HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-02-20, Page 11SUGAR AND SPICE
Pls.pen,4. SMWey: Clandeboye women
dislike 'pointed toes' Proud
Mom 227.4255 Correspondent; Miss Line Abbott
iessionmeranswgektmgmausimmintemism -,,,uttiumpagmateKowatmziA,
David Egan
MM winner
Ladies meet
for prayer
Deanery looks
at curriculum
Rea. E. Or Lancaster of Holy
Trinity Chvreb Was, hest last
Tuesday for the meeting of the
West Middlesex Deanery;Chap-,
Guests included Rev. Lyle
Crawford, Parkhill, ftev.
Jackson, AAR Craig, APO. A.
H. Jared, Arva, Rev., R. N.
Feyary, Delaware, Rey. E. C.
Werd, Gleecoe, Rev. Leonard
Jacklin, :Hyda
ReV C. $.
Black, Iiderten and Ruaalpean,
p. G,, :Scorer of Strathroy.
Following 1101YG9m011:141Pe in
the church there was a coffee
break in the Parish Hall before
the business meeting, maple-
ting of a discussion on the new
Sunday School cur r cu 1 um,
which will be introduced in the
fall of 1965 and a discussion on
world missions.
in HS show
d9Ilar bill. It We& 69 49PS aad
dark In there that ; hava to
admit I was a little tres1,1,
"Suddenly I Was. PStISti out
and traded for Mare elgarettee#
The store:owner grabbed me
444 yelled, "The Queen deesa't
have that many bumps on her
nose." The trail, was hatta
"Well, my btaYs, Were tolli4
UntortunatelYa they had already
died iron sting cancer because
they had smoked ao many cig.
aretteS whop setting Pills in
"I Write this While sitting
amidat Weis in a large fur-
nace, The penetrating heat Is
beginning to s tif le me, My
breath is coming shorter, the
happy hunting grounds are Com-
ing nearer.
"Thlt the moral of my story
is, 'If yoe're going to produce
counterfeit money, Make only
one bump on the Queen's nose
and always buy gum, not cigar-
The above essay was written
by my daughter Kim, age 12,
Grade 8. A chip off the old
crock? I'm only surprised that
her second last sentence didn't
say, "My breath is coming in
short pants." ' Thursday and Friday the stu-
dents and staff of Medway High
School presented "Medway Me-
anders", the 14th annual variety
The following local children
took part: Band, Louise Coch-
rane; The "16", Sandra Abbott,
Elaine Armstropg, Gail Arm-
strong, Doris Culbert, Ken Har-
dy, Dana Culbert, Carole Davis,
Carolyn Donaldson, Na n c yEg-
an, Larry Armstrong,Steve Da-
vis, Tom Hardy and Paul Rev-
Jr. band, Larry Armstrong,
Mike Bobor, Lynda Inson, Paul
Revington; make-up, Lois 0'
Neil, Kathleen O'Shea, Barbara
Ready, Cheryl Thompson, Judy
Thomson and Nancy Watson;
skit, Iva Stanley; golden wed-
ding, Gary Traversy, Mark 0'
Nell; accordion solo, Barbara
Zubal; set crew, David God-
dard, Lynn Arnold, Rick Beck;
sound crew, Randy Paul; cos-
tumes, Linda Currie; stage
crew, David Goddard and Paul
Steacy; ushers, Mary Mathers,
Ruth Morkin and Linda Smith;
intercommunication crew, Le-
roy Maguire.
All in all, Lucan children took
a prominent part in the pro-
gram .
PIP of a TenePtallar 15111.
"My mother was extremely
large arid cellist make
whirring sounds in her throat.
The thing that pugzles rate is how
I turned out tho, thin when she
is such a fetso.
"Anyway, when I popped out
feeling like a wet piece of
cabbage, a long, dark men with
a black mole beneath his left
eye clutched me and cried,
;Oh, darling George.' He and
the rest of the boys kissed me
all over, even on the Queen's
head. I was later to discover
that I had the limier of being
the first bill in an evil batch
of counterfeit money. I was the
one who would set the plot in
"First of all I was given to
an unsuspecting old lady for a
packet of cigarettes. The de-
crepit old woman he sitantly
handed them the change, all in
nickels. They then turned and
scampered out, leaving me to
face the consequences. It turn-
ed out that the old lady was a
trifle goofy.
