HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-02-06, Page 5T. G. Saego., iAndeay, general manager of Hogg and Lytle Seeds, Seed diyision of Maple Leaf Mills Ltd,, presented Mr, Schenk and Mr. Kestle with automatic gold wrist watches, Both men made suitable replies?. Mr, and Mrs. Don Caupe, London were present, Mr. Cause is the representative of Jones MacNaughton Seeds in the London District. Eugene Bea- ver presided. Valentine Dance Dashwood Community Centre Feb.14 Garrff5.7, "I suppose you never rushed home with a hot pizza pie!" (Me Cis etrcAes in the area Invite you to join them for Worship, Fellowship and Services BIRTHS, KYLE — Pon and Carole Zurich, wish to announce the birth of a son, Scott Donald, at St. Joseph's Hospital, LOP- don, January 44 — a brother for Deborah. MeROBERTS —Reap and Mar- guerite McRoberts (nee Yoling) RR 1 Lucan, announce the arrival of a daughter., Tami Elizabeth, at Victoria Hospital, London, January 26 — a sister for Ruth Ann. 1101/HIS Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hovius, RR 1 Heasall, an- nounce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, Jan- uary 30 a.brother for Sadie, Jacob, Kay, Albert, Effie, Ro- bert and Mary. HOWITT — William and Heath- er Howitt (nee MacNaughton) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Heather Lynn, at Metropolitan Hos- pital, Windsor, January 30 — first grandchild for Hon. Charles MacNaughton and Mrs. MacNaughton. WALPER— Alan and Norma Walper (nee Steinbach) wish to announcethe b i r t h of a daughter Marilyn Marie, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, January 23. WORSE LL —Mr. and Mrs. Richard Worsell, Exeter, are happy to announce the birth of a son, Richard Todd, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, January 31. DIETRICH—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dietrich, Zurich, an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Lorraine Theresa, at South Huron Hospital, February 3 — a sister for Kevin, Randy and Jimmy. DEATHS — ROWCLIFFE —At Child- ren's War Memorial Hospital London, on Saturday Feb. 1, 1964. Alan Elgin, beloved son of Jean and William B. Row- cliffe in his twenty first month. 6* CARDS OF THANKS — We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to everyone who helped us last week when our Clinic was burned. Very special thanks to Bill Pincombe who no- ticed the fire, to the Exeter Vol- unteer Firemen and the Town Police for their prompt and ex- cellent service, to Dr. Read for his wonderful help and last but certainly not least, to all our wonderful friends and neighbors who looked after our children, brought food, offered us their vehicles, and helped us to clean up after it was all over. Many, many thanks. -- Dick and Louise Roelofson. 6c I wish to thank all myfriends and neighbors for their visits, flowers, cards and gifts receiv- ed while in the hospital and since returning home. — Mrs. Larry Cronyn and twin daugh- ters. 6* We wish to thank Dr. Goddard, nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital, friends who sent cards and gifts and visited us while in Hospital. It was very much ap- preciated. — Mrs. Al Hoggarth and Gregory. 6* We wish to thank all our friends, particularly the Com- rades of the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, Branch 16'7, for cards, gifts and good wishes received on our golden anni- versary, Jan. 29; also Com- rade Young and his band, for the music at the dance, — Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cutting. 6 * The family of the late Edgar Broderick wish to express sin- cere thanks and appreciation to the many relatives, friends and neighbors for their warm ex- pressions of sympathy, beauti- ful floral tributes, cards and many acts of kindness in the loss of a dear father and grandfather. Special thanks to Rev. S. E. L e wi 5, Huronview Home Clin- ton, Dinney Funeral Home and pallbearers. I wish to say avery sincere thank you to all the folk who have been so kind to me during the last month, with my stay in South Huron Hospital and the passing of my brother Albert. — Pearl Keys. 6c The family of the late Fred Armitage wish to express their deep gratitude to their many neighbors, friends and relatives for assistance, messages of sympathy, floral offerings, and donations to the Gideons, re- ceived during their recent be- reavement. Special thanks to the Rev. G. W. Sach, Craigholme, Dr. C. H. George, Murdy Fu- neral Home and all those who helped in any way. 6c Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Dixon wish to thank their neighbors and friends who helped at the time of the fire, special thanks to the Lucan fire department and the RCAF fire department for coming, and to all those who helped in anyway since the fire. 6* Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang- ford wish to extend sincere thanks to all our friends for their Many kind expressions of sympathy in the loss of the latter's mother. 