HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-01-16, Page 11and district news
P"row. 474215
cOrriaP90.110.1 ,A0iiii .401 ikb4/21it
ImurneleiiimeammomattaMgemaiag.:... .
yefianed of Cannee Lfd., Montreal Quo,
After looking up and 451v.1
the crowded city street, the
littla boy approached p pealicee,,
man standing on the corner,.
"Sit,- be said, you hap-
pen to see a lady going by withpiit me?"
Thank You
Who Were these beedlems„
PerikS, vandals? A motorcycle,
gang, maybe? One of them Was,
the son of a national television
figure, Another was the see or
a professor, Most were .4M-
versitY students, as their jack,
eta proclaimed proudly.. The
rest were high echMal kidefreen.
good, middle-class homes in
What happened to the girl wino
was hostess? Nettling.. She's
temperamental ,and .might leave'
home if crossed, or upset,
Page .4a.nuary 10, 1964
Two escape
US accident
hold socials
Lucian Personals 014GAR. AND SPICE
Pivenwl by 51plipy
Wilson Hodgins
R.R. 1 Lucan
Several C Wlr ladies were
guests last Tuesday of the CWL
group of Christ the King Chapel
at RCAF Centralia, The meeting
was held in the community cen-
tre there and Rev. Father Jo-
seph lieenessey of London was
guest speaker.
Mrs. CatherineMorrissey
spent a few days with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Mary Bedard and
family of Zurich last week.
Miss Vera Dietrich of London
spent last weekend with Mr. &
Mrs. Roy Dietrich.
Miss Peggy Hall visited over
the weekend with Mr. & Mrs.
John Hall.
Mr. & Mrs. Urban Ayotte
of Detroit visited Gerry Camp-
bell and John last weekend.
Mrs. Hubert Carey spent a
few days in London with her
daughter, Miss Theresa Carey
Watch for the
official openin9 of
the Shamrock
Restaurant in its
new quarters,
across the street
In ahead, to give notice that the
party was over, He was shaken
to ti‘e tips of his number tens
when he walked in. There Were
about 4Q people, mostly young
males, In the modest 1 v i n g
retire, Ninety-four percent of
them were drinking beer. The
other six percent were drink-
ing something else.
Beer caps and empty vodka
bottles fought for attention on
the rug, which was a squishy
meringue of spilled beer and
cigarette ash. Some of the young
gentlemen had propped them-
selves in chairs and put their
feet against the pristine wall,
The old Dad's most cherished
pass ession, a solid silver
christening mug given him by
his grandfather, lay on its side
on the floor, a discarded beer-
The Dad, with a mighty ef-
fort, forced himself to go
around and Introduce himself.
A few were civil, Most, includ-
ing girls, sneered at him. Even-
tually, because the party had be-
come a drag with these old
squares around, the guests left,
in their own sweet time, lug-
ging half a dozen beer cases.
Proprietor, 227-4489
Three local girls have re-
cently been winners at the
CFPL-TV junior auction, sport-
sered by the Toastmaster Bak-
Cathy and Mary Helen Can-
ningbairi, 13 and 14 year old
daughters pf Mr. and Mrs. Ar-nold Cunningham of RR. 1 Lu-
can, won a Parlay cosmetic set
a nd a super-craft master paint-
ing set, With the small expendie
ture of 400 and 1100 points.
Nancy Weller of Lucan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Tom.
Weller bad her heart set on
winning a 19" stuffed dog. For
this article competition was
keen but Nancy finally outbid
her competitors with an 18,000
bid and came home happy with
her dog—end not quite
Mr. and Mrs. James Free-
man of Princess St., last Sue-
day entertained 48 members of
the Freeman family at a family
reunion, held in the Lucan Le-
gion Hall.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Freeman and family of
Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Ron-
ald Dunning and family of Nor-
wich, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mor-
row of Drumbo, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Freeman and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Stan Mighton and fa-
mily all of Burgessville, Mr.
and Mrs, Bev Cattel and family
of Norwich, Mr. and Mrs. Da-
vid Eaton of Woodstock, and
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Freeman
of Chatham.
Two Lucan area men escaneti
injury but an 18-year-old girl
is in critical condition from a
car-truck smash near Fenn-.
field, Mich,, Thursday, Jan. 9.