"One fine day she traded me
for pennies, all pennies. I was
pushed wildly into the buyer's
pocket, where I met a girl ten-
Once in a while, It is the
good fortune of an English tea-
cher to come across a fresh,
original piece of writing by a
When he does, it's a drink
of colds pure water after days
Of wandering In the desert of
mangled syntax, c ru c if i e d
spelling, howling triteness and
tortured thinking through which
it has been ordained that he
should plod. It happened to me
this week.
At first, I thought my judg-
ment might be prejudiced, be-
cause I was sante fond of the
youngster in question. I read it
again. It still sounded good.
To make sure, I had it mimeo-
graphed and tried it on my
Grade 13 students, as a piece
for critical analysis. Their
snorts and giggles confirmed
my first impression. Then we
discussed it in depth. They
could find little wrong with it.
It had unity, coherence and
emphasis. The tone was con-
sistent. Well, here it is, just
as it was written, on an exami-
nation, under stress. See what
you think.
* *
The title was: The Wander-
the Rev. G. W. Seat read the
bans of Marriage ter Gerald
Lynn of PlarldebeYe and Miss
Catherine patteraoe Thom
(Irene) of T9Pre. Seetlaed, the
wedding to take place on March
7, 1964 at 2:00. pm in Elmwood
Avenue Presbyterian Church,
Ladies from the Clandeboye
UC assisting at World pay of
Prayer service were Mrs, Pe-
ter Voison UCW president and
from St. James Church, Mrs.
Andy Carter, WA president and
Mrs, Karl O'Neil, aec.treaa.of
Rea Neil is to be the repre-
sentative at the Middle aex
Presbytery at the United Church
Tuesday in London.
Attending the meeting in Lu-
can Saturday night at the United
Church from the Cl and eboye UC
were Rea Neil, George Simpson,
William Simpson, David Kestle
and Mrs. Peter Voison.
Mrs. Alvin Cunningham re-
turned home last week from a
six week visit with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
John Manson and family at Sins-
mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Scott,
Betty and Brenda were guests
with Mrs. Scott's sister and
husband, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Elgie Saturday evening.
%OM gi3Qyg
Anil Pali at the Clandeboye
WI meeting held at the home of
Mrs. Wilmer Scott was "Sallies'
thin I think should be changed,"
One member thought that the
pointed tee style in women's
shoes should he altered and
?nother that cardboard boxes
containing food should be easier
to tmen,
The motto "Friendship is the
cement that holds the world tee
gether" was written by Mrs,
Manrice Simpson and read by
Mrs. David Henry.
It was decided the ladies
would compete in the baking
contest at the Farm Show in
London Feb. 26-29. A letter
was read from the child in
Rome, Italy which the Ailsa
Craig, Lucan and Clandeboye
branches support through Save
the Children fund.
Mrs. Albert Rosser read ex-
cerpts from Ethel Chapman's
book "From a Roadside Win,.
slow." The alphabet contest -was
won by Mrs. Alex Macintosh,
and the hoatess prize by Mrs.
Karl O'Neil.
A bake sale is to be held in
Lucan March 7.
Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. Rae Hodgins, Mrs. O'Neil
and Mrs. Donald Pettigrew.
David T. Egan, 75, of Market
St. Lucan, died in Westminster
Hospital Mon. Feb. 10.
The body rested in the C.
Haskett & Son fu-
neral home until
Wednesday morn-
ing when it was
taken to St. Pat- 's
rick's Church for 1::1
requiem high
mass at 10 am
with Father F. G.
Bricklin officiat-
ing. Interment was in St. Peter's
cemetery, London.
pallbearers were Michael,
David, Frank and Patrick Egan,
Basil Nagle and Fred McIllhar-
prayers were said at the fu-
neral home Tues. evening.
He is survived by his wife,
the former Ethel Kell', one son
David of London and 15 grand-
children. (Another son Frank
was killed in action•Sept. 25,
Mr. Egan was born in Cork,
Ireland. He came to the USA
in 1910 and to Canada in 1914
where he enlisted in the 18th
Battalion. On his return he
worked as an attendant in West-
minster Hospital before becom-
ing a Windsor post office em-
ployee. Retiring in 1939, he
moved to Lucan but re-enlisted
in the army until 1944.
