HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-30, Page 13SI 75 a month, filtie the cost of propaPo used.
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P.I.wqns..1 by Smiley
Lucan It would b
Page 13 April 30, 1964
foils attempt
Creamery safe 1718($pions. concert,
Constable Donald. doe of the hears talk on course $
What would you like to find,.
most, when yee go to neeyene
Let's assume, for one .wild,
exhilarated moment, that were.
all going to get .there.
Some people would plump for
a meeting with loved !pries. This
I can never understand. It's like
a fellow who bes served a life
sentence waiting to be greeted
by the warden when he hits the
pearly getee.
Others, sad souls, would he
overjoyed if they mild "just
be happy." Not me. Beingheppy
all the time would be a real
drag. I thoroughly enjoy being.
miserable on this orb, so that
when Something good happens,
my plegeure is intensieied.
Quite a few, who suffer from
physical ailments, would be sat-
isfied with peace and comfort.
The insomniac imagines (Wee
and nights of solid slumber. The
arthritic dreams of being able
to scratch his opposite ear with,
OPP Lucan detachment, is in-
vestigating an attempt to break
open the safe of the Medway
Creamery, RR 3 Ilderton,
tweee 10 and 11 am Sunday.
The owner Don McKeen, who
lives across from the cream-
ery, said the mechanism was
knocked off the safe and holes
drilled into it and that a shot-
gun had been taken from his
home and the place ransacked.
Miss Lois Greaves, assisted
by Principal D. M. Hoople and
vice-principal W, J. Withers,
all of the Medway High ectiool
staff, was the guest speaker
at the Lucan Home and School
Association meeting held in the
kindergarten room last Wed-
nesday evening.
Miss Greaves, by means of
screen diagrams, outlined the
thr e e courses — diyereified,
four-year, and five-year e- now
out feeling es though his emit
was being severed at the ehotild-
er by a red-hot iron.
Flat-chested girls would
settle for a mammoth bosom.
They forget that none of the rest
of us would be interested.
Some chaps I know would be
perfectly happy to leave any-
time if they could count one.golf
course with emerald fairways
and velvet greens, 18 holes a day
in which they sliced not, nor
did they hook, and a good game
of poker at the 19th, with the
bar handy,
Many sober citizens I know
would be happy in heaven for
ever afterwards, if they could
be guaranteed (and get it in
writing) that their wives (or
hushends) would be in the other
place, permanently.
Alcoholics would not only be
in heaven, but the seventh of the
same name, if their crock ren-
net]) over, perpetually, and
somebody else was looking after
A few millionaires, once they
had admitted they couldn't take
it with them, would be serene
in a place where there were no
taxes, no labor movements, no
wages to pay, and nobody asking
them to donate to something
every 12 minutes.
My personal fantasy is a
simple one. I'd go like a shot
if someone would promise me,
unconditionally, a dark, swirl-
A reception service was held
at Brinsley UC Sunday, April
26, for Marg Amos, Edna Mor-
ley, Linda Thompson, Sharon
Tweddle and Lawrence Amos,
who accepted the solemn vows
of the church.
Prior to becoming new mem-
bers, Rev. Kenneth Hick held
preliminary classes for a
three-month period and also
officiated at the service.
The new members were the
recipients of Bibles, presented
by the church by Earl Morley.
After the presentation an of-
ficial welcome of the session
into the church was administer-
Frothy 111.0
visited Sunday with Mr. Grant
Amos and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Lewis
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. Earl Morley.
Sunday, May 3, Brinsley UC
returns to its summer time
schedule with Sunday School at
11 am and churcn service at
12:15 pm.
Mrs. Bob Hodgins returned
home from South Huron Hospital
Debbie Lewis, Carolyn Lew-
is, Jerry Morley and Robert
Denno were first prize winners
in an art contest sponsored by
Brinsley Sunday School. Susan
Morley, Elaine Morley, Mary
Robinson, Brenda and Doreen
Lee acquired second prize with
their entry.
Quick Action
rumen mass. A
the Froth within thd.
Irtaigecetns t ddefioratmeting
into the rumen
Bloat needloattachts to top of bottle
OPAL 227.4792 • 1.1.1CAH. ONT. PERSONALS
Debbie Lewis held a birthday
party at her home Saturday.
Mr. Lin Amos of Ailsa Craig
St. Patrick's choir.
At a reception held at 150
Kent St. London the bride's
mother received in a royal blue
brocade gown with matching
coat and white accessories. She
was assisted by the groom's
mother in a three-piece suit
of turquoise linen and white ac-
For a honeymoon trip to the
Southern States, the bride don-
ned a two-piece suit of lilac
with white and black acces-
sories and a corsage of pink
The couple will make their
home at RR 6, St. Thomas.
