HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-03-05, Page 7Clearing • AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements AT LOT 3, CON. 8, TUCKERSMITH TWP. 5 miles south, 11 miles east of Seaforth or 4 miles west of Staffa, on SATURDAY, MARCH 14 at 12:00 o'clock sharp CATTLE — 15 cows due in April, May and June; 1 cow with calf at foot; 1 roan heifer rising 2 years old; 1 Durham bull 2 years old; 4 Hereford steers weighing 1200 lbs each; 15 summer calves 500 lbs. each. PIGS— 17 sows, 9 with pig- lets; 1 Berkshire hog 2 years old; 1 Landrace hog 1 year old; 6 black pigs 120 lbs, each. IMPLEMENTS — 1 Nuffield tractor, 4DM diesel, 900 hours, like new; S.C. Case row crop tractor with scuffler; John Deere harvester, hay and corn head; 1 Ford tractor horn manure loader; John Deere blower with pipes; forage wagon with box; Blizzard cut- ting box with pipes; 2 grain augers; fanning mill with mo- tor; hay wagon and rack; Massey binder; Massey seed drill; two 2-furrow Massey plows; 3-furrow Massey plow; Avery thresher with new grain blower; 75 ft. drive belt; grain blower with hopper and pipes; George White mounted cultivator; 10 ft International mounted mower; McCormick Deering 7 ft, mower; Massey manure spreader; Cockshutt hay loader; 3 sets harrows; side rake; snow blower; elec- tric hammer mill, 3 h.p. mo- tor; 2-unit Universal milker for 18 cows; circular saw; chain saw, 12 h.p.; 2 set of weigh scales. TOOLS — Electric drill 1/2 "; skill saw; drill press; L,K,S welder; heavy duty Jackal" jack; ropes; pulleys; chain hoist; electric brooder; fur- nace oil burner with controls; set cattle clippers, 3 sets of blades; Burdizzo pinchers; stock syringe; forks; shovels; logging chains; 1953 combina- tion dump truck; two 2-wheel trailers and other articles too numerous to mention, No reserve—farm sold. TERMS — Cash, V1VAN COOPER, Prop, GEORGE POWELL, Clerk HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 5:12c • AUCTION SALE DATE LISTINGS Alvin Walper, Auctioneer ?Ilene 119 Dashwood Monday, March 16—Clearing Farm Sale — Ern:person Erb, Prop, Tuesday, March 17—House- hold Effects, Kippen—Jean lvi- son, Proprietress. Wednesday, March 18 —Ex- tensive Farm Sale -- John Rabat, Prop. Friday, March 20— Clearing Farm Sale-- Philip Hartman, Prop. Saturday, March 21 — Real Estate, Farm Machinery—Mrs. Clarence Gale, Proprietress. Monday, March 23—Clearing Farm Sale—Francis Corriveau, Prop, Wednesday, March 25 -- Ex- tensive Farm Sale — Louis Davey, Prop. Thursday, March 26—Clear- ing Farm Sale—Pearl Duncan, Proprietress. Saturday, March 28 Clear- ing Farm Sale—Wm. Webber, Prop, Tuesday, March 31 — Exten- sive Farm Sale—Noah Ginge- rich, Prop. Wednesday, April 1—Exten- sive Farm Sale — Louis Mas- nice, Prop. Friday, April 3 — Clearing Farm Sale — Rudolph Etue, Prop- Wednesday, April 8—Exten- sive Farm Sale — Joe Zubal, Prop. 5c 2 Found YOUNG MALE hound, part biue tick. George Beer, Hen- sel', phone 178J 5c 3 Male Help Wanted MAN WANTED for mill work. Steady employment, Apply Cook Bros, Milling Co, phone 24 Hensel'. 5c EXPERIENCED single man for general farm work begin- ning April 1. Apply Jack Sin- clair, Kippen, Phone Seaforth 657R41. 5* SINGLE MAN, above 15 years to work on mixed farm. Good wages, may live in. Harry Van Osch, RR 2 Crediton. Phone 234-6253. 5:12c 4 Female Help Wanted COOK wanted at Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall, Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., duties to commende immediately. Phone 222 Hensall. 