On Ms return he became
Lucan's constable for anumber
of years and won the heart of
many lads when he taught ama-
teur boxing in the old fire hall.
Many adults can remember
dropping coins in the con-
stable's hat to purchase gloves
for the young boxers. (He also
taught boxing in Windsor and
Mrs. Egan was kept busy mak-
ing dozens of trunks for Windsor
and Lucan boys.)
Mr. Egan won many war me-
dals including the Military Me-
dal at Councellette. He was
wounded Sept. 1916.
His ready wit was evident in
the poems he contributed to the
"Lucan News". He was parti-
cularly interested in sports.
Little Rollo was having him-
self a ball on his first plane
trip. He pushed every button
in sight, ran through the aisles
at top speed and finally crash-
ed into the stewardess as she
was carrying a tray of coffee.
The stewardess picked her.
self up and grabbed Rollo by
the arm., "Son," she cooed
sweetly, "why don't you go out-
side and play?"
At the United Church Sunday
Prompt, Confidential Service
Established 1889
Contact Our Representative:
PHONE 235-1863
Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins and
Mrs. Chas. McRoberts were
co-hostesses for the UCW
meeting Thursday afternoon in
the SS rooms of the church.
Mrs. Bert Duffield presided.
The theme of meeting was
"Prepare the Way". Mrs. Ce-
cil Squire and Mrs. Ken Hodg-
son assisted Mrs. Duffield in
the worship service.
Further arrangements were
made for a social evening to
be held Friday evening which
had been postponed. Discus-
sions were held on a supper to
be held in late March, also on
the allocation for supply and
social assistance.
In the program Mrs. Atwood
gave a missionary topic and
Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins, a read-
ing. Mrs. Pullen favored with a
piano instrumental.
Mr. & Mrs. Mac Baron, St.
Marys and Mr. & Mrs. Fred
Fitzgerald, Prospect, were Sat-
urday evening visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. Grafton Squire,
Mrs. Alex B a I 11 i e spent
Thursday with Mrs. Ethel
Squire, Granton.
Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Simpson,
London were Saturday visitors
with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Baillie.
Chas O'Shea and Gordon Hod-
gins attended the annual Wes-
tern Ontario Agricultural
School Dance at Ridgetown on
Saturday evening.
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hodgson were
hosts for the euchre Friday
evening at the Community Cen-
tre. Six tables were at play.
Mr. & Mrs. Milne Pullen
were Saturday evening guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Bert Morgan,
St. Marys.
Frank Parkinson and Glenn
and Mrs. Edith Shier, Granton,
visited with Mrs. Nettie Blight,
Thorndale Tuesday. Mr. Par-
kinson and Glenn were Sunday
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Henry
Leonhardt, Thamesford.
'New look'
at library
One day last week Lucan's
librarian Mrs. Rose Atkinson
called me in to see the library.
What a transformation from the
days when I relieved for Mrs.
Irene Courseyl
I knew that new shelves had
been installed all along the East
side but didn't knoat the two
long book shelves in the middle
of the room had been removed
making the library look twice
as large.
Since becoming a public li-
brary, the enrolment has more
than doubled with a present
membership of 356.
McGillivray Township now
has joined the Middlesex county
library and can get books at
Lucan free.
Mother and girl
injured in crash
Last Thursday, the daughter
and granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Meine Eizenga of Main
Street South were involved in a
serious car accident, on the
Thorndale Road, about nine
miles from London.
Mrs. Allan Eizenga and her
three-year-old daughter Lori of
London, were returning home
from Thorndale, where they
had been visiting Mrs. Eizen-
sea mother, Mrs. Alvin Stan-
ley, when the car went out of
control, on the icy road and
hit a telephone pole. Lori re-
ceived a broken jaw and skull
injuries when she was thrown
into a ditch and did not regain
consciousness for 24 hours.
