HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-16, Page 11the ladies of the U.CW„,presideet Mrs. Peter VeiSin .ereeistesi. Mre, Arnold Blake led in the der.P4orkS* was on 404, the fereet .churches, youth, cal ministry and Christian needs. Mrs. Voisin„ and Mrs. Rupert Williams attended a meeting at the home of Mrs, Romphf at Parkhill when plane were laid for the regional .meeting to be held on May '0 at Carliele. The hostess was assisted, by Mrs, J. Donaldson and lvire, Wilmer Scott. SHANKE—WILLIAMS At Yellowknife United Church Sandra Jean Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert name, Clandeboye, and Wilfred Charles Shanke of Yellowknife were united in marriage Satur- day, March28 with Rev. Thomp- son officiating. Given in marriage by Dr. Donaghue the bride wore a white street-length gown featuring bolero jacket, three-quarter sleeves. Her finger tip veil of silk illusion was held by a rose of same material and she car- ried a cascade of yellow rose- buds. Maid of honor, Miss Elaine Martin, wore a street-length red brocade dress and carried white mums, Dr. Geoffrey Battershy at- tended the groom, Following a reception for 60 guests the young couple left for a trip to Banff and Victoria B.C. On their return they will reside in Yellowknife. The bride graduated from Victoria Hospital School for Nursing last year and was on the staff of Stanton Hospital at Yellowknife, By MRS. H. P,AT ON C4,,ANDE,130Yg. Mre. Norman. Mrs hostess. for Clandeboye WI meeting Wednesday, .April Mre. Alan Hill, president was in the enair. Some of the answers to the roll call -f crap idea jest or saved me money!" were; Dry- ers are a Wipe as teWer ehangep of children's clothes are needed; prolonged use of- eheete are made by turning the outer sides to the centre and sewing; in the springs take gereoem slips put in ler with. water, place in the basement And the soon may be plented. Mrs.. David Kestle, gave a report of the meeting for di- rectors of the district at the home of the President Mrs. Murray Hodgins at Lucan. 14 the election of officers Alan Hill was re-elected pre, sident, Dist. Director, Mrs. Devid Kestle, Vice-president is Mrs. Ae- drew. Carter; secretarystrea, purer, Mrs. Alex MacIntosh; Assistant Mrs. Janiee Donald- son; district director, Mrs, Da- vid Kestle; branch directors: Mrs. Karl O'Neil, Mrs. J. B. Paton and Mrs. Wilmer Scott, conveners of standing- com- mittees; citizenship and edu- cation, Mrs. Karl O'Neil; home economies and health, Mrs. Er- nest Lewis; historical research Mrs. Rea Neil; agriculture and. Canadian industries, Mrs. Da- vid Henry; public relations, Mrs. Charles Coughlin; resol- lutions, Mrs. Albert Rosser; pianists, Mrs. Albert Rosser and Mrs. J. H. Paton; auditors, Mrs. George Simpson and Mrs. Arnold Blake, Clandeboye will entertain the North Middlesex District, May 20 at Lucan Memorial Centre. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Alvin Cunningham, Mrs. J. H. Paton and Mrs. Alan Hill. UCW STUDIES ASIA Mrs. Rea Neil entertained By MRS,, WELLWOOD GILL HEAR.ABOUT JAPAN r. The 'UCW evening meet- ing was held Monday evening With thirty .members Present. Mrs, Les greenwood opened the meeting with the worship. She was assisted by Mrs. Wm. Brenner. Miss Jean. Kennedy accompanied by her mother at the Pl4no sang a solo. The jus 'dor girls chpir also sang two numbers. Mrs. Wm, Biewett read ex., cerpts from letters received from her daughter Barbara in Japan, She also showed snaps, Miss Mary Blewett modelled a Japanese gown received from her sieter. Announcement was made re 'The White Cross" luncheon which was a great success. It was suggested to bring before the executive to purchase extra supplies for the kitchen. Mrs. Stewart Webb and her commit- tee served lunch, CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS The Orpha Club met recently at the town hall. Plane were made for a pot lucks upper tp be held later this month. A partial election of officers while on vacation. Douglas Carter has the foun- dation laid for his house east of the former Clandeboye School. Mervin Carter and Ian are having a new bulk tank milk cooler installed, Glen, Marie and Elaine Cun- ningham are improving from a form of flu. Ronnie Whitmore, son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wham ore, has been ill at his home. Mrs. Almer Hendrie, return- ed home from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bill Downy and family in Chatham Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Williams attended the