5c EXPERIENCED office help re- quired, 56 day week, good salaries. Apply in writing to Box WWW Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 5:12c STENOGRAPHERS Required for Department of National Defence (Air) CENTRALIA, Ontario Salary up to $2940 per annum according to qualifications, Candidates must demonstrate ability to type 'at 35 w.p.m. and take shorthand at 80 w.p.m. For further particulars as to residence and qualifica- tion requirements, apply to the Civil Service Commission at London. Application forms obtainable 'at the National Employment Service and Post Office, should be filed with the Civil Service Commission, 388 Dundas Street, London Ontario NOT LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1964, QUOTE COMPETITION NUM- BER 64-T-701. 5c Dead Animal Removal 'OR DEAD O1 DISABLED ANIMALS Call Collect e-e DARLING t COMPANY oF CANADA LtD, Phoee Minters HU 2.7249 Dead Animal Licence NO. 262-C-63 12:12ffne WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE — If you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling reg- ularly each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Exeter and are willing to make light deliver- ies, etc. write Studio Girl Cos- metics, Dept. CW-43, 840 La Fleur Ave„ Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. 5:12:19c Stenographer 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times- Advocate. 3:8tfnc 9 Services SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available, Harold Butler; Lu- can, phone BA 7.4254 or BA 7.4312 collect. 10:4tfnc EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING — Sewer work, ponds, etc, Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil, Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. lltfnc SEPTIC TANKS vacuum clean- ed, No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238-2031 or 238-2166. 8:8tfric Bite . . . Bite ... Bite! Too many nibbles at your pay cheque can make you MAD. Why not pay off all those wor- risome little bills with a Cres- cent Consolidation loan . leave yourself with just one (much less than before) monthly payment. Do it now Phone or call at Crescent FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Manager: John R. Keep 465 Main St. S., Phone 235-0633 Exeter 5:12:19:26e 16 Properly For Sale 100-ACRE FARM—Lot 20, con. 12, Hilbert, 9-room frame house, running water, 3-piece bath, furnace and built-in cup- boards: large bank barn 40x70, litter carrier and water bowls; straw shed 34x50; implement shed 28x52; hen house and 2 garages. Also 50-acre farm, 40 acres workable, rest in good hardwood bush. Immediate possession, Mrs. Bert Riley, phone 57 Hensall. 5c 100-ACRE FARM—Good build- ings, close to school. Phone 134R22 Kirkton. 5:12* NEW ATTRACTIVE brick ve- neer ranch style home; 3 bed- rooms, spacious living room, dining room, kitchen, 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, large closets, full basement, win- dows, doors stormed and screened, oil heated. Small down payment, low monthly payments. Apply Eldrid Sim- mons 235-0526 or Fred Sim- mons 235-1854. 3:5tfnc AILSA CRAIG-6-room house, cottage style 2-bedroom house with large kitchen, large din- ing room and living room, Bathroom with hot and cold water. Summer kitchen and garage on a double lot. New roof and aluminum windows. Call Don Robinson, Ailsa Craig 293.3080 or Robert G. Robin- son, London 451-3165. 5* 3-BEDROOM brick storey and a half, centrally located, well built, good repair, moderate taxes, reasonably priced for quick sale. Terms, cash. Apply Mrs. Wesley Jaques, 76 John St. (West). Phone 235-2897. 5:12:19* 11 Properly FOr Rent HEATED apartment 2 bed• rooms with latge living room, dining room, eonvenient kitch- en and 3-plece bathroom. This is a temfortable roomy apart- ment, Available about first of March. C. V. Pickard, Insur- ance, & Real Estate, 394 Main Se . 2: 13tfne CENTRAL — Heated, furnished 2-bedroom apartitent, hot was ter supplied, Available now. 67 John St., phone 2354135or Kirkton 4410. 