HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-03-12, Page 11Buy ' Easter Seals '''" CANADA ON ii il i CALL US IN AND YOU WILL SEE, • OUR ELECTRICAL KNOWLEDGE RUNS FROM A-TO-Z Be prepared with safe first aid that brings stocked kf eedliewh i i i• • keep Mr medicine cabinet to Artfisreplic OINTMENT AVAILABLE AT DON ROOTH ELECTRIC LIGHTING 235-028170 HURON W Middleton's Drug Store EXETER 25 Auction Sales white enamel. kitchen range„ like new; coal and wood heat- er; ,extension table and chairs; 2 s.M411. tables; couch; side- baar4; rocki40 .ata ,at a, No reserve as the farm is, .sold. TERMS: Cash. gL.1, BROWN, Proprietor GARNET 1U KS, Clerk ALVIN WALPEft, Auctioneer 12;19c AUCTION SALE. featuring 4 tractors, self-propelled corn- bine, self-propelled swather, threshing machine, truck and farm implements. to be held, on the premises, LOT 3, CONCESSION 5, TUCKERSMITH TWP, 3 miles east of Hensall, on SATURDAY, MARCH 28 JOHN PEPPER, Proprietor PERCY C. WRIGHT, Auct. Telephone Hensall 690R22 .March 12 Page 1) Volkswagen Sales and Service Phone 235 -1 100 EXETER Hunter -Duyar Ltd. 25 Auction Sales 5 heifers rising 2 years old, ready .for market; 5 steers ris- ing 2 years old, ready for market; 111 yearling heifers and steers; 5 fall calves, HOGS; 2 ,choice York sows due May 1; 21 York pigs ,av- eraging 141 lbs. -eaeh- OVLTRY: 100 :Leghorn •pul- lets; 100 1,eghorn yearling. hens. TRACTOR; M.11, 44 standard tractor in. A-1 condition. FARM IMPLEMENTS: 9 ft. stiff tooth cultivator; heavy duty rubber tire wagon; 4-section diamond harrews; Vessot grinder and belt; 100- lb, beam scales; Int, electric cream separator; fanning mill; dump rake; root pulper; 1 h.p. electric motor; :h.p, electric motor; milk pails; 3 electric fencers; 2 iron kettles; steel pig trough; colony house 1044; extension ladder; extension pipes, etc., etc. HAY & •GRAIN: 800 hales of choice quality hay; 400 bales oat straw; quantity cut straw; 1,000 bus, choice mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECT S: Moffat 4-burner electric stove, like new: G.E, washing ma- chine; electric radio; china cabinet; kitchen table and chairs; small tables; studio couch; settee; daybed; 3 bed- room suites, dressers, coat- modes; sewing machine; G.E, 'heater (like new); Maxwell power mower; sealers, dishes, etc., etc. Good Collie dog. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is. sold. LEWIS DAVEY, Prop, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:19c stet r daybed; ‘elec- trig lamps; intrrara;. „club bag; set .of crutches; toilet baSioS; Plettire frames;. ASSerttneot of dishes; gtassware; .kitchen utensils; Copper; boiler; coal oil heater; '!antique :crockery chamber; ironing board; che- nille drapes; -ljtiroar electric. .stove; sealers; crocks, etc,. TERMS; Cash, MISS JEAN IVISON, Proprietress GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12e • Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Combine, Truck, Farm Implements, Choice. Cattle, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the •premises LOT 10 & 11 CON, 1, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP Highway 4 6 miles south of Exeter or 6 miles north of Lucan The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public- auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 at 12:00 o'clock TRACTORS, COMBINE and TRUCK - McDeering "M" Fermat,' tractor in A-1 condi- tion; Allis Chalmers standard "C A" tractor equipped with 2-furrow hydraulic plow; Allis Chalmers standard "C A" trac- tor equipped with hydraulic Henderson manure loader; 1951 • GMC ton truck with racks, 35,000 'actual mileage in A - 1 condition; M.H. No. 60 8 ft. power take-off combine fully equipped, in brand new condition; Owatona 8 ft. swath- er, used two seasons, like new. FARM IMPLEMENTS - Int, 15-run double disc grain and fertilizer drill on steel, like new; Int. 8 ft stiff tooth cul- tivator; Int. 32-plate tractor disc; McDeering No. 45 hay baler, like new; Int, 3-furrow wide bottom plow; Int, 2- fur- row tractor plow; Little Giant 40 ft. power (take-off hay ele- vator; McDeering No. 200 trac- tor manure