HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-03-05, Page 12Just arrived ...for Easter I WOULDN'T `BUY'MY OWN INSURANCE! AN INSURANCE EXPERT SHOULD SELECT YOUR COVERAGE Selecting insurance is not a job for an amateur. Today, there are so many insurance com- panies with such a wide variety of coverage that it takes a specialist to "buy" the right insurance for each person. We will plan your entire ibsur- ance program so that you will have the greatest amount of coverage at the least possible cost — and without costly over- lapping coverage. See us fOr all your insurance needs — now! HANDLING CLAIMS DEMANDS AN EXPERT, TOO—WE WILL DO IT ALL FOR YOU! INSURANCE REAL. ESTATE M. J. 6aiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. kneel* EXETER Page 12 Times-Advocate,,March '5, 1964 TOWN COUNCIL ..„. Open house at RC school Order plan. ,preparation for 'mains, laterals at GB cabins, pie to the Opening up of Walker Street through the Coronation area, it has become necessary that certain cabins there must be moved. A regis- tered letter to Mrs. Pitts had beep returned by the post office, NEED FOR FUNDS A letter from the OWRC has indicated to council that if they finance the proposed water sys- tem by themselves then the OWRC will expect payment in a lump sum of the money owing to them for past engineering work: Council feels that they should he able to repay this on a five-- year term. 14-4Py that the ost/Mote for rebuilding and putting coarse paying Oat on Willlolh, from Huron to ,Sanders, was $10,000 for a 3949ot. width; Suggested .Igne S, ann p as tentative dates fop the .official opening of the sewerage sysr. .tenl, a ceremony which has been rennesto by the i-.).wfzci: Received notice from. ,Exeter PUG that its five-Year capital eNpoOltnre. forecast hmlodecl, S24,QCQ in each of 1965 and 1966 and 00p990 in each of 196? and 1968 for waterworks 4ovolopmoht, and $50,000 in 1965 for hydro improvements. there, The last pi 110 piles have been driven in the river bottom, and on these the cola, struction of the bridge is talc,- leg place, All of these piles Will be moved later, Fete organist at Staffa UC Snow, steering Decorated forl2 years service Fit. Lt. William B. Armstrong, Exeter, receives congratalations from Group Captain W. H. Schroeder at air transport command headquarters, Trenton, following presentation of the Canadian Forces Decoration, The award is fpr 12 years long service and good conduct. F/L Armstrong was a graduate of Exeter High School in 1940 and he went on to Royal Roads enlisting in the RCAF in 1952. He entered the Royal Military College in Kingeton where he attained his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1954. F/L Armstrong has since served at RCAF Stations Vancouver, Winnipeg, Gander and Comox, prior to taking up duties wit the staff officer supply at Trenton. Married to the former Marion V. Roberts of Montreal, he has three sons, Howard 6, Stephen 5, and Graeme 8 months, Monday evening precious Blood School, Exeter, held an open house that was attended by many parents aoci friends, Pareld Hinton was ChairMan for a program in which the P'edes 6,'1 and 8 pupils pro- sentecl speeches they' had Pre- pared fpr the annual district Separate school speaking con- 00. Two contestants, Hans pis, Phoff and David Hinton, will rePreSent Precious Blood School in the contest at PIQUot C armel. Gay Lafreniere, Chairtnan of the School board welcomed the guests on behalf of the board and the teaching staff, Rev, J. E. Kelly, pastor, con- gratulated all the speakers and complimented the parents for their interest in the school. Mrs. H. 1,aing, Exeter 1.1- brerian, displayed new library books, Mrs. Morris Tudor, public health nurse, showed pamphlets to many parents and discossed the health problems of their children. Lunch was served by the Catholic Womens" League. Flyers teach pedagogues With one week to go, positions for playoffs are being finalized in the Exeter Men's Basketball League, RCAF Flyers maintained their mastery overy the rest of the league. They upset the teachers 80-61 in one of the highest scoring games of the season. BaZanko and McPhee were the Flyers' hot-shots as each netted 28 points. George Wright 28, and Steve Kyle 13, paced the teachers in their 61 point effort. The Flying Farmers came up with a surprising 46-39 victory over the once favoured Zurich Hustlers. Harry Schroeder took a lot of "hustle" out of the Zurich crew as he chalked up 20 of the winners' points. Simon Nagel was best for Zurich with 2'7. BASKETBALL STANDINGS TEAMS W L T Pts. RCAF ,Flyers 11 0 0 22 P-Pedagogues 6 5 0 12 Flying Farmers 3 8 0 6 Zurich Hustlers 2 9 0 4 lead to crashes A Steering defect, a snow squall and an intersection turn led to traffic accident