HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-02, Page 11ByMR,S. M, H. PI-ST9N pie A 1 IMO Ir. For Greater Crop Profit Plant Co-op Seed TR U l)Y and LORNE arc sister and brother who v. ould like to be adopted together. Trudy is I I and Lorne is 7. Trudy has brov n hair and cses ylith pretty Features, a delightful smile and talks freely or her longing for a mother and lathes, Lorne is stocky nith blonde hair and !Iron n eyes. He is a bright. alert, affectionute boy v, ith an el en disposition. Trudy and Lorne are Angl 0-SIIN on in descent. Protestant in religion. Parents visiting l'or it tine son and daughter could share a lifetime of happiness n ith these children. if yoLl Can {tier them a permanent home, please in rite tit: TitE ONTARIO DEPART:NI ENT OF 1)1.2l31,1C WELFARE is '14111 PARLIANII V I Ilt II DINCIS, TORO', I I) AN EXCEPTIONAL ADOPTION OPPORTUNITY N Used Car Specials '59 METEOR, coach, 6 cyl., standard shift '58 METEORS sedan, 8 eyi n standard shift '58 PONTIAC) sedan, 6 cyl,, stick Shift, new motor '58 CHEVROLET, 1/2 tonpick- .!113 '56 FOrtnt coach, ratite '56 DODGE, hardtop '55 PONTIAC, sedan,. 6 '01.) stick shift '55 PONTAIC; Sedan, eutotna- tit, rattle '54 CHEVROLET) sedan, radio '52 CHEVROLET) coach Use MECCA for SCRAPES BRUISES INFECTIONS Medea, a favourite family ointment for over 60 years quickly heals minor wounds. Noniirritating, soothing antlseP- tic. Sold at all drug counters, Buy Mecca in fin or tube MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS Parkland Seed Supplied This variety out yielded Betz and Moritcalm in Huron County as tested by The Ontario Agriculture College and published in their "1963 The Progress Report" White Bean Contracts One of the area's better cash crops. Fertilizer and seed supplied on all contracts. Fertilizer A complete stock carried at corn-, petitive prices Cook Bros. Co, Ltd, Phone 24 or 249 Hetital. Timcs-Adv4cote, April 2, 1964 Page 11 25 Auction Sales 2$ Auction Sales 2$ Auction Sales chair; chrome rocker; oak rockers; end tables; sewing machine, 2 o a k bedroom suites; PietureS and frames; dishes.; kitchen utensils; seal- ers; crocks; electric washing machine; Duo-Therm heater; IseWer Mower; 200-gal, oil dank and other 'articles. No reserve—Everything will be sold as owner is giving up TERMS: Cash. C. LLOYDEN DENOMME, Proprietor ALVIN IIAU, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood. 2:9c Main St, men pion projects B. W. Hudgins Lateen, aeePine parried by MissSopblaRiehar4s and Mr. vim. t.aolhourn Oder, ton. Miss Joyce McFalls of Ex- eter anent the weekend with her parents Mr. l& Mrs. G eo, Mc Falls, Mr. & Mrs. JAW XeriiPS of London spent the weekend with the latter's Parents, Mr. Mrs. Chas, AtkteSOn, Mrs, ,lack ,Coates, Mrs:, jug, McAllister, Mrs. weih Mrs. Sara .4144n9r,.. Jack. Dlair, WS. Bobi )31.4tr Mrs. Karl 'Weiherg.T Ivirs,l,iorne Weiberg, Mrs, Chas. AtiOns9N_ Mrs. 'Mervin gl ston and thelIPP,. less, PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs, Wm. gsgerY 4nd Donald were.dinner pests of Mr. & Mrs. Startleyflicks, Carts troll?. Monday. Mr, & Mrs. Chas, Atkinson attended a birthday supper at the home of Mr. & Mrs. 4arnes Eagleson, Greenway Saturday evening. Mrs. Atkinson and her brother James were celebrating birthdays, tire wheelbarrow; heat bulbs; Beatty sump pemp; forks; shovels; chains,, etc. etc. 1.950 Chels Vs ton frock. HAY & GRAIN; 400 bales of mixed hay; lOri bales. oat straw; mow shredded straw; 400 husttel Rodney •oats suit- able for seed, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — GE 40" electric stove in brand new condition; MeClory space heater; chesterfield with two chairs; 2. complete bedroom. Suites; linoleum rugs, Plan to 'attend this outstand- ing sale. No reserve as the farm is sold, TERMS: Cash. JOE ZUBAL, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALFER, Auction 26e:e2re 25 Auction Sates ing evaporator, pans, gather, ing tank Cana supply tank; set of scales; electric motor; ex- tension ladder; step ladder; hay fork rope; set Intrdizzos; Ps drums, gas pump; new cog wheels for windmill; quan- tity galy, roofing; pulleys; drive belt, block and tackle; electric fencer; bag truels; grass seeder; sugar beet knives; barn timbers; used bricks and cement blocks; cement mixer; bare :leek; steel posts' door