HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-03-26, Page 4ey MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE
The, animal ,kingdom has been
increased greatly in the last
two. weeks as four consecutive
farmers in one mile and, quar,
ter on the north side .of the
Thames, Road had four sets of
twin calves all thriving, The
farmers are, aCIS Borl and,
yin Cottle,. Alvin Passmore and
Almer Passmore,
The March meeting of the
Happy Doubles Club met on
weonesday evening with a good
crowd in attendance, Ross Hod,
gert .was in charge of the meet,
ing of which the theme was
"Easter". The worship ser,
vice on Easter was given by
Ross Hodgert assisted by mrs.
Hodgert, Mrs. Hugh Wilson,
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bray. Rev.
Hugh Wilson sang a solo. Mrs.
Arnold Cann gave a reading
"Ten Little Christigne", Mrs.
Donald Bray showed two films,
"The Last Supper" and ,,,Ar,
rest and Trial". Several con-
tests were eNoyed. Lunch was
served by the committee in
charge Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bray
and Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hodgert.
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Alvin Passmore were
Mrs. Gertie Moir of Hensall,
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Moir and Peter
of Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Bert
Barry, Mrs. Pearl Baynham
and. Colleen of London, Mr. &
Mrs. William Passmore, Mrs.
Lloyd Parsons, Mr. & Mrs.
Oscar Tuckey of Exeter.
A meeting of the Sunday
School teachers and officers
of the Thames Road charge met
in the church basement Sunday
evening. Mrs. R. S. Hiltz and
Gordon Hodgine attended the
hockey tournament and banquet
Saturday evening at Brampton
sponsored by Northern Electric
Mr. & Mrs. Hiram Bieber
and family attended the funeral
Friday from the Hoffman Fu-
neral Home, Dashwood, of Mrs.
Bertha Bieber.
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins,
Marlene and Gwen also Hubert
Hodgins, Granton, visited Sun-
day with Mrs. Eckron Hodgins,
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Squire and
family, 10th line, also Miss
Selena Bryan were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. & Mrs. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Morley,
Kathleen, Carolyn and Don New-
bury of Hazel Park, Michigan,
were weekend visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. Wm. Morley.
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins
and Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hod-
gins attended the Granton WI
50th Anniversary banquet Wed-
nesday evening.
Mrs. Hope, London visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alex
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Pullman,
Roy and Ronnie visited in Mit-
chell with Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Kirkham, Sunday.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Adams, Lon-
don, Mr. & Mrs. Chas Rawlings,
Centralia; and Mr. & Mrs. Ain-
sley Neil, Exeter, visited Sun-
day with Mr. & Mrs. Alton Neil.
Jim Foster, Kitchener, spent
the weekend ,at his home here.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Goudsward
and Joey, Melrose, were guests
Canned KAM or PREM
Luncheon Meat 12-oz. tins 2/694
Jelly Powders 3-oz. pkgs. 10/994
Garden Patch Choice 15-oz.
Wax-Beans 4/491
Dog Food .'tins 10/891
3-lb. economy pack.
Jiffy pops right in pkg. 5-oz. pkg.
Margerine STORE HOURS: Closed all day every
Monday; open all day Wednesday; open
Saturday evenings until 10 p.m.
Sunny-vale Pure Grapefruit
48-oz. tins Juice
Maple Leaf
Canned Hams $1.39
Mums, Lilies, Mixed Pots
Easter Flowers, $1 49 an, HENSALL SPECIALS FOR MARCH 26 AND 28
Store Will Be Open Thursday Evening This Week Until 9 p.m.
