HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-03-05, Page 11fertilizer
Now you canseeforyourself where we
Make most of our changes. Way down
deep. Every part you can see (and every
part you can't see) has been changed
again and again and again. As a matter
Of fact, there are only six parts left from
the original VW,
But we never change the Volkswagen
without a reason. And the only reason
is 16 make it even better,
When WO do make a change, we try
to make the new part fit older Models,.
And made the tail lights bigger so
other people could see you better.
But nothing drastic, Any Volkswagen
hood still fits tiny VW ever made. So
does any fender.
And, in Cate you hadn't noticed,
every VW still looks like every other
Which may turn out to be the nicest
thing of all about the car. It
doesn't go in one year and out
the other,
So you'll find that many VW pdrtt are
interchangeable from one year to the
Which is why it's actually ea s ier to
get parts for a VW than for many tiO,
'resat Cats, And why VW service it as
gbod as it it, The same principle holds
good for the beetle shape,
We Made the rear window bigger
One year so you could see other people
This we change.
This we don't.
'How .many 4.0.1kTs 41 con.
el4ere4:, walked up. to- a
tiaaitirigapyed young French
matron in Brussels,.at a night.
club, bpwed to her, 'bowed to,
her Thhs4hil,,s,SIteci. her for to ,„
.dance in impeccable pratieEle,,
veA Iretloht and ,received
slap • .:tn ,the lege from her e
1ctek the grOth IPA), her hashator
1.19, i,et them have their
I have my memories. 14pnir
before these kids were ;04 •
.ong 'around with their diapers
d angling, I was cheek-to-
cheekiiig it on enchanted Seel!.
mor ,eventnon,. and breathing
heavily into the ears of titetr
We whirled about the dance,
begs, a SYMPhoey of smooth,
lieSS, 4 ,fantasy of fox trotting
"'How many of these kids?"
I wondered, "have ever danced
With a B,r az ilia n beauty who
couldn't Speak a work of Friglish. and was doing dreamy tPihgq
while ye4 were doing a brisk
"How many of there,"I wet`,
WO! "have ever been to a real
Old country square-dance?
Where the sign ;that the dance
was, over was not the band
playing 'The Queen', but the
stovepipes coming down when
the fight started?
''How many," I thought,
?'have ever tried to fox-trot
with a brawny Land Army girl
who was bound .she was doing
a waltz,. and could lift you
right of the floor in the pro-
Dispensed by ,Smiley Rec news Hear speech
on CF topic
'Page. 'n .Mnrch1964
d i he see
our kids?
'Friends to the rescue'
-story of family's fire
era of dancing on one step—the
fox-trotras I •did?"
There are aMple-bosomed middle-aged ladies acmes .the
land who will testifythatSmiley
was ,a corker, if not a terror,
when he tripped the light fan-
There are grandrnothers in
canada, England, France and
Belgium whose eyes still light
up when they remember the way
(pp, Non; Exeter's teen
town club attendedSaturday aft-
ernoon's bandstand show in Kit-
One week ago today as I was
mailing my news, the Lucan
volunteer firemen were losing
a fighting battle to save the
farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Bowerman, on the Roman Line,
' some five miles north-east of
Today, just one week later,
the family is installed in a new
Well-furnished home. It must
all feel to the family, like a
horrible nightmare, with a
heavenly awakening.
In the house at the time of the
fire were Mrs, Bowerman, Ar-
thur (14, home sick with a cold),
Ila eight months, Karen two,
Elizabeth three and one-half and
Lillian five. Mr. Bowerman,
a carpenter who has been un-
4storclaY night past we had
another reeerd crowd to our
regular dance *Teat the arena.
Friday night Feb, 28, thelati-
can Ildertorl cOmhineS wen the
first game with pt. Clements
Intermediate B team by a score
Of 13,4; Stinday, March 1 they
won the second by a score Of
4-2, This is a bent 4 ,out of 7
series. The third game is here
at the arena Friday March 6
at 8:30,
The play offs are now under
Way IP the Shamrock 4eague•
Lucan and Craig are in a best
tWP out of three series. They
played the first game Mon. ,
night past.
In the south Middlesex Lucan
now leads the Byron team 2
games to one. This is at time
of writing. They go at it again
to-night here at the arena.
We are holding our pee wee
tournament here on Sat, March
14, so there will be NO public
skating that night. We do hope
to have a good turn out to watch
the boys though,
The St. Willards Skating Club
held a skating party here at the
arena Sun, night March 1.
At the Founders' Day meeting
of the ',Pearl Home and 3chPPI
Association, held In the kinder-
gartea room last WetineSclaY
night, the president, Mrs, Ja-
mes Freeman, spoke briefly on
the history of the Association
and its aims.