banquet for the junior boys at Agricultural School at Ridgetown April 3. Their son, Wayne has completed one year. The landed value of the catch of Canada's sea fisheries was $114 million in 1962; landed value of the catch of the inland fisheries is about $20 million annually. Volkswagen Sales and Service Phone 235.1100 EXETER Hunter-Dover Ltd. 25 Auction Sales reeentlY installed- oil furnace. Also 'small garage. Dwelling nicely :situated, ample garden tend .and shade trees, Convince YenrSelf by,inspecting thiP fine reSidential property, TERMS of Real Estate 10% on day of sale, 'balance in 30 days. Sold !subject to a reason- able reserve bid- Complete list of household effects, in next weels'a GORDON BIEBER, MRS. VERDA LIGHTFOOT, Executors for the estate of the late Mrs. Bertha Bieber ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16c Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and, Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF AILSA CRAIG The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 9 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE—Consists of 2-storey brick dwelling, Part 26 corner Queen and Church St. 'in the village of Ailsa Craig. Large living and dining room, modern kitchen and utility room. Second floor: 4 bedrooms with clothes closets. Full size basement with newly installed oil furnace. Dwelling in excellent location. Also 2 desirable building lots. Inspec- tion invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to 'a reason- able reserve hid. Complete list of sale in fol- lowing issue. ANCELL LEE, Executor for the estate of the late Mrs. Mabel Lee ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16c 25 Auction Sales Extensive AUCTION SALE of Choice Beef Cattle, Hogs, Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 18, CON, 2, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 11A miles east of Exeter north Highway 83, thence first farm south of Morrison Dam. The undersigned auctioneer received instruction's to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 24 at 1:00 p.m. BEEF CATTLE: Angus heif- er, calf at foot; 2 Durham heifers, calves at foot; Dur- ham cow, calf at foot; Dur- ham cow carrying third calf, due June 20; Durham cow carrying third calf, due May 15; 2 Durham cows carrying third calf, due latter part of May; 2 part Holstein and Angus' cows carrying third calf, due latter part of May; 8 Durham, Angus and Here- ford yearling steers and heif- ers. HOGS: York sow carrying third litter, bred Jan, 15; York sow bred 6 weeks; York sow carrying first litter, due June 15; 6 York pigs averaging 150 lbs each; 14 York stockers. TRACTORS and COMBINE: Case standard No. 300 tractor, fully equipped, in guaranteed A-1 condition; M.H. standard No. 102 tractor in good condi- tion; Case No. 55 power take- off combine, fully equipped, in A-1 condition. FARM MACHINERY: New Holland power take-off No. 65 hay baler, used one season; Case break-away hydraulic 3- point hitch 3-furrow plow, like new; M.H. 15-run power lift grain and fertilizer drill, com- pletely equipped, like new; Kongskilde combination 8 ft.-3 cultivator harrow, recently purchased; heavy duty John Deere spring tooth cultivator; Case 7-plate one-way disc; Transparent HOSE Ideal for yard or gar- den. Rugged, long-life construction. Sturdy brass couplings. Light- weight. 50-ft. length . 1.89 You can't . collect FROM ANOTHER DRIVER IF NO OTHER DRIVER IS INVOLVED! Last year, in Ontario, 29,239 accidents occurred which involved only one car. This amounted to 25% of the total of all reportable traffic accidents. In addition to public liability insurance, you need insurance protection against costs of dam- age to your own car and accidental injury to you or members of your" family. A CIA representative would be pleased to tell you about CIA's AUTOMOBILE and ACCIDENT INSURANCE for careful drivers. For information just call: Ross Francis Phone 34R8 Kirkton. 16" LAWN SPREADER Large 25-lb. capacity with easy change "Flow-rate" con- trol. 6" wheels 6.98 As above; 40.1b. cap. 39 7°' wheels — .... gal n ASSOCIATE STORE Milton Robbins &Son Ltd Pion 235.0160 436 Man St. Exeter 2$- Won sates Clandeboye 'Institute re.elects president Times-,Advocate: April 16, 1964 Page 11 24 Tenders Wanted 11 Properly for Rent UPSTAIRS apartment, 1 bed- room, kitchen, living room And bath; seParate entrance; no Pets- $1.3 Carling St,, phone 2.35-1543. 