HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-04-02, Page 4•
PTO Operated, bonded tanks,
designed for the new and fu-
ture chemicals that require
constant agitation.
Products Of Ligi
Oenera~ Motors
Sales with
TIPWard Cunningtoo, MenclaY.
Rev, Hugh and Mrs, Wilsol
YiSited. MPAci4y with Mrs, Wil,.
son's sister, Mrs. T. K, ITOWA
of Aylmpr,
Mr, •44 Mrs, Tony
and family of Embro with Mr.
Mrs. Ernest Pym, Friday,
Mr, & Mr§, Eery POW
of:c;•pciltql Monday with M;
Mrs. grnPM Pym,
Mr,, Mrs, Warren Brock of
.4);00r? FriclAY evening and with
Mr1 & Mrs, Everard
ZIPP, Saturday evening and Mr;
Mr§. Allan Elston, Monday
Mr, & Mr., Lorne Passmore,
an famlly with Mrs Edgar
BOO of Exeter PanclaY,
Mr. & Mr$. FrPOPIPPthgtork
of cerargia with Mr, & Mrs.
Of Toronto, David •;prgpx of
Port Credit called pa Mn, .4
Mrs. Glean .Jeffery and Mr,
4 Mrs, 'William Rohde Saturday
Mr. & Mrs,: :11PWarcl.c1411411%.--
ton, Janet, David apd JoycA
with mr,.4 .Mrs,
sop of Parichill,...Sanday,
Mr. & Mrs,. Edwin Miller,
Brian, Barry and Barbara with
•.Pediccite. gift
at Kippers. UC
During the serYlee Sunday in
St, Andrews 11c Rey, Howard.
Plant dedicated a junior choir
loft in Mertiory Of Mrs, Elston
DPWSOn, a gift from her datigh,
ter Mrs. Eldin Kerr and a
memorial narthex dedicated in
memory of Mrs. William Wind,
er, a gift from the estate,
The seventh meeting of the
4-H club was held on March 21
at the home of Mrs. E. White-
Miss P. pa.made Huron home
economist, was the guest speak-
er. The roll call was answered
by 10 members, The secre-
tary's report was read by Thee
Van Niekerk. The secretary
for this meeting will be Anne
In the business period achie-
vement day was discussed. Miss
Damude checked the blouses and
record books. The girls then
worked on their blouses. A
work meeting was held March
28 at the home of Mrs. Robert
Miss Janet Doig, 61, died
Monday morning, March 30 at
Huronview, Clinton.
Funeral will be Wednesday
at 1:30 from Bonthron Funeral
Home, Hensall.
John Pepper reported a suc-
cessful sale at his farm Satur-
day afternoon.
Mr, & Mrs. George Gnatuk
of Hamilton were Easter week-
end guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Ron Littleton and family.
Albert Norman Kyle was
among those baptized and join-
ing the church Palm Sunday. His
name was omitted in last week's
The Misses Margaret Elgie
and Sharon McBride, and David
Cooper of University of Wes-
tern Ontario. spent the Easter
weekend with their parents.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. N. Long were Mr. & Mrs.
E dwar d Sheffer of Dryden,
Mich., Miss Katherine Feltzer,
PS elephant sale
realizes $25.85
Thursday afternoon, March
26, grades 5 and 6 of Hensall
Public School with Mrs. Mary
Haugh teacher, held a white
elephant sale and made $25.85,
for the Bunny Bundle for crip-
pled children CFPL Radio. Ar-
ticles sold were comics, pop-
corn, apples, home made candy,
eggs with pictures of the Beat-
les painted on them, fish pond.
All the other grade s of the
school with their principal and
teachers attended the sale.
Winners in the draw were
Bev Clark, Marjorie Schwalm,
Bonnie Sangster.
Janie Smith, treasurer, and
Debbie Anderson, secretary,
were interviewed Friday morn-
ing on CFPL radio by John
Dickens, when they presented
the money.
Mr, Mrs, Ross: Dallantyne,
Brian, Jimmy, Slit:ripe AN Di-
ane, Mr, 4L Mrs. William Rohde,
Douglas, Glenn and _Calvin with
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Knight,.
& Mrs. ArchieE-.therthg,
ton with Mr. & Mrs. Fred
ten of London,
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cann With
Mrs, Peter Ferguson of Guelph,
Mr. & Mrs. William Gilfillan
of Exeter with Mr. & Mrs. Wil
fred Hunkin.
Mr. & Mrs, Almer pass,
more, David, Dennis, Darlene
and p4le with Mr, & Mrs.
Wellington Heist of Exeter,
Mrs. Gent ie Moore, Mrs,
Lorne Luker of Hensall with
Mr. & Mrs. William Snow.
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Wanner
and Shirley of Sarnie with Mr.
