HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-02-20, Page 1Breakwater .planned, Bend delegation told VinetylecP0 Year .EXETER, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 20, 1964. .price Per Copy 10 Cents For Main street. trunk. ,drain GRAND ,BEND. ileelre SteWart Webb TOPPrted at council meetiogMontlaYoight that the eudience given 25 vil- lage supporters in Ottawa. by Lucien Lalonde, deptIty minis- ter of public Works, was a "good hearing". He eXpeets that the river mouth Will be Pinned out as glop as the ice has gone out pf the harbor. Tenders for dredr ging haVe already been called. It is expected that the successful tenderer will be asked to begin the job by March 15. "They're also definitely working on plans for a break- water of some sort", said Reeve Webb. C ouncillor Howard Green, one of the fishermen who makes his living out of Grand Bend harbor, explained that the department was planning to v't to pay major share GB tests new water system ,make ,more tests, on wave action and sand rnpvements, just. as soon as the dredging. contract is "completed, "In six months, or maybe by July 1, they will know whattype of structure is required," said Grepri, Councillor Green also, reported that when the data requiPeri had been collected, that the department wouldbring word of their findings to the village council. Councillor Wassmarin w a a enthusiastic, too, about the re, ception in Ottawa, commenting that the group of fishermen, councillors, and Chamber of Commerce delegates had been in conference for One hour and 35 minutes with Mr, Laloode, and with other officials of the department. Some of the dele- gation were given a tour of the parliament buildings by Walter Foy, Sarnia, the MPP for Lamb-, ton-West to which Grand Bend belongs. Raise budget requisitions for library board, RAP Pay tribute to victims fund this year. Mayor Simmons promised council would consider an al- location when it prepares its budget, If Monday night's submis- sions are indicatiVe, town coun- cil will be faced with increased budget requisitions all down the line this year. Exeter Library Board asked to have its levy raised from $2,400 to $3,000 this year, and urged the establishment of a sinking fund to raise some $6,000 to finance major altera- tions to its building. The RAP committee has re- quested a $1,500 increase in its community centres board bud- get and a $400 hike in its rec- reation grant. Last meeting, the cemetery board gave notice that it would require a larger budget to pur- chase new equipment and repair gates to the grounds. wooden also reported on dis- cussions for sewerage and drainage relief to the east side subdivisions, revealing that es- timates are being prepared for both services. Mayor Simmons said council would not consider the programs until after esti- mates had been submitted and talks undertaken with property owners. In other business, council: Referred to the planning board, building permit applica- tions from L. V. Hoggarth for a garage at his residence onSen- ior and a storage building atthe corner of Andrew and George; Learned from Works Sup't Paisley that property owners from John to Huron on William and from Ann to Huron on Car- ling appear to favor extension of sanitary sewers to theirpro- perties. and most are prepared to pre-pay the cost. PROVIDE FOR POOL RAP committee requested an increase of $1,500 in its budget to provide for operation of the swimming pool, if it's erected this summer, — Please turn to back page County drops 1967 project Debate fee for MWODA Queen of 'Paris in the Spring' Ruth Anne Salmon, musically-minded Dashwood grade 13 student, was crowned queen of the HSDHS At Home dance Friday night. Above, she and her escort, Gary Eagleson, lead the dance which followed her coronation. The high school entrance, auditorium, and corridor cafe were decorated in a colorful "Paris in the Spring" theme. More pictures on page eight. --T-A photo Town councillors breathe d easier Monday night when they learned from Mayor W. F. Sim- mons that the Ontario dep't of highways will bear a hefty chunk of the Main St. storm sewer cost. Following an interview with dep't officials last week, the mayor said the town's share of the $70,000 project will be in the range of $10,000 to$12,000. The extensive provincial as- sistance has resulted from the new municipal road grant pro- gram initiated by Highways Minister C. S. MacNaughton, Huron MPP. The project involves an ar- tery drain for surface water from Ann St. to the bridge. It will carry off water from the side streets leading to Main, in many areas. Mayor Simmons reported he and Works Sup't Jim Paisley discussed the project with divi- sion officials in London. The dept' already has approved a portion of the expenditure for grant purposes. Engineer B. M. Ross, Goderich, is preparing working plans. Commented Councillor Wright, about the provincial assistance: "That's good news. I was beginning to wonder where all the money was coming from." NEED MORE BOOKS Chairman Cecil Wilson, pre- senting the library board's re- quisition, asked for a full one- mill levy to cover increased operating costs. The mill, which is the limit allowed for library purposes by provincial government regula- tions, would raise the grant from $2,400 to $3,000 approxi- mately. Mr. Wilson pointed out this would mean increased assis- Exeter Scout groups sent a wreath to the funeral service of the two Egmondville