HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-30, Page 7 Argameseer.
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this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon
and during the evening throughout
the week,
milemommin imommulnummmeins.
APRIL 301 W in•
MAY 1 & 2 a matching
McCulloch Boat,
Motor & Trailer
100 fah/ lily tag Mel VIMI %do VW . ::W vidirl WV MO WOO '01111 11110
Atook411;iii,, .A011. -1Eig .446 Auk ataii:
A special feature of your Co-operative's Fiftieth Anniversary Year. The wide selection of quality merchandise offered dur-
ing this Sale is a special reminder that today'sCo-operatives serve your needs whether you live on the farm or in the city.
Nothing to Buy!
Win this aluminum "Scott" 15' runabout with a
dependable McCulloch 28 H,P, motor and matching
"A" frame trailer. Simply visit any Co-operative,
April 30, May 1 and 2, fill out the official entry blank
and drop it into the lucky box. Each person, 21 years
of age or over, is entitled to a free entry form, except
employees of Co-operatives and affiliated organiza-
tions and their immediate families. Winner will be
notified and asked to provide a recently taken photo
of himself or herself in exchange for the Grand Prize,
Viscount 17 cu. ft.
Reg. $239.95
Sale $213.97
Viscount Deluxe
Reg. $154.95
Sale $137.97
6 Volt
39 Plate
Coln pressers
Sale $139.97
Viscount 21 cu. ft.
Reg. $249.05
Sale $225.97
3 h.p.
Garden Tiller
Reg‘ $129.95
Sale $109.97
32 ft. Aluminum 22 inch 3 h.p.
54 Plate
Lawn Mower
Sale $59.97
21/a cu. ft.
Sale $62.87
Many other outstanding Values Stanley Tools, Garden Supplies, etc,
Exeter District
Phone 235-2081
12 Volt 6 ft. Aluminum
Co-Op Milemaker
Sale $15.89
19 inch 21/2 h.p.
Lawn Mower
Sale $52.97
in the
seat . .
of a new
1964 John Deere Tractor
Personal comfort is still a foremost drive in the minds of men. Can this be accomplished
on a farm tractor? Yes, said John Deere engineers, New "3020" and "4020" Tractors
offer at improved posture seat. "The latest advance in the new Generation of Power"
it's a fitting description for the John Deere it3020" and 4.4 4026" series tractors, Power
is up 6548 h.p. on the new ''3020" series, a full 91.17 on the new "4020 0 ' Tractor diesel,
gasoline and LP gas engines across the board . . and now to make this power even
more convenient, John Deere offers the new Power Shift Transmission. With just a
Single lever, yoti can shift through all forward and reverse selections -- without clutching.
So Why Not Trade—In That Old Troctor On A New John beere
Huron Tractor & Equipment Co.
EIER PHONE 235-1115
Tinfi.0140vspeatp, April 19, -1104 .page HENSALL-ZURICH BEST
Mr & Mre, lcelth, If:04047
AO family of Turpotp netted
over the weekend with the lot-
ter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. John
Iiendereen. 440
Aire. .$04. Tudor was 415Pn
to ..4puth. thgpu Upapitail
MrP,14ertrOil.Pf Clinton
ed with Mr, & MM. ,Pereld
Flynn and Lurie
.,•-,:- Ylsited with. her Pen-In and.
daughter, lgrAe .Reb..ert
Caldwell and Terry,.
Mrs, Jack %1444wAP of
.Seepia visited with the lettere
pereete, Mr. & Mrs. -Walter
Mrs, Pearl Phadclielc. was, 4
visitor with .mrg, Bdna Corbett
and Mr. & Mrs, ga,pprbetthto.
-.--,Continued from page 6
off a H-Z defender.
Beece Cooperte superlative
fore-checking set up il-Vs sec-
end goal. The winger fought off
taro Clippers to maneuver a Pass
in frent of the net te ti'Vermere
who backhanded the puck be
tWeen Jacksee's lege. MerneYr
who dumped the puck Into tihe
Stouffville end drew.an es ei st
the play.
ceekaville spent the Weekend
visiting with the le.ttor's par-
ents; Mr, & Mrs. Robert Mace
Miss Jane Herten el lianiiltoe
Visited over the weekend, with
her parents, Mr, & Mrs. Bert
Mr, & Mrs. Cecil Van Horne
Of Grand Bend, visited recently
With Mr, & Mrsµ Gerald Flynn
and lePri.