A car driven by the girl,
phela Tanner, skidded on a
curve and streck a semi-trac-
tor trailer rig driven by. Ken,
neth W. Avery, 25, Lucan. Pas-
senger in the truck, owned by
C. H. Lewis Ltd., waeRaymond
Hayter, 25, also of Lucan.
The Pennfield Enquirer and
News quoted police trooper Roy
W. Peterson as saying that
Miss Tanner's car skidded into
the oncoming lane of traffic and
struck the left front of the truck.
The car was dragged by the
truck for about 50 yards,
Miss Termer was trapped in
the wreckage of her car and had
to be freed by a rescue squad.
She suffered a severe head in-
jury and possible internal in-
Many mourn
I would like to take this pp,
perturrity of thanking -my many
supporters, who at the Jae.. 6th
polls, elected me .5ietellelph"e
reeve. for 004,
I. uremiae in the months .to
come, to do even/00g in My
power, to merit the trust placed
in me by so many of my neigh-
bours and friends,
A yeung couple know had
an Ironic; experience when they
visited her parents during the
holiday season..
The parents, solid folk, had
recently retired. They bought
a new home in a rather swanky
development in a good-sired
Canadian city, They have a
17-year-old datighter, nice kid,
who lives with them.
When my friends arrived to
spend Christmas, it was obvious
Ma had been busy. Everything
in the new house was sparRling
for their visit. She was proud of
her home, and with reason.
They had a pleasant Christ-
mas. A couple of days later, the
Four adults were invited to a
party down the street, The teen-
age daughter implored to have
a few friends in for pop and
music. Her mother gave in,
specifying that 10 kids was
the limit.
The adults went to the party
along the street, and enjoyed it.
The conversation, as so often,
turned to puzzlement over teen-
agers. You know the sort of
thing we old squares discuss;
the switch-blade heroes; the de-
butante party reported in Life,
which wound up demolishing an
old mansion; the couple in some
distant place who came home
and found their teenage daughter
on the second night of a three-
day, all-night party, in their
Emerging from the party, at
a circumspect hour in this cir-
cumspect suburb, my friends
and the parents were astonish-
ed to see the quiet street lined
with cars. What was up?
They found out, in about two
minutes. Every light was blaz-
ing in their new home, and there
was a sound of revelry by night
whose location was unmistake-
They hustled home. The son-
in-law; a six-footer, was sent
Hydro building
to become cafe
Following the Biddulph Town-
ship election last Monday two
"Win or. Lose" social even-
ings, were sponsered by the
two contestants.
Wilson Hodgins held his in
the Community Memorial Cen-
tre. Though no prizes were do-
nated for the 14 tables of pro-
gressive euchre yet all present
enjoyed the evening of cards,
and the refreshments which fol-
The other social evening was
sponsored by James Ryan and
held in the Lucan Legion Hall.
At a meeting of the Irving
Masonic Lodge No. 154 AF&AM
last Thursday, Rt. Worshipful
Bro. M. H. Hodgins of Lucan
installed the following officers:
WM, Wor Bro C, H. Haskett;
IPM, Wor Bro Harold Cart-
wright; SW, Bro J. M, Murray;
JW, Bra J. R. Young; chaplain,
Wor Bro W.R. McFalls;
Secretary, V Wor Bra, C. B.
Culbert; treasurer, RW Bro M.
H. Hodgins; D of C, Wor Bro
C. E. Robb; SD, Bro J. 0. An-
dersen; JD, Bro Don Hodgins;
IG, Bro H.R. Hamilton; Tyler,
Bro C. H. Stanley; SS, Bro M.
M. Culbert; JS, Bro Don Petti-
grew; organist, Bro W. C.
On these two ballots to insure Lucan
of a modern motor hotel with lounge
and dining lounge privileges
YES Are you in favour of the sale of
liquor under a dining lounge
licence for consumption with meals
on licensed premises? NO Treasure Chest
Mrs. Earl Young has sold the
hydro building -- the former
Standard Bank building — to
Thomas Weller, who is busy
making the necessary altera-
tions to turn it into a modern
up-to-date restaurant. Mr,
Weller at present is operating,
The Shamrock Restaurant, al-
most across the street but his
business has grown to such an
extent that he found it neces-
sary to secure larger quarters,
so purchased the hydro build-
ing. He hopes to begin operat-
ing in the new building as soon
as possible but no date can as
yet be set.