brothers who were killed Saturday night when struck by a car. The brothers-- Thomas, 14, and William Oliver, 13 were to be invested in 1st Egmond- ville Troop Wednesday night during a father-son banquet marking Scout Week. They were buried Wednesday in the Scout uniforms they had never worn. The wreath was sentbyCubs, Scouts and Rovers of Exeter. Members here did not know the brothers but they were shocked by the tragedy. A 24-year-old Seaforth man, William J. Kerr, Seaforth, was charged with criminal negli- gence and failing to remain at the scene of an accident after his car was found at the rear of a Seaforth plant, sever al hours after the accident. The boys — one walking, one riding a bike were on their way to Seaforth public library when they were struck. GRAND BEND A test model of a proposed Stirrett water system was in- stalled at the la.keshore, Grand Bend, Tuesday, at the direction of Sarnia engineer, G. H. Hen- derson. General contractor is Arnold Thompson, Petrolia. The model consists of ten feet of perforated pipe installed just offshore at the main beach, just west of the bathhouse, and seven feet below the lake bottom. A four-inch pipe leads from this installation to a storage tank. Provision is made for back- pumping to clear the sand and silt from the perforated pipe at intervals. The intention is to pump for two weeks. If the test proves satisfactory, then the village will consider using this system for obtaining a water supplyfor the municipality. At present a small Stirrett system is in operation near Bright's Grove and is serving 30 cottages satisfactorily there. To date the Ontario Water Resources Commission has not approved the Stirrett system for installation, but favors an intake pipe into the lake. Costs of $150,000 for an intake pipe to serve the village has been con- sidered too expensive for Grand Bend at the present time. Vatican opens doors, bishop tells banquet MORE PLANS Council was somewhat shaken by presentations of more works programs by Councillor Joe Wooden, acting both as chair- man of drains and vice-chair- man of raods. He reported estimates on preparation of William St. road- bed for paving at $20,000, and paving costs at $8,000. This program, however, will not likely be undertaken this year. GODERICH There will be no centenary project in Huron at the county level; too many local munici- palities have decided to go ahead on their own. At the January session of county council, discussion re- sulted in a decision to have the various reeves sound out their councils and advise Mr. Berry in good time for the March session. A sufficient number of re- ports have now reached the clerk to indicate that too many have local plans for any pros- pect of county action. On the practical side, grants payable to townships and towns would not be duplicated in the form of a county grant. tance from the province. He presented a budget for 1964 totalling $6,500, compared to the $4,645 spent last year. "We anticipate a considerable increase in the purchase of books and the establishment of a more extensive catalogue sys- tem", he told council. He also noted that last year's operation resulted in a decrease in surplus of some $400. A. B. Idle, a member of the board who accompanied the chairman, pointed out that the increase in the provincial gov't grant would be about three times as much as that from the muni- cipal levy, The board' s recommenda- tions resulted from a meeting last week with a representative from the library branch of the dep't of education. The departmental of f ici al also recommended some major alterations to the building to make better use of the facilities. The board earlier felt an addi- tion would be necessary. Chairman Wilson explained that the basement could be ren- novated "to make an ideal chil- dren's library" but it would require a new entrance to the building. In addition, more shelves and equipment will be required to display more vol- umes, Mr. Wilson suggested a sink- ing fund with an objective of $6,000 should be established and asked council to start the Town council again debated briefly the value of belonging to Mid-Western Ontario Develop- ment Association but approved the membership fee for 1964. . Exeter Industrial Develop- ment Corporation recommend- ed the town join the regional group again. "Are we getting our money's worth?", asked Deputy-reeve Bailey. Taylor: "It's just a waste of money". Wooden: "I think we should support these regional activi- ties, although I've always doubt- ed the value of being in this particular region." MWODA covers Huron, Perth, Welling- ton and Waterloo counties. Wooden: "I don't think the town is aligned with this region. Our geographical area of in- terest and association tends to be toward the south. Any in- dustry that seeks information about locating in a small town around London wouldn't go to Mid-Western". Mayor: "We can voluntarily join that (London) region but I understand we have to join Mid- Western first," The mayor said a govern- ment official had indicated it would be possible for Exeter to change allegiance. Seek union at Hensall Remand Iwo on charges Pigeons put Paul to parapet painting Paul Woolcox, local tree trimmer, applied his climbing skills to a pigeon prevention program Saturday at Trivitt Memorial Church. The birds find the church convenient for roosting and create an embarrassing mess at the entrance. Woolcox, swing- ing alongside the