3:5tfne for the coming Year WaS held, Mrs Leonard RaYelle was re- nominated for secretary and. Mrs. Welly DeSJarelines treae surer. The raffle donated by Mrs. IseeelerslRaVelle was won by Mrs. Ken Roberts.. The felieWing ladle§ Were hostesses for the club recently. Miss Mary Yep held the St. Patrick's meeting with lunsth being served by Miss Yeq and Mrs. Leroy Bariteep. The rafe fie donated by Mrs, A. Darnall was won by Mrs. 1-,PQnSrd Rae velle, Mrs. Susan ppvl.pa was hostess and lunch was served by Mrs. •0, Roberts and Mrs. L. Ravelle. The raffle donated by Mrs. p. martin was won by Mrs, A. Daman, Material. *Contract Prices to be Silb- ntted by the ton. Lowest Or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Work to be completed by September 1, 1964, For further infOrMation ap- ply to the clerk's Office; EARL CAMPBELL, CLERK VILLAGE OF fIgN$A141-4 16:23:30c HEATED APArteirieilt. 2 }red- 3 ooms with large living room,. dining room, COnVentent knell e n and r3-piece bathroom, is a comfortable ;Veiny Apart- ment, Available about first of March. O. V. Pleicard, Ineurs Anee...St Real Eetate, 394 Main St. S. .......„ SMALL in Exeter. ?bone jack Fuloher 235-1775 2i13tfne we0 with Mr, & Mrs, Gri Harold gg and DeVid Vreston, DennisLittle Mitchell turned liPine to Ailsa Craig efter spending two weeks with his gratldPareidao Mr, & IgrA% Gill,' Mr, & Mrs.'Frank Allister and Janet of Hamilton spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, & mrs, Willis pul and family. Mrs, Alex Hamilton and)4rs. Ttpy ,Morens attended the Wing Board WI meeting at Hensall last Tuesday. grotto 2 of Grand Bend UCW served a father and son banquet to the Cubs and leaders last Wednesday night. Miss Onalee Gill of Loilden Teachers' College spent last week at her home here and taught at Mrs. /lick's school in Centralia, Mrs. Ken Young is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, 25 Auction Sales PERSONALS Mrs. Rosa Grigg spent last week with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Grigg, Carol and Martin at Strathroy and is spending this HEATED, unfurnished apart- ment Iiqt, soft water also laundry facilities supplied. Not suitable for children. Immedi- ate possession. Phone 235-2456 after 6 p.m. 4:2tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed; furnished or unfurnished. Apply Attfield's Store, Credi- ton, 234-6394. 12:5tfnc • 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13ffnc Case tractor .spreeder; 4-bar Side 1:41,t0; binder, 7 ft. cut, in new condition; 28 plate tractor disc; M.H. power take-off mower, 7 ft. cut; 2.-Orlini steel roller; New Holland hay elevator; 3- section lever harrows; M.H. 11-inch grein grinder; power .take-off grass seeder; 3-section diampnd harrowe; oat roller; heavy duty rubber tire wegon eqpipped with 6-ply tires; 21 ft. graM auger; 16 ft. hay rack', new grain box; 2-wheel trailer; set sleighs; fainting mill; rubber tire wheelbarrow; electric motors; M.H, electric cream 'separator; 8 milk cans; Universal milking machine in- cluding 2 milts; 2 root pplpere; set of scales; pig crate; water hose; sling ropes; bag truck; pig feedere; 2 electric fencers; Stewart electric elippers; cat- tle mineral; 400 ft, snow fence; line shafting .and pulleys; steel posts; poWer lawn mower; emery; single plows; electric water •heater; grease guns; roll barb wire; logging chains; forks, shovels, barrels; 22 Remington rifle 'and many other misc. items. HAY & GRAIN: 300 bales of choice mixed hay; 500 bales oat straw; 200 bushel mixed grain; quantity of grass seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Combination writing desk and book case; sideboard; Quebec heater; daybed; Singer sewing machine; extension table; oak rockers; chesterfield; 3 bed- room sultee, dressers, com- modes; electric radio; quae- tity dishes; glassware; elec- tric washing machine; sealers; crocks, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. THOS. YELLOW, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16:23c Exeter Public Utilities NOTICE OF HYDRO INTERRUPTION WEATHER PERMITTING 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH VOLLAND LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH IN THE COUNTY OF HURON All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of April, 1964, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed. Sunday, April 19 3.30 a.m. to 8 a.m. E.S.T. Affecting the area north of Sanders Street and border- ing on Sanders Street in the Town of Exeter. This interruption is necessary to erect larger pri- mary conductors. Your co-operation will be greatly appreciated. H. L. DAVIS Manager