& Mrs. Ernest Pym.
Mrs. H. S. Pettibone of Ayl-
mer, Miss Mary Gay Pettibone
Corpell University offered a
certificate in journalism in the
year 18'75-79 before the days of
journalism schools.
WI sponsors
Members of Kippen East en-
tertained residents of Huron-
view, Clinton, at a birthday
party Wednesday afternoon,
March 25,
Eighteen residents, who were
celebrating birthdays this
month, were presented with
gifts by president Mrs. W. ,1.
F. Bell.
Mrs. James McNaughton,
vice-president, chaired the
program which consisted of a
sing-song with Mrs. Ross
Broa.dfoot at the piano; square
dance selections members of
the set being Mrs. W.J.F.
Mrs. Edna Caldwell, Mrs. Vern
Alderdice, Mrs. Robt. Bell,
Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, Mrs.
Wilmer Broadfoot, Mrs. R. Up-
shall and Mrs. Grant MacLean,
with Mrs. Broadfoot accompan-
ist; a quartette, Mrs. John Sin-
clair, Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner,
Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Mrs.
William Kyle, sang two selec-
A skit was presented. Lunch
was served, which included a
decorated birthday cake topped
with eighteen candles, after
which itHappy Birthday" was
sung. Over eighty residents at-
tended the party.
At the dinner meeting of the
Kinsmen club Thursday night
past president Ross Jinks, who
recently left to take up resi-
dence in London, was presented
with an engraved desk set. The
presentation was made byKins-
man Harold Knight.
Plans were discussed for the
observance of their 10th an-
niversary which will be cele-
brated April 23 with a banquet
to which several clubs will be
invited, also guest will be the
National Vice-president John
Goldie, Toronto.
Bill Mickle is convener of
this project. President John
Baker chaired the meeting.
Mrs. Doug Johnston was hos-
tess for the Kinette meeting
Wednesday, March 25, chair-
ed by president Mrs. John Deitz.
It was decided to hold the an-
nual spring rummage sale Sat-
urday, May 23, Kinettes were
reminded of the interclub to be
held in Aylmer Monday, April
13. Mrs. Wm. Fuss wonthe raf-
fle. Charades were played fol-
lowed by lunch.
Hensall personals
Grand Rapids, Mich., Oswald
Brown QC and Mrs. Brown of
Detroit and Mrs. Marguerite
Ulch, Windsor,
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Graham and
family of Novato, California,
and Mrs. Reg. Robin son of
Thamesville were weekend
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ted
Robinson and family. Sunday
visitors were Mr. & Mrs. Clif-
ford Robinson and family of
London and Ted Wagner of Chat-
Garry Cooper of Exeter spent
Good Friday with his parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Vivan Cooper.
A demonstration of plastic
ware by Mrs. Jane W. McLeod
of Goderich was held Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Gordon Lavery.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sheffer
of Dryden, Mich., attended the
memorial service Sunday at St.
Andrew's UC in memory of the
former's aunts, Mrs. Elston
Dowson and Mrs. William Wind-
At a bake sale Saturday after-
noon at Drysdale's store Hen-
sall, units 1 and 2 of the UCW
realized the sum of $53, Mrs.
Ross Broadfoot and Mrs. Lloyd
Lovell were convenors.
Tues., Wed. & Sat., 9 to 6
Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9
School Girl Perms -- $6.00
Regular $8.50
Phone 236 Hensall
Whole or Half
LB. 4U
3 .,S.$r1.00
Guests of Mr. & Mrs. N. E.
Cook were Mr. & Mrs. Gary H.
Corlett, Bryan, Diane and Goof-
frey of Toronto, Dr. & Mrs. M.
A. Hopkinson
Joan, Bruce and
Mary Beth of Lion's Head. Dr.
Mervyn Hopkinson was abroth-
er of the late Keith Hopkinson
of Goderich, who was killed in
a plane crash Thursday of last
Attending the funeral of the
late Keith Hopkinson of God-
erich were Mr. & Mrs. G. H.
Corlett of Toronto, Mr. & Mrs.
N. E. Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Robert
H. Cook, and Mr. & Mrs. Doug-
las A. Cook, all of Hensall.
Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Mrs.
Malcolm Dougall, Mrs. Earl
Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Troyer
and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, rep-
resenting the WMS and Arnold
Circle of Carmel Presbyterian
Church, attended the Easter
thank-offering meeting of the
WIVIS of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Belgrave, Monday of
this week. Guest speaker Mrs.
Congram of Wingham gave an
Easter message. Mrs. Hyde
gave two poems on Easter, and
Mrs. Schwalm spoke on the
books of the Bible presenting
a brief outline of the books in
the old and new testaments.
Easter visitors with Mrs.