frames; shovels; forks; chains, many other misc, items. FEED: 180 bales hay; gun- tity baled straw, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 2 steel beds, springs and mat- tress; oak bed, Springs end mattress; antique Pals bed; buffet; daybed; Clare Jewel cook stove, ete„ etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, WM. R. •S1LLERY, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2:9c Life is like a mirror;. never reflects more than we put into it. SUNSHINE LADIES MEET Mrs, Allan Elston ,entertain- ed the Sunshine group ,of tar dies Wednesday afternoopet her home, The afternoOn was spent playing Dingo and cards. Mrs, Jack Blair, Mrs, Chas, Atkins and Mrs. Jno McAllister were winners of the bIngo. Mrs. Els stoo .served a deliclons lunch to the ladies. Every lady of the group was able to be present including At the first meeting pf the recently Organized United Church Men pf Main Street UC ,future ,projects were planned. A projects committee com,, prieins .Murray Neil and pro Batter were commissioned to look MO more space forSnindaY School rooms. Cecil Skinner and Fred getter were riamed a visiting committee, The men plan to organize work committee to help build the new dining hail at pederidi summer school. Group discussions were held on "Faith in the Space Age" under such topics as "Why People go to Church', and f'How can you explain faith and God to a teen-ager'' and others, dma9yt:QarIldcl. t .their f3 471.1174 ille M514r4s..: Jno. leuemiek and sons ,crarol tallnecli liroorl: came returning wt4 lii)elompiweh e4, spend the Easter holidays. Mrs. Lillian. Blair ,of Exeter visited Easter Sunday with ,Mr, 4 Mrs, Jack Blair. Craig,.Brian and John pant sons of Mr, & MrS, Port cor, man y H.od- gins of Lucan spent the. week- end the irWoiftlret and tinc4letmn d aunt, mr, & Mrs. Bruce Isaac, Master Robert Isaac is Spending his Easter holidays with his coesles. Craig, Brian and John Paul corman of For- est, Miss marion Beckman of Minnesota Mining, London spent Good Friday and the weekend with her parents Mr. 4 Mrs. Reinhard Heekman. Visitors on Good Friday with M. H. & Mrs. Elston were mr, & Mrs. Heber Davis and granddaughters Joan Harker, Lucan and Heather Davis; on Easter Sunday, their aunt, Mrs. FASTER VISITORS With Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Wele berg were Mr. & Mrs. Len Perdie, Herisell, Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kooy and Clayton, Ailsa Craig, Misses Mildred and Phyllis Weiberg and Mr. Tom Humphries of Exeter, Miss Mildred Weiberg of Loodop spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. Mrs., Larne Weiberg. Master Bradley Gregus is spending the Easter holidays. With his aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. John Spacek. Mr. & Mrs. John Spacek held a family gathering at their borne on Easter Sunday for dinner in honor of the Gregus Those present were: Mr. & Mrs. Bill Woodall and family of Windsor, Mr. & Mrs. John Gregus and family of Arva, Mr. & Mrs. August Gregus and family of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller and family of Thames Road were supper guests of Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston Monday. Mr. & Mrs. Karl Weiberg by attending the Learn To Drive The Safe Way Safe -R-Way Driving School fs-s7 PHONE Ross C. Guenther mi▪ uuniniumiumuunuminumulinouutuumuunuuluffluununitutiguntouniniguntunill DASHWOOD 159 AUCTION SALE of Choice Holstein Cows and Heifers FOR PAUL PETERSON LOT 1, CON. 20, EAST WILLIAMS TWP. 1 mile east of Parkhill, 1/2 mile north of junction of Hwys 7 & 81 on the Centre Road, on THURSDAY, APRIL 9 at 1:30 pan. Selling will be the herd of 51 head of Holstein cows and heifers including-10 cows and heifers that have freshened within the last month; 8 cows and heifers milking and re- bred; 4 cows due time of sale; 4 heifers due in May; 2 heif- ers due in June; 2 Holstein heifers 15 months old; 6 year- ling Holstein heifers; 2 Hol- stein heifers 0 month old; 8 Holstein heifer calves; 2 veal calves; Holstein bull 2 years old; Holstein bull 1 year old. All cows are out of Oxford Unit sires and are carrying their second and third calves. Also selling 500 bales of good hay; 4 ft. of ensilage in 14 ft. silo and 1952 Ford half- ton truck. The farm hoe been purchas- ed for the development of