The guest speaker was Frank
Michie, principal of the Watford
High. School, who gave an il-
lastrated address on “Cystic
Fibrosis". Ap Lucan has one
C/F patient, the address was
of particular interest to the
good attendance of members and
their friends, Mr. Michie was
introduced by Mrs. George Paul
and thanked by Mrs. Charles
The attendance cup went to
Mrs. Ross McRobert's room
(at present in charge of Mrs.
Ivan Hearn).
An invitation was read from
the H & S Association of Prince
Andrew's school, to attend their
next meeting, Tues., March 3,
plans for the Fashion Show,
scheduled for March 18, in the
Lucan Community Memorial
Centre, were finalized. The fa-
shions will be shown by Irwin's
Dress Shop, Exeter.
Mrs. James Freeman as
room mother, was assisted by
Mrs. Richard Davis and Mrs.
William Hodgins. In the absence
of both helpers, Mrs. Freeman
was assisted in the serving of
refreshments by Mrs. J. W.
Lockyer and Mrs. Char 1 e s
employed since before Christ-
mas, was in Lyndon, looking
for work. The other children,
Jape, nine; Susan, 10, Wendy,
12; Herbert 13 and Lucinda 15
were all at school.
The fire started upstairs,
from overheated pipes leading
from a woodstove in the living-
room, between 2 and 3 p.m.
Fortunately a phone had been
installed recently, enabling
Mrs. Bowerman to call the Lu-
can fire department. She got
the children outside but was
unable to get prpper clothing
for them. Her closest neigh-
bours were away, but Lucan
residents, who arrived follow-
ing the fire engine, took charge
of the children and took them
to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Plan addition
at RC school
Have you watched teenagers
dancing lately? If you ha.ven't,
and you are old-faahioned, and
year blood pressure is 'high,
take my advice, Don't,.
Saturday afternoon, threugh
sheer inertia I found myself
before a television! set showing
one of those teen-age dance
Pro grams, fortunatefy, ain
neither old-fashioned nor high-
blood-pressured (it says here).
But I must confess, I was wish-
ing I were 25 yearS younger,
Today's kids dance dolefully,
but sweetly, to the slow num,
bers, heads knuckked together,
bodies scarcely moving, intent,
serious, tender yet strangely
But when the music begins to
clang and thump, they come into
their own. They laugh; they bob
and bounce; they wiggle and
jiggle and giggle. Their faces
light up. Their feet weave and
shift and trace peculiar pat-
terns. They are very young and
very much alive, and completely
caught up in that most ancient
means of communication—
Watching them, I was sad, It's
a pretty bitter thing, after all,
to have been too young for the
Charleston, too o Id for the
But I couldn't stay sad. Let-
ting my mind drift back over the
years, I actually began to feel
sorry for the youngsters.
"These kids," I thought dis-
dainfully. "How many of them
have mastered a step as I did?
Sure, they can do the Cha-Cha
and the Twist and the Bossa
Nova. But is there a single one
of them who can base a whole
Euchre popular
with area groups
At the four-table euchre of
the Medway Euchre Club, held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. Summers, on Monday, high
score prizes went to Mrs. Aus-
tin Hobbs and Wm, McComb;
low score prizes to Mrs. Earl
Middleton, and W. J. Stanley,
and lone hand prizes to Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Lewis.
The next game will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Clar-
ence Lewis on Monday evening,
March 9.
A two or three-room addition
will be constructed at St. Pat-
rick's Separate School, Bid-
dulph, to accommodate RCSS
No, 4 Biddulph and an increas-
ing enrolment, it was announ-
ced this week by Secretary J.
Mr. Cahill said the support-
ers of St. Patrick's recently
voted to form a union with
RCSS 4. The union will become
effective January 1, 1965, and
will bring an additional 25 pu-
pils into St. Patrick's school.
The secretary said plans for
the addition are being prepared
It is expected that St. Pat-
rick's school will become an
eight-room ,operation in the
near future.
Lucan WI had 10 tables out
last Wednesday night for their
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Wes Hodgins and Harold.
Cobleigh; low score prizes to
Mrs. Ernest Hodgins and (Mrs.
Perry Charsley playing a man's
card) and lone hand prizes to
Mrs. Guy Ryan and Miss Lina
Abbott (playing a man's card).
Mrs. Evan Hodgins won the box
of groceries.
Mrs. T. A. Watson, was con-
vener for the euchre and was
assisted by Mrs. Wes Atkinson,
Mrs. John Park, Mrs. Aljoe
'Culbert, Mrs. Irving Gibson
and Mrs. Ira Carling.
The next game will be held
March 11.