6c I wish to thank the nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital for the excellent care I received while a patient there. This was greatly appreciated, — Mrs. Ann Regier. 6* IN MEMORIAM, A4mITACE,In loving .me, penry of .a dear .mother and granomothee, Ethel May Ara initege who passed away Feb- rnarY 9, 1958. Although we smile and 7.114.1e. no tuaaa No one misses her more than us. And when old times we oft re- call, It's then we miss you most of all, —Ever remembered and pad- ly missed by daughters, sonsa in-law and grarialchildren, 6c .VVHITMORE loving me, mory of a dear husband, fa- ther and. grandfather, John Henry Whitmore Sr„ who passed away one year agp, Feb, 7, 1963. A little tribute true and tender, Just to show that we remember; He lives with us in memory still Not just today, but always will be remembered and sadly missed by his loving wife Grace and family also grand- children. ' Sc By MRS. HABO-D.DAVIS. IcirtAKTON The eongregation meeting of Kirkton UC was held Wednesday evening Jan. 29 with a.good at- tendance, Rev, T, Elliott was ehairman with Fred Switzer as secretary. Church reports were given. Rev. Elliott cemplimented the congregation on the success of their 75th anniversary, ex- pressed appreciatioa to all who planned and worked to make the sanctuary a place of beauty and for the attractive memorials given. A hallman organ was installed to commemorate the occasion. A moment's silence was ob- served in memory of Mr. T. A. Wiseman. Mr, C. J, Switzer and Mr. Fred Switzer were electedto the session. Norman Amos and Ross Francia were re-elected to board of stewards. New church trustees are Ron Denham and Earl Watson. Lunch was served by the 11C W. WI EUCHRE The WI held a progressive euchre in Aberdeen Hall, Kirk- Name prize winners at Woodham carnival By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE WOODHA1VI Mrs. Jess Jaques last week. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hazel- wood and family and Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Hazelwood entertained Saturday those who helped at mink pelting time. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Heines and Robert, Mr. Nelson Ernst Jr. of Lansing, Mich., Mrs. David Emerson of Fox Lake, Wisconsin were weekend guests with Rev. & Mrs. Nelson Ernst and Barbara. Mrs. Mary Jaques, Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and Mrs. Robert Elliott of St. Marys attended the fortieth wedding celebra- tions of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Kirk of London Thursday. Calvin. Rodd celebrated his third birthday last week when he entertained a few of his little friends. Mr. & Mrs. Don Rixon and family of London visited Sun- day with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mr. & Mrs. John Brookshaw and Murray of Rannoch were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Walter Levy, Margaret and Da- vid. Elizabeth and Marion Levy of Russeldale were Saturday even- ing guests with their grand- parents Mr. & Mrs. Walter Levy, Margaret and David. Misses Helen and Hilda Levy of Transvaal visited Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Don Wilson,War- ren and Sandra of Lakesie were last Wednesday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Jaques, Yvonne and Dalton of Zion West visited with Mrs. Arthur Hop- kins Tuesday evening, Mr. & Mrs. Victor Chatten visited Sunday with Miss Bar- bara Chatten in London. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dobson of Kirkton visited Sunday evening with Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. RBP EUCHRE The RBP Lodge held a euchre in the hall Thursday evening. Prizes went to: ladies' high, Mrs. Russell Morle y; lone hands, Mrs. Lloyd Hera; men's high, Jim Mitchell; lone hands, Lawrence Beckett; draw for a ham, Mr. Russell Morley; la- dies' lunch draw, Miss Florence Jameson. The annual ice carnival was held at the rink Friday evening. Even though the weather turned mild and it rained all afternoon, the ice was good and the en- thusiasm of the skaters had not been dampened. Warden Dave White and Coun- cillor James B. Bryan were the judges for the evening and picked the following for the prizes: King of the carnival, Bob Miller, Queen of the carnival, Dianne Smith, comic costume (boy), Murray Insley, (girl), Linda Johns; Best original representation over 15, Mrs. Glenn Copeland and Mrs. John Rodd, best or- iginal, 15 and under, Lorri Webb, best dressed couple un- der 15 years, Dianne Smith and Jack Rundle, best dressed coup- le 15 and over, Mrs. FredPar- kinson and Bob Miller. Oldest skater, L a wre nc e Beckett, youngest skater, Shar- onJansson, best skating couple, 16 and under, Betty Jean Mill- er and Bob Miller, best skat- ing couple, over 16, Sharon Thomson and Fred Cowdrey; Best clown, Colleen Squires, best comic, Marian Squires, best comic couple, KarenRodd, Kathy Thacker. Largest family on skates, the F. Parkinson and N. Webb fa- milies tied. Speed races: boys 10 and under, Murray Insley, Graham Robinson, girls 10 and under, Joy Thacker, Betty Jean Mill- er, boys, 11-13, Eddie Lawson, Alex Johns, girls, 11-13, Kathy Thacker, Karen Rodd; Boys, 14-16, Larry Johns, Bob Miller, girls, 14-16, Linda Johns, Doris Mills, men, Fred Cowdrey, Larry Johns, women, Sharon Thomson, Mrs. Fred Parkinson. PERSONALS Mrs. Lloyd Smith spent afew days with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit last week. Miss Debra Jaques entertain- ed a few of her friends Satur- day last to help celebrate her ninth birthday. Mrs. Robert Elliott of St. Marys spent a few days with ton Monday Feb, 3. Prize win ners were; ladies' high, Mrs. Russell Morrison; lene hands, John Witteveen; men's high, Lawrence becketti lone hands, Tom Coward; lucky draw, Allan Berry. SS AWARDS Kirkton UC Sunday School held their annual SS simper Fri- day evening, Jan. 30, Over 100 were present for the meal. The program consisted of a number provided by each class. Certificates for one year at- tendance were presented to Da- vid Burgin, Wayne Denham, Mrs, Carl Mills, Lawrie Mor- rison, Brenda McCurdy, Brent Marshall, Mrs. Jack Switzer, Murray Switzer, Denise Robin- son, Diane Robinson, Gary Ur- quhart, Mrs. Ronald Denham. Seals were presented for two years to Mrs. Junior Doupe, Ellen Eveleigh, Valerie Den- ham, Connie Mills, StephenRo- Wilson, Mrs. Roger Urquhart. Three years attendance, Rob- bie Amos, Mrs. Ray Paynter, Miss Joan Switzer, DonnaSwit- zer. Four years, Kevin Doupe, Kim Doupe, Linda Marshall, Heather Mills, David Paynter, Sylvia Paton, Jo-Anne Scott. Five years, Billy Atthill, Ed- die Atthill, Linda Denham. Six years, Brine Denham, Bill Elliott, Gwen Mills, Roberta Neil, John Urquhart, Mrs. Cliff Scott, Mrs. Jack Urquhart. Seven years, Bryan Amos, Monica Eveleigh, Bobby Mar- shall, Rickey Scott, Heather Urquhart, Shirley Switzer. Eight years, Ruth Baillie, Mrs. Charlie Baillie, Brenda Denham, Ron Denham, Norma Switzer, Jim Watson. Nine years, Helen Baillie, Fred Cowdrey, Bill Denham, Anne Urquhart. Ten years, Darlene Denham, Cheryle Denham, David Mar- shall, Mrs. Earl Watson. Eleven years, Cathy Amos, Barbara Switzer. Twelve years, Raymond Swit- zer, Jack Switzer. Thirte en years, Sandra Jory, Iris Mar- shall. Fifteen years, Mrs. Allan Eveleigh. Sixteen years, G. H. Burgin, Mrs. Fred Switzer, Fred Switzer. Eighteen years, George Bur- gin. Twenty years, Mrs. Harry Burgin. Gifts were presented to the following by their teachers for perfect attendance. Ellen Eve- leigh, Murray Switzer, Garry Urquhart, Robbie Amos, Linda Marshall, Jo-Anne Scott, David Paynter, Kim Doupe, Kevin Doupe, Billie Atthill, Donna Switzer, Brian Denham, Linda Denham, Eddie Atthill, Bobby Marshall, Rickey Scott, Shirley Switzer, John Urquhart, Heath- er Urquhart, Anne Urquhart, Brenda Denham, Darlene Den- ham, David Marshall, Ruth Baillie, Roberta Neil, Billy Denham, Norma Switzer, Bar- bara Switzer. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schaefer spent a few days this past week in Toronto. Dr. Schaefer attended the Veterinary Con- vention. Mr. & Mrs. Art Julian spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Miller McCurdy, Kirkton fair notes surplus Kirkton Agricultural Society reported a year-end balance of $759.68 at its annual meeting Jan. 28. Secretary Alex F. Crago not- ed receipts of $3718.00 and ex- penses of $3,093.32, leaving a balance of $624.68. The 4-H grant of $135 raises the balance to $759.68. The society decided to spon- sor two field crop competitions — oats and corn during 1964. Rea Stephen was re-elected president. Vice-presidents are Clarence Switzer and Lorne Ross. Mr. Crago remains sec- retary-treasurer. Directors were re-appointed with the addition of RobertRun- dle, Harry Weersink and Ray Paynter. Roy Nethercott was made an honorary director and Alex D. Irvine was named examiner of the financial report. Fair dates for 1964 will be Oct. 1 and 2. 700* Mrs. Lorne Armstrong, Varna was a visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Wes Witmer a couple days the latter part of last week. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen are spending this week in New York. Mrs. Cecil RoWe Spent the weekend in Watford with Mr. & Mrs. Frank Northcott. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Witmer and Ronnie, Woodstock were Sunday Visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Wes Witmer. Bride: "Boo, Mot Fide just ate the pie I baked for you!" Groom; "Now; don't yon Worry your pretty little bead about that. I'll buy you another dog!" EUCHRE — Sponsored by Cre- dition WI in Crediton Commu- nity Hall, on Thursday, Feb. 13, 8 pm. Admission 504. Prizes and lunch provided. 6c HOSPITAL AUXILIARY — So- cial meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 2;30 pm in Auxiliary rooms. Speaker will be Mrs. Jim Hyde, Hensall, on cystic fibrosis. Slides will be shown. 6c DESSERT EUCHRE Feb. 19, at 2 pm sponsored by Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge to be held in the IOOF lodge hall. Ad- mission 54. Everyone wel- come. 6c EUCHRE at IOOF Hall Fri- day, Feb. 14, 1964. Everyone Welcome. Admission 504. La- dies provide lunch. 6c IOOF— The second degree team of Exeter Lodge No. 67, IOOF will confer the degree on a number of candidates on Feb- ruary 11, 1964. All members welcome. Stanley Whiting, No- ble Grand, Percy A. McFalls, Rec.-Sec. 6c World Day of Prayer SERVICE . Friday, Feb.14 At 3 p.m. Main Street United Church ALL LADIES IN THE COMMUNITY ARE INVITED Pancake Supper Tuesday, Feb.11 Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall 500 p.m. Admission $1.00 Sponsored By WoMeno,s Auxiliary Coming Events VALENTINE PARTY — Senior Citizens Valentine Party, Tues- day, February 11, 8 p.m. Dash- wood Community Centre. La- dies bring lunch. Silver col- lection. 6* NATIVE 'MANAGER „ Ray M, Creech Creech new plant head Ray M. Creech, a native of Exeter, took over as area man- ager of Canadian Canners Ltd. plant here this week. He suc- ceeds Donald G. Graham, who becomes manager of the com- pany's major fruit processing plant at St. Davids, in the Nia- gara area. Mr. Creech recently received a 25-year award from the com- pany, which he joined here as a shipping clerk. He has been area manager at Simcoe and has also served at Forest and Aylmer. He is married to the for- mer Gwen Teale, Forest. They have three boys, David, Jimmy and Kenny. Mr. Graham was named man- ager here five years ago, when he was transferred from the Foxboro plant. He is married to the former Maxine Reeder and they plan to move to St. Davids in late April. Appointed earlier this year as one of the town's repre- sentatives to the IISDHS board, Mr. Graham has resigned this position. SHDHS AT HOME MUSIC BY Bobby Downs and His Orchestra Admission $3.00 per couple Friday, Feb.14 Dancing 9-1 Beta Sigma Phi VALENTINE BALL Exeter Legion Hall Friday, Feb.14 MUSIC BY KEITH BELL AND HIS ORCHESTRA Dancing 10-1 Refreshments ADMISSION $5 PER COUPLE Tickets Available from Members or at the Door BINGO Thursday, Feb. 13 at 8;30 p.m. Recreation Centre RCAF Centralia ADMISSION $1.00 EVERYONE WELCOME $300 Total Prizes 15 Games Progressive Jackpot AMPLE PARKING REFRESHMENT BOOTH Winner of the last jackpot was Mrs' W, 'R°InailltikA(141" 68 John St. EXoter :a! New! Exciting! Color Feature Film To be shown by Exeter Lutheran Church Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Caven Presbyterian Church the new feature-length color movie, A LETTER TO NANCY. This 15 the first featiire4ength fildi to be PrOdUted in full color by The Lutheran Church Canada and Missouri Synod. Professionally Preditced in Hollywood on the