tower, and John Keep, on top, coated the roosts with a grease substance which discourages them. --T-A, photo The Roman Catholic church's efforts to loosen its long-barred doors to recognize churches on the other side were outlined Monday night by Most Rev. G. Emmett Carter at the annual AOTS Brotherhood Week ban- quet at James St. UC, Some 150 men, representing nine denominations and 17 churches, listened intently to the bishop's explanation of the changes which took place at the recent meeting of the Va- tican Council in Rome. Bishop Carter, administrator of London RC diocese, was a delegate to the council, which he described as an "extraordi- nary" and "overpowering" ex- perience. Delegates were there from every country and were of every race and color. It was the Catholic church of the whole world in council. Bishop Carter gave a tightly reasoned interpretation of the mind of the council. It is charac- teristic of the modern world, he said, that a new emphasis is being put on people. In other times leaders were independent of the people they controlled; now they must cultivate the people whose support is ne- cessary for their own continu- ance as leaders. The church is moving in this direction also. This became evident in the council from the first. The de- legates made it clear that they had come not to rubber-stamp statements of doctrine but to explore new paths leading to the brotherhood of man. Bishop Carter made no apol- ogy for the councils of the Cath- olic Church through the cen- turies which had concerned themselves with doctrine. The church had to organize, he said. It was the will of God that it should. The church had to use human intelligence to explain and state its faith. The historic councils of the church did this. But in this day, 400 years after the split known as the Reformation, the church gath- ered in council not to clarify and define doctrine but to ex- plore ways in which the brother- hood of all men maybe realized and men's separations and hat- reds of each other, so out of accord with the spirit of Christ, be overcome. The council reached quick agreement that there can be only one source of revelation and that is the Word of God incarnate in Christ. At a step the council reached common ground with all churches thus excluding any other source. Next the council dealt with the nature of the church, "We — Please turn to back page Hay board prepares plans for school site Tuckersmith township coun- cil will be asked to approve the release of three school sec- tions to Hensall following dis- cussions between township and village representatives last week. The proposal, involves con- struction of a two-room addi- tion at Hensel' to accommodate the 55 pupils from the three township sections. Preliminary agreement has been reached on initial costs. Tuckersmith officials offered to provide 10 mills on their assessment in the three sec- tions and the Hensall board has tentatively agreed to accept this contribution toward costs. The question now goes to Tuckersmith council, which must decide how the proposal will affect graded school edu- cation for the remainder of the township. The suggestion has been made that the remaining six sections in Tuckersmith form the basis for a new six-room school at Egmond- ville. Attending the meeting were Reeve Elgin Thompson, Trus- tees Orville Workman and Ross Forrest and Secretary Ivan Forsyth of the township school area; Trustees Trevor Wilson, Clendon Christie and Secretary Robert Reaburn of the Hensall board. At court here last week, Ma- gistrate Glenn Hays, QC: Remanded Lloyd Masnica, 17, in custody, after he p le aded guilty to a charge of stealing a cigarette lighter from Clayton Prouty and, along with his bro- ther Ray, 16, of damaging a farm tractor and chain saw owned by their father, Louis Masnica, Stephen township; Fined Richard Gill, Grand Bend, $15.00 and costs on char- ges of speeding between 75 and 100 mph; Assessed $10 and costs against Earl Schilbe, 24, RR 1 Bayfield, for failing to signal as he entered the road from a parked position, resulting in an accident; Fined Leroy Gould, Exeter, $5.00 and costs for uanecessary noise (blowing his car horn at 1 a.m. Unnecessarily) in Exeter, Jan. 12. They're all pulling for brotherhood Four of the principals in the Brotherhood Week banquet sponsored by James St. AOTS Monday night show their enthusiasm for the crusade. From left are Rev. Ernest Lewis, James St. pastor; Aubrey Tennant, AOTS president; Hon. C. S. MacNaughton, minister of highways, and Most Rev. G. Emmett Carter, administrator of London diocese of the Roman Catholic Church. His excellency was guest speaker. --T-A photo Bishop likes Beatles but would trim hair site bordering the village limits, which has been offered for $2,500. The Zurich reeve said the village offered to extend a wa- ter main to the village limits and to develop a street beside the Kalbfleisch site to accom- modate school bus traffic. Another radiosonde weather instrument the second to drop in this area within the past m o nt h— was found Thursday (Feb. 13) by Don Fisher, RR 3 Exeter, on the second conces- sion of Stephen township, The balloon - and -parachute-equip- ped box was sent up by the U.S. dep't of commerce weather bureau station at Flint, Mich,, the same day it was found: 'The instrument records upper air information needed for making weather forecasts and prepar- ing storm warnings. * * * * Patrick