Lucan's Gift Shop
Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe
227-4792 Lucan
Are you in favour of the sale of
liquor under a lounge licence for
consumption on licensed premises?
Jack Ready Cec Lewis
Lodge installs
James McComb
Mrs. G. Lewis
heads auxiliary
At a meeting of the Evening
Auxiliary of Holy Trinity
Church last Wednesday even-
ing at the rectory, the Rev. E.O.
Lancaster installed the new of-
President is Mrs. Gerald
Lewis, vice-president, Mrs.
Clare Stanley, treasurer, Mrs.
Jack Steacy, secretary, Mrs.
Clarence Haskett, Dorcas sec-
retary, Mrs. Don Ankers, pray-
er partner, Mrs. Kay Egan.
The president was assisted in
the worship service by Mrs.
Clare Stanley and by the rector.
As a project to secure new
members a "get acquainted" tea
was planned for Jan. 29.
Hostesses included Mrs.
Roscoe Hodgins, Mrs. Dwight
Henderson and Mrs. Pat dru-
The Lucan LOL held its first
1964 euchre in the Orange Hall
last Wednesday night. They just
lacked one of having sufficient
for eight tables.
High score prizes went to
Mrs. William Mathers and Mr.
Alex Ramsay, lone hand prizes
to Mrs. George Miller and Mrs.
Heber Davis (playing a man's
card) and low score prizes to
Linda Smith and Heber Davis.
Torn Ryan was the lucky win-
ner of the box of groceries.
The next euchre will be held
Wednesday, Jan. 22.
The WA meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. Earl Green-
lee Tuesday afternoon with ten
members present and two visit-
After the worship and general
business the electionof officers
took place with Mrs. Raymond
Greenlee in the chair,
New officers are: Hon. presi-
dent, Mrs. Lyle Bennett; presi-
dent, Mrs. Torn Kooy; vice
president, Mrs, Harry Carroll;
treasurer, Mrs. Earl Atkinson;
secretary, Mrs. Hugh Davis;
ECD, Mrs. Harvey Latta, birth-
day box, Mrs. Lorne WeibergI
social service, Mrs. Maurice
MacDonald; pianist, Mrs. Heber
The new president closed the
meeting with prayer and Mrs.
Harry Carroll and Mrs. Dean
Gibson assisted the hostess with
James McComb was installed
noble grand of Wilder Lodge
IOOF No. 153 by DDGM, Wilson
Eickler of New Hamburg.
Other officers installed were
vice-grand, Max Bilyea, trea-
surer, Norman Riddell, finan-
cial secretary, Lloyd Mordlin,
recording secretary, Wilmer
Harlton, chaplain, Omar Bur-
nett, conductor, Garfield Gar-
rett, warden, Henry Wissel.
The flowers in the church
were in memory of the late
Wesley Revington.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lockyer
and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cron-
kite were conveners for the
Couples' Club Fellowship meet-
ing, which was held in the
schoolroom last W edn e s d ay
evening. Mrs. Cronkite led in
the worship service which in-
cluded the study book, "The
Word and the Way". Mr. and
Mrs. Lockyer were in charge of
the games, which followed.
During the business session
an evening of bowling was plan-
ned for the end of the month,
the date to be decided later.
The UCW general meeting
scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 9
was postponed until January 16,
owing to the funeral of the late
Wesley Revington. All women
have been given a special in-
vitation to attend, The pastor,
the Rev, Go W. Sach will be the
guest speaker and will give an
inspirational New Years Mes-
The 8th expedition of the Lu-
can-Clandeboye Explorers was
held in the Lucan UC last Mon-
day evening, with the attendance
of 24.
In the worship service the new
study book "The Golden Coin"
was begun by Counsellor Mar-
garet Sach and she was assisted
by Counsellor Barbara Park in
a sing song.
This was followed by the
"Shock" game.
