HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-02-20, Page 4By WILLIAM RPHDE
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Salad Dressing.. 35t
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Javex Bleach :37 HENSALL STORE HOURS closed all day every 'MOM* open all day WedilesdaY;, open Friday evenings Until 9 pm; Open gatitrtlay evenings until 10 Obi:
Shortage of water
not only problem.
Start class at ..Kippen
Herbert Bocock reported this
week that water, shortage was
not his only prOhleM== he also
found he had a problem finding
someone who would clean his
After contacting several men
qualified to do the job and each
time having been refused, Frank
Glanville and Richard cal-Pe to
the rescue and once again the
Bococks have water.
The next meeting will not be
held until March 14 at pm
due to exams,
The World Day of Prayer
was observed at a combined
service in the Epp church Fri,
day, Feb. 14.
Leaders in the service were
Mrs. G. Ratz, Mrs, G. E. Wen-
ale and Mrs. R. Reid assisted
by Mrs, J. Ratx, Mrs. N,
port, Mrs, L. Lamport and Mrs,
S, King;
The guest speaker was Mrs,.
Richard Van Farrow of Exeter.
Special music was provided by
a double duet comprised by
Mrs, L, Hey, Mrs. A. Fink-
beiner, Mrs, A. M. Schlenker
and Mrs. E. Hendrick.
Mr, 4 Mrs, Donald Bray
tert410ed a Inalltler ot married
couples Tuesday evening lapt,
Quite a number of men from
this community attended the
Mapsey Ferguson Cgriorama
banquet held at the Dufferin
Hotel, Centralia Wedneeday
Mr. & Mrs, Mac liociprt
showed pietnree of their reir
cent trip and wedding anniverar
pary pictures of Mr. & Mrs.
W, Elford Friday evening at
the home of Mr, & Mrs. El-
ford. Mr. Mrs,, Lorne
ford, Ava. and Michael of Ellin-
Ville and Mrs. Donald Bray,
Robert, Janet and Ruth were
also there for the evening.
mrs, William Snow
and family were Saturday even-
ing gueets with Mrs, Gertie
Moir of Hensall.
Meeere, Edwin Miller, Vier
for Jeffery and Rev. Hugh
son attended the ACTS brother-
hood banquet in James St.
Church, Exeter, Monday even-
ed hks confirmation classes
Sunday with over §c) in attend,
Mr„ & Mrs, Harold Jones and
:PoyP visited recently with Mr, Roy McBride of near,
Hlpite and Mr, & Mrs. Carl
i.Y111,ert ,and fPrki4, pf Z4rion,
Mrs, YIY411 R. Cooper was
admitted. Wednesday of la st
week to St. ,1944Ph 9.4 1I9SPItits
London for surgery and at pre-:
'sent is reported to bp doing as
well as can be expected.
yivan Cooper dr Mc 2:1KTPPett has purchased the late Wm.
eon's residence from Miss Jean
MWqs Gayle and Dawn Ro,
binsop recently spent a week-
end in Chp.tlip.in visiting rela.,
Mr. & Mrs. James Armstrong
of Staffa visited Thursday after,
noon with mr. & I. Long.
ThP. third meeting of the 4-H
club f 4 What shall I wear?! was
held at the home of Mrs,
Bert Bell Saturday afternoon,
Seven member§ answered the
ND call "Two garments with
lines that would Sui(i4cr.."
Donna Wbitehouse read the
minutes of the last meeting.
The new secretary is to be
Merlon Roberts, The book co
yere were given out to the memr
Mrs. Whitehouse spoke on
"clothes for all occasions on
haripprly and basic require-
mente of a wardrobe. Mrs, Bell
discussed the wardrobe chart,
The next meeting is to be held
at the same home Feb, 22 at
2 pm.
Rev. Howard Plant commenc, yT:, IN EUB CHURCH
The HUB YP meeting was
held Feb. 17 with the Com-
mission of Christian citizen-
ship in charge and Margaret
Fahrner as chairlady.
Karen Finkbeiner and Lynda
Bower assisted in the meet-
ing. Prepident Carol Hendrick
concluded with the business.
The WSWS meeting in the
EUB church was held, Tuesday
evening Feb, 11 with a good at-
Mrs, G. E. Wenzel opened
the meeting and Mrs. A. M.
Schlenker gave a reading on
prayer. A piano solo was given
by Charmaine Schenk.
The study for this month was,
"The City Challenges the
Church" which was well Ora,
matized in the film "Story of a
City Church", A solo was sung
by Doris Swartz.
The business was conducted
by Mrs. G. Ratz.
The World Service Day of the
WSWS is to be observed with
Ralph Wilde Monday, Feb. 24.
