HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-16, Page 8April 16, 1964. FAiVCIES THIS JUICY MEAT LOAF IS DRESSED WITH A FROSTING FOR COMPANY TO BE SURE . . . INSURE WITH US! You could lose more than you think! Cameras, photo equipment, guns . . as well as furs, clothing, jewelry and silverware de- serve adequate insurance coverage. Let us review your present burglary protection. M. J. Gaiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneels TRAQUAIR'S HARDWARE Phone 235-2511 Exeter and 103 Associate McClary-Easy Dealers have lust purchased 21/2MILLIONVIORDI i$ of appliances for the McCLARY EASY CROSS-CANADA SAL McCLARY IV EASY BIG 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR FREEZER • 75 lb. Zero-Zone Freezer • Twin Porcelain Enamel Crispers • Glide-out Shelves • Deep-Door Storage • Automatic Defrost • Magnetic Door Gaskets MODEL ZTC1 2-46 $248 Look for the Special Cross Canada xs• Sale Price Tags '.witiAmprdx,00400:' MODEL DE30-46-H20 McC LARY CJ EASY 3' AUTOMATIC RANGE WITH ROTISSERIE Thls Is the largest ' .2RAueltmnofomivnaaittbeilceHTDeiaomtoerr asipngpileipaunrccheasseiont North American ..monveedn. Ea lsrailcyle Li MCCLA RY- Switches history. It was • Sta-Up Elements engineered by EASY and Its with Foil Dealers to effect big Factory sav- ings which are being passed along to you. Sup- piles are limited —so come In today! $178 Sale raises over $1,000 India mj5siipm topic for -Cgven. Miss Pgrolri Simpson .P94.- 14410 the .P4.1410P of. India at 'the meeting of the Gordon Eve- Mpg Auxiliary at Caven church last Monday .evening, taking part. Pnring the business Mertlherr. ship fees were collected, Boyne invited the members to Attend the WMS Pleettug. April 16 where ,the cqu will be hOici„ tng an .affiliation service. Mrs. Murray /ce7S. was hPe- tese, ft'Wheels for jungle paths'! Was the tente and the greep learned of the ,mobile.- medical units le India, An on4hecsgene radio ,broadcast of a typical day of a mobile medical unit which is eponspred by the Pres- hvterlan ,Church of Canada was presented with all members NEWLY WEDS FETED Members of the Board of South Huron Youth for christ met as a surprise party Fri- FOR 'VARICOSE .Vgi N • uge day evening the home of E Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Cudmore, lasti„.. RR 1, Hensall. Tbe newly weds were Pre- sented with two table laMps. A social time was enjoyed. Look just like regular nylons no your legs. You well never again feel "different.” full-foot Full-fashioned Fyll-ppor! A full range of other Bauer 8. Black nylon or cotton elastic stockings is also available. BAUER & BLACK Meat loaf takes a topping Supp Hose Beige or White $4.95 per pr. HUNTL EY'S • DRUG STORE This juicy meat loaf is dress- ed for company with the shape of Canada's famous mountain peaks, a frosting of fluffy in- stant mashed potatoes and a sprinkling of golden cheese. .17 Telephone 235.1070 EXETER Ontario Mrs. H. Hinton heads CWL here A new slate of officers for 1964-65 was presented at the meeting of the Precious Blood CWL held in the school Monday evening. President is Mrs. Harold Hinton; vice-presidents, Mrs. Ben Dietrich, Mrs. Stephan Orenczuk and, Mrs. J. T. Mc Cawley; secretary, Mrs. Jack Blair; treasurer, Mrs. D. Ward. Past president is Mrs. Gregus. Mrs. M. J. Gaiser introduced the guest speaker, Rev. R. S. Hiltz of Main Street UC who spoke on his early years as a student missionary with the Cree Indians on God's Lake. Rey. J. E. Kelly thanked the speaker. Members of St. Peter's CWL and RCAF were guests. photo by Jack Doerr MR. AND MRS. FRANK VERHEYEN Nuptials at Grand Bend The .prOceedS rpm the spring rummage sale held illtheX,;Ogion. Hall topped the .$1,000. top* Saturday, convener Mrs. M, .J,. caiser reported to the hospital auxiliary Tuesday afternoon. Over OS: women worked Fri, day and Saturday and in the • words of president Airs, A, Q. Dinney, quite an .exper- lenge," On the committee in addition to IvIre, .Gaieer were Mrs, R. H. Cowen, miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs. Ward Fritz, Mrs. R. E. Pooley, Mrs, W.. D. Mack and Mrs. F, R. Dobbs. Guest speaker was Miss 'Clare McGowan, director of Children's Aid, Goderich„ who described her work with chit- oreo as "full of challenges" entr eat times frustrating and many times rewarding,”. She said there are five social workers in Huron and the great. pet need is homes in which to place children where they will have firm discipline, training and above all, lots of love. Miss McGowan was introduced. by Mrs. Harold Taylor and thanked by