Your best and cheapest source of
dry nitrogen for greater yields from
grain... cash crops...grasslands.„orchards
every bag contains 33.5% evenly prilled Nitrogen
Rec news
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Clarke
and girls, Shipka were guests
Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Bob
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Latta
and family were recent guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Latta,
Clandeboye, and spent Sunday
with Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkin-
Elmer Greenlee and Miss
Verna Greenlee, Bert Greenlee,
Ailsa Craig, Noble Greenlee
and friend, Toronto, Miss Nyle
Greenlee and friend, Parkhill
and Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
Greenlee were Saturday evening
guests with Mr. & Mrs. Earl
Greenlee and boys.
Mr. & Mrs. RonCarroll were
hosts Wednesday evening for a
birthday dinner for Mrs: Harry
Carroll. Also present Were
Harry Carroll and Mr. & Mrs.
George Carroll of Detroit.
Mr. ,& Mrs. Earl Atkinson
accompanied by Mr. & Mrs.
Lone Barker, Lucan, attended
the Federation of Agriculture
luncheon at Ilderton Saturday.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carroll also
Mr, & Mrs. Prod Dobbs
returned hoine Friday, having
spent the past three Weeks in
Mr. & Mrs. W, W. Garrett,
berifieid, and Mrs. Bob Cale-
Mae, Lticeia Were S e Int de. y
evening guests With Mt. & Mrs.
Heber Davis, Mrs, Coleman le
spending a few days with the Dee
Mr. & Mee, Ivan Staalay, Dee-
field, were Saittecley evening
gireste With Me. & Wed Earl
Miss Allele Zeibet, Lalcite,
visited with Mt. & MTS.,
Greenlee Sunday,
Mr. .8,/, MtS. 'Harry Noels.;
Forest and Mr, & Mre. Men"
flee ,Mcielaeheid, Leath, were
guests Sunday With Mr. & Mrs.
Mr. & Mrs., James. T317.41 Of
Prospect Hill, ware Sunday
guests of Mrs. Jane Sortinier,
vtlia and Reeve Speeee Jr, of
Weston and Miss Jo :Ann Here
tralICI Of St, Thomas were week-.
end callers.
Cheeter McComb of Elgin,
field, is a Patient in St. Jo-
seph'e Hospital, with a broken
hip• Mr. McCOnlie went over to
de his, chores in his, barn on
23 Highway and fell down the
barn stairs, He was lyipg there
a couple lours before hp was
Miss Lina Abbott, who was on
the sick list, for two weeks, is
able to be out.
Mrs, Florence Cunningham of
London spent two days last week
with her sister, Mrs. W. J.
McFalls. pf Alice St.
Mrs. J. S, Radcliffe, who has
been visiting Mr, & Mrs. H. J.
Knowles and new granddaugh-
ter, Krista Knowles, pf Toropto
for the past two weeks has ar-
rived home in time for the
Treasure Chest clearance sale.
Miss Linda England has ac-
cepted a new job at the Mitchell
Rubber Factory, and has begun
work there.
Mrs. Howard Cranston and
Mrs. Ben Abbott of London and
Mrs. Charles. Thompson of
Thamesford, called on a number
of Lucan friends last Thursday.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Vanderhott
and family of RR 1 Lucan were
Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Don Abbott and Mr. & Mrs.
William Abbott and family of
Niagara were last w e ek en d
Tom Weller Jr., who hasbeen
taking a 10 week course in Tor-
onto, spent the weekend at his
home here.
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Hedden
had, as last Sunday guests, Mr.
& Mrs. Herbert J. Jones of
Hensell and visited with Mr. &
Mrs. A. G, Ford of London on
Elmer Banting of Ottawa was
a weekend guest of his parents,
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Banting,
Miss Judy Haskett, who spent
her Christmas vacation, work-
ing in Toronto and her weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Conlin
and family of Kitchener, is back
to the London Teachers' College
Erwin Scott, chairman of the
Arena Board, reports that a
list of the donors, who have
contributed to Lucan's new
swimming pool, is being posted
at the arena and council cham-
bers. Further donations will be
most welcome.
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hodgins
and family, who have disposed of
their property at Durham, are
at present staying with Mrs.
Charles Grose. Mr. Hodgins has
accepted a position with the
Lucan Farm Equipment and is
at present looking for a house.
