HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-02-27, Page 941,b :1"Mkt.7.71/0.1. A GSNERAL MOTORS VALUE Buick Special Deluxe 2-door Coupe Appliance Specials freezers $65 00 Refrigerators $3500 Up Bruce fteitigeration s.htits AND sEttkrIct A home is probably the biggest invest- ment you'll ever make in your life. Protect it with the finest insurance you cdn possibly buy. let us show you how you con get such insurance protection, at the lowest cost. Call the above number howl PHONE: 235-1410 DON'T GAMBLE ON LESS THAN THE BEST PROTECTION FAST, DEPENDABLE CLAIM SERVICE, TOO HODGSON LIMITED elt M, J. Gaiter W. H. Hodgicin J. A. KMaaitl; TirriesrAdvowe, February ;7, 1.904 Pape. 9 London man .buys store at Centralia Shipka Thames Road ,couple :celebrate 50 .years 1A9PPY .Y1s4ect .Sunday witkMr,. 4t, Mrs, g1:414 lierrlutqn _F•11,0 girls, Arkona t Mr?, ,4 Mrs Ed Breen and. family, London visited ounday with mr. & Mrs, Lorne Dietrich and family, on, spent Sunday with Mr' Fla cor Sant'ling' Mrs. Herb Harlt94$ a,nbcilrG. ldkenAlrsap,e liAnturrua nyditaamy iwitiotrin and •corPorior Work Russell and family. Leonard Pickering and Wayne Meilin, London spent the week- end with ith their Parents and fa- Mr. Mrs. Bob Adams and Hardwood Flpors Laid, Sanded and RefiniShed. Old Floors Refinished. M array Neil 249 Marlogrough St. EXETER Mrs. Rose Overholt, Susan and Cindy of Londpn were week- end guestS With Mr, & Mrs, Victor Overholt and visliftre.0 40vM4siiti? w4neeThendompyfghn Mr, & Mrs. Grant Brown, and family in Sarnia. Mr. Mrs.ratf0 r 4 Fred Sunday B were den in ing to the death pf Cyril Jor- dan, Attendieg the funeral Mon- day were Mr. & Mrs. Win. Al- liP911, Mrs, R. Poynter and Mrs. F. Bowden. Mr, & Mrs, D. Hancock and son of Woodstock, mr, & Mrs. Schroeder and family of Ex- eter, Mr. & Mrs. 0. Schroeder and family, Hyde Park were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wm misSa Wildachroeder; ollock of Kit, chener was a weekend visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Hicks, • youth, who graduated from HSDHS last year, is studying electrical engineering techno4 logy. PERSONALS. Mr. & Mrs, Bey Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Rpbert Mayer and Mr, & Mrs. William Rohde en- tertained. a number of married couples. TUesclay evening, Mr. & Mr4. Victor Jeffery, Barry and Billy were Friday eVening. Pests with Mr, and Chas. Jeffery, Mr, & Mrs. Clarence Hawkins of Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Clarke, Mrs, Jone Brayattend- ed the funeral of thetr relative, the late Mrs. Amanda Temple of port Huron at. Croswell, Michigan, Sunday afternoon, 13,ev. Hugh & Mrs. W il son Visited Monday with relatives at Anca,ster and Simcoe, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Passmore and Beyerley visited Saturday With Mr. & Mrs, Case de Mooy of Londpn. Miss Sandra de Mooy returned home with her grand- parents for some time. Mr. :& Mrs. Oscar Tuckey of Exeter, Gary and Grant Love of Hillsgreen were Saturday even- ing guests with Mr. & Mrs. 'dyin Passmore. , Wins scholarship Fred H. Hyde, 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey,Hyde, RR 1 Hensall, ha.sbeen awarded one of two IODE scholarships for "excellence as a flrst-term student" at Hamilton Institute of Technology. The Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Ken Westman and farnilY4 Mrs. Margaret Fer- ter; MissDorothy Harlton, By „NM, WILLIAM ROHDE '11443/1g$ ROAD Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Clar- ence Knight PiPsOrvP4 their g4,-, tieth wedding anniversary by being guests of their family at e dinner at DufferinHotel„ Oen-, tralia. Those attending Were Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bellantyne and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Knight, pen and Wayne, Mr. and Mr$. TOP. Earl of London, Mr.. and Mrs. Gerald, Ballaetyne of Exeter, Mr. and Igre. 1,1951 Knight and Linda, Mrs. and Mrs, • Ross PallantYne. All returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Knight in Exeter where a social time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Knight received many lovely gifts. HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB Wednesday evening some 40 people - gathered in the base- ment of the church when the meeting of the Happy Doubles Club was held with the choir and the Sunday School teachers and officers as their guests. Murray Dawson was chair- man for the meeting of which the theme was "Self Seeking". Mrs. Murray Dawson and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin assist- ed with the worship service. Mrs. Almer Pa.ssmore presi- dent took charge of the busi- ness. It was decided to have a bowling party in the near future. Mra. Murray Keys of Exeter favored with two instrumentals on the piano. Rev. Hugh Wilson introduced the guest speaker, Rev. J. Boyne of Exeter, who gave an interest- ing talk. Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin thanked the speaker. Several games and contests were enjoyed. Ready-To-Paint Furniture Reaches 97, deplores church decline John H. Gaiser, Crediton, who celebrated his 97thhirthclay Moe- day, says church attendance has declined considerably since he was a boy. He recalls, when he lived on the ninth concession of Stephen, the weekly prayer meetings held in individual homes when every person on the line would attend. Mr. Gaiser is one of the three remaining members of the family of the late Adam and Agatha Geiser which include his brother William, also of Crediton and now 99, and Mrs. Carrie Koeltzow, 90, Detroit. John has three children— William on the farm; Larne, St. Marys, and Miss Clara at home. He spent Monday quietly with some members pf his family and enjoyed a new album of Tennessee Ernie hymns, Although his eyesight prevents him watching TV, his hearing is excellent and he listens to records by the hour. --Haugh photo shows improvement eir Mr. & Mrs. Rae Hodgins left Saturday for a visit to Florida with the former's brother, Clin- ton Hodgins. Mrs. Andrew Carter visited Wednesday with Mrs. J. Whit- more Sr. and Gayle. Mrs. Goldwin Yundt and sons Ronald and Raymond Yundt of Stratford visited the Paton fa- mily Sunday afternoon. This man works for you! By MRS. FRED ECMDEN CMNTAAPA Frank Osborne, who has been in business in the village for almost l9 years, has sold his general stare to Mr, and Mrs. S. Taylor of London. The new PrOprietors will take over on March 15. Mr, gal Mrs Qsbome and Robin will take up residence in Havelock, where they have put', chased a home. CGIT STUDIES NEPAL Centralia CGIT met in the schoolroom of the church last Thursday evening. The meeting ppeeed with a worship service conducted by Jean Smith and Shari Nace. The president, Jean Smith took the chair for the business. The Bible study on Nepal was continued. The girls are enjoy- ing their buck weaving and are asked to, bring cards to send to the owner of a bookstore in India. PERSONALS Lorne Hicks who has been off duty for a few weeks returned to work Tuesday of last week. Miss Doris Pepper, Zurich, a student at London Teachers' College, was teaching in the school last week under the su- pervision of Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cunnington attended a presentation and dance for Mr. and Mrs. K. Richardson (newlyweds) in the Zurich Community Centre,Sat- urday evening. Grade eight students, Bruce Hicks, Billie Huxtable and Ke- vin Lampert were treated to a day in the city Saturday by their teacher, Mrs. Lorne Hicks. They were entertained to din- ner in London and this was fol- lowed up by a trip to the Capi- tol theatre where they saw Walt Disney's picture "The Incred- ible Journey" in technicolpr. Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroeder were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Semple, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hewitt, Mr. & Mrs. B. Webb and Janet, Larry and Cindy Schroeder, Wm. Schroeder of London and Miss Nancy Baxter of Grand Bend. By MRS. C. WOODBURN SEE PICS OF JAMAICA The UC Berean Bible Class held a successful pot luck sup- per in the SundaySchoolrooms. Following the supper those pre- sent enjoyed pictures shown by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Waters of Parkhill of their trip to Jamaica and organ and mandolin music by Miss Evelyn Curts organist and Mr. Win. Dellow of Toronto. frALEK TRICIANsArs THE FINEST REFERENCES WE CAN SNOW. 'FROM W/SE FOLK youli LIKELY KNOW Bookcases, dressers and desks made of top quality clear lumber and birch plywood. See them soon ! ! ! CHEST, 5 DRAWER $22.95 CHEST, DOUBLE 8 DRAWER $34.95 DRESSER, DOUBLE 8 DRAWER $24.95 CHEST, 4 DRAWER ,.. ,, ................ . $18.95 VANITY, 9 DRAWER $30.95 CHIFFROBE $30.95 BOOKCASE, 42" $14.95 DESK, 4 DRAWER $22.95 ST. JAMES NEWS Tuesday evening the ceme- tery committee met at St. Ja- mes Church. Committe includes Rev. E.O. Lancaster rector, wardens, Ro- bert Latta and Tom Tomes, Rae Hodgins, Andrew Carter, Mau- rice Simpson, Jack Whitmore, James Cunningham, Murray Carter, Austin Hodgins with John C. Murdy, sec.-treas. and Ernest Lewis, superintendent who is to cut the grass. Andrew Carter and Robert Latta are to look after the graves. Wednesday evening a Lenten service was conducted in St. James Church by the rector, the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster. Following the service a meet- ing was held for the members to discuss repairs of the church' windows and get an estimate also, of the church doors. At present, Arnol Lewis is insulating and doing some al- terations to the church vestry for the Ladies Guild. He delivers your CO-OP* Gasoline, Fuel Oil and Lubricants. As a Co-operative employee he is directly responsible to the owners . . . you and your fellow members. That's one of the reasons why you get his special brand of conscientious service . . friendly, courteous and co-operative. Like his many CO-OP petroleum products for car, truck, tractor and home, he is completely dependable . . . that's because your Co-operative really does have your interest at heart. EXETER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone 235-2081 'Registered Trade Mark No Money Down with a Conklin Budget Account EXETER 131 Thames Road W., Phone 235.1422 DON ROOTH ELECTRIC 235-0282-70HURONW You Can Always Depend on CO-OP GASOLINE AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS GRAND BEND Corner of Highway 21 and 83 Phone 228-2374 By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston and family were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Powe Saturday evening. Misses Mildred Weiberg of spent the weekend with their Clandeboye victim London and Phyllis of Exeter parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Wei- berg. A number of ladies gathered at the Weiberg home Friday for a quilting party. mr. & Mrs. Karl Weiberg visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Jno Kuzmick of Brownsville Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston ac- companied their son David on Monday evening to the Tamarac School in London Township when the Medway Jr. band was there. David is one of the band mem- bers. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Blair attend- ed the dedication service in Ja- mes St. Church, Sunday morning and were guests at the reception following the service. Gordon Davis, London, also Mr. & Mrs. Murray Abbott, Centralia visited Friday with their cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Mer- vin Elston. Miss Joyce McFalls, Cen- tralia, also M. H. & Mrs. El- ston were guests at the Schen- dera-Gibson wedding Saturday in Bryanston UC. Mrs. Jack Blair spent Tues- day with her mother, Mrs. Leo Flannigan, London. M. H. & Mrs. Elston accom- panied by Mr. & Mrs. Allan Elston spent Wednesday in Lon- don and attended the noon-day service held inSt Paul's Cathe- dral, London. Mr. & Mrs. John McAllister attended a reception at the.home of the former's brother, Mr. & Mrs. Albert McAllister in Ham- ilton last Sunday for Mr. & Mrs. Donald Vernon (the former Pearl McAllister) who were married in Bronte UC recently. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll visited with Mr. & Mrs. John McAllister Saturday evening. M. H. & Mrs. Elston were recent visitors with the Rev. N. D, & Mrs. Knox, Lambeth. Canada's northernmost land possession isEllesmere Island, about the size of Great Britain. By MRS. J. H. PATON OLAND EBOYE W. Hunter of the village who was injured in a car accident in London early Tuesday morn- ing, Feb, 12 when his head went through the windshield of his car is improving slowly in St. Joseph's Hospital. He was unconscious till a few days ago. With his wife and two boys two years old and one year, he moved to the village from Lon- don : about five months ago, and took up residence in the Edgin- ton house. He worked in London. PERSONALS Elaine, 13 month old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Roy Cunningham, RR 1 Clandeboye, suffered a convulsion on Friday, Feb, 21 and was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, Later, measles de- veloped. She is improving now at her home. Mr. Jim Sigsworth and Helen visited Mrs. Sigsworth Sunday at St. Joseph's Hospital. Billy is recovering from the flu at home. Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Millson entertained in honor of their daughter (Ruth), Mrs. Jim Beckett of Kitchener and grand- daughter Sandra Beckett of Lon- don. Others of the family pre- sent were Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Millson and three sons of Lon- don, Mrs. Ruth Ann Haidysh of London and Mr. & Mrs. Ger- ald Millson and Debbie. Mrs. Haidysh also spent Monday with her parents. Check how little it goes for... Newspapers are the only me- dium offering the magnetic ap- peal of classified ads. BACKACHE Dodds Pills PERSONALS Mrs. Fred Steeper of Parkhill visited last week with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Steeper and family. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pollock and family of London spent the week end with Milton Pollock. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hodge of De- troit spent the weekend with Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Christman and family of Leroy, N,Y. spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Bus Lagerwerf. Mr. & Mrs. Clare Ritchie and family of Sarnia visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Curts. Mr. & Mrs. Watson Webster of Varna and Mr. & Mrs. Anson Coleman of Clinton visitedSun- day with Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pollock and Mr. & Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Baptism service was held in the United Church Sunday when Cheryl Lynne, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dellow, and Mar- tin John, son of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Isaac, were batpized. Mr. & Mrs. Elton Curts and Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Curts visited Saturday evening with Mrs. Ferol Mahon and Mr. Wm. Dellow in Parkhill. Mr. Manuel Curts and Miss Evelyn Curts visited with them in Park- hill Monday evening. Lenten service will be held in the United Church Sunday evening at 8 pm. When kidneys fall to tamer. excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— dieturbed rest often may follow. podd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleep better, went bettor. 80 You'll go for BUICK SPECIAL EASY TO OWN with an all-new 115-inch wheelbase UNBEATABLE FOR PRESTIGE puts Buick quality in your hands for legs (TRIM IN SIZE because it's Buick through and through The new Buick Special has so much built-in value, you'll braking is safer, smoother. Its performance is swifter, hardly believe how little it costs ! It looks lower, sleeker silkier, The special is everything you expect in a Buick and on its hew longer wheelbase. Its ride is softer, quieter, Its is priced much lower this year, ABOVE ALL, IT'S A BUICK Be sure to Watch "Teles0Ope" and "Zero One" how showing on televielon, Check lode' listings for time and Channel. MS.464e TAYLOR MOTORS LIMITED MAIN STREET iPontiac Suitt( . Vauxhall GMC Trucks Bedford liana ZURICH, ONTARIO