Mrs. Geiser. The regional spring confer- ence of hospital auxiliaries is being held Thursday, April 23, in Clinton with noon luncheon at the officers' mess, RCAF Clinton, and a tour of Clinton hospital in the afternoon. The auxiliary agreed to help with the mass TB clinic in June, to purchase chairs for the student nurses' sitting room and to recognize Hospital Day with a tour of the hospital and a cup of tea. Mrs. Harold Taylor reported on the one-day training con- ference which she and Mrs. Dinney attended March 18 at Don Mills. Members of Grand Bend WI served tea. Miss Mary Vandenberk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Vandenberk, Grand Bend, and Frank Verheyen, son of Mr. Neil Verheyen and the late Mrs. Verheyen, Strathroy, ex- changed marriage vows before Rev. W. G. Smith in the Sacred Heart of Mary RC church, Grand Bend, Saturday, April 11, at 10:30 am. Given in marriage by her father the bride chose a tradi- tional floor-length gown of sata peau over bridal taffeta accent- ed with appliques of Alencon lace and pearls. The bodice was fashioned with lily point sleeves and scoop neckline. The con- trolled skirt caught in front by a dainty bow swept to a chapel Grind together: 1 cup pitted dates 3/4 cup pecans remaining rind and pulp of the orange. Sift together 2 cups all pur- pose flour 1 cup sugar 1 tp soda 1 tp salt Add 1/2 cup soft butter or mar- garine and 3/4 cup milk. Beat for 1 1/2 minutes vi- gorously and add 2 unbeaten eggs and 1/4 cup milk. Beat another 1 1/2 minutes. Fold into the whipped batter, the orange-pecan mixture, mixing carefully to distribute evenly throughout. Turn into greased and flour- ed 12x18 inch baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Remove from oven and pour over the hot cake distributing it over the entire surface the following mixture: 1/3 cup orange juice 1/3 cup sugar 1 tp cinnamon 1/4 cup chopped pecans. Serve warm. Makes 12 por- tions. 2 tbl chopped green pepper 1/2 tp salt 1/2 tp paprika 1/2 tp black pepper Melt butter in skillet and add above ingredients. Saute just long enough to wilt the vege- tables, about 6 minutes. Re- move from heat and stir in; 2 cups white bread cubes 1 egg 1/4 cup milk with 1/4 cup melt- ed butter 1 cup drained whole kernel corn Mix thoroughly, but lightly to blend all ingredients. In a greased baking dish place 1 thick (preferably 1 inch) slice fully cooked ham. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Carefully spoon the stuffing mixture over the surface of the ham slice. Dot with several small pieces of butter and bake uncovered for 30 minutes to heat both ham and stuffing com- pletely through to center. Remove to warm platter and garnish with hot whole spiced apricots. train. A crown of pearls held her veil of French illusion. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Maid of honor was Miss Jane Vandenberk, Grand Bend, and bridesmaid was Miss Anne Ver- heyen, Strathroy. They were gowned alike In aqua sata peau in street-length, They carried white daisies. Flower girl was Mary Geerts and ringbearer, Billy Vandenberk. Gerald Verheyen was best man and Cor Vandenberk usher- ed. For travelling to Fort Erie for their honeymoon the bride wore a three-piece suit in blue. The couple will reside at RR 3 Kerwood. PECAN COFFEE-CAKE Squeeze 1 large orange and reserve all juice. 'Sergeant shows his needlepoint Sgt Gordon Hawkins of RCAF Station, Clinton, was gu e st speaker on his hobby of needle- point and petit point at the meet- ing of Caven Congregational Circle held in the church rooms last Tuesday evening. He had a display of his work and described some of the tech- niques involved in his hobby. He will be showing his work at the hobby horse fair sponsored by the CCC the end of the week, Mrs. John Boyne led in the de- votional period based on the standard revised edition of the Bible and reasons for modern- ization of the text President Mrs. John Burke conducted the business which dealt principally with last-min- ute plans for the hobby horse fair. Refreshments in a spring- time theme were served by co- conveners Mrs. Art Whilsmith and Mrs. Andrew Johnston. MEAT LOAF MOUNTAIN 2/3 cup (small can) undiluted evaporated milk 1/2 cup fine cracker crumbs 1 egg 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 tbl ketchup 1 1/2 tp salt 1/8 tp pepper 1/4 tp crushed basil 1/4 tp crushed oregano 1 1/2 lbs. ground beef mashed potatoes 1/4 cup grated cheese Combine evaporated milk, crumbs, egg, onion, ketchup and seasonings; mix well. Add ground beef and mix