27:5* ESTATE of the late Mrs. Mabel Lee in Ailsa Craig—Modern 2- storey brick house, excellent location with spacious grounds and garden, new oil furnace, new cupboards, bath, water heater; excellent drinking wa- ter. If not sold presently, will be offered by auction at said residence on May 9, 1964 when household effects will be sold. For information contact Ancell Lee, executor, phone Ailsa Craig 293-3161. 5nc NEW 5-ROOM brick cottage, central location on John St. East, full poured basement, oil furnace. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St., phone 235-1076. 30tfnc TO SETTLE AN ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY — Brick duplex on Simcoe St., 1 block off Main; large living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath downstairs; same upstairs; private entrance to each; priced low for quick sale. Phone 235-0477 Exeter. 2: 6tfn DESIRABLE building lot, west side of Pryde Blvd. Telephone 235-1554 evenings, 5c EXETER—Brick duplex; each has conveniences; $3,000 down balance per month, owner take back the mortgage; oil fur- nace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Bill Armstrong, Sales- man, 2:6tfric C. V. PICKARD INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE RECENTLY BUILT 3-bedroom home, Well located. Very Rea- sonable price and terms. 4-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, well located for schools. Nice- ly treed lot, House is well built and in good repair. Newly furnished kitchen and oil burning furnace, Reason- able taxes and price. A family house. BRICK HOUSE — This is one of the better homes in Exeter. In good repair inside and out. Large living room, dining room, den and aparticularly attractive family room. Screened and glassed for year round comfort. Central loca- tion. Reasonable tares. One- quarter cash with owner hold- ing mortgage for balance, We will be pleased to give you service on your insurance needs, C. V. PICKARD 394 Mein St, Phone 235-0310 1:23tfnc AUCTION SALErj"g of Tractor, Thresher, Farm Implements, Hay, House,' hold Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 27, CON. 11, HAY TWP. 11 miles north of Zurich received T hetutesrtrsuigen4dns atuoctsieennebeyr public c O auction op,m. MARCH on 16 TRACTOR, THRESHER and FARM IMPLEMENTS — M.M, standard tractor in good con- dition.; Goodison thresher 32x44, on steel, completely equipped; McDeering 15-run grain and fertilizer drill, power lift, fully equipped, 'in new condition; John Deere 4-bar side rake on rubber; Fleury Bissel 24-plate tractor disc; McDeering 32 - plate double disc; M.M, power take-off tan- dem wheel manure spreader; McDeering 7 ft cut power take-off mower; McDeering 3- furrow plow on steel; McDeer- ing 3-furrow plow on rubber; diamond harrows; McDeering heavy duty spring 91 ft, cul- tivator; Allis Chalmers 3- point hitch corn planter; Grove heavy duty rubber tire wagon: self unloading 16 ft. forage harvester rack; Allis Chal- mers 3-point hitch 8 ft. culti- vator; 20 ft, 3 inch grain auger; Letz grinder and bag- ger; Blizzard cutting box in- cluding pipes; 50 ft. 6 inch eaenedtlieoshs lheavmermhear rrmowills; belt;ap oin3t- hitch snow blower; M.M. V-Z- 445 and Jet oil filters; 16 ft. outboard motor boat, equip- ped with Elto 25 h.p. motor; 2-wheel trailer; truck racks; pig crate; set of scales; anvil; electric welder; air compres- sor; block and tackle; tractor chains; drill press; forge; blower; logging chains; snow fencei barrels; root pulper; electric brooder; poultry and pig feeders; feed cart; self feeders; wheelbarrow; steel posts; quantity 12 inch plank; forks; shovels; chains, etc. HAY — 1,000 bales perma- nent hay mixture, choice qual- ity. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Propane 4-burner gas stove; gas space heater; Annex coal and wood stove; combination desk and book case; library table; oak beds, springs and mattress; kitchen cupboard; chairs; rockers; cistern pump; quantity of stove wood and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS — Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. EMMERSON ERB, Prop. ERVIN GINGERICH, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5:12c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises at KIPPEN The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 11 at 1:00 p.m. Watch for complete list of sale in next week's issue. MISS JEAN IVISON, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5c Clearing AUCTION SALE of 50-Acre Farm, Livestock, Implements, Feed and 1/2 -Ton Truck For Mr. Charlie Jones LOT 21, CON. 12, BIDDULPH Twp, 1 mile north of Granton THURSDAY, MARCH 12 at 1:00 p.m FARM-50 acres of level and all workable clay loath, well drained land. Ideally situated close to village, cornering on a main road which will be paved. Lots •of water. Large barn approxirdately 36' X 80' plus two large sheds, hen- house, large Corn crib and --Please turn to page 10 ptepafed with sale first aid that btitlt fast relief .. keeu your medicine cabinet stocked with Arifloplic oiereassent AVAILABLE AT Middleton s Drug Store EXETER LEARN TO PLAY the guitar— Lessons every Thursday at the Library Hall from 4 to 8. Drop over and make arrangements with Mr, Pulsifer. Guitars available for rent, 13:20:27c SALES & SERVICE — Viking separators and milking ma- chines, Basil •O'Rourke, Black- smith & Welding Shop, Bruce- field. Phone Clinton 482.9131, 2;6-4:30* JIM'S REPAIR SERVICE — TV and radio, Phone Ailsa Craig 293-3134. 10:17tfnc HADCO WELL DIGGING -- Machine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; rotary drilled wells, 5" diam- eter; repairing and deepen- ing. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9.3761, or Lucan BA-4680. 2:2ltfnc Electric Motors SALES & SERVICE Domestic Commercial Industrial Phone collect 482-6640 ART LEVETT & SONS 139 Erie St., Clinton 27:5:12:19c PAPER HANGER and decora- tor. For information call 235- 2184, 2:27-3:26c . . DRESSMAKING and altera-. tions. Beth Walker, 228-0724 c e41ralia, 2: 27.3:26'" . . „ INVISIBLE MENDING.,-Maice holes, cuts, tears and • burns dieappeer from suits, clothing And; fabrics, Call "Clare" Lai.; tour., e38.-266e Centralia. 3;20.40e 10 Livestock For Sale HEIFERS and young cows. Five Holsteins, 3 Guernseys and 1 Jersey. One 6-year-old registered Holstein cow. All due soon. Apply Robert Kins- man, phone 690R5 Hensel', 5:12* 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1951 CHEV 1/2 -ton in good run- ning order. Apply Earl White- ford, RR 8 Parkhill. 27:5* TO SETTLE ESTATE — 1955 Dodge, mechanically sound with good tires and low mile- age. Must be seen or driven to be appreciated. Must be sold immediately for $275.00 or best offer. Phone 235-0644, 27:5* FINANCE YOUR CAR on our "Less Than 6 % Discount Plan". Phone Don Williamson, Commercial Credit Plan, 633 Dundas Street, London — 433- 1746. 5:12:19:26c '51 FORD car with radio and heater, in good running con- dition. 188 Carling St., phone 235-2647. 5* 13 For Sale KODAK Retinette 1 A camera, excellent condition, Phone 235- 0515. 5* 2000 BALES of hay. Phone 235- 5* NEW SPRING samples have just arrived. Order your new Spring suit now for Easter de- livery. Walper's Men's Wear, Exeter. 5c CONNOR wringer washer, in excellent condition, cheap. 117 Anne St, 5* 100% NYLON cover, 'any color, all hardwood construction, no- sag springs, new modern style chesterfield, only $199,00, Free delivery. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., 235-0585. 5c FOR THE lowest prices, high- est quality, shop at Sandy's. 5c STRAWBERRY PLANTS — The time will soon be here to plant strawberries. Order early. Sell- ing at $6.00 per 100, all varie- ties. Reder's FloristS, 235-2603. 