HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1858-07-21, Page 4• • bre the �e wee err wy d; m'b y,toeed /a►'�• 1ft deibwha n / greA -4 tai aj116f1 fi: Lheille r"s . kill one ram. .y.,P d Derr- Tant' Su he �R„ ltiehm ry Ilag H r�im• wt 1 Chosen MMMlISMMM ,re bd Luo 1w Ost/oreu Mille,e xi�lii 1• 1 /Ila 100.0 rd Oeua•I A.e•ey. wMdrt.fe Meleer► i tillstua. Nor 16 I1,66. Male Mind riebere• p mute ION Nemo. Email Downie & Cm. Liverpool. Uoo. Leer* Ea. Lead*. Mtn D•ed W. T. reereC. a J.,84rriedCRaaBtup,Les D ge.ar^•F jB. knot. Eger Oft di •I0 plMllal • • llernre it, •m0$ �llowee -4 wirer • wood r tMt b :•Vat beak Irk: dw. blow aid the. boa .gds t�1•.• Sae sew, to gobri wd telt wits oinVi111:6.1tl1 a t hall w;"I sea tam Mr 4 0 oalt Mhew bd, sod it will awe r b keel, led It will to • gnat tom . fair •►•t eh.11 1 tell hire P 1. bra,' ob\prwd tb• teapler, the Man MOD that pt. IMAM thought. bele .R .or harts, 1e111e, yN Rimed the ben ball der, ..d th• sr.tene lyre ►ere_' --'Ira 1 cat ley &ha, este J0k••y, ler that would be Se.' leg a, rhkp•►MI the tempter apt-, •that rib lee 0'1, 4M.Lte the Mita the big hey also* f 40. ti &brew seism ►.d k -r- tfed t►a boot melee elko 111I.• eNo, no: said Jokey; 'I edit laid . 11.. sod 1 wo..h b. - re sue 1'Y l4 loaner lie troth. It, wee 5S my Maui' noels . Refer; 1 MOP red the Pierr ateret airs re 601 ..d bestm ewers" lakes thviola 0.d tonne re- salvwJe►.tl or her•r r Y be .r rear the 1..pter reit err Atm, and he neat arst.ht M ai.e der Md 1010 hie the w1a.1. truth. Aad chat did bre father d.1 He lad hie heal r heiwg4 bid and sari, 'My Roo, tug door see. 1 ...I4 ratlike 4... eery e. I men {let• iBht Of hey doneid tel me an 00- AdJubsey. Walt 'cry awry far the a'► Med W bad ..e mach happier tb.. If MMI mid • he le seem himself, eves el b• h ed mem M. fwal telt Nest r • ma •p.-• dew Tad roues lisse Qrareas.- Teo reay_Tea Erahsr.s� hre.tn ••Herr.*' -At eters :Muck lam brei a ger took pip,s he ewe.. Tca„Nn. a.l .a Wallis'. SgbUo/ w • r.11r Mum, afar Stewart, a the Des __.. 44S Roe rse weer Hear is the hereby tine eb. nerd:., � 41.11 otisdry 11 we briar, .bee Dor spm. to .*i a parry ..J took drink. Ne iia mops to M.* helms very impend. R. b.11 soarh7 Ryer. eel auelammea eoweer sten• ooperueg made., amu rywrlifg to 1M ass of sad *Met* `w...eJ.• "liar.' •40id," &a 11y.r ard* no wtedti whoa Der, wag Sem impr.e•tiun.. 'Mod mid h• thiol )r de, d• De4(� rolledrolledii to 1111 ibd dor takrwad Dor: • W .i 10 ye. mm 1 1 Yon bese,-.p..rahh. di do neo west say diLaltv.' Dess bade so repay, Mt MI•ebe Mai sera, whoa Rem plated ass, nal dew. sperhis far •d .elk, b. erasion the r#hb tits hmwkiug Oat Mee of 11. bestir W 81tIo(M reesasee a Menne appra�ea �001.wDow .r m,.M O m ni- 4, DlRde/ ew4 S.gEa4 fee ter. rs AtWhim, Mm i�•.'��s'�w W I�.p.r .1 gaiwtu..s. kl end sem. ethers, 1•mrbeed wed ..Pentad tM ✓ eghberr "Thr spew hue ptl.er.d • need. wile11 Capt Wuhereon and thew of lee 1e4wra ohm nag. brtaaed La Ms spot. a..1 promptly diapered Ak ao este would..e\w e•mplaet, and tM principal, enfOrlt `•wera4a teeregbly dialed already, ameba wdNiYapda Tbii one,.ma No ..palati.. of 'hard shraCeer.' and u what is called • b. • kr.' He ..arty kith • policemen too y.... .arab ad ►ed (tat tow discharged tom yte4e PrlaweeMbiebox ,iy ►md hom.n...ed t0r abet MmakehlKetyr Yt.