HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1858-07-21, Page 11 tte urea • id• P..N4aAed earl W'ed..ad.y, i1 W. J. KEAYS, r Primus mad P.w•l, er M.aaar a,t..ai, warm■Rena, c. w4 tab Nitro* signal taw ....f the old.d .siablieMd Reform pepsin In•W.ebernOweada,ud a n.sessaat.a es 1 dor •ei e0latiom which mortars* ite being tasted with any other paper in the province afford. to boohoos r• en .dverti.ieg sodium so.arpe.sed by any other taper. AU Items of local a wilt,. t M dolt' toser- lod1. the oedemas of the w ...arb.rt6ers and otters throughout the Uni- ted Coe .1 o1m allmature worthyofwaive w116 mits &v et bt TERMS FOR SIGNAL. Tee amttrww per anneal in Aov.RCt. If wet paid 1111 ash ref the veer 17. 6d. awls of Fey en mooned .116 the Aral for 612 AD•SRTgMIr0 Sit Linea and under, let Insertion, 2s 66 llk.6 ..bsegsent insertion, 0 71 Ten liras and order, first Insertion l 4 Rich .ub.egeent do 0 10 Omer Nn lines, Arntlneertion per a e, 0 1 De each asbes9nent h. allowed from No d1.. int will. In any ease. the &home rates Velem the advertisement .ball bare had at let thin. . in.rtione. A almonnt of from Ten 1. Twenty per emit >• 41499t -Annual awd Annual Advertisements A enthral written inslnetlne. wit/ M i,.erte*snt0 tnebid.en.1 rbarwed .rmrd- inr17 and .o .deertirmen' .'o,t61 d 'repaid for at the time ..f withdrawal ,unlea by the con- sent et the pnhlisair. ins PRotITabsa and ex n••dltlno.lV, and In a manner sod stele that .i11 eerier anything in the Heron Tract e nd .441 hear comparison with any other ogee In Western Canada. HOOKS AND STATIONERY. Crossett. on hand, a large asacrtment of Staple and Fancy Stationery,. School Books. Ilw.aina dee., &r. All Comreen.e.tlen• on netters of boslnose must be prepaidand ..ldreseed to W. J. KF.AV6, Proprietor of MMP Huron. .Mimi..1, norlerleh. C. W. BUSINESS CARDS. T LTRARS WZARS. 6nearw,removed • a to If Omni Constr.., Deb's toms own hs eemolted daily, (non 10 to 1. at the Medical H.11, and at all other bonne at his residence. Wry 12th, 14:01. •9-.63 slutlR. P. A. McDOOO A L L ehe con - 1 / malted at all hours at Me residence on North Street. nett door south of the residence of the R.., Mr, EI.nn.t. •1oderleh,Fob. 45th,1857. vIRn1 7 R HAMILTON .-Removed to the I i residence lately occupied 'by Mr Sheriff McDonald, Light 'loose Point. Feb. 916, 1866. vent TAR. CLARIDOE, North Street, 1 1 Ordered. Web, nth. Iota. 9-1 DR. 010. J. DONNELLT, tutees. to 6t& friend. that 6. ba. newer.. hits ofthe Sem Aebom P. 0., to BI..•6'. Boast, Deneaneen. Danpnonn, AVrnat 03. 1860. 529 Dr.,/ P.1111ereer, nT8IClA N. SURORVN and ACCOCCII- I SCR, era be coneolted at all hears sit hie .eefda4ose ie the Cottage lately occupied by In L..i. 1.0., en Montreal ?treat Ood.elehh,Sept. led, 185e. d-•33 1R• LEWIS, Barrister, 3dteINr, Markel Square, ood.ricb. Fob.141.6 1866. v1n1 TRACHAN t McWili-o T, Sandi - 471 ten, Attoree•.