HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-02-27, Page 8Grand Bend tests new water intake method in hopes of saving costsfor water system Board fetes school staff Over-production peril outlined in OFA brief By MRS. ERVIN RADER DASHWOOD Stephen area school board was host to the area teachers Friday, February 21. Approxi- mately 30 sat down to a turkey supper at the community centre served by Dashwood WI. Following supper euchre was played with Mrs. Letta Taylor and E, Becker, winners and Mrs. H, Jameison and Elgin Webb, low; Ralph Weber was winner for lone hands. Shuffle- board rounded out the evening. week. Officers include: Neil McAllister, president; Ron Motz, vice-president; Bob Shapton, secretary; Dale Mc- Allister, press report; Fred Delbridge, club leader. Leaders of the Tuckersmith 4-H corn club are Bruce Cole- man and Bob Fotheringham. The 12 club members chose the following officers: George Townsend, president; Gordon Pryce, vice-president; Jim Pappel, secretary; Gerald Townsend, press reporter. Ill Health? Ontario Federation of Agri- This has become an acute prob- culture told Premier Robarts lem in southwestern Ontario. and his cabinet Tuesday that The government was called farmers face a constant peril upon to promote the use of in over-production. Ontario foods, e specially in The OFA drew attention to highway restaurants frequented the tendency for farm people to by tourists. increase the volume of their Other requests include the output in an effort to lower the need for legislation to regulate unit cost of production and the construction and use of pointed out, that what is good sewage lagoons, the control of for the individual producer, may weeds on crown lands and pro- not be good for the industry as vincial parks, and legislation a whole. to make it mandatory to state PERSONALS It was pointed out that, in interest charges onaper annum Miss Anne Taylor of London days gone by, the farmer ac- basis. spent the weekend with her cepted a low income inthe reali- In conclusion, the OFA em- mother, Mrs. Letta Taylor. zation that he was building up phasized the need to build • a Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Miller equity in assets. Inthe day when primary industry comprised of were in London Sunday at the farming was a way of life, the viable, progressive farm units, home of their son, Mr. & Mrs. farmer regarded the future val- and, despite occasional and ne- Seigfried Miller, where they ue of his acquired assets at cessary external restrictions, attended double birthday cele- retirement as a substitute for the industry mustbe challenging brations for their grandson, income, enough, rewarding enough, and, Jeffery and his maternal grand- Nowadays, with farming con- free enough, to attract those father, Oral Misner. stantly assuming a more bust- who are among the most able Mrs. Edwin Miller, who was nesslike aspect, attitudes are and gifted, that the province's a patient inSt. Joseph's hospital shifting toward a desire for rich, but not limitless, agricul- London has returned home, more income in the present. For tural land resources be not The Men's club chartered a this basic reason agricultural wasted by mismanagement and bus Sunday and some fifty men adjustment has been hastened, temporary expediency. attended the Detroit-Montreal the problems of farming inten- hockey game in which Detroit sified, and, the need for solution won 3-2. to these problems has become A rich aunt was paying her more urgent, nephew's college expenses and Among the requests made by her visitor asked if it was the OFA, priority was given to costly. the implementation of an egg "Well," said the aunt, "Lan- marketing plan at an early date. guage runs pretty high. My The OFA complimented the mi- cheque this month covered $10 nister of agriculture on his for English, $20 for Latin and prompt action in dealing with $110 for Scotch." the water crisis of last fall and requested the government un- dertake long range planning to assure the province of an ade- quate supply of water in future years. Action was requested to min- imize crop losses suffered through the ravages of birds. See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS to Sault Ste Marie and returned home