• irmra. Port. ,so'al ' 7th Jr, 451'0 _e M .Tr ANTS. wr:. Moine•[. .0ifM erases Dolggl ardal e.Ma111014R .1F.A.r etre& Mara IIMMIn.t.a* lip di 190 . M 4 -•. a •. Park4r th Oo.... Torres T. C•erd A tA...i:..... �bei40. S.S. Hoe. Jeer Marro do /gesare.gleArit dreierltdkA4.nNt.Tork. _ --LU1TDCr. x,1_1, 111-• IV• fr- tt -OW WAND A rarer of fret fp yrabwrry ad C.h4ek I.4*.r sad d w.:..11wk, elininteeders will Perpaidi ie M Alen by splaying r+fb7 let- ter 0. WALKER Ir. Eb.Fk, Hay 11th ICT. ► & P. 0., C. W.16-0 A1O1I211 M indebted ate tM MI .r. o. i l\, • [espy of diatom. FOR . SALE. rep tomtits shown* titrant daisy, std wit we hots dales egret the Relate am Mem. renamed M 11.54 them 1• to Gavin r OT 52Bay4id Coachman. Towo.kip of V tileasoned Pine Sae11t*for64jrme.4 by at 1 4 C -Mend, tve4iniug 911 arms of good �-�-WSAAA1f""�bgl'fN land. r._., ,-- - within .. 11440 the Norge Lad. • stile. km Greer 1'bdte area GM ndt:1tbg .g..ed Dei. Mill. two tine 311N., +Sa•Oae/11t'lleerilrAed Clod bele.% OlmikeohblA ahem r, Clee er', MT.' , ,n ,mo iai411 ILIJAH i[ U illw. •f h• lima: ad lie M • D•ahau 1 . • • u o • v e Nemu.Jas. D. Mala • '1 r° i . b• :t ► Alaabi S. IMO; 1t. M ldaderia►. Nov. la. . e mesa. , 10 lrtlCL-Wo,h. s--_. .b.gee •. u+q;. ay , y „ 11 emir indebted to M• Mho* JyasY� t rm ew`either by aero or hook Amid slat It k• lavers: • they .hoard .the at om. as e. Inv. i Ip.trs r•.peoeibe leo • t•M aaouatroti nom oIiii b mad. .p.4 each &monde sem M aolton- L'infl eA yon parNa. owlag the rid A.J. AR eeouaM reserve) oela epls. (tithe at r. -a emrv.) ia4 cost our wlleet4y. xY014LA NAM, AT Tad W1LLIAJ4 WALLACE, Godarieh.Jose f7. t sic, It NILE STEAM SAWMILL, 101,6•4011.011• T RI dii0ilwae bee ... `j11.d asd wit dEf.yY base • lore* t1e.�1Fi1 .Fie block Lwa:her, A limited go.Mhy'of Piet, ebony, Reiterant. Damron.l and other kinds of IBartew,ed Lam- er amard47 regoend, of • retreat gauss. oar riming uprise . never sewed te the public herelofo, e, &5d 11• benug ail out .1th • largo Cireulsr Baw, aldtgre•tly so its smoothness red fulness of edge. The o.k0enbr is empowered le •.n raid Lumbar at • very repro we IM MI atoll at bad prior e• will '0511{e pemyunyo hove It d fitly h et vary reeterW 'atm. ')hit Mg Im 11ntttnfrone i drente, oft the G.oderidb Norther Grand Road. 1..ms est !Ire. fnr.t two e throe tbow'enil foot peter Tom ereeriher. wig 4.44,,, Loather is Gado rh L itdil kiwi• net [en pdod.w or nt.ehoadir taken i. ra.haaga JA.11ER RIit'jAS,., . AD act. N.11 -Writtee ceders wall be retry* 1 god information rehoo h apprying to Nanta & P•samrwl W Vi.*Mds 141,0.1. 0odern & or to the a0leaibor at 4b1 1141. Appel 11th. 18AL 4841, leer, TO LET ! 'roils LABGB 'spew (Adjoining Mr SAVAGE'S) Situated en 0.. Goner of North St. Yd hart et Sgeerw. 41.80, TRIM osBIIIND'T SHOP Reeentl • noeapkd hype. Dreg. The STORE s quite nem Sated op war a i00orsl 1boos... Thew 1. • D.,111u• Il..se i• °ana.ctia..ith h\. !Story. , The C.1BI.