-at"Law Notarise tabid e, dee, Wet Street. Ooderteh. Febreary 6th, 1667. v10 -a1 A J. 11 0 0 R E. Barrister, AUora.y, 1 ie Conveyancer, he., baa removed th to e sterner bwildiog on West 'Street, entrance from the Yasketuare. dsdaieh Feb. 716 1866. v9n1 TO V DAVISON Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Ac. Office Market Square. Cornier of Kingston Street, Oo.lerieh. Ooderich, Nov. 25, I BSI. 9-49 Air ALCOLM C. C'AMRRIIN, 8olicl- 1* L tor Attorney,_Notary Public, Conveyancer, tr, Olde ether hat end of the Pis Iding omit - by B.B. O'Connor, Req.,Mart root, KiSpton Bt. :oderiob, C. W . Feb 9t, ISM. 9-1 - D1*NIEL HOME LIZAR8,Bar- 1.Yater and Attorne; at Law, Solicitor in Ch.5ery, So., Stratford Fein. BO, 1866. 9.1 RICHARD N. LISTER, Attorney -at - Lw, Soliettor in Chsaeery and Con•eyan- eer, Ate.. Panelasgote. County of Broce, Paselayore, Oct. 20th, 1666 ♦9.587 THOMAS NICHOLLS, Notary rebate ea eM Aceta! tNf1...lioa' ••. J• IRPH NICHOLLS, Amalie/et and B.iMwr, Vitamin Street,(kodumb. Godes-lei, F.b 90. 1866 9-1 t&1 OLRSWORTH A WEHEtALD Cie11 Rngine.r., ProylneI.lATL.ed Bar se Ter,. ono land Agents Olde* West aid. iaAet Pgero, Goderi*b. Feb. Mb,IMSC MIMI G!LIMO 1111 A LYNCH Pro.hN.l Lend Srvoyers, civU-Regin..rs, i..4 April, IIt6, 1 9- t9•ly R. A. R A T, Pror•dm al Lend 9cyor, M and 01vil aogiwer, HarptvMy. April I.th 1981 9-10 IMPSON • HA4L1N Civil Regis - S wii, r OreyenL , ed Aguas tad Owmeyeee s, Homilawer tKincardine A. W. tMarens,stL. B. 'Leat., HamlRon- KI.eaM9o.. Pe.ausore. Mar . 1669. waste K RRTLAND A 8Pa0AT, Civil Ra- lik L l ..4'S•,,. LoweyContinrQQsoeers, M.. t.. Mon sad 8e,t►5mpto0. R. H. Lai11,AN D. ( A. 111100.o Rh. /.heboffalliga, ivA1•VI V 5 824694.1., Forwrdrs Merrlr,*te, Oea.ra1 fweight :Vire feslem Styes, Httr6or y. mfr8u.mat P4sekbey. y. Gao,Raes•tt. Glishiefeb. Atoll96tb. IAN •111.13-tf. • u al N a A 6 a a. tourneeire r .5 toe suet ti ne Q...e'. 9r0eh, 0.•^700900, A., A 4 rlMbunry 6t .f 1... and o Nee Iwfes Per ler Ms OM•amokrer SIWO1g p le .•Aaa,' e 1.1 I= awed e11 tenements. Perms roe b►y. !th ICS. „g- N.AMt11,1I'. Immured n Maage N- J *4...won, Leo& • Beane! Agave, Cees.•* w. 0.sssMahmr le •♦ t., 46.. PM* Rama R. Mere* 14. Ise. • Vise pl OP Bt.•t►et t*•f Q BtentlN• J .es. 40.0••7 'peer 0111. la Moo Fora sig e•IT1l WL••he9 a leg t b NOW 6, Tt" *N$bIIAiM D 867trNl.a &eawew.t ...5r .. g.*,, a lass' , Ibl► W. J. YE rtYS, Proprietor. VOL. XL -No 24. .*Th. Greatest Peonlble Goad te 4614, roma,. Nola 4 GODBHICH, C W., W EDNES, -`-d.'" • - SIYAILY 21, UNE RETtiR[V OF C Made by Her Majesty's Nowt It/ As Professor Jan... Nivea Janes Nivea Walter Logo. Thomas K.n&ard William Witton M, Donnell 8.n.'1 Hodson George (y'mobai John Porter .ed Robert Sturgeon J.mr Sm.ill John Green James 8maill William McCaig, Inepeetor of Ilona.. Public Entertainment do do d0 do Areb'd McLean Jame* Strain . Angus Steel Jatuev Smell' Thomas