Because of The Holiday On Good Friday
For The Ladies
While They Last
No. 1 Texas
Cello Carrots 3-lb. pkg. 23(
Supreme Brand
Pies Apple or Raisin 24-oz. 394
Ice Cream Plastic Container 1/2 gal. 894
Swift's Kindless Cry-o-vac
Side Dinner Minced Sausage Ground
Bacon Hams Ham Meat Chuck
LB. 494 LB. 754 LB. 494 LB. 394 LB. 494
Shortening 3-1b. Nv e
U container 7c
Weston's Hot Cross
Bunettes dozen 354 Green Giant Fancy
Popping Corn 294
'First Quality Seamless
Mesh Nylons 3 pr 854
Peas 15-oz. 5/880
Duncan Hines Layer Type Compare at 49¢
Cake Mixes SPECIAL 43
Christies (Salted or Plain) large pkgs. for
Soda Biscuits 3/$1
AT THE HIGH .:gH004.
By Elizabeth. 99§4.r. Thames Road .boasts
four sets of 'twins' „ear mission
Page 4
March 26, 1964
and district news
Mrs,Maude .Hedden„ Phone S
Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone. 56
lunch in the spacious, clean
cafeteria. Apparently they
serve clelielees meals, Which
the employees PaY only 2 0c for,
and the company pays for the
rest. In the modern cafeteria,
there Was a conveyor belt which
carried the traYs pack to the
After this, there were inter-
views for all those interested,
OTee• of the first steps was
the printing' room where they do
90% of their own printin. An-
other stop was made in a room
filled with IBM machines which
rim day and night,
They were also permitted to
enter a huge vault which con-
tained many safes, Feliewing
the tour they were treated to
Become first Margaret Ann Smith weds
The Bible Club was incharge
of the Easter assembly Thurs-
day and presented the Lenclop
College of Bible and Mls$loqs,
Tills chorale is comprised
of 21 female voices and 18 male
voices, They sang many sacred
songs and there was also a duet
a trio, a solo and a quartet.
Each grade has chosen its
posture candidate this week.
They are: grade 12, Norma
Young; grade 11, Nancy Mc,
Tavish; grade 10, Sharon Flet-
cher, and grade 9, Darlene Par,
These girls will compete in
a later contest to decide who will
be posture queen. Last year's
queen was Linda Himter-Duvar,
Friday the Special Commer-
cial and 12C classes journeyed
to London to tour the London
Life insurance building, accom-
panied by two teachers Mrs. Ed-
ith Dixon and E. D. Howey.
London Life employs over
16,050 employees and is the
largest Canadian company with
branches coast to coast,
During the morning the stu-
dents were divided into two
groups for a guided tour through
the building. They were able to
observe the employees at work
and also were able to ask them
Rev, S. Lewis of .Exeter
were, present to introduce the
books of the new curriculum,
- The UCW tharlic,off ering.
meeting will he held. Wednes,
day evening April 1 at 8r30 pm e
Mrs, Harold Currie of Rensall
will be the guest speaker.
Mr. & yips. Alex Rohde of
Mitchell, M. & mrp, Ray
Cottle were .Friday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs.
vin King of crediton.
Quite a number of ladies
from this community attended
the second annual meeting of
POW Huron presbyterial .atja,
Ines St, UC Exeter, Wednesday,
Burondale WI catered to. the
Canadian Canners banquet
Thursday at the Legion Hall,
Fxeter, Thursday evening,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jeffery,
Mr. & Mrs. .Gordon Stone, Mr.
& Mrs. Almer Passmore were
Saturday evening guests with
Mr. & Mrs. william cum.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Rohde of
Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cote
tle, Mr. & Mrs. William Fer-
guson were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Wil-
liam Rohde.
Mr. & Mrs. William Passe
more of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs.
Alvin Passmore and Beverley
were Saturday evening guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Morrison Cas-
well of London. The Braziers
of Brantford and the de Mooyi's
of London were also guests, the
occasion being the 35th wedding
anniversary of Mr. & Mrs.
Alvin Passmore which was Fri-
day, March 20. •
Mr. & Mrs. William Thomson
of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Glenn
Jeffery, Alan and Connie were
Sunday evening guests with Mr.
& Mrs. William Rohde, the oc-
casion being the 43rd wedding
anniversary of Mr. & Mrs.