Mrs. Eizenga received abro-
ken leg and head Injuries. Both
are patients in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weller
of the Shamrock restaurant,
Liman, sincerely thank all
who assisted at their recent
Official Opening. Special
thanks to Jim Leitch, Allen
Lightfoot, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Radcliffe and Murphy To-
bacco, for flowers, Neilsons
for ice cream, Jack Atkin-
son for do-nuts and all who
contributed congratulatory
Lucan personals
Mr. & Mrs.la, pummel? at-
tended the funeral ofMrs. Rum-
mell's uncle, Mr. John Hillis,
in Brantford Saturday. Sunday
they visited with Dr. & Mrs. S.
Morrison, Detroit, and attend-
ed the Boat Show.
Miss Betty Morkin and her
brother Mr. Nesbitt Morkin,
flew to Winnipeg to attend the
funeral of Mrs. James Morkin,
last Friday. Mrs Morkin was
the wife of Judge Morkin who
was raised near Lucan and
attended Lucan High School,
Mr. & Mrs. Fergus Maguire
of London were Monday guests
of Mrs. Jane Somerville.
Mrs. Irving Gibson and Miss
Lina Abbott were Friday guests
of Mr. & Mrs. Don Downs and
family of London.
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Hearn, at-
tended a birthday celebration
for the 81 year old father of
the latter, J. E. Brown of Mo-
therwell, which was held at the
home of Mr. & Mrs. Roge r
Brown of Carlingford, last Sat.
Keith Frost, son of Mr. as
Mrs. William Frost of Alice
St., Lucan, as an English para-
trooper is now stationed on
Cyprus Island.
Miss Julia Crozier of Guelph
spent the weekend at her home
Mrs. Eldon Hodgson is.visit-
ing her sister Mrs. Lela Beadle
of Stratford.
Saturday Mr. & Mrs. Ernest
Kennedy and Mr. & Mrs. Glen
Kennedy were among the 100
guests who attended a recep-
tion at the Nordon Restaurant,
Nilestown, following the Bryce-
Johnson wedding, in the Bel-
mont UC. The bride is a daugh-
ter of Mr. & Mrs. HaroldJohn-
son and niece of Mrs. Ernest
Sandra Abbott, daughter of
Mr. & Mrs. Don Abbott, who
underwent surgery recentlyre-
turned to school on Monday.
Mr. Bert Bradburn of the
Strathmere Lodge , Strathroy,
spent the weekend with his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
& Mrs. Steve Storey.
Mrs. Harry Wraith is a pa-
tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon-
Sunday guests with Mr. &
Mrs. Don Abbott included, Mr.
& Mrs. Duncan Tindall and
Melody of Listowel, Earl White-
ford and son Douglas of Grand
Bend and Gote Wennerstron of
Mrs. Ethel Kerr of Exeter,
Miss Margaret Culbert of Lu-
can and Norman Hankala of
Detroit were weekend guests
of Mr. & Mrs. Aljoe Culbert.
Sunday Feb. 9 Mrs. Guy Ryan,
Miss Kathleen Ryan and Mrs.
Ernest Hodgins visited Mrs.
Isabel Underwood at theStrath-
mere Lodge, Strathroy and Sun,
Feb. 16, joined by Mr. Hodgins
and Mr. Tom Ryan, they visit-
ed Mr. & Mrs. Tom Coursey
and family at Chesley.
Mrs. Alex Young spent a
few days in Toronto last week
visiting her new granddaughter,
Nancy Lynne, Nancy's parents
and sister Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Young and Heather Ann.
Youngest speaker
Friday afternoon, the Angli-
can Parish Hall was well filled
with women from Lucan's three
churches and Clandeboye's two
churches, to form one link in the
chain of services being held all
over the world, on the 45th
World Day of Prayer.
Mrs. Frank Hardy, president
of Anglican Sr. Woman's Aux-
iliary was in charge of thefirst
part of the service and was as-
sisted by Mrs. Jack Steacy,
Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, Mra.
Hilton Roberts and Mrs. Harold
Corbett, who led in the prayers
and Scripture.
Mrs. T. A. Watson, UCW
president, led in the second
part. She was assisted by Mrs.
Andy Carter and Mrs. Karl
O'Neil of St. James Anglican
Church, Clandeboye and Mrs.