Lroeb Thome* Lye* Lewis Allen George Puttee Lewis Al.. Sam'I Fitzsimmons Allan Cameron Henry J Middaugh On view Robert J Phillipa Samuel FitaSfmmon. Jobe Grant Jobe W.11dord ohn Cameron Desyamil B.lwer ll isms r)/ 96. DMInsi.at Donald $Ic It alma Irsgb Simples William Eider ' Angie McLeod iasuel Colwell Mord° McDon.61 and 414.rma. Meter d..l. C..I well Argue McDaaald Joke 0129999 and Thome* 71.5.b Dental heCarthy Jobe Wallace William Reid r- Francis Allen Richard Royle Rotert 11'Mullen a Twomey k Black Jame* W.teon Christ. Crabb John Bunter Johnston 4k Strother. John Rutherford David Munro Doubt Mebane Charlie McLwt J.ren,i.h Mrltrl.. Joh. W. Joss. Una. Muldoon ..' J oh.. M Udine !.leek Bands Timnthr Ilays Patrick Sullivan Philip Clare', Rouen Cuthru Er1.en1 Dun.rhsa Sarah Leper* H. J. 61 ilia asb Allau Cameron Robert Ch..holm John gsnnedv WoU.m Curdy Joseph McKnight Jeremiah Rourke John Rourke Renard Seem -wine John Johnston Geo. McLeod, wood•agent of the Canada Company. Geo. McLeod. wood -.agent of the Canada Co. Geo. McLeod. wend agent of the C....4 Co. Joseph Corbat Joseph Corbet. The Queen The Q'.... Abraham Davis Hold, W. Mathews Hoerr* Graham James Hyslop Lucinda J obastoa Isaac Johnston. Jame. Moans. A Johniem J Haln.toek Hugh O•ens H. W.,hreet ' David N Bebe, Meisel ansa William Toeag T.vere Disputer Tavern lnspeater T C IIaoklIdg. 0• Vie. Wm. Herndon Tavrs 1..p.Nr Michael Comity 8a eel FileBimmon iRobt J P6111ap !amen Bishop „John Rae 'Arra ButM1118 J .eub Tr -ser Wm Smith ,Jobs Atchison IAutl.ony Barrett 'Robert Boyd !Alex C.mpb.Il khan Schlensiuger fJob• Mc►mnon 'lube Re.lmood 'Joh. Caldwell Philip Ober, Matthew Chtrk Joh. Cray Christ Eeat% 64.6 4 Swett Thomas Smith Chula Well. William N,cbolsoo Benny Bennett Angus 41.Faddie nog, Smith Jobe Btomily Juba W06. Joseph Oliver P eter Mel.. Joie A Smith Oen [hue 3...es F.rgu.on Merles Holme. Richard Arks an. • nem Mma cDoeil W 8 Wright Wm McDaniel! W. McDougall Iola Leith Wm. McDonnell Thom. Blood Richard Dana Samuel Ben..tt Hood Densely e w, Justices of the Peace wits From the Marc', to;the June,Segaeiga, I$be. rr- N.mu ✓ Cw NSag 4.101 ✓ Pinsky, /ire Aging. w Drag.. Nesters .j t6. CArrs. I "n7,." CesssitO.a. Awult 'April 7, 1858. Assault ,April 7 Assault . April 14 ere Assault dr damage to prop' Jan 8 Assault mud threat. Jan. 10 Breaking door and dlaui- Feb. 12 I behaviour .4.aaolt Drunk and disorderly Drunk aid disorderly Drunk and "disorderly March 19 Assault April 10 Druo,enner ApriI 19 Disorderly conduct and May 4 hemline Neglecting to Shop May 6 beers do 'hey 6 do 111.y 6 do May 6 do May5 Breaking utuJuwt, „IMay 13 'May 14 May 14 • M.y 31 os. -au April oh April 3 • As,nult, rioting, and des -March 18 Atemuh property 1erly CO Assault 1 ',lino Damaging property P.1 Drunkenness Ae.oult I.runkeooea Poem, 'March 18 Mai ch 18 March 18 March 18 M.rcb 18 ills). 