Mrs. Loyens' group of the
CWL of St. Patrick's Church,
Biddulph, staged a successful
euchre in the old school last
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Hugh Toohey and Benny
Kelly and low score prizes to
Mrs. William O'Brien and Pe-
ter Menders.
St. Patrick's Church, Bid-
dulph, was the setting at 11 am
Saturday, April 4 for the mar-
riage of Jo-Ann Maria Heessels
and Tony P. Aarts, with the
Rev, Father F. J. Bricklin,
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Heessels
of RR 2 Denfield and the groom
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Aarts of RR 6 St. Thomas.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a floor-
length gown, of white chiffon
over taffeta, featuring lily-point
sleeves and fitted bodice. Her
illusion veil was held by a
crown of rhinestones. She car-
ried a cascade of red sweet-
heart roses.
Mrs. Michael Brown of St.
Thomas, sister of the groom, as
matron of honor and Miss Cor-
rie Bynsdorp, as bridesmaid,
were gowned alike in pink bro-
cade street-length dr esse s,
with matching headdresses and
pale blue bouquets of carna-
tions. Rosemary Heessels sis-
ter of the bride, as flower girl
wore a white gown with white
headpiece and carried a basket
of pink carnations. George Bre-
kelmans was ringbearer.
Paul Aarts of St. Thomas was
best man for his brother and
Martin Heessels was usher.
Miss Betty Morkin RR 3 Lu-
can provided traditional wed-
ding music and accompanied the
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper,
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Cooper,
Kathy, Nancy and Joan, Mr. &
Mrs. Wm. Morley, Janice and
Robbie of Whalen visited Sun-
day with Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Parsons of Hensall celebrating
Mr. Alvin Cooper and Mr. Mor-
ley's birthdays.
Mrs. Win. Routly spent Mon-
day with Mr. & Mrs. Don Will-
cox and Scott of Kitchener.
The school children of the
Usborne Schools will present
their musical festival in the
Thames Road Church Friday
Mother's Day will be observ-
ed Sunday, May 10. The sacra-
ment of baptism will be ad-
ministered at this service.
The Elimville CGIT meeting
was held at the church Sunday
President Miss Anne Johns
was in charge of the opening,
Discussions on Vacation Bible
School and graduation day fol-
Miss Anne Johns presented
Mrs. Ross Skinner with a gift
as past leader of the CGIT.
Miss Susan Allen had charge
of the program. Miss Margaret
Johns gave an account of the
trip to New York that she and
other students front SHDHS en-
joyed during Easter holidays.
Mrs. Montmorency gave aBible
study using a flannelgraph on
The Bank ofiWoritreal
really got us started!
available for High School pupils,
according to the new Roberts
The trio had a previous meet-
ing at the new Biddulph Central
School, which so delayed them
that it was 10:30 pm before they
reached Luca.n. As a result, all
the parents with small children
had to miss out on the meeting.
However over half the attend-
ance remained until the end,
which was very late as an in-
teresting question and answer
period followed the talk.
The president, Mrs. James
Freeman presided and the at-
tendance pup went to Principal
Robert Jenkins' room. Most of
the business session was taken
up with arrangements for the
ninth North Middlesex Music
Festival, scheduled for May 13
and 14 with a concert of stars
on the evening of May 15.
Mrs. Calvin Haskett, festival
secretary-treasurer, gave a
talk on the festival from its
opening in May 1956.
Luther Jackson, Lucan's mu-
sic teacher, as well as some of
the Luca.n children, who will be
taking part, in this year's fes-
tival, were present and gave a
demonstration of what to expect
in May.
While waiting for the Medway
speakers, it was decided to have
refreshments, Mrs. Russell
Goddard was lunch convener.
At the CGIT meeting last
Monday night a report was made
of the skating party and an
evaluation made of the enter-
tainment of the Granton guests.
The girls were urged to get
their camp forms in at once.
This year the girls have chosen
three different camps to attend.
It was announced, Mrs. R. E,
Lashbrook of London, CGIT
counsellor for the Middlesex
Presbytery, will be the guest
speaker at the mother and
daughter banquet, May 29.
Leslie Carling took the wor-
ship service, Mrs. Cliff Cron-
kite, the study book and Daisy
Cobleigh led in a game of India.
Rev. J. F. Wagland, former
Holy Trinity Lucan rector, was
appalled at the damage done to
his St. Thomas church Thurs-
day night by vandals. Damage
included Bible and hymn books
destroyed, cushions torn, elec-
tric light bulb and candle hold-
ers broken and wine poured on
the rug.