the Parkhill dam and it is neces- sary to sell this line herd of cattle, In case of inclement weather the sale will be held under cover. TERMS: Cash. BILL ELLIOTT, Auctioneer Phone Parkhill 294-6759 2:9c Grow More in '64 ... Use Co -Op Fertilizer CledOng. APCTION SALE of Valuable Ho usehold Effects and Misc, Items On the Premises the VILLAGE OF AIL SA CRAIG The undersigned aoctioneer received instructions to sell by Public aneti011 on PATURPAY. APRIL 4 at 1;00 p.m. sharp HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — RCA V pu, ft. Whirlpppl freez- er, recently purchased; De- frost-O-IVIatic refrigerator, like new; Pinleo electric range; electric washing 'machine; chrome table and 4 chairs; chrome stool to match; Duo- Therm oil stove; complete din- ing room suite; studio couch; 8 odd chairs; arm chair; li, brary table; antique glass cab- ioet; writing desk; rocking chairs; 3 complete bedroom suites; dressers; commodes; 2 large chests of drawers; small chest of drawers; wash- stands; wardrobes; small ta- bles; end tables; footstools; 2 antique toilet sets; high chair; mantle clock; kitchen table with 6 chairs; hanging lamp; Singer sewing machine; 6 table lamps; piano bench; clocks; ironing board; heating pad; pictures and frames; waste basket; large assort- ment valuable antique dishes; glassware; silverware; dinner sets; quilts; blankets; sheets; pillows; cushions; towels; pil- low cases; curtains; cooking utensils; ornaments; tea ket- tle; toaster; mixette; etc, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS — Garden tractor with plow and cultivator, equipped with 11/2 hp. motor; rubber tire wagon; flat rack; steel water tank; Renfrew cream separator; pulleys; ropes; ensilage fork; oil drum; chains; forks; lad- der; shovels; 245-gal, oil tank. No reserve—everything will be sold to settle estate. TERMS: Cash. DONALD & ROBERT ROBINSON Executors for the estate of the late Percy Robinson GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 26:2c SUMP PUMP Avoid a Flooded Basement. Install a Sta-Rite Sump Pump SPECIAL $37.95 Available Bagged or Bulk EXETER DISTRICT CONOP Phone 235-2081 Beside CNR Station Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Feed Implements and Some Furniture will be held on LOT 22, CON. 12, FULLARTON TWP., SS mile east of Mount Pleasant Church, off 23 Highway, on THURSDAY, APRIL 9 at 12:30 p.m. CATTLE — DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS: 10 cows with calves at foot; cow due time of sale; 6 steers 1/ years old; 3 heifers 1 yr. old; 2 steers 1 yr, old. Cows hand milked. HOGS; 4 young sows due April 15; 2 sows slue in May; 14 pigs, 100 lbs. each; 1 gov- ernment approved Yorkshire hog 10 months old. FEED: 2,500 bales of good mixed hay; 400 bales straw; 180 bus. Garry oats fit for seed; 1,000 bus, mixed grain; 21 bus, Vernal alfalfa; 1 bus. Climax timothy; 95 lbs. hay & pasture mixture; all seeds government graded; a quantity of chop. IMPLEMENTS: D.C. 4 Case tractor in good order; V.A. Case tractor in good order; Massey 2-furrow plow on rub- ber, like new; Cockshutt 3-fur- row plow; Int. 15 run power lift seed drill; Int. 8 ft. binder; Geo.' White manure spreader, like new; Dion thresher, 28x48, with clover attachments; Case No, 10 power mower; Allis Chalmers 4-bar side rake; new hay conditioner; new Geo. White 40 ft. bale elevator with motor; power lift J.D. culti- vator; 32-plate double disc; 3- section drag harrows; No, 21 Fleury walking plow; turnip plow; rubber tired wagon with rack; double wagon box; gravel box; sleighs with flat rack; cutter; large pig crate; small pig crate; 5 chicken crates; 40 rod roll woven wire; barbed wire; 2 electric fenc- ers; 1/4 h.p. electric motor; electric cattle clippers; root pulper; 2 stone boats; Papec hammer mill, 70 ft. belt; 120 ft. of threshing belt; 2,000 lbs. scales; 120 ft. 'hay fork rope, car, pulleys' and slings; bag truck; buzz saw; saw and mandel; large sugar kettle; ladder; step ladder; steel roller; straw blower and pipes; 2-wheeled trailer and racks; Jackal! jack; 10x12 granary on skids; Int. cream separator; Renfrew cream separator; pails; strainer; some black walnut lumber; assorted lum- ber; good used doors; quarter round and hardwood flooring; finishing lumber; stick of pine 24 ft. long, 8x8; hydro poles; cedar posts; coal and wood; forks, shovels, etc. Also a large wardrobe; washing machine; rangette; lawn mower 'and other articles. No reserve, the farm is sold. TERMS: ()ash, CECIL HARRISON, Prop, W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. Lunch booth on grounds. 