•1 T SHOP heties •on- renlent to the Market Square 554 Iklgkt be .a•J Ire .Ime.t a y mechanical b1W.gy Fur parue.Is,* apply to FRANCIS CASRADT, on t1. peeenir.. Ooderieb 6th April, 1868. M 11 -LL Err. T'4 Thursday Kmiec, M.,.. A. Doo. buildi•It�..d the r14400re 01 8. W7atosh, a COLO CLASP. Whoever will have the serene a the 'Signal' Ode• .ill be waably rewarded. Oeduick. Mar 11, 1862 014-41. Weirea •at• rate- OT ate '10T Na 111, 4th Oen.. Colors. Theism/ is d excellent quality for formal por p.rn. Then is Ave acres clopped oa rid lot A'r a WATER POWER, npabie'ofdrivt•g a day 11111lor scree or eight evade Ride tear. boo .here is air amount of Pim Timber in1\e Seidl ref 4a14 la- The loth, Ina god loealiey, for alms* r♦ hind of busing...sod will be aid at a Ba tai.. The sab.criher hat. • Arse ea. New Orifi Miil on the 5dj, into; IML Aer inlorma- ryeeivd and, for tam wanted will he riven by app1Ti.4 10 Wm Gordon, 8t. Helen., or ow the premix• , �� k'tT1tBAtL,I e.a, minter0000...Forwarding & habeee R.t1ee. NUMBER of peters haying MAIM ftp. • w .50504 Loads a the oeely surveyed towaehips of the Called Counties of Hary sad *twee *toed the let of blep4.t.ber i 164.-.. The aMdersignMe amnssamors.rtddrented t• wars all such person. having no other "Mug (Dot they wilt ho treated as teaapr,en, and la no lunatic. will soy ouch.q..t4r.right 1M Te oepiasd w rifling pro .mption to each Leta [Signed] GOLF. R. GO W AN. N0RJAN J. HAMILTON. 0•dend. 0.t. 20th. 181•. - Hina e•e•ionmeevs... ,,.1,,., ;ens .w,.. 1 � b i•. SPRINGS,' AtR.SNe�Tt�iCa>< CURLED HAIR, VARNISH, DRAWER KNOBS, TILL LOCKS, WIRE RIDDLE& WIRE CLOTH, doe., &a. SOPAa .:.ora H t. . Tor S&e by n. PAasoNS, Oodrieh. May 1116, 185E 611 U Sale. WAL TILESU88CEIBER WILL SILL TBS W. tf OP t.OT11o.r7,N1Com . o { aw.nu,h, on mamba waw. M. C. CAMERON. a oderkh. sof bob, 1041. 14tf AND stA08ps - �N r..ry day frost to 11 A. Tier"Rumdso*OF.M. T Z R M /t t t. Llbev/ bad Rewhi8 s 1ane,.nly .' It E i.TS to W had of the a8etretsay, , sail 4110. A, Nr1 11M) Prodded, IdewMaks' laetit•4, ENGRAVING AND LTTHoGRA PBY. W1 AIR PREPAREDTOEXECUTE ALL work h, the above tine. iu • Style mumu =tittDa.r.a31 y .ny howlaNeementry, hi gaarw. h .don la every mime Pert.. .140feu paw w Bok Work, sash a Oben,, Not..,Orsi.. Certiamon. en Sower and �epwi'wand Menne is our maple• sever4Nlb porta. soon C AR 1t8,PORTR A ITS, NA PS, tw 1dWsgrephed or • imrsv.'4In eaperioe.t e. J. SAU K & SONS, No 1M, Main Si. Diff 0, er Sase'. Music Store, Bair _ (Mien! sn - "Ivor COT 403& u,o .4 sOUTs 4.1Dg Or whiff IlTihiTs*).L* TIE IAR8M• UAkk te►��e. 11 r: 4..wlhelbete len. 1000100•, donor, to oke •5041101 Oodarkb and e.rrooadie8 o.mU' 4n lhr ll nal pawn•l[e tis be. r*eelr5 *4010.MSageatM To.•. .w .bks. pr iufurm hi.Parw• ae•1 all .h. a5y .404. pt eonr*44. •UU?AN. Lor PANl7Y 1■ \IsMen(Mdoro, {bar ha h5. relxlrad 1505. Addl11o.s t. hes lama stock of 1800V8, SH0 Iw01A RUIIDdtB, eROTIfA)[i){B'TooL41 CALF SKL0*4, Aa •e. 8.k0b0 foo t11e sUMNUU TIADJts PANCY BOOTS ltudt4104101 flkilfs hs.*da•d"lUbe sold cheap Pyl• r, are re,er' r riaOaetM Mko, boyla1te.e I B. -Tb S.deriber rill mtake w order all kls4e,,t wash ba N& line of ..aerbar Il11 ai'1 and careNUthe rwromcrP.-...•11nd Tar . 1� L/18TB. BOOT•T@[aa15artgeoot pfIKONf„0,.11 DAVID M041(y IStb, itf37. v7s>W-11 11 Goderioh Cabinet Warehou.s." D.GORD`�Nr oABINET MAKER aT UNDERTAKER 8 to Vtrunee to the ill/la/Moats •f Aod� Deed asd the earroas.thne Comte', that he ismer us hand at hi. Ware Rooms, AJTBT aiatsr. 6lonsitte♦ rbmpltte eseoramM of Fender* ofeeperymio o0riptisS..dm IoM Deea0O•e, a•►e, ■ww.sa.