Thomson which was Monday,
March 23.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Brian, Barry and Barbara at-
tended the surprise party for
Mr. & Mrs. James Miller of
Woodham Saturday evening, the
occasion being Mr. & Mrs.
James Miller's 25th wedding
Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs.
Ken Simpson are patients in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pa-
mela and Calvin of Woodham
visited Sunday evening with Mr.
& Mrs. Glenn Jeffery.
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. La-
verne Morley celebrating Mrs.
Morley's birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. French and
family entertained to dinner
Saturday evening on their 24th
wedding anniversary, Mr. &
Mrs. Howard Morley, Carolyn
and Kathleen and Don Newbury,
Hazel Park, Michigan; Mr. &
Mrs. Art Hodgins and family,
Clandeboye; Mr. & Mrs. Gary
Parkinson and' family, St.
Marys; Mr. & Mrs. Russell
Brock and David, Chiselhurst;
and Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Morley
and family.
Baskets of mums, gladioli
and red carnations formed the
setting in Egerton St. Baptist
Church, London, for the wed-
ding of Margaret Ann Smith,
daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
fred J. Smith, Hensall, and
Richard William Tipping, Lon-
don, son of Mrs. Mary Tipping,
Willowdale, and the late Richard
William Tipping, Saturday,
March 21, at 2 pm.
Rev. Fred Darnell was the
officiating minister, and Miss
M. Reid of London provided
traditional wedding music and
Blind work
Kippen topic
Mrs. Jack Consitt was hos-
tess for the health meeting of
Kippen East WI Wednesday,
March 18, with Mrs. C. Pull-
man co-hostess, and president
Mrs. Wm. Bell presiding.
Guest speaker Miss Amy
Lammie of Hensall gave an in-
teresting talk on her work and
experience "Teaching the
Members responded to the
roll call with "What health rule
would you emphasize to your
children?" Mrs. H. Binnendyk
gave a health quiz followed with
a question and answer period,
and Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse read
a poem.
Members brought recipes for
meats and special occasions for
their cook book a project of
this branch to celebrate their
30th anniversary this year.
Mrs. Robt. Gemmell chaired
the meeting for the program.
Mrs. W. Sangster
native of Scotland
accompanied the soloist Louis
Fodor of London, who sang “The
Lord's prayer", and "Wedding
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor
length gown fashioned with a
square neckline and lily pointed
sleeves. Her bouffant skirt was
of lace and net. A crown head-
piece held her shoulder length
veil and she carried a cascade
of red roses.
Miss Marilyn Smith, RR 4
Thedford, attended her sister
as maid of honor wearing a
street length dress of turquoise
satin with netting over top with
pleated short sleeves. She car-
ried a bouquet of white mums.
Flower girls, the Misses Kathy
and Sharon Fodor of London,
nieces of the groom, were cos-
tumed in pink nylon, and carried
small cascades of white mums
arranged with a pink bow.
Herb Davis of London was
groomsman, and George Smith,
Thedford and Robert Valentine,
London, ushered guests.
For the reception held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Durham, London, the bride's
mother received wearing a blue
dress with white accessories
and pink carnation corsage. The
groom's mother chose a blue
dress with accessories in white
and wore a yellow carnation
House decorations were in
pink and white motif accented
with streamers withballoons
and baskets of mums, gladioli
and red carnations. Servers for
the reception were Mr. and Mrs.
George Durham; Miss Shirley
Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Mohr.
The young couple will reside
in London.
The Whalen Community Club
sponsored a box social Friday
evening. A good crowd attended.
The entertainment for the
evening were cards and dancing
and the boxes were autioned,
coroner team
Doctors Mervyn and Norma
Hopkinson, who have practiced
medicine in Lion's Head for 14
years, have become Canada's
first husband and wife coroner
Dr. Mervyn Hopkinson was
appointed a coroner for Bruce
County about a year ago. Last
week, his wife received a simi-
lar appointment.
Dr. Norma Hopkinson is the
former Norma Cook, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook,
Hensall. She attended public
school here, South Huron Dis-
trict High School, and was gra-
duated from the University of
Western Ontario in 1946.