25 Assault • March 30 Avault and breach of the April 3 Peace Drunk on vie. April 3 IAensult end 'breaking a May 21 100 lA.eault on son of Com May 25 (plaiiant . Anson. and baUery r 'March 22 T'respam$ . Mey 18 mon Asa salt Assault arch 30 . Marab I$ May 15 A.aault and Battery - May 10 N m -payment of W.6S. tlarehlS Non-payment of wages {{{May' 29' Assault >farch 97 Awetslult March 27 Rnine property May 1 Manning cattle April 9 S.ealirgg Lieber from the Mareb 16 vacant lands of the Cana da C.wnpany Stealing umber from the Mwh 15 vacant lands of the Cana - d. Co Starling timber from the vacant tredve( tin• Cana- da 1.'0. Assault and battery Aril 16 June 1 "6/Assault and Minn a Ron rune 1 fat Lim lAseault and therms ''4., 27 Bxerei.i.g he trade nn M u.l, 8 [Sabbath iAreault 'Feb. 23 (,roselty to animal. IMareb 30 'Infringement of BJ•Liw!April 6 Linemen May 11 Assault April 12 Aggrsv.t.d eau It t ..til trespass Wage May 1 April '1 TrTreasuryTreasury1,0014 4.,salt en.1 Bet tete .Jere. 13 Refusal to I gar wag. '40,41 '- raking InrrWe poseeseloo.' 401 8 ..f tool.. Ac April a Rafael to pay wsees 1pn1 7 111.019e1 10 pt' ewes. Cent ra,esson of By•G. AT 10 Aped 30 March Id Iefriogrm get of Statute April a0 Mdlems.ly malting off Jags ear. Art 23 Drank and noisy Is Corrie 10 Room. Assault April to Retailing liquor wlthrosya, 10 Beare* Willrara Cana Fog.,J P '1 Coeur 17. 84 William Case Esti , J P W. 21.r 34 Willem llem Case Eq , J.P 6a, Mea 30. N tenor Willis Esq., J.1' C R Bsrkse Eq, J.P A376toma('Aoak, C R Barker Esq J.P t mg William Rast.11Esq. P ( e . C R Barker Eeq J ' 16I"r Jew lfenry Beg, 1. P - -. nyit „..-•• e R Barker E• m R.esoll IW -m Wither. • J P t. C E Barker-W.4P IW bl wan* Req. J.P .. .PAMcDougallEq,J.P I d dP,A McDougall Foci, J.P. Io. 1 P A McDougall Esq. J.I' et ' W M White Esq. J.P 5. P A McDougal Eq, J P M Pertheds0 lenheriele idfasheeiblr a11..- rLrdixnco.: epee ---- ♦ EiNamot inert fl•L-;' Wer • imp Rapp p gid of N1N4 err, shim 1 one - ppm- t. - INIONS al rim tt NM faa6 d 1h. TIONSONikat s ieM.Dtq bed peewee auk 1ha imp f• ai+aq or elm nod erase d * am mesas Ila b:d est, MUM!, ImiNadi liar yaw aI a.arg..ayria.w• gipagampit • dawn. d .hat 1 bad 4.0.ed M star w .sauare • 3.,.a• Merest new .at moat M*4kil4--Rein 1 !)eta ass mad. .4 410 miry Madly, sod 1ipihna ho 1 war aka to .spree my warns rad s6iae In IarAfly Mks Ornate, 1 war 111ss11647 lsppy, ler IUs 5* as pit/mast at WOO& Perhaps. N..ab. 1 woofed alt woolhsa sees mare *4. 1414 ay toms, h/tasmre7 sore .serf soil weld sunder 101161 mos 1 planed- I bad . pasepart 1. et' INK WI • respIVa6I. mesas «arfe, •006.111,001 kssprtk w bewk I trained threrO$it*hde d the MEM Forest, Iwr.iag G0111110.1WE s - 5500, 4 4 k..) rapidly on tie. beg with rano&. freer .d the ge.sran, 6...ee, that bait' mei la the Veer& .ad I may as well .. rarIL boa, r ••••••• ig tat... d thew Atop -deity w►tek travellers .om.tlmr w It tst4 ge r a pr dikSdSo be Alone. Err a 001bee lard the quart b.4.4. Wes eag;.aaney; • nese/, whit& 4 • unity, bathe} Ates IM. whisk 4 • marvel. Not 4 the Tidily 'grille wine d.p.