stages of Paramount Studios and Family Films likaiCelat i the new 130athinnter film portraYs the dramatic conflict in the heart and soul of a self-assured church member who was able to convince a MI at a trial fOr hiS defendant, but found it almost impossible to share his Christian conviction with a nitieyear-Old girl. According to Pastor WM. Galt the local congregation Is aiming at saturation coverage. Everyone is invited to attend the showing to be held in the Presbyterian Church, Sunday evening at '09 P.M. Pa9* S • Timp*Aclypcate. ,Febryary .6t 1,04. Note successful year for Kirkton church Retiring employees feted. by seed firm CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John. C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys Sunday, February 9 10 a.m,—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m.—CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. Nursery available for pre- school children. C.G.I.T. Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m. Session Meeting in the manse, Tuesday, February 18, at 7:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A., B.D. 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m.—Worship Service " (English) 6:15 p.m,—Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) Dancing 9-1 DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Admission 754 per person Sponsored By Dashwood Men's Club Everyone Welcome aoce West McGillivray Hall Feb. 7 ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, February 9 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Musical Service by the Melodaire Trio, Lansing, Michigan. Tuesday, Feb. 11, Monthly meeting of the W.S.W.S. Film "A City Story". From 8 o'clock on JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a,m,—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 a.m.—MORNING SERVICE Sermon: "The Tradition of the Elders" Admission of Newly Elected Elders to the Session Anthem by the Choir Nursery for babies and Jun- ior Congregation for children 4, 5, 6 years old. All ladies are reminded of The World Day of Prayer in Main St. United Church, Fri- day, Feb. 14, at 3 p.m. MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Sermon: "Disciples — Here and Now" Nursery provided Friday, Feb. 14 — Women's World Day of Prayer, Main St. Church, 3:00 p.m. EXETER LUTHERAN CHURCH (Services in Caven Presbyte- rian Church at Main & Hill St.) Pastor: William A. Gatz 8:45 a.m.—Divine Services 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School (at Public Library) THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Saucier, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Morning Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 p.m.—CHLO Mennonite Hour. BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Dutch Service "Trusting God" 2:00 p.m.—English Service "Right Praying" 3:15 p.m. Sunday School All Welcome THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, February 9 QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.—Senior Sunday School 11:15 ,a.m.—Junior Sunday School. Morning Prayer 7:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Junior A.Y.P.A. ASH WEDNESDAY February 12 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 8:30 aan.—Children's Instruc- tion 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 7:30 p.m.—Litany 8:00 p.m.—Christian Education Class ARENA ACTIVITIES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Skating 3-5 Atoms 6-7 Clinton vs Legion Bantams 7-9 Bank Boys vs N.C.O. 9-11 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Girls Hockey 4;30-5;30 Mt. Carmel 7;15-8;15 Elmira PolarKings vs Mo- hawks 8:30 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Pee Wee 8-10 Squirts 10-11:30 Bantam 11:30-12:30 Public Skating 2-4 . Bantam 4:30-5:30 Public Skating 8-10 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 London Merchants 10-12 Mohawks 12:30-2 Public Skating 2-4 Mt. Carmel 4:30-5:30 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Figure Skating 4;30-9;30 Centralia 9;30-10;30 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Skating 4-5 Squirt 6-7 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Mt. Carmel 6-7 Huron Park vs Pee Wee, Ban- tam and Midget 7-10 Members of the atafIefJonee, MacNaughton. Seeds, Exeter and Crediton, with their wives and husbands were entertained to dinner at the Dominien Hotel, Zurich Wednesday evening. The occasion marked the retirement of Herb Schenk and Rufus Kest.