Peter Voisin of the UC Clande-
The last part was led by
Mrs. Howard Currie, of the
Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Mrs. Currie introduced the
guest speaker, Mrs. Ronald Hall
of London, wife of a former
pastor of the Lucan Pentecostal
Church, Taking as her theme,
"Men ought always to pray,
not to think". Mrs. Hall gave an
inspiring talk on what can be
wrought by prayer.
Mrs. J. A. Graham of the
Pentecostal Church and Mrs.
R. W. Stutt of the United Church,
took up the collection and Mrs.
Erwin Scott of the Anglican
Church presided at the piano.
The offering will be sent to
the Women's Inter-Church
Council of Canada, in Toronto
to be allocated to more than
100 Christian organizations
throughout the world for Chris-
tian literature work.
Twenty-one representatives
from the Lucan and Clandeboye
WI, the Legion Auxiliary and
Lucan churches met in the Ang-
lican church basement last Mon.
night and made up 192 cancer
dressings for the Cancer So-
ciety. Had they not run out of
one material they could have
made many more.
Mrs. Wm. Brownlee, Lucan's
chairman of the Women's Ser-
vice of the Cancer Society, was
in charge.
The Lucan CGIT met in the
UC schoolroom last Monday
night with the president Judy
Coughlin in the chair.
Joyce Rummell led in the
worship service. The leader
Mrs. Murray Hodgins complet-
ed the Bible study series on
the "Life of St. Paul".
Arrangements were made to
join the Explorers, Scouts and
Cubs, in a church parade to Holy
Trinity Church on Feb. 23.
Plans were also discussed
for the annual Shamrock Tea
in the UC schoolroom Saturday,
March 14, with the following
committee to make the neces-
sary arrangements: L oui se
Cochrane, Betty Ann Lewis,
Daisy C oble igh and Wendy
The leather-craft p r oj ects
were completed and Christmas
cards prepared to . be, sent to
Miss Elna Inman.
The $90 collected on "Choco-
late Day" will go towards the
dining room at Camp Cagintra.
mgmetsassmaa agaganalaVanaatatiatii.I.Maaaniataiagalliiitialliglaaal=
There were 18 tables for the
WI progressive euchr e last
Tuesday evening.
High score prizes went to Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Neil, lone hand
prize to Paddy Ryan and low
score prizes to Mrs. Jane Som-
erville and Miss Muriel Car-
ling (playing a man's card).
The next game will be held
Feb. 26 at the Community Cen-
We now have a fine
selection of Gem-
croft cultured
pearls. These
necklaces are
gearanteed a h d
\insured, $32.00
N. and up.
wins second prize
Jane Crozier and Pat Ryan,
who both came first at the Le-
gion Hall and the Biddulph Cen-
tral School Public Speaking
were among the 15 contestants
who competed at the Teachers'
College, London, last Sat. The
winner was a Grade VIII pupil
at Lambeth Public School,
Laurie Lee, who won the gold
medal and a trophy. Pat, though
the youngest contestant (only 10)
was runner-up with Gay Stew-
art of Prince Andrew School
and Susan Gould of Mosa Cen-
tral School.
Saturday's finals were spon-
sored by the Middlesex Tres.,
tees and Ratepayers Associae
tion, with its president, Dr.
H. J. Johnson, acting as chair-
man. All contestants received
books as rewards.
Jane and Pat still have a
chance of 'bringing further ho-
nor to their school and to their
parents for as Legion winner
they will compete with other
winners at Leamington, Friday
Oaks, a Christian Workers'
training centre.
Sunday night, Rev G. W.
Sach and 12 members of the Le-
can-Clandeboye YPU were
guests of the Centralia YPU.
Bill Park, Don Coughlin of Lu-
can and Murray Simpson of
Clarideboye drove.
After the worship service
Mrs. Don Wilson gave an
lustrated talk on Newfoundland.
This was followed by games and
A splendid turn-out of Liican-
Clandeboye and a r an t o n Ex-
plorers met at the ,United
Church at 1:45 pm Saturday
and then proceeded to the arena
for a skating party from 2 to
4 pm.
On returning to the church,
Elizabeth Revingtoni Lori
Grudge and Laura !lodging led
in genies. These were followed
by refreshments.
Pentecostal Holiness
There was no meeting of the
saP here as the Young People
Were invited to Exeter to join
With the Exeter tP in a skat-
leg party and hockey garee.