Mrs. Alvin PYA1. of Exeter
puck;.carried it from the corner
to right out in .f relit of Jackson
and lifted it Into the top left
Then the roof collapeed as far as. Combines were concerti-
ed. The Cliopers gave It their
last 51* in a do-or-di, e effort.
And they were eestly rewarded
with four consecutive goals to
tie up the geme.
When the firing had ceased,
e ewn, Kelsop, Hooper .and
Mustard each had picked up a
goal. Hooper'e goal was the
prettiest of the four goal
splurge. It was his third of the
night, He beat two Combine
defenders dewily and siezled
a high shot into the top left
corner, beating Amacher clean-
Continued from page 5
Miss Mary Ilene Hoffman,
bride-elect of neet. Saturday.
Communion and ThankOffere
ing service was held in St,.
paul's Anglican Church, Thurs-
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Flood of
Big smiles for happy winners!
Exeter Minor Bowling League individual high average, high double and high single award winners
posed for this picture following their closing banquet at the Exeter Legion Hall. Seated, front row,
left to right, PEE WEE CHAMPIONS, Jimmy Brintnell, Doug Fairbairn, Gary Shipman, Cathy
Campbell, Betty Campbell, and Wendy Gilfillan; second row, BANTAM CHAMPIONS, Larry Haugh,
Ron Lindenfield, Jimmy Parker, Sherry Ford, Penny Schroeder, Beverly MacDonald, Yvonne
Romanuik; back row, JUNIOR CHAMPIONS, David Burke, Glenn Stire, Jimmy Gifford, Gary Ford;
SENIOR CHAMPIONS, Pete McFalls, Supervisor Ruth Durand, Darlene Snell, Yvonne Penhale;
JUNIOR. GIRL CHAMPIONS, Gail Shipman, Judy Estey and Jean Campbell. Missing from picture
were Bill and Don Wright, Helen Campbell.
The Brand New
for GB post office
One of the oldest buildings in
Grand Bend has been removed
to make way for the new post
office which is being built by the
Eagleson Construction.
This building was well over
the hundred year mark being
owned by Mrs. John Baird Sr.
known as Granny Baird and her
son, John Baird.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Page of the
Mallard line bought it from
John Baird over 70 years ago.
Fred Page added the back part
to the house. The last owner was
Miss Verde Page.
Combines ran Stouffyille out
of the rink in the 10 minute
overtime session. The H-Z club
had the legs. The Clipper s
didn't. Cooper, a big payoff
Man for the locals all year,
scored the game winner at the
2:05 mark with an unassisted
tally. He stole the puck from
Mustard inside the blueline,
deked Jackson out of his suit,
and tucked the disc in the short
The crowd hadn't stopped
cheering Cooper's effort when
Livermore rammed home his
third of the night just 40 seconds
later. Defenceman Dale Turvey
slid the disc to Cushman who
shot at Jackson. Livermore was
johnny-on-the-spot to cash in on
the rebound.
Chapman's goal at 5:48 was
the anti-climax. Wagner slap-
ped the puck into the corner.
Shaddick beat a disheartened
Stouffville defender to the puck
and centred it out. Chapman
slapped it home.
A dramatic finish to a great
hockey game.
perfectly flat ribbed steel floor. There's
not even a raised sill to get in the way.
Add that to its 22 inch floor height, and
you'll see why Chevy-Van will be a real
asset in your delivery operation.
The Grand Bend 4-H club met
Saturday in the town hall to
complete arrangements for
achievement day May 23. The
girls modelled the blouses they
made. Books were also com-
Leaders Mrs. Alvin Moir and
Mrs. Dwayne Tinney were on
hand to assist the girls,
Chevy-Van by Chevrolet:
A Low-Cost, Light-Duty Truck,
Designed and Built to Carry
Maximum Loads at Minimum
Cost Through the Heaviest
Big-City Traffic.