At the final five-table Med-
way euchre for this season
held at the home of Mrs. Grant
Hughes, high score prizes went
to Mrs. W. J. Stanley and Clar-
ence Lewis, lone hand prizes
to Mrs. Wm. McComb and Car-
men Hodgins and low score
prizes to Mrs. E. E. Summers,
and Erle Middleton.
Since the death of Mrs.
George Strasser, two years ago
her restaurant has been vacant.
Grant Brady has purchased
the building for his TV and Ra-
dio repair shop and home bak-
ing. He haS already moved into
the living quarters and will
move his shop in the near fu-
given tray
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Has-
kett and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Murdy, were among those who,
last Monday attended the an-
nual convention of the Western
Ontario Funeral Directors, at
the Holliday Motel in Sarnia.
While the men were holding a
business meeting in the after-
noon, the ladies were taken to
the Country Golf and Curling
Club, to see a fashion show and
cosmetic demonstration follow-
ed by afternoon tea.
Miss Angela Armitt of Lon-
don, (sister of Mrs. Haskett)
was guest speaker at the ban-
Mr. Haskett, Who was presi-
dent for the past year, was pre-
sented with a large silver tray.
Mr. Haskett served as a term
director, for three years, as
secretary-treasurer and vice-
president for two years, and
president for one.
A dance followed the banquet.
Friends shower
bride with gifts
Miss Margaret Culbert,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe
Culbert of RR 1 Lucan, bride-
elect of May 11 was guest of
honor at a miscellaneous show-
er held in the Parish Hall
here, Friday evening.
Over 60 guests were present,
with gifts and congratulations.
Mrs. Don Abbott, Mrs. James
Mugford and Mrs. Lorne Hod-
gins were hostesses for the
Mrs. Mugford was MC for a
short program, prior to the
opening of gifts. The program
consisted of two readings by
Mrs. Martin Van Arenthals, a
solo by Sandra Abbott and tap
dances by Linda Hardy and
four-year-old Jeannie Barker.
The latter, making her debut
as a dancer, was a decided
hit and won a big applause.
Three lace covered tables,
centred with spring flowers,
and two decorated chairs form-
ed an artistic stage setting for
the bride-elect and her assist-
ants, Mrs. Mona Herr and Miss
Culbert's two sisters, Anne and
Doris Culbert. Mrs. Jack Dick-
ins read the address of con-
gratulation and best wishes.
At the conclusion of the gift
opening, Miss Culbert thanked
the hostesses and all those who
presented her with gifts, and
extended an invitation for all to
attend the trousseau tea May 13.
Lois Hedging, Sandra Abbott,
Carol Latta and Sheran Davis
assisted at serving refresh-
Automagicalty .
guperior 4f* I leiSeenlinMeettetteeletelmeremetta
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people will be glad to show you how a
Family Finance Plan loan can help you.
Then, plans can be settled, reservations
made, and you're oil your way,
isn't it time We got you started?
Mre. J. W. Lockyer andMre.
Stuart McLellan were in charge
of the Messengers Sunday. The
latter took the next chapter in
the study book, "The Buffalo
and the Bella"
There were 13 present. The
graduation s ervice was an-
A Work meeting at dartipkee-
Mo-Kee is Slated for 9 am May 2
for men end women. Take itinch,
beverage provided.
Rec news
The old ice out on the arena
floor is gradually melting away
as we have finally run out of
hockey teams to make use of it.
The Lucan Ilderton Combines
bowed out very gracefully and
honorably Saturday night to the
Picton team in the Intermediate
(B) finals by the score of '7-5.
They won Friday night by a
score of 7-6 after trailing 5-2
mid way in the second period.
I thought they were going to
do it again Saturday night as
they went into the third period
behind 6-2. They were going
strong and had the Picton team
on the ropes with about four
minutes to go, and the score
6-5, when some rabid fans threw
eggs on the ice. By the time
these were cleaned up the Pic-
ton team had regrouped its
forces when play resumed they
put the pressure on and scored
the insurance goal, making it
7-5. The Combines finished the
game very strong but could not
dent the twine behind the Picton
goalie again. It was every clean
series and real good hockey.
Both teams were a great credit
to the game.
I would like to take this op-
portunity to mention the great
determiniation, and guts of one
of the Combine defencemen
Steve Storey. Steve had a cast
on his right thumb, had a sprain-
ed left thumb and I believe
pulled, muscles in his left side,
yet he was in there most of both
games playing his heart out for
the team. This, in my books,
deserves mentioning.