Pearl Passmore were Mr. &
Mrs. Ron Passmore, London;
Miss Norma Passmore, Bur-
Members of the WMS and Ar-
nold Circle of Carmel Clnirch
attended the Easter thank-
offering meeting in First Pres-
byterian Church, Seafort h,
Tuesday evening of this week.
Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle,
Charles, Ann and Mrs. Florence
Joynt were guests Sunday with
the former's daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Mac-
Millan and David of Kitchener.
Ann is staying for a few days
during the holidays.
Miss Joan Goddard spent part
of the Easter holidays with her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
& Mrs. Dennis Mock of London.
Mrs. Alberta McBeath, who
has been a patient In Scott
Memorial Hospital Seelorth„ is
Tecuperatiag at the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
& Mrs, Alex McBeath ofKippen.
Charles Mickle Of Hamilton
spent the Weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle
and Ann.
A joint Confirmation service
of Chiselhurst and Rensall
United Churehes was held
Thursday evening in Hensall. UC
when 19 young people from both
churches were admitted trite full
Membership into the church.
Mr. & Mrs, Orval Rapson
had as their guests on Easter
Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Murray
Milton of Agincourt; Mr.StMrs.,
Clare McBride, Gwen and Bob
Of Zurich; Mr. & Mrs, Gordon
Rapson,Billie and Cindy, Wing-
ham; r. & Mrs. Donald James,
Julie and Michael, London,
MiSs Elaine Keys is Spending"
the Easter week holiday with
her grandparents, Mr, & Mrs.
Nati Hill of Sinidoe,
Easter guests with Mrs, Elm.
fda Farquhar Were Miss Dor-
Othy Farquhar, Ron Farnidier,
Mr, & Mrs. Ed,KnOXendfaniily
Charles Ferrest of Sarnia
was a VititOr in town Saturday
Grocery Specials
Your Choice 6 for $1
Stokely Fancy Peas, 1S-oz. or Stokely Fancy
Cream Corn, 15-0z., Aylmer Catsup, 11-oz.
mo. 55t FLEECY Laundry Rinse
McLaren's Genuine
24 oz. pkg. 49t stuffed, loose-pack 554
16-0z. jar Spanish Olives
FLUSI-10 new plastic container 9n - 2 5 4
Aylmer Fancy
Tomato. Juice 3 /894
Tomato Soup 6/691
39t Jack's Blanched
L 75 4 Peanuts 14-oz. bag
No. 1 Sunkist Navel size
Oranges 2D
Grocery Specials
'64 MERCURY Demonstrator with power brakes,
power steering, radio, 8 cyl., automatic
'64 MARAUDER 2 Door Hardtop, fastback. All
power equipment, radio, demonstrator
'64 COMET 2 door hardtop, V-8, automatic,
'62 MERCURY 2 door hardtop, power equip-
ment, automatic
'62 FORD Galaxie 500, complete with
'62 FORD Galaxie, V-8, automatic
'59 METEOR, Rideau 500, V-8, automatic
'58 FORD, V-8, automatic
'58 METEOR Station Wagon, 6 cyl.
standard shift
'57 STUDEBAKER, Silver Hawk, 2 door
'56 FORD, V-8, automatic, motor reconditioned
'56 MONARCH, 4 door sedan
'55 BUICK, 2 door hardtop
'57 FORD 1/2 ton, 8' box
Make Us An Offer
'56 PLYMOUTH ',56 HUDSON Rambler
Your -Meteor Mercury De5161*
Roy Campbell, Proprietor Phone Hensall 31
16-oz, jar
2 Got 494,
The annual Easter morning
breakfast for the Thames Read
and Mit:Willa Young people was
held Sunday morning.
President Wayne prance con-
ducted the worship service after
Which the Young P eople sat down
to a typical Easter breakfast.
community night was .held
Thursday evening with six
tables of ,euchre in play.
prizes were won for .men's
high by Bon Patterson;
low, Alvin Passra ore; lone
hands, Glenp Rohde; ladies high
Mrs. jeck Borland; ladies low,
Mrs. Mac llodgert.
Lunch was served by the Qom,
mittee in charge Mr, and Mrs.
Alvin Cottle and Mr, and Mrs.
Harold Rowe.
Mrs, James Anderson re,
turned home last week from St.
Joseph's Hospital London,
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne .Ballan,
tyne and Brenda, Mr. & Mrs.
Ray Cann, Mr, Hugh McDougal
were Wednesday evening guests
with Mr. & Mrs, Murray Daw-
Quite a number of relatives
from this community attended
a .John's Cousins party at Rus-
seldale Hall Thursday evening,
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Vincent of
Blyth were Saturday evening
guests with Rev. Hugh & Mrs,
Mr. & Mrs. Art Harris and
Ronnie of Stratford, Mr. & Mrs,
Ross Cottle and family with Mr,
& Mrs. Alvin Cottle. Ronnie
Harris is remaining for a few
Page 4 April 1964
and. district new.