Mr, & Mrs. Allan aohnS of
P1MVille, Mr, & Mrs, Ken.,
neth Duncan and family, Mr. &
Mrs. Robert Cann were Sat,
urday evening guests with Mr.
& Mrs, I,9rne PASSmore.
Mr, & Mrs. Ken t)tteWell)
Michael and Richard of Exeter
Were StintISY guests with Mr, &
mrs. Edwin Miller,
Harry Sherwood of Exeter,
Lorne passmore, Glenn Lam,
port, Mr. & lgre, Bev Alex-
ander, Mr, & Mrs. William
Lamport, Mr. & Mrs. Lee WO-
ber, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hodgert,
Mr. & Mrs, Ray Cann, Mr, .&
Mrs. Ammer Passmore, Mr. &
Mrs. William Rohde, attended
the Massey-Ferguson play-offs
at Glenbriar Curling Club, Wa-
terloo, Friday. L. Webber, B.
Alexander, R, Hodgert and Wil-
liam Lamport were the team
that played from here.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery,
Alan and Connie were Sunday
giiests with Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Willert, Jane and Jim of Zur-
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Strapp,
Laurie and Michael of Lon-
don were Sunday guests with
Mr. & Mrs. John Bray.
Flowers were placed in the
church on Sunday morning in
memory of the late Robert Gar-
diner who was formerlyamem-
ber of Thames Road congre-
Hensall bantams win group championship
Hensall bantams won the group five championship Friday night when they eliminated RCAF Clinton
in the third game of the finals '7-3. The club now advances into the second round of WOAA play-
downs. Front row, from left, are Charles Schwalm, Bill Taylor (captain), Larry Elder, John Moir;
second row, Charlie Dalrymple, Mike Hoy, Gary Kyle, Grant Walker, Bruce Forrest; back row,
Mervyn Bell, Len Smale, Tom Neilands, John Joynt and Manager-coach Doug Johnston.
Saturday, afternoon Feb. 8,
the Crediton Fashionettes held
their second meeting with an
attendance of ten. Notes were
taken on choosing the line and
texture to suit personality and
The third meeting was held
on Feb. 15 with seven in at-
tendance. Notes were taken on
harmony-color, design, texture
and suitability to occasion.
Ross Haugh attended the On-
tario Rural Municipality's Con-
vention in Toronto last week.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Faist and
family of Waterloo visited Sun-
day with Mrs. M. Faist.
Mrs. Peter Hampson of Gra.-
venhurst spent a couple of days
last week with her parents, Mr.
& Mrs. P. Boulianne.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Oestricher
returned home after spending
a couple of weeks with Robert
Greenwood and family of Don
Mills. Their granddaughter,
Martha Greenwood, returned
with them.
Page 4 February 20, 1964 Hensall Personals
Thursday evening of last week
seven tables of euchre were
played at the community night.
Prizes were won for ladies
high by Mrs. Jack Borland;
ladies low, Mrs. Alvin Pass-
more; lone hands, Harold Rowe;
men's high, Donald Bray; men's
low, Douglas Coward.
Lunch was served by com-
mittee in charge, Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mayer.
The next community night
will be held on Thursday even-
ing Feb. 2'7.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Morlock
spent a couple of days with Dr.
& Mrs. Frederick Morlock and
family in Waterloo.
Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Schwantz,
Mrs. John Schwantz, Mrs. Clar-
ence Schwantz of South Cayuga
called on friends in town Thurs-
day after attending the funeral
of Ed Westcott in Exeter.
Mr. & Mrs. Clare Sparling,
Allen and Doug, Mrs. Beulah
Sparling of Walkerton and Mrs.
MacDonald of London visited
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Irvin
Finkbeiner and Mr. & Mrs.
Donald Finkbeiner and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Tuckey and
family of Exeter visited Sunday
with Mr. Albert Gaiser,
Judy Finkbeiner and Faye
Schlenker received word they
had successfully co mpleted
their Grade 9 music. Judy re-
ceived honors in both music and
harmony. Faye received honors
in harmony. Both girls are stu-
dents of Miss Gabel. Hensall
and district news
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Churches unite
for prayer day
The World Day of Prayer
Service was held in St. Pauls
Anglican Church Friday after-
noon with Hensall and Chisel-
hurst United Churches, and
Carmel Presbyterian Church
uniting with them, with the
theme used "Prayer and Giv-
Leaders were Mrs. Thomas
Lavender, Mrs. Harold Currie,
Mrs. Percy Harris, Mrs. Earl
Campbell, Mrs. Walter Spencer
and Mrs. Phillip J. Gandon.
