonably good shape. Phone 92R8 Zur- ich. 4* New 1/2 Ton Mercury Goodyear Tire Special (2) 670x 15 Only $25.70 HAY BALER, Allis Chalmers, in good condition. S. Deelstra, RR 1 Centralia, 2i miles east of Centralia. 28:4* BABY CARRIAGES, lamps, TV sets, radios, vacuum clean- ers, floor polishers, bedroom suites, easy chairs, chester- fields and a full line of mat- tresses now at low, low prices. Buy it all from one store and save more. Sandy Elliot. JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" Stenographer G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 OUR Repair Shop will be 3 - BEDROOM colonial home with attached garage. Double corner lot, close to schools and shopping centre. Cash to mortgage. Phone evenings or weekends, Owner 235.1293, 6:4tfnc STOREY AND A HALF brick house on Albert St. Exeter. Reasonably priced. Apply Mrs. Wesley Jaques, 76 John St. (West). Phone 235-2897. 21:28:4e CLOSED 5•DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate, 3:8tfnc EXETER - Pryde Blvd. (new) colonial style three bedroom quality home. Hanover custom built kitchen, fireplace, hard- wood floors in spacious living room, dining room and three bedroome; sliding aluminum doors front clinihg room to patio. This home is priced to sell and is open for your in, spection. June 9 and 10 FOR ALTERATIONS SOUTH END SERVICE Ill Health ? EXETER LONDON Phone 235-0720 451.8630 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 EXETER-Custom built 4- bedroom 1963 brick bungalow with attached carport and pa- tio, full basement, electric heat, spacious L-shaped, broadloom living and dining room, stone fireplace, sub- stantial down payment. CMHC mortgage, monthly payments $115 including taxes, NEW RETREADED 670.15 irri- plement tires and new tithes $10.95 mounted; 710.15, $11.95. Newby Tire & Battery Service, Main St, N. 7tfnc 5 Help Wanted TYPIST-BOOKKEEPER - Ap- plication forms may be se- cured at the office of the Pub- lic Utilities Commission, 379 Main St. S., Exeter, Ontario, Excellent fringe benefits are available. Application forms must be submitted on or be- fore June 24, 1964. 4:11:18c See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS 1111111111111110111111111111iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii111111111111111 WUERTH'S SHOES DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 Phone 235-2322 Exeter miaminiummilMENION - LEFT HANDED men's golf clubs, 2 woods and 5 irons, including a 2-way putter, used only a few times, also golf bag and balls, priced reason- ably. Mare Hooper, phone 191R21 Kirkton. 4nc HELP WANTED! MEN YOUTHS WOMEN GIRLS USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B, Toohey President RObert G. Gardiner Vice-President William H, Chaffe Men and women to work during the summer at Vegetable Canning. We have a variety of good steady jobs available now on production work. BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ErmER. 1), BELL, Q.C., B,A. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C„ LLB, Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons Grand Bend Saturday Mornings Appoinf Ment PHONE 519435444o EXETER 'EXETER-4)11de BlirdoChee lOt for sate (one Of the last lots overlooking high school and public school) in Exeter's fastest 6 'v i n g, Dow Setae division, Make us an Offer, EXETER -Wellirin St.; 3- bedrodm, living room, kitchen and full Westmont; only 2 years old, CMIIC Mortgage present- ly on bouse. Can be purchased for a low payment of $1500. VICTORIAN SE1TEE, china cabinet, buffet, G E 4-burner kr: apartment size stove, 2 single size beds. Phone 2352443. 4c REFRIGERATOR, 10 cu. ft., freezer across the top, very good condition, $80.00. Phone Centralia 228-6823, 4c RR. 3 Loden RR 1 Cromarty RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colciehoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR. 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy 11.1e Kirkton Federal -Mogul -Bower ( Canada )Ltd. EXETER -0. 4-bedrOoni red brick home, living room, dining room, kitehen, full basement, oil" heat, terms arranged. EXETER •,6 3.-bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen,* full -basement, terms arranged. ' • ZURICH - 100-acre farm only g Miles front Village; 4- bedroom modernized house; good water supply; reasonably priced. Terinrs arranged. • POSSIBILITY POSSIBILITY OF DAY OR NIGHT WORK Apply in poison tot MIXED GRAIN-Rodney oats and barley; No, 6 George White threshing machine; Coeksheitt, pull-tight bean stuf- fier; Goble disc. Jack Cockwill, RR 3 DeshWoOd 4" BELL ORGAN, piano Style case with full range keyboard. In excellent working condition and suitable for small church or hall, Apply IL M. Sinn, 267 Carling St., Exeter. 4tfne 20" STOVE (Viking) apart meat size, 4n A-1 condition; ideal Or summer cottage. Phone 251 'Hensel or contact Mrs. Eric Kennedy. 4;11;18c HODGSON LTD.t IVIechanical Rubber Division ARTHUR ST, Affromu., 4:11118e C, H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIRoPRAcTid Stratheoy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 12, 2.5 Tues. and 'EH. Evening, -e9 BY ApPointmeni Please Office Phone 6S4 Homo 1498 Canadian Canners ..Ltd. .51 Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Hunt Coates ER 1 Centralia Clayton. Harris Mitchell Solicitors Mackenzie & Raymond Exeter Sicrefery-Yreestiree Arthilr Fraaer Eketer Pholie 235-2420 Exeter .216 WELLINGTON ST, WEST EXETER i •ONT, 411111111111111000111111101111111111111IIIIIIII161IIIIIIIIII111111111111111111110111101111110111111111111111101111111101111101111111111111111111111111111111111ii1111111111111111111111a An obstinate` mad doee not 'hold beihishs,. they heiti