After interning at St. Mi-
*chael's and Women's College
hospitals in Toronto, she joined
the staff of Queen's University.
In 1949, she was awarded a
medical research fellowship by
the public health committee of
the Canadian LifelnsuranceOf-
ficers' Association and under-
took a study on the early diag-
nosis of cancer of the cervix.
She and her husband set up
practise in Lion's Head follow-
ing their marriage.
It is believed that she is the
second woman to be named a
coroner in Ontario.
'64 MERCURY Demonstrator with power brakes,
power steering, radio, 8 cyl., automatic
'64 MARAUDER 2 Door Hardtop, fastback. All
Power equipment, radio, demonstrator
'64 COMET 2 door hardtop, V-8, automatic,
'62 MERCURY 2 door hardtop, power equip-
ment, automatic
'62 FORD Galaxie 500, complete with
'62 FORD Galaxie, V-8, automatic
'58 FORD, V-8, automatic
'58 METEOR Station Wagon, 6 cyl.
standard shift
'57 STUDEBAKER, Silver Hawk, 2 door
'56 FORD, V-8, automatic, motor reconditioned
'56 MONARCH, 4 door sedan
'55 BUICK, 2 door hardtop
Make Us An Offer
'56 PLYMOUTH '56 HUDSON Rambler
Your Meteor Mercury Dealer
Roy Campbell, Proprietor Phone Hensall 31
All men are created equal—
and endowed by their creator
with an insatiable urge to be-
come otherwise.
The Whalen Community Club
had a shooting match In the
Community Centre Saturday af-
ternoon. Sever al attended.
Prizes were turkey, chicken and
ham. Hensall personals
Flowers in the sanctuary of
the United Church Sunday morn-
ing last were in memory of their
mother by William Stewart and
David Blackwell; and in memory
of William Henry, by the family.
Confirmation and Communion
will be observed Thursday 8 pm.
Sunday the YPU will hold their
annual sunrise service to be
followed by breakfast served
in the church hall.
The following were welcomed
to the fellowship of the congre-
gation Sunday morning by let-
ters of transfer: Mrs. Harry
Caldwell, Kippen UC; Clair
Deneau, Amherstburg UC; Mr.
& Mrs. James Drummond, Rob-
ert and Bruce, Chiselhurst UC;
Mrs. Erma Lowery, James St.
UC Exeter; Mrs. Inez McEwen,
Carmel Presbyterian Church,
Hensall; Mrs. George Sinker,
First UC, Hamilton; George
Sinker, Church of the Ascen-
sion, Hamilton; Mr. & Mrs.
Ross Veal, James St. UC, Exe-
The choir room of Hensall
UC was decorated in a beautiful
Easter setting for the thank-
offering meeting of UCW unit 3
Monday evening with Mrs. Ron
Mock presiding.
The theme of the devotional
period was "The Holy Week"
conducted by Mrs. Ron Wareing,
assisted by Mrs. Cecil Pepper.
Last chapter of the study
"Indian Opportunities", was
reviewed by Mrs. Carl Payne,
Mrs. Mock gave a reading
"What Easter Means" and Mrs.
Walter Spencer presented a
film "Each with his own brush",
an artist's conception depicting
the life of Christ from his birth
to his crucifixion.
Miss Mary Goodwin directed
Pallbearers for the funeral
of the late Mrs. William J.
Blackwell, formerly of Exeter
and Hensall, held from the Bon-
thron funeral chapel Monday,
March 16, were George Tinney,
Ben Tinney, Jack Tinney, Joe
Lostell, Richard Wolf andStan-
ley Tenney.
Relatives attending the fu-
neral from a distance were from
Lansing, Mich., Toronto, Lon-
don, and Komoka.
Mrs. Williamina (M inn i e)
Sangster, '78, a resident of Hen-
salt for .60 years,died inExeter
nursing home Monday, March
She was born in Scotland,
the former Williamina. Sinclair,
and came to Hensall when a
young girl. Her husband, the
late William Sangster, died in
She was a member of Carmel
Presbyterian Church, and
member of the Women's Mis-
sionary Society, a former mem-
ber of Amber Rebekah Lodge,
and Hensall Women's Institute.
