HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-06-04, Page 7Members of "contemptible little army" hold 50th reunion at Hensall Back in 1914, members of the Canadian army were referred to as "a contemptible little army" by the German Kaiser. This fact, and others relating to that same army's victory of the Kaiser were among the memories recalled at a reunion in the Hensall Legion, Friday, when veterans of the First World War were honored on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the "war to end all wars". After the banquet, the veterans sat about discussing their memories of the various battles in which they were engaged. Those attending are pictured in these two photos. In th top photo, back row left to right: Ralph Latimer, who was master of ceremonies, Alf Clark, William Davidson, William Shepherd and W. Petty. Front row: E. W. Munn, P. L. MacNaughton, Fred C. Beer and H. Horton. Bottom photo, back row: Orville Taylor, Gordon Love and Wes Robinson. Front row: Sam Dougall, Tom Scott, Detroit, Ed. Normington. --T-A photos Licence UC cleric at GB service By MRS. H, P1-479.N 1340DPII,PH gaturday, May 30 Attends" neighbors, and relgive4 ,p.ttenci= ed a trousseau tea given by Mrs. Leree Wieberg RR l.cenr tralia in honor of her .daughter Phyllis Ann bricle,elect.. She was assisted by bop mother and mein's. mother, Mrs. Tom Humphreys, Exeter, who re, ceived the guests at the door. Her sister little Wilma wieberg had charge of the PeSt book. Miss Mildred Wieberg -of London, sister of the bride elect, displayed the bridal trousseau, Miss Janet Blair, the shower gifts; Miss carol Latta of Lucan, the wedding gifts, Mrs. Joe Ken:1pp, London, the miscellaneous articles and linens. A lace covered table centred with tall pink tapers and floral arrangement of pink carnations and white mums made an at- tractive setting for the tea room. The bride's two grand- mothers Mrs. Len Purdy and Mrs. Carl Wieberg poured tea part of the afternoon and Mrs. Heber Davis and Mrs. Mervin Elston, the remainder of the time. Lunch was served by four girl friends of the bride Misses Judy Blair, Geraldine Blair, Sheila Elston and Elaine Squire. Mrs. John Kuzmick, only aunt of the bride elect, invited guests to the tea room. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Tom Kooy, Mrs. Robert Blair, Mrs. Allan Elston and Mrs. Harry Carroll. PERSONALS Weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston were Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hasson of Guelph. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Flannigan PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Oestricher visited last week with Mr. & Mrs. C. Green of Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll of Dutton called on Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner last Tues- day. Rev. A. M. Schlenker and Mr. Albert Gaiser as lay delegate attended the EUB Conference last week in Kitchener, Sunday visitors with Mrs. A. Baker and Mr. & Mrs. How- ard Lightfoot and Douglas were Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Schwartz, Mr. & Mrs. John Lovie, Miss Phyllis Schade of London and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Baker of Grand Bend. Mrs. DanOestricher and friends of Hanover visited Sun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Oes- tricher. Mr. & Mrs. Grant Benedict and family of Watford visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Wein and family. Mrs. Mary Feist returned home Sunday after having spent a week with Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Feist and family of Waterloo. Mr. Harry Beaver is a pa- tient at St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Ver- kerk, Mynie, Geraldine, Joe and John, Mr. Jack Zondag, Mr. Rev. & Mrs. Brittain and family, Grand Bend, visited with Mr. & Mrs. Herb Harlton. Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Adams `visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Adams, London. Mr. & Mrs. Verne Sharpe visited Sunday evening with Miss Pearl Keyes, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. R. Finch, London, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Les Adams and Gloria. Mrs. Lamport and Tom visi- ted with Mr. & Mrs. Chris Baumgarten, Bothwell, Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Doug Webb and family, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. 0. C. Russell and flmily. Mr. Dave Sheppard and Mr. Cliff Forristall, Toronto, are entertaining in Newfoundland. Maximum efficiency with refinery-controlled DIESEL FUEL Imperial's continuing research and rigid re- finery controls assure you of a quality diesel fuel for maximum performance and longer engine life—in any area, in any season, with the purchase or 3 Atlas tractor filters Special offer new ANIITILAIS FARM TANK FILTER Keeps your farm fuels clean. Fil- ters out water, rust and dirt which can collect during storage, For use on any fuel storage tank. REGULAR $10.95 YOURS NOW $495 FOR ONLY from your agent George Vriese, Exeter Cliff Russell, Shipka ...".4"*.";:".447.;',.:S<S•Sii,t:ttctttt="XtS:, .. • . • t4.