lightlywith fork. Turn into a 1 1/2 quart bowl or casserole. Bake in 350 degree oven 45 minutes. If ne- cessary pour off excess fat. Un- mold onto oven-proof platter. Meanwhile prepare 6-oz en- velope of instant mashed po- tatoes according to directions. Spread over meat loaf. Sprinkle with cheese. Broil 2 minutes or bake 10 minutes longer until cheese is melted. Makes 6 ser- vings. We received a letter from Mrs. E. R. F. Neil of Escon- dido, California, this week in which she enclosed recipes "from our Food Basket Store given free each week to their customers. You may enjoy them from California—they are written from Mary Morgan, food basket home economist." HAM SLICE 3 tbl butter or margarine 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 tbl chopped parsley 1/2 cup celery with leaves 1/2 tp poultry seasoning SPECIAL DISCOUNTS AND PREMIUMS available with the purchase of CASCADE 40 Electric Water Heater A^st . t'4. ';•-.*,.4A...44,.0...1...%.440•..•.ov........:•.:).4.,""vvett.ref.....e..V..Z..."..:40TW 41 zef'r 0.:44:41.1.0*:4•14:.1.V.Ara.13?t, FROM EXETER PUC Main Street UCW hears Clinton lady Mrs. Brock Olde, Clinton, was the guest speaker at Main St. UCW meeting. She spoke on the "Role of the Christian Woman in the World Today" in connection with the second Keswick Con- ference of UCW at Muskoka this fall. Mrs. Glen McKnight led in the worship assisted by Mrs. Earl Russell, Mrs. Mervyn Grainger and Mrs. Jeffery. The meeting was chaired by President Mrs. Lorne Porter. Special offer expires May 31 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW photo by Jack Doerr MR. AND MRS. JACK GLOVER CJB PLUMBING g HEATING Double-ring nuptials EXETER. James Street United Church was the setting Saturday, April 4, for the wedding of Marilyn Yvonne Fisher and John Ray- mond Glover. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher, Exeter, and the groom's par- ents are Mr. and Mrs. James Glover also of Exeter. Rev. S. E. Lewis officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride given in marriage by her father chose a floor- length gown of nylon chiffon over satin with fitted bodice and lily point Sleeves. The scoop neck- line and straight front panel in skirt was adorned with nylon lace appliques and seed pearls. The skirt fell into a chapel train at back with a large satin rose and bow at the waistline. A tiara of seed pearls and rhinestones held her shoulder length veil of four-tiered tulle. The bride carried a cascade of red Sweetheart roses and white pom porn nituns. Mies Janet Rowe, cousin of the bride, chose a street-length dress of turquoise blue nylon chiffon over taietta, with a full skirt, fitted bodice scoop neck- line arid elbow-length sleeves. She Wore a Matching pill box hat and tarried a cascade of pink carnations and white means: John Wade, Creditors, was grOOTriSTilari, A dinner was held at buffer- in Fledge, Centralia., The bride's Have Been Appointed Local Agent For mother received guests in a pink dress with white accessories and pink and white carnation corsage. The groom's mother wore blue with yellow mum cor- sage and white accessories. Guests were present from Ottawa, Gravenhurst, Exeter, London, Chatham, Shipka, Port Huron, Hamilton and Centralia. After the reception and dance at Exeter Legion Hall the couple left for Toronto, Graveninirst and Huntsville. The bride wore a gold three-piece suit with matching hat, brown acces- sories and a corsage of cream gardenias. The groom is a graduate of Drouillard's Barber School. Culligan Water Conditioning BRIDE FETED Prior to Miss YvOnne Fish- er's marriage Saturday, April 4 a shower was given in her honor at the home of her aunt Mrs, Bennet Fisher for tell,- tives and friends. Since returning home Mrs. John Glover was 'entertained at the home of HarrYbea,, v 17 by the Officers and Past Noble Grande of Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. William Smith enter- tattled friends at her home day evening assisted by Mrs. James Pinder and Mrs, dhat les Atthili. MIAS Janet 'Rowe Was hostess to a shower 'Tuesday evening her home assisted by MisS Barbara Whitingi So To Call Your Culligan Man Just Pick Up The Phone and Call CJB PLUMBING & HEATING 235-1446 See our hew and exciting col- lection of feminine shapes, colours and textures in a wide and wonderful selection of styles for every size. So why put up with hard Water, when you can have oceans of soft, with our fully automatic or tank exchange service. See us today for any water problem. Free analysis. So call toddy he'll be there goickly,