Surviving are one son, Doug-
las, London, two daughter s,
(Margaret) Mrs. John McFar-
lane, Forest; (N o r m a) Mrs.
Herb S t r et t o n, Hensall, 10
grandchildren, and a sister,
Mrs. James Robertson, Scot-
Public funeral services were
held Wednesday from the Bon-
thron Funeral Home conducted
by Rev. Douglas Fry of Seaforth.
Interment was in Hensall Union
Bearers were Jack Peebles,
Leonard Noakes, Jim Bengough,
David, Jim and John Sangster.
William Henry
Hibbert native
William Henry of Hensall,
died in Clinton Hospital Thurs-
day, March 19 in his 87th year.
He was born in Hibbert Town-
ship, County of Perth.
Mr. Henry was a pioneer in
the Red Deer, Alberta district,
and also farmed at Keeler,
Sask., and Kindersley, Sask.
He lived for several years on
an Ontario farm, later retiring
to Hensall. He was a member
of Hensall United Church.
Mr. Henry leaves to mourn
his loss, his wife, the former
Harriet Cameron, one son Cam-
eron, London; one daughter,
Mrs. D. C, Herne (Margaret)
St. Catharines, and three grand-
sons Cameron, Richard and Da-
Public funeral services were
held Saturday, March 21 from
the Bonthron Funeral Chapel,
with Rev. Harold Currie of-
ficiating. interment was in
Bairds' cemetery.
Bearers were Hugh Love,
John Jarrott, Robert Cameron,
Ira Geiger, Alex Mustard, Jack
A St. Patrick's box social
arid euchre was held in the lodge
rooms Tuesday evening, March
17 sponsored bytheCP&T com-
mittee of Amber Rebekah and
IOOF lodges.
Winners for euchre Were:
Ladies, Mrs. Ross Richardson;
men, Percy Campbell; ladies
low, Mrs. Jack Consitt; men
low, Clarence V 011 a rid; lone
hands, Percy Campbell.
ProduCts Of
Ge.,ers; Motors
Frigid aire
Sales with
Chief of Police E. R. Davis
was guest speaker at the St.
Patrick's meeting of the 1st
Hensall Brownie Pack held in
the United Church Tuesday af-
ternoon, March 17, speaking on
Attending the Tipping-Smith
wedding in London S a tu r day
were Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Smith;
Mr. & Mrs. Garnet Allan; Mr.
& Mrs. Roland Vanstone, Miss
Marlene Reid, all of Hensall.
Mr. M. VanDyke of Grand
Bend, an uncle of Mrs. Sim
Roobol, returned Saturday after
a three months visit to Holland.
Members of Hensall Legion
Ladies Auxiliary attended the
card party at Seaforth Legion
Hall on Wednesday sponsored
by Seaforth LLA. Attending
were Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs.
Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Hor-
ton, Mrs. Wm. Smale, Mrs. W.
J. Cameron, Mrs. Gordon Munn,
and Mrs. Harold Campbell.
Peter Bisback, son of Mr. &
Mrs. Grant Bisback, and student
at SHDHS Exeter, underwent an
appendectomy operation at
Clinton Public Hospital, Thurs-
Sunday, March 22 (Palm Sun-
day) members of Hensall Kin-
ette Club brought happiness and
cheer into the lives of 46 shut
ins in the village, patients at
Oueensway Nursing Home, Hen-
sall, hospitals at Exeter, Clin-
ton and Huronview, presenting
them with lovely Easter plants.
This is an annual project of
the club.
Wayne Hamilton, Stouffville,
Steve Charlton, Blenheim, John
Bradley, Sarnia, Ian Spencer,
Oakville, and Bob Mickle, all
residents of Sydenham Hall
UWO were Sunday evening din-
ner guests with the latter's
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Laird
Mickle and Ann.