Mrs. J. A. Graham and John
are spending a week in Chatham,
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jack
Eizeriga and family,
Following the Week of Prayer
services, the Ministerial, has
given $25 to the Lucan Branch
of the Bible Society,
Mrs. Rudy Engel and two
small daughters, Johanna and
Cora have returned from a two
week's visit in California,
where they were guests of Mr.
& Mrs. Lo Vincent. They found
it some change to leave the 80
temperature of California to the
zero temperature of Lucan,
Mrs. William Haskett, re-
turned home Wednesday after a
three week visit with her sis-
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. &
Mrs. 0. C. Lillie of Birming-
ham, Mich.
Mrs. J. R, Murray, who has
been on the sick list since New
Years, is feeling better again.
The Mad Hatter Tearoom,
operated by Miss Muriel Car-
ling, opened for business last
Tuesday. As yet no date has
been set for the official open-
Among those from a distance
who attended the funeral of the
late Wesley Revington were,
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Conti of
Niagara, N.Y., Mr. & Mrs. John
Campbell of Toronto, Dr. &
Mrs. L. W. Lobsinger and Mrs.
Gordon Logan of Sarnia, Mrs.
Edna Walker, Mr, & Mrs. Ben
Walker and sister : all of De-
troit, Mr. & Mrs. Torn Hep-
burn Of Burlington and Glen
Revington of California.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hardy Jr,
were Thursday guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Hardy and family.
Mrs. Glen Kennedy, who Un-
derwent an appendix operation,
in St. Joseph's Hospital is able
to be home.
At the Legion Ladies Auxil-
iary meeting last Tuesday It
was decided to hold the instal-
lation of the 1964 officers as a
joint event with the Legion.
Monday, Jan. 6, William Wes-
ley Revington, one of Lucan's
best known and highlyrespected
residents, died suddenly.
The body rested in the C. Has-
kett & Son Funeral Home, until
noon Thursday, Jan. 9, when he
was taken to the Lucan United
Church for a largely attended
funeral service at 2 pm, con-
ducted by the pastor, the Rev.
G. W. Sach. Interment was in
St. James Cemetery, Clande-
Honorary pallbearer s includ-
ed Dr. E. R. Patterson, Dr.
C, H. George, Col. Duncan Ross,
H. B, Langford, Harold Hodgins,
Robert McCubbin, J. W. Maus
and Erwin Scott. Pallbearers
were John Park Jr., Don Lankin,
Lyle Revington, Ronald Golling,
Douglas and Robert Kennedy.
Besides his wife, Mr. Reving-
ton is survived by six sons and
four daughters, Donald, Fred,
LeRoy and Ronald of Lucan, Dr.
Harvey of London and Glen of
California; Audrey (Mrs.
Thomas Hepburn) of Burlington,
Noreen (Mrs. Harry McNaugh-
ton), Misses Rose Marie and
Carol Ann, all of London, also
one brother and four sisters,
Sheridan Revington, Marie
(Mrs. John Park), Kathleen
(Mrs. Jack Lankin) all of Lucan,
Jean (Mrs. Len Lobsinger) of
Sarnia, Eva (Mrs. Art McLean)
of London, also 14 grandchild-
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbert Revington, Mr. Reving-
ton was born on Concession 2
Biddulph about four miles north
of Lucan, Following his mar-
riage to the late Alma Simpson
in 1921 he moved into his new
home on Main St. South. He
operated the Revington Meat
Market for many years. After
turning the business over to
his two sons, LeRoy and Fred,
he confined himself to the drov-
er business.
Following the death of his wife
in 1955 he sold his home to
Russell Bowman arid purchased
his late ranch type residence
on No. 4 Highway just east of
the village. In 1958 he married
Mrs. Bernice Shier and to them
one son, Ronald, was born.
His death came as a great
shock to the whole community
for he had been to church on
Sunday. On Monday he was down
town to the bank and post office.
On his return home he took a
heart attack and was dead short-
ly after 12 o'clock noon.
Mr. Revington was a member
of the Irving Masonic Lodge and
also a faithful and active mem-
ber of the LucanUnited Church,
Pentecostal Holiness
The Friday night Young Peo-
ple's meeting was highlighted
by a particularly interesting
tape-recording of, "Don Loney
Speaks to Teen-agers", which
was taped at a large youth
meeting in the States some
time ago.