Wednesday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edwardpixon and fainily, and attending a skiing tournament, CPO" Hartle returned ItePte from $trathroy-Middlesex hos- pital Friday. This liquid formula is the only mastitis ointment guaranteed effective or your money back. Three one dose tubes only $2.50 UNTLEY 111011..": r • DRUG STORE .11 EXETER J I Telephone Ontario 235-1070 9 MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS Seed and Fertilizer Supplied BETZE — YIELDS GOOD —GRADES WELL — HIGH TEST WEIGHT —SHORT, STIFF STRAW — LESS LODGING With increased demand for 2-Rowed Barley for Malting, we again offer this excellent variety. BEAN SEED Excellent quality Ontario Registered Seaway, Sanilac Saginaw and Michelite '62 Bean Seed grown from Foundation Stock. Michigan Certified Sanilac Seed Beans Bean Contracts Available Seed and Fertilizer Supplied EXCELLENT BEAN DEMAND CREATES GOOD PRICES Consider Beans as a Cash Crop. DROP IN NOW FOR YOUR SPRING NEEDS OR PHONE 103 COLLECT We Wish to Help E. L. MICKLE & SON PHONE 103 LIMITED HENSALL White Egg Layers TRUE LINES 3658 STONES H56 DEMLER REGAL DEMLER ROYAL CAL. GREY X LEGHORN Brown Egg Layers R. I. RED X COL, ROCK. RED-3-WAY CROSS. R. I. RED. Austin's Hatchery Phone 3692 Arkona, Ont. Be Ready For Spring Order Co-Op Fertilizer Now Discounts for February Delivery Pick up and Quantity Discounts Bulk and Cash Discounts Buy Quality - - - Buy Co-Op THAT'S ;4IFI A PUPleid Pother asked the clerk; 4 gell't tills toy too com- plicated ter a small chlid?H The clerk replied: "/Otiattl! this educational toy will help your child adjust himself to our modern world. Anyway he puts it together will be wrong." Seed Fair Specials 2 AND 4 ROW BEET, BEAN AND CORN PLANTERS NEW AND USED 16 RUN FERTILIZER DRILLS 1 FARMALL. C AND CULTI. VATORS 1 FARMALL 200 AND CULTI- VATORS 1 MASSEY HARRIS 22 AND CULTIVATORS 1 DAVID BROWN 950 2 COCKSHUTT 30 2-814 FORDS 1-600 FORD, 1956 MODEL 1-422 COCKSHUTT COMBINE COMPLETE WITH ALL BEAN EQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Sales and Service 425 THIRD ST., LONDON Phone 455-6020 Over12,000 buy in FAME. At a well,atteuded sharelielc"" era meeting of Farmers Meat EnterPrisps (FAME), held in Lucan Area?. February 19, farmers learned that FAME has over 12,000 shareholders and that there has been more money, taken in since July through the sale of debentures and sharp capital than during any previeus six months since the company was formed. Two yearS ago Middlesex County had a very small mem- bership but today it has over 700 shareholders. It was pointed out that FAME could benefit the shareholder in five different ways, 1. For the shareholders to haye a sale force out selling meat instead of iiyestock. 2. Being paid the wholesale price instead of the live price. 3. A saving in transportation and selling cost, by being close to the processing plants. 4. Better marketing condi- tions. 5. A more stable price by selling in the wholesale market instead of the live market. It was alsp pointed out by Colin Corrigan, FAME deben- ture supervisor, thkt the board of directors passed a resolution that they will wait until suf- ficient money was in sight to build an economical unit which consists of a processing plant at Ayr, and three slaughtering HARRISTON FERTILIZERS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT QUANTITY DISCOUNT CASH DISCOUNT BULK DISCOUNT Check our prices on Harriston Quality Fertilizer E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED HENS ALL PHONE 103 Planta at Mitchell, liqtetadtaild Lindsay, This unit will cost $6,000,000 to build, equip and haYe working Capital, With 12,000 shareholders this would take $750 in either shares or debentures per share mem- ber to Completely own their company. One of the shareholders has said that he has put $100 into FAME and he is not going to invest any more money into it until he sees some action. It was pointed out that it would be impossible to build and own an $8 million unit unless each member invests more than $100. SPEAKING WINNERS Judy Morgan, daughter:of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan, was first prize winner in her class for the public speaking competition held "at the Legion pall, Ailsa Craig. Her Winning topic was Pauline Johnson, Norma Rowe