Gary Hoy, four-year-old son
of LAC Clarence and Mrs. Hoy
of Exeter, formerly of Hensall,
has returned home from South
Huron District Hospital, Ex-
eter, where he was a patient,
following an opperation for re-
moval of his tensile, and other
Mr. & Mrs. Brian. Bonthron
and Chris Of Lbnclori, were week
end guests with Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Banthron and family.
Allan Reid, Scott Smith, and
Bev COrneil, while Out stroll-
ing on the CNR tracks one mile
south of Hensall, Saturday af-
ternoon, found an American
weather balloon. The metal bog
a foot and a half erniare had an
orange parachute attached. The
Youngsters left It at the local
post office, and PM Cecil Kie-
fer will return it to the proper
Officials in the Americah gov-
Youth from Seaferth, Gecier-
ich, RCAF Stations Centralia
and Clinton , Exeter, Blyth, Bay.,
field and Varna Won valuable
prizes on Toastmaster Junior
Auotion bh CFPL-TV Saturday
afternoon. Lloyd Wright was
Miss Mary S. Fee
former resident
Funeral services for Miss
Mary Susana S. Fee of Goder-
Leh, a former Hensall resident
for many years, were held
Thursday from the James A.
Harris Funeral Home, London,
With burial in Sayffeld ceme-
Miss Fee, 92, a former et-
tiVe member Of St. Patil'S Ang-
11=1 Church, Hensall; for Many
years, is survived by nieces
and nephews. Mite Pee died in
LOnden Monday, March 16.
auctioneer assisted by Al Mit-
chell. Appearing on the program
from Hensall were Bonnie and
Linda Sangster, children of Mr.
& Mrs. John Sangster, and Bob
and June Maxwell.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Jinks, Gail
and Billy, left Saturdayfor Lon-
don, where they will take up re-
John Henderson is a patient
in South Huron Hospital, Ex-
eter where he is receiv in g
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lewis of Sar-
nia visited over the weekend
with the latter's parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Walter Spencer.
Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren of
Toronto and Mr. & Mrs. Lorne
Chapman motored to Albany,
N.Y. where they visited with
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Connors and
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Scruton of
Port Dover visited recently with
Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and Mr.
& Mrs. Peter L. McNaughton.
Jim McGregor of Tucker-
smith, Ross Love of Hay, and
Malcolm Davidson of Stanley,
attended the annual meeting of
the Ontario Hog Producers in
Toronto Wednesday and Thurs-
day of last week.
Mrs. J. E. McEwen, and Mrs.
Edna Caldwell left Thursday,
March 26, by bus for a three
weeks' vacation in California.
During their travels they will
visit with Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Love and family of Stanford,
Cal. and with Mrs. Ruth Bell
also of California, a former
Hensall resident.
Annual Good Friday trap
shoot will be held Friday, March
27, 1 pm. Main event is for
Carling Trophy, sponsored by
Kippen Gun Club.
Construction of the $35,000
Bell Telephone Company dial
exchange building continues and
contractors are expected to be-
gin the upper portion of the
one-storey brick structure this
week, W. W. llaysom,
area manager, stated this week.
The exchange should be com-
pleted in time for the introduc-
tion of dial service this fall, he
Mr. & Mrs. Sim Roobol visi-
ted over the weekend with the
latter's brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. & Mrs. A. Gelderland
of Ridgetown, celebrating with
them their 25th wedding an-
niversary, spending Sunday at
1Vlarine City, Mich.
Amber Rebekah Lodge inetin
the Lodge rooms Wednesday
evening, March 19 with Noble
Grand Mrs. Clarence Volland
presiding. A donation was sent-
to the eye bank.
Bearers at the funeral of the
late Mrs. Lorne McNatighton
were Alvin Cole, Carl Stone*
Man, jack Brintnell f Jim Mc-
Dougall, Torn Drover and RosS
Riley; Flower bearers were
Leslie Riley, Stan Ze.tikoWelti,
Alvin Crawford and Ben Stone-