• ',A-X.:, • .., Your neighbours profit from using ATRAZINE* Shouldn't You? "Control almost 100%" Dobbs Motors Ltd. Phone 235-1250 Exeter '•••:•47.:;/4. •••,--•,,,,• • r • :. . • • • • • ,ss;:s::v.s...;.,•:.•.• SAVE WITH -.7F— MACHINES BETTER, FASTER and CHEAPER HAY .3r. FLAIL HARVESTER FOR: (single cornhead available) ZERO GRAZING STRAW SHREDDING CORN STALK SHREDDING CORN SILAGE All These Operations With One Machine Mounting and dismounting is a matter of seconds — only -.7r- 9' FRONT MOUNTED SWATHER FOR: CEREAL GRAIN, HAY, FLAX, ETC. ROTARY DIVIDER STANDARD EQUIPMENT FITS MOST TRACTORS WITH 3-POINT HITCH 1„,7r. 6' GRAIN BINDER FOR: PTO OR GROUND DRIVE TRACTOR OR HORSE-DRAWN RUBBER OR STEEL WHEELS JF FARM MACHINERY KONGSKILDULTD. PHONE 2354840. .EXETER HAYFLASH FOR: TEDDING SIDE RAKING SWATH TURNING SCATTERING All These Operations With One Machine • T Adv ocat e ,June 4, 1964 Page 7 Des la of Dorchester annoMPasied by giftS Mrs. Ellen Flannigan, London, Visited Sunday with. Mr, & Mrs. of bride-elect 41 ck 0 ElAtr. . Mrs. Melvin Gardner Bride-elect honored by .Crediton. friends. of Exeter were gosts of Mr, & Mrs. Mervin ElstenTaesday. By MRS, L. PRESZCATOR George Westrick, Mr, & Mrs. CREDITON JPeePh Finkbeiner and Mrs. Ruby Molitor attended the gra- Moaday evening,June neighbors and relatives gath er, -,11 4--,.P1 eXekrciPPS'Setnrdai'ifer ed to. honor Miss Nancy Fahner ie Vr-el whote graduated on the occasion of her coming r941. .-r 4 GP4Pr marriage with a miscellaneoas Revt & Mrs. Wm. Parrott and friends of London called on friends in town after attend- ing anniversary services at the United Church Sunday. When you buy more life insurance stop and think first. Let's say you've decided to invest an extra $200 a year in life insurance. What's the next step ? Careful now. Don't just order "another $10,000." That's like buying a house without seeing it first, A house has to fit your family, your family activities, your future plans. So does your insurance programme. Your problem is to fit that extra $200 worth into your overall plan for financial security and growth. Should you spend it on more family protection today? Or on providing cash for a child's education fifteen years from now? Or on a retirement fund for yourself ? Or on a com- bination of these? You can see how, without help, planning such a programme can be complicated. But there is help. Your Manufacturers Life underwriter has an ingenious device called a Security Graph, which systematically pictures your overall financial position and objectives, and then indicates where that $200 will do the best job. There's no charge for a Security Graph insurance review. So call your Man from Manufacturers soon. ehoWer held at the Crediton Community centre. The program consisted of a OW solo by Carol_ Hendrick, readings by Jean Krueger, Gwen Pfaff and Joan Smith and duets by Doreen Kenney and Caroline Glanville. The address was read by Mrs. Lloyd Bender and gifts present- ed. Nancy was assisted by her- sister Margaret in the opening of the gifts. A social hour was enjoyed by all. A. E. Pym, Representative EXETER Tel: 235-0395 Mrs. jelM.M.PAlelt. and beY.S. Of Prownevtlle spent the Wek!. end with her parents, Mrs. Chas, wieberg. Visitors : with. Mr, .4 Mrs. Alex McFalls over the weekend were Mr. e.z Mrs, Bill Hodgins and Mr. & mrS, Andy Barr of London and Mrs. 1194s Lester and family of Brigcl9n. CORRECTION: In last week's WI news the writer of the skit Was Mrs, Sam King not Mrs. Russell King, The same error was also made in the hostesses. Boat dumps four in lake By MRS. W. MOTZ CREDITON EAST Mr. Frank Glanville, Kathy Elaine and Murray have re- cuperated from their experi- ence of being dumped in the lake at Grand Bend last Sunday when the boat they were in was turned over. PERSONALS Mr. Sam Rawlings and son Fred of Ailsa Craig are visit- ing with relatives here. Mrs. Harry Lewis and son Eber and Mrs. Leonard Wein and Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Wein, Mr. & Mrs. Eli Sims and Sam and Wilbert Sims attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Sims in Exeter Saturday. Mrs. Sam Baynham and son Russell have returned home after a week's visit in London. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Collett of Galt spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. Jesney. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Edwards and girls of Walkerton visited Sat- urday here at her parent's home and attended the funeral in Exe- ter Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Jackson and son of Exeter and Mr. & Mrs. Grant Jackson and babe of Cen- tralia spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. Joy Jackson and Mr. J. Montgomery. ,j).17,AMOArp ,e7 poriparzoil ,..a-0.04',UW7:•:i4i,414Z4kamor• MANUFACTURERS LIFE more for you Mrs. W. Willert buried Saturday Mrs. William Willert, 86, the former Lenora Sanders, wife of William Willert of Dashwood died at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Saturday, May 30, Surviving besides her hus- band are one son, Sam Lawson of Crediton; four daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Mikes of Exe- ter; Mrs. Ivan (Alma) Jackson, Chatham; Mrs. Stewart (Alice) Thiel, Zurich; and