spreader; Cock- shutt 4-row beet scuffler; 3 Otaco rubber tire wagons with hay racks; 2 home made rub- ber tire wagons; 3-section spring tooth harrows; set of diamond harrows; i Gehl ham- mer mill, 50 ft 6 inch endless belt; Vesott grain grinder and bagger; sugar beet lifter; Int. 3-bar side rake; 18 ft. grain auger with extension; hay loader; dump rake; Oliver 7 ft. power take-off mower; McDeering team mower 5 ft. cut; M. H. bean puller; three 4 harrow eveners; Viking electric cream separator; Co- op 2-unit milking machine with piping; Renfrew cream sep- arator; root pulper; circular saw; 2,000 lb. platform scales; electric cattle clipper; hand clipper; 720 tractor chains; 5 tarpaulins; rubber tire wheel- barrow; extension ladder; steel and wood barrels; beet forks; steel roofing; bob sleighs and rack; pig feeders; quantity lumber; cedar shin- gles; 2 block and tackles; ce- ment mixer; heavy vice; 2 electric fencers; grease guns; heavy duty barn jack; hay forks; quantity white bricks; quantity cedar posts; gasoline cans; corn crib; 150 - 3 bushel grain bags; 200 sacks; numer- ous tires and tubes; chains; forks; shovels etc. CATTLE-Part Durham and Hereford cow due sale date; part Hereford and Durham cow due in June; Angus cow carrying second calf due in July; part Holstein and Here- ford cow, milking, due in August; Hereford cow with calf at foot; 8 Hereford steers rising 2 years old, ready for market; 2 Hereford heifers rising 2 years old, ready for market; 8 Hereford fall calves; Polled Hereford bull rising 2 years old. Cattle all of choice quality. HAY and GRAIN-2,000 bales choice quality mixed hay; 300 bales second cut alfalfa hay; 800 bales wheat straw: 200 bales oat straw; 500 bushel of Rodney oats suitable for seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Findlay cook stove: studio couch; organ; beds; dressers; commodes; extension table and chairs; lanterns; sealers; crocks and many other articles too numerous to mention. Please Note-This is an ex- tra large sale with everything in good condition. Plan to at- tend. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS -- Cash, JOHN KABAT, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5.12c DAIRY SALE AUCTION SALE of Holstein Cows & Heifers HENSALL SALES ARENA on SATURDAY, MARCH 21 at 2:00 p.m. 35 Holstein cows and heifers due to freshen in March and April. TERMS: Up to three years to pay. Terms can be ar- ranged three days prior to sale. Auctioneers: HAROLD JACKSON, VICTOR HARGREAVES Clinton 482-7511 HECTOR McNEIL, Sales Manager. Hensall 235 12:19c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Feed will be held on • LOT 10, SOUTH BOUNDARY OF BIDDIJLPH, on No, 7 Highway, second farm west of Edgewood, on SATURDAY, MARCH 21 at 1:00 p.m. A full list will appear next week. KENNETH GARRETT, Prop. W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers 12c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Farm Implements, Auto, Hay, Straw, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 18, CON. 14 STEPHEN TWP, 11 miles west of Dashwood, Highway 83 thence 2 miles south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 21 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE - Consists of 100-acre farm on which is situated a frame dwelling covered with asphalt shingles. Main floor-living and dining room; kitchen with built-in cupboards, bedroom •and util- ity room. Second floor-3 bed- rooms and clothes closets. Full size basement. Large bank barn, drive shed and pig stable. Buildings in good state of repair, new roof- ing. Land all tillable; never failing water supply. Inspec- tion invited, TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to 2 reason- able reserve bid. FARM IMPLEMENTS: Cock- shutt 13-rim "hoe" grain and fertilizer drill in good condi- tion; 2-drum steel roller; rub- ber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; team mower, 5 ft. cut; 3-sec- tion diamond harrows; Cock- shutt 6 ft, binder; Oliver 2-fur- row tractor plow; horse drawn manure spreader; Fleury trac- tor disc; M, H. horse drawn bean scuffler and puller' ' Mc- Deering 3-bar side rake; dump