2:27tfec POLAROID lend camera, mod- el 80A, with flash attachment, filter and leather carrying case. Phone Grand Bend 238- 2787. 27:5:12c 23" 1964 ROGERS MAJESTIC TV only $24e.00, No trade re- quired. Shop and save at Sandy Elliot's 444 Main St., Exeter. 5c HOUSE—Storey and a half, 3 bedrooms; available April 1. Phone 235-1377. 5c SMALL HOUSE in Exeter. Phone Jack Fuleher 235-1775 2; 13tinc 3-ROOM apartment, furnished or unfurnished, central loca- tion, all utilities paid, immedi- ate possession, Phone 235-2683 or 235-2453. 5c HEATED, unfurnished apart- ment. Hot, soft water also laundry facilities supplied. Not suitable for children. Immedi- ate possession. Phone 235-2456 after 6 p.m. 5* APARTMENT, downstairs, 1- bedroom, heated, private bath, utilities paid, frig and stove supplied. Apply 321 Huron St. W. or 348J2 Hensel". 5:12* ONE-BEDROOM ground floor apartment; separate entrance, John Burke 235-1863. 1:23tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed; furnished or unfurnished. Apply Attfield's Store, Credi- ton, 234-6394. 12:5tfnc 2 - BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, in the former Sim- mons apartment building. Available immediately. Phone 235-2012 'after 6 p.m. 12:5tfnc 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent COMFORTABLE house in Hen- sell on corner lot. Phone Ed- ison Forrest 267J3 Hensall, 5:12* 22 Notices WHOEVER TOOK my beige and brown reversible topcoat by mistake at my stag at the Elm Haven, Clinton, contact Alvin Campbell at 98 Hensall, 5c NO DOGS wanted until April 15. Thank you. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter. Phone 235.1414. 5c VACUUM CLEANERS & Pol. ishere Sales & Service for all makes, Bob Peck, Zurich. Pbone Hensall 352W2 (collect). 1: 23tfne FEED CARROTS in large quantities, .Phone .Klopclyke Gardens Co-op., 230.2321 Grand Bend. 29;27:5c RUGS, CARPETS — All on sale at Seedy Elliot's, furni- ture and Appliances. 5c, _ . . McSTEP.HEN. AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batter*, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-6214 ALUMINUM DOORS, win- dows, awnings, siding, alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reasonable prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales. Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter, 4tfnc EVERYBODY knows Maytag makes the best washers and dryers. Now you can buy a famous Maytag Dryer for only $189 and a Maytag Automatic Dryer for $259.00. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St, Exeter, 235-0585. 5c PUPS — Dachshunds, r e d f, black and hard; Fox terriers, white with black and brown, standard smooths, registered; Manchester fox terriers, un- registered. Mrs. Alex Macin- tosh, Clandeboye, Phone Lucan 227-4598. 2:6-3:12c 1 ONLY slightly used wheel chair, just like new, Sandy Elliot, Furniture & Appliances, 444 Main St. 50 MAPLE SYRUP orders will be filled again this season if product is available from El- mire, area producers. Phone Morleys 235.1853 Exeter. 5* CREAM separator, Renfrew; Ennis piano, both in good con- dition, Cecil Ellwood, Ailsa Craig 293-3041. 27:5* EXETER ELECTRIC — Your music centre for all your musical instruments and acces- sories. 20:5c TWO 9 CU. FT. Crosley and Frigidaire refrigerators. Phone Crediton 234-6310. 5:12c GIRL'S 12 to 14 spring coat, beige, good condition. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 5* TRANSISTOR radios, 1963 mod- els all at sale prices. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 235-0585, 5c JOHN DEERE 420 crawler in good condition, with live hy- draulic and power take-off. Phone 293-3025 Ailsa Craig. 5:12c BABY BUGGY, excellent con- dition. Phone 235-1286 after 6 p.m. 5c GIRL'S 6X futurama coat and tam, navy; pink party dress size 8; red dress. Can be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 5* CAPONS, averaging 8 lbs. still available. Stock up for the Lenten season, Reducd to 450 a lb. Phone Lucan 227-4493 or 227-4701. 