Read the facts about this brand newaddi-
tion to the Chevrolet Truck line, then see
your local Chevrolet Truck dealer,
Scoring parade
Mike Cushman 7 8 15 6
Bob Livermore 5 10 15 2
Bruce Cooper 9 6 15 8
Bill Shaddick 2 5 7 2
Craig Chapman 3 2 5 4
Dennis Morrissey 3 1 4 0
Bill Chipchase 2 1 3 0
Earl Wagner 1 2 3 8
Bob Hoffman 0 2 2 0
Steve Kyle 0 2 2 2
Dale Turvey 0 2 2 8
Bill Murney 0 1 1 2
Russ Klopp 0 0 0 4
It was all a Combines showing
during the second peried. Jack-
sort turned aside a terrifi c effort
by Steve Kyle early in the per-
iled, but Combines' relentless
Pressure Was too much to eh-
sorb as the period wore on.
Cushman scored the equali-
zer at 2:42 as Cooper made a
pretty play by drawing both
Stouffville defenders to him and
backhanding a pass to Cushman
who drilled a 30-footer past a
startled Jeckson,
Steve Kyle turned in the de-
fensive move of the game on
Barry McLean and Ken Aida On
a two-man break, Kyle got be-
tween them to break up a serious
scoring threat.
H-Z went into a 4-2 lead at
5:35, Cooper doing the spade
work again. While falling, the
Combines' star slid the disc
over to Cushman who walked
right in to pick the lower left
Goaltenders Amacher and,
Jackson both turned in sensa-
tional saves mid-way through
the period as the teams rushed
end to end. Turvey, Cushman,
Cooper and Livermore were
Combines' main penalty killers
during four minor penalties,
to Chapman (two), Murney and
Stouffville didn't give up.
Amacher robbed Kelson and
Brown on two occasions by
smothering the initial shots and
then the rebounds.
Cooper was finally rewarded
with a goal at 16:55. Cushman
started the play. Cooper tried
to relay the puck to Livermore
while sliding on his knees but
the pass was stopped. Cooper
regained his footing and found
himself in front of Jackson
with the puck. He smoothly dek-
ed Jackson out of the net and
tucked the puck behind him.
Sheer hustle and determina-
tion gave Livermore Combines'
fourth goal of the period and a
6-3 lead. The aggressive wing-
man beat Stouffville defenders
to the puck along the left boards
and triggered a quick wrist
shot that found the short side. GOALTENDING GP GA PCT
Dennis Amacher 5 24 4.8
New Chevy-Van's Got
The Handling Ease You Need.
The tightest parking spots or the smallest
openings in traffic are big enough for the
new, nimble Chevy-Van. And Chevy-
Van's engineered stability ensures safe
highway handling. Total overall length is
just 167 4/2 inches — on a 90 inch wheel-
base. With its 32%2 foot turning circle
and excellent driver visibility, every driv-
ing manoeuvre in a Chevy-Van is sure
and simple.
smooth running, with 5 main bearings in
the 153 Four and 7 main bearings in the
194 Six. They'll deliver the power you
want at minimum cost with either the
3-speed Synchro-Mesh or optional
Powerglide automatic transmission.
New Chevy-Van's Got
The Payload Space You Want!
With a maximum GVW rating of 5000
lbs, the Chevy-Van can carry a full 2000
pounds of payload in its 211 cubic foot
cargo compartment. Clear load space is
74/2 feet long with an additional 4 feet of
load space along the right side of the
engine. Curb-side doors (optional at
extra cost) open to over 4 feet in both
width and height, making loading or
delivery safe and convenient. All doors
have locks, and feature Chevrolet's con-
venient single-key locking system.
New Chevy-Van's Got.
The Loading• Ease You Like!
Chevy-Van's double rear doors open
mighty wide — giving easy access to the
Canadians averaged 613 tele-
phone conversations per capita
in 1962, making Canadians the
world's champion telephone
talkers for the 10th consecutive
Combines' kept up the pres-
sure during the early minutes
of the third. With the Cushman-
Cooper-Livermore line press-
ing around the Stouffville net,
Livermore grabbed the loose
Mr. & Mrs. Norris Webb
and family were Saturday after-
noon visitors with Mr. & Mrs.
