HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-30, Page 12• 10 When John Cabot 'Made. his YPYRisP of dlscoyery from :l;ng- lend to arlacie 01107 three the members of his 1.0-Men. crew were his ,sons, Lewis, Sebastian and,Paiiting.t Harold G. Elder Mensal!, OntPria Phone 269J 1 YOUR funx S GAIYURIO DEFILER Raise $:220,Q0f.'wgni.41X.(1War41 insmen mark 10 Past presidents surround award-filled Kin banner Eight of the 10 presidents who have led Hensel]. Kinsmen through a decade of active service to the community gather around the club banner which proudly bears six proficiency and achievement crests won by the club in district and national competitions. Seated, from left, are Doug McKelvie, Essex, charter president; past district governor Bill Mickle, (now district world council chair- man), present district bulletin editor Jack Drysdale (serving his second term on district executive); standing, Harold Knight, Bill Clement, current president John Baker, Jack Heal and Bill Fuss. A new, larger banner was presented to the club by Bill Mickle. --T-A photo BEST BUYS in USED CARS AND TRUCKS '64 MARAUDER 2 Door Hardtop, fastback. All power equipment, radio, demonstrator '62 MERCURY 2 door hardtop, power equip- ment, automatic '62 COMET, 6 cyl., automatic, radio '60 VALIANT, 4 door, completely reconditioned '59 FORD, station wagon, V-8 standard transmission '59 METEOR, Rideau 500, V-8, automatic '58 METEOR Station Wagon, 6 cyl. standard shift '57 METEOR, 2 door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio '57 STUDEBAKER, Silver Hawk, 2 door '56 FORD, V-8, automatic, motor reconditioned '56 MONARCH, 4 door hardtop '55 CHEVROLET, 4 door TRUCKS '52 INTERNATIONAL Stake '57 FORD 1/2 ton, 8' box Make Us An Offer '56 HUDSON Rambler '50 DODGE PICKUP '56 FORD, 4 door '58 VAUXHALL '61 VAUXHALL '58 DODGE, V-8 automatic Both need body work. HENSALL MOTOR SALES Your Meteor Mercury Dealer Roy Campbell, Proprietor Phone Hensall 31 A • AND MEYERS SPRAYER PHONE 93R18 ZURICH PTO Operated, bonded tanks, designed for the new and fu- ture chemicals that require constant agitation. ROSAIRE BEDARD Exclusive In-Tank Agitator Products Of[Will Ge,era~ Motor. Fr Frigid aire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 31 HENSALL clement, Bill FesS,Pluilleals, and the current president Pint Baker, PaPetY-GoVeroor F Man Durrant, Simcoe, gave a toast to the association, the reply to which was Made by General Secretary Kinney, Guest speaker, National VicesTresident Gracile, outlined recent developments in the as- sociation, which now boasts 477 clubs across Canada., "Kin is in good, safe, strong hends," he stated. Past governor Bill Mickle presented the club with a new, larger baneer to replace the 10-year,old one which displays the six awards won by liensall. Members of the Hensall club formed the district executive in 1961-62 under Bill Mickle, Who is serving this year as world council executive. Jack Drys- dale, former junior bulletin award winner, is d i st rict bulletin editor under Governor Taggart. Hensall Kinettes, wives of the Kinsmen, have raised over $5,000 for community service. One of their members, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, has served as Kinette convenor for the dis- trict. Among the guests was Ralph Genttner, president of the Ex- eter club in 1954 when it spon- IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED George Vriese, Exeter Chit Russell, Shipka ears service Page 5 April 30, 1964 Henson and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maud. Hedden, Phone S. Mrs, Archie. MacGregor, Phone 56 sored formation of the Hensall grPup? PIA§ rePre_nented included Fxeter, clintori,PtratfOrd t T4911- don, and Pimooe. Qver 10 were present, President Baker and past governor Mickle cp-chaired the program. Scout ,groups,, an educational bursary, a4"adonted" child and Many ref ref campaigns; Provided a district executive ender Pest governor Bill Mick- le, and two of the lorgSent dis- trict officers; Won six national and district awards for efficiency and achievement, Joining with them for the birthday Party were a nnrnber of area, clubs, district and national sm en PrOadlY looked back on 10 years of fen- Achievement 1r1 tty and association se r vic TinirSclay night. At an anniversary banquet In the community centre, they paused to reflect on a decade of activity during which theybayet Raised and spent over $22,000 on community projects, Ing park development, sponsor-, ship of minor sports and Boy officers, /cornier members and locai officialSt all of whom paid tribute to the Hensall c111b"S achIevement. peeve 'Norman Jones said: "In the past, your Kinsmen club has done wonderful work 14 the village. We hone that you Will continue to do So," District Governor Harold Taggart, London, added: "You not only have served yoar com- munity well, but you have con- tributed excellent leadership to your associatipn. I have always held Hensell in great respect because of the position this club of some 21 members holds in our association." "It's a great thing," he said, "that we have small clubs that can provide this kind of leader-, ship to us." National Vice-President John