5c JUNIOR G.M.C. bicycle, good condition, reasonable, Phone 227-4351 Lucan. 5c MAPLE SYRUP supplies — Evaporator pans with connec- tions, galvanized gathering tank, galvanized supply tank, buckets, covers, spiles. Apply Wm. R. Sillery, RR 3 Exeter. 5:12c HARDWOOD BED and springs in good condition, Apply Or- ville Rollings, Clandeboyc. 5* Don't Forget YOU CAN WIN $30.00 AND SAVE $30.00 on the Simmons Deep Sleep Mattress Offer until March 31, 1964. Sandy Elliot Furniture & ,Appliances 444 Main St 235.0585 CURLING CLUB share. Box 88, 242 Victoria Ave., Chat- ham, Ontario. Se SIMPLICITY—The only wringer washer with a 12-year guaran- tee.. Lint filter, double tub and larger than average Wringer rolls. Wringer washers Start at $79.00 at Sandy Elliot's, 444 Main St. Exeter. Phone 235- 0585, 5e BEAT THE NEW TAX—Good used lumber, all sizes; good Prices, Lot 18, Conceesiori 4 Biddulph. Apply Mr. Rameey, Lucien 227.4600. 6:12:19c 2-PIECE kroebler 4 seater chesterfield, 100% nylon beige cover, like new; 3-piece ches- terfield in good condition; combination wardrobe and cheat of drawers, walrint , fins ish. Hopper-Hockey, 235.1900, Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Farm Impl6ments, Hay, Straw, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 18, CON. 14 STEPHEN TWP. 11 miles west of Dashwood, Highway 83 thence 2 miles south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 21 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE — Consists of 100-acre farm on which is situated a frame dwelling covered with asphalt shingles, Main floor—living and dining room; kitchen with built-in cupboards, bedroom and util- ity room, Second floor-3 bed- rooms and clothes closets, Full size basement. Large bank barn, drive shed and pig stable. Buildings in good state of repair, new roof- ing. Land all tillable; never failing water supply, Inspec- tion invited, TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to 'a reason- able reserve bid, Complete list of sale in next week's issue, ARTHUR A. GALE, Administrator for the estate of the late Clarence Gale, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5c TENDERS Usborne Township School Area # 1, Ontario Sealed tenders properly identified as to the contents for the general contract includ- ing heating and electrical work addressed to Usborne Township School Area # 1, Ontario will be received by Kyles & Kyles Architects, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ontario until 4 p,m. Wednesday, March 18, 1964. Each tender must be accom- panied by a bid bond or mark- ed cheque made 'payable to Usborne Township School Area # 1 in an amount of 5% of estimated cost which bid bond shall carry a 60 day limit from tender closing date, The successful contractor will be required to furnish a performance bond of 100% of their contract price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. General building con- tractors may obtain plans and specifications from the office of Kyles & Kyles Architects, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. on deposit of a cheque in an amount of $50.00 payable to Kyles & Kyles Architects. This deposit will be returned on receipt of the complete is- sue of sets in good condition. Usborne Township School Area # 1, Ontario. 