HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-02-27, Page 1Two HSDHS students welcome"fourth'-.birthdays
Two leap year children who will celebrate the fourth anniversary of their birthdates Saturday
are Elaine Powe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe, RR .2 Centralia, and .Alyin Lavery, son
of Mr, and Mrs, Milton Layery, Hensall, They're two of a number of district residents who'll
welcome the extra day this month as a once-in-four years birthdate, Both were. born Feb, .29,
1940, photo
Start new pool canvass,
will approach HSDHS
Sixth term
for Hudgins
Ninety-second Year EXETER, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 27, 1964 Price Per Copy 10 Cents the campaign fund, either
through a donation from exist-
ing funds or from the spon-
sorship of special projects.
Every type of organization in
the area will be requested to
contribute toward the commu-
nity cause.
At the same time, work on
plans for the pool and bathhouse
is continuing. Estimates are
being secured from local con-
Exeter and District Swim-
ming Pool Committee has be-
gun completion of its canvass
for donations, Co-chairman Mel
Gaiser and Gerry Webb announ-
ced this week.
A committee al ready has
started the final leg of the cam-
paign of the business section.
All firms which have not been
canvassed to date will be ap-
proached within the next two
In charge of this part of the
campaign are R. E. Pooley and
Irvine Armstrong.
Plans are being made to finish
solicitation in the residential
areas, of which there are a num-
ber not canvassed. Actual can-
vassing is not expected to take
place for several weeks.
Meanwhile, all district or-
ganizations are being asked to
make a special effort toward
Inspector questions
Stephen school delay
investment could be made by
incorporating it in the high
school complex to permit swim-
ming classes for the students
during the school year.
He indicated costs to the
board would probably be pro-
hibitive, primarily because no
government grants are provid-
ed, but he felt the propo sal
should be made before other
commitments become definite.
Gaiser said the committee
would provide funds for con-
structing and equipping the pool,
if the high school board wishes
to put a building around the
structure and provide heating.
Although the committee does
not expect any action on the
proposal, it has agreed to ap-
proach the high school board
next week to determine if the
school wishes to incorporate
the pool in its addition.
Co-chairman Gaiser said se-
veral members of the com-
mittee felt greater use of the
for a debenture issue. There's
been no indication yet how the
council views the new proposal.
3. The legal position of the
board and council as a result
of the school area vote last year
which approved the board's
original proposal to .build an
addition at Zurich. It's been
suggested that citizens have the
right to appeal if the vote is
ignored. MP enquires
over flag vote
for which the Ontario govern-
ment provides considerable fi-
nancial assistance in the form
of grants.
The Stephen board recently
informed the inspector it felt
it should wait for at least two
years before considering con-
struction of a central school.
Freeman Hodgins, Parkhill,
won his sixth term as chairman
of the Ausable authority last
week by acclamation.
At the annual meeting Wed.,
Feb. 19, in Parkhill, the former
Middlesex county warden was
the only nominee to stand for
the post. Vice-chairman Robert
Love of Thedford and Reeve
Elgin Thompson of Tucker-
smith, who were proposed, de-
clined to oppose him.
Mr. Love was re-elect ed
vice-chairman in a three-man
ballot, defeating Charles Cor-
bett, Lucan engineer, and Reeve
John Stephen, Blanshard.
Mrs. Carl Hume, RR 1 Kirk-
ton, was appointed full-time
secretary-treasurer at a salary
of $4,500 a year. Previously,
she held the position on a part-
time basis.
Two switches were made in
the election of advisory board
chairmen, who also serve on
the executive committee. Wel-
lington Brock, of Usborne,
moves to land use, succeeding
Joseph Bryan, Biddulph, who
relieves Mr. Brock on refores-
Charles Corbett now heads
public relations and Lorne Hay,
former public relations chair-
man, takes over Mr. Corbett's
wildlife committee.
Committee chairmen return-
ed were John Stephen, finance;
W i 11 i am Amos, McGillivray,
flood control; Robert Love, con-
servation areas; Elgin Thomp-
son, flood plain lands.
In addition to the chairmen,
other members of the executive
committee include Edmund
Hendrick of Stephen, J. E. Mc-
Phee of West Williams, and
James Stewart, Lobo.