Scripture passages were read
by Mrs. A. Boyce. Meditation on
"Prayer" was given by Mrs.
Earl Campbell, Mrs. Harold
Parker and Mrs. Gandon. Mrs.
Wm. Fuss sang accompanied by
Mrs. Fred Broadley.
The Explorers of Carmel
Church held their meeting at the
home of Mrs. Cathie Hopkins
Thursday afternoon, President
Miss Marjorie Schwalm opened
the meeting, and Miss Dorothy
Skea was secretary. Bible study
and Bible quiz was presented.
Mr. & Mrs. Win. Soldan, and
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McAllister are
holidaying in Florida.
Flowers in the UC sanctuary
Sunday morning were in me-
mory of the late Mrs. Byron A.
Campbell placed there by the fa-
Miss Dorothy Parker of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Parker and Patsy.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rannie and
Joanne of Toronto, Miss Dianne
Ran n i e, nurse-in-training at
Sarnia Hospital, Mrs. Don Ben-
der and son, Dashwood, visited
during the past week with their
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Rannie
and Suzanne.
Make 87 visits
to area shutins
WI stages
guest night
Guest night was observed at
Hensall WI meeting last Wed-
nesday evening in the Legion
Hall decorated in Valentine mo-
tifs enhanced with baskets of
mums and daffodils.
President Mrs. BeverlyBea-
ton presided and w e lc om ed
members and guests, with
members answering the roll
call by introducing her guest.
Mrs. Carl Payne was named
to attend the Officers Confer-
ence for district directors to
be held in Guelph in May.
Mrs. Fred Beer, who chaired
the program, conducted abirth-
day contest and the winner was
Mrs. Arthur McCallum o f
Thames Road.
Fourteen tables were in play
for euchre and one for cor-
kinole, and winners were; eu-
chre, Mrs. Joe McLellan, Mrs.
Thomas Kyle Sr; lone hands,
Mrs. Edna Caldwell; crokinole,
Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Mrs. Robert Elgie gave cour-
tesy remarks. Program con-
veners were Mrs. Fred Beer
and Mrs. John Skea, hostesses,
Mrs. Inez McEwen and Mrs. E.
Funk. There were 62 in attend-
In the mid-winter piano ex-
aminations of the Royal Conser-
vatory of Music of Toronto,
conducted in London January 28,
Miss Lois Simmons, Hensall,
was successful in passing grade
seven. Miss Jane Pyette, Hen-
sail, grade seven, (honors) and
in the grade two theory, written
January 18, Miss Janice Brat-
rud, RCAF Centralia, obtained
86 marks, and Jim Traquair,
Hensall, 92.
The above are pupils of Miss
Greta Laramie, Hensall.
Eighty nine visits to sick and
shut ins of the village, patients
in hospitals and newcomer s
were reported at the meeting
of the Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church Monday
Mrs. Gerald Bell was pre-
sented with a life membership
certificate by Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm and accompanying ad-
dress read by Mrs. Stewart
The meeting was chaired by
president Mrs. Schwalm who
reviewed interesting articles
from the Presbyterian Record.
Program and worship was in
charge of Mrs. Harry Hoy and
Mrs. Ed. Fink.
The topic "Why the Presby-
terian Church of Canada is
needed in India" was in the
form of a panel discussion,
taken by Mrs. John Baker, Mrs.
John Skea, Miss Hannah Mur-
ray, Mrs. Hoy and Mrs. Fink.
Fifteen Valentine boxes were
delivered to patients (14 at
Queensway Nursing Home), and
one to a patient who just recent-
ly left the nursing home.
Kippen, Brucefield, and Chis-
elhurst UCW will be special
guests at the Easter meeting in
March. Hostesses were Mrs.
John Baker, Mrs. Trevor Wil-
son and Mrs. Harold Bonthron.
UCW launches
study of Bible
Valentine euchre
assists eye bank
Amber Rebekah Lodge, Hen-
sall, sponsored a successful
Valentine euchre in the Lodge
Hall Friday evening proceeds of
which will be donated to the
eye bank,
Nine tables were in play for
the euchre and winners were:
Ladies, Mrs. Mary Taylor,
Hensall; gents, William Thomp-
son, Exeter; Mrs. Mary Taylor
won the prize for having birth-
day nearest day of party.
In charge of the project were
Mrs. Alex McBeath, Mrs. Geo-
rge Clifton, Mrs. Ed Corbett
and Mrs. Howard Lemmon.
Mrs, Harold Knight was hos-
tess for the Kinette meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 12. President
Mrs. John Delta chaired the
meeting and welcomed two
guests, Mrs. Harold Bonthron,
and Mrs. John Heal.