damages of more than $2,000 this past Week. Monday, vehicles driven by Bruce L. Watson, 25, and Larry Carter, 26, both of Exeter, col- lided at the intersection of No. 4 and the Creditor} road about noon. PC G. W. Mitchell said the Watson car was travelling east on the Crediton road and, in turning onto No. 4, was struck by the 3/4-ton Carter truck go- ing north. During Thursday's snow storm, a car driven by Lloyd Jaques, 36, Woodham, ended up on its roof in the middle of Huron street, about four miles east of No. 4. Cpl. C. J. Mit- chell said Jaques was eastbound when his car went out of con- trol. Robert B. Cunningham, 29, Sarnia, claimed his steering went defective when his car went into the ditch on No. 21, a mile north of 21 Thursday morning. CpL•Mitchell estimated damage at $1,200. MAIN ST. CRASHES Town police report two mi- nor Main St. accidents during the past week, involving per- sons driving out of parked po- sitions. Saturday, in front of the police station,Mrs. Ethel Kerr, Wil- liam t., was entering traffic when struck by Dr.11. H. Cowen, Victoria St. Wednesday, David A. Ashworth, Lucan, and Mrs. Charles Dittmer, RR 1 Hensall, were involved in a similar in- cident near the post office. The accidents were investigat- ed by Chief C. H. MacKenzie and Constable Lloyd Hodgins. gontinnect frpm frent pap prittnent.Po..mohiclpal loan fund Pregrare, Under the prpgram, the town can 412911.t '$21999 from tho fowl. At.a falrly low rate of. Interest and .of this amount, 25% would he .forgiven or 'writ,' ten off, The town is obligated to give of its allocation to the high. school beard and other momr tages to public school and county. authoritie.s if they request with the balance. available to Own council. Since the school addition cost will more than 01-, sorb the amount available, how, ever, Council agreed to give it all to the high school in the hopes that other municipalities. would too and thereby reduce cost of the addition, Wooden and Bailey opposed the move, suggesting the town could use its .ppatien for other purposes. Town council also: Appointed a c o.m m itt e e of Bailey, Taylor and Wooden to view property in the river flats whiqh subdivider Gilbert Dow wishes to deed to the town in lieu of parkland dedication from his new subdivision east of Pryde boulevard; Accepted a recommendation from the planning board which, in effect, turned down an plication from L. V, Hogarth, Senior St., for a double garage at his residence which would be used for storage (this is con- trary to zoning bylaw regula- tions) but would permit the re- building of Hogarth's George St. barn, whose roof recently caved in under the snow load. Learned from Deputy-Reeve 20 ,croser$ ire area those Over 20 WIPP cruisers, in, APOc;. one from g;Ceter OPP and the. town Carl were involved, in a 90 mph chase from Dash, wood to London Friday night that ended when two youths slammed their car into a -.Pity heuse, The .youths will face .charges of car theft, break-enter-theft and. dangerous driving in Lon, don court tomorrow. PC Wright,who phased the yputha' car from the paSh, WOO road, was so close on their af tail his chrOUte:re .nr:hqatrv:: glancing. blow from, the .car When I jumped out," said, PC Wright, "the boys were, sitting in the ear, dazed." During the chase, the youths grazed a Lnoari opp cruiser when PC Bill Hodgins tried to stop them near the Irish lege, They sped through a road block of trucks at calamity Corners and several red lights in the city before arriving at their abrupt destination. The chase developed follOw- ing an alarm about a break-in at liayter's. garage, Dashwood, Harry Hoffman, who lives im, mediately west of the garage, phoned owner James flayter, deputy-reeve of Stephen. Hayter came to the garage just as a car pulled away and he chased the vehicle onNo, 83, until he met PC Wright, who had been called from Exeter. Wright attempted to stop the car in Exeter, after it had turned south on No. 4, but the driver sped away. Town Con- stable Lloyd Hodgins joined the chase as it went through. Before the chase ended, po- lice cruisers from Ipperwash, London and Lucan OPP and London city became involved. Michael John Ryan, 16, and a 15-year-old juvenile appear- ed in court Friday. Ryan faces charges of dangerous driving, two of car theft and one of break, enter and theft. About $25 worth of cigarettes and chocolate bars was taken from the Dashwood garage. By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA A lath luck supper was held in Staffa UC at which time the congregation honored Mrs. 