Henry Small of St. Thomas. Mr.
& Mrs. Small were celebrating
their forty-seventh wedding an-
Mrs. J. Wareham of Atwood
visited Tuesday evening with
Mrs. M. Copeland.
Jim Hazelwood and Peter
Gartenburg rated In the top ten
students in Grade 12 and 10
respectively at the St. Marys
district collegiate.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Webber
were weekend visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. Charles Webber of Ro-
chester, Mich.
Mrs. Victor Janssen and baby
daughter arrived home from the
hospital Saturday afternoon.
James Colgan of Elkton,
Mich. visited with Mrs. Robert
Rundle and Jim Wednesday, also
with Misses Blanche and Rhea
Mills. '
The Woodham Young People
enjoyed a party at the home of
Donald Strahan Saturday even-
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Miller
and Howard of New Dundee
visited with Rev. & Mrs. Nelson
Ernst Sunday.
Rev. & Mrs. John Cooke of
Arkona visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. George Wheeler and
David and Mrs. Ada Butters.
Mr. & Mrs. John Cooke of
Fullerton were Sunday evening
visitors with Mr. & Mrs. George
Wheeler and David.
New Chevy-Van's Got
The Power You Need.
Standard engine is the 90-hp High
Torque 153 Four. Optional at extra cost
is the 120-hp High Torque 194 Six. Both
are built for economy, dependability and
ed the business. Mrs. Rosa
Grigg reported on the bale sent
and the articles for a family of
five to be sent to Clinton.
Mrs. Elgin Webb reported on
visiting and stressed that more
should visit the shut-ins.
Mrs. Bob Jennison reported
on the Cub banquet. A discus-
sion followed to add to the
kitchen. Also the nursery good
toys and play pens were re-
quested. Mrs. Art Heist and her
group served lunch.
Couples mark
At a family dinner Sunday at
the Goliview restaurant, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Baker of Grand
Bend celebrated their f if t y-
eighth wedding anniversary and
their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Fah-
ner and Mr. Fahner celebrated
their twenty-sixth wedding an-
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Webb and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Becker and children,
of Dashwood and Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Fahner and Vickie of
Exeter. After dinner they re-
turned to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Becker at Dashwood.
CH A Nmperfectly practical!
Road Try . Then Value Buy! At Your Local' Chevrolet Truck Dealer
Be sure to see Bonanza over channel 10 at 9 o'clock Sunday night
Authorized Chevrolet Truck Dealer in Exeter
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Scott and
Mrs. Sarah Patterson of Sarnia
visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs.
Ray Patterson and family.
Mrs. Ross Love and daugh-
ters (Kathy) Mrs. Fred Lab,
Kippen, (Betty) Mrs. Earl Dat-
ars, Grand Bend, daughter-in-
law Mrs. Don Love of Toronto
attended a shower for Miss
Janet Fulcher at the home of
her aunt, Miss Alma Fulcher
at Sarnia Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Love of
Exeter visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Ross Love and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Wally Becker of
Allenford and children spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Harold Walper.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mitchell and
boys of Ailsa Craig, Mr. & Mrs.
John Kowalchuk and boys and
Miss Leona Kowalchuk RN of
Toronto visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. W. Gill.
The general meeting of the
Grand Bend UCW was held last
Tuesday evening with 35 mem-
bers present.
Mrs. C. A. Brittain opened
the meeting with the worship,
her theme being "Our Christian
Witness". She was assisted by
Mrs. Harold Skipper. Mrs. Les
Greenwood sang a solo and
Mrs. Marjorie Mason gave the
study book chapter.
Mrs. Clark Kennedy conduct-
— Continued from page 6
TW (P. Durand 608) 2
CC (D. Burke 670) 7
CH (J. Fairbairn 669) 0
GU (V. Prewer 727) 5
BL (J. Loader 574) 2
SE (V. Stratton 619) 7
AM (G. Eisenschink 513) 0
HE (N. Kelly 675) 5
CR (W. Caldwell 575) 2