G. Burns, 38, the London man 'charged with theft of a car from South End Ser- vice Station last Weekend, will appear in Goderich court to- day (ThursdaY). In addition to car theft both here and at Lon- don, he also faces charges of break, enter and theft at Mc- Leans gas station Elgitifield, from which a large quantity of Cigarettea and confectionery Was stolen, and at Dalrymple'a Service station, Brucefield, where gaS was stolen. PC's G eorge Mitchell and John. Wright ere in Charge Of the local investigations. Right Rev. H.F.G. Appleyard, bishop of Georgian Bay, told Anglican young people of Huron deanery Sunday night that he enjoys the Beatles' music but he'd like to give the popular singers a haircut. He was speaking to 78 youth, including 17 from Exeter and Hensel', at a lenten rally in Seaforth. Said the bishop: "I like their music. I'd like to give them a haircut, but I think their music has good rhythm and I think it's about the best music of its kind that I have heard re- cently. The topic came up in an in- formal discussion, led by the bishop, on the question, "What Hay 'School Area Board con- tinues to investigate its new site fOr a central schoOl, spite strong opposition from Zurich. The board met Wednesday eiterhoon to discuss details of the building, including cost of services to the lOcation abOut half a mile south Of ZuriCh. "As far as I'M concerned, we intend to carry on with plans fOr the Dietrich site," said Chairman Elmer Rowe. Meanwhile Zurich council a- waits infOrmatiOn ,regarding Service, costs at the new lo- cation. Request for figures was made by the village during ,C 10 d meeting Friday the board and councilFriday night. At that Meeting, the board received a petition, signed by the ilaines. of approximately 80' Zurich ratepayers, requesting that the village be excluded front the township school area. Zurich Reeve MiltOesch phaaited the petition did not haVe the sanction of council, Mr. beadh said Zurich has reqUested estimates of desta te service the school to present to a public Meeting ,On the Mies thin, WhiCh may be held ikthe. near Mire because of diS,, satisfaction over the new 100 , tion, The board, on a 3-2 vote, otiose the Diettleti eite at a eOtt of $7;000 Over 'the Kalbfleisch Hay reports high losses About 100 persona turned out for the annual meeting of Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Mon-, day at Zurich, President Jack Seetchnier reported an increase in surplus of $24,581.01 for 1963. The company had another year of high losses, paying for five barn fires. LOSSes paid amounted to $73,240.00. The annual meeting gave ap., proval to a complete revision of company by-laws and authority was given to the directors to extend their underwriting pow'- erg to floater coverages of theft and collision on implements and 'Weston, Ed Hendrick, Theodore Steiti=, hach, and Ezra Webb were ac- elaireed as -directors fer another three years, Announcements . . 10 ClitirCh NOtidea . . . . do 10 Coming Event....10 Editorials 0444 4004444 2 Fettinine FaCtS 0N Fancies, 5 Hensall ,;.,..;:...:.. '4 LtiCafi .... aia'a 11 Sperta 4444 Want Ads 7 • • • is a Christian?", He stressed thatfaith must be carried into everyday life and be related to every activity. He asked the young people to con- sider the kind of life Jesus Christ would live if he were a teenager in 1964. He would, the Bishop felt sure, play hockey, but what would his reaction be if he was the victim of dirty play from the opposing team? He would almost certainly go to dances, but what would His relationship be towards the girls With whom he danced? The bishop then pointed out that an honest answering to these questions would provide a basis on which a Christian teenager could make his Chris- tianity relate to life. In the discussion period which followed, questions considered included: The Bible in the light of science, a Christian's atti- tude to Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor; how much time rind money shotild aChria-, tian give to God. The evening began with a stir- vice of Evensong inSt.Thoinat , Church, Seaforth, concluded by Rey. „Philip Gamlen, deanery AYPA chaplain, and ReVa Harry Donaldsot; SeafOrth rector. real group. 'Beatlemania strikes Beta Sigma Phi Valentine ball BeatIe wigs worn by Lee Sherman, left, ,and Dr, R. P. Reelofson crashed the looal scene night at beta Sigma Phi's Valentine Ball. They ordered four (naturally) of the fad hairpiedet but found them hi such demand they could only secure two. Mrs. Helen Burgess; a littlest of the Hoelefaons, obViouslY is ELS enthralled by the Bxeter variety as Ed Sullivan/a tednagera are by the --T-A photo Damage $2,500 in four crashes Abotit $2,500 in property da- mage was reported by the OPP detachment here in four ac- cidents this past week. Tuesday, cars driven by Ro- bert K. Ross, 40, RR 3 Thed- ford, and Earl Heist, 60, Cre- ditors, collided at the intersec- tion of Huron St. and conc. 3-4 Stephen. Involved in a rear-end collis- ion Tuesday on No, 4 just south of Exeter were John J. Krump- lin, 32, London, and Ross D. Burns, 38, RCAF Centralia, Sunday, a ear driven by Ed- win L. Miller, 53, Dashwood went out of dontrol and struck a tree on No. 83, three miles west of Exeter. Miller suffered possible back injuries. Joseph D. Hohmann, 23, Cre- diton, Struck a tree on the Crediton road Friday. He was not injured. Investigations were conduct- ed by PC's George Mitchell and Bohn Wright.