New Junior Farmer officers
New executive of Lucan Junior Farmers and Junior Institute,
elected at the recent annual meeting, includes, from left:
Clarke Rollings, president; Elizabeth Riddell, secretary; Bob
Hodgins, vice-president, and Douglas Ovens, past president.
The group held its annual banquet in Lucan Legion Hall Feb. 21.
Lucan Personals Put it in a juice shaker—shake it all you want and you can
prove to yourself that every granule of SHUR-GAIN Selected-
Granulated Fertilizer stays nutritionally balanced all the time.
Pre-mixed before granulation, SHUR-GAIN Selected-Granu-
lated consists of granules each of which contain all the guaran-
teed plant food elements. The size and weight of the granules
is kept within certain limits by careful screening.
Separation of fertilizer ingredients cannot take place with
SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer—during transportation, handling and
spreading. With ordinary, blended or granular fertilizers smaller
and heavier particles will settle to the bottom, while the
larger and lighter particles come to the surface.
Shaking SHUR-GAIN in a juice shaker is one way of proving
its quality but a better way is to make sure you apply SHUR-GAIN
Selected-Granulated Fertilizer on your crops this spring—
your guarantee that every square inch covered will have
exactly the analysis you want.
.Huntet buvar Ltd., Main 'Street-- Telt .2354100
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Haig and
two children of Toronto and
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald McMaster
and four children of Windsor
were weekend guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Bowerman and
brought the family contributions
from Toronto and Windsor re-
latives and friends.
Dr. & Mrs. S. J. Morrison
and f a mil y of Detroit were
weekend visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Ralph Rummell.
Mrs. Winnifred Bell of Clin-
ton was a Sunday guest of Mr.
& Mrs. Jim Davis and family,
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Weller cele.,
brated their 23rd wedding an-
niversary Sunday by visiting
the latter's sister Mrs. Ronald
Sprague of London.
Mrs. Eldon Young and Linda,
and Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lu-
can, were among those who,
last Sat., attended a miscel-
laneous shower in the Brinsley
VC basement, in honor of Miss
Carolyn Odd (formerly of Lu-
can) whose marriage to Clar-
ence Eugene Sadler will take
place on Sat., March 28.
Mr. Mrs. Sheridan Roving-
ton of Lucan and Mr. & Mrs.
William Ellerington of Exeter,
have returned from a three-
weeks' motor trip to Florida.
They reported ideal Weather
while away.
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Tindall of
Wiarton, Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Tindall of Grand Bend and Gote
Wennerstrom of S ai nt sbur y,
were Sun. guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Cliff Abbott.
Mr. Bert Br adbu rn (Mrs.
Steve Storey's father) and Mr.
Billy Butting of the Strathmore
Lodge, Strathroy, were home
for the weekend,
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Abbott and
family of Niagara Falls, visited
Lucan and Centralia relatiVes
last Tiles. and Wed.
mr. & Mrs. Lewis Kilmer
were Sun. guests of Mr. & Mrs.
john Houston Of London.
Mr. & Mrs. 'Henry Mueller
and family have returned home
to Waterford after speadifig a
few days with Mr. & Mrs. Ron
Crozier and family.
Business is flourishing at the
new site of the Shamrock Rea-
taurant. So many requests were
made for StindaY service that
Mr. Weller has decided to re-
Main open on Sunday beginning
yesterday March 1: In talking
with Mrs. Weller today (Mon-
day) she repOrted a good Crowd
yestordaY. Mr. Weller has al 7
ready planned rove special.
SUriday dinners; so Watch for
further ParticularS:
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe attended
the Toronto Spring Gift Show,
held in the Industrial Bld., Ex-
hibition grounds, from Feb. 24
to 27 and was particularly in-
terested in gifts made in Can-
ada. Incidentally she found the
H. J. Knowles' family recover-
ed from their recent illness.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden High School staff
spent last weekend at her home
here. Saturday she visited Mr.
& Mrs. Allan Westman of Alice
St., who are both patients inthe
Egerton Nursing Home, in Lon-
don and found the latter on the
sick list but Mr. Westman was
feeling fine.
Mr. & Mrs. James Freeman
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr. & Mrs. Al Freeman of
Last Wed. when Frank Egan
and other Lucknow bank em-
ployees were attending a meet-
ing in London, Mrs. Egan visit-
ed her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Cliff
Culbert. Later Mr. & Mrs. Egan
spent the evening with the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. Kay Egan.
Mrs. Alex McFarlane and
Brian Smith were' last Sunday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mc-
Farlane of Rockwood. They
were accompanied by Mrs. P.
0. King as far as Guelph where
she visited relatives and
Mrs. Charles Windsor is still
confined to her home but Mr.
Windsor is feeling better.