Two new members have been
appointed to the authority—
Frank Myrna, Warwick town-
ship, and Robert Flynn, East
4. Although there's been no
assessment of the penalty which
the board might suffer over
abandonment of its two-room
addition at Zurich, it would
appear that the dep't could re-
duce the amount on which it
will pay grant by at least $30,-
000. In addition, the school area
still must pay off three years'
debentures on the cost. How-
ever, there also may be a
chance that the school:building
can be sold.
5. The reaction of Zurich is
still one of discontent and the
village may seek to withdraw
from the school area, which
would reduce the to wn ship
school to less than eight rooms.
Hay township central school
issue appears far from settled
despite the board's confirmed
decision to proceed with inves-
tigation into the Dietrich site.
A T-A survey of the trustees
this week reveals board mem-
bers are still split 3-2 on the
site question and each side re-
mains firm in its conviction.
But lack of unanimity is only
one of a number of hurdles
facing the board over the site.
Others include:
1. There's been some indi-
cation, not official, that the
board may have difficulty se-
curing approval from the de-
partment of education, which
may frown on abandonment of
the facilities at Zurich, par-
ticularly the two-room addition
which is only seven years old.
2. Approval of to wn ship
council still must be secured
No breakup
for Stanley
PS Inspector J. G. Burrows
said this week he has asked
Stephen township school area
board to reconsider its recent
decision to postpone a central
school pr opus al for several
The Inspector said he doubted
if there would be any advantage
to waiting, now that the separate
school assessment question is
pretty well settled in the town-
He noted that delay of the
project will only cau s e the
children to suffer by depriving
them of the modern facilities
Caught taking beer
from police cruiser
A 21-year-old Clinton airman
went to the wrong place to se-
cure "spirits" during his cele-
bration marking the passing of
his exams.
Alan Campbell, 21., was fined
$50 and costs of $21.50 for tak-
ing a case of beer from an OPP
cruiser in Zurich Feb. 1. He was
convicted of obstructing justice.
The case was one of three at
Tuesday's court in which Ma-
gistrate Glenn Hays, QC, made
good his earlier promise to
raise fines for offenses involv-
ing liquor. The fine was $50.00
on each charge.
PCs George Mitchell and John
Wright said Campbell took the
beer from the police cruiser
while it was parked near the
Zurich arena where a dance was
being held. The airman hid the
case under a parked car.
In the cruiser at the time was
another Clinton airman, Wil-
liam Granner, 21, who had been
involved in an accident the same
night. Granner was fined for
careless driving during. Tues-
day's court.
In his own defence, Campbell
said he pad passed his exams
with good marks and celebrated
by taking "quite a few" drinks.
He wasn't in the habit of drink-
ing, he said, and didn't realize
what effect liquor would have
on him. He said he could not
recall what happened in Zurich
and did not remember hiding
beer under the car.
William Granner, who testi-
fied for Campbell, admitted the
latter removed the beer from
the cruiser while he, Granner,
was in it but he felt Campbell
was unaware of what he was
Magistrate Hays said it was
possible for a person to con-
sume enough liquor to render
him unable to commit crime
with intent, but he felt this was
"a daring piece of mischief"
which required some construc-
tive thinking.
Granner pleaded guilty to
careless driving earlier the
same night and paid a $35 fine.
He was travelling west on No.
83 when he stopped quickly,
backed up and collided with a
parked car which in turn hit
another parked vehicle. Damage
totalled between $500 and $600.
Inspector J. G. Burrows, Ex-
eter, said this week he has
prepared application for ap-
proval of the new proposal but
has asked for some assurance
that township council will sup-
port the board on its plans.
Tentative approval is re-
quired by the dep't before the
school board can authorize the
architect to proceed withplans.
Besides the abandonment of
the Zurich facilities, the dep't
may question the decision to bus
Zurich students about half a
mile each day when there is a
site available to which the child-
ren could walk.
to investigate
OMB approves
Usborne issue
Approval has been receiv-
ed by Usborne township to
make a $215,000 debenture
issue for the proposed cen-
tral school.
Permission for the issue
was granted by the Ontario
Municipal Board.
It is expected township
council will call tenders for
handling the debentures at its
meeting next week.
Named to HS board
Exeter businessman Ix vine
Armstrong was appointed to
HSDHS board this week by town
council. He replaces Donald
Graham who resigned following
his transfer to St. Davids. Mr.