«t.ted by as slam*M, t ,r 48. .6atrary, Chablis le mat • psle spm- the w hite winos that grew es the ...ay .4 the Vosges. • II Toe doubt what I e 14. • blooper mad try :' width yn..s4 de. reader, ea year mint vett to wait' in at the 8.964. . amt lire of white .1.e with um alert ~or I kw. that I •4 7.rls.ith forthwith path with Mena 2.1 Forthwith Vort hwilk Iamb. dig 'T A McDougall Esq. J.P 5s Forthwith P A Melhno.all E.q, J.PI - ,P A M.Dougall E.q. ..P 5. Forthwith P A Meleogall E.q, J.P P A M.Dougall Esq. J. P A McDougall Esq. J.P IOs 10e A McDonnell F..q, J„P 4 iP A, Mr Dougall 1 sq. .1 P II 00 ,P A McDougall l:.q, J P 10. Dsoi. D..wr.ey F. -q, '3. (b, Dean4 [600uev F.eq ISG 0.511ets George Brown Esq, J.P j 14 Flee ;ROM Thwaite. EsgJ.P j 45 Wear' ,(:carie Dn•.0 Esq, J P Rich. Thw■itrs I -.,q. J.P 5s George Brown F.sq, J P 3• B ial. Thyestes Esq, J,P be George Brown E q. J.P Eich T6..aite►liq,J P Ri.I, /betakes req, J.P G eorge Brown Esq. JP Richd Thm•Ites EegJ.P Oro Bron EN, 1.11 Rai.. Thwaite. Esq, J.P Richd Thwarts' Esq. J. Richd Th.aitee Foq J P :leo Bruen Esq. J.4' Wm Mooney Esq, 3 P _Dr.id.lose Eeq, 3.1? t lobo Valentine Eeq J.P 60. orchard Sap J.P. minuted Bradley Baq, J.P 8+mnel Bradley Esq, J.P ,Robert Have Elf, JP :Robert Hays 07,q J.P lames 11,rber E.q, JP hetes Barber Esq, J P Wm Grab in E.q, 7 P Min (Dalian, Keq,J P Robert Bell B.gJ.P R•.Lmrt Bell E -q, J P tutor Wale Bsq, J .P :•tor Willis Fsq, J.P glow Willis E.q, J.1 5. M 6. Treaourer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Trimmer 'Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer _Forthwith treasurer 'Forthwith Treasurer hTreasurer 'Poet/semi Treasurer Forthwith Treaser.r June 1 Treasurer Forthwith Two weeks Forthwith Proses Oar Forthwith 'Treasurer Forthwith Treasurer Forthwith Treasurer -Forthwith Treasurer 15 14 dap', - Forthwith Treseanr 16.4.ne mouth ie Geo 'Forthwith Is • Forthwith Treserer 10. use Forthwith Prem.. rer 10s *gee F.rthwith .Plaintiff be Forthwith Treasurer 11 One Before 1st Jose 44 1). Costs Yl T.a 34 compensation Forthwith fie end costs Forthwith M ..t Corte, Forthwith 46 12 wages 15s soots In 20 days Sed/lieges, 11 eats Forthwith lOsidlif cute Forthwith 5. One month £:40. among. 4 One month 3s t••, costs 5. 1210e damage, 22. floe,1 .0n. month ere 2. ces !-10a damage, 2s ate, } IOoe month One month One month •'actor Willie Esq, J P g4n. ei.,iam Case Esq, 3.1' I: coos '.nor Willis Esq, J.P tend Coate W.lo,n. Clue Esq. J.P 5 • lob, Ln sq. J.P John LoffrWorth Leg. J.P 6. Inn 11, 1uma len Fq,1.1' 1 10e Ito. M. Lumsden Eq, J.P' . )nn. L Lumaden Beg J.Pg 1 D. IL Rtclfle Eeq, J P LI* W. O. Walker Fp. J.P tp . • Wm. Collis Erg .1.1" S ' W O Welker B.q, J.P Tri months 1. Oro. &song Eel. J.1 ,wok Lied beech Ertl . J.P W 0 W.ther tie, 31' WI;W.16.