HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-09, Page 12r. CA trches in the area Invite you to join them far Worship. Fellowship and Services the theme Christ's 4PPPY of Peace, Mrs. grville Snell, 4110 24 Billy 0.Grimsby spent, a few days test week With, M. 4 Mrs. gprim Bern. Mr. & Mrsf David Spence, Mre. Annie .911fieleY of St. Marys & Mrs. Bill ePeeee and fee Woodhain? were ,Saturday evening,guests with Mr. & Mre, Norman Hreek and Bill. Mr. & Mrs, EPhriarli Here and Mr. Roes Here visited on the weekend with Mrs, 1.10111$ Kyle and Mrs. Ina Taylpr of Exeter;. Mr. & Mrs. Welter Pullen of Woodstock, were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Horn and f arn ily, Mrs, Ray PaYnter and David were Sunday visitors with Mr. 4 Mrs, Rey Jaques and Steven. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lynn of Clandeboye, Mr. & Mrs. Barry Hern and family spent Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brock and family. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Here and family visited Sunday with Mr. 8/ Mrs, Ron Haynes In London. Mr. Keith Bragg of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. si Mrs. Norman Brock. Reception FOR TONY BEDARD AND MARLENE DIGNAN Zurich Community Centre Saturday, April 11 9.00 p.m. MUSIC BY THE TWILIGHTS Everyone Welcome Watch .For Exeter Kinsmen SPRING HOEDOWN In May Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM PICKEN MWPric!r4PicIt9y sp r ht 4st wee k in Opel& visiting with Mr, 4 Mrs. OSYterl 4reelt and POW, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Smith of Londpn were Thursday evening visitors with Mr. & Mrs, Clap, ence „Iphne, Mr. 4 Mrsf clerenee Ford, Jeerer and Andy and Mrs. Harry Ford of Kitcheeer were recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wee Dickey and family. ,Johnny Johns of Ilderton, Sherry and Scot Stark of et, Marys, Randy and Cindy Fish, er of Exeter, Alec and Larry Johns of Woodham were visit- ors during the weekend with their graedpareets, Mr, & Mrs. Clarence Johes. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Ftobinspn and Lytle of Kirktpn, Mr. & Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl of Woodham visited with Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and family Saturday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Beckett Jaquelthe and Gereldine spent Don't Miss The Hobby Horse Fair EXETER LEGION HALL APRIL 17 7.30 — 10 PM APRIL 18 2 — 6 PM HOBBIES, ARTS, CRAFTS, SPORTS Admission 754 Children 35¢ Something For Everyone WOMEN'S AUXILIARY, SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL Rummage Sale and Furniture Auction SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Exeter Legion Hall TOWN-WIDE PICK-UP FRIDAY, APRIL 10 commencing at 1:00 p.m. -- Leave bundles out! Or Telephone Exeter 235-269'7 * CLOTHING * FURNITURE . * DISHES * BOOKS * TOYS * SHOES Please mark "size" on clothing This advertisement donated by BELL AND LAUGHTON MacKENZIE AND RAYMOND 11000,coe.041. An ImpprtantMPO.n.q..F.9 POULTRY .PRODUCERS. PLACE .g.XET„13 TOWN HALL TIME ApEit, 15 SUBJECT: BREAKTHROUGH ON POULTRY FEEDS NOW MORE MONEY FROM LAYERS Five years of research at Purina has shown you can * SAVE $6 to $10 Per 1,900 birds tie Weeks * SAVE $20 to $40 Per 1,000 birds frern 8 to n Weeks * GET 11 more cases of eggs per 1,000 birds yearly Hear this amazing story. See film on new poeltry housing. Tips on management. All poultrymen invitee. EXETER CANN'S MILL LTD. pNONg. 2eee1'752 III 10 II III III III II II II NI II • II MI • 111 III II II III 111 • Ill II II BINGO Recreation Centre RCAF Centralia Thurs., April 16 at 8.30 p.m. Everyone Welcome 15 GAMES Progressive Jackpot Ample Parking Refreshment Booth CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister; Rev, John C. Boyne, 13.A, S.D. Organist; Mrs. Murray Kee; Sunday, April 12 10 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am.—CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us, Nursery available for pre- sceool children, Explorers, children 8 - 11, Tuesday, April 14, at 4 p.m. in the Church basement. JAMES. STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a,m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 a.m.—MORNING SERVICE Sermon: "The Eleventh Commandment" Anthem by the Choir Nursery for babies and Jun- ior Congregation for children 4, 5 and 6 years. Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor; Rev, William Getz Sunday, April 12 9:45 a ,m .—Sunda y School 10:00 aen,—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service ST. PETER'S CHURCH Highway # 4 SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER April 12 MASS, — 9:00 a.rn. Rev. J. E. Kelly, Pastor EXETER PENTECOSTAL. TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, April 12 9:45 a.m.—Loyalty Campaign in Sunday School 11:00 ,a.m.—Communion Serv- ice 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Wed,, 8:00 pen.—Prayer a n d Bible Study Fri. 8:00 p.m.—Young People's Everybody Welcome MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hilts, B.A., M.Th. Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. 10:00 a.m—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Sermon: "How the Bible Came to us" Nursery provided 8:15 p.m.—Service in prepare- ton for the Coming Crusade. The speaker will be Mr. Jim Wilson of Hamilton, the Evangelist for the Crusade (June 21-28). ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, April 12 10:00 •a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.---Sunday School 8:15 p.m.—Rally for South Hur- on Crusade for Christ—Jim Wilson, speaker. ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY APRIL 19 DATE CHANGE FORD FARMERS' NIGHT APRIL 15 "Come and Meet" REV. JIM WILSON of Hamilton who will be speaking in Main St. United Church Sunday, April 12 8:15 P.M. Mr. Wilson will be the speaker at the South Huron Crusade for Christ June 21-28 The film €erhe family that changed the world" will be shown THURSDAY, APRIL 9 at 9P.M. GRAND BEND UC FRIDAY, APRIL 10 at BETHEL REFORMED 8 P.M. EXETER BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 9.10 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "ASK ANY GIRL" DAVID NIVEN SHIRLEY MacLAINE Colour PLUS "JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE of the EARTH" PAT BOONE, JAMES MASON DIANE BAKER Colour Cartoon SATURDAY and MONDAY April 11.13 — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "DUEL OF THE TITANS" STEVE RE EVES GORDON SCOTT Colour PLUS "GUNFIGHT AT O.K. CORRAL" BURT LANCASTER KIRK DOUGLAS Colour Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY April 14-15 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "FIVE MILES 10 MIDNIOHT" SOPHIA LOREN ANTHONY PERKINS (Adult Entertainment) PLUS "THE VALIANT" JOHN MILLS Sartoon COMING NEXT: "FOLLOW THE BOYS" -with Connie Francis Coming Events PATIO PARADE OF FASHIONS — Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority In co-operation with Exeter Business Men's Assoc, Thurs, April 23, 1964, 8:15 pm at South Huron District High School, Admission '75e. Tickets will be available at the door, Proceeds for swimming pool.9c HURON WAVES — Spring meet- ing and pot luck supper of the Huron Waves club to be held on April 9th in the Community hall in Dashwood at 6:30 pm. All housewives welcome. 9* MUSICAL CONCERT by the pupils of Stephen Township Schools, on Wednesday, April 2 at Crediton EUB Church, 9c BLOSSOM TEA— at Centralia United Church 'Wednesday, May 13, at 2:30 pm. Program, tea, bake sale and sewing table. 9e Special Dancing EACH AND EVERY SATURDAY NOT VILLAGE INN Grand Bend "THE CRESCENDOS" BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship (Dutch) 2:00 rem.—Worship (English) Reception of Members 3:15 p.m.—Sunday School Friday night, April 10, 8:30, the film, "The Family That Changed the World" All Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. 11:15 aerre--Sunday School 7:00 P.M.—Worship Service "Rehab" 8:00 p.m. Wed.—Prayer Service Nersery for young children. EXETER LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Cayen Presbyte. rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Getz 8:45 a.m.—Divine Services 10:00 a.m,---Sunday School (at Public Library) THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m,—Morning Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Cless Visitors Welcome 5:30 •p.m.—CHLO Mennonite Hour. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivtitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, April 12 SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER 8:00 a. m —Holy Communion Men's Breakfast 10:00 a.m.—Sr. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Prayer Junior Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer & Junior A.Y.P.A. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Sunday, April 12 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School Tom Poston, Janette Scott Box Office Open at 7 p.m, ENJOY TOP MOVIES UNDER THE STARS 1904 Zion fade l limes-Advocate, ,APrU 9r TlnirsdeY fet last week. With Mr. Mrs, Frank Solomon at Glen cos. Bob Miller and Miss Betty Miller spent the weekend in Terenie Visiting with, Mr, & Mrs? Bill Ferries and ehiltiren. Mr., & Mrs, Ross Guneing and ,children, of .Toronto visited with. Mrs. :MPPr tang)* Saturday.. Mr, WiWpil,P.40501.-TeceiVed, word of. the death of his mother, .the Toe mrs, w. J. Dickey, in Coleraine- Comity, Londonderry Ireland. PRESENTATION & DANCE FOR MR. & MRS. NORMAN BLAKE Friday, April 10 Lucan Community Centre MUSIC BYMITTLEHOLTZ ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. $tienstra, B,A., B.D. 10:00 e.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 pen,—Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.—Back To God Hoer C111:0 (e80 lec.) TEEN: DANCE. Mount cctrnlqi. HpII Friday, April 1Q 8.30 to 12,10.p,m, ADMISSION. 530 Pro. ceede To Charity By MISS MPR14 HERN GIRLS' KoVSFS The fifth meeting of Elime yille I Homemaking PIO was held last •TeeetleY evening the, heme of Kathy and Janet Here, Kathy Here me the min, utes of the fourth meeting.. Twelve members answered the roll Barbara Here demonstrated how to set in a pleeve. Mrs.. Fletcher geve notes on ase sembling a bleuee and stay- stitching. lyire, Hern showed how tp make an, endpearm seam curve reinforcement. Samples were made for the record boolt. The sixth meeting was held Monday at the home pi Mrs. T. Hem Next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Fletcher Monday, April 20. All blouses, books and charts are to be brought to this meeting. Mrs. Fletcher geye notes on fitting the blpuse and Mrs, lien on seams and finishing, S h e 11 a Hern demonstrated how to dp the slip-stitch, Mrs. Here showed us how to make a french seam and Mrs. Fletcher how to eliminate diagonal wrinkles. The Easter meeting of the UCW was held Wednesday even- ing April 1 at the honie of Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Business was discussed after which Mrs. Harry Hern and Mrs. Lorne Johns gave the program with GIBSON'S SUMMIT POLLED HEREFORDS COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE 50 Head, SAT., APRIL 18 One p.m. * GOLD CROWN * MISCHIEF * ROLLO DOMINO * ANXIETY * GOLD MINE * PAWNEE MIXER Sires, young bull prospects (some qualify for Government Premiums) — bred and open heifers — proven cows, some with calves at foot and re-bred, are included in this un- usual quality dispersal of the nation's most - In • demand Polled Bloodlines. Mr. Don W, Chittenden, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A., former American Polled Association Secretary, will be on hand as consultant. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 2 1/2 miles North of Richmond Hill on No. 11 Highway Please write for catalogue. ARTHUR GIBSON & SONS, Owners Wm. O'Neil & Son, Auctioneer Leslie Neil, Herdsman ANNUAL MEETING SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Tuesday April 14 Monday, April 13 8:00 P.M. AUXILIARY ROOMS Please use the Anne St. (North) entrance . For the purpose of receiving the directors' and Auditor's reports . For the purpose of electing directors. • All individual contributors and presidents of organiza- tions contributing are members and entitled to attend and vote. The Public Generally Invited. LONDON Irir AL W.C. SPENCER, Chairman tI, GRAHAM, Secretary ellielliellielleillielleilleillifill111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *** est 4( Starlite DRIVE IN THEATER Used Car Specials at SHIPKA APRIL 10 and 11 -DOUBLE FEATURE- °CO FORD, sedan, V-8 stick shift '59 METEOR, coach 6, stick 0 68 letE'rEOR, sedan V-8 stick °BS PONIIAC, sedan, neW 1110w, for '58 CHEV 1/2 ton pick-tip 0 57 CHEVROLET, coach, radio '66 FORD, cola, radio 0 56 DODGE hardtop '55 PONTIAC, Wee, stick shift '55 PONTIAC, sedans eletteriee tie, tediO 0 54 CHEVROLET, sedans t' die 0 52 CHEVROLET, drieCh "13 Frightened Girls" (Colour) Kathy Dunn, Murray Hamilton Tickets Available From Members or at Door "Old Dark House" Sponsored by AOTS Men's Club Broderick Bros. E xe ter imaiimemelemeimmalemema