Armstrong is a past president
of Exeter Kinsmen Club.
W. H. Thomas, Middlesex
West -MP, raised the question
in Ottawa Monday of a referen-
dum on the choice of a Canadian
Prime Minister Pearson
said: "I would like to give that
matter very serious considera-
tion". He added that the final
choice will be up to Parliament.
Mr. Thomas asked whether
the people would make their own
choice by selecting— through a
referendum or plebiscite—
from among several popular de-
signs, including the red ensign.
Prime Minister Pearson said
he had doubts about conducting
a vote on the selection but in-
dicated he would consider it.
"Parliament should certainly
be put into a position to choose
— to 'decide for or against a
particular flag," Mr. Pearson
Asked whether the govern-
ment would take action on the
flag during the current session
of Parliament, Mr. Pearson re-
called that his government's
pledge was to take action within
two years of taking office. That
sets the deadline at April of
Because of this committment,
observers expect increased
lobbying and pressure over the
flag issue
Contrary to a report from
Ottawa this week, a former Li-
beral government did not adopt
the red ensign as a "distinctive
Canadian flag" in 1945. The or-
der-in-council said that until
such time as a distinctive Ca-
nadian flag is chosen by parlia-
ment, authority was given for
the use of the red ensign.
Conservation budget
increases by $3,500
Stanley is still considering a
central school for all of the
township and it appears that
none of the sections will be
allowed to make separate ar-
rangements until a decision is
Blake school section, which
recently petitioned council to
be released to go to Zurich,
has withdrawn its request. This
is a union section with Hay.
With Bayfield students in-
cluded, the township has 315
pupils or enough for a n in e-
room school. However, Bayfield
already has a relatively new
two-room school and will be
reluctant to abandon it. with-
out the Bayfield students, a cen-
tral school for Stanley would
be only six rooms.
Two youths were fined $50
each, one for causing a distur-
bance while drinking, the other
for consuming while a minor.
Magistrate Hays reserved sen-
tence on a teenage girl found
drinking beer. '
Grant Gilfillan, 17, Woodham,
paid $52.50 including costs for
fighting in Dashwood community
centre Feb. 1. Police said Gil-
fillan had been drinking.
A charge of consuming liquor
was withdrawn against Gilfillan
but the magistrate warned him
not to drink until he reached 21.
Leslie Denomme, 17, London,
also paid $52.50 including costs
for drinking beer while a mi-
nor. He was found by police
drinking beer in a car parked
on a sideroad Jan. 31.
Denomme admitted lying
about his age when he purchased
the beer from a London brew-
"This is not tolerated in our
society," said the magistrate.
Charged over the same in-
cident as Denomme was Betty
Jesney, 17, Crediton, who
pleaded guilty. The magistrate
asked her to return March 24
for sentence.
Major capital cost willbe de-
velopment of conservation
areas, estimated at $5,000, and
another winter works program
of $5,000.
Other forecasts: Land acqui-
sition at Rock Glen, $4,000;
purchase of forest and wildlife
demonstration area, $4,100;
Exeter pond dredging, $3,000;
land purchase for reforestation,
$3,000; development of dock
sites and gabion revetment at
the Ausable cut, $2,700; gully
purchase for land use demon-
stration, $4,100, and the re-
cording gauge, $800.
An increase in municipal levy
of about $3,500 was approved by
Ausable authority during its an-
nual meeting in Parkhill last
The increase, which will be
spread over 24 municipalities
in the watershed, raises the
total levy to $27,038.98, com-
pared to $23,400 last year.
Assessment of the levy is
based 50% on population and
50% on assessment.
Purchase of a bulldozer,
higher tax costs and possible
installation of an au to matic
stream recording gauge have
contributed to the increase.
The budget approved by the
authority, according to secre-
tary-treasurer Mrs. Carl
Hume, gives "very limited fi-
nancial flexibility during the
coming year."
In her budget report, she said:
"We have endeavoured to hold
the levy increase at arninimum
and still carry out the program
planned by the authority."
Estimated expenditures, sub-
sidized by 50% grants from the
province, include:
Personnel services, $11,900;
travel expenses and allowances,
$5,400; equipment purchases
$6,350 (including $6,000 for a
bulldozer to service parks and
develop conservation areas);
materials and supplies, $5,320;
and taxes, $6,000. The authority
pays municipal levies on its re-
forestation properties.