5:12c TENDERS Are being called for the pur- chase of swill and for the pur- chase of Kitchen By-Products from RCAF Station Clinton for the period April 1st, 1964 to March 31st, 1965. Closing date for tenders is March 23rd, 1964. Tenderers for the re- moval of swill 'are to quote a price per 100 pounds. The suc- cessful tenderer will be re- quired to remove all swill daily and to provide all con- tainers and maintain them in a sanitary condition, Tenderers must hold a license from the Department of Agriculture to feed kitchen by-products to animals. Tenderers for the purchase of Kitchen By.Products arc to quote a priee per 100 pounds for each of trimmed bones, cooked bones, rough fat, Suet and grease. The successful tenderer Will be required to remove by-products at leaet once a Week and to provide all containers and maintain them in a sanitary condition. Any questions regardihg ten- ders are to be referred to the Senior Supply Officer, RCAF Station Clinton, 5c THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will meet on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1964 at 10:00 a,m. for one day only. Any documents or notice of deputations must be in the hands of ehe Clerk no later than Tuesday, March 17, 1964. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron Court house, Goderich, Ontario. 5c TOWNSHIP OP STEPHEN Residents of Stephen Town- ship using the TOWNSHIP — RCAF dump grounds on con- cession 4 are asked to please observe the following: (1) DO NOT dump garbage on the road 'allowance. (2) DO NOT dispose of dead Mutt-la's, decayed vegetables and Wire fencing. Everyone's co-Operation will be appreciated. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Rots itattgh, Glenn Webb, Clerk Iteeec 27;5c 1 keg, Strayed BRIEF CASE, brown leather, with 2 straps and buckles; con- tains personal receipts, price lists and pamphlets, Lost be- tween Crediton and Clinton. Phone Hubert Cooper 235-2807. 27:5c Page 7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PEARL ELIZABETH hwRDY, late of the Village of Lucan, in the County of Middlesex, Widow, deceased. Creditors and others having' claims against the above men- tioned Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned so- licitor for the Executor on or before the 21st day of March, 1964, A.D., after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims that have then been received. EDWARD H. UNGER, Richmond at Maple Streets, London, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, 27:5:12c 3-ROOM apartment, furnished, heated, refrigerator, range, nicely located, all utilities paid, immediate possession. Plhone 235-1402. 3:5tfnc 3 - ROOM apartment, ground floor, private path, heated, separate entrance, centrally located, Available April 1, Dial 235-1055 or 235-1808. 3:5tfnc SPACIOUS 2-bedroom apart- ment, furnished and heated. Self contained. No pets please. Available now, Phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 3:5tfnc 2 APARTMENTS or will rent as one, Heated, 2 bedrooms in each, One 'available now, the other April 1. Reasonable rent, 88 Sanders St, W.,. Exeter. Phone 39R3 Kirkton or 235-0906. Sc UPSTAIRS apartment, 1 bed- room, kitchen, living room and bath; separate entrance; no pets. 313 Carling St„ phone 235-1543, 3:5tfnc 3-BEDROOM house in Crediton. 24 Tenders Wanted Phone 44-6358. TENDERS WANTED by THE AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FOR a small crawler • type bulldozer with approximately 35 (draw-bar) h,p, gasoline motor, 5 track rollers, 14" semi-grousers, 12 volt system, cushioned seat, swinging draw- bar etc. Unit must be equipped with a heavy duty multi • position front end loader (a4 'yard 60" bucket) which can be inter- changed with an 80" (maxi- mum) blade with skid shoe attachment. Details and specifications may be obtained from the Authority Office in Exeter, 61 Old Mill Road, Box 459 Exeter. Sealed tenders marked "Ten- ders for Bulldozer" will be re- ceived by the undersigned at Exeter, Ont. until 12 o'clock noon E.S.T. on Friday, March 20, 1964. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Mrs. C. Hume, Secretary-Treasurer 5:12c 2$ Auction Sales 1 condition; M,H, No, co 8 ft, power take-off combine fully equiPPed, in brand new condition; Owatena 8 ft, swath. er, used two seasons, like new, FARM IMPLEMENTS Int. 15-run double disc grain, and fertilizer drill on steel, like new; Int, 8 ft stiff tooth cul- tivator; Int. 32-plate tractor disc; Mcpeering No. 45 hay baler, like new; Int, 3-furrow wide bottom piow; Int, 2- furs row tractor plow; Little Giant 40 ft, power take-off bay ele- vator; McDeering No, 200 trace tor manure spreader; Cock- shutt 4-row beet scuffler; . 3 Otaco rubber tire wagons with hay racks; 2 home made rub- ber tire wagons; 3-section spring tooth harrows; set of diamond harrows; Gehl ham- mer mill, 50 ft 6 inch endless belt; Vesott grain grinder and bagger; sugar beet lifter; Int, 3-bar side rake; 18 ft. grain auger with extension; hay loader; dump rake; Qliver 7 ft. power take-off mower; McDeering team mower 5 ft, cut; M. H. bean puller; three 4 harrow eveners; Viking electric cream separator; Co- op 2-unit milking machine with piping; Renfrew cream sep- arator; root pulper; circular saw; 2,000 lb. platform scales; electric cattle clipper; hand clipper; 720 tractor chains; 5 tarpaulins; rubber tire wheel- barrow; extension ladder; steel and wood barrels; beet forks; steel roofing; bob sleighs and rack; pig feeders; quantity lumber; cedar shin- gles; 2 block and tackles; ce- ment mixer; heavy vice; 2 electric fencers; grease guns; heavy duty barn jack; hay forks; quantity white bricks; quantity cedar posts; gasoline cans; corn crib; 150 - 3 bushel grain bags; 200 sacks; numer- ous tires and tubes; chains; forks; shovels etc. CATTLE—Part Durham and Hereford cow due sale date; part Hereford and Durham cow due in June; Angus cow carrying second calf due in July; part Holstein and Here- ford cow, milking, due in August; Hereford cow with calf at foot; 8 Hereford steers rising 2 years old, ready for market; 2 Hereford heifers rising 2 years old, ready for market; 8 Hereford fall calves; Polled Hereford bull rising 2 years old. Cattle all of choice quality. HAY and GRAIN — 200 bales choice quality mixed hay; 300 bales second cut alfalfa hay; 800 bales wheat straw; 200 bales oat straw; 500 bushel of Rodney oats suitable for seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Findlay cook stove; studio couch; organ; beds; dressers; commodes; extension table and chairs; lanterns; sealers; crocks and many other articles too numerous to mention. Please Note—This is an ex- tra large sale with everything in good condition. Plan to at- tend. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS — Cash. JOHN KABAT, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 5 : 12c IS'Wanted RODNEy OATS suitable for seed. Bring in sample for quotation. ALEX M. STEWART & SON Limited Ailsa Craig, Ontario Phone 293-3211 13:20:27;5c NEW LOW PRICE ON A FULLY AUTOMATIC, ALL-CANADIAN Water Softener End hetd Water problems for only $255 AUCTION SALE of general merchandise from Baird's Stare, bashwAod SATURDAY, MARCH 14 1:30 p.m. DashWood Community Centre Full listing next week. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Sc Completely installed And guaranteed. agic The Word FOR WANT—AD RESULTS CJE% PLUMBING & NOTING Phone 0354440, Exeter Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Combine, Truck, Farm Implements, Choice Cattle, Hay, Grain, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 10 & 11 CON, 1, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP Highway 4 6 miles South of Exeter or 6 Miles north of Wean The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 at 12:00 o'clock TRACTORS, COMBINE and TRUCK -= McDeering "M" Fatniall tractor in A-1 Conde lion; Allis Chelinere Standatd "C A" tractor equipped With 2-ftirtoW hydraulic plowe Allis Chelinets standard "C A" tracs tot equipped with 'hydraulic Henderson manure loader; 1951 GMC toe truck with trielta f 35,000 actual mileage in