rake; sulky plow; walking plow; circular saw; 2-wheel trailer; extension ladder; set of sleighs; quantity new lurn- ber; large quantity 4-inch tile; diamond 'harrows; snow fence; cutter; steel and wood bar- rels; logging chains; fanning mill; quantity of slab wood; Viking cream separator; forks, Mains, shovels, etc, AUTO: 1954 Ford sedan„ in foovvod milmeaegcehanical condition, HAY & STRAW: Quantity of loose cut straw and baled hay, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 3 complete bedroom suites, dres- sers, coinmodes, toilet sets; studio couch; davenport with 2 matching chairs; battery radio; oak, rockers; tables; chairs; sideboard; kitchen Cabinet; couch; new linoleum 9x12; folding ahairs; mirrors; dishes; kitchen utensils; wash- ing machine' equipped With TIP TOP'S ready-to-wear Medalist .95 $64 Tip Top has a wonderful selection of new spring fabrics made up into ready-to-wear Medalist suits. There are worsteds, tradi- tional herringbones, checks and plains in both two and three button styles. You'll agree, dollar for dollar a Medalist suit is Canada's best clothing value, Drop in today and choose yours from this stunning col- lection. TIP TOP TAILORS Walper's Men's Wear Phone 2354591 EXETER Extensive Clearing AUCTION SALE of 45 Head of Cattle, Hogs, 2 Tractors and Full Line of Farm Implements, also Grain and Ensilage will be held on LOT 23, CON. 12, FULLARTON TOWNSHIP, on 23 Highway, 1 mile south of Russeldale, on MONDAY, MARCH 23 at 1:00 p.m. A full list will appear next week. EZRA WILLARD, Prop, W. E. NAIRN & SON, Auctioneers 12c Important AUCTION SALE of High Quality Holsteins, Beef Cattle, Hogs, Poultry, Tractor, Farm Imple- ments, Hay, Grain, House- hold Effects, Misc. Items On the premises LOT 17, CON. 3, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 11 miles west of Exeter on Huron St. thence 1 mile south or 3 miles north of Centralia Airport. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 at 1:00 p.m, CHOICE CATTLE: Holstein cow due before sale date; Holstein heifer fresh since Oct., re• bred; grey Durham cow fresh since Sept., re-bred; part Here- ford and Durham cow freshen- ed in Jan,; Holstein cow car- rying second calf, due sale date; grey Durham cow due in May; Holstein cow carrying third calf due before sale date; Durham cow due before sale date; Jersey cow carrying fourth calf due before sale date; Holstein cow carrying third calf, fresh since Feb.; Holstein cow, second calf, fresh since Feb.; Holstein cow, second calf, fresh since Feb,; Helstein cow, fourth calf, due in May; Holstein cow carrying second calf due before sale date; reg, Holstein heifer freSh since Sept.; Holstein cow fresh Since Sept., re-bred; Holstein heifer fresh since Feb.; Dur- ham 'Ow due before sale date; part Hereford and Durham cow cote before sale date. Cows all of extra good qual- ity anti producers, 19 For Sale or Rent COMFORTABLE house in Hen- sail on corner lot, Phone Ed- ison Forrest 267,18;Hensall, 5:12* 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction. Sales 25 Auction Sales nent bay mixture, choice HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Propane 4-burner gas stove; gas space heater; Anoex coal and wood stove; combination xlesk and book case; library table; oak beds, springs and Mattress; kitchen cupboard; ellairs; rockers; cistern pump; quantity ,of stove wood and many 'articles too numerous to .mention. TERMS - Cash, No reserve as the farm is sold, EMMERSON ERB, Prop. ERVIN GINGERICH, Clerk. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5:12c 25 Auction Sales g as motor; coal oil stove; coal and wood heater and many articles too numer- ous to TERMS: No reserve. Everything 'will, be sold to settle estate. ARTtligt A. OAJZ, • Administrator for the estate of the late Clarence Gale. GLENN WEBS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 12:19c NEWLY RE mopplxp house in Dashwood on Main Street, Phone Ervin :Rader 117 Dash- WOO, 'nog 11 Notices NOTICE-The .Dasliwood pomp Grounds will be closed to the public on MareII 14, 1964 at 0:00p,m, Anyone interested in having garbage collected on March 21 contact Harold Stire, telephone :nw Dashwood. 