DONNELLY, DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 2:9:16c 1 PERSONALS Rev. Stanley and Mrs. Tomes and daughters of Big Trout Lake are spending a few weeks with the former's mother, Mrs. Emily Tomes in the village • NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mark Brokenshire, deceased. sSfeSeeses The teen dance held in the parish hail last Friday evening and sponsored for charity was a large success. Miss Joan Glavin and friend of Stratford visited her parents Mr. & Mrs. John Glavin and family last weekend. Mrs. Marion Morrissey, Mr, Tom Morrissey and friend of Chatham and Mr. & Mrs. Benny Morrissey of London called on Mrs. Catherine Morrissey and attended the Morrissey-A r t s wedding last Saturday. Mrs. Pat Fleming has re- turned home after a pleasant visit with her two daughters teaching in Edmonton in the Ursuline Convent there. Miss Anne Gelinas, London, a student teacher from London Teachers' College spent last week with five other teachers at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School and visited with Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dietrich. Mrs. Pat Sullivan Jr. and baby daughter returned home last Friday. Several of the ladies of this vicinity who bowl on the Park- hill ladies' bowling team en- joyed the bowling banquet held last Monday evening at the Iro- quois Hotel London. ROSE BUSHES All persons having claims against the estate of Mark Brokenshire, late of the Vil- lage of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 9th day of March 1964, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 2nd day of May 1964 after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been re- ceived, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for •the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 16:23:30c Jumbo Grade .49 RECOIL START °LAUSON1 21/2 H.P. 18" 4-CYCLE The design is brand new for '64, but the built-in, rugged quality is traditional with Lawn-Master. Unique, easy height-of-cut adjust- ment, staggered 6" wheels prevent "scalping" and allows close trimming. Cuts a full 18" path. "E-Zee" recoil start. Throttle control conveniently on handle. AS ABOVE—but with 2 1/2 hp., 2-cycle engine. Rope 0e, CIC start, standard controls on engine. ‘7U11.4Q/i," C EACH EX7.12A % CASH ond y BONtis t•COUr.- s CLIMBERS HYBRID TEAS • FLORIBUNDAS Top quality, government inspected and graded No. 1 Rose Bushes ALL-METAL WHEELBARROW Choose from Old Favourites Named Varieties All -American Award Winners Plump, vigorous and healthy — Ready to give burst after burst of rich colorful b 1 o o Each Rose Bush has a minimum of three sturdy canes; individually protectively packaged with easy-grow planting instructions. One-piece seamless steel tray, 30x23 1/4 " wide. 3 cubic ft, capacity. Tubular steel frame. 10x1.75" semi- 98 pneumatic tires „ , „ , . 4 cubic ft. cap, 26 x 321/z" 15▪ 98 tray No. 1 Grade (Assorted) Roses 79t No. 2 Grade (Assorted) Roses 594 • esseses eirseses si? tserSt sessesessesseseseeMs'suetss as. Remember For All Your Garden and Lawn Supplies See Us Before You Buy FUNNEL TOP SPRAYER 14 Tenders Wanted Folding Steel FENCE 16 1/4 " high; Scroll top, heavy gauge steel wire. Self-supporting. Folds compactly for leleaons-gyftth.st o. r a g 9 ALL-STEEL LAWN ROLLER Heavy gauge steel construction with beveled edges. for water or OC sand ballast. 12x20" drum Ilaalrook, drum d , 9.98 4" 15.95 lasa" drum Rust-resistant galvanized steel plate; electricaBywelded seams, 3 gal., 96 capacity • Others from 7.79 to 141.45 Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF DASHVVOOD • The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public 'auction on SATURDAY, MM' 2 at 1;00 p.m, REAL ESTATE: Consists of White brick dwelling. Main floors. Living and dining room, hechtorn, 3.pidOebathroom, newly. constructed kitchen with buillmi cupboards. -Second floor; 3 bedtooms, large clothes closet, Full size base- CI, Co-operators Insurance Association CASH and CARRY BONUS COUPONS VILLAGE OF HENSALL TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned Up to and until 6 O'clock p.m, Friday, May 1, 1964 For the preparing and plac- ing asphalt pavement 22 feet wide on approximately 2500 feet on Brock, Mill, Queen and Elizabeth Streets. To be piked on in two coarser, the base coarse to be IS belies, thick of coarse ma. terial and the top Coarseto be it inches thick of fine Notice of Application THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT . Licensing District Number 1 TAKE NOTICE that GLEN- DON JOHN BRENNER of the Village of Grand Bend in the County of Lambton will make application at a Special Meet- ing of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the WINDSOR JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTRE, 1641 OUELLETTE AVENUE, in the CITY of WINDSOR in the COUNTY of ESSEX on Friday the 8th day of May, 1964, at the hour of 9:15 o'clock E.S.T. in the forenoon for the issuance of a LOUNGE LICENCE, for the sale and consumption of liquor for the following premises: Brenner's Red Gable Hotel, situate on Lot 400, Plan 24 for the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, in the Vil- lage of Grand Bend, County of Lambton. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writ- ing shall be filed with MR, MAXWELL SCHOTT, Q.C., the deputy registrar of the licen- sing district, Whose address is 306 CANADA BUILDING, WINDSOR, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at Grand Bend this 6th day of April 1964. GLENDON JOHN BRENNER, Grand Bend, Ontario. 9:16e Extensive AUCTION SALE of Choice Beef Cattle, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Hay, Straw, Grain, House- hold Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 3, CON. 6 STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 2 miles south of Crediton. The undersigned auctioneers received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22 et 1;00 p.m. BEEFCATTLE; 5 part Here- ford and Holstein cows carry- ing third calf, due in May; 2 Hereford cows carrying third calf, due in May; part Hol- stein and Hereford cow carry- ing fifth calf, due in May; 6 Hereford heifers rising 2 yr. old, ready for .market; 3 Here- ford steers rising 2 yr.old, market condition; 6 Hereford yearling heifers; 3 Hereford yearling steer s; purebred Hereford bull rising 2 yr. old. Cattle are extra choice qual- ity. TRACTORS: Oliver 77 Stand- ard tractor in guaranteed A-1 condition; Allis Chalmers trac- tor with adjustable 28-35 front end axle equipped with 2-row scuffler, in good condition. FARM MACHINERY: M.H. 15-run grain and fertilizer drill completely equipped, in new condition; McDeering 3- furrow plow on rubber; Mc- Deering 32-plate tractor disc; John Deere binder, 7 ft cut, on rubber; Oliver 4-bar' side delivery rake on rubber, in new condition; Cockshutt 7 ft. power take-off mower, recent- ly purchased; McDeering ma- nure spreader on rubber; Mc- Deering 10 ft. cultipacker; John Deere heavy duty spring tooth cultivator; McDeering power driven corn sheller; heavy duty 7 ton rubber tire wagon equipped with 10-ply truck tires and 200 bushel grain box; 5-section diamond harrows; 20 ft. grain auger with motor, recently pur- chased; 2-wheel trailer equip- ped with 75 bushel grain box; Vessott grain grinder; power take-off grass seeder; buzz saw; turnip pulper; 2,000 lb. platform scales; rubber tire wheelbarrow; 40 ft. extension ladder; 40 ft. 6 inch rubber belt, water hose; hammer mill belt; quantity galv. roofing and plywood; steel water trough; 200 gal. oil tank; post hole augers; barb wire; iron kettle; power lawn mower, 20 inch blade; Renfrew cream separa- tor; cutter; buggy wheels; bag truck; electric fencer; quantity steel and cedar posts; used bricks; colony house 10x 12; 2 large corn cribs; snow fence; pig crate; whitewash sprayer; quantity choice oak planks 16 ft long 2x8; hard maple planks 12 ft. long; stud- ding 16 ft. long 2x4; electric brooder lamp; forks, barrels, shovels, chains, etc., etc. HAY, STRAW & GRAIN: Quantity baled hay and ensil- age; large mow loose straw; 500 bushels Rodney oats suit- able for seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3- piece chesterfield suite; solid oak dining room table, chairs and buffet; 2 antiaue rocking chairs; kitchen table, 4 chairs; 5 odd chairs; round table; marble ton table; Duo-Therm heater with blower, automatic control and 250 gal. tank; com- plete bedroom suite, dresser and commode; 3 bed tables; 2 pedestals; mirrors; dividing screen: toilet set; 3 pair living room drapes, like new; 3 coal oil lamps; trunk; hand painted pictures; Congoleum rug 9x 10h; quantity silverware; an- tique dishes; quilts; comfort- ers; electric toaster; electric heater; churn; coal sifter; gas stove arid lantern; kitchen sink; sealers; crocks 'and many other misc. items. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. CLAYTON SIMS, Proprietor ELDON SMITH, DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerks WM, H. SMITH, Phone 234-6282 Crediton ALVIN WALPER, Phone 119 Dashwood Auctioneers 9:16e WINO Amur