Twelve aching of the church
attended the annual adult night
dinner and social evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Reward
Currie Sattirda.yeaening. A pro..
grain of community singing,
&feta and a skit by' the ladiet
followed the dinner.
The 1964 Ford dalaxio Seo/Xt. Convertible, one of the Total Performance Fords Built in Canada.
lio/e/aels em the Pei An/ T he s uper Torque Ford is selling up a storm! , . because it has what new car buyers
want I Fabulous exterior beauty, capped by your choice of three tooffines. A settle -in-and -smile kind of interior luxury--more
comfortable than ever, (In the X1. s, spelt type bucket seats are Standard,- and the Swing.Away steering wheel is a delightful
option I) The ride of this Ford —where you fully realize true automotive lukury—iS smpother, quieter and more relaxing than you'd
have ever believed possible. Which 'Ford is your Ford ?—there are 16 entidela in 4 series, inbluding the Ford Custom, Ford Custom
500, Grafrotie 500, Galaxie 500/XL, Test drive the total' performance of the '64 super TorqUe Vord,--at your Ford 06810.
Certain features illuStratecl or mentioned are optional at extra Ott.
Or. Chase Nerve Food is a time-tested
tonic which provides
beneficial iron and
other essential in-
gredients to help
prove your blood and
thus help to restore
a feeling of general
So, if you're finding
life a little difficult,
duefowearineSS and
a certain" ack of pep,
you may need the
tonid benefits of Or,
Chase Nerve Food.
Taken regularly, as
directed, this well.
known rernedy hetes
you eat better, rest
betterand feet bolter
altogether, tionlyou
think it's Werth a
trial? Get Seine at
your druggist's and
start taking it today,
586 Main St S bid 235-1640
DR. CHASE Nerve Food Helps Fight FATIGUE
At a four-table euchre of the
Medway Euchre club held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen
Hodgins last Mon., high score
prizes went to Mrs. E. Sum-
mers and W. J. Stanley, lone
hand prizes to Mrs. Cle.rence
LeWis and Austin Hobbs add
low score prizes to Mrs. Otto
Daley add Mt. Daley.
The next game will be at Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Daley's, Feb.24:
At least three Llicartites were
present when the bingo, spon-
sored by the Optimist Club Was
raided in Londoh last Thursday.
The 100 year old news, re.
corded in the Feb: 13 edition of
the LohdOn Free Pressisheatia
ed with, "Feb. 14, 1664. than
note. Inhabitants of this ant-
bitimit little village, to dispel
the ennui Of the long 'Winter
evenings, have siteeeeded. in
establishing a course of 1.4C ,
turek under the patronage of
the Geed Tomplars."
'age • t ..Fplyyary. Z0, 1964
and district news
Treasure Chest
Lucan's Gift Shop
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe
227-4792 Lucan
woo ** * tee
its lavish comfort, delightfid ride
and beautiful Lines make
this the hotted sealg Fora' ever/
..e,,,,VM,ONN•vm,,..4. FORD *Yee,e4V.M.'S,,,
Six new children enrolled in
the League of Loyalty Sunday
Flowers in the church were
in loving memory of the late
David Egan.
To celebrate Scout Week,
there will be a parade of Scouts,
Cubs, CGIT and Explorers to
the 11 o'clock service next
The meeting of the Couples'
Fellowship Group in the church
schoolrooni last Wed, evening
Was highlighted by a visit of a
group of 30 members of the
Salvation Army from London:
Mayor Holmes was the gtiest
speaker, speaking on "KnoW
youraelf, accept youraelf and be
yourself:" Mrs. Lois McTavish
Was the gueat soloist. The meet-
ing was followed by a social
In the absence of the WV/
president, Mrs. T. A. Watson,
Mra. Charles Sovereign pre-
aided for the general meeting
last Thurs. night in the Church
Mrs. Murray Hedging as-
sisted by Mrs. Stich had
charge of the Worship, service.
The &rifler as head of the
program committee reported,
the -programs for the year Were
being mimeographed and O.doPy
given to each reerther.
A c'ol'ored filth strip, 4 "Pecie
Ple of India and Ceylon" was
gliciain and artieleg /rain south
&tit Asia were displayed. The
SUM of $25 was voted for Flare