Maintenance estimates in
chiding work on the Morrison
dam and conservation areas, to-
tal $6,000.
land for dam
Proposal to incorporate three
sections of Tuckersmith with
Hensall school is meeting with
opposition from the rest of the
It was revealed this week that
a petition is being circulated in
the north end of the township
asking council not to grant the
request of the sections to with-
draw from the school area.
An informed source said this
week that council members have
agreed not to take any action of
releasing the sections until the
whole question is explored.
Some ratepayers feel all of
the sections in the township
should remain together in order
to establish a central school for
the municipality.
Officials hope to visit anum-
ber of central schools in the
region during their investi-
The three sections closest to
Hensall have held talks with
Hensall board over the pos-
sibility of sending their children
to the village school.
Anton Miller, RR 3 Exeter,
paid $10 and costs of $22.50
for interfering with traffic `by
— Please turn to back page
Dedicate organ memoria
To renew request
for driver course
HSDHS board again will be
requested to establish a Safe-
driving course for students at
its Meeting next week.
Mrs. Max Harness, who made
the first request which the beard
turned down after investigation,
said a number of women from
area municipalities will join her
in a delegation to the board.
A department of transport
safetY education Officer, Fred
Cronkite of London, will ad-
Conapany the delegation to Pre-
vide oh results
of such
training i
n other britarOntarioSec.-
Two plaques commemorating those who served in both World wars Were Unveiled in connection
With the organ dedication at James St, UC SundaY. Edward Litidenfielcl and Luther .Penhale Were
ohOSeti for the ceremony from among those who lost members of their fainilieS during the den-
facts, Seen viewing one plaque, above are; front left, MX. Penhale; ROV. C. d, Park, dlinton,
presiclent of London conference; Er POMO; Who' was in charge of preparation Of the MeniorialS,
and the chnrch paStOri: LeWit. Mr. Park was guest reacher the occasion. tecital:
On the 'new organ will be giVen 'Sunday "4....terneoi4 March 15,- by T. Cr Chattoe fernier organist
Of Metropolitan Clair* tendon: Doerr photo
Announceirients . . . 10
Church iloticea 10
Coming Events . .
tditorialS g
Perm NeWS , .
Feminine Facts N Pancles 5
(Hensall • • 4•1i11141r1i '4
iman , 1' 0 11.1000'11114 11
Sports 011140000111i 6
Want Ads ier t 1 lle le er r 4 7
The new $11,800 organ installed in James St. U nited Church was off icially dedicated Sunday as
a memorial to members of the congregation who served in two world wars. The president of
Londen conference, ReV. Clifford G. Park, Clinton, conducted the dedication at the Morning
service assisted by Rev, S. E. 'Lewis, pastor of the church. Abbve, Lawrence Wein, organist
and choirmaster, Is shown at the console, with It. E. Pooley, a Legion life member and chair-
Man of the committee which prepared the memorial plaques; Robert McDonald, now bf Wallace-
burg, who W hti 'was chairman of the organ committee of the Crch, and Mr. Lewis, Console of the
organ has two keyboards and a. pedal board, With 19 stops, 10 couplers and 10 combination pistons.
It preVideS 16 ranks with a total of 86* pipes. The instrument weighs over three` WS.
-Jack Doerr photo
Land acquisition committee
for the Parkhill dam reported
to the Ausable authority last
week that certain lands will have
to be expropriated for the prow
posed reservoir.
William Amos, chairman of
the committee, said some pro-
perty has been purchased but it
has not been possible to reach
agreement with a few of the
The full authority board en-
dorSed an executive motion giv-
ing power to secure land through
expropriation proceedings.
The committee was given au-
thority to negotiate leases, land
rental agreement, re-allocation
of land to new Owners and other
agreements necessary to tom,
plete purchase of the reqUired
Amos pointed out that the
committee felt is Was good
policy to per niit former owners,
through rental, to use arable
lands Until they are required.
Engineering firm Of M. M.
Dillon and 'Co. said construction
Of the million-dollar damn should
start in late sunnier.
Kenneth Clawson, rePreSenti.4
ing the Dillon firM, said con-
strtiction drawingS should
completed by late April.