- • 08.te.. eiatrr.a•.m, a.. I. Of limn Msuufae4r..td Impe eel- -. Madden made 4 odor.. the 8kadeda*ties. dervish Noy. Irk. 1444. telt• Huron Iron Foundry! Th. sub.ertbenhavre Strad up a Nett Foundry and Maclaine Shop IN THE TOWN OF OODERYCH. )LO to la8xm° tM Public that th0y an.•w prepared to mak* and S4 •p ALL KINDS IP OP MACR1NTRT regeired in t' b rar part of the Country, In01nd1ng GRIST -MI W-MILLS,STEA.l-ENO AerrulUR� t'ULATHEsk... THRESHING -MACHINES, S18. PLOUGH and CAdTINOR of ever* desafpgen. T are alta doles up the moatatproved ani 'aced patents ofCOOKINO and BOR STOTISS, to, thy will m moat rearonah{. prime. BRASSCASTINGS .aadeand BLACKSMITH work e la • neat and substantial tanner, on short aeuee. (110 Metal waned at the ore Foandry.,t- R. ET/NCl/IAN • CO. Oolerich, September 28th 1864. vT-liit • (1TIr'R i.F DISSoLITION OF PART': ER Cnmtlw.. 1 "1(1P. 14,4ne is herd /seen, that the LL perms are hereby forbidden Manna- r1 'r.htp It41..nboi.lirg benne. Thom. bb` r o. Firewood oe L.'S Ce.tttm.,o♦I iu the ri , i. Late sad Samuel Henry Rem<, brothers t JederioO.(1Wly occupied by Mr.I�,s Iowa •,f Clattou a the. Comet y of Rnree •0d. 7jeoesd,, AL4.apumen will be promised It FU. of Imo. -* 4 Broth.., we. tri day ins- t. i► to 4w. I 'enema" mensal v.0e0t. Allied. .o m lb. 8. H. MODNTCA3TLI. 1/•e1 P•rtn,n.hip.retohereceived hrehSamel ela0srMh.Aagast mit, 1846. .1-443' Ilmry V. ante. .ed .11 Jan• ode on the paid Pert - 1 noble., are to ha prer0atrt to him fey pelmet. . Mad at Cli.1o014i. PN day of Nay. A.D. 1667 TIP'S AS FRANCIS RANCS. AtliL RE\RT RANCE. I,- PAPEft TO ADVERTISERS ! 4 LL A DV EITIS RM F:.1a'TS forth & paper mart 11 he handed 4. not lash thin Monday cern mt otherwise the proprietor will .,t he re.F.,m,nly fw their en-•pprry.s Mel the week eubre- q•ern, THE BEST FARM ! ! .•D As PRETIEST SITUATION. 1N THE .n OF NITRON, VIZ : TILE FARM OF SICNALFIELD, Will he sold by privets bargain. SIOiALFtELDia beautifully .IL..md ea the book. of Lake Huron, three miles 100th of the Town of Ootericb, eo0t4ime 144 beret, 70 acres o1 which aro cdo.r of Mem aad In a high state of cultivation. There are food woolen' buildings. o•chard,, 1e., on the rhra, a.4 • Malan. brick .e stone d.eftthe 40.11 that is required to make It s Mahn' oeuu1ry redleoce for a respectable lamely._ Upert prld. fen doomed ed d hers. For (.rad particulars apply w tam glittet•. 1.•t 1st 186E McQUElx. - 17t.r C... Merchants, C704081* Mao 10th. 1E68. lkf Harr& Qoay. • May 19. 18411. W1 DOW-$HADSB. e'edereea.Cewaty Grammer Serol. SUBJECTS OF IN?TRrrT10N. THE 0.,.1 Bnn,Iw. of Eniii.l, end Cemr.nei, 11d1.e tion. Elements of Merleeti . Ind Nataro: Pbilo.ophy; Mathematic.. Loin, and Omsk. TEEMS. As t 1 be Council 4 Pahlk IMrseeioe for upper 1'.,., . lath Drees,her, 1864. The Winter Tenn begin. 7th J.nuarl, mil e,. 1, Trebly Nal Fedor File. The Spr*sg Teem Moire W,Jn.,ds7 an.. Eaetrr, •,,d ends lid Friloy in Jec.. The Stunner Terms hates oe,.'nJ Monday .n • A LARGE STOCK of the aberwjned treed Ammo. •WdesFria, .l.w• Wore ,o.. of Mee The Antenna Term bevies bed for 0.le at the Signal Wok Bummer term, and e. ,llr 0:0.1 Deo,mMr. end Stalomory Store at prier from It.s*s.. F 1: E. • Juno 3144, I US. Tar Minute. ofthe B.."' • t Tru.ka,l9tb /Lc, I•'S. Esgti•h Resncbe. will, Frcaeb, including Book km iu - de awl the oo nce., 11i. r o r Sewing, Writing. Arithmetic-, Beek- k•tpinr sod Mathematkr. 