chose for her topic "Orange Crush" bringing her second Prlze. CONTROL MASTITIS IN DAIRY COWS! Use Nixon's Anti - Mast 1/ Mastitis Ointment EXETER DISTRICT Phone 235-2081 Brin s le y By PPRPPF4MPRI4Y Noble .Greenlee Of Toronto visited With the .Preealee Sam laat weekend. lgrP, .gari•.Pixen went hypiane Beside CNR Station RAW FARM FINAL-FILTER NEW '63 FORD V-8 SEDAN automatic, radio, 2 tone, power transfer axle, washers, back-up lights, white walls. Your for only $2,250. '62 CHEVROLET, V-8 2 door, former OPP, automatic. A steal at $1,770 '58 DODGE SEDAN 6 cyl, Only $500 Larry Snider Motors Ltd. Ford Fairlbne Felten and Feed Teticki DIAL 235.1640 EXETER Joins Sales Staff .. . Larry Snider, of Larry Snider Motors wishes to announce that Mr. Ed Hearn has joined their sales staff. USED CAR BUYS '59 FORD sedan, V-8, automa- tic, two tone '59 METEOR, coach, 6 cyl., stick shift '58 PONTIAC, sedan, two tone, new motor '58 CHEVROLET, deluxe sedan '58 CHEVROLET, 1/2 tonpick- up '56 PONTIAC, sedan, two tone, radio, 6 cyl., stick shift '56 FORD, coach, automatic '56 DODGE HARDTOP '55 PONTIAC, sedan, radio '54 CHEVROLET, sedan, radio BRODERICK BROS. Exeter sionommemiisior SPECIAL PRICE (offer expires April 30, 1964) $595 with your Spring booking order of Quality B-A Products CO-OP Livestock Report These farmers shipped their cattle through Rollie Williams, local shipper, to the Ontario Stock Yards for auction sale by United Co-operatives Live- stock Dept. Here are some of the prices they received last week: LLOYD FERGUSON, Hensall 2 .Heifers, 1620 lbs. . . $22.60 GEO. LATTA, Grand Bend 1 Steer, 880 lbs. . . . $24.50 1 Heifer, 780 lbs. , . . $22.25 MELVIN STADE 1 Heifer, 1,000 lbs. , . $21.50 FOR SERVICE CALL R. B. Williams Phone 235-2597 Exeter mismommignmommin transit and particularly during storage in farm tanks that are exposed to the elements. But now, with B-A's new Farm Final-Filter, these impurities no longer find their way into your expensive farm equipment. With scientific effi- ciency, the B-A Farm Final-Filter screens out these particles as the fuel leaves your storage tank—particles as minute as 10 microns in size—far too small for the eye to see. Only B-A has this Farm Final-Filter, and we're pleased to offer it to you at a special introductory price of just $5.95. Ask your implement dealer about it. He'll tell you how the Farm Final-Filter can pay for itself many times over by helping to avoid both repair costs and lost time. CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES: EXCLUSIVE NYLON CASING Will not break like glass, nor deteriorate in gasoline or diesel fuel as will some plastics. Non-rusting aluminum head. EXCLUSIVE QUICK COUPLING Filter cartridge is easily changed without wrenches or special tools. No threading problems! EXCLUSIVE DUAL DRAIN PLUG Drains water from centre tube as Well as from bowl. Water is visible in bowl for easy checking. EXTRA-LARGE REPLACEABLE CARTRIDGE 450 sq. in. filtering area. Specially plated steel protects entire filter element. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If within 90 days you feel you can afford to be with- out the B-A Farm Final-Filter, simply return it and your money will be cheerfully refunded. LORNE R. BECKER • Bulldozing Is Shovel and Crane Service • Excavating • Farm Ponds, etc. • Gravel, Fill, Top Soil PHONE 118 GENERAL. TRUCKING AND CONTRACTING DASHWOOD raqe. 8 ThreAfAcIvocai* ,FOrpary '27f 1904 These assorted bits of equipment are now under canvas at the lake edge on Grand Bend beach following test of a new intake system which would save Grand Bend thousands of dollars if it is successful. Pumping equipment was installed for Sarnia engineer G. C. Henderson by a Petrol'a contractor for the research project. This model of the "Stirrett System" consists of ten feet of perforated pipe installed just offshore at the main beach and seven feet below the lake bot- torn. A four-inch pipe leads from this installation to a storage tank. Provision is made for back-pumping to clear sand and silt from the perforated pipe at inter- vals. That's Grant Sirrett of Bright's Grove at far right talking with John Manore of the village's water committee. Installed Feb. 17, the system may be removed today (Thursday). A representative of the Ontario