I am still looking for mana-
gers and coaches for the ball
teams, so come on, fellowe, as
we have until May 9 to haVe theee
teams entered in the WOAA.
After that We are out in thecold
no ball for the youngsters.
rmi Finan a ce lan
Exeter Meech: ClIAIILES SMITH, Mgr.
°Pee vitro err Cor 1 talla , C re.dhOit, De1,5111V0011,
Crancl liensall, Lucent, Zurich
Rev. Frank Stone of Kitchener
and Toronto; represehting OTF',
was the guest speaker at the
11 o'clock Service and gave an
outstanding talk on ',Toe Alpha"
taking as his theme the various
types of life's crutches and
stressing the liquor crutch.
The UdVV afternoon unit met
in the schoolroom ThurSday
with Mrs. Jo W. Lockyer in the
chair. The WorShirt service Wait
taken by Mrs. T. A. Wateon,
assisted by Mrs. William Aylee
Twehtyethree Lucafe-Clarelee
boye Explorers and two cOtIn-
Sellord, Margaret Sach and
Barbara Park, Were among the
500 Who attended the rally 'tithe he
130ndas Centre VC Seta
tirclay from 1130 pni to 4:30 pin,
The tithe was divided into 26
riiinute` periods When theSe-pire-i
geht visited' roups on missions,
stories," games, lunch, ehateel)
drama and puppets,
• efeeeete
Pentetostal Holiness
President Paul Graham led in
the Young People's Friday night
Meeting. He epolce on the theme,
"The feet* Of the Lord IS the
beginning of wisdom."
itetr; John Sexton of North
Carolina was "in charge of both
Sunday services,
A noiitan
The annual Diocesan me-et-
Inge' are being held etSt, Paul's
Church and the Grand Theatre,
London, April 28-20.
AfffeeMere eiteteteMeee...,
in' trout40,i:14r, impregnable
to. tnyolOrt Wqra..§Of, tele-
phones ether 11110411Pee.
I.con qt.? it „now, deep„
crooked, Te1144V 14 3.0(ast,
rn,0911,90A tigjeuarvond Aloltdpit
wittf*Irdeefisi I can heat it: the
exciting mutter of a.emall dam
just around the bend; the spleph
Of a startl,d frog; .the sudden,
heartrstoPPIng takeoff of a Os-
tPr.b0 P4rtriciffel the Whack pf„e
lieWeYer, rsince my chances et
getting teetteeetee are just about
as 41/14 14s etlatices of auer,
,King trout stream tf I did get
there,I guess eettle, .on
Opening Day, for my old haunt,
the Secret Place Where The
Onee Are, Not a poulknowe
about it, except me. And the
90 Delay characters who have
heard about it since last year,
Heaven, thou art distant yet,
I would 'work like heck to get
There, if thou could condone
A stream for me,-and me
Beauty Shop
Give " Mom" A Perm.
For Mothers Day
Special Rates May 1-16
$10 PERM . . . . $8.00
$7.50 PERM • $6.00
(Evenings by Appointment)
PHONE 227-4821 LUCAN
Birr Institute
picks officers
.0%0.1 toreeicied
for the election of Birr WI
efficerg at the .hetne of eere,
Ivan Stanley,.
President fe Mrs. Emerson
Stanley; vice presidents, Mrs,
Otto Daley and mrs, John
kelt; see-treas., Mrs. Sherman
Adams; district director, Kr4, }woo alternate,
Mrs, Ivan Stanley; •tf.trectp.r.s;
Mrs.. Clarence Lewis, Mrs.
Spencer McLeod, Mrs. :Freest
Morrow, Mrs. eley.noje Keifer;
public relations, Mrs. Ivan
Stanley; program committee,
Mrs. Ereest Dobinson, Mrs.
Clifford eacAllieter, Mrs. Otto
Daley, and Miss Verne Linden.
Standing committee convene
ers: agriculture, Airs. W. W.
Garrett; panaeian industries,
Mrs. John liaekett; citizenship,
Miss Verna Linden; education,
Mrs. W. e, O'Neil; home eco-
nomics, Mrs. A. W. walker;
health, Mrs. Wm. F. Hodgins;
historical research, Mrs. Clar-
ence beiyis; resolutions, Mrs.
H. B. Hodgins; sunehine, Mrs.
Clifford McAllister and Mrs.
Ivan Stanley; Tweedsmuir book,
Mrs. Jack Legg, Mrs. John
Adams, Mr. and Mrs, H. B.