Mrs. Alex (Lenora) Ellis, Petawawa; two daughters, Mrs. Merle Prest and Mrs. Irene Rader prede- ceased her. Two brothers, Sid- ney Sanders, Exeter, and Daniel Sanders, Carmen, Man. also survive as well as 19 grand- children and 11 great grand- children. She was a member of Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Tuesday, June 2, when service was conducted by Rev. Norman Schenkel, Mitchell and inter- ment made in the Exeter ceme- tery. Pall bearers were George Rader, Jim Tomlinson, Clayton Jackson, Lorne Kleinstiver, Harry and Jim Hayter. The greatest ability is de- pendability. New accountant named for bank New accountant at the Bank of Montreal's Exeter office is E. H. Creaser. He succeeds H. G. Kieswetter, who becomes manager of the LaSalle boule- vard and Barry Downe avenue branch in Sudbury. Born in Riverport, N.S., Mr. Creaser joined the B of IVI there in 1954. He went on to serve at branches at Saint John, N.B.; Corner Brook, Nfld., and Bridgewater, N.S. In 1961; he was appointed as- sistant accountant at the High- field and Main streets branch in Moncton, N.B., and, later that year, became accountant of the same office. He leaves the latter post to assume his new duties here. One-sixth of Canada's popu- lation was affected and from 30,000 to 45,000 died in the 1918 influenza epidemic; in the world more than 20,000,000 persons died in the epidemic. Brittain at the Grand Bend UC Sunday morning for the follow- ing: Michael Raymond Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Webb; James Allan Lovie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmon Lovie; Kim Dorman Bruce Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson; Carleen Gail DesJar- dine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice DesJardine; Roy Ed. ward Nordstron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nordstron. ATTEND CONVOCATION Miss Melanie West and Rob- ert West attended the convoca- tion ceremony of their mother, Mrs. Helen West who received her diploma in public health nursing at UWO May 27. Her sister, Miss Irene Gill, also attended. PERSONALS L/Cpl. Robert & Mrs. Sharon and Colleen are spending this week with his parents. By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL GRAND BEND At a service for licensing candidate Mr. Earl Burr for the Holy ministry by Huron Pres- bytery was held Sunday evening in Grand Bend UC with the Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen BA BD chair- man; member of committee, The Rev. E. Lewis, MA BD; minister of Grand Bend UC, The Rev. C. A. Brittain. Mr. Burr's ordination to the Christian ministry will follow in Metropolitan UC London, on Thursday, June 4 at 8 pm. RITES OF BAPTISM The sacrament of baptism was conducted by Rev. C. A. Men's teams prep for play IT'S HERE! The Sports Car of The Year BARRACUDA Eight teams will baptize the Exeter Men's Recreational Softball League next week. Crediton, last years' cham- pions, will go in defence of their title Monday night when they tangle against Exeter Bowling Lanes in Exeter. On the same evening, the RCAF Airmen will visit Hensall Mavericks in Hensall. Dashwood and RCAF Cpl's are two new additions to the league. Exeter Legion, Exeter Kins- men, Exeter Bowling Lanes, RCAF Airmen, Kippen Maver- icks and Crediton were mem- bers of the league last year. The first week of the schedule is as follows: We Invite You To See It and Drive It Monday, June 8 Crediton vs Bowling Lanes Airmen vs Hensall Used Car Clearance Sale Continues At $ Saving Values THIS APPLIES TO ALL '56—'57—'58 '59—'60 CARS AND TRUCKS SORRY, We Are Sold Out of '63—'62—'61 Dodges and Chryslers Save $ '59 Dodge Heavy duty 1 ton, 4 speed transmission, heavy duty tires and springs $1,045 Save $ '55 Ford Y2 ton, V-8 motor, express box $475 Wed. June 10 Cpl's vs Dashwood Legion vs Kinsmen MINORS — Continued from page 6 WOAA MIDGET June 19--Hensall at Exeter 22—Exeter at Mitchell 24—Exeter at Hensall 26—Dashwood at Exeter July 2—Exeter at Lucan 3—Mitchell at Exeter 8—EXeter at Dashwood 10—Clinton at Exeter 15--Lucan at Exeter 18—Exeter at Clinton says Andy McLaughlin, Waterdown, Ontario "This was my first yeat using Atrazine and I am pleased with the result," says Mr. McLaughlin. "I used a heavier applica- tion on very grassy areas and got almost 100% control," Atrazine treatment is normal routine with successful corn growers. Your , neighbours, who have used Atrazino, will tell you they wouldn't grow corn without it. One application of AtrazIne centrols weeds all season long including these in the rows which can't be reached by cultiva- tion, Start using Afrazine this year,, discover how profitable corn production can be. Ask your farm supply deafer for an instructional leaflet on the new, more concentrated formula, Atrazine 65W. Place your order new and get your sprayer ready bn time, far good farming *trade mark registered in Canada (or use by Fisong (Canada) United WOAA PEE WEE Julie 20—Lucan at Hensall 22—St. Marys at Exeter Marys at liensall 29-Liibati at' keter July 4—Exeter at Hensall 6.Hensall at Lucan 9--Hensall at Exeter 13—Exeter at Lucan NB—Hensall home games are at ZOO p.tri. All others start at 600