- le. Mr. Schenk has been with the company Since 1929 when Zwicker Seeds, Crediton, was owned and managed by the late Chas, Zwicker, later it was known as Zwicker Seed Co. Limited and managed by Mr. G. C. Zwicker. In 1951 the company merged with Jones MacNaughton Seeds. Mr. Schenk continued on at the Crediton branch until his retirement Jan. 31. Mr. Kestle has been associat, ed with the company since Aug- ust 1951 in the Exeter branch. G. C. Zwicker, Grand Bend is the manager of both estab- lishments. Following the d inn e r Mr. Zwicker paid tribute to the re- tiring employees and expressed his appreciation of the fine co- operation existing in the com- pany. Annual Meeting Kirkton Woodham Farmer's Club Aberdeen Hall Kirkton Wed., Feb. 12 2 p.m. All Members Are Urged To Attend Pres. Fred Switzer Sec. Treas. Alvin Crago BIRTHS— and Mrs. Dan Tracitia-tr, Buren St., Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Kevin Stewart, at South Huron Hospital, January 30. BIRTHS — 17+4NPNPEalc — Mr. and Mrs. Cer Vatlenberk, Grand Bend, announce the birth of a daughter, Cindy Lou, atSouth Huron Hospital, January 31. FOR FIRE VICTIMS MR. & MRS. FRASER DIXON ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz Sunday, February 9 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Divine Service , EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Worship Service Sermon: "The Comforter" Wed. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery for young children. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Sunday, February 9 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, P a stor Sunday, February 9 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—"The Melodaires", from Lansing, Mich. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study Fri. 8:00 p.m.—Young People's A hearty welcome to all Senior citizens' club celebrates 10 years The malequartet, Ray Mills, Alf Wuerth, Walter Cutbush and Ed Liiidenfield, sang several numbers accompanied by Mrs. Dougall. Solos were sung by Mrs. Cairns, Seaforth, and Ron- nie Amerongen; duets by Joe White and Mrs. Flossie Stade, also by Mrs. A. Dougall and Walter Cutbush accompanied by Mrs. F. King. Hilton Ford ed the mandolin accompanied by Tom Walker at the piano after which he atep-daticed, Piano seloS were given by Mrs. Frank King; violin selec- tions by Ed Lindenfield aecorna panied by Mrs. Lindenfield, and a trio by William Marshall on the saxophone, Mrs. Marshall on the piano and Don McCurdy on thd electric guitar. Cecil Skinner conducted a game of table hockey with nietnbera of the February prograni tee and also a panel quit as in TV-Act Fast. Tickets tot a onilt were drawn by Mrs. Steiner with Asa hale, the ,winner; and on plants won by Mrs. W. 'Simmons and Mrs. Fred iltiktable. Rebekahs catered for the ban- qtiet. Music for the dance which followed was peovided by Me, and Mrs, Marshall andbon MC-6. Curdy. Committee for the Marth program are Mr, and Mrtiller-' Man Powe i "Mr, and Mrs, play., ton Frayne, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Triebner and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Sanders, The tenth anniversary of the Senior Citizens Club was cele- brated Tuesday evening with a turkey banquet, attended by 175. The secretary's report com- piled by George Lawson and read by Ted Chambers was a summary of ten years of ac- tivity. The club was formed by the Recreational Council and Rebekah Lodge. Mrs. E. Stein- er of the Rebekahs, who was active in the club's beginnings, and her husband, Dr. Steiner of Rochester were warmly wel- comed. President Hilton. Ford, in a few words of appreciation; thanked all those who had help- ed build up the club in the past ten years. In the election of Officers Ed. Lindenfield succeeded Mr. Ford as president. Vice-president is Mrs. Warren Brock; secretary- treasurer, Ted Chambers; as- sistant, Herman Powe; song leader, Walter Cutbush; pia- nists, Mrs. Andre* Dougall, Mrs. Frank King. Press, Mrs. Herman Powe; cards, Mrs. Edna Passniore; visiting, Mrs. Ed Westcott, Mrs. Frank. Tay- lor; Mrs. B.W.F. Beavers and Mrs. Frank Triebner. Mrs. Warren Brock, as Chairman for the prograrrii said the Charter. members of the club had built a good fOundation. She noted that it was also the 44th Wedding anniversary of Mr. and WS. Andrew Dettgall.