2c By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL HOLIDAY VISITORS With Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Gill were Mr. St Mrs, Keith Charlton, Gary and Karen of London, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, Joanne, and grandchildren of Coderich Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fahner and Vicki of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Becker and family of Dash- wood and Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Baker of Grand Bend with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Feltner. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Webb and family, Mr. & Mrs, Morris Webb and family, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Webb and family with Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Webb. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Skipper of Brantford with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Skipper. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Amman and family of Pickering, Mr. & Mrs. Milton McAdams of Zurich with Mrs. Marie Pask. Mr. & Mrs. Mel Ramsden and family of North Bay with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Ed Gill and family. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Allister and Janet of Hamilton with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Willis Gill and family. Miss Beulah Holt RN of Tor- onto with her mother, Mrs. Mae Holt. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Hamilton with Mr. & Mrs. Ted Stanlake. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ormston and family of Weston with Mr. & Mrs. John Stacker. Miss Wendy Rehkof of Peter- borough is spending her Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. George Campbell. Mrs. Shirley Gillard and Joane of Toronto with her par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Patter- son. MATERIALS DISCUSSED Grand Bend 4-H Club held their 4th and 5th meetings in the town hall. A discussion was held on selecting materials. The lead- ers, Mrs. Alvin Moir and Mrs. Dwayne Tinney, explained pat- terns and how to use them, Achievement Day was also dis- cussed. PERSONALS Carl and Lynda Page flew TCA to Florida last week and are holidaying with their par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Page. Mrs. Ray Patterson and Win- ston left by plane on Sunday morning to spend the holidays in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. D. Chambers of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. John Manore. Miss Maureen Ha/nil of Lon- don spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle Mc- Gregor, Important AUCTION SALE of High Quality Holsteins, Farm Implements, Dairy Equipment, Hay and Misc. Items On the premises, LOT 3, CON. 4, MeGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP, 5 miles east of Mt. Carmel on Paved Road or 1 mile south of McStephen Auto Wreckers. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 14 at 1:00 p.m, CHOICE HOLSTEINS: Hol- stein heifer due end of April; Holstein heifer fresh 4 weeks; Holstein heifer fresh 2 weeks, heifer calf at foot; Holstein cow, third calf, fresh since Nov., re-bred in Jan.; Holstein cow, third calf, fresh 3 weeks, heifer calf at foot; Holstein cow, third calf, fresh 2 weeks, heifer calf at foot; Holstein cow, third calf, due sale date; Holstein cow carrying third calf, due end of April; Holstein cow, fifth calf; Holstein cow, fresh since Dec., calf at foot; Holstein cow carrying fifth calf, due in May; Holstein cow carrying fifth calf, due April 26; Holstein cow, third calf, fresh 4 weeks, calf at foot; Holstein cow, fifth calf, fresh 2 weeks, calf at foot; part Holstein and Hereford cow fresh 3 weeks, calf at foot; 3 Holstein heifers, bred in Jan.; Holstein heifer rising 2 years old; 3 Holstein yearling heifers. Please Note: This is an extra choice herd, females all sired by selected Oxford Unit males, high producers and blood lines. FARM IMPLEMENTS: M.H. binder, power take-off, 7 ft. cut, in good condition; Oliver mower, power take-off, 7 ft. cut;; MJI. No. 11 tractor ma- nure spreader; Letzs grinder No, 80, in good condition; grain grinder; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; beet rack; beet loader; Int. 32-plate tractor disc; Allis Chalmers 81 ft. cultivator; dump rake; platform scales, many other misc, items. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: Surge 2-unit milker with piping for 22 cows, in new condition; also pails, strainer and cans. HAY: 800 bales choice qual- ity mixed hay. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming. TERMS: Cash. JOHN VERDOOLD, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2;9c CO-OP livestock Report These farmers shipped their cattle through Rollie Williams, local shipper, to the Ontario Stock Yards for auction sale by United Co-operatives Live- stock Dep't. Here are some of the prices they received last week: Exeter and District Farm Service We offer you a full service for all your custom work from Spring to Fall. To assure you a much better service we purchased a new planter this year and are able to do all your planting with liquid or dry fertilizer. We plant beets, corn, beans or spring grain. Do not be disappointed. Come in now and put your name on our list of satisfied customers. W. VICTOR KNIP RR1, CENTRALIA Phone Exeter 2B5-1815 MELVIN ALLISON, AllsaCraig 1 Shorthorn Steer 1140 lbs. . . @ 24.50 SAM SKINNER) Centralia 1 Hereford Heifer 880 lbs ../1) 22,75 MELVIN STADE, Dashwood 1 Shorthorn Steer 950 lbs, . 24.25 1 Hereford Heifer 780 lbs.....0 23.00 FOR SERVICE CALL R. B. Williams Phone 235-2597 Exeter Broderick Bros. Clearing . AUCTION SALE of Cattle, Tractor, Farm Machinery, Feed, House- hold Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 26, CON. 1, USBORNE TOWNSHIP, 11 miles north of Exeter or 3e miles south of Hensel]. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 11 at 1:00 p.m, CATTLE: Holstein cow due in June; Durham cow due in July; part Angus and Holstein cow carrying second calf, due in May; 2 Durham cows car- rying third calf, due in May; Hereford cow carrying second calf due in May; Hereford heif- er rising 2 years old: 2 Here- ford yearling steers. TRACTOR & FARM MA- CHINERY: John Deere "A R" tractor on rubber, in good condition; John Deere side delivery rake; Int, power take- off 8 ft, sWather; M,R. bean Sctiffler and puller; single scuffler; McDeering mower, 6 ft. cut; Otaco 2-furrow trot- torplow; 11-ren grain drill; Otaco 'horse drawn ma. nure spreader; M.11. binder, ft, cut, used 2 seasons, in brand new condition; 4- sec- tion diainond harrows; 2-sec- tion lever harrows; Int, stiff tooth cultivator; 3-druni steel roller; dump rake; 2 Steel Wagons; 16 ft, hay rack; MAN. Well hay loader; walking MOW; set of sleighs; Clinton Nothing mill; circular saw; 2 Wheel- barrows' power outcry stone; portable ' hen nests; root pulp. er ; clatter; new colony houee gala, all Metal and itistlialed; Viking electrie eteatfi sepaea- tot; Woods 2-Mtit 1 iikitrg Mtn ehine With ing for maple syrup pi e p quipment 18 intend cowa;, ExetOr Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable 50-Acre Farm, Horses, Cattle, Auto, Tractor, Farm Imple- ments, Feed, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 29, CON. N.B. HAY TWP. Va mile east of Drysdale or 2 miles west of Blake on Town Line, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 10 at 1:00 p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 29, Con. N.B., Hay Twp. 50-acre farm on which is situ- ated a well-built frame dwell- ing covered with asphalt shin- gles. Main floor: large living and dining r o o m, modern kitchen with built - in cup- boards, 3-piece bathroom, bed- room and utility room. Second floor: 4 bedrooms and clothes closets; full size basement. Large bank barn, drive shed and garage. Land all tillable, 35 acres plowed ready for spring seeding, remainder in pasture. Land in good state of cultivation. Never failing wa- ter supply. Convince yourself by inspecting this farm before sale date. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Please Note: Mortgage terms can be arranged by contacting the undersigned prior to sale date. HORSES: General purpose Percheron team, mare and gelding, true and reliable, CATTLE: 2 Durham farrow cows; Durham cow carrying third calf, due in June; Here. ford steer and heifer, rising 2 years old; 3 Hereford year- ling steers; 3 Hereford year- ling heifers, HOGS: 2 Yorkshire sows, with litters. AUTO, TRACTOR & FARM IMPLEMENTS: 1953 Meteor 2- door sedan, in new condition; 1949 Ford tractor, completely overhauled, including 2-furrow hydraulic plow, combination field and bean scuffler; M.N. binder, 6 ft. cut; M.H. mower, 5 ft. cut; M.11, 71 ft. cultivator; Oliver bean puller; 4-section diamond harrows; team disc; 2-section harrow pole land roller; Deering 11-run grain and, fertilizer drill; 16 ft. hay reek; rubber tire wagon; get of sleighs; tarpaulin 8x10; cut- ting box; hay fork tope; 100 ft, shove fence; sling rives; bag truck; set of scales; fan, fling mill, hay knife; cutter; quantity of tile; forks; shovels; barrels; roll of wire; grain box; 2 single ectifflers; chains and Many Other miscellaneous netts. Quantity hay, grain And straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECT 5: Beach 4-burner heavy duty electric stove; medium Mae Frigidaire refrigerator; Ad- inieat 2i inch telovielOn, with aerial; Axminister rug 9 X 12, like 'new, toent than* 3-piece chesterfield Suites eke-, trio lamps; chronic table and Extensive AUCTION SALE of High Quality Holsteins, Beef Cattle, Hogs, Tractor, Thresher, Farm Machinery Hay Grain, Misc. Items and Household Effects On the premises LOT 14, CON. 1, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP 7 miles south of Exeter or 4 miles north of Lucan on Highway No. 4 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 at 12:30 p.m. CHOICE HOLSTEINS: Hol- stein cow, third calf, fresh three weeks, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, third calf, fresh two weeks, calif at foot; part Holstein a n d Ayrshire cow carrying third calf, due April 17; Holstein cow carrying fifth calf, due in June; Holstein cow carrying third calf, due April 6; Holstein cow carrying second calf, due May 1; Hol- stein cow, milking, due in De- cember; Holstein cow, due be- fore sale date; Holstein cow carrying third calf, due May 25; Holstein cow carrying sec- ond calf, due April 2; Holstein cow carrying second calf, due April 11; Holstein cow fresh three weeks, calf at foot; Hol- stein cow, second calf, fresh since Jan.; 2 Ayrshire cows fresh •since Dec.; Hereford cow, third calf, due April 19. Please Note: This is an ex- ceptional good herd of cows, high producers and blood lines. 14 part Hereford and Holstein steers and heifers, market condition; 5 yearling steers and heifers; 5 Hereford calves, YORKSHIRE HOGS: York- shire sow with litter of 12; York sow with litter of seven; York sow carrying third litter, due April 10; 4 York sows carrying second and third lit- ters, bred in Feb.; part York and Landrace hog; 35 York chunks. TRACTOR and THRESHER: John Deere A.R. standard trac- tor on rubber, in A-1 condi- tion; Dion thresher en rubber equipped with shredder, in A-1 condition, FARM MACHINERY: Mc- Deering No. 46 hay baler in brand new condition; Oliver siegle row power take-off corn picker, like new; M.H, 15-run power lift grain and fertilizer drill, like new; McDeering 7-ft, power take-off Mower, recent- ly purchased; McDeering 3- furrow plow on rubber, like new; McDeering No, 9 heavy spring Moth cultivator; John Deere stiff tooth cultivator; 3- section diamond harrowt; drimi Steel roller; Case 4-bar side rake; McDeering binder 7 ft, cut; Gale hammer mill; Fltiety BisSel 32-plate tractor disc; Cockshutt 4-roW -snifter; John Deere heavy duty wagon; 16 ft. beet rack; Otaco wagon; 16 ft, hay rack; Little Giant 38 ft. hay elevator equipped with motor; McDecring W 200 treeter Spreader; 50 ft, endlese belt; McDeering Yanking "Ma• chine equipped• With 2 single units And piping for 16 dns; Viking electric cream separ. ator; MAL hoot Niece; 200- gal, gas task; h.p., electric motor; 46 ft, corn crib; elde- tile fencers; Milk Pails; SteW- art electric cattle elipperat Molly hoOse 10X12; rubber NEWS FROM AGRICO Bulk or bagged fertilizer is now available at Dashwood. Spreading equipment is available to haul bulk fertilizer from the storage to your farm and spread it with your own tractor. Drop in just beside the hotel FRIDAY, APRIL 10 rind join us for COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS while you look over the facilities. LLOYD RADER Mgr.