12c • • • •• •. ATTENTION FARMERS IN THE EXETER-HENSALL AREA Anhydrous Amonia Meeting MARCH 17 AT 8 P.M. EXETER TOWN HATA. Films on AA Coro, Growing of corn and Dow chemical. Hank Reinstra, rep, Dow Chemical, Toronto. 13 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS LISTINGS CONTINUED Wednesday, March 18,-- Ex- tensive Farm SA JOhn Kabat, prop, Friday, March 20 -- Clearing Farm Sale --Philip Hartman, Prop, Saturday, March 21 - Real Estate, Farm Machinery-Mrs. Clarence Gale, Proprietress. Monday, March 23-Clearing Farm Sale-Francis Corriveati, Prop- WednestlaY, March 25 - Ex- tensive Farm Sale - Louis Davey, Prop. Thursday, March 26-Clear- ing Farm Sale - Eli Brown, Prop. Saturday, March 28 Clear- ing Farm Sale-Wm. Webber, Prop. Tuesday, March 31 --Exten- sive Farm Sale-Noah Ginge- rich, Prop. Wednesday, April 1-Exten- sive Farm Sale - Louis Mas- nice, Prop. Friday, April 3 - Clearing Farm Sale - Rudolph Etue, Prop, Saturday, April 4 - House- hold Furnishings-Ailsa Craig, Robinson Estate. Wednesday, April 8-Exten- sive Farm Sale - Joe Zubal, Prop. Saturday, April 11-Clearing Farm Sale-Wm. Sillery, Prop. 12c ISC. ITEMS: McDeering 16 run. double disc grain and. .fer- tilizer drill op rubber, com- pletely ePUIPPed, in brand new condition; .M..H. 74. ft. PQYYPr lift spring tooth eultiVator; MeDeering 2-furrow tractor plow; M.H. 1 ft. binder in A-1 Condition;„M,H, 8 ft cultivator; Be tilder heavy .duty rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. flat hay rack; 114,17.1. horse drawn ma- nure spreader; Cockshott side delivery rake; sliding rack; 3-aeCti3OO AleMend harrows; section flexi ble harrews; bean machine on steel,. in good .con- ditleo; single scoffler; M.H. dump rake; Cockshutt land packer; Viking electric cream Separator, 650 lb, cap; set of scales; quantity of' lumber.; quantity 4 and 5" tile; iron. kettle; electric fencer; bean knives;. grain bagger; wheel- barrow; trailer racks; bag truck; extension ladder; hand saw; barrels, ferks, shovels, davenport, etc., etc. CA'ri'LE: Holstein cow ear- rying third calf, due in July; part Hereford and Holstein cow carrying second calf due in June, Quantity of baled hay, TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. PHILIP HARTMAN, Prop, GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:19c STOCK REDUCTION SALE In the Estate of PEARL ELIZABETH MURDY, late of the Village of Lucan, in the County of Middlesex, Widow, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the above men- tioned Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned so- licitor for the Executor on or before the 21st day of March; 1964, A.D., after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims that have then been received. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements AT LOT 3, CON. 8, TUCKERSMITH TWP. 5 miles south, 16 miles east of Seaforth or 4 miles west of Staffa, on SATURDAY, MARCH 14 at 12:00 o'clock sharp CATTLE - 15 cows due in April, May and June; 1 cow with calf at foot; 1 roan heifer rising 2 years old; 1 Durham bull 2 years old; 4 Hereford steers weighing 1200 lbs each; 15 summer calves 500 lbs, each. PIGS- 17 sows, 9 with pig- lets; 1 Berkshire hog 2 years old; 1 Landrace hog 1 year old; 6 black pigs 120 lbs. each. IMPLEMENTS - 1 Nuffield tractor, 4DM diesel, 900 hours, like new; S.C. Case row crop tractor with scuffler; John Deere harvester, hay and corn head; 1 Ford tractor horn manure loader; John Deere blower with pipes; forage wagon with box; Blizzard cut- ting box with pipes; 2 grain augers; fanning mill with mo- tor; hay wagon and rack; Massey binder; Massey seed drill; two 2-furrow Massey plows; 3-furrow Massey plow; Avery thresher with new grain blower; 75 ft. drive belt; grain blower with hopper and pipes; George White mounted cultivator; 10 ft International mounted mower; McCormick Deering 7 ft. mower; Massey manure spreader; Cockshutt hay loader; 3 sets harrows; side rake; snow blower; elec- tric hammer mill, 3 ih.p. mo- tor; 2-unit Universal milker for 18 cows; circular saw; chain saw, 12 h,p.; 2 set of weigh scales. TOOLS - Electric drill I/2"; skill saw; drill press; L.K.S. welder; heavy duty Jackall jack; ropes; pulleys; chain hoist; electric brooder; fur- nace oil burner with controls; set cattle clippers, 3 sets of blades; Burdizzo pinchers; stock syringe; forks; shovels; logging chains; 1953 combina- tion dump truck; two 2-wheel trailers and other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve-farm sold. TERMS - Cash. VIVAN COOPER, Prop. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 5:12c Opportunities to adopt children „, J EA N ETTE is a nine year old girl looking for new parents through adoption, She is French speaking, Roman Catholic, with brown eyes and hair, a fair clear complexion, fine features, very pretty and attractive, Jeanette is doing well in Grade 3 in school, and is a shy but friendly girl who would feel most at borne with bilingual parents. JACK is a happy, 13 month old baby who deserves a good mother and father. 1-le has blue eyes and fair hair and is Canadian in back- ground. Jack is a healthy boy, but since birth a slight paralysis around his lips has been noticeable, especially when he smiles and laughs. This condition has improved and may improve further, Little Jack would be adoptable by suitable parents who are Protestants. If you can offer Jeanette or Jack a permanent family home, please write to: Till: ONTARIO DEPARTNIEN1 OF PUBLIC WELFARE PA It 1,IANII N I BUILDINGS, TORONTO EDWARD H. UNGER, Richmond at Maple Streets, London, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 27:5:12c AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Truck, Com- bine, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain, Misc. Items On the premises LOT 12, CON. 7, N.B. HAY v4 mile south of Hillsgreen or 21 miles east of Zurich High- way 84 thence 21 miles north, Parr Line. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 23 at 1;00 p.m. TRACTORS, TRUCK & COM- BINE: M.M,-Z "A" standard tractor in A-1 condition; Case Farmall type tractor equipped with 2-row scuffler, in good condition; 1955 Mercury 1/2 ton pick-up truck •in good mechan- ical condition; M.M. 6 ft. com- bine equipped with Wisconsin motor, in A-1 condition; FARM MACHINERY: M. H, binder, 7 ft. cut, on rubber, new condition; McDeering 3- bar side delivery rake; M. H. hay baler equipped with mo- tor, like new; M. H. 3-furrow wide bottom tractor plow; Int. 81 ft. spring tooth cultivator on rubber, like new; McDeer- ing 11-run grain and fertilizer drill; 3-drum •steel roller; 3- section spring tooth lever har- rows; M.H. horsedrawn ma- nure spreader, on steel; 4- section diamond harrows; Int. 7 ft. cut power take-off mow- er; New Idea heavy duty rub- ber tire wagon; 16 ft. flat hay rack; McDeering hay loader; combination grain and beet rack; dump rake; rubber tire wagon; 20 ft grain auger; all steel grain box; Oliver bean puller; Rite-way 2-unit milk- ing machine equipped with 2- unit milker; Strunk custom chain saw; root pulper; single scuffler; quantity cedar posts; steel water trough; quantity of white brick; steel kettle; 5- gal. gas cans; milk strainer; 8 milk cans; wood stove; gas stove and many other misc. items. Int. Ace bottom 2-furrow tractor plow. HAY & GRAIN: 500 bales choice quality mixed hay; 100 bales second cut alfalfa hay; 400 bales oat straw; 100 bales bean straw; 500 bushel Rod- ney oats, suitable for seed. TE'RMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. FRANCIS CORRIVEAU, Prop. ROSS LOVE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12:19c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Choice Holsteins, Trac- tor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the premises, LOT 5, CON. 7 STEPHEN TWP. 11 miles south of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, MARCH 26 at 1:00 p.m. HOLSTEIN CATTLE: Hol- stein cow carrying third calf due March 30; Holstein cow carrying third calf due April 25; Holstein cow carrying fifth calf due April 28; Holstein cow due April 21; Holstein heifer fresh since Dec,; 2 Hol- stein cows, milking. Cows are all choice quality. 