Water Resources Commission inspected the installation. —Dinnin photo Set new age range for 4-H club calves Can't market perishables? More changes and additions list, if there is enough interest. are being made to Huron's 4-H Two area clubs already have program for 1964, already been formed. Stephen grain corn under way. and Tucker smith grain corn Age of beef calves has been groups were formed in a meet- altered, Ass't Ag Rep Donald ing at Hensall Mon., Feb. 17. Pullen announced this week. CHANGE AGE He also revealed that in ad- Age requirements for the dition to the regular clubs, a senior beef heifer calves for new farm and home electrical breeding purposes as well as club will be organized in this beef steers and heifers for area. A tractor maintenance market purposes have been club will also be added to the changed to coincide with the age requirements of the senior dairy calves. They must be born between July 1 and December 31 of the year previous to the club year. Said Mr. Pullen: °We realize that some calves may already have been purchased for use in club work this year which are outside of the new age range. In such cases an exception will be made for this year only and members having such calves will be allowed to use them." Livestock clubs for this area will be or gani z e d Monday, March 30, at 2:15 p.m. at HSDHS. This is during Easter holidays. To be formed are the Exeter 4-H beef and dairy calf club (which includes the Stephen club of recent years), the sweet corn club, possibly the tractor club and the new group, an electrical club. The farm and home electric club is a senior group in which members must be over 16 as of Jan. 1 and not over 21 by Dec. 31. The club's program will include the metering of various machines to record consump- tion, work on electrical safety, motor maintenance and distri- bution of load. Teaching mater- ial will be provided by Ontario Hydro and the club will be led by Mel Alderson, sales super- visor for western region, Lon- don. ELECT OFFICERS Sixteen members joined the Stephen grain corn club last Forum members favored co- operatives and marketing boards working together to con- trol the farmer's commodities although perishable goods such as fruit and vegetables, milk and even hogs were better sold by private enterprise. UNIQUE FORUM Members of Unique Forum meeting at the home of Bert Klopp did not favor private enterprise at all because of the rapid growth of monopolies but they did feel co-operatives and marketing boards working together would be the answer for marketing the farmers' pro- ducts. They meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Klopp March 9 the topic being °What about ARDA?" FAIRFIELD FORUM Fairfield members agree d that co-ops and m ark e t in g boards were good under certain conditions, but perishable goods were better sold by private enterprise. Commodities such as hogs grow too big and fat for good quality if kept too long and are better sold privately. Co-ops and marketing boards get rid of the surplus foods even though the price maybe no higher. Twenty members met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil and the next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- vin King. Eliminates water, dirt and dust from gasoline and diesel fuel Now, B-A brings you a Final-Filter especially designed for farm use. This high-capacity filter is easily installed on your pump or gravity feed storage tank. Why a Farm Final-Filter? Here's the reason. When manu- factured, all brands of gasoline and diesel fuel are as pure as drinking water. However, impurities such as moisture, dust, grit and other foreign matter can be picked up in Know What Yo u 're Getting! When you buy Jone s, MacNa.ugh- ton seed you know you are get- ting what you payfor. All Jones, MacNaughton seeds are true to variety, carefully cleaned and tested for germination. Jones, MacNaughton handle only seeds for many years they have been Western Ontario's leading seed specialists. When you buy from a local firm you get ser- vice • . satisfaction ... savings! This year ask for Jones, MacNaughton seeds. FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER, OR Jones, MacNaughton Seeds EXETER PHONE CREDITONPHOm 6363 Middleton & Genttner Exeter . • ... .. . •