114 do Min. in connection with other!todke, 160 do Latin. when done, 4. do lwBllt 1SeIEN!i1S. Other Bnn,•bnertra. Puri'0embering ''ring the cnrre.,y of the Tor..in M ,0so.. o' from me time of entry. Pupils.aferia,' a- r•:erre- 0•,rthe Tenn. VIM mmuaer SQUARE., GODERICII. C. W. AT the rev. samod room will b. heed seem variety id Superior HOE'S' YUEN ITER! creme sed limey Chairs, Ac , Perrensi •11 tire made • meterda the he. moor, em thedioned mos so awe et Clemey end ltamedelLanhor or Yuma.. rt.\ les• fled MIL 1111diterkor III Wert he Old Whiskey FOR SALE!! Ave Bobo -nem hes just maithod on eOnsigiving.t. Mimi, of rem old Ryie Magnolia Whiekey of extrs ittre4th. warranted 12 meths old. Those to ea.t . first rate *retch b.d bsttee" •P1'13 STRAYED Molitor, he Nord Roadie mite. from de ▪ jetra, cid homded C. W." on the fom parer' mote to Or undersigned will be rewarded Godericb, Aug. 3Ist 1857. matt vr 1-8 A AC ApiTESERAY Enemettera. Fee flartlicr portiere+ apply (if by 1, • For man If pery•W) to 0 144000 BARRELS M. MoTAGGaA.R.Tus., Harbor grey, Gelerith. 14A.A ami isrpizirN G if- abA T roe. Oreee MOM MOM ormis saw Isaac Ad- .VOTICE..-.1. &Jr% Zap. ot layelaid, der- ' 0 alsoion. litnitalby Aimona, and all Mora /1 MEM. have MIESend to DOM& •Mmiolie :=Itzei snit Div Yr arra' Market roam it Try sorer lot., Buyield, Choir Mok la 1-,..,4, teo., to trust . MOTICE 111terebs elven test op. forth. Meet or their noliton. Q•••• 51140 414 Tata 'to • off l• dltooi AO. retry on unearths ems logrzix al NE. Na y Twriyone esd Twenty two the Mt Gam (DI. dm., Tem nankin Parthiam of lots numbs.* ......rrot X0 TO ADVERTISERS ! ! L ice of the Munn dental. for insertion that met.. aro reopened to endow., nt t same time, the price of the • vertisemen (wheel, eau Pt Ally be moorthiend he rennin to hum adnertioing. as published in t 10101 18'11113. Di rlitsi0JrCooRTS. Anima Worley 9. Dina▪ h. Conrk C hat. Mtit .1( de KEEL/NG, NA la••• al Leer :done er w1:16,= held I,. ho 'IV1r Witship Notice.' Wodoemby 11, " Itinierme,c riuntday 12, Saturday 14. 67 114 "Aka °b." barn", " ?asap" 119 .114PdPkramehlys Indy med anail mew env. 'dodo and amide/. Comm agreeably to the Stated, lisiond theine LE 1.111=1120113. ant now re.pittedri4 Adentrom ler Ogees DIM elke MIAS Alempartwertine 01 III8S Ili( oted Issas Arbrimer a:1r <lg. by meter sorer CoOrt sad Quarter regal to be paid te Thome Norton* re. Mei, sod an FIWO011efflo Mod oda dee lo the late Ann Tharrey D. Division Coors Pe eena. sit stairs sgreet resold firm mato be Monday I I, Di nano Cou rt. Chem. 00.....gt. ript of pm. 4.44 **deliver wow, - AL wisoAav t• aftri erne; rtie14. 400 ;erne - Add iitc• -rnellit .11111V. --4/11EAP .c5o I et September 1669, as I hine set re. ei 'glue for the pampa JOSIAH it I 'SHALL. ESTABLISHMENT '1111/1 UNDERSHIN ED ben. mom impenfulld o mounding money that ho has emonenced hum. nem in am abort" Seat newt door to th. " (lures SZWIttkainfirtt , /LOUSE AND ORNAKANT go te sr Tutu, ff., reddrehe , armor es4 perk sill kris sr ham am Mste .40111.411-m Itril *4. rise. PS lifeeday 18. „• BrOry dn.