Hodgins; pianist, Mrs. Otto Da,
ley, assistant, Mrs. Ivan Stan-
ley; auditors, Mrs. John Has-
kett and Mrs. Wm. F. Hodgins.
and. ;borict new5
correspondAnt; fillss Willa Abbott ;Phone 227.4255
IMMINaitakeiterramistm ettweentelelieMeNeteeelleieeekeeeteeiaiteitateneemeitiesteizegge.
Wed in Biddulph church
Treasure Chest
Lucan's Gift Shop
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe
22'7-4792 Lucan
41104•111011 1.11°.7
Europe or the Sunny South?
Whether you're heading for the
Old World or the New, your cur-
rency problems can be solved by
one of these neat, convenient cur-
rency guides. Available free al any
branch of the Bank of Montreal,
Before you go, put your travel
funds into Travellers Cheques
available at the Bank of Montreal.
They can be cashed easily and
quicklywherever you go—but only
by you. They cost so little, but
your travel funds are as safe as
Money in the bank,
Mrs. Rose Atkinson Lucan's
librarian for the past three
years, reports the enrolment
has grown from about '70 to 387
so everyone in Lucan and dis-
trict does not spend all their
spare time watching TV.
Mrs. S. J. Morrison and two
small daughters, Catherine and
Marilyn, have returned to De-
troit after a week's visit with
Mrs. Morrison's parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Ralph Rummell.
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Stevensonof
Brantford were weekend guests
of Mr. & Mrs. Charles So-
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, as
secretary of Kee-Mo-Kee
camp, Friday attended a di-
rector's meeting at Robinson
Memorial Church, London.
Mrs. Lillian Boner, Mrs.
Vera Sims, Mrs. Bill Harris
and Mrs. May Ycney of Wood-
stock were Wednesday guests
of the Rev. & Mrs. E. 0.
Business continues to grow
at the Shamrock Restaurant.
The staff was exhausted after
the Friday and Saturday hockey
rush, which was followed by a
big attendance on Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Harrison
and babe who have been living
on Butler St. have rented the
Cecil Lewis apartment vacat-
ed by Bill Little.
Sunday, April 19, Scoutmas-
ter Earl Carling, Paul Steacy,
Jim McIntyre and Jerry Free-
man visited the woods near Kin-
cardine to get scout staves.
While there they cooked anout-
door supper.
A number of Alice St. resi-
dents feasted on smelts over
the weekend through the gen-
erosity of Mrs. Thomas Emery.
Mrs. Emery's son-in-law Leon
Bandola, and a number of his
friends went fishing Friday
night and came home really
loaded with fish.
Mr. J. W. Lockyer began
working at the Rydall Brick &
Tile Ltd. at Elginfield, April 1
but still continues to operate
his own Market St. repair shop
each evening. His phone has
been moved to his home.
Willis Darling and son John
and Morris Darling and son
Brian of London were Sunday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Cecil
Armitage and Levi Darling.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hardy,
Monday visited their son-in-
law, John Knight of Kintore,
who is a patient in St. Mary's
Probably it was a combina-
tion of the Toronto and the Lu-
can hockey games, as well as
the change of time, that de-
creased church attendance Sun-
day, Children who have never
missed a Sunday all year, were
Mr. C. H, Lewis has com-
pleted extensive renovations on
the Oddlellows building on Wil-
liani St. The two small apart-
ments have been made into
one large, two-bedroom mo-
dere apartment.
Mrs. Robert Jenkins is on
the sick list.
Mrs. T. A. Hodgins who sold
her farm home on Concession
4 Biddulph, has moved into her
new home, the former residence
of Juries Little, on Market St
Mr. & Mrs. John Houston and
family of London were Sunday
gueets of Mr. & Mrs. LotiiS
Mrs. Ross McRoberts, who
had PS to her duties on
the PS Staff, was away sick Mon-
day. Mre. Ivan Hearn took her
Mr. & Mrs. W.J. Stanley
spent last weekend in Toronto;
guests Of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Miss Flo Chown of St..Thema
as was a Weekend guest of her
sister, Miss Reta Chown,
Mes. Waiter McRoberts of
the Dresden HS staff spent the
Weekend at her home here,
Mrs. Fred Ellerington, Miss
Margaret Quinton and Miss Ileta
tie Sweet, all of Exeter, were
Sunday callers on Mr. & Mrs.
Charles •Windsor.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh BIttch, Who
spent the Whiter in Callioreia,
haVe returned "horse to Lunen.
Mr. & Mrs Wth..Lyetie of Dee.
teat; were Weekend gueStS Of
Mrs, Herman Yoting.
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