New management
for Lucan Lanes
Norman Schell has purchased
the Lucan Lanes Bowling Alley
from Grant McTavish, Once
again bowlers will have the op-
portunity of bowling Saturdey
and Sunday afternooti and even-
Mr. Schell is a newcomer to
Lucan having moved here last
April from London, Since thee,
he has had a new house built
on Langford Drive and has nine-
ect in.
The new president, Mrs. Har-
dy, presided for the meeting.
She gave a resume of the life
of Christ from AdVerit to Epi-
In the Abserice of the edue
national secretary, Mrs. Her-
old Hodgins, Mrs. T. A, Hod-
gins gave an interesting talk
oh three psalms, A 32, and
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 12 all
members Of both branches are
asked tei take Holy Communion
in the church et 10 art and to
attend the Ash Wednesday ser-
vice at 1130
The 'Wor'ld's Day of Prayer
Will be held In Holy 'trinity
Parish Flail, Feb. 14,
Mrs, Hilton Roberts wa.8 joint
hoeteee, telittheial for pyjamas
Were distributed. The Pebruaey
Meeting will be held at the
Friday night, January 10, the
Lucan Ilderton-Cornbines and
Forest battled to a 2-2 draw in
a well played intermediate "8"
hockey game here at the arena.
Saturday night we had the
largest crowd at our weekly
dance that we have had in many
a Moon.
Every Wednesday afternoon
from 3-4 we have free skating
for preschool children, so come
en methersi take advantage of
this opportunity to teach your
Younger ones to skate.
Friday nights from 4:30 to
5:30 we have skating for public
school girls With admission 15d.
We hope to see a larger turnout
to this also. For full particulars
Phorie Mrs, Clare Stanley.
This Thursday night the South
Middlesex League Will be here
again for another 3 game round
of liOckey, starting time, 7:30.
Friday night the Combines host
Clinton RCAF team in inter-
mediate "13" competition. This
should be another good game of
Monday eight, Sate 20 Lucan
and Ailsa Craig play here in
Shamrock hockey for three
games beginning' at 7 pm., This
Saturday' from 2-4 pm we have
public skating at the usual rates.
Eridayeight, Jan. 24, We have
opens ice time available to any-
one wanting to rent Ice, es the
COrribleee Will be playing at
Exeter that evening.
Flowers on the altar at the
11 o'clock service were in me-
mory of the late Roy Stanley,
who died a year ago, and the
flowers in the chancel Were in
memory of the late Wesley
In spite of the very cold (ley
49 children were in church. Of
these 25 were in the junior
choir, who sang an anthem,
The Woman's Auxiliary of
Holy Trinity Church held its
meeting at the hothe of Mrs.
Jack Murdy with an attendance
of 17.
The Rev. E. 0. Lancaster
installed the officers for 1964.
President is Mrs. Frank Hardy;
Vice pr eald elite, Mrs, Wrri.
Brownlee and Mrs. P. 0, King;
secretary, Mrs. Erwin Scott;
treasurer, MrS. Jack Murdy;
assistant, Mrs. Charles Hag-
Secretaries: Dorcas, Mrs. T.
A, Hodgins and M r s. Wrh,
Haskett; educational, Mrs, Hare
old Hodgins;; Social service,
Mrs, Harold Corbett; press,
Miss Lina Abbott; uLittleHeli,
pens,' Mrs. Jeck Murde; "Liv-
ing Message" Mrs. Ilareld
COurseY; pianists, Mrs. ErWiii
Snott, Mrs. Hoy Hamilton amid
Mrs, E. O. Lancaster; prayer
partner, Mrs. ,lack Murdyi
The Lucan Lions Clublield its
first 1964 dimmer 'meeting In the
Anglican Church basement last
Monday night.
A report on the successful
New Yea:roe dance was made
and recommendations etiggest=
ed for a bigger and better one
in 1954.
The date frit the Jantiaey
Monthly dance Was set for jail.
At the next Meeting San, a,
tile Sob mile Daytona -Rate HIM
will bd shown,
Ilatolcl Hodgins' group
of the Ladies Gelid netered for
the 'dinner,