'Henry Harburn, who had re- signed as organist after holding the position for a number of years. Robert Norris read the ad- dress and Mrs. Harburn was presented with gifts from the choir and congregation by Mrs, Leslie Miller and Gail Agar. Miss Olive Speare gave a read- ing, Elizabeth Smale sang and Heather Daynard favored with an instrumental, OTHER ITEMS Council authorized James Kneale to make a survey of the village's insurance needs. Constable Ray Gilleno re- quested some painting, some insulation and some more stor- age space, in the OPP office, as well as an extension phone in his home. These were all approved. Councillor Orval Wassmann reported that 54 sign boards were ready for names to be painted on them, and then they could be erected to bring street naming up to date. Also he has 18 stop signs ready to be put in place and bring this part of the village road system up to date as well. Construction work on the big 4-lane bridge at Grand Bend is proceeding on schedule. Cement was poured Friday and Monday for the north abutment. Excavation is continuing on the south side for the abutment Petition in Usborne for free Exeter tolls PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Alex James are visiting in California with Mr. James" brother and family. Mrs. Ross Smale spent sev- eral days in Toronto last week. Mrs. James Lyall and Nancy, Agincourt, visited last week with Mrs. Lyall's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Norris. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Davey, Exeter visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Reg Elliott and girls. Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman and family visited Sunday after- noon with Miss Margaret and James Miller, Seaforth. Former class mates of Miss Linda Allen, Fullerton, held a surprise shower for her at the home of Mrs. George Vivian Friday evening. Staffa WI held a successful progressive euchre party inthe township hall Friday evening Feb. 28. There were 13 tables In play, Mayer, "and we feel it's only logical that we should seek toll- free service to the town." The Blanshard system also operates exchanges at Sebring- ville and Granton. However, the Usborne petitioners say they have little need to call these areas, A group of Usborne rate- payers plans to circulate a petition in the township to se- cure toll-free telephone ser- vice from the Kirkton exchange to Exeter. Robert Mayer and William Lamport, both of RR 1 Kirkton, plan to present the petition to the commission meeting of Blanshard Municipal Telephone System next week. Mr. Mayer said some 100 subscribers of the system would be affected, indicating all of them have a closer connection to Exeter than to the other toll- free areas provided by the Bien- shard system. The spokesman indicated that the petition would be presented to the Ontario Telephone Com- mission if it is not accepted by the Blanshard officials. "Almost all of us do most of our business in Exeter," said HS girls lose to champions ISSIMii?.7.11VRITEM;rognamtiom CAA-ND BEND Grand Bend council has re, queeted its engineers Graham Reid and Associates, Toronto, to proceed immediately in pre, paring necessary data fpr in- Stalling water mains and later- als under Highway 21 through- out the length of. Grand Bend. This Is the first concrete step toward obtaining a muni- cipal water system for the re- sort. To date the village has spent about $13,000 in engineering fees to produae plans for a dis- tribetion system, and tp dis- cover a source of water supply. Reid advises obtaining water through a system of horizontal screens installed on the lake shore about 5,000 feet south of the village limits. This is a Similar plan to one suggested by Reid several years ago when he did the first water system surveys for the village. Due to the high costs of this system and of an alternate plan for a lake intake, the village has investigated a supposedly more economical system ad- vanced by Grant Stirrat, Bright's Grove, which Is de- scribed by some as a"glorified sandpoint", and involves pro- curement via a series of per- forated pipes buried below the bottom of the lake. At Monday night's council meeting, no councillor was par- ticularly enthusiastic for the Stirrat system. Councillor Ian Coles stated that he had been disappointed with Mr. Stirrat and his group, "I'm interested to know when Stirrat will come to us with a report on their findings. I feel that the Ontario Water Resources Commission will be co-operative with us," said Coles, "but we must have facts." Reeve Stewart Webb said that he was disappointed in Mr. Stirrat, too. Councillor Orval Wassmann reported that he had asked Mr. Stirrat to provide blueprints, offer a guarantee and estimate costs for the proposed system. The urgency in getting mains laid under Highway 21 at this time, is due to the schedule that the Ontario Department of Highways has laid down for re- surfacing the 