-notion a Cloths, Wahine mid JOHN ILENRY. heart brute, 4 sem. FO R a SALE. oe beeetisrf-alkartnegaltew ore ..s awn an AILIWAW re 470.5,011.16. Ikte °error. ft:1r:: °"Idosiga" y geed .DIvionn Coen, Chao.. i 4,,paiLtaltillawa4, 1.4.4a. (Nmeeome, et tong Dr iiiit,umfollssms sr* 0.11.5widi bothistaesdir to u„, thy ibm remioatiort of ober., es reser% le ICH* these lote herrn • wiser. rar-auhr;ril "st md Wald 1111011.6 ,ipsemoVAL. i.e.. hays removed TER limostim woos. 1118•4111116, lake HORTON • „i.e....014748, ;1111maez:od,:fi,lalh.,, noirad.,Fromvil: ..74 Liftbrawald. Astiewe.".thlw::"*Cti"lee‘rtoi. 11114*Z11"1"44.woretnahs-n-w:r."11 .7y."?liWne.:11entsa... ICIIIIIWW"Qcjia".."6""ellinween6811.$1".4 teTeilapolli:ierlaa, Ca •ragiiiimpula INK , „Ilk* Sot -a Tags "Ill 7. • Assist" possumr-esees le *moo. Cop - lift immann *AA Ski lbouribe Ow. j Vat. 04 Mitsedme• Me dernadmfdem• 5. al dam t. 4do A21.1 HURON STEAM TANNERY 1 Limb &tallier Jur & Brother. trULCILASED ile• Tannery lately Mad of distil aodAt ' HIGHEST' PRICE Ci -EL IS II FOR RIDES ..etArR SIMS I 230 CID= OF SPA MAU klay mud 17 . 14 300 SICKLES For sal. by and 200 Reaping Hooks CRASS Market Square, Whisky at Wleoiesnie Med Ile ill le. y AYE In More SOO Igerwelie of SUPER. 110R WHISKY 01 thrious Braods which baring Purchased before M.N.. Omit -edam* t• Tom. I eun prepared to oell proportionably low. Also 100,000 feet !umbel sod 190ton of 01111181.0PM= CRAM GoderlekJul 200th 1886. NOTICE 48 hereby elven alas CHAS BERN ATSKIII has mad* an misigomenk of all his Beth Armond. and Notes of hand to the uodersign rd And all presort* ere booby forced bego- t wing or petione th• moue r Mese to the ander- WILLIAM WALLACE. Cladonde Feb 4th. 186S. 101f TORN Mee ARD11 o• town of Goderridh, *1 Rem & Shoe Maker hoe mitrord A.McK WALLACE & JAS. CON ALLMON Ms Mod for the Aerie& of his emitters. Th. egetorninest le now la the hands dflugh Jobrstoo,, Esq. for mention by the creditors - of tin estate. Partin desiring to CoM• In an der the malgnment mot remota tb• same within one moth from this dato. A LL Partin indebted to Jr. McGartly nth. er hy honk mounts or notes of Awed are requested to settle thrown* imenediately to so Verona, A. lArK WALLACE. NV1311111BAS It him sem so my iteowleige thee Dre bees homi moo sod 0111•4 le • by &inborn', heat it en 13 sod ehall be ketrtni, et. toe hum 41Mo 1111Mithe front thee date for my sor Dog. Ibund rennin. at Imre writliegt heo famperly ,n4 otecaroly meanie, within the limits the Town. Hives ander my Ilan. sad Seal. P A. MiDoUliALL. Mayor Goderld, May 27th, 1868, TINE 1.„' PARR /I & MoD41170-ALL having tool di ta you., and ,p•owl milti., palm or error lire; "mold normetfery Indere le tho seir have op000d the ree se • se betel Ai *be Irmo. will he mudisimed se itairses pram. si err 'ark Or Of tho propriedm 'bet= thomolno Mt MM. Mil be on MD rt le, en INIIIIDON WIWIIT IIMPIOPoi• pier the eontatArwww.:111d Bribe roar to ame tottob., treprear IMS104.11300111011111. dr 4 Ewe 'oblertelle Peso I Oa olsiorsio • a AL ESTATE. FOR SALE, rINE or WILLA 140714 of two mre. soehMfatild la tie moot hmedifet I pent dile DM Oardeind , bum/id om cm lead sue senee or imam' LAND tb• OM Athlon. ROBERT PARKE Ooderiellskriery 111111. A. NASMYTH vial MN 3141211110 Isl., r".14•1411. rid will