5 part Here- ford-Holstein yearling steers; 2 part Hereford-Holstein year- ling heifers. TRACTOR & FARM IMPLE- MENTS: Int. W-4 standard tractor fully equipped and in good condition; Int. 3-furrow Ace-bottom plow on rubber in new condition; Int. 32-plate tractor disc; Cockshutt 4-bar side rake; Int. 11-run disc grain and fertilizer drill; Int. binder, 6 ft. cut; Oliver horse drawn manure spreader on rubber; 3-drum steel roller; M. H. mower, 5 ft. cut; 3-sec- tion diamond harrows; dump rake; rubber tire wagon; new 16 ft. hay rack; Viking W.B. electric cream separator; root pulper; platform scales; cat- tle clippers; steel barrels; numerous tires and tubes; chains, forks, shovels, quan- tity of dry stove wood and many other misc. items. HAY & GRAIN: 700 bales choice ouality mixed hay; 900 bushel Gary oats; quantity of loose hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Heintzman upright piano in new condition; Royal Chef 24 Tenders Wanted Consisting of General Merchandise to be held in the DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 14 at 1:00 p.m. SALE CONSISTS OF - 16 men's and boys' jackets; men's winter red plaid hats; boys' and men's sweaters, pullovers and cardigans; men's flannel and cotton shirts; men's undershirts; 21 pair of ladies' cloth gloves; ladies', girls and boys' mitts and gloves; ladies' summer T shirts; scarves, kerchiefs; la- dies' slacks and jeans, shorts and blouses; 66 ladies' house dresses; 4 house coats; girls', ladies' and children's lined jeans; ladies' Terry cloth shortie pyjamas; crepe py- jamas; 16 wool skirts; cotton blazers; girls' summer blouses; ladies' nighties; 7 children's plaid skirts; 13 ladies' sum- mer skirts; ladies' brassieres; girls' winter cotton briefs and undershirts; pillow cases; plastic drapes; infant and children's bonnets and caps; 24 baby sweaters; children's long stockings; ladies', boys' and men's over rubbers; vari- ety of linoleum, etc etc. TERMS: Cash. Plan to attend this great op- portunity sale. SHIRLEY & RONALD BRAID, Proprietors GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12c TENDERS WANTED by THE AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FOR a small crawler - type bulldozer with approximately 35 (draw-bar) h.p. gasoline motor, 5 track rollers, 14" semi-grousers, 12 volt system, cushioned seat, swinging draw- bar etc. Unit must be equipped with a heavy duty multi - position front end loader (3/4 yard 60" bucket) which can be inter- changed with an 80" (maxi- mum) blade with skid shoe attachment. Details and specifications may be obtained from the Authority Office in Exeter, 61 Old Mill Road, Box 459 Exeter. Sealed tenders marked "Ten- ders for Bulldozer" will be re- ceived by the undersigned at Exeter, Ont. until 12 o'clock noon E.S.T. on Friday, March 20, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. C. Hume, Secretary-Treasurer 5:12c AUCTION SALE of Dairy Cattle and Equipment for Ross Riley, LOT 18, CONCESSION 13, HIBBERT TWP, 7 miles east of Hensall or 7 miles south-west of Dublin on MONDAY, MARCH 16 at 1:30 p.m. CATTLE: 6 Holstein cows fresh a month and a half; 5 Holstein cows due by sale day; 2 Holstein cows due in May; 1 Holstein cow due in June; Ayrshire cow due in two weeks; Jersey cow due to freshen by sale day; Holstein heifer in milk, bred 3 weeks; Holstein bred heifer; Holstein x Hereford heifer, fresh two weeks; 3-year-old Hereford bull; 5 Hereford x Holstein calves. EQUIPMENT: Un iv er s a 1 milker, 3 units; pipe line for 25 cows; Dari-cool 6-can •spray type milk cooler; Beatty lit- ter carrier and 175 ft. of track and pole; Viking cream sep- arator, TERMS: Cash. Sale will be held under cover if weather is unfavor- able. ISEEMAT61.1,,",M.e.e,4 ROSS RILEY, Prop, BERT PEPPER Auct. 12c Toast of the Town TENDERS Usborne Township School Area # 1, Ontario Sealed tender s properly identified as to the contents for the general contract includ- ing heating and electrical work addressed to Usborne Township School Area # 1, Ontario will be received by Kyles & Kyles Architects, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ontario until 4 pm, Wednesday, March 18, 1964. Each tender must