4-lane stretch of new roadbed throughout the vil- lage. P'wee club makes finals PP' Rec news Reaches 91 years Miss Mary Tapp celebrated her 91st birthday Monday, March 2, at the Desjardine nursing home, Main St. She is in fair health and en- joyed her callers, her many cards and birthday cakes, She has a brother, Tom Tapp of Detroit, who was unable to be present. This is the sixth birthday she has celebrated at the nursing home. South Huron Junior Girls bas- ketball team lost their first game of the season when they were defeated by Simcoe 31-19 Saturday. They were competing for the WOSSA "A" championship in Woodstock and Simcoe even- tually went on to win the title by defeating London We stm inis- ter in the final game. At the end of the first quarter of play, South Huron trailed Simcoe 14-1 and Simcoe man- aged to maintain this lead throughout the entire game. Lynn Lesnick and Iris Mar- shall each accounted for eight of the losers' points. They were playing without their line-mate and captain, Ann Mickle, who had injured her ankle in a pre- vious practise. However, Ann came on in the last quarter and added two points and Darlene Parson's free shot was the other point. Peggy Mason of Simcoe drop- ped in 10 points and Inge Orf added another 9. Recipe edition still available A limited number of copies of The T-A's first cookbook are still available at the of- fice. The edition, containingfa- vorite recipes of district housewives including prize- winning entries in five cate- gories, was published last week ,and has met with much favorable comment. Extra copies were printed and some are still available at the price of 10 cents each. Mrs. Roy Bell, 49, dies at farm home Mrs. Roy Bell, 49, died sud- denly at her farm home on No. 4 highway, just south of Hensall, Wednesday morning. Her body was discovered at her home around noon by one of her sons when he came home from work. Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, will be in charge of the funeral, arrangements of which were not available at pr e s s time. The former Ruby Stone, Mrs. Bell is survived by four sons, Jim and Murray of Exeter, Graham and William at home; her mother, Mrs. EuniceStone, Exeter, and two sisters, Mrs. Irwin Ford, town, and Mrs. William Chambers, Clinton. Mrs. Bell's husband prede- ceased her in 1959. She was a member of Carmel Presby- terian Church and of the Arnold Circle. Sparked by the three goal effort of Chris Riddell and goal- tender Mike 1VIcLaughlin' s shut- out, Exeter pee wees whipped Mt. Forest 8-0 on Saturday to advance into the WOAA finals. The victory in Mt. Forest gave Exeter their best-of-three series in two straight games. Exeter and Walkerton will meet this Thursday in Walkerton and back in Exeter Saturday in the WOAA finals, Despite the travelling, Ex- eter ran up a 4-0 first period lead, added two more in the second and climaxed their at- tack with a pair in the third. Riddell scored all three goals in the first period. Larry Haugh added the other for the 4-0 lead. Jimmy Guenther and Bruce Fulcher were second period marksmen. Randy'Parsons and Ron Lin- denfield wrapped up the pro- ceedings with one each in the third. DISCUSSES AIRPORT Glen Kernohan, who operates the Flying K Ranch near Forest along with about 300 acres of farm land, approached the vil- lage to discuss possibilities of buying the airport. He is con- sidering the idea but wanted to know if the village would be bidding on it, and if they bought it whether he would be able to operate it for the village. Another question posed by pi- lot Kernohan was whether, if he bought the airport, the village would be prepared to subsidize the operation with a grant. Council answered that they had not considered the possi- bilities of a grant, and that they might possibly bid on the pro- perty themselves. Midgets fold in overtime HOUSE NUMBERING William A. Sturdevant, ap- pearing for the Chamber of Commerce, was given the blessings of council in a project to determine methods and costs of a. house numbering plan for the village. The clerk reported some dif- ficulty in locating Mrs, Marion Pitts. the owner of Coronation TEENAGERS ON TV A bus load of 40 teenagers made the trip to Kitchener last Saturday to appear on the popu- lar television program CTV "Canadian Bandstand". Many people throughout Exe- ter and district watched the show over channel 13 to see the Exeter teen-towners join in an hour and a half of fun with other teenagers throughout Southern and Western Ontario. A number of the local group were interviewed by master of ceremonies, Reg Seliner. We would like to thank Harry Van Bergen for making the trip to the twin cities with us and hope that he enjoyed himself. Also a tip of the ol, chapeau to Ross Guenther of Dashwood for driving the local club down and returning them safely. 