Mrs, Ma0de Hedden, Phone 5-
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, phone 56
antlers Contracts
We will have Befzes seed, which has proven far 4up,-
erior to Montcalm or Parkland.
Once again we will have the three, popular varieties,
Rodney, Garry and Russell seed oats. We can take
your crop from the combine if you wish. •
We will be contracting white beans again this year.
We will have all varieties and they will be of the
highest Quality.
We will supply seed and fertilizer for all these
We will have a complete line of clover
seed, timothy seed and grass seed at
very attractive prices
Complete line of CIL fertilizer
Area woman
reaches 92
Mrs. Jane Hugh, patient at
the Queensway Nursing Home,
Hensall, for the past three years
and a native of Brucefield area
all her life Tuesday, March 31
quietly celebrated her 92nd
The second oldest resident at
the nursing home, Mrs. Haugh
enjoys fairly good health and has
a family of one son and two
daughters, Dr. Carmen Haugh,
Toronto; Mrs. J. Ussher, Falls
Charch, Virginia; Mrs. John
McIntosh, Toronto.
Telephone staff
fetes operator
An enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mrs. Don
Cooper, Exeter, when the local
staff of the Bell Telephone met
and presented Mrs. Cooper,
with a gift in recognition of her
services at the office.
An address was read by Miss
Bonnie Kyle, local manager,
who was also presented with a
gift from the staff.
A social hour followed when
refreshments were served.
ypt) group holds
sun rise service
The Hensall-Chiselhurst YP
held their annual Easter sun-
rise service at Hensall UC
Easter Sunday at `7 am. The
service, led by Eric Ross, was
held in the auditorium of the
church. Cathy Scane read the
scripture and Ann Mickle acted
as pianist. Joyce Flynn sang
two solos. Eric Ross gave an
inspirational Easter message.
Following the worship,
everyone was invited to the
Sunday School rooms for break-
fast. The tables, seating about
fifty people, were decorated
with mauve and yellow mums.
Seyeral ladies from the con-
gregation assisted the Young
People in preparing and serv-
ing the breakfast.
Special services highlighted
Easter Sunday in local chur-
ches. Messages appropriate to
the occasion were delivered by
the ministers, with special mu-
sic rendered by the choirs.
Easter flowers decorated the
church sanctuaries and chur-
ches were well filled.
Flowers in the UC sanctuary
Sunday morning were in me-
mory of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Fee, and at Carmel
Presbyterian Church in me-
mory of Mrs. Minnie Sangster.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm., J. MacLean,
Brian and Allan of Exeter were
recent visitors with Mr.& Mrs.
Robert MacLean.
Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Simpson
of Birmingham, Mich., were
Easter guests with Mrs. Lou
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mason and
daughter of Seaforth were re-
cent visitors with Mrs. Mason's
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E.
Bell and Mervyn.
Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren
returned to Toronto after holi-
daying with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne
Chapman and Mr. & Mrs. Ar-
chie MacGregor.
Keith Robertson of Detroit
is holidaying this week with his
uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Taylor and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hyde and
Lisa have returned home from a
pleasant holiday in Florida.
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Johns of
Elimville were recent visitors
with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Bell.
Ted Mock, Robert McNaugh-
ton, David Pyette and David
Taylor, SHDHS students, en-
joyed an Easter vacation in
New York City, sponsored by
the school.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lindsay
and family of Toronto with Mrs.
Lindsay's mother, Mrs. John
Henderson and family, and also
visited with John Henderson,
who is a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter.
Earl Bell of Toronto with his
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E.
Bell and Mervyn,
Mr. & Mrs. William Baker
and family with Mrs. Baker's
father, Lyle Woodburn, at
Mrs. Edna Corbett with her
son-in-law end daughter, Mr.
& Mrs. Harold Parker and
Bill Shaddick, London with his
mother, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick.
Messrs. PatrickSoldari, Zur-
ich, Robert Hoffman, Dashwood,
Robert Coullier, Douglas Rus-
sell and Larry Rats of Cen-
tralia, Grade 12 and 13 stu-
dents at SHDHS are room-mates
on an Easier vacation in New
York City;
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Johnston
and family spent Easter with
their parents at Barrie and
Miss Ruth Anne Traquair,
and Miss Ruth Anne Hume St.
Thomas, spent the Easter week-
end with the former's grand-
parents Mr. & Mrs. M. Tra-
quair, Miss Traquair IS spend-
ing the week with her grand-
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Stewart
STORE HOURS tiosed all day every littitidaYt
60611 day Wednesday; open Friday evenings
Open 86todayt 'until 16 pm