A total of $186,17 was collect-
ed for the March of Dimes, An
invitation was received from the'
Kinette Club of Aylmer to attend
their inter-club Monday, April
Mrs. Bonthron showed pic-
tures of her recent holiday at
Hawaii. Mrs. Bonthron won the
raffle. A social hour was enjoy-
Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday were quilting days in
the UC schoolrooms when from
11 to 20 UCW ladies were
busily engaged in making quilts.
Several quilts, some custom
made and some for the bale
were completed. Wednesday
they enjoyed a pot luck dinner.
Mrs. George Armstrong was
convenor for the project.
Earl Dick, president of South
Huron Agricultural Society, and
P. L. McNaughton, secretary-
treasurer, are in Toronto this
week representing the society
at the provincial convention at
the King Edward Hotel Feb. 19
and 20.
Christian Education classes
began at St. Pauls Anglican
Church last Thursday, Febru-
ary 13, for anyone wishing to
attend, and will continue
throughout Lent on the subject
of "Prayer". The Rev. J. Phil-
lip Gandon chose the topic,
"From God's Point of View",
Mr. & Mrs. Don Brock of
Ottawa spent Sunday with the
former's parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Russell Brock.
Red hearts and cupids created
the theme for the Valentine tea
held in Carmel Presbyterian
Church Sunday School rooms
Saturday afternoon sponsored
by the Explorers of the church.
Mrs. Cathie Hopkins, leader of
the group, assisted by her hus-
band, were in charge of decora-
Mrs. Bill Brock and infant
son Jeffrey, Port Credit, are
spending a week visiting with
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Brock.
Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
returned Friday after spending
three weeks vacationing in.
Florida. While there John par-
ticipated in a chain of trap
shoots and won the Daytona
Beach Class championship
event with a score of 195 out of
200 which was high for that day.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brown and
Robert of Crediton visited re-
cently with Mr. & Mrs. Archie
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Peebles,
Monica and Gregory of London
visited this week with Mr. &
Mrs. Len Noakes and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Don MacLaren
of Toronto spent the weekend
with the latter's parents, Mr.&
Mrs. Lorne Chapman and sons,
and visited with Mr. & Mrs.
Archie MacGregor.
Miss Jane Horton of Hamilton
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Hor-
ton and brother Bruce,
Mrs. Edna Corbett visited
over the weekend with her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. &
Mrs. James Sangster.
Mr. & Mrs, Ron Mason and
daughter of London visited dur-
ing the past week with Mrs.
Mason's parents, Mr. & Mrs.
Glenn Bell and Mervyn.
Mrs, Robert Reaburn chaired
the meeting of IICW unit 1 held
MOnday evening.
The devotional was conducted
by Mrs. S. Ronnie, assisted by
Mrs. Maurice Tuder,
Mrs. P. L. MoNaughton gave
the Bible study, an introduction
into the Writings of the Old Tes-
tament, Mrs. FteabUrn gave a
reading "What can We do for
This unit will be in charge of
the nursery and flOWera for the
church for March. Money Mak-
ing projects were discussed,
and it was decided to visit some
of the sick and shut ins in the
coming months, Mre, Erma
Lowery conducted a contest.
HostesSes were Mrs, WM,
FOSS and Mrs, Wayne Ttit4eY..•
Chiselhurst UCW
conducts quilting
A pot luck dinner and quilting
preceded the meetingof Chisel-
burst UCW Tuesday 'afternoon
with 19 ladies present. Mrs.
William Brintnell conducted the
devotional assisted by Mrs. Ben
Stoneman, Mrs. Jack Brintneil
and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson with
the theme "Training for Wit-
ness". Mrs. Clarence Coleman
reviewed a chapter on the Bible
study "What Is Religion", also a
film, "Around the World in.
prayer" was shown,
It was decided to pack a bale
to be forwarded to Mrs. Douglas
Wein for needy families in Nova
Scotia, also to make more quilts
and purchase quilting frames.
TwO large quilts, one custom,
one for the bale, and a crib quilt
were completed at this quilting
Tuesday. President Mrs. Har-
old Parker chaired the meeting.
tolled !ehel froth theusitual pain you tau
etuhl es help irons the 4 Salve ingredients
The Senior WMS of Carmel
Presbyterian Church met
Thursday aiterneon with presi-
dent Mrs. Earl Campbell pre-
Worship was in charge of
Mrs. Harvey Hyde, A panel disr
Mission on Why the Presby-
terian Church -Works in India
Was held. Taking part were Mrs.
A. It. Grr, Mrs. Pearl Dave,
Mrs IL Madge, Mrs. Earl
A report on the annual meet=
ing in Clinton was given, and a
missionary letter was ready
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