open out en • few I day s, • SPLENDID ASSORTMENT of BUPERFINE CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, &e., Itleh neared our Fiala Ventres, Orrick. West St..AprIl ade PIANO FORTES HAVE NOW ON HAN DTHE BEST Square Pere seer o0,yed is thi• eity, mo "SIGNS OF THE TIMES," neentet • wee healthy syttloto of trade, net IktilittliCT*11411111Wer eve tsar, he fishy dated 0517 facto, prim /or mr Philos, hen elm liberal reedits were given bet Dam this time we rag mho • rodactioa of FITE PERCENT ON FACTORY PRICES Poe peonsret1 notes with lutenist, sot keens over them wineths to thn, 111 per err wawa Om& As rut Thum who .61. M hem of Puha. m less thin the &story prier without bele( obliged to pay GO utiltIousi profit to guarant•e Oar dewier i. mein sales, will And it orivisable to tan on M• are erg prepared to sell o• oar meal term whew ample sorarity is elven Int la Do me hat the above will the 'Mae. Mew be made. This he er, experiment nith as, 0,4 AS .1.00 n•rigle of pride Oa the AM clan not oments we Ion beretolor• am too Inge, we de or 1,1•4 cosuisives to woollose this Os, Oh doge of Mao present J. SAGE & SONR, Piano Forte & Wine Dealers. 100 Man 6 , Baffelo, 1161( TAKE MOTICIT. 1.7. PERSONS be •ing Wright. M -11 Steelyard., "Wooer, &elf. or Any oiler Writhing or Reaming 114.11,in, within the Coital Otani its • f Halm Blumwili phase menthe looped.' on or about the I iSt I. Mar •11 Pon Alin.t. Kineardinr.Port ort Bruce. laver Huron, Sauteed 4e. • ANDREW JOHNSTONK Cod Paid fee FURS hy the &both. KINCARDINE! ! For Sale 90 valuable) Town Lola 1St FPI ttienstager re. flour end Saw Mins. '1'HE FLOUR )(ILL erring three run of 1 ?mach Burr Mill Staftes.and la &even by Ottani and Water, and is only 1 of • allie from the Huber. ea a central prettier melt adapted TOP SAW MILL 111 a firethust• Molly Mill and the demand lor Lumber um the itmt is greater than the &apply. Pattiethiestring to mikes good investmeed will kid it to their advantage to malt. an ea Ilmonlpal Debentures Liken so payeattak WILLIAM SUTTON. Kincardine, Jane 8. 1868. 41844 imperious to Bon ders are con tenet* re. 'rut ndersiguni Mere to Mahe that In has .1. Int moire., a lasts mpply of SHINGLES AND LATH, sorlinss1 fordo market et ell reds of LUMBER & BUILDING MATBRIAL, at his yard in Vic- toria Street, (pronely the Elm of Goo. Well. A Co. WILLIAM WALLACR. Morsoa's Indian Hoot Pills. 1"•54"8". Ilse" 2254 11!4/ 20 in 02 alni' noose nod liking, LoileiPel'.1 114 Mrs 11111er's X .; ray moven 1...• rin.a fTwasa_laealirr" ry et ▪ Meer es or Tiger relektine WW1. and Sew Mills, Wares Irter,Ace. Cerra, SO Wee* Mj°111bli,2yin? C Rom. Vier term sod partnalms inquire of FOR SALE: 250 TOWN LOTS! M the property, aro now powered he gine clear deeds to perreeen ger aro' 1••••• 0010 IN VIASTE ENTS--C1ISA 1911011E- ▪ proptietere will millet SEVEN nA HS CREDIT. No momy required doer. AWf MC CAMISOIL Goderld, July god, 11567. !Mt 1...F.:L70., 8:41.0a, sad • groat part frots trim Damps, with Heise THIltishornbeer *fere Int ale SO mesh of Led. with ahmet IS ache Mantelmii min Mos. siTes.":::.7worsh. .71111%:. .