AMong thoae who attended a
birthday dinner, given in honor
of Murray Abbott, were Mr. &
Mrs. Don Abbott and family,
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mugford and
family of RR 1 Lucan, and Mr.
& Mrs. Lloyd Maguire and fa-
mily of Seotland, Ont.
F. Lt. Ronald and Mrs: God-
dard and family of Ottawa are
spending a week With Mrs. God-
dard's parentS, Mr. & Mrs.
Perry Charsley of Butler St.,
before moving to Rivers,
Hepatitis has broken out
again. Two of the latest patients
are Gordon Hardy, son of Mr.
& Mrs: Clarence. Hardy, and
Maureen Smith, daughter of Mr.
& Mrs. J. W. Smith.
Mr. & MrS, Evan Hodgins,
Mrs. Wilson Hodgins, Mr. &
MrS. Cecil Neil and Miss Lina
Abbott attended the euchre at
'WOodharri last Friday but Dame
Fortune did not accompany them
for all mine home empty-hand-
Mr. & Mrs. laineS MeGee
and family of A tiifi
were Weekend guests of Mr, &
MrS. Robert Rlsdale.
John Harrigan. That night Mrs.
Harrigan, not only fed the 10
Bowerman children, but her own
Four of the children remain-
ed over night, three stayed with
Mrs. Joe Harrigan, two boys
with Mrs. George Aikens, Cindy
with Mrs. Milea, of Denfield and
Mr. and Mrs. Bowerman and the
baby were given shelter with
Mr. and Mrs. Len Fischer of
William St., Lucan.
Meanwhile hundreds of both
friends and strangers were
coming to the rescue of the
stricken family. J. W. Smith,
as president of the Lucan Le-
gion and Mrs. Tom Weller, a
personal friend of the family,
contacted the CFPL "Open
Line" and almost immediately,
furniture, clothing and food be-
gan rolling in to the LegionHall
and the Shamrock Restaurant.
Friday morning, Mr. Smith
again spoke on the "Open Line"
thanking all for their marvel-
lous donations, among which
were an electric stove, oilbur-
ner, chesterfield set, radio,
beds, dressers and bedding.
He specially thanks the fol-
lowing for their trucks and their
time, Gary McFalls (who look-
ed after London donation s)
Charles Coughlin, Ed. Ryan,
Bernard Benn, Al Gilmour, Jim
Murphy, Jim Leitch and Harold
Butler; also he would like to
give special thanks to Art Bell
and Dwight Ball for their as-
sistance and to the L egion
Auxiliary for their donation of
The Legion was also able to
secure a two storey, eight-room
house, with four bedroom s,
about one and one-quarter miles
north of the burned home, which
belonged to Eddie Brown. The
Carpenters' Union, 1946 of Lon-
don, came out Tuesday, scrub-
bed and cleaned the house and
hooked up the stoves. The Bell
telephone employees were there
and installed a new telephone
Wednesday. By Thurs. Mr. and
Mrs. Bowerman had collected
their 10 children and were all
together again in a new home.
In talking with Mrs. Bower-
man, she said, both she and her
husband are overwhelmed with
all the kindness showered upon
them by so many perfect strang-
ers, as well as so manyfriends
and neighbours.
Flames of stove
burn lady'sface
One day recently, Mrs. Eldon
Hodgson of Alice St. heard her
oil burner, in her living room,
making a peculiar noise. Mrs.
Hodgson, who was alone in the
house at the time, decided to
turn it off. As she did so, flames
shot out and burned her face
badly. Fortunately her glasses
saved her eyes.
As the stove had been clean-
ed recently, Mrs. Hodgson
knows no reason why it should
have exploded.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier,
Feb. 25, attended theAgricul-
tural Marketing Conference,
sponsored by the Eastern Can-
ada Farm Writers' Association
and held in the University of
Western Ontario. Mr. Crozier,
as news letter editor, was in
charge of registration, and was
assisted by Mrs. Crozier. They
later attended the banquet at
the Latin Quarters.
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Martens
and family left Tuesday to spend
a month in Holland visiting
friends and relatives there.
Gordon Haviland of Toronto
visited for the weekend with
his mother Mrs. M. Haviland.
Mrs, Emery Fahrner left
Sunday to spend some time with
F/L and Mrs. Robert Palmer
and family of Downsview.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe McCann of
Clinton visited over the week-
end with Mrs. M. Clarke.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ryall of
London visited Sunday with Mr.
& Mrs. Roy Swartz.
Mrs. Roy Finkbeiner is a
patient at the Exeter Nursing
Miss Marion Varley, London
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
The meeting of the Crediton
WI will be held on March 10
as they have been invited to
join the West McGillvary WI
March 18.
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Call your local SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer dealer
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Exeter 235-1921
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