•,Esq.J.P fW $ W O Welker Esq, J. P • rt 71,(4 ,• Carter eq. 1.? dn.. lt. mist. 1' R Bloke req. J.P ,:'2 9 and dors M M.:Ptus a S.q, J P ;.elss.rd „F Wsarr Eq. J.P ID Meiredeem 6.t,J.P R barker kiq J.1' M 11-1'►ers.. k , J P Barker Ley J. P C R Baker Wm Rascal) R.1. J P .'Won wnh.rs 144q J.8 L R Barker Ep. J. P Wen W'then ►.q. J.1' 'Wen R.0.11 F.'t J.1' O reke,.lri•-k Eq. J. l' I R Barker Eq. J.P -Wm Withers kiq. J.P Wee Ramal. hog, 1.1' D McKendrick Esq. J.P C. R Barker 1q, J P r 111.McPherson Esq. 3•P W u. Withers Rq. J P C. R. Barker bey, J.1' M. Mellen... E.q, J P Wm. Withers Esq. J.r Wm Withers Esq J r Ww M..au keq, J r 4 6o end costs sed mists IA sod qts .1M50douts tl mad wets 00 Immediate Immediate Forthwith Toe days 20 days r Comity Tr..tnnr County Prewar -et Tru s.r.r Wood -.Fent Trsur.r Wood -agent Wood ".gent Treasurer Cans dk•mr.ed._Corpl.laa.t te Myweai► Paid flee and 5006., Paid Ilse sod 14 half M e.N• Committed to Owl Ra 10 dare. la default tmprlamtwnt 3 moats. Paid Fine and Cats. 1n default to be committed for 14 days. le default, 6 days 'Fina .oil toms paid. Dismissed with co►*. Dismissed with sate (Dammed with costa Paid fine and emits. IIn default, eommittel 6 days. In default, 10 days' impelsunm'L la default, 10 days' .mpri..emrl Booed to keep the peace for one year. 8aurlty takes for flu., mlWd lo Gaol for •61 one most\ Oa de. P•yi•i ga. ad .urea Treasurer on. half County Treasurer O•r half to isbrm.r, do. Tp Trees of Aran Tp. Treas. of Arran County Treasurer Treasurer Complainant Complement C..pleineet Cottony Treasurer Complainant ViUap Ttea..nr fir want of pree Rt Bread to keep the poem osessis. P.id. Dismissed, Plaintiff pybalitl4dld. Nut yet paid. Settled by the parties. Paid P54d. Not pale/. Not paid. 'Dismissed witneaste, not paid, Committed. Paid, not paid. Paid. -Paid. g*eh party to lay heilf..el. r Gasl !M -Bober paid his dare d Ceuta N.. yet PUd. Paid. To M paid In 10 days, or le desalt of Mast &subs Gaol 10 days Me pelt l5 dedult Owl 14 day. 4. 4.111011, Owl 14 days. Net pall Aar. s& Charge semen IOW is and Gere not p0+►w M.D e..ii to pay 6e I•. sod 7* ad 554. Rwnwt to pay f al 84.s and ears peal y dirge. Certified to be a True Copy of the Return of Convictions made bI Le Justices within the United Counties of Huron 1 From the Olive of the Clerk of the Peace, Goderich, 28th June, 18503 i SARIS It- Re4r7P,61i.,(' sd.k.wr 1s a. R, Guerra' immowu* Moor- ing*. konroI• Derbaegs•, Pstrmg°, K.or- MrdIRti,lu7. .1014 0 l 4 !w TrRRstRtile Foa ones bon na*s.a.b4 4e".... Apply b Re Da' it 11ete11 111. lag t 'd' I 4, 0q AUCTIONEER ammo ANO 11/NEMAL AGENCY at 000EMICN C.W. March to the June Sc4$ flu, 1858. DDL1 WOOL. r A, 4,t.. • i HIONAaLi. rA1LUR .»throe Feat v M t" Onew'abtor., We" l8lret Orrde• , A+H pard tar M7 e°.at.ty d WO. L wtnGl. lah.T., lOhl J.'HY BTFWART See Im6. 