5-PIN BOWLING The annual Lake HurOn Zone Five-Pin Bowling Tournament will be held (Southern Group) on March 28 at Scott's Lanes, Clinton, Once again teams will be entered from Exeter. Southern and Northetn groups winners will clash at Listowel April 4 for the various cham- pionships. Exeter Kinsmen Midgets' search for the WOAA Midget "B" hockey championship came to an abrupt end Wednesday, The locals dropped a heart- breaker to Listowel by a 7-5 count in overtime to lose their best-of-three WOAA semi-final series in two straight games. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS GOOD LIVING IN CANADA St. Paul's Anglican Church Fellowship Club met Sunday evening in the churchbasement. Gerald Paul conducted the wor- ship service assisted by Wm, Waghorti and Rev. L. Bennett. Ken Blackler presided for the business. The guest speaker was Alex Gartenburg of Woodham who gave an interesting talk on "Reasons we Should appreciate living hi Canada". The Wood- ham quartette entertained with several numbers, A wonderful, spring collection of stunning new fabrics and patterns. There are Vene- tians, Iridescent herringbones, Worsteds, sharkskins and many, many more in the season's newest shades, We're ready to meas- ure you, now, for your new Fleet Street suit. It will be hand-cut and tailored to measure by experts. We guarantee you will be satis- fied With your stylish Fleet Street suit. PERSONALS Mr, & Mrs. Bill Kay of Lon- don visited Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Miller McCurdy. Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Fairbairn, Diane and truce of Londen visited Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. WM. J. Blackler. NIP AND TUCK BATTLE Exeter actually led most of the way. Craig Davidson scored the games' initial counter at the 5:40 mark of the first period. Poor defensive moves inside the Exeter blueline set up Lis- towel's tying marker, Bob Hen- der son took advantage of the Ex- eter lapse to beat Craig Mc- Leod, The Exeter hopefuls outscor- ed Listowel 2-1 in the second period for a 3-2 edge in play after 40 minutes. Dominique Marchildon con- verted a nifty pass from Exeter centre Bob Storie at 8:05. Storie then took charge himself at 13:31 when he polished off afine three-way passing play with John Talbot and Marchildon. Bob Henderson added his sec- ond goal of the night in the dy- ing minutes of the period to keep the Listowel club within one goal. Avon Lodge IOOF 41, Strat- ford celebrated its 103rdbirth- day Saturday night. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hamilton attended the din- ner and Were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Evans. At one price-only $80 SQUARE DANCERS The Exeter "Promenaders" continue to be one of the most active groups in town. Eight couples visited the monthly SWOSDA meeting at the Bob Hayward "Y" in London. Exeter's Norm Whiting and Earl Bowles were two of the Most prominent people there. Mr. Whiting was head caller on 2-tips, an afternoon program. Mr. Bowles instructed a round dance called "Lonesome Life" to the group, as well as being in charge of the long round dance session. Club president Wayne Tuckey held "words of praise" for the two as he said, "Everyone was extremely pleased with the call- ersH. Couples who attended the event incledech Max and Joan Harness; Bud and BettylVII sner, Marg and Norm Whiting, Earl and Marie Bowles, Jack and Mary Fairfield, Marg and Wayne Tuckey all of Exeter and Jack and Kay Blair (Centralia) and Bob and Dot Lambie (Hen- sal°. The local club Will hold its annual graduation dance for two-square beginners onSatur- day, March 14th. UNLUCKY THIRD It took Ross Wuerth less than Seven minutes to tie up the galore for Listowel. HoweVer ) Centre Scott Burton took a pass froin Craig Davidson at 15:15 to give Exeter what looked to be the winner. With 15 seconds to go, and with a faceoff to the left of the Exeter net, Bob Henderson was Credited with a weird goal in which the puck bounced into the net Prowl the faeeoff. This tied up the game and sent it into overtime. LOSE IN OVERTIME Allan MCIJOnald and Philip OraSSI Were ListoWelos Oyer- tittle marksmen. Bob Storie counted his second rot Oa tehet (rota aleilstrual anin you can count on help law the 4 active ingredients CUSTOM I CLOTHES TIP TOP TAILORS Walper's Men's Wear Phone 235.0901 EXETER IMILCHASIES of the night ferEgetePhittitWa.`e PARADOL all the locals bould muster,, HALL EUCHRE The hall board sponsored a. progressive euchre in Aberdeen Hail Monday evening. Prize winners were; ladies high, Mit: Beckett; lone hands, Mrs. Roy Pepper; MOO'S higb r Eber Shiite; lone hands; Stanley 'Frew* lucky draw, ROSS Pratt IS.