Goldie, Toronto, presented President John Baker with a banner recognizing the club's anniversary and General Sec- retary John Kinney, also of Toronto, added his congratu- lations. Perhaps the highlight of the evening was a club history, pre- pared by Past President Harold Knight, which was spiced with the fun enjoyed by members during their years of achieve- ment. The history included not only the success and the failures, but also the colorful personal incidents which went with them, Charter president Doug Mc- Kelvie, Essex, returned for the celebration and introduced past members and guests. Other past presidents, in- clude, in order, Hill Mickle, Ti Tiberio, Jack Drysdale, Har- old Knight, Ross Jinks, Bill Asa proportion of the adult female population of C anada, the number of women in the labor force increased from 16 per- cent to nearly 30 percent from 1911 to 1961. Hibbert native dies in hospital Mr. James Robert Barbour of Staffa, Hibbert Township, died in Scott Memorial Hospital Sea- forth on Tuesday, April 21 in his 74th year. He had been in poor health for seven months. Mr. Barbour attended school at SS 3 Hibbert and had farmed all his life in Hibbert. His wife, the former Hattie McKellar, died in 1950. Surviving is a brother John of London. He was predeceased by six sisters. He was an ad- herent of Cromarty church. The funeral service was held on Friday at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth, with Rev. J, C. Boyne officiating. Burial was in Staffa cemetery. Pall bearers were Russell Warden, Carter Kerslake, Cliff Miller, Roy McDonald, Spencer Jeffry and John Hoggarth. Flow- er bearers were Lloyd Miller and Arthur Barbour. Cromarty WMS mark centennial this year at the Woodcock-Miller wedding in Knox Presbyterian church Brantford Saturday. He also visited over the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.Arthur Miller of Brantford. Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Weitzman of Niagara Falls N.Y. attended the funeral of the late James Barbour Friday and also visited relatives in the community. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Currie and f am i l y of Dorchester were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker. Many friends and relatives from this district attended the funeral of the late James Bar- bour at the Whitney Funeral Home, Seeforth, Friday. Peale on "The Power of the Positive 'No'." Mrs. Sam McCurdy gave a talk on conditions as they were 100 years ago when the present stone church was being built. She also suggested some thought be given to the gift of abursary from the Marian Ritchie Aux- iliary to someone contemplating missionary work, to commem- orate the centennial of the church. Lunch was served with Mrs. N. Harburn as convener of the committee. By MRS. KEN McKELLAR CROMARTY The Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met in the church basement with Mrs. Norman Harburn presiding. Scripture was read by Mrs. Carter Kers- lake. The business period was con- ducted by the president Mrs. John Miller. It was decided to order 500 serviettes commem- orating the 100th anniversary of the WMS this year. Articles for the , bazaar were handed in, including a novel item, an apron especially for wearing with jeans. Mrs. Carter Kerslake re- ported from the centennial com- mittee outlining the program they are undertaking for that event in 1965, She also reported that prices have been obtained on new organs and the congre- gation will vote on results early in May. Mrs. Gordon Laing reviewed a chapter of the study book on "Educational Work in the Bhil Field". Mrs. Eldon Allen read an article by Norman Vincent 111111111111lilliall1111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ANNOUNCING: for the first time in Canada 8 -3246 Girls get new flag A full color party received a new Union Jack which was presented by Rev. Harold Cur- rie at the liensall UC at the meeting of the Girl Guide s Tuesday evening. The Girl Guides will be pleased to pick up pop bottles and clean 6 qt. baskets on their bottle drive Saturday, May 9. NAME DELEGATES The meeting of the WA of St. Paul's Anglican Church was held at the home of Mrs. R. H. Middleton with a good atten- dance. Mrs. J. P. Gandon and Mrs. R. H. Middleton were appointed delegates to the WA annual meeting of Huron Diocese held in London April 28 and 29. Minister's son dies in Toronto Allan Currie Winlaw, 6, eld- est son of Rev. and Mrs. Currie Winlaw of Stratford, and former minister of Hensall & Chisel- hurst United Churches died Sun- day in the Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto. Surviving are his parents, brothers Kenneth and David, Stratford; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Winlaw, and Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Daniel, all of Ingersoll. Funeral services were held from Central United Church, Stratford, Wednesday, Apri129. STUDY OLD TESTAMENT Mrs. Ron Mock chaired the meeting Monday evening for UCW unit 3 with 17 attending. The devotional theme, "The Spiritual Green Thumb" was taken by Mrs. Wm. Clement, assisted by Mrs. Jack Drysdale. Mrs. Mock reminded members of the order bake sale May 9 and also the