1i14. 1951 2ARIi( _AIm AA SR OINT, Marks &pane 111.60.4.e. Aprll 1716: 1166. •le •7.1 t N 1 TAWRTR7.Prods.*.edtea V Me t hM A 8 taw Thew doors 1110* e Curds Crowpyy .0gge, Waut $W0l soh.. Agst, 'inherit&, (1 W. 081541. Illedatielt, Per 918, I04. V751 Seem aa.h.advw.aon0/mg•e1A1 algae It•h, 1144. 1M and B DAN. LIZARS, Clerk of the Peace. Nur not and arms. a... Read. BriLDRM sad CON.RAI roR, imam r., 'woeful, •e., Llg8tbow. trtreel, Oed.- rtee All h tat •Wye Mee .111 9e •.5.mled qom .6..bo40 * tmuGa 154 tb. mwenas.ua• Mr 9611* la. 3466. IR94 ,t&.4 MR. THO IA$ $TENT, tl('IWRR,-r. Arte wens A NT t1e1W 611Ry T....... one laymen, O. W. Odims, M iaar..r a 1.t1lnq , Coon&e.5.., t i boy .._.iI. M ...4 hushes a, (1,4••••9.. e w w duos, Fat dirt .. In. Ibte5tta• • n. o.ar.6 , ..1 ..ems on& swerm .uewW.n. u.•w 1. wd 5 ltdey....ylessen' etre mn.ar.d •dual ) as170 '11R4 i w•h 1 1 Chid.1118@deeedoe, .end L. i,"Ot OSLO by taw selyarlieers. a. Twee r dettaoih'a pod LMrk bort norm* (h.l. AM • hng. illejNay of Ah RALJ. N W TAMITIMMTADAM NodsM.h./iso Ned,ll11. 10d Miewitemhtleo=4.113Mi Non Tt&8 7RDR1RI.MSliIL?t*I .... we env! ORA asp oo to.... /ono. (wt .f Ards.. Ildood\ M 7 1-r -R11 r ere en :147 la .weft W lift el • did .at deny at &et.bsrg, bel strode ..1. fully away toward t6. Vu.p., NB ofelierbeso satktpatlooe, and carefully madras 14.s patois by conversing with every peasant l lot in with. Then Se vary slspie plea, 6...er, to mato your.slves comprehended In Altai : always w a treads word and a Derma* wend alternately ; 4 is woaderfal what meows s yes reef wile Am t.601.bte rule to malts mar - mil liked Y by legging u nM muss of Dipole - en 4 Greed on every po.ibl. °ees.lo., aid K yes ere snacion Jy ermopolitan, 790 5107 Wily emu 10 the Get that he woe lin Omsk of Waterloo. Theme only sea &Nkat essassied with 564.. ; wires it mina thea le no m4taka *boot It. 1 .as Gted te dies.,., this Inter - este' rastoorologioal 5.6 at the abase el- a thorough outlier. I bad died at a little vfltsp ien oo the inevitable told veal awl picked plena, sad .b■ I utast oe soy j met to my night's quarters, eevente m dV d, the elosds wan battening 1,9.9110at ..1..51y in the West 1 buttoned my abs. reed me and trmdged manfully ounrd Hong a road .6ia' had not b.n traversed by a resp.elabte MN7aate .I16i• mam.ry d .r, -t w as tall of ruts bard enosg658line, keterhisi the persistent rein, which 64.es...ced by this tial. to 411, o.ov.rtad Into r many pit- falls., into wbseh 1 ems ooatietdy elrppimg. fo add to my troubles, siert oto In with that rapidity putties te 8eat6.ro Germany. add time .