• the property • good Mew Ma and Ohl etor. Gothartele P. O., or on the promises to the Atm ROISZET1011111 **du Coo., Too whip of Orerieh, tog 84 Acme of Got my best leery of hoe, 40 mho of which WO rear ef steer* sad • io„.1 cr...4 nonfat/ at ono shed the autellied good endued Manes fruit; rid Let is II mike ror further particular as to prim, y sod math Rood, Hanel, roper log 200 mem Thera ere 71 arm cleared, with EXCELLENT BUILINN1.31 sad NUMEROUS SPRINGS. Alm, IWO aerie of Wild Laud. befog the 80.0 %if 6,( 4..ot awl 31. tad C.a., Mammal, Ferynelbehei oly re JOHN THOMAS NAPTEL 4WD* Kaaa• SALE OF REAL EVAYE A NUMBER or vsLuewl.;;, JO from db. Market Square.; the Property of 11r. (berme *avow Th. dole "Ala sill -old by PRIVATE SA LE. Any perms Male rag to purchase will apply to the Preprieur oa The Ground, or to U. Struthers ef the Hu- ron Audio, Mart. Ondeneh, 9th Sept. 1847. 11-12m Desiree'? Faroe oar same. BEING emposed in Lot No Lis 1144411411t and a ball mins knee Godwrioli.00mets. tug 1100 scree of Le. nem Laud. aboist 1110 awl* 01 *bleb ars eloared. There Is a log hoer se,d a Banish repair - Ma. For part -balms apply te . Garrick. Dee. Ind 1864. vad FOR 8ALE. T 02 Me. 3, Horon Tarim Stmt. Wean Pomo 14 beattore. with insildiag Owned The dad int f• • good uet. Frame intmourbsprIley Aid* not tainted up for &Grocery mad Dry fihoodlleore. The Lot eoutein. Leif as 6.. -re sai hes um theelimet lett for businemplirpOle.. Title indismilabk. Tor term. span to ens mmitedgooder to it Viols} MeLentno on the preinhew N4770.87 13 el If DIXIE Penetandre, 140 lem. nos. Imam Der Sate. am USING tin WWI of LOP 34COSA,Te.thip Wammeth,contaidatt 100. TM head I. ooll teetered and bamexcelient pins mid °Shorebird* For pertinency apply oa the preinkma. *rat Ilite Wammab P. O. Ds Irsi COMM. lirioraDoi h. !Welt And 1867. . awe r - For Haile eet leo Rent. • .11, tiro 8tOreet. *Steeled in etre ef the bra Nosiness porta of th• ma, keens de Made& &twin. Th. heeling* are nibble for borers The Morn ere 41 feet lose. nr Imber poirtimlars, apply to Onlarieh, Oct. 2001, 1847 • Land for BO Ie. 8•Imeribeir Men Milan IS, 140e0 WO. 1 &tremor Land, with •Inot Mama ',ma.* mammon, 10). elle* from fincherhilum mcd dating he do Lot Midi Sem pent ht1o.th.siitemart6,111,164.1.0mard. amiT.h.netikiPL.tolvrcafillo.l.r MkprOOTh...ams.ftree aimer1016b6.,,,,m...1101: gt,b:rulle.tMszi7.....mtea_a, mer,....„6,.....412..4 =ea- ' hies.° 4 won ieli meth bee. palm that my I end II hare 11111,11171NE INDIAN ROoT PILLS are pnt el *or tenth, tles rabic .patim tho 'Mamma 104i4s, ALMS, iglialeprdemos.4.160.0_Trrr,_n_ inwhamm•••1114.181144yelkiw:r ' wor e.g. or es annee;aptin, 1.1%.147 siassim:00064,2zbet-17.f.i.,, ,,,....n...nalartk;frorpoi......,....iiii.:e..g..a,:;.....e..6......irawdesllbsefeetwrerwrInueT.usb:tr. Inw..40.4.160.n.A.B....ue.7).8•.1.0,7. 0.,Asi:e.(4.44:18 :or( beng111/01,.1*11,1464711144' so Leeward 64 New T 14, soy I, 1817, 1;1.7 ...... ...,.. . , ...... ..,,,,„ and ALEX. Me. 41 0.1.1411 4 tbo goy diwiedyrel by on go, pe do Inn ger ille Add to the atm Med Or .0 t de ere elillt .11; Adliold. Term eam. In 0 Title -All sorties old' 11%1141110 1%!R I"?' 4gMeitltfetetV. theterepelhere t M11 all =a1=1•1111 ei ors es pesdkr. isitik.:., relf Mr* ea eels. se err 1 of es ere, ewer Morph fret bra Me leiti elk Oes 111O. alas' 6441111‘4096.11100.7111.11"111."1:e al • • TO dad ins a meat dI•4 *AV the alace Alimhde well be klihreihd of