be accom- panied by a bid bond or mark- ed cheque made payable to Usborne Township School Area # 1 in an amount of 5% of estimated cost which bid bond Shall carry a 60 day limit from tender closing date. The successful contractor will be required to furnish a performance bond of 100% of their contract price, Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. General building con- tractors may obtain plans and specifications from the office of Kyles & Kyles Architects, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. on deposit of a cheque in an amount of $50.00 payable to Kyles & Kyles Architects. This deposit will be returned on receipt of the complete is- sue of sets in good condition, Usborne Township School Area # 1, Ontario. 5:12c '58 FORD FAIRLANE DELUXE SEDAN, like new, fully equipped. '55 BUICK SEDAN, excellent '60 VAUXHALL, SEDAN Snow tires, good condition '59 METEOR SEDAN Rideau, automatic, V-8 '56 STUDEBAKER SEDAN V-8 25 Auction Sales '56 VOLKSWAGEN Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Truck, Cattle, Farm Implements, Hay and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 18, CON, 12, HAY TWP., 11 miles west of Zurich V2 mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 20 at 1;00 P.m. TRACTOR & TRUCK: M, H. Farmall 22 tractor equipped With 2-row bean scuffler, in good condition, 1952 Choy pick-up truck, new- ly reconditioned motor and body. ARMF IMPLEMENTS AND South End Service PHONE 225-2322 EXETER Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises at KIPPEN The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 17 at 1:00 p.m. Dining room extension table and chairs; antique chairs; studio coach; Westinghouse re- frigerator; walnut sideboard; davenport; oak rockers; writ- ing desk; Doherty player pl- ane with 50 records; various tables and stands; chest of drawers; tea wagon; antique dining room fttrniture; folding table; kitchen chairs; kitchen cabinet; spool bedsteads; coin- Modes; dressers; wash stand; steel bedsteads, springs and mattress; clothes hamper; kitchen clock; large Spinning Wheel; set of scales; Axniini , MISIMUIRAMI Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Thresher, Farm Implements, Hay, House- hold Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 27, CON. 11, HAY TWP. 11 miles north of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 16 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR, THRESHER and FARM IMPLEMENTS - M.M. standard tractor in good con- dition.; Goodison thresher 32x44, on steel, completely equipped; McDeering 15-run grain and fertilizer drill, power lift, fully equipped, in new condition; John Deere 4-bar 'side rake on rubber; Fleury Bisset 24-plate tractor disc; MeDeering 32 - plate double disc; M.M. power take-off tan- dem wheel manure spreader; McDeering 7 ft cut power take-off mower; McDeering 3- furrow plow on steel; McDeer- ing 3-furrow plow on rubber; diamond harrows; McDeering heavy duty spring 91 ft. cul- tivator; Allis Chalmers 3- point hitch corn planter; Grove heavy duty rubber tire wagon; self unloading 16 ft. forage harvester rack; Allis Chal- mers 3-point .hitch 8 ft, culti- vator; 20 ft. 3 inch grain auger; Letz grinder and bag- ger; Blizzard cutting box in- eluding rnpes; 50 ft, 6 inch endless hammer mill belt; 3- section lever harrows; 3-point hitch snow blower; M.M. V-Z- 445 and Jet oil filters; 16 ft. outboard motor boat, equip- ped with Elto 25 h.p. mdtor: 2-wheel trailer; truck racks; pig crate; set of scales; anvil; electric welder; air compres- sor; block and tackle; tractor chains; drill press; forge; blower; logging chainS; snow fence; barrels; root pulper; electric brooder; poultry and pig feeders; feed cart; Self feeders; wheelbarrow; steel posts; quantity 12 inch plank fain; shovels; chains, 'etc. 'HAY - 1,000 bales perms= AUCTION SALE DATE LISTINGS Alvin Walper, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood Saturday, March 14 - Mer- chandise Sale Braid's Store, Dashwood, Monday, March 16---Clearing Farm Sale -Erninersen Erb, Prop, Tuesday, March 17' House hold 'Effects, KIPPeii-Seaft lvi- son, ProprietreSs,