Kinette rummage sale May 23. An interesting Bible study on the early Old Testament was presented by Mrs. Robt. Cook. Mrs. Ross Veal conducted the Bible quiz. CGIT AT LONDON The CGIT of Carmel Presby- terian Church met Wednesday evening, April 22, with Miss Patricia Moir In charge of the meeting. Miss Anne Lawrence took the worship and Miss Bar- bara Schwalm directed games. The CGIT recently took a trip to London with leader Mrs. Ed Fink to see a show entitled "Captain Newman", then went shopping and later enjoyed sup- per at a restaurant. Kinsmen collect for cancer fund Twelve members of Hensel]. Kinsmen Club canvassed the village Monday evening and col- lected $2'75 for the Canadian Cancer Society. Robert Cald- well was chairman of the pro- ject. DINNER IS SUCCESS The ladies of St. Paul's Ang- lican Church held a successful smorgasbord dinner Saturday evening in the church school- room. Over 150 were served and over $200 was taken in at the door. Conveners were Mrs. Frank Forrest and Mrs. Thom- as Lavender. BURNED UP ABOUT HEATING SERVICE STUDY INDIA The Explorer's met in the church basement with Mrs. M. Lamond leading in a question and answer period. They studied the map of India and found three IndiaHospitals. Ronald Miller and Janet Allen told the story of the third chap- ter of "The Golden Coin". PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Jefferson visited Friday with Mr. & Mrs. Fleming Grainger at James- town. Lindsay McKellar was a guest Our Brand new grade Friends shower bride with gifts Complimenting Miss Beth Goddard, bride-elect of Satur- day, May 16, over 60 neighbors and friends attended a miscel- laneous presentation held in her honor in the LegiortHallFriday evening for which Mrs. E. R. Davis was hostess. The hall was decorated in pink and white motif. Euchre and crokinole formed the recreation period and winners of euchre were Mrs. J. C. Goddard and Mrs. George Thompson; crokinole, Miss Carol Brown and Mrs. Dennis Mock. The bride-elect won the contest. Miss M. Ellis favored with a humorous read- ing and Miss Carol Brown of Seaforth played a piano solo. Joan Goddard and Kay Davis pinned corsages on the bride- elect and her attendants and escorted them to their chairs and also presented Beth with her gifts. The presentation address was read by Mrs. A, Scholl. Mrs. Dennis Mock and Miss Evelyn Newbould, of Guelph, as- sisted with the gifts. Mrs. J. E. McEwen arranged the bride's book. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Jack Sim- mons, Mrs. Hugh McEwen, Mrs. S. Rennie. Mrs. Grant Bisback and Mrs. Harold Camp- bell, were in charge of the eu- chre and crokinole, Mrs. Ren- nie, the contests. Mrs. R. M. Peck was the winner of the lucky tea cup. Kinettes name new executive At the Hensall Kinette meet- ing Wednesday, April 22, at the home of Mrs. John Baker anew slate of officers was drawn up. President is Mrs. John Bak- er with past president, Mrs. John Delta; vice-president, Mrs. Wm. Fuss; secretary, Mrs. Jim Hyde; treasurer, Mrs. Robt. Caldwell; registrar, Mrs. Ron Wareing; bulletin editor, Mrs. Jack Drysdale. Plans were discussed for the annual spring rummage sale to be held Saturday, May 23, at the Hensall arena. A letter was read from the club's adopted child, and a donation was made to the Cancer Society. President Mrs. Deitz pre- sented a Kinetic baby spoon to Mrs. Jim Hyde in honor of her chosen daughter, Jacqueline Lee. Mrs. Peitz won the raffle. Pao-owl& Lloyd McDonald of RR 1 Hen- sall is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, having been admitted Monday with a heart condition. Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe, Mrs. Jarvis Horton, Mrs. Grace Harpole, Mrs. Emma Shepherd, Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs. John Soldan, Mrs. James McAllister,Mrs. Ian McAllister ter, from Hensell and district attended a shower for Miss Mary Jane Hoffman, bride-elect of this Saturday, held at the home of Mrs. Elgin Hendrick near Grand Bend, Friday eve- ning. Dr. & Mrs. D. J. McKelvie, Robert and Ann of EsSex were weekend guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Drysdale and Jill. Mrs4 John Soldan was in Lon- don Monday evening attending a shower in honor of her niece, -- Please turn to Page 7 from AGRICO® MOVING OR PLANNING TO MOVE GRANTS YOU THESE BENEFITS: • SAVINGS OP $14.00 A TON . In units of plant food over 5.20.10. 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MORt6ASE &THOST COMPANY Heed Offlee-; Sarnia Offices in Forest and Petrolie tti EXiite tohh Ohorie 235,104.i ‘gatismimixissaN Cook Bros. Hensall Lloyd Rader Dashwood AGIRICO® Agtidultural Chemicals Limited LbNijoN • oRANGEvillt * PORT HOPE. ONTARIO TM101, Bean Markets Available GROW BEANS Bean Contracts SEED & FERTILIZER SUPPLIED CROP ACCEPTED AT HARVEST Quality Seed Ontario Registered - Sani lac Seaway Saginaw Michelite '62 Michigan Certified Sani lac ALL, SEED GROWN FROM FOUNDATION STOCK Seed Treated with Diatinon & Captan for Control of Seed Corn Maggot, Seed Maggots, Root Maggots, Seed tots and other Fungius Diseases: This treatment re-4 commended for use on "Resistant" seed Maggots. CONTACT E. L. filICKLE at SON Phone 103 Limited Hentali