*a no sign of the village at .hick I intsded to spend the o.ghl !et a eeaatur. did I mast : nobody wan %WY ...egb te venter* oat is such w.t6.f, Ave pleasure travenees 6ke myself, sad so I .est..rekug 5\.2‘ h.M a mil. emjete• _ 61 aonge: whetMt o,serisotYa6I v d indigestion, I.edly esas1e.t7. Ny brandy ea* bad long b... ..paid : there w5 se Aram d 1141ag It, mad I won wearied -so wearied that 1 maid Mw lain down jle .tl..p 4 a sky &.R. bed Ons beta esu baggy ; bat ageism that 181o.4.mu had onr.fepy - g..rd.d. Them was w lope ler It ; I meat treks somas. S 44.517, t8eeagk the r.1., I heeled I , tela e... light gil.nwitg • short 4sesa.eo hem the read. 4 mopped, sad looked .tondi- ly ; ft nem .e TIMIy'-46..1.96 *ed by a sod - deo impel. I tousled .ser the tee hedge, red vest mutating eve a ptesgbd Mid to- wards the bum.., as 1 NOV telt eereala it wee. tip to the premet.l had reg.rd.4 the peasae& eabl'a with .or•eldenble ar rise, sad per err : they were the dirtiest place. amain - able, .d 1 hod as &sin r deep in them as long es .n arbor 'eo.M M found, Det mow 1 would have gladly pay • h..dwos nem for tin• om. of • dos- bsae..e lemg se kabalist- s.] m• from the pitilem rim, mod held oat th. peep -sot of a gime of heady te warm my in - n or mar, whist steed ss nada is Iowa of that rdreeh..et. 1 ..em appr..eMd the sable shish stood bosh the 'b'ile .4.o.e glow, tee.., mad the light, white probably mem hem th. Are, boned se dimly, that 1 Whaled Ar • aeo..5er. all appr•med se ■..Derubly wretched 'beat the hone., that I bed a arena timidity about appro.ebi•g it. 1 am mat 6.auitollo.ally Martel ; ea the orminry, I am ernally tee peens to red leta s.orrdle...; but tow, whether it was the ees►i.g or the veal, I (.it horribly nervosa. A.s.mnt ho..m.r, ass. d a r.wm.r no. sod 1 wukd some lea y.* sod t.eek* total to. the der. 16 remained p.Ae.tly quiet In the bear, mama 18.l 1 famed I reel.] ►ear tai growling of a bog* dog, like d1.tsat tided',; tM. 1 kamak- . d ague .rim. 4.•, however, l baa the utile funk. •f bearing f m•t•ys oppose\ the • , ' ho is without r a •ease war herd Gayle( is execrable J.wW-Gsemw; 1s it 9.S*.'Jaml. T ' Tis a s.telger,' I sheeted, Walegpidipt7 6..16.0rne sight noire By Semi leads a► pekes; '1 .a1 Aolter MIM •IgM, .ed sill pay yen b.J.dad7 tor 11' 'Ars yea dew 1' tat intim masa spin - 'Quiet, Neuf dews Ag1 out de yea aura by Il•eeli•g elms I ate .at stir vee to .5858 hi. r 'All slows bet u wet as rt bat hem dutp- ed la the river' 'l'e'd Or Never to bop 43 tis ley,' ba said. as he polled Mot tK MMR and .ped do* I.e. •••tieesl7, 44-90• dog .e% hart yon whom no oar 7.s - What m558br I 0e5e woe be mai 587 T•e1e•K' H. welted la trent N ale* ii►.If11DM .p to. . sed ad awe 0 aim nib .neon is. AM thee' eW 4 esdd near he .as teem . soul, elm/ &111P.61 , Y was sew my 6.pNI, d iM 1 sea ass, appeared M Witte eelgit dm • &sews& awl busa,kadt wads We wary. m Ira r.ysalt 'And jeers pl.•5.K nth I T Mid hegdatteflou• Re lbs eget le the 6daMetk et web Weed. mesh • 1.1•• ed • trRMin 'Ill.bsd Data MHP slob h.t imam ken la. teeMltb •*01.00tregul,a edioya w ale j reel tal arin▪ ffereateit le was ."11410ells meth«, r Ir. .m